Sept. 20, 2013 UBJ

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september 20, 2013

? Who’s Who?

An exceptional panel of judges joins UBJ’s search to recognize the Upstate’s movers, shakers and mavens

UBJ up front

Second Nature By Susan Clary Simmons | executive editor

In this business, sec-

kept returning to was ond-guessing is second harder: How long does a scandal stick? nature to an editor’s inbox. “Why did you …” is a quesTo be honest, it’s not tion I answer daily. Usually something I consciously quickly, because another ask. The choice is instincquestion is always waiting. tive, story-by-story. I So I didn’t linger over know, for example, that my answer to an email whatever we write about from a local banker asking entrepreneur John Simmons why we “celebrated a Ludwig will include the cheating athlete” with our speeding Maserati crushstory on George Hincapie’s upcoming ing Bill Bardsley on his living room Gran Fondo charity ride. He refer- couch. But we left the doping slice of enced Hincapie’s role in the doping Hincapie’s past out of our UBJ stories scandal linked to Lance Armstrong’s on Hotel Domestique, and our cover Tour de France wins and asked, “Is piece on the business of cycling last this the best we can do in Greenville?” month. I told him I shared his dislike for I thought long about why – and performance-enhancing drugs. came back to my original reply. HinHowever, Hincapie confessed and capie confessed and paid with a sixwas sanctioned and remains a news- month ban and the loss of two years worthy figure. Hence our news story. of professional titles. He says he’s I invited him to share his views in a raced clean since 2006. He’s worked letter to the editor and moved on to to purge doping from the sport. the next email. I know you’re thinking this, so I’ll Then his reply arrived. The question say it: He’s also part of the Greenville is not why you wrote about Hincapie, brand. Was this just about protecting he said. “I agree he is a newsworthy the brand? figure. My question was why this event No; it was about the man. This isn’t is even going on” in light of the con- Barry Bonds babbling about flaxseed fessed cheating, and why “there was oil and famous fathers. George Hinno mention of that in your article?” capie remains deeply admired by That earned some second-guess- professionals and fans. The reason ing. Several hours’ worth, in fact. The for that staying power is the reputashort answer: I didn’t think it rele- tion he still holds. vant to a story about a charity ride Maybe I’m wrong; maybe a scandal for Meals on Wheels. The question I that big should stick forever. You can’t say Monica without thinking Bill. But you won’t read her name in every story about the man, either. Some scandals are so well known they become their own coda. Readers don’t need us to fill them in.

Maybe a scandal that big should stick forever. You can’t say Monica without thinking Bill. But you won’t read her name in every story about the man, either.

Let’s keep the conversation going. Second-guess us at, UpstateBusinessJournal, or on Twitter@UpstateBiz. Up-to-date business news in the Upstate, delivered to you in print and on the web.

September 20, 2013 Upstate business journal 3

Volume II, Issue XXXVIII

September 20, 2013


Worth Repeating “There’s a community spirit of ‘Let’s get together and do something better than before.’” UBJ Who’s Who judge Lillian Brock Flemming, on the Upstate

“Someone has to have a vision of where they’re trying to take an organization or company.” UBJ Who’s Who judge Jerry Dempsey, on his criteria for candidates

“We have to say, ‘We value what you do and we value what you bring to the table.’” UBJ Who’s Who judge Dr. Phinnize “Penny” Fisher, on recognizing people behind the scenes

“Worrying gets you nowhere.” UBJ Who’s Who judge Will Ragland, on the best advice he wishes he’d listened to the first time

David Thornton, left, and Even Skjervold, center, both with SouthYeast Labs, talk with the principal retailer of their yeast, Kenny Anderson, owner of Grape and Grains, at the Grape and Grains store in Greenville.

TBA Look for a new Starbucks on Woodruff Road, in the much-speculated-over space where Capri’s restaurant used to be …

Photo provided

Two Rhode Island transplants are opening a new Oil & Vinegar franchise in NOMA Square this November. Expect pastas, chocolate spreads and a range of gourmet food as well …

4 Upstate business journal September 20, 2013


Photo by Greg Beckner/Staff

On Clemson’s Hip Group Appeal… “From preserved historic buildings and campus charm to nostalgic experiences and traditions, these college towns have a unique ability to offer groups an enriching opportunity that blends together the past, the present and the future.” ConventionSouth magazine, which names Clemson as one of “The South’s Historic College Towns With Hip Group Appeal” in its September issue.

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September 20, 2013 Upstate business journal 5 9/13/13 3:40 PM

UBJ News We specialize in


HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES. At HTI Employment Solutions we make it our priority to be informed about current employment trends and opportunities in the Upstate and across the Southeast. 6 Upstate business journal September 20, 2013

Last week the state Public Service Commission approved an average 8.6 percent rate increase for Duke Energy customers, bringing the issue to its final resolution. Under the approved terms, the total annual rate increase will be implemented over two years. Electric rates increased by $80.4 million, or an average of 5.53 percent, as of Wednesday. Rates will increase by an additional $38.2 million, or 2.63 percent, beginning Sept. 18, 2014. The total increase in rates over the two-year period will be $118.6 million, or an average increase of 8.16 percent for all customers. To offset the lower increase the first year, Duke agreed to use $45 million from its Cost of Removal Reserve, the funds used to remove assets once they have been retired. The company has also agreed to use $1 million in shareholder contributions to support public education initiatives and senior outreach. An additional $2.5 million will fund assistance programs for low-income customers, as well as manufacturing competitiveness grants, economic development, education or workforce training programs. Duke reached an agreement with the Office of Regulatory Staff (ORS), which had calculated a reduction to the initial request. The Eastern

division of Wal-Mart and Sam’s Stores, the S.C. Energy Users Committee and the S.C. Small Business Chamber of Commerce had sued to reduce the original request to increase retail revenues 15.1 percent, or $220 million.


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Duke Rate Increase Approved

AN Average rate increase of

Helping you create custom solutions with people.

Correction: In the article “Subscription Medicine” that appeared in the Sept. 13 issue of the Upstate Business Journal, Partner MD was described as a franchise. It is actually a concierge-model employer of physicians operating six practices in three states, where it provides clinical, office, marketing and technology support to doctors. In addition, the company has experienced 10 percent annual growth and says its doctors reported they formerly had roughly 5,000 patients each.

UBJ News

Scorecard: Upstate Lags in Per Capita Income By Sherry Jackson | staff Per Capita Personal Income (PCPI) measures overall wealth in a community and is determined by dividing the population’s total income from all sources by the number of people who reside in the region. If Upstate SC’s PCPI was on average with the nation, we would have an additional $12.13 billion in spendable income. Greenville County alone would have an additional $1.79 billion in spendable income.

The 2013 report shows that according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, the U.S. average per capita personal income (PCPI) is $41,560. Comparatively, Greenville’s is $35,038 – lower than all the 11 peer regions of Little Rock, Jackson, Louisville, Lexington, Greensboro, Richmond, Columbia, Birmingham, Charleston and Jacksonville, and also lower than the four target regions. In understanding how per capita income relates to economic metrics, the report states that if the Upstate’s PCPI was on average with the nation, “we would have an additional $12.13 billion in spendable income. Green-

ville County alone would have an additional $1.79 billion.” The scorecard also shows how Greenville compares to the other 11 peer cities regarding human capital. The U.S. average is 100; the Upstate comes in at third from the bottom and the Greenville MSA in ninth place in terms of degree attainment and specialized knowledge of workers. But there is some good news. When comparing innovative activity, meaning the number of patents issued and innovation occupations in computers, science and engineering, the Greenville MSA is second at 124.5 (the U.S. average is 100) compared

Proterra Scores Biggest US Sale Greenville-based Proterra recently sold 12 of its battery-powered, zero-emission buses to California-based Foothill Transit, which was the company’s largest U.S. sale. The buses will run in Foothill Transit’s 22 member cities in the San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys in Southern California. The transit agency was the first in the country to switch to on-route charge electric buses by purchasing and operating

Proterra buses, starting in 2011. That followed a Federal Transit Administration demonstration project in 2010 that allowed Foothill Transit to use three of the buses. Foothill Transit’s fleet currently is 314 and covers over 300 square miles each year while carrying 14 million passengers. Proterra’s last three sales to transit systems have been repeat customers, a company statement said.

StarMetro of Tallahassee recently purchased three more buses from Proterra, which increases the fleet to five; and the Worcester Regional Transit Authority in Massachusetts raised its three-bus order to six. Proterra has doubled its production workforce, installed a second

to peer cities, with only Lexington slightly ahead at 132.7. The report also points out that while the Upstate region needs to catch up in certain areas to its competition, it is taking the necessary steps to get there. The Greenville Chamber’s Accelerate! Program, NEXT and the NEXT High School all continue to gain momentum and contribute to increasing Greenville and the Upstate as being an economic leader, said the Chamber in the report.

