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NOW ENROLLING! Summer classes and camps fo r Ki d s , Te e n s & Ad u l t s b e g i n n i n g Ju n e 1 7 t h .
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w w w. m i l l i e l e w i s g r e e n v i l l e .c o m 1 2 2 8 S . P l e a s a n t b u rg D r. , G r e e n v i l l e 86 TOWN /
I N ES ...
JANUARY 2011 / 11
AUGUST 2012 / 87
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f e at u r e s t w o b e a u t i f u l ly l a n d s c a P e d t e r r a c e s ,
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See, hear, read, react. The month’s must-dos.
Pics of the litter: Upcountry fêtes & festivities.
Ukelele luthier Russ Morin, ziplining across the Asheville skyline, Sam Pate’s Crosswinds Golf Club, and more.
6 6
Wherever summer takes you— camping, yoga, Main Street— we’ve got you covered.
WATER MARKS For Simons Welter, Charles Sowell, and real estate broker Bo Aughtry, fly fishing is the light.
/ by Charles Sowell / photography by Patrick Cox
4 7
GREAT SPOTS Every escape plan needs a destination. Try these outdoor splendors on for size. / by Jac Chebatoris & Andrew Huang
Exploring the link between white lightning and greased lightning.
A modern Southern belle’s take on food blogging, Six & Twenty Distillery, and local honey.
Got plans? You do now.
A narrow focus on the wide expanse of American landscapes at the Greenville County Museum of Art.
THIS PAGE & COVER: Photographs by Patrick Cox
June 6 TOWN /
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5/8/13 9:44 AM
Photog r aph by Paul Meha f fey
Mark B. Johnston PUBLISHER Blair Knobel EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paul Mehaffey ART DIRECTOR
Back to Nature
chool’s out for summer. But while parents and kids trade in their fall-tospring routines for action-packed leisure, the rest of the working world continues in temperature-controlled routine. We seem to have forgotten the benefit—and near necessity—of play. Of breaking free of walls and desks and hard surfaces into wide-open spaces, fresh air, and soulful nature. We’re smart animals who’ve created sublime tools for connection and progress—which have made our lives comfortable in many respects, fear-inducing in others. Contact and connection with the natural world is refreshing, rejuvenating, and, I’d argue, essential for healthy, balanced, and productive living—not to mention fun. This year, we really took the “Outdoors/Summer Fun” issue to heart, and you’ll note more green on these pages than we’ve ever included. What follows are stories both personal and practical—think of this issue as a guide for year-round play. “Water Marks” (page 66) takes you to our region’s majestic waters via three flyfishing disciples who live by river and by sea. Charles Sowell, the writer of the story and avid fly fisherman, offers a personal essay on his decades-long affair with trout fishing, and presents the stories of Simons Welter, an outdoorswoman who is a professional fly-fishing guide, and saltwater afficionado Paul “Bo” Aughtry, principal at Greenville-based real estate development firm Windsor/Aughtry. Patrick Cox of Patrick Cox Photography donned waders to deliver the river directly to you. “Great Spots” (page 74) is our outdoor travel guide, replete with hikes, rivers, waterfalls, “secret” spots, majestic views, and special places in Upstate South Carolina, western North Carolina, and northern Georgia. Here, we’ve included photography by local residents who are amateur shutterbugs and outdoor beauty seekers. If this guide is any indication, you can nearly fall out of your backdoor into some of the best country in the world (and don’t take only our word for it). The June issue is packed with our usual unique personalities—high school brothers competing on the national mountain-bike-racing circuit, a former race car driver who has traded in her speed for a fast-track engineering post at BMW—plus more outdoor fun (think zip lines), food (moonshine, Southern vittles, Travelers Rest honey), and style (including outdoor gift ideas for Father’s Day, or any day). We live in a delicious place. Golden and green, gurgling and rocky. Mountains beyond mountains, but small enough to touch. Get outside and take it in.
SENIOR EDITOR Jac Chebatoris ASSISTANT EDITOR Andrew Huang CONTRIBUTING EDITORS M. Linda Lee Steven Tingle CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Ruta Fox Laura Linen Joshua Moore-Vingia Charles Sowell Heidi Coryell Williams CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Chelsea Ashford Patrick Cox Jay Vaughan GRAPHIC DESIGN INTERN Kate Guptill Holly Hardin PRODUCTION MANAGER GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Kristy Adair Michael Allen Whitney Fincannon Caroline Reinhardt MARKETING REPRESENTATIVES Lori Burney Mary Beth Culbertson Kristi Jennings Donna Johnston Pam Putman Katherine Elrod SALES ADMINISTRATION MANAGER Kate Banner COMMUNIT Y SPONSORSHIPS & EVENTS MANAGER
Blair Knobel Editor-in-Chief
Follow us on Facebook & Twitter Be in-the-know online! Find the best of TOWN Magazine— events, stories, dining, & more!
8 TOWN /
Patrick Cox
Patrick is a full-time photographer, artist, chef, inventor, floor sweeper, child whisperer, and slave to his hot wife. He is somewhat domesticated, and could never color inside the lines.
Charles Sowell
Charles Sowell has been hunting and fishing since he was shorter than his shotgun and has been writing about the Southern outdoors for more than 30 years. His love of fly fishing has taken him from the Canadian border in the Rockies to the Gulf of Mexico.
David Robinson CIRCUL ATION MANAGER Sue Priester PHIL ANTHROPIC ADVISOR TOWN Magazine (Vol. 3, No. 6) is published monthly (12 times per year) by TOWN Greenville, LLC, 148 River Street, Suite 120, Greenville, SC 29601, (864) 679-1200. TOWN Magazine is a free publication. However, if you would like to have TOWN delivered to you each month, you may purchase an annual subscription (12 issues) for $45. For subscription information or where to find, please visit www.towncarolina. com. Postmaster: Send address changes to TOWN, 148 River Street, Suite 120, Greenville, SC 29601. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
Road trip!
From the majestic grandeur of Niagara Falls to the sweeping vistas of Yosemite, this exhibition offers viewers more than 60 works on loan from one of America’s most prestigious art museums.
Albert Bierstadt (1830 – 1902) Valley of the Yosemite, 1864
Masterpieces of American Landscape from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
Opening June 19
Greenville County Museum of Art
420 College Street Greenville, SC 29601 864.271.7570 admission free
GCMA 1349 TOWN MFABoston.indd 1
4/5/13 4:17 PM
Greg and Christine Sloan
made the decision to exit the rat-race and reclaim a simpler life for their family in spring 2012. Finding a charming neighborhood with Charleston-styled appeal, they decided to sell their large house across town and move to a cozier home that’s central to school and work, and offers a more relaxed routine. - Read more of their story at Hollingsworth Park offers a diversity of housing options priced from the $200s. The residential mix includes custom and estate homes to more modest single-family dwellings, townhomes and luxury apartments. Residents enjoy a 20-acre central park, pedestrian-friendly streetscapes, a neighborhood business district and being close to everything. Verdae Development, Inc.
Greg, Christine, Claire and Grayson Sloan
“Our move to Hollingsworth Park has been more than a change in location. It’s been a change in our lifestyle. Here, the ‘Less is More’ philosophy has become reality for us.” - Christine Sloan, resident
Sales Office Open Daily in Legacy Square • 3 Legacy Park Road, Suite A • Greenville, SC 29607 • (864) 329-8383 •
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June 2013
Singer and author Marshall Chapman returns to her hometown to promote her latest album Blaze of Glory and the second edition of her first book, Goodbye, Little Rock and Roller. The former Southern debutante became a rock and roller after going to an Elvis Presley concert and has since had her songs recorded by Conway Twitty, Jimmy Buffet, and Olivia Newton-John.
Photograph courtesy of
David Reid Theatre, Chapman Cultural Center, 200 E St. John St, Spartanburg. Fri, June 7, 7pm. Adults, $25; students, $10. (864) 542-2787,
JUNE 2013 / 11
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Photograph by Stephen Boatright
Adultery, seduction, and sex! Sondheim orchestrates the lives of Frederik, his 18-year-old virgin wife, his former lover Desiree, her lover Count Carl-Magnus Malcom, and his wife Charlotte as they dance around each other’s infidelities and desires. The Tony Award–winning musical is the source of the classic song “Send in the Clowns.” The Warehouse Theatre, 37 Augusta St, Greenville. Thru June 8, Thurs–Sat, 8pm; Sun, 3pm. $35. (864) 235-6948,
1 2 LilGlenn_HalfH_TownJune13 T O W N / t o w n c a r JPEG.indd 1m
DOUBLE TAKE: FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHY The Upstate’s breathtaking landscapes filled Georgia native Tom Ebetino with nostalgia when he moved here. This exhibit, presented in partnership with the Metropolitan Arts Council, Centre Stage, and South Carolina Bank & Trust, is a collection of transcendental, spontaneous moments inspired by the pebble-filled brooks and fertile farms of his childhood. Centre Stage, 501 River St, Greenville. Tues–Fri, thru June 17, 2–6pm. Free. (864) 233-6733,
Compton hip-hop artist Kendrick Lamar broke out with his 2012 album good kid, m.A.A.d city and was promptly declared “Hottest MC in the Game” by MTV. Fellow California rappers Jay Rock, Schoolboy Q, and Ab-Soul will also appear. Charter Amphitheatre, Heritage Park, 681 SE Main St, Simpsonville. Fri, June 21, 7:30pm. $40, $50. (864) 2413800,
Photograph courtesy of The Saint Augustine Amphitheatre
Photograph courtesy of the Metropolitan Arts Council
5/17/13 2:02 PM
zWhat-Not-to-Miss / JAKE SHIMABUKURO Hawaii native and ukulele virtuoso Jake Shimabukuro takes the stage for a playfully buoyant summer concert. Shimabukuro, whose intricate, racing dexterity across his four-stringed instrument has been compared to Jimi Hendrix and Miles Davis, blending Hawaiian sounds with jazz, rock, and classical traditions. TD Stage, Peace Center, 300 S Main St, Greenville. Fri, June 7, 7:30pm. $25. (864) 467-3000,
As late as the 1960s, Greenville laid claim to the title “Textile Center of the World” with nearly 20 mills in the city’s vicinity. Get a glimpse at Greenville’s textile heritage with local historian Don Koonce on a driving tour of the mills and mill villages.
“Don’t call it a comeback”—LL Cool J headlines a bold lineup of hip-hop artists in concert at the Charter Amphitheatre. Legendary hip-hop artists Ice Cube, Public Enemy, and De La Soul will join the “Mama Said Knock You Out” rapper in support of his latest album, Authentic. Charter Amphitheatre, Heritage Park, 681 SE Main St, Simpsonville. Fri, June 14, 7pm. $28-$64. (864) 241-3800,
Upcountry History Museum, 540 Buncombe St, Greenville. Sat, June 22, 10:30am. Members, $15; regular admission, $20. (864) 467-3100,
June 2013
Charm hlfH TownJune13.indd 1
Photograph courtesy of Don Koonce
Photograph by Danny Clinch
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Quick HITS
zFilm buffs and connoisseurs of the celluloid arts will not want to miss this five-day event. Last year’s festival featured more than 185 filmmakers from 30 countries. Come support and enjoy the artistic vision of actors, directors, writers, and more. Locations vary, Greenville. June 5–9, times vary. Prices vary.
