ND13 - 8th National Digital Conference

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13 CONTENTS Practical Information ___________________________________________________________________ page 3 Foreword _____________________________________________________________________________ page 7 Overview _____________________________________________________________________________

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Programme ___________________________________________________________________________ page 11 Biographies ___________________________________________________________________________ page 19 Partners ______________________________________________________________________________

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Presentations – All presentations will be uploaded to www.nd13.co.uk

Conference App - Follow the programme, read speaker biographies and register on the Conference App at http://m.twoppy.com/ND13/

Win a Get online @ home Laptop - Log on to www.nd13.co.uk and submit a form to win one of 30 laptops to take home at the end of the Conference Win one of 3 iPad minis - Visit Lloyds TSB in the catering area to win an iPad mini, but you have to be in the room at the end of day 2 to win

Free Wifi available during ND13 Wifi Code: Congress Centre Free Wi-Fi Password: 12345abcde






Lloyds TSB Commercial Banking


I am delighted to welcome you to the 8th National Digital Conference, ND13: Going Digital, for what I know will be a rich two days of debate, collaboration and inspiration. Since this conference began eight years ago,”digital” has risen up the political agenda to the point where it is now a key driver of the Government’s vision to achieve and promote growth and enterprise in the UK. We have seen both digital strategies, and strategies with digital at their heart, published across Government and its partners in the last 12 months; so as we meet over these two days we are entering the main roll-out delivery phase of this Government’s digital plans. This year’s new format leaves behind set piece plenarys and exhibitions in favour of table debate and inspirational thought leadership from the single stage. We hope that everyone can shape the debate with their views and participate in dialogue that continues beyond the conference days, through new links being made and the sharing of ideas that work. To try and ensure we can facilitate that debate, we have limited our audience this year to 200 in the room, but a far larger online audience of over 1,000. We do not wish to exclude anyone, and hope that the live webstream of the conference and social media tools will mean that the increasing numbers of our audience, for whom a train to London, two days out the office, and an overnight stay is no longer an affordable reality, will join in as enthusiastically as those in the room. Keeping the National Digital Conference free for the last 8 years would not have been possible without the generosity of our supporters, and I would like to thank in particular this year’s main supporters Lloyds TSB, the Post Office and Age UK, together with the conference partners Go ON UK, Lasa and Rewired State, who have shaped this year’s programme. We are also very pleased to welcome the Spring Online Best Event Awards this year, the third return of the Digital Leaders Awards and the Get Online @ Home Reception, hosted by Microsoft, including a conference and online give away of 100 computers. Make sure you enter for one of those! Finally, I do hope that you have an informative and useful time at ND13 and I look forward to meeting many of you over the course of the next two days.

Robin Knowles Founder of the National Digital Conference



Social housing providers are well placed to help residents bridge the digital divide by providing support and assistance to help them to get online. With over 57,000 homes and a 100-year history, Affinity Sutton is one of England’s largest affordable housing providers. A business for social purpose we’re committed to helping people put down roots.

Helping our residents Get Connected is just one way we are helping them get ready for welfare reform and the introduction of Universal Credit.

Our Get Connected campaign aims to: boost regular computer and internet access amongst our 160,000 residents - potentially helping them to save more than ÂŁ500 a year by paying bills and shopping online help residents access additional services, education and job opportunities.

We are helping residents by: providing IT training courses, social media surgeries and access to grants for courses a low-cost recycled computer offer complete with software we are working with Digital Unite to recruit Digital Champions where we provide residents with free training and support in exchange for them passing these skills onto others in their local communities.

Find out more at www.affinitysutton.com




“The potential of digital is huge and it’s growing by the day. Now’s the time to start working together to reap the full benefits of making the UK the most digitally capable nation in the world” This is for everyone - The Case for Universal Digitisation, Booz & Co, November 2012 The ND13: Going Digital conference agenda will focus on how the UK can be up-skilled to fully exploit the potential offered by digitisation to become a global digital leader. The programme for the two days will address how we can build both the skills and digital capability of individuals and organisations, with an emphasis on practical delivery. This year’s agenda is set within the context of the key findings and recommendations identified by Booz & Co in their report “This is for everyone” - The Case for Universal Digitisation, commissioned by Go On UK in 2012. This year’s new interactive format will encourage delegates to take part in ‘buzz’ discussion groups as part of each plenary session to foster two-way dialogue and feedback between the speakers and delegates.

Day 1 Digital Skills The opening afternoon of the conference will consider how we can build the digital skills needed to ensure that we can fulfil the UK’s full economic potential and respond to the challenge that there are over 16 million people in the UK lacking basic digital skills. The sessions will explore what more can be done to reach out to individuals who remain offline. There will be a range of perspectives examining the best way of promoting better access to digital technologies and the internet; how to motivate communities and generate awareness of the benefits of being online; and how to deliver essential basic online skills ready for the workplace. The day will end with the Spring Online Best Event Awards hosted by Joan Bakewell, which will celebrate the award winning campaign that helps thousands of people learn about and use computers, the internet and other modern technology. This will be followed by the third Digital Leaders Awards Dinner (by invitation only).