To view the entire scorecard, visit scorecard.php. Photo provided

For the past six years, the Greenville Chamber of Commerce has coordinated a study to determine how the Upstate stacks up economically compared to other similar cities. The 2013 report, released last week, shows that while the Upstate is making progress in several important measurements, it continues to lag in per capita income. The 2013 Regional Economic Scorecard is based on data produced by various agencies of the federal government, which is then compiled and analyzed by Clemson University’s Center for Economic Development and the Greenville Chamber. The report compares the Greenville Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), comprised of Pickens, Greenville and Laurens counties, along with the entire 10-county Upstate region, against 11 other peer metro regions in the Southeast. The scorecard also identifies four target regions (Nashville, Austin, Raleigh and Charlotte) which are considered “best in class” in terms of economic development and wealth creation.

production line, added a second shift, and grown its sales staff to keep up with growing demand.

September 20, 2013 Upstate business journal 7

UBJ News

Forum to Honor Greenville Entrepreneurs By Cindy Landrum | staff

Their stories may be different, but the four local entrepreneurs to be honored next week at the Greenville Tech Foundation’s annual Entrepreneurs Forum have two things in common: They’ve been successful in business and they’ve made a contribution to the Upstate. Marion Crawford, Walter Davis, Jennie Johnson and Barbara League join the 82 entrepreneurs previously honored. “Greenville was started by entrepreneurs, people who wanted to start a business,” said

Bob Howard, president of the Greenville Tech Foundation. “To this day, it’s still an entrepreneurial city and Greenville Tech is an entrepreneurial college.” The Forum began in 1999 when Greenville Tech “decided it wanted to honor people who have made Greenville a great place to live,” Howard said. The honorees are those who have been successful in business and who are active in the community in terms of charitable giving and leadership, he said. Previous winners choose each year’s honorees.

Crawford launched the full-service marketing and public relations firm Crawford Strategy in 2010. The firm has grown rapidly since its start and now has more than 30 employees. The firm’s clients include major healthcare systems, physician and dental practices, educational institutions, wealth management firms and real estate developers. Crawford serves on a variety of boards, including the Cancer Society of Greenville County, the Urban League of the >>

Marion Crawford

Walter Davis

Jennie Johnson

Barbara League

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8 Upstate business journal September 20, 2013

UBJ News A Q&A with this year’s Entrepreneur’s Forum honorees What was a game-changing moment in your career? Crawford: Though not directly related to my career, a game-changing moment in my life was when I married my husband, William Crawford. He has been a source of strength and has encouraged me throughout my career. Davis: A pivotal point in my career came when I accepted the opportunity to move to Charlotte. This career move gave me broader business experience and deepened my knowledge base in areas that I had not been exposed to up to that point. It’s given me the ability to bring that knowledge back to Greenville in my work today. Johnson: Moving from staff to line management. League: The decision to leave my comfortable established secretarial service business that I founded and grew to enter into a career in manufacturing.

What advice do you find yourself giving often? Crawford: Dot your I’s and cross your T’s. Whatever you are working on – whether it is a marketing plan, a press release or Web copy – I constantly remind myself and those around me to be thorough. It is better to be painstakingly accurate than to experience the pain of a careless error. Davis: I advise people to always do your best work no matter how small the task may seem to you. Every great work is made up of small tasks – none more important than the other. Johnson: Learn enough finance to understand financial statements. League: Be still and listen. Patience and perseverance always prevail.

If you could change places with somebody, who would it be and why? Crawford: It would have to be very temporary because I like things the way they are. But perhaps it would be fun to be a singer-songwriter like Norah Jones or Sheryl Crow.

Davis: If I could changes places with someone, I would want to be one of the founding fathers of our country during the Continental Congress. I am intrigued by the vision and leadership that was required in establishing our Constitution as a sustainable document to serve generations as well as being a part of establishing the foundation for the greatest experiment in world history. Johnson: Enjoy what I am doing, so can’t think of anyone League: God and I are still working on me. However, I would love to have Bill Gates’ mind and resources to be in a position to improve the quality of life for our community.

What’s the best advice anybody has given you? Crawford: “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” I have found that if I treat others the way I want to be treated, things tend to go more smoothly and are more enjoyable. Davis: The best advice I’ve been given and try to live by is to never let anyone have higher expectations for me than I have for myself. Johnson: Always measure yourself against those who are better than you are – it’s the only way to grow. League: Albert Einstein said, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”

Upstate and Artisphere. Davis is co-CEO, director and a founding member of CertusBank N.A., a nearly $2 billion organization. He has led CertusBank to become the largest South Carolina-based SBA lender and a leading mortgage originator in the Southeast. Davis, who was executive vice president of retail credit and direct lending for Wachovia Corporation and a principal in the real estate syndicated capital markets group at Bank of America before CertusBank, was born and raised in Greenville. Johnson is executive director of the Liberty Fellowship. She was previously president of Liberty Insurance Services, the largest third-party administration firm in the life insurance industry, and executive vice president of RBC Liberty Insurance. Johnson was awarded the Order of the Palmetto for her work in

Greenville was started by entrepreneurs, people who wanted to start a business. Bob Howard, president of the Greenville Tech Foundation

community and statewide organizations. League is chairman of the board and CEO of G.F. League Company, a manufacturer of close-tolerance component parts for industrial machinery and equipment that was founded in Greenville in 1917. League has served on numerous boards with a focus on the arts, education and the elimination of discrimination.

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September 20, 2013 Upstate business journal 9

UBJ News

Handcrafted Canoe Maker Comes to TR By Sherry Jackson | staff

A 59-year-old handcrafted canoe company will soon be putting down roots in downtown Travelers Rest. Merrimack Canoe Company, founded in 1954, is one of the oldest handcrafted canoe companies in the country. The canoes are built using very lightweight carbon and fiberglass, and the beauty of the wood finish completes the perfect piece, said current owner Andy O’Mara. “It’s an old-style canoe using modern materials,” he said. O’Mara purchased the company in November 2011 and had been scouting the East Coast for a new location. A Greenville friend suggested he come look around, O’Mara said, and he fell in love: “I think Greenville has a great atmosphere – very outdoorsy, very active – and thought it would be a good fit for my brand.” O’Mara said the proximity to the >>

Merrimack Canoe Company’s owner Andy O’Mara with their Osprey canoe. Photo provided






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10 Upstate business journal September 20, 2013

UBJ News

Professional Speak Out By Anna T. Locke

Leadership Greenville Announces Legacy Project 10-year initiative to boost park and trail connectivity The Greenville Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Greenville program recently welcomed its 40th class, and last week the program announced what it dubbed its new Legacy project. The Legacy project will be a 10-year effort, spearheaded by the program’s alumni, to increase, expand, enhance and connect parks and trails in Greenville. The new initiative is designed as a way to energize the program’s alumni and “create a lasting impact on Greenville,” said Leadership Greenville Chairman Wil Brasington in a statement. Alumni will

Swamp Rabbit Trail and downtown Travelers Rest location, along with being close to Charlotte and Atlanta, all played a part in his decision to purchase the 4,000-squarefoot building at 35 S. Main St. The entire community has been very supportive and involved in the process for the past nine months, O’Mara said. “I think we’re making the right decision,” he said. The company currently has one location in Crossville, Tenn., and produces about 80 canoes a year. O’Mara said that the new Travelers

work to bolster existing programs and plans throughout the county. In addition, the Legacy project will provide periodic community updates on goals and seek ways to engage the community, according to the Chamber. “Leadership Greenville Legacy is about helping spark projects, filling in gaps and pushing our community’s growth forward,” Brasington said. The focus on parks and trails is fitting for the program as, according to the Greenville Chamber, approximately 40 percent of Leadership Greenville past projects were park-related.

Rest location will be a full production location, and with the flexibility in the space, he’s looking to double that production number. “We’re not a big company and we have a very niche product. We are confident with the new Travelers Rest building we can put out the same high-quality canoe,” O’Mara said. Merrimack Canoe Company plans to hire three to five people to staff the new Travelers Rest location, and plans to be open sometime in late fall 2013.