zWith 20 years under its belt, you just know this festival will rock your appetite for food and sound. Get your fill of chicken, pork ribs, brisket, and all the fixings you can handle. There will also be 2 stages of constant music from the likes of Mill Billy Blues, The Legendary JC’s, Big Daddy Love, and Velvet Truckstop. Harmon Field, 1 Harmon Field Rd, Tryon, NC. Fri–Sat, June 14–15, 10am–11pm. Free on Fri, 10am–2pm; adults, $8. (828) 859-7427,
Photograph Photograph by by Darrell Darrell Snow Snow
zThe insatiable honey-hunting bear and his posse of friends come to life. Join Winnie the Pooh, Eeyore, and Piglet as they tromp about the Hundred Acre Wood on one adventure after another. The A. A. Milne stories are adapted by Kristin Sergel and directed by Kim Granner. Gunter Theatre, The Peace Center, 300 S Main St, Greenville. Fri, June 21, 10:30am; Sat, June 15 & 22, 10:30am, 1:30pm & 5:30pm (June 15 only); Sun, June 16 & 23, 1:30pm & 5:30pm (June 16 only). Adults, $26; children, $17. (864) 235-2885,
zWith Memorial Day just past and Independence Day on the horizon, there’s no better time for some All-American music. Join Matt Ryan and his band for a nearly indistinguishable recreation of Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band and get your blood pumping as the Boss’s arena sound gets packed into a far more intimate setting. The Handlebar, 304 E Stone Ave, Greenville. Sat, June 1, 9pm. $20. (864) 233-6173,
zIrving Berlin’s sharpshooting musical takes the stage with Mary Freeman as Annie Oakley and John Brigham as Frank Butler. Frank and Annie first meet in Cincinnati where Annie bests Frank in a shooting contest and falls in love with him. Pride tears the lovers apart before fate reunites them. The musical is the source of enduring classic songs like “You Can’t Get a Man with a Gun” and “There’s No Business Like Show Business.” Greenville Little Theatre, 444 College St, Greenville. Thurs– Sat, June 1, 6–8, 13–15, 19–21, 8pm; Sun, June 2, 9, 16, 3pm. Adult, $30; senior, $28; junior, $20. (864) 233-6238,
14 TOWN /
Greenville Drive Stars in the making, the crack of a bat, a group of friends, and a cold beer in hand—all of the ingredients for an entertaining summer evening at Fluor Field. Make your way to the West End stadium and support your hometown Drive during its June home stands. Fluor Field, 945 S Main St, Greenville. June 1–2, 7–12, 20–26, times vary. $7-$10. (864) 240-4528,
June June2013 2013 S
F 2013 S May May 2013 1
ON THE Virginia Vanvick, Andrea Simrell, Kelly Pearce & Kathryn Moore
Megan McCarter & Missy Latham
Totally Toga Tonight March 22, 2013 Nearly 300 guests put on their best ancient Greek and Roman garb for Centre Stage’s spring gala. An evening of hors d’oeuvres, specialty cocktails, and silent and live auctions was highlighted by a live performance of four selections from the Sondheim musical A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum.
Mary Helen Earle, Pam Foster & Sara Lindley
Photography by Jay Vaughan
Elizabeth Drewry & Art Farwell Randy Bell & Meshelle Raybon
Tonye Torrence & Vaughn Newman
Rachel Law & Gregory Ellenburg
Scott Derrick & Jim Kaltenbach
Miles & Lisa Nason Lorraine Goldstein & Hal Weiss
Robert Elliott & Nick Kapinkin
Milas Cloriosus with Gimini 1 & 2
Alan Ethridge & William Johnston JUNE 2013 / 17
SIP VIP Opening Party
Sandy Gaughan & Elizabeth Leventis
April 10, 2013 SIP, Greenville’s latest entrant to the rooftop bar scene, hosted 150 city officials, media members, and tourism executives for a preview of the menu and wine list. Vendors were on hand to answer questions about the wine bar’s different varietals, Gigi’s Cupcakes supplied sweet treats, and Cam Ramsey provided live music for the evening. Photography by Jay Vaughan
Fletcher Kirkland Funeral Director Melissa Pinney & Kathy Sheppard
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TreesGreenville Releaf Party
March 21, 2013 Furman University’s White Oaks mansion was a fitting setting for the TreesGreenville Releaf Party. More than 200 guests were present to mix, mingle, and bid on silent auction items. Proceeds from the evening will go toward TreesGreenville’s goal to plant more than 400 trees in Greenville County this year. Photography by Jay Vaughan
Lori & Don Owings Tamah & Jimmy Jones
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Anna & Sidney Locke
Judy Cromwell, Rod Smolla, & Martha Johns
5/14/13 11:31 AM
Lea Rohrbaugh & Jack Stone JUNE 2013 / 19
GCMA Collection Preview March 19, 2013 The Greenville County Museum of Art’s board of directors, museum commissioners, and their guests joined GCMA executive director Tom Styron for dinner and a private tour of ten new acquisitions for the museum. The purchase of these works, all featured in the museum’s Southbound exhibition, is supported in part by the annual Antiques, Fine Art & Design Weekend. Photography by Jay Vaughan Cathy Campbell, Caroline Caborn, & Jo Ussery Kelly & Katherine Odom
Nancy & Phil Peterson
Kelly & Jason Premo
Mary & Ellis Johnston with Kathy Gilbertson 20 TOWN /
Brad Campbell, Glenn Oxner, & Harry Ussery
Upstate Forget-Me-Not Ball
Kristen & Brent Chandler
If the
goes out,
April 19, 2013 Artist Jared Emerson lent his talents to the Alzheimer’s Association with a live performance at the 6th annual Upstate Forget-Me-Not Ball. WYFF’s Geoff Hart was master of ceremonies and presided over an evening of dinner, dancing, music, and live and silent auctions. Proceeds from the gala support research in treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s, as well as providing support to those with the disease. Photography by Jay Vaughan
Suzy & Pearse Ford
Anne Campbell Campbell Mangum, Mangum, Anne Bill Sweezy Sweezy && Gail Gail Stokes Stokes Bill Michelle Entrekin, Amanda Bishop, Karina Waggoner, Virginia Barratt, Bailey Tyler, & Barrett Tyler
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Altitude April 25, 2013
Emily Sims, Scott Terry, & Suzanne Traenkle Sara Lindley, Rachel Law, & Pam Foster
Greenville’s signature luxury showcase returned with glamour. More than 550 guests decked out in runway chic attended this spring bash hosted at Stevens Aviation. TOWN Magazine, in partnership with The Cliffs, Hale’s Jewelers, Steve White Audi, Tempus Jets, and Village Hospital, displayed the best (and shiniest) in luxury travel and style. Grand prizewinners Kasey and Chris Fay, Jeanie Gilmer, and Linda O’Brien jetted off for a weekend at The Greenbrier resort in West Virginia before the night wound down. Photography by Chelsey Ashford, Patrick Cox, & Jay Vaughan
Mary Katherine & Ross Kester
Lindsay Powers & Dorothy Self
Dixie Dulin & Andy Turner
Charles & Laurie Thompson, with John & Donna Huffman 22 TOWN /
Deborah & Matthew Miller
Justin Oberste, Eric Brown, and Chris & Vicky Kinsella
George & Barbara Corell
Kristen Logan, Brian Davis, & Angela DeGarmo
Macaulay & Marc White
Ann & Matt Bynum
Katie Evatte, Jane Crawford, & Cindy Jackson
Emily Price, Gina Soantola, & Anna Grace
Melissa & Shannon Hudson Tatiana De Angulo & Bill Duncan
Dr. & Mrs. Sonny Gill
Whitney Reed, John Bowman, & Alston Mark
Jack Bacot, Sarah Locke, & Scott Terry
Amanda Atkins & Brian Santillo
Ben & Becca Rook, with Marguerite & Baker Wyche
Linda O’Brien, Sheldon Early, & Jeanie Gilmer JUNE 2013 / 23
Kathryn McKissick & Sweetheart
Jeff Hoffman & Alex Clayton
Dr. Kyle Greer
Dr. Robbie Keels
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5/7/13 10:26 5:05 PM 5/9/13 AM
Lori Edwards & Vicki Flanagan
Melissa Pitts, Hailey Crocker, Susan El-Ibiary, Jennifer Show, Frankie Raddish, Aimee Hodge, & Sarah Dereng
Joe & Michelle Frasher 24 TOWN /
Dr. Shannon Hudson
Macy Wolf & dog, Austin Pazdan Lisa DeBrew & Kate Wiegmann
Pet Project Runway April 18, 2013 This event proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Greenville is a city of pet lovers. Local celebrities, including Fox Carolina’s Diana Watson and Chef360’s Peter Collins, got dolled up and walked down the catwalk with their dogs in support of the Greenville Humane Society. More than 400 guests attended to raise more than $68,000 in support of the Upstate’s largest no-kill facility. Barkery Bistro’s Meghan Ludwig took home “Best in Show,” while Fairway Automotive’s Kathryn McKissick was named “Top Dog Fundraiser.” Photography by Chelsey Ashford
Mary Hipp & Belle Alita Webster & Claude Robinson
Jay Spivey, Amy Rush Sheppard, & Gruffyn
Madison & Foster McKissick
Kerry Moore, Elizabeth Urps, & Pam Snyder
John Vingia, Oliver, & Joshua Moore-Vingia
Hope McAlister & Marie Dunn-Blough JUNE 2013 / 25
Town Peace Center Broadway Preview April 12, 2013 Peace Center subscribers and donors got a sneak preview of the 2013–2014 Certus Broadway Series. Two cast members from Jersey Boys joined Peace Center president Megan Riegel, with the Frankie Valli character singing a medley from the show. Riegel then introduced the upcoming shows: War Horse, Anything Goes, Wizard of Oz, Porgy & Bess, Flashdance: The Musical, Phantom of the Opera, and Evita.
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Photography by Jay Vaughan
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Dr. Jo & Sydney Sousa
Lauren Devinney & Mary Donohue 26 TOWN /
Stephanie Clark & Stephen Grubba
Ken & Lisa Hawkins
~ A Lifestyle Change ~
Tanya Diaz, Meg Black, & Shannon Bailey-Warmuth
Daniel Lock & Greg Graf
Bea Funer, Marge Wood, Margaret Allen, & Jinny Miller
An escape into tranquility, this is the perfect residence for equestrian enthusiasts or those wanting an everyday getaway. Located in Simpsonville’s exclusive Harrison Hills neighborhood, this private, custom built 8.2-acre estate includes the main residence, a 5-car detached garage with complete 2-bedroom, 1.5 bath apartment above, salt water pool with spa, a separate pool cabana that doubles as a guest suite and exercise gym, and a 2-story barn with 4 stalls and tack rooms.
864.430.6602 ValMiller SRpg Town June13.indd 1
J U N E5/15/13 2 0 1 8:53 3 / AM 27
Reedy River Jazz & Wine Festival April 26, 2013 An Anderson University jazz combo, the Keith Davis Trio, Carol Ingbretsen, and Con Clave took to the TD Stage for the 4th annual Reedy River Jazz and Wine Festival. About 350 guests sampled tunes, wine, and food in support of the Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Carolinas. Proceeds from the event will support the needs of hospitalized children that depend on the Ronald McDonald House for care. Photography by Jay Vaughan
Margaret Jenkins & Katherine King Matt & Virginia Vanvick
Chris Cortis & Erica Vanacore
Dean & Ginger Phillips
Don’t buy cheap clothes Buy good clothes, cheap.