Day 2 Digital Enterprise Day two will focus on Digital Enterprise, exploring how we can support business, in particular SMEs, and the public sector to improve their digital capability to support economic growth in the UK. The first part of the day will explore how we can support SMEs to take advantage of the many digital tools and opportunities available. The morning will also address how we can support SMEs to work with Government, with a window into the new world of Government technology procurement looking at the push engage with SMEs who are delivering agile and innovative tech solutions. The afternoon will explore how we can empower the public sector to foster a culture of digital enterprise, putting digital at the heart of delivering world class services. There will be inspiration on the role coding and developers can play as well as an opportunity to hear from those at the forefront of leading digital strategies and transformation in the public sector. The day will close with the Get Online @ Home reception hosted by Microsoft.




Martha Lane-Fox

Tom Wright

Mark Davies

Robin Christopherson

Joan Bakewell

Helen Milner

11 June - Digital Skills, in association with the Post Office 14.00

Arrival and Registration


Chair’s Welcome and Opening Remarks • Dr Mark Thompson, Senior Lecturer in Information Systems from the University of Cambridge Judge Business School and Strategic Director at Methods.


Opening Keynote: Connected for Communities • Mark Davies, Communications Director, Post Office


Plenary: Building Skills for a Digital Economy A lack of skills and usage, on the part of both individuals and organisations, is a key reason the UK is not maximizing digitisation’s value. The opening plenary will explore what more can be done to deliver the skills needed for the UK to exploit its position as a leading digital economy. The session will identify some of the key ways in which skills are currently being delivered, examining what more could be done and by whom. The session will start with an interview with Baroness Martha Lane-Fox of Soho who will set out the challenges faced and how we can work to together to reach this goal. Contributors • Baroness Martha Lane-Fox, UK Digital Champion • Cllr Laura Robertson-Collins, Go ON Liverpool • Ben Rowland, Deputy Chairman, Agilisys Arch • Hugh Milward, Director of Corporate Affairs, Microsoft • Jeh Kazimi, Founder and Chief Executive, Breezie


Coffee and Networking


Plenary: Connected Communities – Reaching the Disconnected About one-fifth of the population, including 10.8 million people 15 and older, do not use the Internet at all due to lack of access, awareness and skills (Booz & Co 2012). This plenary will respond to this challenge to look at what more can be done to include those who remain offline, who do not yet have digital skills. It will look at the role communities can play; exploring the value of partnerships, networks and innovative technology to drive better access, awareness of the benefits, and motivation to support people online and gain the skills they need. It will begin with a speech by Robin Christopherson that challenges us to think about we can create inclusive communities looking at some of the current challenges faced by communities and the role technology can play. We will then hear from a panel of those working at the coal face of delivering skills and training in communities, who will each provide a perspective on fostering inclusive communities, including: Assisted Digital; Skills to Work; Older People; and Motivating the Community. Keynote: Everybody Technology - The Power and the Promise • Robin Christopherson, Head of Digital Inclusion, AbilityNet Panel: • Kevin Seller, Head of Government, Post Office • Helen Milner, Chief Executive, Online Centres Foundation • Tom Wright, Chief Executive, Age UK • Emma Solomon, OBE, Managing Director, Digital Unite


Spring Online Best Event Awards with Joan Bakewell A celebration of the annual Spring Online campaign in association with Carphone Warehouse and commendation of those local organisations who took part in this national digital inclusion drive to get thousands of people online. The reception will close at 18.30.






Lord Young

Eva Eisenschimmel

Mark Thompson

Philip Blond

Emma Mulqueeny Benjamin Southworth

12 June - Digital Enterprise, in association with Lloyds TSB 8.45

Arrival and Registration


Chair’s Opening Remarks • Dr Mark Thompson, Senior Lecturer in Information Systems from the University of Cambridge Judge Business School and Strategic Director at Methods.


Opening Keynote • Eva Eisenschimmel, Group Director of Brands and Marketing, Lloyds Banking Group


Plenary: Growth, Enterprise and SMEs Research shows that the more digitally enabled a company is, the faster it tends to grow. At the same time 25% of SMEs maintain that a lack of awareness and basic digital skills is holding them back. This plenary will respond to this challenge by addressing how we can support and equip business, in particular SMEs, to improve their digital capability and take advantage of the many digital tools and opportunities available. Lord Young, the opening speaker, will highlight the research and recommendations he has done as part of the second phase of his research into small business published at the beginning of May 2013. A panel representing different perspectives will then explore what sort of opportunities, training and policies can influence the successful take up of digital skills. Keynote: • Lord Young, Prime Ministers’ Adviser on Business and Enterprise Panel: • Adam Taylor, Co-Founder, Petshop Bowl • Clive Davenport, Enterprise and Innovation Chairman, Federation of Small Businesses • Tristan Wilkinson, Head of Business Development, Go ON UK • Matthew Perry, Director of Digital Banking, Lloyds Banking Group