If your company were a ship, the financial reporting and accounting function is the rudder. Usually the maintenance and reporting of financial statements are carried out by a small data entry division, or completed using “do-it-yourself ” accounting software. The receipts come in, invoices go out, taxes are prepared. The ship keeps sailing in the same direction, the status quo is met—business goes as usual. Instead of cruising at the usual pace, companies that get the right insight from the financial reporting could actually steer toward a more profitable and strategically sound direction. To accomplish this, businesses are turning to outsourced accounting firms with teams of highly-trained accountants to help companies think outside the box by providing highlevel analysis that provides critical information to propel the business to the next level. These accounting agencies provide more than just data entry services and periodic financial statements. They dig into the details with their clients to offer insights that tell the story of the business while planning for future goals. Outsourced accounting groups become an extension of your team and cost a fraction of the price to hire a CFO or similar type of internal position. Note that hiring a total accounting agency is not the same as outsourcing tax preparation to a CPA firm, hiring a full time CFO or adding a bookkeeper – it’s acquiring a team of “do-ers” to look at the whole picture of your company’s current financial health and help you navigate the data so you have the key information you need to move toward your future aspirations and goals. Think about your rudder. Are you following the same route as usual or is there opportunity to use outsourced accounting to steer you in the direction for growth? Don’t settle for the status quo. There are new voyages on the horizon.

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I think Greenville has a great atmosphere – very outdoorsy, very active – and thought it would be a good fit for my brand. Andy O’Mara, owner of Merrimack Canoe Company


September 20, 2013 Upstate business journal 11

UBJ News

Synnex to Buy IBM’s Customer Care Services Unit Synnex Corp. announced it would buy IBM’s worldwide business process outsourcing services business for $505 million. The acquired business is valued at more than $1.2 billion. The purchase price consists of about $430 million in cash and $75 million in stock. Synnex officials said having IBM take an equity stake in the company underscores the importance of the ongoing relationship. The acquisition will be branded and fully integrated with Concentrix, a wholly owned subsidiary of Synnex. Concentrix will provide customer care services for clients in more than 12 industries. Synnex’s U.S. distribution is headquartered in Greenville. The Fremont, Calif.-based company’s

primary services are wholesale distribution, contract assembly and business process outsourcing. Information about whether the acquisition will lead to expansions or changes at the Greenville operations will not be available until closer to the closing. But Synnex Chief Financial Officer Marshall Witt said in a conference call that the deal will be closed in phases, and Synnex expects “to receive the economic benefits for the entire business, including those geographies and entities that have yet to close.” In addition to the sale, the companies have entered into a multiyear agreement in which Concentrix will become an IBM strategic business

partner for global customer care business process outsourcing services. “We are very excited to bring together these two great teams, each recognized by their clients as leaders in providing outstanding and innovative solutions,” said Kevin Murai, Synnex president and CEO, in a news release. “This acquisition will significantly extend our portfolio of offerings and delivery capabilities that will make Concentrix a global top 10

player in this growing market.” Concentrix President Chris Caldwell said in the conference call that the market is still fragmented, with the top 10 companies holding just 30 percent of the market share and consolidation expected to continue. The acquired business will eventually operate under the Concentrix name. The companies will continue to operate independently until the deal is finalized in the coming months. Synnex estimates revenues for the quarter that ended Aug. 31 are $2.65 to $2.75 billion. The company will release its most recent earnings results on Sept. 25.

Buick. The New Class of World Class. 2014 Buick Enclave. Sitton Buick • GMC 288-5600 • Visit the showroom that never closes at 12 Upstate business journal September 20, 2013

UBJ innovate

By martha winebarger

Setting New Standards for Innovation InnoVision Awards announces 2013 finalists This is one of my favorite times of the year. The dog days of summer (and this year, the rains) are wrapping up and we are awaiting the crisp and cooler days ahead; football season is underway, and baseball playoffs begin by month’s end. Most of all, I am looking forward to attending the annual InnoVision Awards Dinner, which is only weeks away. Typically, the advisory board is informed by the judges’ committee of the finalists immediately after Labor Day, and we have the occasion to celebrate the finalists and ultimate award winners by mid-November. While our year begins anew every December, the season is definitely heightened from early September until the last guest departs the TD Center at the end of the awards ceremony. Video clips are taken and produced to highlight the finalists’ innovations; synopses of the finalists’ entries are written for the event’s program; details are finalized; and ticket sales ratchet up to a whole new level. For 15 years, the InnoVision Awards have become the mark of distinction for outstanding leader-

This year was especially competitive with a record number of applications received for the 2013 awards categories. Doug Kim, chairman of the InnoVision Awards Program

ship, innovation and technological excellence. As the only awards program of its kind, the InnoVision Awards distinguish businesses, individuals and educators who set new standards for innovation in finding, developing and retaining profitable business. The annual awards dinner is the perfect opportunity to celebrate our state’s innovators and highlight their accomplishments. Doug Kim, chairman of the InnoVision Awards Program, is pleased to announce the finalists for the 2013 InnoVision Awards: • Community Service Award sponsored by McNair Law Firm P.A.: Momentum Bike Clubs; Network Controls & Electric Inc.; and Taylors Free Medical Clinic. • Innovation in Education Award sponsored by Techtronic Industries North America, Inc.: Clemson University Dept. of Bioengineering; SimuMed LLC; and VU Room LLC. • Small Enterprise Award sponsored by SCRA Technology: Sabai Technology; Southern Measurement Company; and Tarian Orthotics LLC. • Sustainability Award sponsored by Sealed Air Corporation: Sage Automotive Interiors and Sensor ElectronicTechnology Inc. • Technology Application Award sponsored by Immedion LLC: 3D Systems; Milliken & Company; Selah Genomics Inc.; and Techtronic Industries Inc. • Technology Development

Award (sponsorship is available): Sealed Air Corporation; Sealevel Systems Inc.; Sensor Electronic Technology Inc.; VidiStar LLC; and Wolff Industries Inc. • The Young Innovator Award sponsored by Michelin North America is named in honor of Dr. Ibrahim Janajreh. The advisory board is pleased to recognize The Pickens County Career and Technology Center led by Henry Hutto, mechatronic instructor; and Buck Brown and Westview Middle School in Greenwood. The highest honor awarded by the InnoVision advisory board and judges’ panel is the Dr. Charles Townes Individual Achievement Award sponsored by A.T. Locke. The award honors an individual who exhibits a commitment to the advancement of technology and the community through his or her technology-oriented contributions. Such contributions may be business, civic or educational in nature and must benefit the state of South Carolina. The candidate selected is not announced until the conclusion of the evening’s program. “The InnoVision Awards Program is well established and always very competitive,” says Kim. “This year was especially competitive with a record number of applications received for the 2013 awards categories. It is quite an accomplishment to place as a finalist, and on behalf of the advisory board, I applaud and congratulate all the businesses and institutions for their outstanding contributions to innovation in the

About the InnoVision Awards Program:

The InnoVision Awards Program, founded by Deloitte in 1999 and presented by McNair Law Firm P.A., is South Carolina’s premier organization dedicated to the advancement of technology in the state through communication, education and recognition of the spirit of innovation and technological progress. state of South Carolina.” The annual Awards Dinner will be held at the TD Center in Greenville on Thursday, Nov. 14, 2013. Ecovative’s CEO Eben Bayer is the keynote speaker for this year’s event. Ecovative supports approaches for creating social and economic systems that amplify scarcity into abundance, just as living things do in nature. Ecovative is committed to working with industry and consumers to rid the world of toxic, unsustainable materials. A material science company, Ecovative is developing a new class of home-compostable bioplastics based on mycelium, a living organism. ( The reception begins at 5:30 p.m., and dinner is served at 6:30 p.m. Sponsorships, tables and individual tickets are now available for purchase. Contact Kathy Ham at kham@ or phone 864-552-9345 to reserve your tickets to learn firsthand about the newest innovations being developed within our state.

Martha Winebarger is principal of [en-gage] solutions, founded to help small to medium sized businesses focus on communications and brand management. [en-gage] solutions is the communications and marketing sponsor for the InnoVision Awards.

