ECEI12 Conference Handbook

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European Congress on e-Inclusion 2012 Partnerships for a Digital Europe

Conference Handbook

5-6 November 2012, Brussels #ECEI12 - @ECEI12

European Congress on e-Inclusion

ECEI12 Partnerships for a Digital Europe

MEETING VENUES CONFERENCE DAYS - BOTH DAYS THON HOTEL EU Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 75, B-1040 Brussels DRINKS RECEPTION - DAY ONE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Entrance to the conference through: European Parliament Altiero Spinelli Building (ASP) Place du Luxembourg/Rue de Trèves B-1050 Brussels










CONFERENCE APP Delegates in possession of mobile devices can make the most of the Conference app by checking in at the conference on the free app Bizzabo or by going to on app. Through this app you will be able to consult the programme, speakers and their biographies and live twitter feed.

TWITTER We encourage all participants to use the official twitter hashtag #ECEI12 to generate an on-going discussion about session topics. You can also follow the twitter account @ECEI12.


European Congress on e-Inclusion

ECEI12 Partnerships for a Digital Europe

SYNOPSIS Introduction The 2012 European Congress on E-Inclusion (ECEI12), now in its fourth year, builds on ECEI11: “Transforming Access to Digital Europe in Public Libraries”, which took place on the 6th and 7th of September 2011. ECEI11 examined the facilitating role that European public libraries can play in providing local communities with access to digital resources. Key outcomes of last year’s sessions were adopted for discussion at the European Union Presidency Conference “Innovation for Digital Inclusion” in Gdansk on 6th-7th October 2011, which established the Gdansk Roadmap for Digital Inclusion. This year’s conference has been designed to build on the momentum created last year by further expanding the participation and engagement of key library and non-library stakeholders in order to broaden and deepen the pan-European conversation on e-Inclusion and its capacity to help deliver the overarching social and economic objectives laid out in Europe 2020, Europe’s Growth Strategy. Drawing delegates from across Europe, ECEI12 brings together digital innovators from Europe and beyond, to share good practice and debate about how digital access, skills and services can stimulate employment and enterprise and how existing institutions at a local level can play a pivotal role in delivering growth and prosperity across the entirety of the EU.

2012 Agenda In a context of fiscal austerity and frozen public spending on the 2020 initiatives, Europe’s Growth Strategy places a continual emphasis on the development of effective partnerships in order to tackle the current economic and social challenges facing modern Europe. The 4th European Congress on e-Inclusion: ‘Partnerships for a Digital Europe’ (ECEI12) explores how existing institutions at a local level can play a pivotal role in delivering growth and prosperity across the entirety of the EU for the benefit of all citizens, with a focus on digital access and services, e-skills and lifelong learning. Over 10 National Agencies, private sector and NGOs delivering programmes in partnership with public libraries in Europe are speaking at the 4th European Congress on e-Inclusion. Among them are: Digital Opportunities Foundation, Bibnet, Information Society Development Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Online Computer Library Cente, Library development program, Lattelecom, NAPLE, Orange foundation. These speakers, coming from Denmark, Romania, Latvia, UK, Spain, Bulgaria, Belgium, Germany and Poland will show you why institutions at a local level make good partners to help deliver the social and economic objectives laid out in Europe 2020.


European Congress on e-Inclusion

ECEI12 Partnerships for a Digital Europe

DAY 1 | THE EUROPE 2020 GROWTH STRATEGY, CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES 5TH NOVEMBER, THON HOTEL EU & EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Day One The first day focusses on the Europe 2020 Growth Strategy and the importance of delivering smart, sustainable and inclusive growth through acting together, better program coordination and pursuit of shared objectives. Due to the interconnectedness of the issues Europe is facing, investing in E-Inclusion can have extensive impact in fields such as education, employment, economic growth and local improvement. Our aim during this first day is to give participants a better appreciation of the current status of EU policy and a better understanding of some key component within the Growth strategy. Most importantly the strategic importance of including digital initiatives within the EU policy priorities but also the key role public libraries can play in delivering services that can help achieve the Europe 2020 policy priorities.