Coffee and Networking


Plenary: SMEs and Government The second half of the morning will address how we can support Government and SMEs to work together to ensure that the public sector can benefit from some of the most agile, high tech innovative solutions from the market. It will be a timely opportunity to hear about a new culture emerging which involves a fundamental break from large, long term contracts with larger suppliers that restrict departments’ ability to change quickly or from tapping into innovation. The opening speech by Benjamin Southworth will set out the current context and why SMEs are no longer seen as ‘too small’ to take on Government contracts. A panel representing SMEs who have been working with Government will then respond with key lessons and insights on their experience working with Government so far. Contributors include: Keynote: • Benjamin Southworth, Deputy Chief Executive, TechCityUK Panel: • Brian Gannon, Business Development Director, Kainos • Ben Darlington, Head of Informatics, Agilisys • Dilraj Aujla, Head of Client Management, ThoughtWorks • Mary McKenna, Director, Learning Pool


Keynote: Becoming a Digital First Business • Rahul Chakkara, Director of Online, TalkTalk




Rachel Neaman

Tom Loosemore

Rahul Chakkara

Brian Gannon

Tristan Wilkinson

Mary McKenna


Lunch and Networking


Keynote: • Philip Blond, Director, ResPublica


Keynote: How the Hack Day Grew Up • Emma Mulqueeny, Founder of Rewired State will tell the story of how she started the journey of bringing together developers and industry experts together to solve real live problems faced by Government.


Plenary: Building Digital Capability in the Public Sector Government has a major responsibility in paving the way for universal digitisation—overseeing regulation, investing in digital foundations, and encouraging usage. By developing and promoting digital public services in the U.K. the Government can save £5.1 billion per year, which can then be used for other national priorities (booz&co, 2012).

The final plenary session will focus on how we can deliver skills and digital capability needed in the public sector to achieve this vision. It will be an opportunity to hear about Government’s digital transformation so far, hearing about the experiences of the GDS, central Government departments and local authorities in harnessing digital technology and the internet as the default option between citizens and government. Tom Loosemore will open the plenary by setting out the Government’s progress and roll out of its digital strategy so far, looking at some of the key lessons learnt and the size of the challenge ahead. Keynote: Simpler, Clearer, Faster – Making Digital Government Tom Loosemore, Deputy Director, GDS • Panel: Rachel Neaman, DH Digital Leader and Deputy Director, Digital, Channel Strategy and Publishing, • Department of Health Anthony Kemp, Director of Corporate Resources, London Borough of Hounslow • Roger Oldham, Deputy Director, Digital Delivery, Ministry of Justice • 15.30

Get Online @ Home Reception This reception will be an opportunity to find out more about Get Online @ Home, an initiative from Microsoft and its partners to provide low cost refurbished desktop and laptop computers to support the Go ON UK digital inclusion programme.





Digital Leaders Programme The Digital Leaders Programme gathers influential leaders from the highest levels of central and local Government, and the private and not for profit sectors, to address the policy and good practice for harnessing digital as a key enabler for the delivery of transparent, efficient, and citizen centric services in a new age of Digital Government. Since its launch at the House of Commons in October 2010, the programme has brought together an influential network of 100 CEO, Chair and Board level leaders for the opportunity to be briefed and up-skilled on how to build their digital strategies. Looking ahead to its fourth year and now chaired by Rachel Neaman, Digital Lead at the Department of Health, the 2013/14 programme will address the very latest developments in the Government’s cross departmental and Local Government ‘digital by default’ public services. Three years on, what progress has been made within Government, what are the obstacles that remain, and how can they be overcome? Our 2013/14 programme includes:

The Annual Lecture Following an excellent lecture in January this year by Rayid Ghani, Obama’s chief Scientist for the presidential campaign, we have plans underway for another international leading figure from the world of ICT skills and development in January 2014.

Digital Leaders Masterclass We will be continuing the series of two day visits by Digital Leaders to leading businesses and Digital Government Departments. To date we have visited GDS, IBM, Facebook, Talk Talk, Microsoft, Google, and Department of Health. Our Summer Masterclass in July 2013 will be focussing on Tech City and models that drive new areas of Digital innovation within Cities.

Digital Leaders Events The Whitehall based half-day sessions for the whole Digital Leaders group will continue after the summer, starting in September and looking at a range of important topics close to the Government’s agenda.

Digital Leaders 50 On the adjacent page we introduce this year’s innovation. We want you to nominate the real Digital Leaders and organisations that are making this transformation happen. Nominated by professionals in the Digital sector and judged by an eminent group of experts the first Digital leaders 50 list will be announced in the Autumn. Log on at www.digitalbydefaultnews.com to nominate those that deserved to be recognised.

Digital Leaders Get involved Our events are free as a result of support from our generous supporters. We always welcome new partners to the Steering group. If you are interested in becoming a 2013/14 partner please contact Robin Knowles at robin.knowles@civicagenda.com


STEVEN BEARD Chief Executive, Agilisys Steven is the Group Chief Executive of Agilisys, and since taking on this role in August 2012 has led the company’s expansion into new digital platforms and services developed to improve citizens’ lives. He joined the business in late 2011 as the Chief Financial Officer. Prior to Agilisys Steven worked at Xchanging plc, the global business process and technology company, where he was most recently the President and CEO of the U.S. business based in Chicago. He joined Xchanging when it was a small private business and was part of the leadership team that grew the business and took it public over a 9 year period. Over this period he held a number of management positions including as Managing Director of a number of the divisions as well as change management roles. He joined Xchanging from Redwave plc, the U.K.-based venture capital business, where he was CFO. Prior to Redwave he held Finance Director and management positions in financial services businesses in the City. Steven is a Chartered Certified Accountant.