September 20, 2013 Upstate business journal 13

UBJ Digital Maven

By laura haight

A Triptych of Tablet Tips You’ve added some tablets to your business. Now what? Often new technology brings with it a whole new set of problems. Does it work with your current applications? Do your peripherals – printers, monitors, etc – connect easily? Do you have a plan for using them and an implementation plan to help your staff hit the ground running, armed with their new devices in their briefcases? Technology – even when it’s a good thing – can be disruptive, but preparation and planning smooth the way. Here are some ideas to get you started: 1. Check compatibility of your integrated devices. The three words every IT person hates hearing are “plug and play.” People (read this: your bosses) tend to think that plug and play refers to everything with a chip in it. Not true. In my opinion, plug and play was a great marketing slogan with very little real-world application. So now most people have a laptop or a desktop, a smartphone and a tablet. But they’ve also got a keyboard, a headset, a mouse. Longform typing on a tablet is difficult, so most users will probably want an external keyboard. Declutter your staffs’ work environ-

ment by eliminating single-system devices. Buy multifunction wireless keyboards and mice that will work with your desktop, laptop and tablet. Devices such as Logitech’s K760 keyboard and T630 mouse connect to all your devices at the same time and switch between them with a simple key press or switch. 2. Beyond Office. Make the most of your tablet investment by not tying it down to legacy apps. Yes, you can get Microsoft Office apps on your tablet – to a degree – but better to choose a mobile-designed application set that will integrate with the DATA you already have, not the applications you use. Thinking of a tablet as a smaller, lighter laptop will keep you inside a legacy toolbox. Get out! Apps for securely signing documents, like Docusign Ink or Adobe’s

EchoSign, let you close the deal on the go; CRM apps that link to services both huge (Salesforce) and accessible (Zoho) let you keep track of every touch point with a client or prospect based on your mobile activities, and email apps that let you structure your mail into actionable buckets (part of the Getting Things Done – GTD – process) are just a few ways that apps can do a lot more than the desktop. Mobile apps are often streamlined and less complex than their desktop or laptop counterparts, so they make it easier to do what you need to do with the fewest steps possible. Functions your mobile warriors may have never used because they were hard to find may be literally right at their fingertips now. 3. Training. The most common mistake we always make with technology is – once again – related to

those three nasty little words: plug and play. Walk around and watch your employees work and in many cases you will see them doing things the same way they did them 10 years or more ago. Despite bigger and bigger investments in technology, our computing habits often don’t change that much. That’s because we don’t put training time and money into implementations, which often means you don’t get the ROI you expect from new tech rollouts. Don’t make that mistake with mobile. If you don’t have your own IT department, invest in someone to come in and train your staff. In fact, even if you do have IT, you may still want a third party to come in and bridge the gap between tech and business. You need someone who can translate the language of the geek into something your staff can understand.

Get quoted. Tell us how you use collaborative apps – remote conferencing, online collaboration, video calls – and what apps you use. Post your info at thedigitalmaven.

Laura Haight is the president of Portfolio (, which works with small businesses to incorporate emerging media and technology into its business communications, operations and training.

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14 Upstate business journal September 20, 2013

2/23/2012 2:18:27 PM

UBJ guest column


The Beauty of the Upstate Housing Market Early in my career someone told me that real estate is the second-most discussed topic on Earth. He may have been right. Ask your favorite real estate agents and they will tell you that many social gatherings they attend often culminate into conversation about real estate. “What do you think we could get for the house?” is the question that almost everyone asks, and before long there’s a group huddled in a corner talking about what is happening to values within their neighborhoods. Here in the Upstate there have been times when we have secretly wished we were experiencing the same kind of meteoric rise in values that occurred across more metropolitan market places around the country. If you had any investments or family members in the Northeast corridor, pre-recession, you know what I am referring to. Many, however, who have watched and lived and breathed this business for many years knew that real estate is cyclical – what went up was bound to fall, and a correction is a normal part of the cycle in this industry. When the correction arrived in the Upstate, it was good not to be subject to the large swings in value that many parts of the country did. And therein lies the beauty of the Upstate housing market. Although we had experienced a decline in some

Many who have lived and breathed this business for many years knew that real estate is cyclical – what went up was bound to fall, and a correction is a normal part of the cycle in this industry. home values, we didn’t experience the 50 percent declines in home values that many areas did. And as we return to a more normal market, prices are rising, but not so quickly that affordability is sacrificed. We live with incredible gifts of geography and climate, and convenience to other larger cities, all while experiencing an enviable quality of life and cost of living. We all know people who came to visit and took months figuring out how to live here. How many times has our area appeared on some national Top 10 list for everything from employment for young people to quality of public parks? It’s nothing short of amazing. And as if all that is not enough, what our money buys in the way of a home to house, nurture and grow our families is unbelievably appealing compared to many places around the country. The average year-to-date



sales price is $184,000, up 2.3 percent over last year, compared to a Southern regional figure of $229,700 or a national average of $260,100 (National Association of Realtors, Aug. 25, 2013). We continue to be well poised in terms of value. What that will buy is also a rich treasure trove of options: a house on an older tree-lined street with charm to low-maintenance turnkey condos; suburban living with a neighborhood clubhouse or pool or a small slice of country living. So whether you are new to the process or have bought and sold real estate before, be sure you are not

missing an opportunity to take part in our vibrant marketplace. We are fortunate to be experiencing a wonderful growth curve, with closed sales up 32.3 percent (Greater Greenville Association of Realtors, Jan. 1-July 31, 2013) in the number of houses sold. Inventory numbers are lower than they have been in years, well-positioned new listings are selling quickly and often with multiple offers. Ask questions, investigate with the help of a professional and take advantage of one of the great benefits of choosing to live here – our incredible real estate.

Fritzi Barbour is the broker-in-charge for Prudential, C. Dan Joyner Co. Realtors. With over 30 years of real estate experience, she enjoys assisting agents and clients to help meet their real estate objectives.

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September 20, 2013 Upstate business journal 15

ubj profile

It’s a driving force in my life, and few other things bring me more joy.


Focusing on Nature


After 44 years in the printing business, Ben Geer Keys explores his passion for outdoor photography By SHERRY JACKSON | staff |

After running a successful printing business for 44 years, Ben Geer Keys turned to another passion: nature photography. If the name sounds familiar, it’s because it is. Keys was named after his grandfather Bennette Eugene Geer, former president of Furman University (1933-1938) and prominent figure in the textile industry. Geer Highway was also named after his grandfather, who was instrumental in helping define the stretch of Highway 276 that leads from Travelers Rest past Caesars Head to the N.C. state line. The Keys family has been in the Greenville area since the 1800s. Keys is a native Greenvillian who says he’s “never

truly been away from home,” save for the years spent at boarding school at Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Va., attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for an economics degree, and a two-year stint in the U.S. Navy. After that, Keys came home and followed in his father’s footsteps, serving as president of Keys Printing, which had been a family-run company in Greenville since 1869. Keys’ four sons weren’t really interested in taking over the printing business, and with technology changes and capital investments needed to keep up, he sold Keys Printing to Consolidated Graphics, which owns about 80 printing companies across the nation. >>

16 Upstate business journal September 20, 2013

Keys was the fourth generation to head the firm until he sold it in 1999 and “retired” in 2006. But even in retirement, Keys keeps himself busy. He’s still chairman of the board for Keys Printing, a Consolidated Graphics Company, but rarely goes into the office. He serves on several boards that include the YMCA, Friends of the Reedy River, Friends of the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Lake Conestee Foundation. But Keys’ true passion is photography. Seeing “a sense of wonder in the mountains,” Keys particularly enjoys photographing wildflowers, waterfalls and mountain vistas. “It’s a driving force in my life, and few other things bring me more joy,” he says.

The Basics: BEN GEER KEYS Hometown Greenville, S.C. Alma mater University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill CURRENT OCCUPATION nature photographer PREVIOUS OCCUPATION president of Keys Printing Family Wife Martha, sons Ben Jr., Perry, Crawford and Sandy Service Member of several boards including the YMCA, Friends of the Reedy River, Friends of the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Lake Conestee Foundation Favorite spot in the Upstate Mountain retreat at Cedar Mountain Next project With three other local photographers and Upstate Forever, working on a book about the Reedy and Saluda Rivers and Lake Greenwood

At 75 years old, Keys likes to remain active, often going for nature walks along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Keys says he is “addicted to the mountains and outdoors” and has fond memories of visiting his grandfather’s home, Greylogs, at Caesars Head when he was a kid. Days were spent hiking, visiting waterfalls and just being outdoors, so when the opportunity came up to purchase mountain property, Keys and his wife jumped on it. The couple owns 64 acres at Cedar Mountain, N.C., next to his uncle’s dairy farm and not too far from his grandfather’s mountain home. The property has “clear meadows, a trout pond and amazing views,” Keys says. There are two houses: one called House of Joyful Noises, where their sons and family stay when they visit, and a log cabin about 50 yards away where he and his wife stay. Keys describes the retreat as “having ‘Sound of Music’ meadows” while being very low-key. When at his mountain retreat, Keys spends his days photographing wildflowers and the expansive mountains. When he’s at his Greenville home, Keys keeps up with his photography in his office/studio in his detached garage. Keys still keeps “office hours,” joking that it’s a great way to keep peace in his marriage. “I go out to work at about 7 a.m. each morning and come back into the house around 7:30 p.m. each night,” he says. Keys is currently working on a book with three other local photographers and Upstate Forever, to document the natural beauty and the flow of the Reedy and Saluda rivers and how they feed into Lake Greenwood. Keys has one other book already published – a coffee-table book titled “Natural Images of the Southern Appalachian,” which features stunning photos he has taken around the Carolinas, Georgia and the Smoky Mountains. The book is now out of print and Keys doesn’t see a demand for more copies. Keys says he relishes the simple things: “To see a spring wildflower brings me such joy.” His photos appear in some local studios and while he would like to see his photography enjoy a little more commercial success, he says he is “truly blessed and has had a happy and wonderful life.”