Outcomes • • • • •

An appreciation of the current parameters that shape EU policy formulation; A better understanding of the key policy components within the Europe 2020 Growth Strategy and the key policies relevant to local partners; An understanding of the strategic importance of positioning digital initiatives within the context of current EU policy priorities; An appreciation of the ability of public libraries to deliver services, in conjunction with other stakeholders, that are highly relevant to the overall achievement of the key European 2020 policy priorities; Raise awareness of the importance of local, regional and transnational partnerships in delivering EU 2020’s goals.


European Congress on e-Inclusion

ECEI12 Partnerships for a Digital Europe

DAY 2 | PARTNERSHIPS 6TH NOVEMBER, THON HOTEL EU Day Two On the second day the focus shifts towards good practice examples by stakeholders involved with public libraries. This allows for exchange of information and ideas about partnerships as well as raising the awareness of the strategic importance public libraries can play. More particularly, the second day holds interactive parallel workshops that permit the participants to focus the discussion on areas where public libraries can deliver positive outcomes. Our aim for the second day is to provide a broader range of ideas of successful e-Inclusion delivery model and effective ways of partnership formation. This would also permit the attendees to tackle the obstacles that need to be overcome in creating multi-stakeholder partnerships and raise the awareness of public libraries as a strategic partner in achieving the 2020 Growth strategy Priorities.

Day Two Outcomes • • • • •

Equip public librarians and delegates with clear examples of good practice with regards to delivering innovative e-inclusion services through multi-stakeholder partnerships; A chance for librarians and other local stakeholders to engage and address the obstacles that need to be overcome in terms of creating successful multi-stakeholder partnerships; Raising the overall awareness of the public library as a key strategic player to delivering the EU2020 Growth Strategy’s key priorities; Provide a forum through which public librarians and their partners can engage with EU policy makers in order to emphasize the strategic importance of the library as a vehicle through which services can be delivered in areas such as employment, education and SME growth; Raise awareness of the importance of local, regional and transnational partnerships in delivering EU 2020’s goals.


European Congress on e-Inclusion

ECEI12 Partnerships for a Digital Europe


Chris Batt OBE (UK)

14.15-15.30 SESSION 1: ‘EUROPE 2020, EUROPE’S GROWTH STRATEGY’ (Germany Room) This session will look at the role of e-inclusion in delivering key components of the EU 2020 Growth Strategy. Significant opportunities for public libraries include the Digital Agenda for Europe, the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion, and Youth on the Move Flagship initiatives, as well as the opportunities for support for e-inclusion within the new arrangements governing EU Structural Funds from 2014-2020. • • • •

Chair: Chris Batt OBE (UK) Keynote: Detlef Eckert, Director Media & Data, DG Connect (AT) Dan Mount, Head of Policy, Civic Agenda EU (UK) Gergana Passy, Digital Champion for Bulgaria and Founder & President of PanEuropean Union Bulgaria, former Minister for European Affairs (BG)

15.30-16.00 COFFEE BREAK (Coffee Lounge) 16.00-17.30 SESSION 2: NEW WAYS OF DELIVERING THE EU AGENDA AT A TIME OF AUSTERITY: E-INCLUSION, PARTNERSHIPS AND PUBLIC LIBRARIES (Germany Room) This panel discussion will examine the ways that partnerships can be formed with public libraries to bring the benefits of the digital age to local communities and support the objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The session will highlight the critical role of e-inclusion in addressing the key challenges facing modern Europe, including skills shortages, combatting poverty and unemployment, SME growth, and support the effective operation of a Digital Single Market across Member States. • • • • • • 17.30

Chair: Chris Batt OBE (UK) Keynote: Raluca Daminescu, Director: Methodology, Monitoring, Reporting and Institutional Relations Directorate, Paying and Intervention Agency for Agriculture: APIA (RO) Renate Strazdina, Ernst and Young (LV) Catalin Cretu, General Manager Romania, VISA EUROPE (RO) Helen Milner, Chief Executive, UK Online Centres (UK) Kjersti Lunde, Danish Business Authority (DK)


19.00-20.00 DRINKS RECEPTION, EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (ASP Building, Members’ Restaurant) MEP Hannu Takkula and the 4th European Congress on e-Inclusion 2012 invite all delegates to the European Parliament for a drinks reception.