RAHUL CHAKKARA Director of Online, TalkTalk Rahul is responsible for TalkTalk’s digital channels including sales and service. Prior to TalkTalk, Rahul was General Manager at BBC running its IPTV and Mobile divisions. While at BBC, he was also the Creative Director of BBC iPlayer launch product. Previously, Rahul worked for Procter & Gamble in Germany, Scandinavia and Belgium.

ROBIN CHRISTOPHERSON Head of Digital Inclusion, AbilityNet After Cambridge University, Robin worked as an IT instructor for the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) and became a founding member of AbilityNet in 1998, which specialises in accessibility auditing and disabled user testing, as well as helping clients design attractive websites and apps that are both accessible and easy to use by all. Despite being blind, Robin uses technology very effectively using speech output to access computers, the internet, his iPhone and many other technologies to assist him in his work.

BEN DARLINGTON Head of Informatics, Agilisys Ben Darlington is Head of informatics at Agilisys having founded loGo_net, the revolutionary software company focused on transforming citizens’ online experience. LoGo_net was acquired by Agilisys in February of this year and re-launched as Agilisys Engage. The Agilisys Engage platform is already in use by local authorities throughout the UK and complements Agilisys’ growing suite of products built to deliver efficiencies and improved citizen experience for local government. Ben brings significant local government expertise, as prior to founding loGo_net in 2008 he held roles including CIO for Essex County Council and Head of ICT Strategy and Architecture for Kent Council.

CLIVE DAVENPORT Chairman for Innovation and Enterprise, Federation of Small Businesses Clive is responsible for framing the FSB’s engagement with decision makers on key policy issues within the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS). Clive’s career has been spent within the high technology manufacturing sector, from SME’s to multi-national conglomerates and he has operated his own business in this field for the past twenty five years. Clive has also played an important role in shaping FSB’s broadband policy and digital agenda. He believes we must do a lot more to help small businesses that have not yet embraced digitalisation to do so.



13 MARK DAVIES Communications Director, Post Office Mark joined Post Office Ltd as Communications Director in July 2012 after two years as Communications and Campaigns Director for the charity Rethink Mental Illness. Prior to that he spent five years as Special Adviser to the Rt Hon Jack Straw MP, working in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the House of Commons and the Ministry of Justice. He worked as Special Adviser to Baroness Amos, then Leader of the House of Lords, for 18 months in 2004-05. Mark began his career in journalism in 1990 and during 13 years as a reporter, writer and editor he worked for the Liverpool Echo, the Liverpool Daily Post, CNN and the BBC.

EVA EISENSCHIMMEL Group Marketing and Brands Director, Lloyds Banking Group Eva has built her experience in multiple sectors and in businesses of different sizes and types including her own successful business start up. She speaks three languages and has lived and worked abroad in five countries during her diverse career, working effectively across different cultures. Functionally, she has deep experience of sales, brand marketing, digital engagement, HR and culture change. Eva joined Lloyds Banking Group in September 2010 as MD, Customers, Brands, Digital and Telephone Banking, where she was responsible for developing and delivering customer centered brand strategies for Halifax, Lloyds TSB and Bank of Scotland as well as for the Group’s specialist brands. Eva led Digital Banking through a period of extensive period of growth whilst refocusing Telephone Banking on top quartile customer service.

BRIAN GANNON Business Development Director, Kainos Brian has almost 30 years of achievement in IT in blue-chip organisations. His previous career includes leading roles in Accenture and Capgemini, where he led the Financial Services practice. Brian has also worked in senior line roles in Standard Chartered Bank and at Allied Irish Banks, where he was Chief Information Officer from 1998 to 2002. His work has taken him around the globe and he has lived and worked in France, Switzerland, USA, Hong Kong, Singapore and Mumbai.

JEH KAZIMI Founder & CEO, Breezie Jeh is a serial entrepreneur and the founder of Breezie, a service that makes it easy for the older generation to use the Internet. Jeh started this venture based on his personal need to help his parents communicate with family and friends. Jeh has more than 15 years of entrepreneurial experience and prior to founding Breezie, he worked for 5 years at Arts Alliance, a venture capital fund with early stage investments in companies like LastMinute.com, LOVEFiLM and PictureHouse cinemas. With his latest venture, Jeh has been focusing passionately on how the latest, cutting edge technologies can be used to make it easier for everyone to get online.

BARONESS MARTHA LANE FOX UK Digital Champion Martha is the UK digital champion and chair of Go ON UK. Martha co-founded lastminute.com in 1998 and sold it in 2005. She founded Lucky Voice in 2004 and her own foundation Antigone. She is an NED at M&S; mydeco, the Cabinet Office and the Womens Prize for Fiction. She is chair of Makielab and a patron of Reprieve, Abilitynet, and Just for Kids Law.