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September 20, 2013 Upstate business journal 17

cover story

UBJ Launches Who’s Who Awards Five community leaders with diverse backgrounds and perspectives will help UBJ recognize the Upstate’s game changers By Jennifer Oladipo | senior business writer |


oes the Upstate really need another way to recognize community leaders? We think so, and are pleased to introduce the panel of judges for the first annual Who’s Who Awards.

The various sectors and industries that make up our community already recognize the best among their ranks, as they should. Who’s Who hopes to add a broad look across the Upstate – and across professional silos – in order to point out the unsung heroes making significant contributions to our community’s dynamism. Who’s Who recognizes those who are shaping the world around them as they commit to their work. They push their organizations, their professions and our community to the next level, often asking hard questions and finding solid solutions. Some are well known, but many do important work that is not always as visible. Who’s Who panelists are some of those people. They’ve agreed to take on the difficult task of highlighting just a handful of what will likely be an overwhelming number of worthy nominees. The panelists each took a moment to sit down with UBJ and share a bit about themselves and their goals as they help UBJ celebrate Who’s Who in the Upstate.

18 Upstate business journal September 20, 2013

ANDY CAJKA Andy Cajka’s expertise is in the hospitality industry. He is the founder and president of Southern Hospitality Group and has been in Greenville since 1996. What talents and attitudes push the Upstate forward? We have very diversified talents with a willingness to accept best practices from various places. I reflect back on some of the Chamber visits that I have been able to go on, and I have noticed that there is a willingness to accept ideas and there is a very can-do attitude. I have also seen a very strong sense of philanthropy through people willing to share their time and resources. What parts of the Upstate should we

be looking at to see what’s next? First, I really believe that the Upstate is gaining recognition of our beautiful natural resources. It’s a question of how we leverage those assets. We should watch Spartanburg’s downtown. There are over a half-dozen institutes of higher learning in the downtown area. Development of amenities to allow those attending schools to live closer to each college is something to look at going forward. Also, core areas where we have seen great residential growth, like Fountain Inn and Greer. They are really leveraging assets that make them desirable with expansion of arts and restaurants.

What unsung hero has contributed to your own success? My unsung hero is my wife of 30 years. She has stood by our many moves and raised three beautiful children. My parents are unsung heroes in my life as well, so just family in general. My mother is a very strong, unwavering supporter. My father was a firefighter and paramedic, who passed at age 53. He had this incredibly strong work ethic, a desire to care for people, and never met a stranger. I have carried that with me. He cared for people in a different light than what we do in the service industry, but they are somewhat comparable.




Jerry Dempsey is former CEO of BorgWarner Corp. and currently serves on the boards of the Clemson School of Engineering and Greenville Health System.

Dr. Phinnize “Penny” Fisher is a former Greenville County Schools superintendent and chairwoman of the Spartanburg Methodist College board of trustees.

Lillian Brock Flemming is vice mayor pro tem and District 2 representative for Greenville City Council. She is also employment recruiter for Greenville County Schools.

Who is one person or unsung hero who has contributed to your own success?

What are some parts of the Upstate outside Greenville where we should be looking to see what’s next?

What are the talents and attitudes you’ve seen that push the Upstate forward?

Bob Ingersoll. He was chairman and CEO of BorgWarner Corp., where I started my career. In my first personnel interview he asked me what I wanted to do with my career. When I said I’d like to run a company like BorgWarner, he said my engineering education just wasn’t broad enough. He suggested the executive program at the University of Chicago, then as a trustee he helped me get in, despite my relative youth and inexperience. It helped me get the broad education that you need to run an American company.

Why did you agree to serve on the Who’s Who panel? I’m interested in learning more about the nominees and their backgrounds and so forth because I think that those are the people who are making significant contributions to the advancement of Greenville. I’m interested in learning what they are and what they’ve done. I’m sure I will be surprised, since I’ve only lived in Greenville 16 years.

How will you know who’s who when you see them? I think the first criterion is vision. Someone has to have a vision of where they’re trying to take an organization or company. So I always look at someone that’s been visionary, and then has been able to accomplish the vision. And someone that’s made a contribution to the well being of the community. A lot of the nonprofits have done a great job. It’s not going to be easy to select the recipients. I’m sure there’ll be a lot of very qualified nominees. That’s been my experience in the past.

With young entrepreneurs and those in the tech sector. The people in the background, the researchers, the people who are creating and designing. I don’t know how often we look at people who develop and design; it’s not always just the owner – it’s the people with the imagination and the creativity to make it happen. We have to say, “We value what you do and we value what you bring to the table.”

Who is one person or unsung hero who has contributed to your own success? In Greenville, it was former school board chairman Roger Meek. When I interviewed 19 years ago, he and another board member asked questions that other people didn’t ask. They wanted to know about vision and moving forward; the questions scared me. But he offered me the opportunity and since then, he has offered advice and asked very, very difficult and creative questions. When you ask people critical questions, it causes them to work harder and dig deeper to make sure they have an answer.

Why are you serving on the Who’s Who panel? I feel the way other people do about Greenville and supporting our community. I thought this was a way I could help and contribute. It’s a great idea and it always helps to honor people who that push us forward in our community. This looked like something I could do to help out in a different kind of way.

I have a love for Greenville. There’s a spirit of collaboration here, a desire to achieve greatness and a willingness to talk and study issues. There’s a community spirit of “Let’s get together and do something better than before.”

There’s a lot happening in Greenville these days, but what are some other parts of the Upstate where we should be looking to see what’s next? Things are definitely happening within the city of Greenville, and it seems to change from week to week. More people are sprucing up their homes, and there’s planning going on right now for the Westside. I think we should focus on the rest of Greenville County in areas such as I-385 and I-85. I’d like to see more parks and green spaces as I think people are becoming more conscious of that.

Who is one person or unsung hero who has contributed to your own success? My husband. He fills in the gaps. He takes care of me and does the cooking, shops for me, listens to me and reminds me of my responsibility. He tells me how important it is not to give up. We’ve been married for 33 years and he’s my biggest cheerleader.

What’s the best advice you wish you’d listened to the first time? Do not be afraid to take risks. My mom gave me that advice. She also said it’s important to never think that you don’t have the quality or skills. And to give as much as is truly required.

WILL RAGLAND Will Ragland teaches theater at Woodmont High School in Piedmont and was named Greenville County Schools Teacher of the Year for 2012–2013. What parts of the Upstate should we be looking at to see what’s next? There have been noticeable grassroots efforts in terms of cultural development in the smaller communities surrounding Greenville. Many of these organizations have taken advantage of existing historic structures and given them a second life while launching highly successful community programs. Prime examples include the Fountain Inn Civic Center (now the Younts Center for Performing Arts), the Greer Cultural Arts Council and the Greer Children’s Theatre, and the Mauldin Cultural Center. Other communities are also working toward creating their own cultural organizations and centers. Two exciting places to keep our eyes on are Simpsonville and the Williamston, Pelzer, West Pelzer area.

What’s the best advice you wish you’d listened to the first time? Worrying gets you nowhere.

How will you know Who’s Who when you see them? I always admire those who work the hardest, seek the least praise, and put their talents to use for the betterment of others.

UBJ will name its first class of Who’s Who award recipients in February 2014, and we want your help to find them. Make your nomination at whos-who

September 20, 2013 Upstate business journal 19

UBJ made here

A Taste of the southYeast Wild yeasts give beer a regional flavor

T The term “terroir” is what wine connoisseurs use to describe what their tongues tell them about the place where the wine’s ingredients were grown. It’s the distinctive flavor that comes from the combination of climate, soil and grape variety when the ingredients are local. Greenville’s SouthYeast Labs wants to bring that same sensibility to beer, creating a beverage that reveals the “terroir” of our region. In the midst of a nationwide craft beer boom, the startup began with the question, “What can we have that

By JENNIFER OLADIPO | senior business writer nobody else can have?” said Chief Technical Officer David Thornton. The answer was in the land, which cannot be moved or replicated. More specifically, it is in the yeasts that are part of the regional ecosystem. SouthYeast harvests yeast growing in the wild to find out which strains make the best-tasting, most distinctive beers. Thornton described a simple process: SouthYeast goes to outdoor locations in search of organic material on which yeast grows naturally. That might be on a beehive, a piece

of fruit or some tree sap. What’s found is taken to a lab and encouraged to grow until the sample is big enough for experimentation. The yeast is put through “boot camp” to see if it can tolerate the harsh environment that is created in the brewing process, he said. If the yeast survives, it’s time to see if it will make a tasty beer. Batches are tested 20 gallons at a time. SouthYeast CEO Even Skjervold says he took a creative inquiry class on the science of beer – three times – while earning a degree in biomed-

ical engineering at Clemson. He then went on to Clemson’s MBAe entrepreneurship program where he is currently enrolled. The company is the child of a marriage between education in science and business. SouthYeast will be located inside Brewery 85’s 10,000-square-foot facility now under construction on 6.3 acres behind the Proterra electric bus manufacturing operations center

Even Skjervold, left, and David Thornton, both with SouthYeast Labs, hold beer made using their local yeast.