European Congress on e-Inclusion

ECEI12 Partnerships for a Digital Europe

DAY 2 | PROGRAMME 9.00-9.30



SESSION 1:THE VALUE OF PARTNERSHIPS WITH PUBLIC LIBRARIES This session will introduce the second day of the Congress by considering different perspectives of the role of public libraries in e-inclusion programmes. What are the challenges and benefits for both public libraries and their partners? • • • • •

Chair: Chris Batt OBE (UK) Keynote: Maria Antonia Carrato Mena, President of NAPLE (ES) Wojciech Dziomdziora, Orange, Key Projects Director (PL) Susanne Bernsmann, Project Manager, Digital Opportunities (DE) Diana Edmonds, GLL (GB)

11.00-11.30 COFFEE BREAK 11.30-13.00 SESSION 2: BUILDING MULTI-STAKEHOLDER PARTNERSHIPS This session will examine examples of e-inclusion good practice delivered by local stakeholders including public libraries, municipalities and other community actors, with a focus on the lessons to be learnt from successful/innovative delivery models and the dissemination of effective techniques and approaches. • • • • •

Chair: Chris Batt OBE (UK) Keynote: Rafal Kramza, FRSI President, Director of the Library Development Program (PL) Kerli Gabrilovica, Commercial Director and Member of the Board at Lattelecom (LV) Bart Noels, External Relations, Communication and eGovernment, Leiedal (BE) Dorina Bralostiteanu, Chief Librarian at Public Library of Fillasi, Dolj County, Romania (RO)

13.00-14.00 CONFERENCE LUNCH 14.00-15.00 PARALLEL WORKSHOP 1: PARTNERSHIP FUNDING This workshop will look at different sources of funding from the EU, National Governments, Foundations and Private sector and how public libraries and their partners can position themselves to best take advantage of these opportunities. • • •

Chair: Jan Braeckman, Managing Director, Bibnet (BE) Gabriel Rissola, Managing Director, Telecentre-Europe (ES) Melissa Pailthorp, Senior Manager for Community Affairs, Microsoft (DE)


European Congress on e-Inclusion

ECEI12 Partnerships for a Digital Europe

DAY 2 | PROGRAMME CONTINUED 14.00-15.00 PARALLEL WORKSHOP 2: PARTNERSHIP BUILDING This workshop will focus on the challenges and opportunities for public libraries and other community stakeholders to build strong partnerships with the EU, National Government, Charitable Foundations and the private sector. It will examine which partnerships should be pursued as a priority depending on local circumstance and context. • • •

Chair: Rafal Kramza, FRSI President, Director of the Library Development Program (PL) Kerli Gabrilovica, Commercial Director and Member of the Board at Lattelecom (LV) Diana Edmonds, GLL (UK)

14.00-15.00 PARALLEL WORKSHOP 3: EVIDENCE THAT PARTNERSHIPS WORK This workshop will take an evidence-based approach to examining the benefits of partnership and draw out the data which demonstrates their effectiveness in a national, regional and local context. It will use “facts on the ground” to validate the value of partnership in mobilising expertise and resource at a local and community level. • • •

Chair: Marcel Chiranov, Consultant, Biblionet Romania (RO) Renata Sadunishvili, Impact Assessment Specialist for Public Libraries Luthuania (LT) Ilse Mariën, Researcher at University of Brussels. (BE)

15.00-15.30 COFFEE BREAK 15.30-15.50 SESSION 3: WORKSHOP FEEDBACK Each workshop chair will report back to the whole conference about the ideas generated by their workshop. Each workshop will have decided on “Three Do’s” with regards their area of discussion, and these will be put together to form a 9-point “Do” list on Partnerships. • • • •