13 TOM LOOSEMORE Deputy Director, Government Digital Service Tom Loosemore has been at forefront of digital media since 1995, and was named by Wired as one of the UK’s top 25 digital influencers in 2010. Since helping found the new Government Digital Service, Tom has lead the delivery of the alpha and beta phases of GOV.UK, a simpler, clearer and faster replacement for hundreds of government websites. Before joining the Government Digital Service, he was Head of 4iP, Channel 4’s digital innovation fund. Prior to 4iP, Tom was Senior Advisor of Digital Media Strategy at Ofcom, while, previously to this, he was instrumental in shaping the BBC’s digital media strategy.

MARY MCKENNA Co-Founder, Learning Pool Mary is a tech entrepreneur and co-founder of successful Northern Ireland based Learning Pool, a multi award winning SME that has built the biggest online learning community in the UK with one million learners at the latest count. In a varied career, Mary has worked (so far) in five growing tech businesses in roles as diverse as global CFO, Sales Director and CEO and she has assisted a number of other new companies in getting started. She has a passionate interest in helping start & grow indigenous tech companies and especially in working with very young entrepreneurs. She has been Chairman of Northern Ireland’s Digital Circle since 2010.

HELEN MILNER Chief Executive, Online Centres Foundation Helen heads up the social enterprise that leads the UK online centres network. She is passionate about the benefits to individuals that digital technologies bring. Her priorities are to build capacity in local communities and to ensure that people get the capability they need to reap the opportunities of ‘digital by default’ service delivery. Helen has over 20 years experience of working on the internet, starting in 1985 in the private sector with TTNS, developing online education services for schools. She joined Ufi in 1999 and led the learndirect learning network. Helen ran the ippr and University of Sunderland ‘university for industry’ pilot in 1997, and has worked in Australia and Japan. In 2012 she was included in the 20 influential people working in the digital sector as part of the Digital Hall of Fame

HUGH MILWARD Corporate Affairs Director, Microsoft Hugh Milward is the Corporate Affairs Director at Microsoft UK, where he leads on public affairs and citizenship activities. Hugh has spent the majority of his career working in political and community relations. He has previously worked for Starbucks, where he lead public affairs, advocacy and responsibility work for the UK and Ireland, and for McDonald’s, where he spent five years running public affairs and external relations for the UK. Prior to this, he was Head of Public Affairs for the Learning and Skills Council, a government agency managing Apprenticeships and further education.

EMMA MULQUEENY CEO/Founder, Rewired State Emma is the founder of Rewired State and Young Rewired State: Coding a better country. Rewired State is the largest independent developer network in the UK with over 1000 software developers and designers, bringing about digital innovation and revolution through rapid prototyping events (hack and modding). Young Rewired State is its philanthropic arm with the challenge to find and foster every child driven to teach themselves how to code. She has recently been voted onto the Wired 100 list and Tech City 100, writes regularly for the Guardian and The Telegraph in the UK and on her own blog and is best known for her campaign: ‘Year 8 is too Late’ (encouraging girls into technology subjects) and relentlessly pushing the potential of open data.



13 RACHEL NEAMAN DH Digital Leader – Deputy Director, Digital, Channel Strategy and Publishing Rachel is currently the DH Digital Leader and Deputy Director for Digital, Channel Strategy and Publishing. She has overall responsibility for the Department’s digital strategy, policy and practice; social media and digital engagement; channel strategy across the health and care system in England; print and electronic content and publishing; and strategic relationships across the health and care system. As DH Digital Leader she represents the Department on the cross-Government Digital Leaders forum. She previously headed up Internal, Corporate and Digital Communications for the Department of Health.

MATT PERRY Digital Director Business, Lloyds Banking Group Matt joined Lloyds Banking Group in April 2012 as Digital Director for Business where he is responsible for developing the digital banking channels and propositions for business customers. Matt currently represents Lloyds Banking Group at the Go On UK Operating Board. Matt has experience driving customer and digital agendas inside large and small businesses, and functionally has deep experience of strategy formulation, launching new-to-market propositions, and digital commerce. In Australia Matt was proud to lead the creation of a successful start-up Australian internet bank and has since held senior digital banking roles here in the UK.

LAURA ROBERTSON-COLLINS Councillor, Liverpool City Council Laura has been involved with the ‘Go On Its Liverpool’ campaign sits its inception in late 2010 and has chaired the city-wide partnership since August 2012. As the Assistant Cabinet Member for Skills, Enterprise and Employment at the City Council from 2011 to May this year, the campaign for digital inclusion has been an important element of work on regeneration in Liverpool. Laura’s professional role as a Senior Union Support Officer at the TUC’s unionlearn means significant involvement with this agenda across the North West region, where unionlearn have taken the Liverpool model to many other local authorities in the North West.