Photos by Greg Beckner

near Laurens Road and I-85. SouthYeast will take up a mere 250 square feet at the brewery. Although the operation is small, laboratory-grade equipment is costly, Skjervold said. Raising funds without spending too much on it has been the startup’s biggest challenge. He describes the process as “pretty live, quick-turnaround R&D,” which does not come cheap. The goal is to create at least 10 proprietary strains per year. SouthYeast plans to be fully self-funded. Samples of various yeast strains are available for hobby brewers to purchase. Like the founders of many companies started as a side gig to another careers, Skjervold and Thornton are staying busy trying to strike a balance among their responsibilities. Thornton teaches in the biofuels program at Clemson University. He said the development of beers made with harvested yeasts is very similar to the process of creating biofuels. Right now, beer is more exciting. “My biggest hurdle is I want to do this 24 hours a day. I’d be out here swinging a hammer and doing whatever it takes to make this thing go faster if I could,” Thornton said standing at the construction site. SouthYeast found its first brewery partnership with Brewery 85, which opened in Greenville earlier this

“My biggest hurdle is I want to do this 24 hours a day.” David Thornton, chief technical officer of SouthYeast Lab

Vials holding local yeast from Clemson produced by SouthYeast Labs.

year. President Will McCameron said he has been an enthusiastic ambassador for SouthYeast and has paid up front for a year’s worth of yeast as part of the contribution to SouthYeast’s startup funds. It’s not only the yeast that gives beer its flavor. Growing conditions influence all the grains used in beer production, and so all contribute to a unique regional essence. For that reason, SouthYeast works with Riverbend Malt House in Asheville, which makes its malts from locally grown grains. Eventually, SouthYeast plans to expand its reach, hunting and harvesting yeast that will help brewers throughout the country discover the unique flavors of their own regions. Ten companies in the Carolinas and Tennessee have been working with test batches, and three of them are ready to begin using SouthYeast product on a larger scale. Beers are available at Grape and Grains in Greenville. The men plan to plant an orchard on the property, extending the laboratory outdoors. It will be home to “anything that will take root – native Southern fruits,” as Thornton put it.

WHO IS THE LEADING FORCE BEHIND EDUCATION IN THE UPSTATE? The UBJ’ upcoming event, Who’s Who recognizes the people in our community who are committed to advancing their fields. Whether new on the scene or veterans in the trenches, they’re the professional to look out for and look up to. Many have gone uncelebrated. Until now. Also including, but not limited to Accounting, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Political/Government, Design, Finance, Hospitality Legal, Marketing/PR, Non-Profit, Real Estate, Tech/IT.

NOMINATE SOMEONE TODAY! Nominations will be accepted from


A third party panel of Community Leaders will select 8 “Who’s Who” recipients, from the nominations submitted, that will be announced in February 2014. Self Nominations are also encouraged.


September 20, 2013 Upstate business journal 21

Renderings provided by 4240 Architecture

UBJ Square Feet

The planned Aloft Hotel as it would appear from the intersection of Washington and Richardson streets.

Boutique Hotel Planned for Downtown Aloft to be built over new city parking deck at Richardson and Washington streets By Dick Hughes | contributor | A Georgia company plans to build a boutique hotel atop a parking deck to fill a niche for youthful visitors and capitalize on downtown Greenville’s surging attractiveness as a destination city. The McKibbon Hotel Group of Gainesville, Ga., outlined plans Tuesday for a seven-story, 144-room Aloft Hotel to be built above a new five-story city parking deck. The hotel and parking deck to be built on 1.28 acres at Richardson and Washington streets will be integrated into Hughes Development Corp.’s ambitious $100 million ONE mixed-use development, developers said. At a briefing, Randy Hassen, president of McKibbon, described Aloft as a “lifestyle boutique brand. It is different from anything that is in the market today and anything, as far as we know, that will be coming. “This hotel is geared to younger travelers, which is the largest growing segment – millennials, Gen Xers, and what I call the young at heart.” In addition to the lodging and parking, the project will include retail along Washington and Laurens streets and perhaps offices on the hotel’s second floor. Amenities on the hotel roof will include a swimming pool, cabanas, fire pit and dog walk.

A bar called “w xyz,” a feature of Aloft hotels worldwide, will overlook the refurbished Piazza Bergamo. Hassen said Aloft will be “a full-service luxury brand. It is cool, chic, and modern in terms of style and décor and space.” Not to mention animal friendly, said Lynn Prater, McKibbon’s senior vice president for marketing. Pets are lodged at no charge and get beds and food dishes when their owners check in, she said. Hassen said construction will begin in November with demolition of an existing parking deck that is contiguous with the city’s deck on Richardson Street. Once the new deck is built, construction will begin on the hotel tower with plans to have it open by mid-2015. Hughes Development acquired the existing privately operated deck and surface lot on the corner when it purchased the Bank of America high rise, which it plans to upgrade and integrate into the ONE complex. Hassen said McKibbon is “very bullish” on the Greenville market, seeing strong hotel occupancy today and expectations it will be even stronger by the time Aloft is ready to book rooms in 2015. He declined to reveal the expected construc-

tion cost but said it is “more than normal because of it being an urban project and this being a particularly complex project with a hotel on top of a parking deck. But we feel because of the market location, it is going to be a great investment for us.” McKibbon is a third-generation family business that started with a grocery store in 1926 and got into the hospitality business in the 1940s. It operates 76 mid- and upscale hotels, all in the Southeast except for one in Chicago. Its brands include Marriott, Hilton and Sheraton. The Greenville Aloft will be its third. It has one in Asheville and one in Charlotte. McKibbon has had a presence in the Upstate for several years. It operates the Residence Inn by Marriott at the Greenville-Spartanburg Airport. It had a second hotel here but has sold it. Aloft has 78 hotels worldwide. It is owned by Starwood Resorts and Hotels, which also owns the Westin brand, one of which is in Greenville. An artist’s rendering of the planned hotel as seen from Laurens and Washington streets.

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22 Upstate business journal September 20, 2013

DEALMAKERS NorthMain Realty announced: Belinda Dobson Wall recently represented the Brock family in leasing a 8,100 SF commercial space to Five Forks CrossFit. The two-acre parcel is located at 2613 Woodruff Road, Simpsonville. Larry Crain of Coldwell Banker Commercial Caine cobrokered the transaction.

Group LLC in the purchase of +0.3788 acres on Alma Street, Lyman, from the seller Nancy Zebny, plenary guardian for Gaynelle Brown A/K/A Gaynelle McAninch; and a +15,607 SF lot at 102 Locust Street, Lyman, from the seller Sandra Gwinn O’Bryant.

Coldwell Banker Commercial Caine Greenville and Spartanburg announced:

Pete Brett represented the seller South Carolina Bank & Trust in the sale of lots at Brookstone Meadows, Anderson, to the purchaser Ridgewood Property Holding Company LLC.

Charles Humphreys and Rick Cauthen represented the landlord Callista LLC in leasing a +1,500 SF retail space at Woodruff Gallery, 1178 Woodruff Road, Greenville, to the tenant Petals and Company LLC.

Sammy DuBose represented the seller Hollingsworth Funds Inc. and Green Property Partnership in the sale of +0.469 acres at Rocky Slope Road and Halton Road, Greenville, to the purchaser GrandSouth Bank.

David Sigmon represented the tenant Hearing Healthcare Center in leasing a +1,500 SF office space at 101B Regency Commons Drive, Suite A, Greer, from the landlord AD Holdings LLC.

Beau Gunn represented the purchaser Chiba Group LLC in the purchase of +1.35 acres at Greenville Highway and Locust Street, Lyman, from the seller Lyman Ventures.

Larry Crain represented the landlords Hugh, Kenneth and Terry Brock in leasing a +8,100 SF retail building at 2613 Woodruff Road, Greenville, to the tenant Brandon Holbrook. Larry Crain represented the seller DRP Company Inc. in the sale of +0.642 acres at Grove Reserve Parkway, Greenville, to the purchaser TMC Southeast Enterprises LLC. Beau Gunn represented the purchaser Chiba

Pete Brett and Tim Satterfield represented the seller South Carolina Bank & Trust in the sale of a +21,000 SF building at 531 E. Main St., Spartanburg, to the purchaser CertusBank NA. Pete Brett represented the seller South Carolina Bank & Trust in the sale of 23 lots and +36 acres at Shiloh Creek Subdivision, Piedmont, to the purchaser Lacombe Group USA Inc. Pete Brett represented the seller William V. Haas Jr. in the sale of +0.449

acres at 507 N. Markley St., Greenville, to the purchaser Artful Home Designs.

