Rolling Green Village - Grandparents Day 2015

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To our children and grandchildren…

Whether they go by Grandma and Grandpa, Meemaw and Peepaw, Nana and Pop, there’s no question that grandparents are the greatest. And it’s not just us saying it – throughout the centuries, countless proverbs and quotations have expressed the importance of grandparents in our lives and the need to cherish their wisdom, experience and love. This year, for Grandparents Day, the residents of Rolling Green Village offer words of advice, encouragement, and

1 Hoke Smith Blvd., Greenville, SC 29615 864.987.4612 |

love to their children and grandchildren.

“Family is the most important thing in the world.” – Diana, Princess of Wales

To my grandchildren and great-grandchildren, I love you dearly. God has really blessed me and Grandpa (He – when he was alive – loved you very much). Thank you for your love and prayers. You are such a joy to be with. My desire for your future? That you serve our God as He shows you what He wishes for you to do. Love, Grandma Buiter (Dorothy Buiter) For my grandchildren: Sophie, Gretchen, Sarah, Andrew, and Daniel, my wish for you: That you will be healthy and happy – that you will make wise decisions, set worthy goals in life, and devote you time, talents, and energy to make the world a safer and more beautiful place for all people.

My greatest goal as a teenager was looking forward to being a mother and grandmother. We are given a few brief years with our children to love and guide them and install in them the values in which we believe. Then suddenly, the children are gone and have families of their own: GRANDCHILDREN! They become so precious we wish we could have had them first! My wish is that my daily life shows them that the Christian life is the greatest on earth, and what I want for them is to love them, care for them, and help them to make the right choice every day. I enjoy the sticky fingers and fistfuls of dandelions and long to see each of them choose a successful vocation that doesn’t take them too far away from their grandmother! Betty Usher

If all the grandparents in the world had grandkids as great as you, there’d be a smile on every face from here to Timbuktu!

Dear Grandchildren, The man to whom I have been married for over 70 years, the one you call Granddaddy, gave me four beautiful children who grew up and had families of their own – YOU! There are nine of you who, in turn, have given us 20 great-grandchildren…along with a few step-great-grands through the years. God has allowed up to live long enough to claim a great-great-grandson, a blessing not too many people enjoy. To our knowledge, all of you have grown up to be outstanding citizens; and more importantly, have given your children Christian homes in which to grow up. Unfortunately, in today’s mobile world, we are all scattered from Texas to Louisiana, to Tennessee, and South Carolina, so we don’t see each other as much as we would like. Nevertheless, we are so proud of each one of you and wish you God’s blessings and the best this life can give. We love you, GM and GD (Evelyn and Vern Morse)

Much Love, Grandmama Rachel (Rachel Mullinax)

My Wish for My Grandchildren

Kyla, Kristen, Kacie, Kenny, Jason and Amanda, you are truly the joy of my life. Four of you are adults, two of you are still children and I am proud to be your grandmother. My wish for you is, of course, a happy and successful life in a safe world, but above all I wish for you your own grandchildren to experience this true happiness and unconditional love. Danielle Greene It is our wish for our granddaughter Claire that you come to realize that beauty lies within. It is the priorities you set for your life, the things that you feel passionate about, how you invest your time and talents, and the manner in which you pursue your dreams that determines your real beauty. Live by the rule “Christ first, others second, I’m third” and you will be on the right track. Nana and Grandy (Annamarie and Dick Burts) My wish for my grandchildren is that they grow to love the Lord with all their heart, mind, and soul and then they will have success.

A few years ago I came across a lengthy testimony written by my grandfather for public distribution. He had lived a humble life from 1867 until his death in 1953. After having eight children, his life was dramatically changed by his conversion to the Christian faith. In the late 1930s he wrote: “I think of my dear children and grandchildren, how I have prayed that they might get saved. I love them with all my heart.” I realized that I was one of those grandchildren. To him I owe a debt of gratitude for his faithful prayers. And so, for my own eleven grandchildren, now ages 9 to 19, my wish is much the same. I pray for them daily, and have since their birth, that in this troubled world they may be men and women of integrity and godliness - living demonstrations of the power of that faith they have been taught since early childhood. I rejoice that nine have already publicly declared that faith, and I have great expectation that the younger ones may also make that commitment soon. I love them all, and as I grow older, my greatest wish is that they may continue to walk in the footsteps of their parents and grandparents. John H. Van Voorhis

Betty Burket






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At birth we boarded the train and met our parents,

Pop Pop and I have a message for each of our grandchildren:

My wish for my grandchildren. When I was in my sixties, grandchildren meant energetic playtimes.

And we believe they will always travel on our side.

Our first grandchild is Carley Davis Dreybus (age 25). Carley is married to Sean Dreybus. They live in Atlanta, Ga. and are both in banking (in different banks).