BEN ROWLAND Deputy Chairman, Agilisys Arch Ben is the co-founder and deputy chairman of Agilisys Arch, the specialist apprenticeship division of Agilisys. Ben set up Arch in the summer of 2012 to create exciting career opportunities for young people and in doing so to help address the digital skills gap in the UK. Since its launch, Arch has recruited, trained and deployed over 100 apprentices, including ten in Google, their first apprentices anywhere in the world. Arch has also overseen the development of a new specialist digital marketing apprenticeship. Before setting up Arch, Ben co-founded and ran RSe Consulting, a specialist local authority consulting firm that was acquired by Tribal Group in 2008. He also set up SAFE, the country’s leading financial inclusion project based at Toynbee Hall, where is now non-executive Chairman.

KEVIN SELLER Head of Government Services, Post Office Ltd Kevin took up his current role in September 2006 and has responsibility for all Post Office business with national and local government bodies; this includes the new driving licence digital data capture service with the DVLA, the check and sends service with Her Majesty’s Passport Office and the vitally important contract for Post Office card account. In his previous role he had responsibility for the relationships with all of Post Office Ltd’s major financial services clients including the banks, NS&I and Government for the Post Office Card Account. Previously he was involved in the set up of the Post Offices financial services venture with the Bank of Ireland managing the interface with our Government shareholder and other key stakeholders. Before this he was one of the founders of the universal banking concept, working with the Banking industry and Government to launch universal banking services in April 2003.



13 EMMA SOLOMON OBE Managing Director, Digital Unite Emma Solomon OBE is the Managing Director for Digital Unite. Digital Unite is one of the UK’s leading providers of digital skills learning, founded by Emma in 1996. All of Digital Unite’s work is driven by Emma’s passion for the way equipping people with the right digital skills and awareness has the potential to transform lives, organisations and wider society. This includes online courses for Digital Champions, one of the largest collections of free web-based learning guides, a network of quality assured tutors and the award winning Spring Online campaign. In recognition of all of her work in this arena, Emma was awarded an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List in 2012 for services to digital inclusion.

BENJAMIN SOUTHWORTH Deputy CEO, TechCityUK Benjamin is the Deputy CEO and Head of Community for TCIO. His tasks range from events planning to identifying possible collaborations and liaising with the community. His particular fascination is improving digital literacy, with especially focus on hacker and maker culture.

ADAM TAYLOR Founder, PetShopBowl.co.uk Adam Taylor investment banker turned internet entrepreneur co-founded PetShopBowl.co.uk in 2010, utilising his passion for e-commerce, technology and pets! The company has celebrated fast growth and grew its customer base to 35,000 and its Facebook-page has grown to over 54,000 fans through a combination of focusing on customer service and online marketing activities. Adam & PetShopBowl have won and been nominated for several prestigious awards including The Lloyds TSB Enterprise Awards, The Prince’s Trust Go for Growth Awards, Startup Britain Confessions of a Startup and The European Regional Development Funds Awards.

MARK THOMPSON Senior Lecturer, Cambridge Judge Business School / Strategic Director, Methods Mark is a senior lecturer in information systems at Cambridge University’s Judge Business School, strategy director and owner at service innovator Methods, sometime ICT futures advisor to the Cabinet Office. One of the architects of the government’s current Open approach to technology, Mark produced a landmark paper in 2008 for George Osborne setting out a future for Open Standards in government, credited by Francis Maude as the foundation for the subsequent ‘Open’ government ICT strategy, and continues to help shape debate in this important field. Recent contributions include the only academic paper on Open architecture and public services (co-authored with Jerry Fishenden), and various white papers, policy documents, and speaking engagements.

TRISTAN WILKINSON Business Development Director, Go On UK Tristan is the founder of Digital Citizens, a company set up to deliver thought leadership and delivery collaboration for Smart Cities. Tristan also advises Go On UK, the national Digital Skills charity on Innovation and business development. Tristan has spent over twenty years working across several technology companies, in a variety of leadership roles, mostly in sales, marketing and business development. Tristan is also a Trustee for the Inclusion charity Citizens Online and has recently worked with the No 10 Policy unit on the Tech City and Start Up Britain initiatives.


13 TOM WRIGHT Chief Executive, Age UK Tom Wright is Group Chief Executive of Age UK. Age UK turns over nearly £400m with its local partners and has 4 divisions: Age UK Charitable activity; Age International; Age UK Retail, Training and Trading; and Age UK Enterprises providing leading financial services to over 1 million customers. He also sits on the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) and is a Trustee of GO ON UK, the new charity that aims to get people online. Most recently, he became a Non-Executive Director of the Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust. Prior to joining Age UK, Tom Wright was CEO of VisitBritain, the National Tourist Board, promoting Britain around the world.

LORD YOUNG The Rt Hon The Lord Young of Graffham has had a varied and distinguished career since graduating from University College London. After practicing as a solicitor for a year, he entered the world of business, founding the first of many enterprises in 1961.I n 1979, Lord Young became involved in politics, leading on programmes to alleviate youth and adult unemployment. He later joined the Cabinet as a Minister without Portfolio, becoming a member of the Privy Council and also acted as Secretary of State for Employment and Trade and Industry for a number of years until 1989 when he returned to private life. Lord Young was appointed Advisor to the Prime Minister on Enterprise in 2010 to review the relationship between Government and small firms. In May 2012 his first report “Make Business Your Business” introduced the Start Up Loan initiative: a programme that has enabled thousands of young people to realise their dream of working for themselves. The success of the initiative has seen increased funding being introduced and the scheme extended to those up to the age of thirty. Lord Young is married with two children, six grandchildren and is an avid photographer whose work has been featured in a number of exhibitions.