Chair: Chris Batt OBE (UK) Jan Braeckman, Managing Director, Bibnet (BE) Rafal Kramza, FRSI President, Director of the Library Development Program (PL) Marcel Chiranov, Consultant, Biblionet Romania (RO)


Keynote: Chrystie Hill, Online Computer Library Centre – OCLC (US)


Chris Batt OBE (UK)



European Congress on e-Inclusion

ECEI12 Partnerships for a Digital Europe

BIOGRAPHIES CHRIS BATT, PHD RESEARCHER, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Until September 2007 I was Chief Executive of the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA), the development agency for the sector. Following its creation in 2000 the MLA had a pivotal role in many aspects of cultural heritage and ICT strategy. I originally joined national government in 1999 to lead the implementation of the highly successful £170m People’s Network project and while in the role of MLA’s Chief Executive continued to ensure involvement in digital futures strategy. Between 2007 and 2011, as a director of Chris Batt Consulting Ltd I have undertook research projects for the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) on audience analysis and modelling in digital content, the creation of a prototype wiki-based guide – Digipedia – to all aspects of digitisation. A project Chris Batt Consulting subsequently developed further for the JISC to the stage of a pilot service. In 2009 a study assessing the value of university engagement with individuals and communities in the creation and curation of digital resources was also completed for the JISC. Other work in the UK included a review of ICT developments in the UK’s public libraries based on six published surveys of the use of technology I conducted between 1985 and 1999, lecturing and contributions to books and journals. International projects and speaking engagements have included work in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Canada, the USA, Iceland and a dozen countries across Europe. In 1998 I was awarded the OBE for work in developing public ICT services. I am currently studying for a PhD on the curation of knowledge as a public good in the networked society.

SUSANNE BERNSMANN, PROJECT MANAGER, DIGITAL OPPORTUNITIES FOUNDATION Susanne Bernsmann is project manager at the Stiftung Digitale Chancen since 2007 and is strongly involved in the project work of the foundation. After a vocational education as management assistant in advertising she studied Information Business Administration (Diploma Thesis about ‘How to encourage socially disadvantaged youths with a qualified use of PC and Internet’) at the University of Applied Sciences in Cologne. Always dealing with digital issues, she has broad experience in digital training approaches for various target groups like marginalised people, elderly people, migrants, youths, etc. She has been project manager for the German partners’ activities in the EU project Bridge-IT dealing with digital inclusion of migrants; and also of the project Digital Literacy 2.0 which develops and implements an ICT based approach to lifelong learning addressing especially disadvantaged groups and vulnerable social groups of people with special needs. Links:


European Congress on e-Inclusion

ECEI12 Partnerships for a Digital Europe

JAN BRAECKMAN, MANAGING DIRECTOR, BIBNET (BE) Jan Braeckman is managing director of Bibnet. Bibnet is an agency funded by the Flemish Minister of Culture. Its mission is to develop the digital library for public libraries in Flanders and Brussels. This includes: developing and managing digital applications for public libraries and their users, as well as supporting librarians to innovate their local services to the public. Jan Braeckman started his career at the library of the university of Leuven. He studied sociology, and library and information sciences.

DORINA BRALOSTITEANU, CHIEF LIBRARIAN, PUBLIC LIBRARY OF FILIASI , ROMANIA (RO) Engineer with 11 years experience in libraries, supported diversification of services offered by the Public Library in Filiasi through projects and partnerships. Dorina participated in 2011 in the `program for leaders and innovators in public libraries’ at Mortenson Center (University of Illinois).

DIANA EDMONDS, HEAD OF LIBRARIES GREENWICH LEISURE LIMITED (GLL) (UK) Diana Edmonds is the Head of Libraries for GLL, the UK’s largest charitable social enterprise. GLL has a long tradition of managing leisure services on behalf of local government organisations in the UK and under Diana’s direction, has started to manage public libraries. GLL has been managing libraries in the London Borough of Greenwich since October 2011 and is now working in partnership with a range of IT providers to develop hardware and software for use in Greenwich and other library services.

