Nd14 delegate list

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Last Name Adam Adie Akai Alexander Allen Asadi Asgill Avery Bachem Bailey Bailey Baldeon Ball Banach Barlow Barnes Barr Baucherel Bayley Beckett Begum Bennett Biden Birch Birch-Phaure Black Blanks B-N Booty Brasch Brayshay Breen Brewis Bridges Bridges Brockbank Brook Brophy Brown

First Name Matthew Mike David Caron Lewie Roxanne Rebecca David Jens Mark Joel Jarumi Eunice Lucas Neil Kai Derek Kate Neil Mike Shahanara Mark David Andria Joanna Gareth Steve Nikki Chris Simon Barbara Zoe Trevor Simon Sarah Jennie Peter Mary James

Organisation Silver Training IT Ltd Department for Work and Pensions, Work Services Directorate Methods Digital ESS - DFPNI Free:Formers GDS Chrysalis Family Centre Kent County Council / Kent Connects Elderberry CACI Ltd Capita Southern Housing Group GiveToView techUK Kainos Free:Formers Breezie Galia Digital bournemouth borough council Communities 2.0 Bromley by Bow Centre Northern Ireland Executive Methods Digital WEA UK Youth Kainos Escher Group Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Essex County Council Libraries RCCM Mapping for Change BBC Middlesbrough College DWP Go ON UK Methods Digital Kent County Council DWP Surrey County Council

Brunskill Buckley Burnett Butler Campbell Carpenter Castillo Cattell Cawley Cerrone Charlton Chaudhary Cherry Christopher Chrysanthou Clark Clarke Coe Coker Coleman Coles Collins Collins Cook Copeland Corcoran Cornick Coughlan Cowan Coyle Dale Damodaran Darwin Davie Davie Davies Davies Davis de Haes de la Chica

Gary James christina Lucy Peter Ben Pablo James Arthur Vicky Emma Ian Shehzad Iain Patrick Marinos Robert Marguerite Sarah Charlotte Valerie Lee Lisa Paul Simon Liz Nigel Samantha Siobhan Matt Gary Stephen Leela Joanna Amanda Paul Chris Russell Dee Zoe Estefania

UK Youth HMCTS Vauxhall CIC Post Office Kainos GDS Transversal Government Digital Service Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Free:Formers HM Passport Office HMRC Lockheed Martin Jobcentre Plus Contentive Ltd Wandsworth Borough Council Sopra Tinder Foundation Post Office Limited MCFG AGE UK Child Maintenance Group Informed Solution Centra Care and Support CapacityGrid Knowledge Hub Sheffield City Council Surrey County Council Local Government Association Wheatley Group Escher Group Collabor8now Ltd Loughborough University London & Partners Reform London Borough of Hounslow Cardiff and Vale UHB GDS Ordnance Survey Shift Surrey, Surrey County Council Contentive Ltd

Dennis Devine Dewsbury Diallo Dilley Dinsdale Dix Dodimead Donnelly Drewery Drewery Duff Dunn Eales Eastwood Edwards Ellis Ellis Elsden England Faulkner Fearnley Fehnert Finley Fisher Foden Foreman Freeland Freer Galvan Gann Garfield Gate Gebbie Gelder Gibbons Gill Giornandi Gladstone Glang

Laura Jackie Peter Ulrika David David Joe Paul Adam Leslie Leslie James Jamie Charles Katherine Lorna Sean Holly Stephen Caroline Anne Phil Ben Helen Ryan Mark Becky James Alison Lorraine Bob Carole Richard Lisa Nicky Adam Nicola Dax Michael Nele

Tinder Foundation Kainos Arcus Global Escher Group Cabinet Office - Government Digital Service Atos WWF National Audit Office Kainos Breezie Breezie Wheatley Group Spark Global Education Microsoft Department of Work and Pension Nesta Money Advice Service TSO Compaid Digital Outreach Ltd Anne Faulkner BBC Eclipse Experience Microsoft Limited DWP Foden Grealy Limited Microsoft Parliament Thinkfreer DCLG NHS England GRCC CommunityUK.net Ltd Kingston Libraries Hexagon Housing Association Agilisys GDS Breezie Methods Digital Community Participation Team (Southwark Council)

Glenday Glover Golfar Goodchild Goode Graham Gray Gray Gray Guillard Gulabivala Gurling Gutherson Haddow Hall Hallett Halliday Hancer Hanks Harper Harrison Harrison Hart Hastings Hawes Hawkins Haywood Hemming Hendry Herbertson Herlihy Hewson Hill Hodgson Hogarth Holloway Hoole Horsley Howes Hoy