1922 Augusta St. Greenville, SC 29605 | 864.631.1919
28 TOWN /
Juan Drummond & Sherry Jenkins
Nancy & Tom Wegman
Andrea & Chris Munsey
Johnny Payne & Rhonda Rowlings
Gary & PJ Ogata
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3/14/13 11:47 AM
Joan Rapp, Seabrook Marchant, & Tara Hayes
Lynne Wallner, Sue Groce, Pam Pascoe, & Robin Katula JUNE 2013 / 29
JDRF Saluting Real Heroes Gala February 28, 2013 The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation held its 11th annual black-tie gala in honor of those who live with diabetes and the unheralded heroes who support them. More than 360 guests were in attendance, including Michael and Susan Riordan of Greenville Health System and Rob and Allyn Hoak of TD Bank. Funds raised from the evening will be put toward Type-1 diabetes research. Photography by Jay Vaughan
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Heather Duffin, Jennifer Hall, Sarah Cunningham, & Laura Maciag 30 TOWN /
Blake & Millie Bridges
Cameron & Gabriella Mitchell Allen & Kay Earles
Clair & Jay Gibson
Melody & Derek Horton
Rob & Allyn Hoak
Katlin Carter, Julie White, Colby Williams, Janet Williams, & Austin Turner JUNE 2013 / 31
Weddings / by Andrew Huang
Elizabeth Holzbach & Richard DuBose January 26, 2013 What better way to get to know someone than on long runs? Elizabeth and Richard shared the road as running buddies and the workplace as therapists. The two were friends for a couple of years before they began dating. After having talked about getting married, Elizabeth began expecting a proposal at every turn. However, Richard managed to surprise her. Believing they were going to be late for a movie date, Elizabeth rushed out the door where Richard was waiting with a ring. The ceremony was held at Grace Church Downtown and featured a wedding party of 25 attendants. Elizabeth is a physical therapist at Greenville Health System and Richard is a speech language pathologist at AnMed Rehabilitation Hospital. PHOTOGRAPH BY RAYCROFT ART PHOTOGRAPHY
Siara Shytle & Justin DeNicola March 30, 2013 The proposal can be like a puzzle. Beforehand, Justin wanted to make sure his parents and Siara’s parents had a chance to meet and talk, and, of course, he needed to speak with her family, as well. For the last pieces of the puzzle, Justin needed a walk through President’s Park at Clemson with Siara. As the superstition goes, you’ll get married to whoever walks through the park with you. There, he asked and got the finishing touch: a “yes” from Siara. The two Clemson alumni had their ceremony at the university’s Warren and Virginia Owen Pavilion. PHOTOGRAPH BY RED APPLE TREE PHOTOGRAPHY
Afton Rogers & Marc Vaccaro April 13, 2013 Some proposals are perfectly choreographed moments, and others are spontaneous expressions of uncontainable love. For Marc, it was the latter: he popped the question while Afton was putting on makeup. Their Secret Garden–themed wedding had the perfect setting in Greenville’s Gassaway Mansion, and featured a far-flung guest list with friends and family coming from New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Mississippi, Texas, Florida, and California. One of Marc’s childhood friends officiated the ceremony. Afton is a registered nurse with Dr. William Scott’s MDVIP practice, while Marc is a math teacher at Walhalla High School. The couple lives in Seneca. PHOTOGRAPH BY SPOSA BELLA PHOTOGRAPHY
HEARING WEDDING BELLS? TOWN Magazine wants to publish your wedding announcement. If you currently live or grew up in the Upstate and were recently married, please write to us at TOWN Magazine, Attn: Andrew Huang, 148 River Street, Suite 120, Greenville, SC 29601, or e-mail Due to space constraints, inclusion is not guaranteed. 32 TOWN /
At the heart of the most extreme missions are the exceptional pilots who experience daring feats on a daily basis and are prepared to entrust their security only to the most high-performing instruments. At the heart of the most extreme missions is the Breitling Avenger. A concentrated blend of power, precision and functionality, Avenger models boast an ultra-sturdy construction and water resistance ranging from 1,000 to 10,000 feet. These authentic instruments for professionals are equipped with selfwinding movements chronometer-certified by the COSC – the highest official benchmark in terms of reliability and precision. Welcome to the sphere of extremes. Welcome to the Breitling world.
86 TOWN /
JANUARY 2011 / 11
AUGUST 2012 / 87
Decades of Trust. Confidence in the Future.
JeanE Bartlett, Buyer REALTOR®, Greenville resident and theater enthusiast
A Class Act, A Fan Favorite 864.467.0085
Whether she’s representing a lead character or representing the Marchant Company, JeanE puts her heart and soul into her presentation. She likes to add a pop of drama to the everyday, whether acting for Centre Stage or picking her own garden flowers for the Marchant Company lobby. JeanE believes all homebuyers deserve enthusiasm and top-of-the-line experience, and she knows how to deliver. Member FDIC Her motto is, “The right home at the right price!”
Strings Attached
Photograph by Paul Mehaffey
Russ Morin’s ukelele workshop is his happy place
JUNE 2013 / 37
Strummer Boy Russ Morin of Greenville tunes in to his artisanal love / by Jac Chebatoris
38 TOWN /
Get Plucky: Check out more of Russ Morin’s custom ukuleles or contact him via
it’s time for me to die.” He quit teaching that next year and dedicated himself full-time to his craft. Morin’s specialty is making resonator ukuleles, which have spun cones that act like speakers inside of the body, which then acts like a speaker cabinet, giving a more vibrant punch to the plucky, jaunty sound. Resonator ukuleles have been around since the 1920s and ’30s, Morin explains, before there were amplifiers and you wanted to be as loud as you could be. “If you were having a house party, you wanted to be heard,” he says. The instrument has had an ebb and flow in popularity from that time on. Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder even released an entire album of ukulele songs in 2011. Usually, the ukulele is a four-stringed instrument, though, recently, Morin received an order for a six-stringed one. The request came from Hawaii, from a descendent of Hawaiian royalty, he later confirmed. Morin has also shipped them to Australia. Just doing his part to spread the aloha.
Photographs by Paul Mehaffey
ove what you do and the happy will follow. It’s always on the sunny side in the darker depths of Russ Morin’s Greenville basement workshop, where he makes what has been called the “friendliest instrument in the world”—the ukulele. Just say the word, and you’ll feel a tropical breeze brush by you as a smile warms your insides. While associated with Hawaii, the history of the “uke” actually starts in Portugal where it is a called a braguinha. Morin explains how that happiest of names—ukulele—came about when the Hawaiians, upon seeing the quick action of the fingers moving across the strings, thought it resembled “jumping fleas.” Traditionally made of the native and plentiful koa wood in Hawaii, Morin’s are made from whatever scrap he finds— mahogany scavenged in a dumpster from a restaurant’s remodel, cedar and redwood signs from the sign store where he once worked, wood from the crates used in his friend’s rug-import business, or sturdy sycamore that a kindly gentlemen one day told Morin he could find if he drove down the road a piece, just past the Beacon Restaurant in Spartanburg. What led Morin to find his bliss, however, was a rather unhappy turn of events. About six years into a teaching job at Five Oaks Montessori Academy, Morin’s eldest sibling, his brother—“the surfer, healthy, outdoors-type”—got lung cancer and died at 51 years old. “It was a real wake-up call that there are no guarantees for anything,” Morin says, but sounding like a man who would make ukuleles for a living, quickly adds, “but there’s always good stuff that comes out of these things and it made me think, I need to do what I love. I don’t want to regret when
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fternoon tea, debutante parties, special-event dinners. A typical week for Emile Labrousse, executive chef at Greenville’s venerable Poinsett Club, can entail planning and preparing literally thousands of meals. So how’s a guy to relax? When this chef has a day off, he heads for the Green River near Saluda to indulge his other passion: fly fishing. A day spent fly fishing is, he says, “a Zen moment that lasts seven days.” Labrousse started to fish—and to cook—as a young boy in Périgueux, in southwestern France. “Growing up, 113 James Street • NORTH MAIN my living room was the outdoors,” recalls the chef. “I COL ELIAS EARLE HISTORIC DISTRICT would forage for mushrooms in the woods and ride 30 Historicmiles 100 year old – 2 acre outside town on myestate little red bike to fish in the Dordogne River.” After high school, Labrousse attended culinary school
TOM MARCHANT | 864.449.1658
Making Tracks High school brothers take their biking passion to the next level / by Steven Tingle
Rough Riders: Teenage brothers Luca (top left and right) and Walker (bottom left and right) have their sights set on the mountain bike racing World Championships in South Africa.
40 TOWN /
alker and Luca Shaw are kids. It’s hard to remember that fact when talking to them. They look you in the eye when they speak and use phrases like “scaphoid bone” and “sanctioning body.” They are gracious and polite. They sit up straight and praise one another. They don’t interrupt or pepper their sentences with “uh” and “like.” They’re mature, they’re sophisticated, and they can both flat out haul ass on a mountain bike. The boys (Walker, 17, Luca, 16) started riding from almost day one but didn’t take things seriously until they discovered a BMX track near their family’s Hendersonville, NC, home. “We loved bikes,” says Walker, “but this was the coolest thing ever.” It didn’t take long for lightning to strike. “By the time I was 9, we were racing all over the East Coast,” says Luca, “It was a lot of fun.” The brothers became well known on the BMX circuit, with Walker rising as high as fourth in the National Series and Luca earning second place, twice.
When Walker was 14, the boys moved from BMX to mountain bikes. “The transition was super easy,” says Luca. “The skills transfer but the mental part takes a while.” Walker agrees. “If you’re good at one, with a little bit of practice, you can be good at the other,” he says. “It just takes time to get super dialed in.” They’ve found they both love the solitude of downhill mountain bike racing over the crammed tracks of BMX. “With BMX you have so many other people to worry about because you’re racing together,” says Walker. “But with downhill racing, it’s just you against the time— you are in complete control.” The pair is currently preparing for two national events, one in New Jersey and the other in New York as well as the UCI World Cup in Scotland. “This will be our first World Cup,” says Walker. “There are seven World Cups this year but Scotland is big. It’s a legendary track.” Luca chimes in, “It’s the biggest one as far as spectators go, too.” “It’s real fans, not just the moms and dads of the racers,” he says. The boys plan to compete in at least two other World Cups this year, Canada and Italy, and if all goes according to plan the World Championships in South Africa. “It’s a big commitment,” says Walker. “Especially for the parents.” Fortunately the boys’ talent and determination have caught the eye, and checkbook, of a few sponsors including Monster Energy, SRAM, and Specialized, who just added the pair to their Global Factory Team. “We have a good group of people around us helping us out,” says Luca. The Shaw boys plan to keep training, keep improving, and hopefully one day monetize their passion for racing. “The long-term goal is to make a living off of it,” says Luca. “To not have to go to work—just race, ride, and train.” The boys look at each other earnestly. “It’s certainly achievable,” says Walker. “It’s doable.”
Photographs by Matthew DeLorme / courtesy of Doug Shaw
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Pumped Up: Former nationally competing race car driver Julia Dawson now hits the gas as an engineer at BMW.
Ticket to Ride BMW engineer Julia Dawson raced to the top / by Jac Chebatoris 42 TOWN /
ad’s lucky number—17—was her race car number. That’s right, her race car number. For the past seven years, until last October, Julia Dawson drove race cars. The 26-year-old doesn’t compete anymore, mainly because of the exorbitant finances it takes to race, she candidly admits, but it doesn’t mean she’s slowed down at all. In fact, it was her need for speed that got her into racing to begin with. The Dallas native, who has lived in Greenville for three years, and works as an engineer at BMW, was going 90-miles-per-hour in a 60-milesper-hour zone when she was 16 years old and got pulled over. Her father, instead of taking away her car keys, suggested his little speed demon sign up for a racing course at a local track for some instruction. She did, and after the first year was teaching the class herself. By the time she was 18, she had her first tattoo—it was of the Ferrari emblem. “It was the first car I ever fell in love with when I was six years old,” says Dawson. (The tattoo of 17 stars that trails down her side to commemorate Dad’s lucky number and her car came later.) While she was studying mechanical engineering at the University of Texas at Austin, she would be at school for part of the week and racing for the rest, traveling
across the country from Las Vegas to Atlanta. She raced in a division called Spec Miata, which were gutted Mazda Miatas, Dawson explains, until moving up to INEX Legends cars. The second time she tested one, Dawson had a horrible head-on accident that left her, miraculously, without any broken bones, but with a slipped disc and other serious injuries—the worst being a new sense of fear that the then 19-year-old had never felt before. “It was the hardest thing I ever had to do to get over that fear. I just kept going, thinking this is either going to break you or you’re going to get over it. I kept going, it took a while, but I did,” she says. Nine months later, she won her first race. In 2007, she was the top-ranked woman in her division in the nation, and in 2008 raced in her first professional series, the US F2000 Championship Series. Even when she was the only woman competing against 35 to 40 men, Dawson, who describes herself as “highly competitive,” felt most in her element in the car, and if there was any sort of ostracizing, it was never blatant, she says. She might be in a dress and heels, but on one side of her ankle is a tattoo of brass knuckles. On the other side are the words “Can’t Stop.” For Dawson, there’s not a chance.
Photograph by Paul Mehaffey
TURNS HEADS. STOPS ITSELF. The Volvo XC60 doesn’t just have looks that will stop people in their tracks. It comes standard with City Safety, which automatically detects a stopped or slower-moving car in front of you and applies the brakes at 31 mph or less.
