Rolling Green VIllage Tab1

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Your Best Move

Seniors discover the good life at Rolling Green Village His green thumb couldn’t keep up with his graying hair. But Wade Woodall didn’t have to leave gardening behind when he and his wife, Erno, retired from their sprawling family home into an apartment at Rolling Green Village.

Back in the day, this master gardener’s yard earned acclaim on local garden tours and merited a feature in The Greenville News; now, the Woodalls’ new digs are brightened by an abundance of flowerpots and rosebushes he tends with quiet contentment. “At Rolling Green, we can continue doing the things we love,” says Wade. Indeed, providing a vibrant environment for seniors is what Rolling Green Village is all about. Nestled on 175 beautiful acres, this continuing care community comprises a variety of independent living accommodations: apartments – with options ranging from studios and efficiencies to spacious two- and three-bedroom layouts – and six neighborhoods of individual patio homes with one to three bedrooms. The campus, which opened in 1986, also includes a neighborhood for those in need of skilled nursing, assisted living and memory care services. “Our residents definitely live life to the fullest,” says Executive Director Tammy Campbell, noting Rolling Green’s proven track record of meeting, and exceeding, the needs of seniors age 55 and over. “This is an established community with a genuine sense of camaraderie. Our residents come from all over the country and bring diverse backgrounds and interests with them. There’s an energy here that’s truly invigorating.”

EASY DOES IT Wade and Erno knew it was time to downsize when their family home began feeling more like a hassle than a haven. “We’d been there for 33 years,” explains Wade, “but eventually maintaining a home of that size just took too much energy. Our house and yard – which once gave us so much pleasure – had become a burden.” Moving to Rolling Green took the chores out of daily life. “We wanted, and needed, to be free of responsibilities,” Wade says, pointing to the many services they now enjoy such as housekeeping, laundry, transportation, emergency assistance and more. “We can enjoy life so much better without having to do everything ourselves.” continued on page 2 

What’s more, they have access to the community’s many amenities, including a health care center, full-service dining room, beauty salon, library, craft/hobby room, fitness facility, fishing lakes and walking trails as well as a full roster of planned activities. “Oh, and the food!” Wade says of the nutritious menu served up daily featuring a variety of choices including appetizers, entrees, sandwiches and desserts as well as a soup and salad bar. “The dining room staff and delicious food makes us feel like we’re in a nice restaurant – it’s like eating out every day!” These independent living accommodations afford residents a healthier lifestyle in a more appropriate setting than remaining in their former homes, according to RGV Marketing Director Ruth Wood. “Retiring to a Rolling Green apartment or patio home allows our residents to simplify life,” she says. “They can have their own place while still getting as much – or as little – support as they need.” People move to retirement communities at different life stages, and determining the right time to do it can sometimes be difficult. Many seniors insist on remaining in their own homes for as long as possible – why move if you’re still able to take care of yourself, right? – but gerontology experts recommend choosing a retirement community while still in good health. Waiting until there’s a health crisis means going through a major lifestyle change at exactly the point when change is no longer easy. Rolling Green Village appealed to the Woodalls for many reasons – available healthcare, ample amenities, abundant social opportunities – but the ultimate selling point was the community’s continuum of care, making moving there a once-and-done deal. Residents can count on receiving multiple levels of care should their needs change. Smooth transitioning can occur, if necessary, from independent living to the skilled nursing, assisted living and/or memory care facilities on the same campus. “We liked the promise of continuing care,”





Wade explains. “We wanted to settle into our retirement without worrying about having to move again as our (physical) conditions change. …You never know when your health might change, so you need to plan ahead.”

A BEAUTIFUL PLACE TO CALL HOME Rolling Green Village’s 650 residents live amidst natural beauty – the idyllic campus includes pristine lakes, walking trails, woodlands, wildflower patches, well-manicured common areas – and that certainly attracted the attention of Lynn and John Woodman. While exploring retirement options, this Maryland couple considered Vermont but ultimately decided on the Southeast, where their children had relocated, because it promised proximity to their grandchildren. “They grow up, you know,” says Lynn, “and we wanted a chance to be a part of their childhood.” On an impulse drive through Rolling Green Village – the Woodmans discovered the campus’s six patio home communities … and immediately knew they’d come home. “Those patio homes were so cute!” Lynn says, recalling the flowers, the birdsong – even the rainbow – that greeted them on that initial unscheduled tour. She was smitten on first sight and, indeed, has never looked back. “This was an excellent move for us,” says the spry grandmother, who was a bit younger than many of the residents when she discovered Rolling Green Village, but made the move then anyway so she and John could begin enjoying a carefree lifestyle. “We still have our own, individual house. We can enjoy a protected environment without any confinement.” As editor of the residents’ monthly newsletter, “The Village Voice,” Lynn enthusiastically lists an intriguing array of activities – there’s everything from interest-oriented clubs (garden, sewing, Bible study, books) to recreational opportunities (hiking, birding, bridge, creative arts) to 

cultural excursions and day trips. The pace can be as energetic, or as relaxed, as each person chooses. “Whatever your interest,” she says, “there’s something going on here to accommodate it.” One of Lynn’s favorite hangouts is the Wellness Center, where she’s a regular participant in low-impact aerobics and core conditioning classes. The well-equipped center provides fitness opportunities for all ability levels, and the staff frequently takes residents off campus for wellness-related field trips such as hiking and sporting events. The community recently rented a “conference bicycle” for 7; residents had a ball riding this crazy bicycle all around the campus. This dedicated emphasis on age-appropriate physical activity helps the seniors stay on track while aging well. Rolling Green’s vast and varied social calendar encourages interaction and helps build strong relationships amongst residents. “We have some of the most fascinating people here,” says Lynn.