Lucie John James Marc John Judith Stephen Graham Tom Youssef Varsha Alan Paul Gemma Sam Lisa Steve Jane Keith Emily Richard Bob Elaine Lucy Ben Neil Ian Josie Alasdair Nicola Susan Brian Jane Lizzie Jason Charlotte Josh Rebecca Nick Lauren

Surrey County Council INOVEM Skills Systems Limited Elderberry Surevine Digital Unite College of Policing iT4Communities Kainos Sopra HMRC DWP Community Lincs Digital Outreach Office for National Statistics TSO Solihull MBC Looking Local e-Learning Foundation Citizens Online CASCAiD Ltd Toshiba Age UK Age UK BIS Child Maintenance Group Capita UK Youth Sopra Hao2.eu Ltd Torbay Libraires Post Office Post Office Deeson Online BIS techUK Communities 2.0 Contentive Ltd Arcus Global Quality of Life Partnership

Hudson Lawson Hurley Hurst Iddon Innocent Javed Jenks Jennings Jennings Joel Jones Kaczmarczyk Kamall Kazimi Keenan Kemp Keoghane Khan Khan khateeb Kher King King Knowles Kohler Langrick Leafe Leary Leslie Lidbetter Lind Lloyd Lloyd Lopez Figueroa Luckham MacLaren-Jackson Mann Marcus Massey Mawson

Denise Cait Mike Michelle Natasha Muhammad Javed Jackie Sarah Leanne Sharron Peter Aniela Bob Jeh Jed James Emily Sahil Naureen Mohammed Raj Helena Annette Robin Susan Steve Darren Philippa Sue Katrina Jonathan Matt Tim Sergio Natalie Rory Peter Cathryn Roger Richard

UK Parliament / Parliamentary ICT Money Advice Service Centre for Strategic Cyberspace and Security Sciences Cherwell & South Northants District Council BDUK Walthamstow Library Lloyds Bank CapacityGrid Knowledge Hub Kainos Circle 33 Housing Trust Welsh Government Tinder Foundation Government Digital Service Breezie The E-Literacy Programme HM Passport Office Welsh Government Origin Housing techUK Autus BrowseAloud Age UK Digital Birmingham - Birmingham City Council Civic Agenda DCLG Kirklees Council NHS Greater East Midlands Superhighways WEA Cymru BIS Money Advice Service Communities 2.0 Department of Business, Innovation and Skills Big Bang Lab Wiltshire Council Unlocking Change CDS Communities 2.0 Mydex CIC Camelot

May Mazey McArdle McCann McConnell McConville McGettigan McGinley McGovern McInnes McKechnie McKenna McKinven McMahon Mcnally Mehta Meintjes Menczer Milner Mizen MomenzadehKazimi Moore Mortimer Mount Muir Muirhead Mulheir Mullin Munim Murray Murray Narasimham Nasser Neaman Nelson Newman Norman Ntoko Edenge Obradovic O'Brien

Jacqueline Miles Amanda Tom David Darragh Liz Sara Megan Tim Sophie Mary Scott John Edel Neil Kristi Katy Helen Duncan

Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals DWP UK Parliament Sopra Post Office Kainos SOLUS Morganfield Consulting Surrey county council BIS The Hyde Group vInspired Affinity Sutton IEG4 Boi UK Work Study Ltd Surrey County Council Contentive Ltd Tinder Foundation WWF-UK

Mojdeh Thomas David Dan Christian Nigel Bobby Niki Paul Conor Charlotte Siri Neil Rachel Michael Myra Kate Rachael Catherine Hannah

Breezie Department for Work and Pensions Smart Meters Civic Agenda Post Office Agilisys Bracknell Forest Council IQPC Exchange City and Hackney Carers Centre techUK Tinder Foundation eSynergy Solutions Hexagon HA Department of Health salesforce.com Primrose Hill Neighbours Help Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Kent County Council / Kent Connects GDS Tinder Foundation

O'Connor Ocsko O'Halloran Ojuroye O'Malley Onwurah MP Ord O'Sullivan Oyama Parkin Patel Patel Patel Peachey Pearce Peens Pengelly Perry Perry MP Pielichowska Pillai Pineda-Langford Pitt Popham Pottinger Pratt Quirk Ransley Rasool Reason Reed-Forrester Reilly Rewcastle Reynolds Riaz Richardson Riches Ridley Rizvi Robinson