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Asheville on High Skip the airplane: flying over WNC is more fun with a rope and harness / by Heidi Coryell Williams
Caption here: text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here text here
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iscuit could not have weighed more than 90 pounds, breathing heavily as she ascended the fifth flight of stairs in our final morning ascent. The higher we walked, the more downtown Asheville came into view. It was the second time we’d scaled the large wooden tower that day, a prelude to the act of balancing on its decks and then jumping off. Grasping the handrail and leaning into each step, I heard Biscuit audibly sigh behind me—the carabiners of our yellow “Y Straps” clanging with every step. “I beat cancer,” the young woman muttered. “But I don’t know if I’ll survive these steps.” It had been more than two hours since we’d begun our Asheville Zipline Canopy Adventure Tour—Biscuit with her best friend, and me with three of mine. Far too young to be a cancer survivor, she was a senior, attending college outside of Nashville; my friends and I also attended college together, 15 years earlier. The juxtaposition of our journeys was coincidental, but not inconsequential. We had all chosen to spend the same morning exploring Asheville from on high, and we were doing it with some of our closest girlfriends. For my group of four, the zipline tour made for an interesting mix of hilarity and terror. For those of us who are deathly fearful of heights (this writer), tree hugging was the order of the day. For those who were seemingly fearless, jokes and pranks ruled. The combination made us practically giddy, and I’m fairly certain the thin air wasn’t to blame. One of our group was having a problem trying to launch from the jumping platform, and asked our tour guide Brenda to help. Brenda: “The problem is you’re sitting on your Y tails.” “Funny, I thought I only had X tails.” On another occasion, tour guide Bryan explained that an upcoming zipline would dip before it ended, describing it as “a natural belly.” “This line has a natural belly? So do I!” Yes, after a Friday spent shopping, going to the spa, and dining out in downtown Asheville, a Saturday of ziplining provided the perfect antidote to an ordinary girls weekend. Just a half-mile from the heart of downtown, the Asheville Zipline Canopy Adventure Tour is run by the well-known and highly respected outdoor company Wildwater Ltd. It draws an assortment of tourists and in-town visitors; the common ground seems to be that guests are looking for something slightly more challenging than a stroll across the lawn of the Biltmore, yet more approachable than most extreme adventures.
Ride the Wire: For more information about the Asheville Zipline Canopy Tour and Treetops Adventure Park, visit Wildwater’s Web site at asheville-zipline-canopy-tours
Photographs cour tesy of A shevi lle Zipli ne Canopy Tours
At all of Wildwater’s canopy tours—Pigeon, Ocoee, and Chattooga rivers, and in the Nantahala Forest and in Asheville—tourists are invited to speed through the air attached to a series of large metal cables, strung through a canopy of trees. All of the company’s zipline tours require that zipliners start with a few minutes of instruction at “ground school,” which, as the name suggests, teaches the ground rules of zipline safety, at the manageable height of about a foot up. Even after ground school, the Asheville course is designed so that the lines get progressively more challenging. As our group made our way through, we noticed that jumping platforms became higher; the lines got longer; and we went faster. And somewhere along the line, we also became braver—which meant being able to jump without closing eyes for some and dangling off the side of a platform for others. The Asheville course is Wildwater’s most visible. The cables stretch above 125 acres of the Crown Plaza Resort. (The entrance to the course itself is on the far side of the hotel’s main parking area.) Adjacent to the zipline tour is Asheville Treetops Adventure Park, a high ropes course that my friends and I navigated later in the afternoon that included about 50 “challenges” ranging from rock walls and ziplines to swinging logs and rappelling, all high above the ground. A “green” course accommodated the faint of heart (this writer) for a challenging but not heart-stopping adventure, and it left time for spectating and cheering on friends brave enough to navigate more difficult “yellow” and “red” courses. There was heckling, to be sure. But there was also a welcome closeness that came out of the experience, something I was thankful to share with this group of women I now see only once or twice a year. By design, the end of the canopy zipline course loops back around to where it began, and then one final jump remains—the longest, most intimidating line of the day. Our tour guide Brenda paused to point out the “ground school,” where we’d all started just a few hours earlier, and she said in passing, “It’s fun to look and see how far you’ve come.” Instead, I looked at my girlfriends, at Biscuit and her friend, and with the steadiest hand I’d had all morning, took out my pen and paper: “How far we’ve come. That’s what makes jumping easy.”
JUNE 2013 / 45
It’s no wonder Greenville Health System (GHS) is the envy of the country. With physicians like Dr. Scott Porter, the region’s only orthopaedic oncologist—and one of 60 leading cancer specialists at the GHS Cancer Institute—providing new and innovative cancer therapies at 10 convenient locations, we’re helping to lead the nation in the fight against cancer, right here in the Upstate. Learn more at
Swingin’ Good Time Crosswinds Golf Club has lightning-fast greens, signature holes, and an owner larger than life / by Steven Tingle
Photog r aph by Paul Meha f fey
ust about every warm Wednesday evening a “skins game” takes place at Crosswinds Golf Club, off of I-385 in Greenville. Around 6:15 p.m., golfers of all shapes, sizes, and abilities pull into the parking lot and step out of mini vans, convertibles, work trucks, and SUVs. They steady themselves against their vehicles and replace boots, loafers, and Crocs with golf shoes and sneakers. Most remove their driver from their golf bag before heading to the small clubhouse where they give their name and $25 to the man behind the counter. Then it’s out through the back door and on to the practice green for a few quick putts. The practice green, like the other 18 greens, is cool-season bent grass, grown tight and cut short. Crosswind’s greens are smooth and deceptively fast, like rolling marbles on a mirror. The greens are better than they should be—in fact, for a par-three course next to an Interstate, they are better than they have any right to be. An avid golfer just back from the Lowcountry comments, “I don’t think you could find better greens anywhere in the state right now.” Those within earshot agree. The variety of players this evening is stunning. There’s a single dad, a former Atlanta Braves pitcher, an auto-body repairman, and a slim blonde whose tight outfit serves as a distracting strategy. There are limber twenty-somethings and pot-bellied 60-yearolds. There are Polo shirts tucked into flat-front khakis and printed t-shirts billowing above cargo shorts. Crosswinds is truly an equalopportunity golf course. A few yards from the green, a man stands off to himself, casually watching the proceedings. He’s pushing 70 and seems slightly weak but his handshake is sturdy and firm. He’s wearing khaki shorts and sport sandals and his brown windbreaker stands guard against the evening air. His thinning hair is cut close above his ears where tiny translucent tubes snake around and disappear into the canals. “Hello, Sam,” the former big league pitcher calls out. “Hey, Sam,” yells the single dad. “Good to see you, Sam,” shouts the auto-body repairman. Most of the players know the founder and owner of Crosswinds, and Sam Pate knows most of them in return—“Hello, Jose”—“Hello, Trent”—“Where’s your brother tonight, Rob?” If you play Crosswinds, you will come to know Sam Pate. He’s there almost every day. Sometimes to check up on things, or roll a
Breath of Fresh Air: A double lung transplant hasn’t stopped Sam Pate from staying the face of Crosswinds Golf Club, an 18-hole par-three course near downtown Greenville.
few putts on the practice green, or maybe just to walk nine by himself, part of his long and continued rehabilitation. At 6:30 p.m., a man with a clipboard emerges from the clubhouse and ascends the first tee. “Listen up,” yells Jim Cadieu, the general manager and golf pro. Jim goes over the game’s rules, which takes about fifteen seconds, then assigns players their starting hole. Pate watches proudly as the group of around 40 breaks apart in all directions across his course. He had no experience in the golf business when he built Crosswinds in 1997. “I went into it recognizing the fact I didn’t know much,” he says. “I tried to think of everything that could go wrong. Double lung transplant was one thing I didn’t think of.” Two weeks earlier Sam Pate sat at an outdoor table at Adams Bistro off Pelham Road and lunched on chicken, pinto beans, and collard greens. “When the leaves are off you can JUNE 2013 / 47
see the course from here,” he says, pointing across the parking lot. Pate is popular here, as well. Without asking, he’s brought a glass filled with half tea, half lemonade, and almost every employee offers an enthusiastic, “Hey, Sam!” He returns their greetings by name. Pate is catching up with John LaFoy, lunch companion and one of the founding partners of Crosswinds. LaFoy, a Greenville-based golf course architect with a Foghorn Leghorn voice is a designer whose talent has taken him from Augusta National to past president of the American Society of Golf Course Architects. Pate first met LaFoy in 1997 after Pate’s friend, the executive director of the downtown airport, asked Pate if he had any ideas, or interest, in developing a piece of land near one of the runways. At the time the parcel was cleared but zoning restrictions had limited it to a 29-acre eyesore. “I said you might have room for a par three,” Pate recalls. Pate negotiated a 40-year lease on the land, and LaFoy had the audacious, and brilliant, idea to ask seventeen of his architect friends to design one hole each. “The hard part was to get seventeen architects to do it without having to pay them,” says LaFoy. All but one accepted the offer. The result is mind-boggling: a par-three course with holes designed by Rees Jones, Tom Fazio and Tom Marzoff, Bob Cupp, and Pete and Alice Dye, among others. Pate has owned Crosswinds outright since 2002 but the course is not his only job. “I’m a salesman,” he says when asked what he does for a living. “I’ve been with the same company for 32 years.” Pate sells paper business forms, a product slowly being eliminated by technology. Over the years Pate has learned the golf business is much like his other job: it’s based on relationships, on remembering names and being memorable. He’s also learned to slow down and smell the collard greens, as a double lung transplant in 2008 kept him in the hospital for 48 TOWN /
In Good Company: Pate hooked up with renowned golf course architect, and a founding partner of Crosswinds, John LaFoy, who suggested that each hole be designed by a different architect.
three months and on a treadmill for much of five years. “I’ve been very, very fortunate,” he says. Back at the skins game, the floodlights are on and the last few putts are rolled through eerily long shadows. Pate has gone home, the temperature has dropped and a final plane descends over the course into darkness. Soon the results will be tallied and the winners goaded into buying a round at a bar somewhere nearby. When the parking lot empties, Jim will turn off the lights, lock the door and close the gate on another long day. Tomorrow, grass will be cut and bunkers raked and somewhere one fewer business form will be sold. And Sam Pate will shake hands and remember names and maybe roll a few putts on mirror-slick greens, all while feeling grateful for his friends, for his course, and for every single breath.
Crosswinds Golf Club 61 Villa Rd, Greenville. (864) 233-6336, Summer hours: 8am–10:30pm
Photog r aph (por t r ait) by Paul Meha f fey
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5 0 JHM T OhlfH WN / t o w n c a r1o l i n a . c o m TownJune13.indd
5/15/13 12:17 PM
Dream Boat: Beaufort’s coastal beauty is on display at marina docks (top left), white sand beaches at Hunting Island State Park (top right), and the Hunting Island Lighthouse (bottom left).
10AM: History and Highlights
Take the morning to explore the downtown historic district. First stop: the Visitor Center in the 1799 brick and tabby Arsenal (713 Craven St), where you can stock up on maps and information as well as browse exhibits detailing the area’s military heritage. Across from Waterfront Park, the c.1804 John Verdier House (801 Bay St; (843) 3796225, offers a tour of a nineteenth-century cotton planter’s home. Carteret and Bay streets are the places to poke in shops and galleries for home accessories, art, antiques, and gifts. Check out The Point neighborhood to see the houses that starred in films such as The Big Chill and Prince of Tides. 1PM: Eat Local
Photographs courtesy of Kathleen Buckley (shrimp boat) and Captain Dick (palms at sunset)
The white shrimp caught off of the South Carolina coast are some of the best around. And one of the most popular places to sample these local crustaceans is at the little Shrimp Shack on St. Helena Island. Try the Shrimpburger, a deep-fried, chopped-shrimp cake on a bun, with the sweet potato fries. Shorts, T-shirts, and flip-flops are fitting dress at this oh-so-casual spot. 925 Sea Island Pkwy. (843) 838-2962
S Southern Exposure Surrender to Beaufort’s serene marshes and bountiful seafood / by M. Linda Lee
et on a point of land jutting into the Beaufort River on Port Royal Island, Beaufort’s historic core melds antebellum architecture with modern amenities. Everywhere you look, the Lowcountry coast unveils its beauty in ochre and pale-green marshes, sun-drenched blue waters, and moss-draped live oaks. With its slow pace and Southern hospitality, Beaufort beckons you to stay a while and let your cares drift away on the outgoing tide.