EMPHASIS ON VALUE – AND VALUES Rolling Green Village was founded as a mission, not a money-maker; indeed, the community is a non-profit entity devoted entirely to the purpose of providing a healthy, secure environment for senior adults. The doors opened 23 years ago, but Rolling Green’s legacy extends back to 1973 when a group of local Baptist ministers shared their vision of establishing a faith-based retirement community. Hoke and Mildred Smith – both grateful for the blessings they’d shared together and committed to giving back to others – donated some of their farmland for the proposed project. Their only request was that the work honor God and serve as many people as possible. It took many years, and the tireless efforts of many visionaries, to bring the Greenville Baptist Association’s dream to fruition. Hoke Smith died before he could see the continuing care community which his gift made possible, but Mildred turned the first shovel of dirt at the

groundbreaking ceremony and, eventually, lived on the campus for more than a decade before her death in 2004. The community is named after the Smiths’ farm; the main boulevard bears his name while the health center honors hers. The couple’s generosity lives on through the Mildred and Hoke Smith Residents Support Fund that benefits residents in financial need. “Our heritage is built on faith-based ideals,” says Tammy Campbell, the executive director, noting that the community is open to people from all walks of life. “We strive to maintain a sense of mission in everything we do.” Rolling Green Village enhances retirement by providing a safe, secure and carefree lifestyle – but that’s not all. A variety of financial plans include unique advantages such as a refundable entrance fee for apartment occupancy and a fee simple purchase for patio homes; this structure – of allowing seniors to maintain equity in their homes is fairly unusual in the retirement industry – and is a big draw for our prospects and residents. There’s no hard-sell at Rolling Green Village – in fact, potential residents are encouraged to “try before they buy.” This offer allows seniors an insider’s view of the community before they commit to moving in: for a nominal guest fee, they can stay in the Village Center for a weekend, a week or even a month and experience all the amenities, on-site activities and other advantages of living in Greenville’s favorite retirement village.

CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE Rolling Green Village is run by a local Board of Trustees and managed by Life Care Services, a nationally recognized leader in retirement community management. By focusing on four core values – dedication, integrity, respect and teamwork – the employees have earned a reputation for excellence. They believe remarkable service creates exceptional retirement living. Decision Insight, a professional research firm out of Kansas continued on back 





City, Missouri recently conducted an Apartment Resident Satisfaction Survery at Rolling Green Village. The community achieved an overall satisfaction score of 95%, the highest score compared to all other Life Care Services communities that completed satisfaction surveys over the past 3 years (58 of 82 communities). Executive Director Tammy Campbell states that “this is truly commendable and places RGV on a list of top performing communities to be noticed by the management company and others. The residents’ ratings definitely reflect the Culture of Excellence that Rolling Green Village continues to project in the community.” Low employee turnover makes for true bonding between staff and seniors – “Everyone calls us by name,” Lynn Woodman says – and among the many long-time employees is Billie Wyatt, sekeeping, who has been director of housekeeping,

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with Rolling Green Village since the doors first opened in 1986. She jokingly tells people that she started working at Rolling Green Village when she was only 5 years old. “She is a very loyal and committed,” says the executive director. These traits are common amongst the more than 200 employees who are dedicated to every aspect of residents’ lives: nutrition, health and wellness, life enrichment and activities, security,


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housekeeping, maintenance and more. Conceived in Christian compassion, Rolling Green Village addresses spiritual as well as physical needs. A full-time chaplain leads crossdenominational Vespers, assists with Sunday school classes and also offers grief counseling, caregiver support and funeral services. Administrators, medical staff, food service personnel, activities coordinators and fitness instructors, security guards, housekeepers, maintenance men – indeed, all of the compassionate individuals whose collective efforts make Rolling Green Village a great place to call home – see their work as far more than a job. They routinely go above and beyond to anticipate the needs of their residents. For example, the staff collectively

1 Hoke Smith Blvd. Greenville, SC 29615 864.987.4612

participates in Greenville’s annual Memory Walk to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association, raising both awareness and funds for Alzheimer care, support and research; for the past three years, the Rolling Green team has been the event’s top fundraiser in the Upstate. Wade Woodall says residents recognize, and respond to, this genuine compassion. Tipping isn’t permitted at Rolling Green Village – excellent service is all in a day’s work, after all – but residents do get a chance to say “Thank You” by contributing to an annual appreciation fund that provides holiday bonuses for employees. The enthusiastic outpouring of generosity each year indicates a job well done. “The staff here is incredibly accommodating,” Wade says. “The kind of support we get makes us so grateful we made the choice to come to Rolling Green.” _

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