MARIA ANTONIA CARRATO MENA, HEAD OF SUBDIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR LIBRARY COORDINATION, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORTS (ES) Head of the Subdirectorate General for Library Coordination of the Secretariat of State of Culture since the beginning of 2005. Previously she worked at the Madrid Community managing its library system and she also worked in the Music Department at the Spanish National Library. At the present time, she is responsible for development and coordination of the Spanish library sector and the promotion of international relations concerning libraries. In regard to library cooperation, the Subdirectorate is the secretariat of the Council of Library Cooperation, wich is the body responsible for the administration of library cooperation among all the public administrations and all the different type of libraries national and regional, public, school, academic and special libraries. She is chairing NAPLE Forum since 2008.


European Congress on e-Inclusion

ECEI12 Partnerships for a Digital Europe

MARCEL CHIRANOV, IMPACT ASSESSMENT MANAGER, BIBLIONET (RO) An experienced Program Performance Management Consultant specialized in designing and managing the implementation of Performance Management Systems (M&E; Systems). Worked for various industries: financial services, business services, ITC, health care, manufacturing, education, governance reform, policy reform, labour market restructuring, program management, economic development, anti-trafficking. Successfully designed and managed implementation of Performance Management Systems (M&E; Systems) for programs worth over 10 billion Euros. Successfully designed and implemented an online data collection system used to collect information from over 6,000 computers. His paper “Applying pop-up survey software to incorporate users’ feedback into public library computing service management” has been recently received “2012 Highly Commented Award” from Emerald LiteratiNetwork. Marcel is a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP) by Project Management Institute, USA.

WOJCIECH Z. DZIOMDZIORA, DIRECTOR OF KEY PROJECTS, ORANGE POLSKA (PL) Wojciech Z. Dziomdziora is the attorney-at-law and member of the Warsaw Bar of Legal Advisors. He is a Director of the Key Projects in Orange Polska, responsible i.e. for legislation and public affairs. He was a founding partner of Warsaw in Cottyn law firm office, where he supervised TMT, IPR and leisure Industry law practices in 2007-2010. In 2006-2007 he served as the Minister – Member of the National Broadcasting Council. In 2005-2006 Wojciech worked as the in-house lawyer in the Polish TV group – TVN. He started his professional career as the public servant working on different positions in the Prime Minister Chancellery and in the Minister of Culture (i.e. the advisor to the Minister and the Director of the Legal Dpt.). Wojciech is the member of the Supervisory Board of the Royal Castle – National Museum in Warsaw.


European Congress on e-Inclusion

ECEI12 Partnerships for a Digital Europe

DETLEF ECKERT, DIRECTOR OF ‘MEDIA AND DATA’, EUROPEAN COMMISSION, DG CONNECT (BRUSSELS) Detlef Eckert is Director of Media and Data in the Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT). From 2009 to 2012 he was Director of “Policy Coordination and Strategy” in the Directorate General “Information Society and Media” (DG INFSO) of the European Commission in Brussels (Belgium). In this function he was responsible for developing and incubating policies, notably with respect to the Digital Agenda, the ICT component of the 7th Framework Programme (FP7), and the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP). His Directorate was also responsible for economic and statistical analysis as well as evaluation and monitoring of all planned programmes and actions of DG INFSO. From 2007 to 2009 he was Senior Advisor to the Director General of DG INFSO. From 2002 to 2006 he took personal leave to work for Microsoft as Director responsible for the implementation of the Trustworthy Computing (TWC) initiative in Europe, Middle East and Africa. Before 2002, Detlef Eckert was Head of Division responsible for analysis and policy planning in the Directorate General Information Society; he launched a number of key policy initiatives that contributed to the full liberalization of the European telecommunications markets in 1998. Other activities included the launch of the eEurope2002, 2005 Action Plan and i2010 initiative. He was also responsible for a new network and information security policy at EU level leading inter alia to the foundation of the “European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA)”. Detlef Eckert joined the European Commission in 1988 as officer for State Aids in the agriculture sector. Before, from 1985 until 1988, he worked for the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Federal State of Bremen (Germany) responsible for regional policy and restructuring measures. Born in Germany, Detlef Eckert graduated from the University of Siegen with a degree in Economics. He also obtained a Doctorate in Economics from the same university where he was assistant professor from 1979 until 1985.