8:30AM: Eye Opener
Start your day as many locals do, with breakfast at Blackstone’s Cafe. Just off Bay Street, the cafe serves up smoked salmon or shrimp omelets and stacks of buttermilk pancakes. Hearty appetites favor the homemade corned beef hash topped with two extra-large eggs. And what sweet tooth can resist the made-in-house pecan sticky buns? 205 Scott St. (843) 524-4330,
2PM: Beaching It
From the Shrimp Shack, it’s a short drive east to Hunting Island State Park, where you can spend the afternoon on the beach. This former barrier-island hunting ground is South Carolina’s most visited state park for a reason. Fringed by stately palms, the wide, white-sand beach is a pristine place to relax. Climb the 175 steps up to the top of the 1875 Hunting Island Lighthouse for a gorgeous panorama of the sea and maritime forest. 2555 Sea Island Pkwy, Hunting Island. (843) 838-2011, huntingisland
JUNE 2013 / 51
4:30PM: Inn Experience
5:45PM: Celebrate Sunset
To appreciate Beaufort’s past, a stay in a historic B&B is de rigueur. The Beaufort Inn, with its eye-catching pink façade and inviting double piazzas, dates to 1897. A peaceful room here might include a private balcony and a claw-foot soaking tub. Pamper yourself with a treatment at the Beaufort Day Spa, adjacent to the inn. 809 Port Republic St. (843) 379-4667,
What better way to view the Lowcountry coast than from the water at twilight? Captain Dick’s two-hour sunset cruise departs from Beaufort’s Downtown Marina at Waterfront Park and sails up the river past the Old Point and back through Factory Creek, where you’ll likely spot dolphins. Reservations required., (843) 812-2804
Another good choice, the c.1820 Greek Revival–style Rhett House Inn boasts 10 high-ceilinged, individually decorated rooms on three floors, plus seven additional rooms in a building across the street. Guests enjoy afternoon tea, evening hors-d’oeuvres, homemade desserts, and complimentary use of bicycles and beach chairs. 1009 Craven St. (843) 524-9030,
Back on land, the Saltus River Grill keeps to the day’s watery theme with an appealing menu of seafood specialties. To start, local oysters on the half shell speak in Asian accents with shiso, wasabi, and yuzu sauce. Next, Sea Island shrimp pairs with mascarpone grits, roasted shiitake mushrooms, and lardons of bacon in Chef Brian Waters’ version of a Lowcountry favorite. If the mosquitoes aren’t biting, stake out a table on the patio, overlooking the river. 802 Bay St. (843) 379-3474,
Feeding Frenzy: Both historic and gastronomic appetites can have their fill in Beaufort. The Point neighborhood (top) is home to prime examples of antebellum architecture, while the Saltus River Grill (second from top and bottom right) blends fresh seafood with Asian ingredients.
8:30AM: Southern Starter
8:15PM: Something Fishy
Both the Beaufort Inn and the Rhett House serve up hearty Southern fare to start the day. At the Beaufort Inn, the bounteous Southern Graces buffet in the Magnolia Room includes an omelet station, grits, breakfast meats, and a daily changing selection of house-made pastries. Guests at the Rhett House enjoy a full spread of eggs, biscuits, and bacon or sausage in the dining room or on the veranda, weather permitting. Beaufort Inn, 809 Port Republic St. (843) 3794667, Rhett House Inn, 1009 Craven St. (843) 524-9030, Don’t leave without seeing Penn Center, a school founded in 1862 to educate newly freed Sea Island slaves. Today, the center’s 17 buildings function as a conference center, but you can read the stories about some of the people who attended this institution at the onsite York W. Bailey Museum. For another taste of island culture, visit the nearby Red Piano Too Art Gallery (870 Sea Island Pkwy; (843) 8382241, A former agricultural co-op founded by Penn School graduates in 1940, Red Piano Too now showcases local folk art and sweetgrass baskets. 16 Penn Center Circle W, St. Helena Island. (843) 838-2432,
52 TOWN /
Photographs of Saltus River Grill by Brandie Cash-Ardine; photograph of the Point neighborhood courtesy of Isabella Reeves
10AM: Get Your Gullah On
Begin with a
Captionhead: Text here
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JUNE 2013 / 53
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54 TOWN /
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2222 Augusta Road, Greenville 864 271 9750 | 56 TOWN /
6/11/12 10:46 AM
Summer 2013 Issue | Publishing June 21
4/5/13 1:13 PM
Strap In
Photograph by Paul Mehaffey
Cut footloose this summer with updated essentials and high-tech gear
Chaco Z/2 Unaweep sandal, $100. From Appalachian Outfitters, 191 Halton Rd, Greenville. (864) 6870618,
JUNE 2013 / 57
Back Packed Modern technology blends with timeless utility for an updated stash of outdoor essentials 1
/ by Laura Linen
3 2
Photog r aph by Paul Meha f fey
1 BOWLED OVER REI tableware set, $45. REI, 1140 Woodruff Rd, Ste 400, Greenville. (864) 297-0588, 2 CLIP ON BD Magnetron carabiner, $25. Sunrift Adventures, 1 Center St, Travelers Rest. (864) 834-3019, 3 SUPER CHARGED Goal Zero Switch 8, $40. Mast General Store, 111 N Main St, Greenville. (864) 235-1883, 4 CARD-INAL DIRECTIONS “Don’t Die Out There” cards, $8. Mast General Store 5 THROWING SHADE Costa del Mar Fantail sunglasses, $200. Mast General Store 6 SIPPY CUP Platypus 0.5L soft bottle, $13. Appalachian Outfitters, 191 Halton Rd, Greenville. (864) 987-0618, 58 TOWN /
JUNE 2013 / 59
Be Flexible
Seamless style from the studio to the street
/ by Joshua Moore-Vingia
5 7
1 UP IN THE AIR Blu Pepper embroidered netting and lace cover-up, $66. Traveling Chic Boutique, 122 N Main St, Greenville, (864) 365-5501, travelingchicboutique. com 2 GLASS EYE Brass telescope necklace, $33. Custard Boutique, 718-A S Main St, Greenville, (864) 271-0927, 3 FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH Pure Balance glass water bottle, $28. lululemon athletica, 610-C S Main St, Greenville, (864) 271-4802, 4 HAT TIP Sam & Sonia fedora, $27. Traveling Chic Boutique 5 STRIKE A POSE The Mat, $68. lululemon athletica 6 CARRY ON Vinyasa To Vino bag, $138. lululemon athletica 7 PRIZE FLIGHT MIA gladiator sandals, $15. Saige Consignment Boutique, 221 Pelham Rd, Ste 105, Greenville, (864) 233-5441, 60 TOWN /
Photog r aph s by Paul Meha f fey
2243 Augusta Road | Greenville, SC 29605 | 864.271.3587 | PinkMon_HlfH_Town June13.indd 1
5/16/13 10:35 AM
A Modern Take On Timeless Beauty!
102 Mills Avenue, Greenville, SC • 864.271.7155 • Capello TOWNJune13 hlfH.indd 1
5/2/13 12:49 PM
JUNE 2013 / 61
About TOWN
Each month, the Man About TOWN will share his Upstate rendezvous, which may or may not involve cocktails.
Trunk Show The Man About TOWN returns to his roots
62 TOWN /
We’re fortunate to have several small-batch distilleries right here in the Upstate producing varieties of straight and flavored moonshine as well as whiskey, gin, rum, and brandy. All offer sample tastings and tours and, unlike the moonshiners of yesterday, these passionate distillers are eager to discuss their craft. This spring I purchased my first bottle of moonshine at a local distillery just a few miles from home. Stopped at a traffic light and with the bottle tucked securely in the trunk, my thoughts drifted to a young Junior Johnson behind the wheel of a souped-up car loaded down with hooch. I thought of what it must have felt like to know that skill and speed were the only things separating you and your cargo from the hands of greedy revenuers. I glanced in the rearview mirror, gripped the wheel tight and wished, just for a second, someone would chase me. Copperhead Mountain Distillery 14 S Main St, Travelers Rest. (864) 610-2228, Dark Corner Distillery 241-B N Main St, Greenville. (864) 631-1144, Palmetto Moonshine 200 W Benson St, Anderson. (864) 226-9917, Six & Twenty Distillery 3109 Hwy 153, Piedmont. (864) 263-8312,
Photograph courtesy of The Library of Congress
or your Man About TOWN, the prospect of spending an afternoon at the NASCAR Hall of Fame has about as much appeal as undergoing a colonoscopy while being audited. It’s not that I look down on the sport, it’s just despite a backwoods Southern upbringing I’ve always gravitated toward the kitchen rather than the garage and am much more comfortable with a whisk or cocktail shaker than a wrench or pair of channel locks. So, not surprisingly, I greeted the idea of shuffling around a museum full of engines, tires, and oil cans with a world-class yawn. That was until I heard about “The Still.” Realizing it’s better to embrace your roots than blindly drive over them, NASCAR has devoted a small corner of its Hall of Fame to a full-sized moonshine still. Built and installed by racing legend and convicted bootlegger Junior Johnson, the still is authentic, albeit non-working—which is sort of like watching an orchestra not play. The knowledge that Johnson, among many other early stock-car racers, honed their racing skills “running shine” fills me with a new appreciation and enthusiasm for the sport. Up until recently, I had tried moonshine a grand total of once. I was at a “dry county” party in the mountains of North Carolina when someone began passing around a Mountain Dew bottle, the irony seemingly lost on everyone but myself, filled with a clear liquid that tasted like lighter fluid. I was not impressed. Today’s legal moonshine is much more subtle and drinkable than the pot-still white lightning of the early days. The three Xs on the old clay jugs meant the contents had passed through the still three times rendering it nearly pure alcohol. Modern moonshine sits at around 100-proof or 50-percent alcohol—enough to replace the Sterno under your chafing dish but far from jet fuel.
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5/13/13 3:46 PM
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Joan Herlong Owner, BIC 864-325-2112 Venetia King Buyer Agent/Professional Stager 864-414-5991 Jack Herlong Broker Assoc/Social Media Maven 864-313-2520
JUNE 2013 / 63
FATHER’S DAY SALE June 8th–15th!
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4/16/13 4:47 PM
JUNE 2013 /65 11/12/12 1:00 PM
Water Marks
The lure of it all. Maybe it’s the awe-inspiring landscape. Or the thrill of the chase. The incomparable peace—or the wildness of it. These fly-fishing disciples probably have more days on the water than on land, their stories intimating the near holiness of the sport. And, lucky for us, we live within an hours’ drive of some of the best fishing waters in the world.
By Charles Sowell Photography by Patrick Cox
66 TOWN /
Photog r aph by M ichael K amber/ T he New York Ti mes / Redu x
High Standards: Workers at the Dominican Republic–based Alta Gracia factory, the United States’ largest suppliers of collegiate apparel, earn 3.5 times more than their Dominican counterparts at other factories. Alta Gracia is managed by Knights Apparel, based in Spartanburg.