Affinity Sutton With over 57,000 homes and a 100-year history, Affinity Sutton is one of England’s largest affordable housing providers. A business for social purpose we’re committed to helping people put down roots. Our Community Investment programme, overseen by the Affinity Sutton Community Foundation, delivers national and local projects addressing the issues that matter most to our residents: jobs, money and communities. Working in some of the country’s most deprived areas we have doubled our investment in communities in the last two years. Last year we helped 585 people into work, delivered over 5,500 financial and digital inclusion interventions and supported over 2,500 young people. Website: www.affinitysutton.com

Age UK Age UK is dedicated to improving later life. The charity provides free information, advice and support to over six million people; commercial products and services to over one million customers; and research and campaign on the issues that matter to people in later life. We deliver a number of UK-wide digital inclusion programmes and campaigns working with 200+ organisations which form our Digital Inclusion Network and our national partners, Age Scotland, Age Cymru and Age NI (together the Age UK Family), our local Age UK partners. We support those in later life to benefit from internet access and technologies at all stages of engagement through taster sessions, beginner courses and campaigns, including tea and biscuits and annual Age UK Internet Champion of the Year competition.

Agilisys Agilisys is one of the UK’s most innovative IT and business process service providers, helping our clients transform their businesses. We design, build and operate an integrated suite of IT and business process services from end-to-end, meeting the needs of our public and private sector clients through costeffective shared service platforms.

Atos SE Atos SE (Societas europaea) is an international information technology services company with annual 2012 revenue of EUR 8.8 billion and 76,400 employees in 47 countries. Serving a global client base, it delivers hi-tech transactional services, consulting and technology services, systems integration and managed services.

BBC BBC Learning aims to “inspire a life full of learning for all our audiences” by working with some of the BBC’s best known programmes and brands to maximise their learning value. We produce content across television, radio and online including programmes such as “Stargazing Live” and websites such as Bitesize and Skillswise. In 2013 digital and media literacy will be a big priority for BBC Learning. In consultation with our Go-ON UK partners, we have produced a range of resources for people with low digital skills. From early June, those films and text guides will be viewable and embeddable via Webwise, our site dedicated to developing online skills.

Breezie Breezie is the easiest way to get online and stay close to what matters most to you. It is an intelligent service that removes clutter and confusion from popular internet applications. It comes with a touch screen tablet computer with all your applications and content set up and personalised. The service also provides a facility for family members to remotely support and trouble-shoot – add contacts, services, reset passwords and choose from a wide range of apps and content. The service is launching in June 2013 and offering a special discount to all ND13 attendees.



13 BrowseAloud BrowseAloud at the forefront of developing literacy software to help support and improve the lives of people who have difficulty reading and writing. Our goal is to provide technology that enables all learners, from children to adults with learning difficulties, to read, write, study, and communicate with ease and independence .BrowseAloud extends the government’s digital-by-default agenda to an additional 20% of the population by removing the barriers faced when interacting online. These barriers include language difficulties and print disabilities such as dyslexia, mild visual impairments, cognitive disorders and where English is not the native language (a growing proportion of the UK population).Over 7,000 websites are using BrowseAloud to ensure the hardest to reach citizens are not left behind during the government’s digital revolution. BrowseAloud reduces the cost of citizen interaction and allows citizens and government staff alike to be more productive. It promotes social inclusion and personal empowerment within the community; putting the citizen’s needs first.

The Department of Health The Department of Health (DH) helps people to live better for longer. We lead, shape and fund health and care in England, making sure people have the support, care and treatment they need, with the compassion, respect and dignity they deserve.

Digital Outreach Digital Outreach works on projects which make a difference: projects that aim to break down barriers and create opportunities for a wide range of individuals and communities. We design, manage and deliver engagement for communications and behaviour-change campaigns, from small local projects to larger UK-wide programmes.

Digital Unite At Digital Unite are passionate about supporting people to realise the benefits of using technology. Everything we do is geared towards achieving that, whether it’s through giving individual learners access to great online content and support, or working with those who then inspire and teach others to use technology.

E.ON Five million people get their electricity and gas from E.ON at home and at work – making us one of the top energy companies in the UK. As part of the E.ON group, we’re also one of the top energy companies in the world. We want to be a company people can trust and are always looking at ways to make energy cleaner.

Go ON UK Go ON UK is a cross-sector charity established in 2012 to encourage and support people, businesses and charities to enjoy the benefits of being online. Go ON UK has eight chief executives around its boardroom table – Age UK, BBC, Big Lottery Fund, E.ON, EE, Lloyds Banking Group, Post Office and TalkTalk. Improving digital skills will have huge social and economic benefits to the UK. These changes will transform all of our lives, and make a tangible, long-term difference to society. Go ON UK’s ambitious vision is to make the UK the world’s most digitally skilled nation, by inspiring and supporting individuals and organisations that want to share their digital skills with others.