KERLI GABRILOVICA, COMMERCIAL DIRECTOR AND MEMBER OF THE BOARD, LATTELECOM (LV) Kerli Gabriloviča is a member of Lattelecom Management Board since 11 September 2009. She also holds the position of Commercial Director. Ms. K.Gabriloviča joined Lattelecom in 2004. She was Marketing and Brand Manager as well as Director of Customer Services and Retail. Previously she has been Head of Marketing Department in a/s Rīgas Miesnieks, as well as Management Consultant in Ernst&Young; Baltic and Regional Representative in Hoiubank Investments. Ms.K.Gabriloviča has specialised in business administration and economics at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga. She holds a MSc degree in business administration and economics specialising in Product Management and CRM from Karlstad Universitet (Karlstad, Sweden).


European Congress on e-Inclusion

ECEI12 Partnerships for a Digital Europe

CHRYSTIE HILL, DIRECTOR, COMMUNITY RELATIONS, OCLC (US° Chrystie Hill is a librarian, writer, and community-builder. After working in special, academic and public libraries, she started It Girl Consulting, a small venture that helps libraries enhance their services to meet current community needs. In 2003 Chrystie joined OCLC where she now serves as Community Relations director, and leads a team that implements innovative programs that reinforce libraries (including WebJunction, a learning community for public library staff). Chrystie is a frequent presenter at international library meetings and conferences, and her articles have appeared in JASIST, Library Journal, American Libraries, and RUSQ. In 2007, Chrystie was named a Library Journal “Mover and Shaker” and Inside, Outside, and Online: building your library community was published by ALA Editions in 2009. Chrystie currently serves on the board for Communities Connect Network, and as a strategic advisor to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Libraries program. Chrystie’s undergraduate degree is in Biology and Psychology, she holds a Master of Arts in History from Sarah Lawrence College, and her MLIS is from the University of Washington, Seattle, where she lives in a tiny loft with her growing family. You can follow her blog at http://

RAFAL KRAMZA, INFORMATION SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION (FRSI) (PL) Rafal Kramza is President of the Information Society Development Foundation (FRSI), and Director of the Library Development Program in Poland (2009–2014), an initiative to help Poland’s public libraries provide access to computers, the Internet, and training. The program involves more than 3,300 libraries from more than 1,100 communes. FRSI works to modernize equipment and advance librarians’ digital and community development skills. They also conduct campaigns and carry out projects to involve libraries in digital education activities. Since 2002 have been gaining a professional experience and knowledge on developing civil society, working for the non-profit sector, coordinating, evaluating and supervising various projects and initiatives supporting the development of local communities (e.g. the “Transparent Poland” project for 800 Polish local governments introducing solutions of good governance and transparency of their operations) working for a couple of major Polish NGOs (most recently at the Polish-American Freedom Foundation as a program director). Graduated from the University of Silesia in Katowice (MA in Political Sciences). Completed also postgraduate studies in Evaluation of the European Union Projects at the Warsaw University and in Labor Resource Management at the Warsaw School of Economics.

KJERSTI LUNDE, PROJECT MANAGER DANISH E-GOVERNMENT STRATEGY (DK) Working on the implementation of the Danish e-Government Strategy in the business area, which aims at 100% digital communication between business and public administration. To ensure digital registration of businesses, on-line self-service etc. this includes the set-up of public assistance to small businesses with limited computer experience.