FEBRUARY 2012 / 67
A Woman’s Touch
Simons Welter takes to the water with control and grace
GO FISH A guide to the best trout waters and equipment
Simons Welter is living proof you don’t have to have a lifetime of experience to become a great trout fisher. Welter, 47, got good in a hurry after taking a Department of Natural Resources seminar at Clemson University on Becoming an Outdoors-Woman. “The casting was what hooked me,” she says. “The effortless art of the cast just charmed me. It combines the best elements of art and sport.” She took the seminar in 2004 and started doing guide work for J. H. “Spider” Littleton in 2006 until he closed his fly shop on Augusta Road; from there she went on to guide for Kevin Howell at Davidson River Outfitters in Brevard in 2008, then became a regular guide for Matt Canter at Brookings Anglers in Cashiers in 2010. She’s been with Brookings ever since. Welter has fished in 12 states and six foreign countries in eight years. She finds Germany one of the most interesting. “In Germany, there is no such thing as public water on any river. You pay to fish a beat. I paid my fee, got a map, and took off for a day on the water. Later that day, I met another fisherman who told me I was on the wrong part of the river. The maps they provided were not great.” But a day on the water for Welter is always joyous. It is a joy she lives to share, though sometimes clients mistake her angling intensity for anger. “It’s not something I mean to do, it’s just how I look when I’m really concentrating,” she says. One of her favorite streams for clients who want a chance at a large trout is the Davidson River, outside of Brevard, she says. “It’s a small stream with lots of good fish in the fly-rod-only section. The stream sees lots of pressure and the fish are quite leader shy, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t catchable.” Even the rankest beginner can successfully catch fish if he or she can cast the length of a rod (typically nine feet long), she says. Welter lives for the “aha” moments with her clients. That magical instant when the client puts together the instructions with actually hooking a fish. “I started off guiding women. They figured some women would be more comfortable with a female guide,” she says. “Now I guide mostly men, from beginners to experienced fly fishermen.” Welter also does considerable work with Casting for Recovery, a joint program sponsored by Trout Unlimited chapters in North and South Carolina. Simons was born and raised in Statesville, North Carolina. “I wasn’t really an outdoorsy person,” she says. “I was much more of a tomboy, playing sports and the like. We had fishing gear in the house, and I did fish with my dad a few times. But I never really connected until I had a fly rod in my hands.” She is a Clemson graduate and met her husband, Hank, while in school there. “Hank and my children have been wonderful putting up with my fishing and guide work,” she says. Welter will take over as chapter president of Mountain Bridge Trout Unlimited in June, where she’ll surely bring to the table more than just a healthy catch.
fly fishing guide
“The casting was what hooked me. The effortless art of the cast just charmed me. It combines the best elements of art and sport.” —Simons Welter Un-Reel: Simons Welter relishes her clients’ “aha” moments on the river. She went from novice to professional in only 8 years.
68 TOWN /
The South Holston and Watauga Rivers in far East Tennessee are possibly the best trout-fishing destinations in the Southeast, with 4,000 to 6,000 fish per mile. The browns are all considered wild, as none have been stocked since the late 1980s. Guide and gear for Watauga can be found at Watauga River Lodge, 643 Smalling Rd, Watauga, TN,; guides and gear for South Holston can be found at the South Holston River Fly Shop, 608 Emmett Rd, Bristol, TN, (423) 8782822. Independent guide services are offered by Randy Ratliff at (423) 360-1468, or The Tuckasegee, or Tuck, is another big-water tailrace fishery noted for high numbers of trout per mile. Tuckasegee rises near Cashiers, North Carolina, and flows into Lake Fontana near the Little Tennessee River. Most easily fished by drift boat, the river is comparable to a big Western stream. It can be waded when Duke Energy Corporation is not releasing water from its upstream reservoirs. Gear and guides can be found at Hookers Fly Shop, 546 W Main St, Sylva, NC, (828) 587-HOOK, or; Hunter Banks Company, 29 Montford Ave, Asheville, NC, (828) 252-3005, (800) 227-6732, The Chattooga River is the crown jewel of South Carolina’s trout fishery. It is a place where delayed harvest water offers fly fishermen a shot a big stocked trout, and wild fish abound, some of them monstrous, in the backcountry. Places like Rock Gorge and Ellicott Rock Wilderness are legendary for their difficulty and for the fighting wild trout there. Neither Rock Gorge or Ellicott Rock Wilderness should be fished alone—the wading is too tough, and the river can kill you. Gear, guide services, and advice can be found at the Chattooga River Fly Shop near Mountain Rest, SC, (864) 638-2806, Open Wed–Sun during the summer season.
THE SMALL WATER Davidson River is, without doubt, the most famous fly-fishing destination in Western North Carolina. Located near Brevard, in Pisgah National Forest, the Davidson is an anything-goes stream below Avery Creek. The browns here are massive and tough to catch. It is, however, the best chance new fly fishermen have to land a trophy fish under the expert tutelage of a guide. Davidson River Outfitters (DRO) is the one place that fishermen on the river need to visit. Their guides are on the river daily, and they carry the particularly tiny flies that the fish will take. DRO is located at 95 Pisgah Highway, Pisgah Forrest, NC; (828) 877-4181, High on Grandfather Mountain, Upper Wilson Creek is one of the best-kept secrets in Western North Carolina fly fishing. Upper Wilson has a thriving population of naturally reproducing browns, rainbows, and brook trout, but the gin-clear water makes fishing tough. One cast and you either hook up or move on. Wilson Creek Outfitters is the gold standard for Wilson, 831 West Union St, Morganton, NC; (828) 430-3556,
JUNE 2013 / 69
A Personal Note Writer Charles Sowell breaks down his river passion
Fly fishing
lifetime obsession in the back of a battered jon boat on a blackwater pond in Edgefield County about 50 years ago. Watching my father work a battered old fiberglass rod from the front of the boat set the boy’s imagination soaring. The utter grace of the cast, the thunderous strike of a bass, or even a big bluegill, was mesmerizing, visceral—grabbing me by the gut and refusing to let go. That time is as far removed from my fly fishing today as I am from my long-dead father. His role in planting the seed of the obsession was much the same as my own in my sons’ lives. Sometimes it takes, as with the older boy Wil, sometimes it doesn’t as with the younger son Richard. Sometimes you catch a fish and sometimes you don’t. Eventually, fish caught and fish missed become secondary to the beauty of the sport, the art of the cast. The wiliness of tying a fly that will fool a sight feeder like a trout, or a bottom feeding catfish, carries the mind of a modern man into the realm of the fish’s primitive world. The closer one comes to that mindset, the more wild trout are caught. There are, literally, hundreds of places where stocked trout, stockers as they are known, can be caught in North and South Carolina. But only a few dozen where wild fish predominate. The first inkling that I’d not had the true fly fishing experience came on Hazel Creek in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park about 20 years ago. There is no easy way to get to Hazel. It is a five-mile boat ride or a 20mile hike. The stream has not been stocked since the 1920s. I hooked a 10-inch rainbow, which jumped head-high when it first felt the hook. I thought it was leaping to escape a big brown and almost lost the feisty rascal looking for the larger fish. After landing the rainbow, it hit me that this was how wild fish acted. It became my fishing-life’s work to seek out and catch as many of these wonderful fish as I could find. Here’s a secret from a fishing world filled with more closely held information than the Pentagon: Every fly fisherman I’ve ever known who was worth his, or her, salt had a teacher, a sensei, that changed them into artists. Mine was Joe Humphreys. Well into his late 80s now, Joe was in his 60s when I met him at the old Foothills Fly Shop on Pleasantburg Drive. Humphreys’ resumé is impressive. He taught fly fishing at Penn State for nearly 20 years. President Jimmy Carter, Vice President Richard Cheney and basketball coaching great Bobby Knight have all come under his tutelage. He was a regular on outdoors television shows for years. None of that impressed me as a brash younger man. I wanted results, to learn something special. When Humphreys made his line curve to land his fly behind a 21-inch pine on a 40-foot cast, I was hooked. When Humphreys landed four of the five visible fish in a pool on the East Fork of the Pigeon River at Cold Mountain, North Carolina, I became a disciple. This obsession has taken me into some of the most beautiful country and wildest rivers in both Carolinas. Places like Wilson Creek on Grandfather Mountain, Hazel Creek in the Smokies, Rock Gorge on the Chattooga, Slickrock Creek in the Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock Wilderness of North Carolina, and Ellicott Rock Wilderness, on the Chattooga near its headwaters in North Carolina. The Slickrock Creek trail has been rated one of the 12 toughest in America. It is barely a trail at all, more like a bear path cutting through brambles and laurel hells.
became a
70 TOWN /
Fly fishing is a way of life that never wanders far from the mind’s forefront. The roar of a big whitewater river, or the burble of a small stream, the smell of a school, or wildflowers in bloom are all part of a seamless whole that makes up the experience. The society of fly fishers is almost like a club. There is no secret handshake (yet), but one knows if the other person is a member within a few minutes of talking, or watching them work a rod. The wanna-be types look like old ladies trying to swat a bee with a broom. The art of fly fishing often develops relationships that last a lifetime. There is Carter Nelson, known as “The Goose” to his friends, who won his nickname by slugging a big gander on the West Fork of the Chattooga River one April morning. He lives in Charleston now, where Goose regularly pounds on red fish, bass, and bream with his fly rods. He still makes a pilgrimage to the mountains two or three times of year for a dose of trout. My wife Laura has fished more trout water than most men. She’s been at my side—or on the river—for more than 20 years. She’s a small woman, and the big water is often more than she can handle now. But she still goes to cast over the spots that make fly fishing guides flinch, like the Chattooga River’s Rock Gorge. Rock Gorge gets its name from the building-size boulders that litter the channel where the river necks down from 100 feet wide to about 30. The river literally squirts between boulders in places that are lined with vertical rock walls about 90 feet high. It is a place that requires swimming skills as well as wading expertise. There are probably fewer than 20 fishermen a year who venture into this three-mile stretch of river; the trailheads down to the river are a jealously guarded secret. There are moments in the gorge where the sheer wildness of the place takes precedence over fishing. The sight of a bald eagle gliding upstream about 15 feet above Laura’s head is a moment frozen in time. The bird’s wingspan was about a foot wider than Laura is tall. I was sitting beneath a massive hemlock in the gorge with fishing partner Greg Beckner, waders down around our ankles, when a 400-pound wild boar trotted out of the laurel and sent our hearts into hyper-drive. The massive boar smelled like a nightmare, he was that close, but he simply looked our way with the equivalent of a piggish sneer and trotted back into the laurel. There are comic moments, too. One February morning about 15 years ago, Laura and I were driving in to Simms Pool on Chattooga when a mink challenged us. The little creature stood in the middle of Big Bend Road, a jeep trail, and stood his ground while stamping his little front feet. The tiny creature, two-feet long if you count the tail, would not yield until I stepped out of the truck to shout at him. The look on the animal’s face, there are people in that thing, and his inchworm escape gallop started the day off with a smile. Later that morning, and each of us about 30 trout to the good, I was fishing out in the middle of the river while Laura changed lures on the shore. Looking over I saw another mink creeping up from behind her. I couldn’t remember if rabies could happen at this time of year, so I shouted, “Laura, come to me!” She never looked up. Instead she dove into the river headfirst, fearing there was a bear on the bank with her. When she surfaced and turned around to see the mink it turned into a Monty Python moment. Hands on her soaking hips, she proceeded to cuss the mink out and then turned her ire on me. I laughed so hard that I sat down in the middle of the river, filling my waders.
Casting Call: Writer Charles Sowell has answered the call of the river for more than 50 years.
JUNE 2013 / 71
Hot Rods: The allure of the sport is as varied as its practitioners. (clockwise from top) the inside of Sowell’s nymph fly box; Sowell on the river; the writer’s favorite trout rod, a 3-wt. Sage Z-axis with a minimalist Sage reel; Sowell displays a nice brook trout taken on a nymph in the Chattooga; (opposite) a 150-pound-range tarpon crashes through the surface; real estate broker Bo Aughtry brings it to the edge of the boat, before releasing it.