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Tim Satterfield represented the seller Wells Fargo Bank NA in the sale of a +10,000 SF building and +7.44 acres at 800 and 840 Old Jones Road, Greer, to the purchaser Moon Hare Gardens LLC. NAI Earle Furman announced: David Feild and John Baldwin represented McCallum Sweeney Consulting Inc. in leasing a 5,076 SF office space at 15 S. Main St., Greenville. David Feild and Tyson Smoak represented the landlord of 300 E. Coffee St., Greenville in leasing a 4,000 SF office space to WRS AY Greenville LLC. Jimmy Wright and Ted Lyerly represented the landlord of 937 S. Highway 29, Anderson, in leasing a 5,700 SF retail space to 5 Star South Carolina LLC. Stuart Wyeth represented Eastside Media Center in leasing a 3,297 SF medical office space at 10 Enterprise Blvd., Suite 207, Greenville, to Caroline R. Price, MD, PA. Glenn Batson represented Ameris Bank in leasing a 2,000 SF retail space to Chosen Generation Church and a 1,500 SF retail space to Patty Henderson and Trisha Thomas in the Golden Creek Center at 619 Gentry Memorial Highway, Easley.

Handshake by handshake. Block by block. That’s how we’ve done business in the Upstate for 80 years. Working together, thinking ahead, treating customers like family - because an Upstate family name is on the door. Visit us online at

September 20, 2013 Upstate business journal 23

UBJ The Fine Print SC Chamber Names Diversity Award Winners The South Carolina Chamber of Commerce recently held its 9th Annual Excellence in Workplace Diversity Awards in Columbia. Winners were recognized for their significant contributions to South Carolina’s

advancement through diversity initiatives and inclusion efforts. Nominees from the Upstate were Aflac Group Insurance; Bosch Rexroth Corporation; Gallivan, White & Boyd, P.A.; Greenville Chamber of Com-

merce; Lockheed Martin; SEW-Eurodrive; and Spartanburg Community College. Award winners were located elsewhere in the state. They included Columbia-based Parker Poe Adams

& Bernstein LLP for the Small Employer division; Charleston-based South Carolina Federal Credit Union for the Medium Employer division; and The Boeing Company in Charleston for the Large Employer division.

Photos provided

Ogletree Deakins Expands to England Labor and employment law firm Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart P.C. recently announced that it is expanding its international presence by opening an office in London. The firm has been headquartered

in Greenville since 1977 and has grown to 45 offices with 650 lawyers throughout the United States and Europe. The Greenville office has 68 employees, including 41 attorneys. “Changes in the UK legal market and the evolution of client demands have encouraged the international expansion of law firms as well as an acceleration in the growth of boutique firms, particularly in the employment field,” said Richard Linskell, who will open the London office as a partner. The offering to clients of boutique employment law services on an in- 24 Upstate business journal September 20, 2013

ternational scale makes the Ogletree Deakins proposition stand out, said Linksell. “Ogletree Deakins’ track record and commitment to superb client service aligns perfectly with my own philosophy, and I am confident we can make a major impact in both UK and international markets,” he said.

Ogletree Deakins began expanding internationally in December 2012 with the opening of their Berlin office, and the firm expects to continue its global growth. Linskell will be joined by two associates in the London office. He joins the law firm from Speechly Bircham LLP where he was a partner in the employment team. In addition, he serves as deputy chair of the Employment Lawyers Association (ELA), has served on the editorial board of ELA’s journal ELA Briefing, and is a writer of employment law articles and an employment law commentator in the press.


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Diversified Distribution Systems Expands Greenville Operations

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SynTerra Acquires Schloss & Associates management for industry and government clients, as well as commercial clients. Schloss staff specialties included energy conservation, renovations and retrofits, HVAC systems, and chilled water plants. In addition, they provide engineering services for the identification and control of combustible dust hazards, including system design, process hazard analysis, safety compliance program development plans, and employee training plans. SynTerra opened an office in Jacksonville, Fla., and added additional staff earlier this year.

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SynTerra Corp., a 45-person environmental and engineering consulting firm based in Greenville, recently acquired Schloss & Associates, a small consulting firm also located in Greenville. Marty Schloss and Robin McCombs, who comprised Schloss’ two-person, team, will join SynTerra. One associate will move into SynTerra’s office on River Street and another will operate from a North Carolina office. While both companies work with commercial clients, SynTerra specializes in environmental studies, design, transportation and



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The Furman Co. represented DDS in the transaction. The company will offer flexible, custom-built programs to clients in the global supply market through a distribution network in Minnesota, Nevada, South Carolina, Michigan and Pennsylvania, as well as in Mississauga, Canada; Northamptonshire, Great Britain; Oldenzaal, the Netherlands; and Chiba, Japan.

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Minnesota-based Diversified Distribution Systems LLC (DDS) recently expanded its operations in Greenville to a 90,000-square-foot distribution center at 6400 Augusta Road owned by Covington Group. DDS will relocate from a 60,000-square-foot warehouse in Greenville. Associate Campbell Lewis of the Industrial Service group at CBRE |


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Matthew Madden

Daniel E. Warren

Tracy Bogie

Appointed shareholder of Elliott Davis LLC. Madden is a certified public accountant in the firm’s Greenville office. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the South Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants, the Urban Land Institute and the Real Estate and Construction Advisors Association.

Appointed to lead Elliott Davis LLC’s real estate practice. He will oversee the strategic growth of the firm’s real estate practice as well as recruit and develop talent for Elliott Davis. Warren was formerly a partner at Elliot Warren, which combined with Elliott Davis in 2007. He is a certified public accountant.

Named vice president of career development at Caldwell Banker Caine. A Realtor and Greater Greenville Association of Realtors member, Bogie previously worked with Crown Realty Professionals. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in business management from Northern Illinois University.




Elizabeth Goddard

Gary Suess

Kim Mason

Joined the Chapman Cultural Center as executive director of the Spartanburg Art Museum (SAM). Prior to coming to Spartanburg, Goddard served as director of exhibitions and interpretation at the Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts (UICA) in Grand Rapids, Mich.

Joined CertusBank as chief operating officer for CertusBank Mortgage. Suess brings more than 25 years’ experience in mortgage operations and leadership. He comes to CertusBank from First Niagara Financial Group and previously served as the director of direct lending for Wachovia Mortgage Corporation.

Promoted to controller of Community Journals LLC, publishers of the Upstate Business Journal, Greenville Journal and TOWN magazine. Mason joined Community Journals in 2011, previously serving as accounting coordinator. Prior to Community Journals, she worked for 10 years as an accountant at Continental Southern Industries Inc., and for several small businesses in a variety of industries, including transportation, medical rehabilitation and manufacturing.

26 Upstate business journal September 20, 2013

ARTS: Chapman Cultural Center recently welcomed Yvonne Kao to the marketing department as an intern. Kao is a mass communication major in her senior year at USC Upstate and she previously graduated from Furman University with a bachelor of music in performance (flute). BANKING/FINANCIAL SERVICES: A.T. Locke has added Scott Taylor as a financial analyst. Taylor has previously served in leadership roles with Coldwell Banker Caine, IMI Resorts, The Cliffs Communities, Insignia Financial Group and Mount Vernon Mills during his professional career, which began in Greenville with public accounting firm Deloitte and Touche. CertusBank recently announced that David Hoppenworth has joined as executive vice president for operations and credit. Hoppenworth has more than 20 years of commercial banking experience, and has held positions with Wells Fargo, Bank of America, CIT Group and TD Bank. Markel Valuation PC recently announced that CPA John R. Markel earned the designation Accredited in Business Appraisal Review (ABAR) from the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA). Markel is principal analyst and business appraiser for Markel Valuation. CONSTRUCTION/ ENGINEERING: O’Neal Inc. has hired Kurt Fox as electrical project specialist. Fox has nearly 30 years of professional experience in electrical design. He previously worked for O’Brien Atkins Associates in Raleigh, N.C. DESIGN: Bernard Bullock, a graphic designer at marketing communications company Allegra in Greer, >>

UBJ On the Move recently won an international calendar design competition sponsored by franchise network Alliance Franchise Brands. Bullock’s design will be produced and displayed in the lobbies of Allegra franchise centers across North America. He also received a $1,500 cash prize. NONPROFIT: Dining for Women recently announced the appointment of Maggie Aziz, Ph.D., as program director. Aziz is fluent in spoken Arabic and has served as the assistant project director for the Middle East Area Studies and Arabic Language Instruction Program at Greenville Technical College. REAL ESTATE: Jonathan Mullikin has joined the Marchant Company as a residential sales agent. A Greenville native, Mul-

likin graduated from Clemson University, and is currently pursuing an MBA there. Before joining Marchant, Mullikin spent time with Hays Distributing Inc., Synder’s-Lance, and Crider, Bouye & Elliot LLC.