European Congress on e-Inclusion

ECEI12 Partnerships for a Digital Europe

ILSE MARIËN, IMINDS SMIT VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL (BE) In July 2007 Ilse Mariën graduated cum laude as Master in Communication Science at the Free University of Brussels (VUB) with a thesis titled “User-oriented Design of ICT: inclusion or exclusion of people in poverty in Flanders”. After graduating, she joined iMinds-SMIT as a scientific researcher where she worked on several projects related to social implications and policy aspects of new media. As of 2008 she started a Phd on the notion of digital inclusion. The main goal of this doctoral research project is to develop alternative policy approaches to counter digital exclusion based on a critical analysis of the transitions in digital divide theory; and in-depth empirical research on a) grassroots initiatives aimed at combating the digital exclusion of at-risk groups; and b) European digital inclusion policies.

HELEN MILNER, CHIEF EXECUTIVE, ONLINE CENTRES FOUNDATION (UK) Helen is the Chief Executive of Online Centres Foundation, the social enterprise that leads the UK online centres network. She is passionate about the benefits to individuals that digital technologies bring. Her priorities are to build capacity in local communities and to ensure that people get the capability they need to reap the opportunities of ‘digital by default’ service delivery. Helen has over 20 years experience of working on the internet, starting in 1985 in the private sector with TTNS, developing online education services for schools. She joined Ufi in 1999 and led the learndirect learning network. Helen ran the ippr and University of Sunderland ‘university for industry’ pilot in 1997, and has worked in Australia and Japan. In 2012 she was included in the 20 influential people working in the digital sector as part of the Digital Hall of Fame.

DAN MOUNT, HEAD OF POLICY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS, CIVIC AGENDA EU (UK) Dan is Head of Policy & Public Affairs at Civic Agenda EU. He has worked for the last six years at the House of Commons acting as a senior adviser to several UK Members of Parliament on ICT/telecommunications policy issues, specifically in relation to digital inclusion, online crime and the use of ICT in effective public service delivery. He has acted as speechwriter for the Chair of the Parliamentary Information Technology Committee, the Chair of the UK Internet Governance Forum, and the Chair of the Information Society Alliance (EURIM) – as well as producing material for the Speaker of the House of Commons and key Ministers. These roles have also involved engagement with international stakeholders including the Congressional Internet Caucus in Washington DC, the United Nation’s Internet Governance Forum, and the European Internet Foundation. He has extensive experience working in a cross-party context whilst managing key stakeholder relationships with government, private sector, trade associations, NGOs and charities. Since joining Civic Agenda EU, Dan is currently leading on a policy review of the Europe 2020 Growth Strategy and Multi-Annual Financial Framework for the BMGF Global Libraries Programme, analysing the scope for public libraries to act as strategic partners for the effective delivery of access to ICT, online resources and digital literacy skills to marginalised and disadvantaged communities across Europe.


European Congress on e-Inclusion

ECEI12 Partnerships for a Digital Europe

BART NOELS, EXTERNAL RELATIONS AT INTERCOMMUNALE LEIEDAL (BE) Bart Noels (1972) is working on communication, networks and external relations at Intercommunale Leiedal. This regional public body supports municipalities and the region of Kortrijk (B). He is a former journalist (newspaper & TV) and he was librarian in the city of Kortrijk. Experience: ICT, regional media, libraries, information society, communication, channels, mainstreaming, marketing and participation Publications: service development, regional history

MELISSA PAILTHORP, SENIOR MANAGER, CITIZENSHIP, MICROSOFT, CENTRAL & EASTERN EUROPE (PL) Melissa Pailthorp spearhead’s Microsoft’s Citizenship programming throughout Central & Eastern Europe (CEE), working across 28 subsidiaries. Microsoft’s community investments help youth connect with greater opportunities for education, employment, and entrepreneurship. An additional focus is strengthening NGOs through IT and donating technology for public access purposes. Melissa joined Microsoft from nonprofit Aspiration, which she launched with support of the Soros Foundation. Prior to that, Melissa was an early staff person for Ted Turner’s United Nations Foundation, developing evaluation strategies and capacity building programs. In the late 1990s, Melissa managed municipal development programs for USAID, in Washington DC and Central Europe. Melissa holds an MPA from the University of Washington’s Evans School of Public Affairs and is a graduate of Vassar College. She is based in Berlin, Germany.