72 TOWN /
Open Dweller
Though river fishing gripped Bo Aughtry for decades, he now takes to the sea
is a man possessed by the magnificent obsession of fly fishing. “It enchanted me from the start,” he says. “I remember once, in high school, going to pick up a friend for a dance and ending up in a jon boat paddling around in the semi darkness on a pond. I picked my friend up wearing a tux, with a three-pound bass in one hand.” He started his more than 50-year career on the water as a child, fly fishing for bass and bream on his father’s pond, and has gone through all the phases of the sport—from pond fishing, to stream trout fishing to fishing salt water for monster 150-pound tarpon, 20-plus-pound permit, and feisty bonefish. He is also an accomplished fly tier, measuring his output in 100 dozen flies a year. Aughtry is a Citadel graduate who began his real estate career in 1971, establishing the Aughtry Company in 1980 and serving as president until the merger that created Windsor/Aughtry Company in 1988. He currently is responsible for commercial development as broker in charge of the commercial group. He has served as chairman of the State Department of Health and Environmental Control Board. Aughtry no longer fishes 60 to 70 days a year. “I miss it,” he says. “And wish I still could. Fly fishing on the South Holston and Watauga rivers in East Tennessee (for trout) is simply amazing. Those are the best rivers in the South, and they are within driving distance of Greenville.” Today, Aughtry is almost exclusively a saltwater fly fisherman. He was hooked on a trip to Mexico when he tried bone fishing for the first time. “There is nothing like a fish that will take you a couple of hundred yards into your backing,” he says. Fly reels, even saltwater ones, typically hold 40 feet of fly line and up to 500 yards of backing. With a 150-pound tarpon at the end of your line, it takes that much backing to slow the fish down and settle in for the fight. For Aughtry, sight fishing (casting to the fish you want) on a bright, sunny day, and the smell of saltwater filling the sinuses, is part of the great adventure. “When you see a big tarpon take your fly and then stick him (set the hook), you’ve got about two seconds before the fish blasts through the surface like a missile launch,” he says. Aughtry usually fishes now with his 13-year-old son Patrick who is well on his way to emulating his father’s prowess on the water. The younger Aughtry started tying flies at age 9. Today he ties commercial-grade flies for the saltwater guides who take the pair fishing for the rod busters. Despite all of his accolades, and the many thousands of fish caught through the years, Aughtry is proudest of the fact that “I’ve never killed a fish in the salt.” Catch-and-release takes on a new meaning when you don’t even pause to weigh a really big tarpon.
Paul “Bo”
Photographs (2) cour tesy of Bo Aught r y
“I remember once, in high school, going to pick up a friend for a dance and ending up in a jon boat . . . .” —Bo Aughtry JUNE 2013 / 73
Spots Summer is a call to action, and we have just the playground. Here are our best outdoor adventures to transport you. Whether to the depths of the forest or the top of the world—the payoff is priceless. By Jac Chebatoris & Andrew Huang
74 TOWN /
Photograph by Mark VanDyke
Overlook from the Grassy Ridge Spur Trail, Mitchell County, NC
JUNE 2013 / 75
the highest in the entire United States. Green River Cove Rd, Saluda, NC.
Graybeard Mountain Trail
Graybeard is the sixth-highest mountain in the Blue Ridge Mountain range and the trail begins at the end of Graybeard Trail Road in Montreat, a Presbyterian retreat center. Access to the nearly 5-mile trail is public. The steady climb (800-feet) along Flat Creek is inviting and joins the switchbacks of the “Old Trestle Road” and an early twentieth-century railroad bed. Graybeard Trail Rd, Montreat, NC.
Green River Gorge Trail
Hike the steep trail into the Green River Gorge, just southeast of Hendersonville, NC, which boasts a mix of ravines, coves, and some of the most enticing whitewater rapids in the eastern United States. “The trail from Big Hungry Road down into the Green River Gorge meets the river at the rapid the kayakers have named Groove Tube,” says Pickens resident and sustainable landscape designer Rick Huffman. Be sure to walk across (or at least see) the 225-foot-high bridge across the Green River Gorge on Interstate 26. It’s the highest in North Carolina, and one of
Chattooga Narrow is a spectacular hike along the Chattooga. This hike begins at the iron bridge over the Chattooga in North Carolina. After getting your fill of the outdoors, fill up at Cornucopia, a quaint café in Cashiers, NC. Bull Pen Rd, Cashiers, NC. Cornucopia Restaurant, 16 Cashiers School Rd, Cashiers, NC. (828) 743-3750
Poinsett Passage of the Palmetto Trail
Follow the yellow-blaze trail through a beautifully untouched area of the Palmetto Watershed (property of the Greenville Water System, this 19,000acre tract has been protected since it was acquired in the 1950s). The moderately difficult trail is about 6.6 miles starting at the Orchard Lake Campground near Saluda and will continually climb up to 3,060 feet at the top of Rocky Spur Mountain. Or start at the Blue Wall Preserve, which will tack another 3.5 miles onto the hike. Orchard Lake Campground, 460 Orchard Lake Rd, Saluda, NC. (828) 749-3901,
Rim of the Gap Trail
It’s beauty before comfort here, folks, but when the scenic yet challenging trail calls your name, you’ll
“The 80-mile Gran Fondo Loop was George’s favorite ride when training for the big races like the Tour de France or Paris Roubaix. It starts at Hotel Domestique, goes down Highway 11 through Tryon, up Skyuka Mountain, down White Oak, up Howard Gap, then loops through Green River Cove back through Saluda and finishes at the hotel. The ride has a bit of everything—long hills, steep hills, and the best scenery around. Very little traffic and passes some great towns in between.”—Rich Hincapie
Unknown rhododendron trail near Graggy Gardens or Graggy Pinnacle Trail, Blue Ridge Parkway, NC
have a hard time turning it down. This 4.3 trail runs between Caesars Head and Jones Gap and features rocky terrain that can be—like any diva—cold and impassable at first glance, but the cliff faces, streams, and “Weight Watchers Rock” are all part of the greater love story. Jones Gap State Park, 303 Jones Gap Rd, Marietta, SC. (864) 836-3647, jonesgap
The Shortoff Mountain Trail
The Shortoff trailhead is at the end of Wolf Pit Road at the southern end of Linville Gorge near Nebo, NC, in the Lake James area, and is a short, but rocky, 4.4 miles long. Red sumac, once burned out by fire, is making a comeback, but the views of Lake James are an upshot. Just be sure to pack your hat and sunscreen, as the tree cover is still growing back as well. Wolf Pit Rd, Morganton, NC.
waterfalls, picnic grounds, park lakes (36-acre Pinnacle Lake and 67-acre Lake Oolenoy), and cabins. The invigorating (read: fairly strenuous) 3.6-mile hike to the top of Table Rock will be worth it, as the views are breathtaking and include a landscape of streams and waterfalls. Table Rock State Park, 158 E Ellison Ln, Pickens, SC. (864) 878-9813,
Whiteside Mountain Trail
Soaring views along this designated National Recreation Trail near Highlands, NC, are part of the thrill—there’s also the 700-foot-high cliff walls along the 2.5-mile loop with the cliff top resplendent in mountain laurel that blooms in mid-June. On a clear day, you can see Greenville from about 60 miles away. Whiteside Mountain Rd, Cashiers, NC.
Table Rock State Park
What’s not at Table Rock State Park? Hiking trails, camp sites,
Lake Jocassee, Oconee State Park
With 7,500 acres, you’ll find plenty of space to play including trout fishing, scuba diving, and swimming at Lake Jocassee at Devil’s Fork State Park. Or, hike the 3.2-mile Oconee Passage trail, which skirts along scenic Oconee State Park, built by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930s. Oconee State Park, 624 State Park Rd, Mountain Rest, SC. (864) 6385353, oconee
Rainbow Falls, Gorges State Park
Talk about a water feature. Just 53 miles from Asheville, NC, the stunning 150-foot falls pour a cascade of water from the Horseshoe River in the Blue Ridge Mountains at Nantahala National Forest, adjacent to Gorges State Park. One of its best features is the ability to see the falls from above, below, front, and side. A few hundred yards upstream from Rainbow is a great sliding rock Morton Overlook, Great Smoky Mountains National Park 76 TOWN /
Photographs by Dave A llen (lef t) ; Ti m Easterday (above) ; and Mark Van D yke (r ight)
The Iron Bridge over the upper Chattooga River
Jumping Off Rock, Lake Jocassee, Oconee State Park, SC
(called either Turtleback Falls or Drift Falls). Gorges State Park, 976 Grassy Ridge Rd, Sapphire, NC. (828) 9669099,
Rainbow Falls, Jones Gap
One of Greenville attorney Cary Hall’s favorites: “The Rainbow Falls trail at Jones Gap Park displays intricate rock work, the signature of professional trail builder Deano Contos, who built the trail several years ago with funds provided by Naturaland Trust. The falls at the end of the trail take their name from the rainbows created in the late afternoon by the setting sun shining down through Jones Gap.” Jones Gap State Park, 303 Jones Gap Rd, Marietta, SC. (864) 836-3647,
Tallulah Falls
The 1,000-foot-tall granite walls of Tallulah Gorge State Park are not even its most striking natural feature. That distinction collectively belongs to the six waterfalls that compose Tallulah Falls: l’Eau d’Or, Tempesta, Hurricane, Oceana, Bridal Veil, and Lovers Leap. The falls drop a combined 500 feet over a 1-mile length. Trails ring the gorge, but the strenuous hike to the bottom is tailor-made for the adventurous. Just make sure to go to the park’s Interpretive Center for a free permit. 338 Jane Hurt Yarn Dr, Tallulah Falls, GA. (706) 754-7981,
Upper and Lower Whitewater Falls
Get your Zen on at these falls on the Whitewater River near Cashiers, NC. The upper falls, the highest east of the Rocky Mountains, drops more than 400 feet, and the lower drops another 400 feet. A virtual feast for the eyes awaits in the lush and wild terrain full of fauna, ferns, and moss along slick rock cliffs and steep slopes. A paved, wheel-chair-accessible walkway leads from the parking lot to the upper overlook. NC 281, Cashiers, NC.
Tallulah Gorge State Park, GA
Caesars Head
“Granitic gneiss outcrop,” though scientifically accurate, is a description that does no favors when it comes to communicating the breathtaking view from this overlook. Bare rock surges through mountain and foliage, leaving an unimpeded view of Raven Cliff Mountain, the Dismal Forest, and Table Rock Mountain. Caesars Head State Park is part of the Mountain Bridge Wilderness Area and its trails connect to Jones Gap State Park. 8155 Greer Hwy, Cleveland, SC. (864) 836-6115, caesarshead
The Cathedral
It’s easy to see nature preservationist and Greenville attorney Tommy Wyche’s inspiration when he dubbed this rock formation “The Cathedral.” Standing at the base of this sheer, 200-foot cliff creates the same neck-craning sense of awe as vaulted cathedral ceilings. The cliff is about 4 miles into the Naturaland Trust
Trail and just a few minutes past the suspension bridge over Raven Cliff Falls. In the presence of rugged, secluded, natural beauty, this hike can be as spiritual as any religious pilgrimage. Raven Cliff Falls Loop, Mountain Bridge Wilderness, Caesars Head State Park, Cleveland, SC
“There’s something just mesmerizing about the waterfalls and the 100-foot one in the Cullowhee Forest is to be experienced,” says Pickens resident and sustainable landscape designer Rick Huffman. “As I walk through the lush, ancient forests along the Tuckaseegee River, I hear the roar of rushing water getting louder. Then, in a turn, I see the awesome 100-foot falls gushing. I feel the freshness of the air and the sense of reverence of nature’s power and majesty.” Cullowhee, NC.
78 TOWN /
Jumping Off Rock
These sweeping panoramas have been documented countless times in photographs and postcards, but nothing can hold a candle to actually being at this Jocassee Gorges overlook. Untouched wilderness extends as far as the eye can see, and at sunset, a remarkable palette springs forth from the sky, the hills, and Lake Jocassee. The rocky cliff is an occasional nesting ground for peregrine falcons and is accessible by a steep, twisting, gravel drive. SUVs and vehicles with proper ground clearance are recommended— actually jumping off the rock is not. Horse Pasture Rd, Lake Jocassee, SC.
Triple Falls, Dupont State Recreational Forest
Cullowhee Forest
Mount Mitchell
On a clear day, visitors can see up to 85 miles into the Pisgah Mountains. But even on foggy, cloudy days (of which there are many), Mt. Mitchell’s 6,684-foot summit holds a beautiful, mystical appeal. The highest peak east
of the Mississippi is easy to reach as well. NC 128 leads to a trailhead just 980 feet from the peak. Just make sure to pack extra layers. Temperatures at the top can be up to 30ºF cooler than in nearby Asheville. 2388 State Highway 128, Burnsville, NC. (828) 675-4611,
Raven Cliff Falls Suspension Bridge
Serious stimulation for your senses awaits—hike the two-mile Raven Cliff Falls trail, relishing the rhodendron, mountain laurel, and trees, while anticipating the 420-foot Raven Cliff Falls with a swinging steel-and-wood suspension bridge over the first drop of the falls at Caesars Head State Park. Caesars Head State Park, 8155 Greer Hwy, Cleveland, SC. (864) 836-6115, caesarshead
Swimming Hole at Triple Falls
Your kids will want to go once they know a scene from The Hunger Games was filmed here, but let’s hope what they take home is the thrill of the beauty of this gem at Triple Falls in Dupont State Forest. Scott Dishman of Greenville enthuses about one of his favorite spots: “The Little River spills down three dramatic falls, zig-zagging just a bit as it drops, and at the bottom of the final fall is the greatest little swimming hole on Earth. Mountain laurel and rhodendron dip into the water on all sides, and the three waterfalls above make a glorious and calming sound.” Dupont State Recreational Forest, Staton Rd, Pisgah Forest, NC. (828) 877-6527,
Special thanks to Cary Hall, Scott Dishman, Rich Hincapie, Rick Huffman, and Dan McKinney for providing information for this article.