The Government Digital Service The Government Digital Service is the part of the Cabinet Office that is responsible for leading work to transform public sector services to a "digital by default" model by building and championing a 'digital culture' that puts the user first and delivers the best, low-cost public services possible.



13 Kainos Kainos is a UK technology innovator specialising in digital content development. We have a strong presence in the public sector, spanning local and central Government and healthcare. Our solutions are closely aligned with UK Government priorities, such as maximising cost efficiency and making content and services ‘digital by default’. Kainos solutions harness open source platforms, and are developed collaboratively with the customer using agile techniques. We incorporate mobile and cloud-based technologies as needed, enabling content interaction at the point of use. Ultimately, though, what we do is make organisations work smarter, faster, better.

Lasa Lasa aims to see good technology and social welfare law advice available to all who need it and works to secure this by developing new approaches to the use of technology in voluntary and community sector organisations; and by providing high quality support services to advice and information providers. We help thousands of organisations every year to deliver more effective and efficient services through technology support. We aim to achieve maximum impact through the development of resources to support the VCS in improving its knowledge and management of ICT enabling the sector to do things better and to do better things.

Learning Pool Learning Pool is the leading provider of public sector e-learning in the UK. We deliver tailored online learning solutions that achieve measurable impact to over one million people. Our unique service provides our customers with the support and tools to create, share and customise their training quickly and cost-effectively.We also host the UK’s largest public sector online learning community where 12,000 members collaborate on best practice and learning resources. We work with over 300 public sector organisations from local authorities, NHS organisations, educational institutions right through to central government & its agencies. To find out more about our services visit www.learningpool.com or call 0207 101 9383.For updates on government technology news and services, follow us on twitter @LearningPool.

Lloyds Lloyds TSB forms part of the Lloyds Banking Group, and has an important role to play in contributing to the growth and prosperity of the UK. The Group has over 30 million customers and provides comprehensive expert financial services to individuals as well as businesses of all sizes, from start ups through to Not For Profit organisations, small & midsized businesses and multinational corporations. We are also committed to reaching those who are financially excluded and equip them with the confidence and capability to manage their money effectively. Our journey began 300 years ago and throughout that time we have always believed in the value and power of relationships and a determination to treat customers fairly. We believe we have a responsibility to be actively involved in supporting communities and last year invested £85m in grassroots charities, financial inclusion and capability and sports for young people.

Methods Methods is a leading business change and ICT services company, with 18 years’ experience of the UK public sector. Founded in 1990, we operate four complementary business areas: advisory, analytics, services and resourcing. Collectively, these allow us to offer a unique ‘mixed delivery model’ combining the benefits of in-house thought leadership and service aggregation with the cost-effectiveness of a permanent, SME and associate resource base second to none. We are recognised leaders in the public digital space, having contributed to landmark thinking on open architectures, and have helped shape, as well as pioneer, government policy on transitioning to utilityand consumption-based technologies.



13 Microsoft Get Online at Home:Get Online at Home is a digital inclusion initiative supported by Microsoft and a selection of our authorised refurbisher partners. Through Get Online at Home we offer professionally refurbished desktop and laptop computers, pre-loaded with Microsoft software, from ÂŁ99 (for registered charities and individuals on eligible benefits). The Get Online at Home offer is an ideal first, low-cost, internet-ready computer for individuals to purchase and for organisations such as charities and housing associations to recommend to their clients. In addition, the Get Online at Home partner, Simplify Digital, provides a competitive selection of Internet offers to help users get online. www.getonlineathome.org.

Online Centres Foundation Online Centres Foundation is the not-for-profit social enterprise that manages the UK online centres network of 5,000 local places that provide help and support to help people improve their computer and internet skills. Online Centres Foundation also run the Learn my way website (www.learnmyway.com) where people can access free courses to help them improve their computer and internet skills. In 2012, the organisation launched Community How To (www.communityhowto.com), a site funded by Nominet Trust to help community organisations to achieve more with digital tools.

The Post Office The Post Office was founded more than 370 years ago and has a rich and proud heritage at the heart of communities across the UK. Today, we employ almost 8,000 colleagues and work with an unrivalled network of 11,780 branches alongside a growing digital and telephone presence. A commercial business with a public purpose, we are undergoing a major transformation based on a strategy of growth, modernisation and customer excellence.

Rewired State Rewired State designs and creates hack and modding events that bring developers and industry experts together to solve real-world problems. Rewired State and Young Rewired State have a rich and diverse global network of independent developers and designers built up over the last 5 years. Rewired State enables collaborations with the best developer talent allowing companies, businesses, charities and the public sector to solve data problems and bring about digital innovation and revolution through rapid prototyping events (hack days)In addition to real world problem solving Rewired State operates Rewired Reality an online hack day platform allowing rapid digital solutions from our accredited network. For more details about hack days including commissioning one or attending an event visit rewiredstate.org@rewiredstate.

Thoughtworks We are a software company and a community of passionate, purpose-led individuals. We think disruptively to deliver technology to address our clients’ toughest challenges, all while seeking to revolutionise the IT industry and create positive social change.



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