European Congress on e-Inclusion

ECEI12 Partnerships for a Digital Europe

GERGANA PASSY, PANEUROPA BULGARIA, PRESIDENT&FOUNDER; DIGITAL CHAMPION OF BULGARIA (BG) As a Member of two Parliaments she is very active in the Foreign Affairs, Defense and Security Committee, the EU Integration Committee, as well in the Joint Parliamentary Committee EUBulgaria. She takes a key role in promoting Bulgarian-US parliamentary relations and becomes the first President of the US-Bulgarian Caucus in the Bulgarian Parliament. As a Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs she plays a key role in the EU negotiation process in the crucial period of 2004-2005. Deputy Foreign Minister Passy, whose portfolio included relations with the Americas has a significant contribution to the promotion of the Bulgarian – Latin America relations. In that capacity she revitalized the Bulgarian-Cuban relations aiming to promote the human rights in that country. Curiously enough, this Cuban policy was followed up in 2005-2009 by her husband Solomon, in his capacity as Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Bulgarian Parliament. She is devoted to several major human rights causes, including the case with the Bulgarian medics and Palestinian doctor detained by the regime of Col. Gaddafi in Libya. Gergana Passy is the first Bulgarian Minister of EU Affairs, elected after Bulgaria’s accession to the EU on January 1, 2007. MILESTONES OF CAREER Founder & President of PanEuropean Union Bulgaria (2002 – ) Vice President of International PanEuropean Union (2004 – 2009) EU Minister of Bulgaria (2007-2009) Deputy Foreign Minister in two Governments (2004-2005 and 2005-2007) Member of Parliament in two Legislations (2001-2004 and 2005) Before that she practice or trained law (1995-2001) at Sofia City Court, “Djingov, Guginski, Kyuchukov & Velichkov” Law Office, Arthur Andersen Bulgaria, Fides Interconsult.

GABRIEL RISSOLA, MANAGING DIRECTOR, TELECENTRE-EUROPE AISBL (ES) Gabriel leads Telecentre Europe, the most representative pan-European organisation in the digital social inclusion arena, while he continuous supporting the growth of Dynamic Organization Thinking (D-O-T), a Barcelona-based Research and Consultancy firm he cofounded and directed until 2010. He has a degree in Informatics, academic education in Philosophy and Psychology and wide professional experience with multilateral cooperation bodies (EC, UN, WB). He has recently finished a 2-year stage as Senior Scientist in European Commission’s Institute for Prospective Technological Studies. His action and research interests focus on the field of Technology-enabled Social Innovation (for learning, working and participation in society) and the role played by public policy, independent research, intermediaries (Third Sector Organisations, local public bodies, private sector) and final beneficiaries (disadvantaged target groups like migrants, youth or elderly people). He authored/co-authored/edited several publications on ICT and Social Innovation, being also author and reviewer for the Journal of International Development and Information Technologies. (USA). 16

European Congress on e-Inclusion

ECEI12 Partnerships for a Digital Europe

RENATA SADUNISVILI, RESEARCH CONSULTANT (LT) Renata Sadunišvili is professional sociologists, research specialist (member of ESOMAR). She works in marketing and social research area more than – 15 years, during that time she conducted over 170 projects’ as main director and/or specialist. Renata Sadunišvili worked as Impact Assessment Specialist at the Project „Libraries’ for innovation“, Lithuania. Project is implemented by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. She was responsible for the Final Project’s Impact assessment – numerous research supervision, results dissemination activities’ (ICT and non-ICT related fields), elaboration of simplified impact assessment model for sustainability after the Project end on 2012/06/07.

RENATE STRAZDINA, ERNST & YOUNG BALTIC LTD. (LV) Renate is Executive Director in Advisory Department and has over 10 years of experience in advisory services specializing in government sector, information systems and business processes. She joined Ernst & Young in 2007 and is based in the Riga office. Renate has a doctoral degree in Information Technology (Computer science) from Riga Technical university and Master’s degree in Economics from University of Latvia and is a Member of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and a Prince2 registered Project Management Practitioner. Renate fluently speaks Latvian, English and Russian. languages


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