MOVERS AND SHAKERS New hires, promotions and award winners can be featured in On the Move. Send information and a photo to onthemove@ upstatebusiness


Thursday, September 26 • TD Convention Center 6:00pm Reception • 7:00pm Dinner






Crawford Strategy


Liberty Fellowship


For more information or to order tickets, please contact Jane Bailey of the Greenville Tech Foundation at 864-250-8835 or

BANKING CENTERED AROUND ME. “Innovation is our calling card, so we needed a bank with innovative solutions. That’s why we chose The Palmetto Bank and their Commercial Banking Team. Their local decision making and flexibility are crucial to our growth-mode business plan. We can’t afford to wait in this industry. They provide the lending solutions and customized cash management tools which enable us to grow. The Palmetto Bank gives us the edge we need. They get it.” - Michael Bolick Selah Genomics, Biotechnology

1 . 8 0 0 . PA L . B A N K

Member FDIC

September 20, 2013 Upstate business journal 27

28 Upstate business journal September 20, 2013

UBJ New to the Street 1. Pour Sports Pub and Grille of Greer, located at 302 Trade St. in Greer, recently held their ribbon cutting.


For more information, call 864-655-5075 or visit

2. O’Malley Dental has opened at 419 SE Main St., Suite 100, in Simpsonville. For more information, call 864-962-4140 or visit


3. Paul Mitchell The School Greenville is now open at 1215-A Woodruff Road in Greenville.


For more information, call 864-640-8111 or visit greenville.

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September 20, 2013 Upstate business journal 29

UBJ Planner Friday SEPtEMBER 20 Chamber Joint Legislative and Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Greenville Chamber of Commerce, 24 Cleveland St., Greenville; 8-9 a.m. Speaker: Jack Ellenberg, senior VP of economic development and projects/ SC Ports Authority Topic: Inland Ports Update Register: Contact: Elizabeth Edwards at eedwards@ CEO Breakfast Roundtable Greenville Chamber of Commerce, 24 Cleveland St., Greenville; 8:30-10:30 a.m. Speakers: Sharon Day of Sales Activation Group and Brian Jaudon of Alchemy for Leaders Topic: Performance & Leadership Cost: Free, with breakfast provided Register: CEO09202013


For more information:

Chamber members Register:

or 864-230-9800

Commerce Club, 55 Beattie Place, Ste. 1700, Greenville; 6 p.m.

Comprehensive Small Business Start-up Workshop

Successful Entrepreneur Lecture Series

PULSE Leadership Luncheon

Hughes Main Library, 25 Heritage Green Place, Greenville; 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

University Center of Greenville, 225 South Pleasantburg Drive, Greenville; 6-8 p.m.

Embassy Suites, 670 Verdae Blvd., Greenville; 11:30 a.m.1 p.m.

Cost: $59, includes materials & lunch Contact: 864-271-3638 Register: piedmontscore. org/workshops/

Speaker: Rick Davis and Cy Burgess, Elliott Davis Cost: Free, but participants must be registered More information:

Speakers: Damien Stevens, CEO, Servosity; and Peter Waldschmidt, CEO, Gnoso Topic: Startup to Small Business: What’s Your NEXT Step? Register:



GCS Roundtable The Office Center at the Point, 33 Market Point Drive, Greenville; 8:309:30 a.m. Speaker: Salley Ouellette Topic: Does Your Body Language Shape Who You Are? Contact: Golden Career Strategies at 864-5270425 to request an invitation.

TUEsday SEPtEMBER 24 Greenville (Downtown) Rotary Meeting Westin Poinsett Hotel, 120 S. Main St., Greenville; noon

September Coffee and Conversation

Business-toBusiness Network Luncheon

Upstate SC Alliance, 124 Verdae Blvd., Suite 202, Greenville; 8-9 a.m.

Tavern 24, 1154 Woodruff Road, Greenville; noon

Investors only. There will be a tour of the Inland Port. If interested in becoming an investor, call Clay Andrews 864-283-2300.

RSVP to: pat.pomeroy@ by Sept. 24 at noon.

RSVP at: RSVP@ Handshakes and Hashbrowns Secure Financial Services, 904 W. Poinsett St., Greer; 8-9 a.m. Cost: Free for Greer

staff writers Sherry Jackson, Cindy Landrum, April A. Morris SENIOR BUSINESS writer Jennifer Oladipo PRESIDENT/Publisher Mark B. Johnston UBJ Associate Publisher Ryan L. Johnston eXECUTIVE Editor Susan Clary Simmons MANAGING editor Jerry Salley

contributing writerS Dick Hughes, Jenny Munro, Jeanne Putnam, Leigh Savage

Women Mean Business (for Professional & Entrepreneurial Women)

Young Professional Toastmasters

Cost to Visit: $5 to cover meeting space and one drink at the bar

Cost: Free to attend. To join the organization it is $35 for the year and no cost for the coffee. Contact: Shelley Johnson at 864-288-3945

For more information: visit yptm.

Entrepreneurial Readiness

THURSday SEPtEMBER 26 SB Workshop: “Maximizing Your Consultant Relationships: A Primer” Greenville Chamber of Commerce, 24 Cleveland St., Greenville; 8-9:15 a.m. Speaker: Mary Ann Pires Cost: Free to attend with registration Register: 864-242-1050 or Newcomers of Greenville Kick-Off Coffee

The Roost at the Hyatt, 220 North Main St., Greenville; 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Hughes Main Library, 25 Heritage Green Place, Greenville; 10 a.m.

Contact: Elizabeth G. Rasor at Elizabeth@

Open to not-for-profit social and philanthropic organizations who have

marketing & advertising Sales representatives Lori Burney, Kristi Jennings, Donna Johnston, Annie Langston, Pam Putman Marketing & EVENTS Kate Banner DIGITAL STRATEGIST Emily Price

art & production art director Kristy M. Adair photographer Greg Beckner PrODUCTION Holly Hardin ADVERTISING DESIGN Michael Allen, Whitney Fincannon

30 Upstate business journal September 20, 2013

moved to the Greenville area in the past two years and from at least 35 miles away.

Copyright @2013 BY COMMUNITY JOURNALS LLC. All rights reserved. Upstate Business Journal is published weekly by Community Journals LLC. 148 River Street, Suite 120, Greenville, South Carolina, 29601. Upstate Business Journal is a free publication. Annual subscriptions (52 issues) can be purchased for $65. Postmaster: Send address changes to Upstate Business, 148 River St., Ste 120, Greenville, SC 29601. Printed in the USA.

TD Bank, 340 E. Main St., Spartanburg; 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Cost: $20 (includes lunch) Register: events/upstate Greer Community Input Forum Greater Greer Chamber of Commerce, 111 Trade St., Greer; noon-1 p.m. Topic: Are you Ready for the Affordable Healthcare Act? Speaker: Amanda Hopper Register: emailing Dana Wood by Sept. 23 at Books & Business Cards Spartanburg Community College Tyger River Campus, 1875 E. Main St. (Hwy 290), Duncan; 5:30-7:30 p.m. >>

how to contribute Story ideas: ideas@

Events: events@

New hires, promotions, awards: onthemove@

UBJ Planner

UBJ Snapshot >>

Cost: $10 with light refreshments For more information: upstate

SAT. & SUN. SEPt. 27 & 28 Southeast Aviation Expo Greenville Downtown Airport, 100 Tower Drive, Greenville; Sat. 1-6 p.m. and Sun. 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Founded by Ellison A. Smyth, Dunean Mill took its name from the river in Ireland where Smyth’s forebears had manufactured linen cloth. J.E. Sirrine and Company of Greenville was the architect and engineer for the mill, which began operations in 1912. In addition to cottages for the workers, the mill operated a day-care center and built a gymnasium, a ballpark, and the first YMCA building at a South Carolina mill.

Saturday Speakers: Ed Bolen, National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) president and CEO; and Cliff Jenkins, SC Safety Council Sunday Speaker: Jason Miller, ForeFlight co-

founder Cost: Free for SCAA members, $5 for nonmembers For more information: southeast-aviation-expo

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The mill store, shown in this 1924 photograph by William P. Dowling, was utilitarian in its construction but included a striking Jacobean-style gable on the front. On the second floor was a meeting room, which served the operatives as both a community center and a church until other facilities could be built. Eventually Dunean was acquired by J.P. Stevens and Company. Historic photograph available from the Greenville Historical Society. From “Remembering Greenville: Photographs from the Coxe Collection,” by Jeffrey R. Willis.

The Dunean Mill store was demolished in 1994. Today the site of the former store is vacant.

Photo by Greg Beckner

September 20, 2013 Upstate business journal 31

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