Steve Glen Linda Olu Kevin Chi Mick Helen Emily Tony Shreya Mahesh Nemash Sophie Mark Zinnia Eleri Stacey Claire Iga Ainga Clare Leeanna John Cara Danielle Richard Matthew Jazz Ben Peter Sinead Joanne Sheenagh Saleha Clive Daniel Max shaheena David

Surevine Sutton Council DCLG Dimeco Media Services CIC Bristol City Council MP BBC Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing Government Digital Service @tonyparkin Jobcentre Plus Public Health England Sovereign Housing Association Axillium Research The apprentice agency Civic Agenda Government Digital Service Adapt2Digital MP Escher Group Zaizi Ltd Skills Systems Limited Brent Council johnpopham.com Southwark Council eSynergy Solutions Circle 33 Housing Trust DWP Energy Diamond Ltd Royal College of Art CommunityUK.net Ltd Kainos Child Maintenance Group DCLG Contentive Ltd GDS DWP Tinder Foundation Bromley by Bow Centre BrowseAloud

Rockett Roe Rogers Rose Ross Ross Rudkin Saha Sahni Salmon Saunders Schivarthce Scobbie Scully Seller Sellers Settle Shields Sidhu Simpson Singh Sloan Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Solder Southward Sparrow Staines Steel Steel Stirling Stokes Strong Swayne Sweeney Taplatzidis Taylor

Claire Hannah Andrew Gordon Mel Gary John Chandreyi Rachna Matthew Laura Rafaella Gordon Sonia Kevin Charles Kathy Carol Kam Alison Baljit Russell Emma Sean Richard Rob Bryan Scott Ian Samantha Justin Matt Joanne Vic Terry Mike Theresa Mike Angelos Andy

Jobcentre DWP DWP College of Policing Cabinet Office - Royal Mail Adapt2Digital Adapt2Digital 3E Partnership CIC Skyline Marketing Solutions UCL ministry of justice Civic Agenda UCL MonkeyNutz PCS Post Office Vantage Point Technologies Ltd Government Digital Service, Cabinet Office Shropshire Council Jobcentre Plus Child Maintenance Group Lewisham Library & Information Service Kainos Camelot Department for Work and Pensions Government Digital Service IndigoBlue Surrey County Council BBC Arrk Group Vinspired Logical Glue Capita West Sussex Partnership Plymouth Community Homes Tinder Foundation Lasa Wiltshire Council HIE Post Office Squiz LASA (Connecting Care)

Taylor Tennent Taylor Thomas Thompson Thompson Tobin Tomlinson Tompsett Toye Triggs Tubbs Tynan Valdes Vance Vaughan Veasey Vega Velkov Virgo Voon Waites Wakeman Walker Walker Wall Wallace Walton Ward Ward Wardell Warwick Webster Webster Wemyss Wessell Whiston Whitney Wickens Wilcockson Wilcox

Alan Jane Stephen Thomas Valerie Mark Natasha Andrew Fabian Francis Chris Sean Sharon Katherine Sarah Rosalyn Michelle Elizabeth Alexander Philip Jonny Patrick Simon Mark Michelle Nicole Milverton Sarah Andy Alice Sue Jane Paul Duncan Robert Stephanie Dan Gill Paul Jenny David

Post Office A2Dominion Welsh Government e-Learning Foundation Methods Bournemouth University BBC Wikimedia UK Unilink Toynbee Hall Methods Digital Age UK London Digital Unite Silver Training Government Digital Service Calderdale Council Informed Solutions Ltd CLEVER TOGETHER LLP Conservative Technology Forum Technology Strategy Board eSynergy Solutions Deeson Online AbilityNet Communities 2.0 UK Parliament Diverse Digital University of Hull HMRC Surrey County Council Centra Care and Support unionlearn/TUC Lasa Lloyds Bank Post Office Freelance Lockheed Martin Middlesex University Department of Finance and Personnel Wiltshire Council Socialreporters

Wilkinson Williams Williams Wiseman Wolthoorn Woodhill Wright Yahiya Yates Yesin Yiu

Tristan David Sarah John Christel Finn John Rabbhi Simeon Marissa Chris

Go ON UK reusemypc.com reusemypc.com STCS Limited KPMG Digital and Analytics Hanover Housing Association IndigoBlue British Council University of Liverpool Contentive Ltd Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

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