I looked forward to the times we shared nursery rhymes, read books,

However, at some station our parents will step down from the train, Leaving us on this journey alone. As time goes by, other people will board the train, And they will be significant, i.e. our siblings, friends, children, and even the love of your life.

enjoyed the beach, played games and kicked a ball I loved those times. Each one of the 5, has chosen a unique life path, and each is now getting there, Loving, yes, overcoming challenges, achieving the goals they set.

Many will step down and leave a permanent vacuum. Others will go so unnoticed that we don’t realize they vacated their seats. This train ride will be full of joy, sorrow, fantasy, Expectations, hellos, goodbyes, and farewells. Success consists of having a good relationship with all passengers, Requiring that we give the best of ourselves. The mystery to everyone is: We do not know at which station we ourselves will step down.

I am grateful for who they are today…and for the love they continue to share. I love these times. I’m 85 now, and they’re all fully grown. I’ve 4 great grandkids now…and ‘great’ they are…so active, with such great wit. The world today, offers ever more challenges for these little ones, There’s so much more they need to learn, But with the love they get, and the love they give, I have faith, they’ll have good lives too.

So, we must live in the best way, Love, forgive, and offer the best of who we are. It is important to do this because when the time comes for us to step down

My wish for them: For each to grow and enjoy wonderful lives, in a more peaceful and just world. June Green

And leave our seat empty we should leave beautiful memories

Then comes Nathan Ozmint (age 25). Nathan just graduated from Clemson University and is now on his way to USC Law School. (Drum roll please) Next is Lydia Davis (age 23). Lydia claims (and quite often) that she is the very favorite grandchild. Lydia is very special, as they all are!! She will join her cousin, Nathan, at USC Law School this year. These two hope to share a class or two. How neat! Next is Jon David Ozmint (age 23). Jon David is engaged to be married to Ansley Farmer in December at Pawley’s Island. After marriage, they will live here in Greenville. Next in line is Mary Grace Ozmint (age 21). She will be starting her junior year at USC. Coming up next is Thomas Ozmint (age 19). Thomas is on his way to the University of West Alabama to study and play football. Next is Luke Ozmint (age 18). Luke is on his way to Anderson University and feels he is being called into the ministry. Next is Pace Ozmint (age 17). Pace will be starting his senior year at Glencoe High School. Next is Josie Davis (age 16). Josie is homeschooled and is entering her sophomore year of high school.

For those who will continue to travel on the train of life. I wish you a joyful journey on the train of life. Reap success and give lots of love. More importantly, thank God for the journey. Lastly, I thank you for being one of the passengers on my train. (By the way, I am not planning to get off anytime soon, But if I do, just remember, I am glad you were part of my journey.) From Charlotte Bean

Last, but certainly not the least is Bo Davis (age 10). Bo is home schooled and has progressed into the 5th grade. Now I get to talk about our children (who are the parents of this amazing crew of grands). Our first born is Kelley Ozmint Davis, married to Robbie Davis, who are the parents of Carley, Lydia, Josie and Bo. Our middle child is Jon Ozmint, married to Luanne Ozmint, who are the parents of Nathan, Jon David, Mary Grace, and Luke. Our third child is Lee Ozmint, married to Leigh Ozmint, who are the parents of Thomas and Pace. My message to ALL of you is found in Matthew 6:33 which tells us to “seek first the kingdom of God” and all of those other things (that seem so important) will be added to you. Keep these thoughts in your hearts and minds. We love you all!! Precious and Pop Pop (Ed and Pat Ozmint)





G R A N D C H I L D R E N …





TAKE NOTE: Questions to Ask Your Grandparents on Grandparents Day 1. Where and when were you born? Did your parents ever share their memories with you about the day you were born? 2. How many brothers and sisters do you have? What are their names and birthdates? What do you remember about them from growing up? 3. What do you remember about your parents? Your grandparents? 4. Did you have any pets growing up? 5. What were your favorite games and hobbies? Did you play any sports? What else did you do for fun? 6. Did you live in a house or an apartment? What was it like? What was your room like? 7. What was your favorite thing about school? Least favorite? What were your friends like? Who was your favorite teacher, and what was your favorite subject? 8. What did you want to be when you grew up? 9. Who were your heroes or role models when you were young?

10. What big world events were the most memorable while you were growing up?

15. How many children do you have? What were they like when they were growing up?

11. What kinds of clothes, hobbies, slang terms were popular when you were a teenager?

16. What’s your favorite book or movie and why? What was your favorite when you were young?

12. Did you go to college? What did you study? If you didn’t go to college, do you wish you had had the opportunity? What did you do instead?

17. Do you know any stories about the history of the family name, or the origins of the family?

13. What was your first job? What was your favorite job? 14. How did you meet your spouse? How old were you when you met/got engaged/got married? What was the wedding like?

18. What are the most difficult and most rewarding things about growing older? 19. What life advice would you pass along to your grandchildren? 20. What do you want your children and grandchildren to remember about you?

For more information visit us online at or contact Ruth Wood at 1 Hoke Smith Blvd., Greenville, SC 29615 | 864.987.4612

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