Photog r aph s by Dave A l len ( lef t) ; Ti m Easterd ay (above) ; and Ti m Easterd ay (r ig ht)
Raven Cliff Falls, Caesars Head State Park, Cleveland, SC
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Honey Pot
Photograph by Paul Mehaffey
The Carolina Honey Bee Company in Travelers Rest makes for a sweet summer
Busy as a Bee: The Carolina Honey Bee Company stocks everything bee-related, from beekeeping equipment to beeswax cosmetics.
JUNE 2013 / 83
Southern Comfort A culinary belle puts her own spin on food-blog culture / by Jac Chebatoris Jennifer Glover’s heart is in Greenville, but the easy-breezy blonde’s been known to let her taste buds carry her away—to places like New Orleans, one of her favorite food towns in the world, or even a quick trip up the road to Blackberry Farm (“It is food heaven,” she says) in Walland, Tennessee. Glover is making a name for herself with her blog devoted to the gastronomic delights she seeks out and creates in her own kitchen at Word to the wise: do not look at it while hungry or you will surely feel like reaching through the screen or, worse, dialing Dominoes in a “food as art”-inspired fit. This home cook’s take on picnicfriendly plates, Sunday brunch homerun hits, sassy “adult desserts,” and more will help you savor summer in a delicious way. Here, Glover gave us some of her takes for when the heat rises and, as she says, “you don’t want to heat up the kitchen.” Bon appétit, y’all.
Photog r aph s by Paul Meha f fey
Eat Well, Travel Often: This tagline on Glover’s blog is her mantra. Her pursuit of culinary excellence takes her near and far.
84 TOWN /
AVOCADO PIE Serves 6–8 FILLING: 2 avocados 1 can sweetened condensed milk 8oz cream cheese, room temperature Zest and juice of 1 lime CRUST: 1 package of coconut cookies, crushed: about 1 1/2 cups of crumbs 2 Tbsp sugar 1/4 cup melted coconut oil (or butter if that’s what you have) METHOD: To make the crust, crush the cookies in a food processor until fine. Add sugar and melted coconut oil. Press the mixture into the bottom of a 9-inch springform pan. Bake at 350 degrees for about 12–15 minutes, just until the crust is set and lightly browned. Allow to cool completely.
NOT JUST ANOTHER REAL ESTATE DIVA Ever find a diva in your kitchen, instead of the realtor you thought you hired? Divas don’t return your calls promptly…. they get around to it. Divas have their assistant deal with you… because they’re with someone else. Divas don’t earn your business… they’re entitled to it. Divas market your home… almost as much as they promote themselves.
While the crust is cooling, in a food processor combine the avocados, condensed milk, cream cheese, and lime juice/zest. Mix until smooth. Pour into the cooled crust. Place plastic wrap directly on top of the pie limiting the amount of air that reaches the pie. It will turn brown too quickly if you don’t do this. Refrigerate for about 3 to 4 hours and serve immediately after removing from the fridge.
LEMON BLUEBERRY MOONSHINE SLUSH Serves 10–12 4 1/2 cups water 1 cup sugar 1 12-oz can frozen lemonade 1 1/2 cups fresh blueberries 1 1/2 cups moonshine Lemon/lime soda or sparkling lemonade METHOD: In a saucepan, bring the sugar and water to a boil. When the sugar is dissolved, remove from the heat and let it cool for about 5 minutes. Add in the frozen lemonade. Stir until it’s melted. Blend the blueberries with about 1/2 cup of the lemonade mixture until smooth. Pour the blueberries into the lemonade mixture and add the moonshine. Pour into a freezer-safe bowl (one that you want to serve the slush out of) and freeze overnight. Remove from the freezer about an hour before your party. Scoop the slush into glasses and pour the sparkling lemonade over top.
Joan is serious about real estate, but she doesn’t take herself too seriously. And the only red carpet she walks… is the one she rolls out for her clients. Realty LLC Joan Herlong - Owner, BIC Greenville’s Number One Realtor* 864-325-2112 *Based on Jan-Dec 2012 MLS sales volume JUNE 2013 / 85
Bar Still Waters Powdersville’s Six & Twenty Distillery is the stuff of Cherokee legend Blue, Virgin Wheat whiskey married to five-year-old Kentucky bourbon, takes its moniker from the custom of a bride wearing something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. Aiming to be different, Six & Twenty’s grain bill uses red winter wheat from Anderson, South Carolina, as wheat has a softer mouth feel than corn. “Moonshine is to cornbread as virgin wheat whiskey is to angel food cake,” is how distiller Raad compares the two. Both men have a fierce sense of pride about what they do. “We make it with these hands,” Raad says, as both men hold up their cupped palms as if cradling a handful of wheat. He and Redmond personally sign and number every bottle. “We put our names on this stuff, so it has to be perfect,” echoes Redmond. “We never stop experimenting,” Raad admits. “If you think you have the process licked, you’re probably doing something wrong.” Now that’s a labor of love. —M. Linda Lee
Something Borrowed: Six & Twenty Distillery offers tours of the stillhouse on Saturdays at 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Please call to reserve a spot. You can buy their spirits and other paraphernalia at the gift shop on site. 3109 Hwy 153, Powdersville. (864) 263-8312,
86 TOWN /
Photog r aph by Paul Meha f fey
avid Raad and Robert “Farmer” Redmond are suckers for a good love story. So when these two former Clemson rugby teammates opened a distillery in Powdersville last August, they based their brand on a local love story about a Choctaw Indian maiden called Isaqueena. As the story goes, Isaqueena fell in love with a European trader named Allen Francis, but before they could marry, she was captured by the Cherokee. One day, Isaqueena overheard the Cherokee plotting an attack on the settlers’ trading post. She managed to escape and rode 96 miles on horseback to warn her beloved. The settlers thwarted the Indian attack, and Isaqueena and Francis were married. But the Cherokee soon came looking for their former captive, and Isaqueena fled to a nearby waterfall where legend holds she plunged to her death. Six & Twenty Distillery lies roughly 26 miles from Isaqueena Falls. Even the labels of the distillery’s two spirits relate to love. Virgin Wheat is named for its purity and youthfulness.
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Buzz Worthy Dip into nature’s sweetener at the Carolina Honey Bee Company / by Ruta Fox
here’s something abuzz up in Travelers Rest. It’s the Carolina Honey Bee Company, a place dedicated to the sweet pursuit of all things honey. Owner Tim Dover is unabashedly passionate about it—he turned a hobby into a full-time business. After inheriting bees from his grandfather, he now has hundreds of hives across two counties in the Upstate, which means his family has been keeping bees for more than 100 years. Along with partner Susan Gardner, Dover has created a one-stop shop that showcases all you need to delve into the fascinating practice of beekeeping. You’ll find the essential protective clothing, tools, books, wooden hives, the bees—of course—even the extracting and processing equipment to harvest the honey. “Beekeeping is one hobby that pays its own way, because you can actually sell the honey,” Dover says confidently. If you’re not ready to start your own apiary in the backyard, partake of the benefits of honey’s healing properties (great for moisturizing as well as burns and wounds) with Carolina Honey Bee’s signature cosmetics—from body butters to lip balms. The beeswax candles, bee-themed jewelry, decorative items, and edible goodies will have you flitting around the store. Honey’s flavor depends on the flowers the bees choose. Taste the subtle differences—Wildflower from flowers grown in the Upcountry, Tupelo from the coastal Low Country, and Sourwood from the lily of the valley that blooms in South Carolina’s mountains. Prices range from $2.75 for 2oz to $27 for 37oz, and Carolina Honey Bee ships internationally—the honey will be securely nestled in a hand-made wooden box. Classes run $65 and up—in early June, there’s a Queen Rearing class and in late June, a Honey Harvesting class. Dover adds, “Our management class in the fall will teach you how to get the hive ready for winter . . . remember, honeybees are not actually aggressive, they just want to make honey.” HONEY, PEAR, AND GORGONZOLA CROSTINI Serves 16 1/2-inch slices of baguette-style French bread 1 small ripe pear, very thinly sliced 2 tablespoons of Carolina Bee Tupelo Honey 4 ounces Gorgonzola cheese or other blue cheese, crumbled Snipped fresh chives
Naturally Delicious: Carolina Honey Bee Company, 10 S Main St, Travelers Rest, SC. (864) 610-2337,
88 TOWN /
Photog r aph by Paul Meha f fey
On a large ungreased baking sheet, arrange baguette slices and broil until lightly toasted, turning once. Slice pear and place on bread slices. Lightly drizzle with honey. Top with cheese and chives. Serve immediately.
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JUNE 2013 / 89
Guide Backyard Barbecue Quality meets quantity at the Huntin’ Camp BBQ & Grill That feeling after a Thanksgiving Day full of eating and drinking? It’s not just the domain of cold weather and tryptophan. Just drive up Highway 25 to Grady McCombs’s barbecue joint, the Huntin’ Camp. The restaurant is simply decorated. The parking lot is gravel, the façade and porch assembled from knotty pine boards, and the interior is punctuated by hunting trophies, an homage to McCombs’s day job as a game warden. But you don’t come to the Huntin’ Camp for cuttingedge interior design. You come for the slow-smoked pulled pork (12–16 hours, depending on how moist the applewood chips are) and the hefty racks of ribs (seasoned with a McCombs family dry rub). Of both, there are plenty. Up to 800 pounds of meat go into the restaurant’s smokers on any given week. The Huntin’ Camp doesn’t pick sides when it comes to barbecue sauces, either. There’s the standard mustard-, tomato-, and vinegar-based sauces, as well as a unique Alabama-style white sauce. The vinegar-based sauce is the house specialty, a tangy, generations-old family recipe flecked with red pepper flakes, while the recipe for the white sauce was a gift from Alabama natives passing through. The best way to sample the Huntin’ Camp’s bounty is to dig into the buffet. In addition to pulled pork and smoked chicken, there’s an assortment of sides such as potato salad, macaroni and cheese, rice and hash, and sweet potato crunch. On the other hand, if you just want an enormous helping of protein, the Sportsman Special will do the trick: 1 rack of ribs, 1 pound of barbeque, and 12 chicken wings. Afterwards, as you toe the line between food coma and nirvana, make your way to the porch. The lineup of rocking chairs is perfect for basking in the afterglow. —Andrew Huang
$–$$$, L, D. 2221 Highway 25 North and Goodwin Rd, Travelers Rest. (864) 834-2102, Photograph by Paul Mehaffey
There’s no mistaking 24 on Main’s Mediterranean menu—just check the Roman Colosseum mural. But while there’s ample selection of pasta (bella chicken marsala and a classic fettuccine alfredo, for example), the steaks and fresh seafood are certainly worthy of consideration. Enjoy 12 ounces of New York Strip brushed with a brown sugar bourbon glaze, or the chargrilled Norwegian salmon drizzled with tomato-scallion butter $$$, D. Closed
Sunday. 24 S Main St, Travelers Rest. (864) 610-2035,
St, Travelers Rest. (864) 551-4090,
When the Swamp Rabbit Trail offers such terrific bonding opportunities for you and your dog(s), it’d be such a shame if there weren’t a place for you and your furry friends to cool off. Luckily, The Barker Bar is dogfriendly and just a few steps from the trail. While you enjoy an ice-cold microbrew, your dog can play with others in the fenced-in dog park behind the bar. $, L (Sat), D (Mon–
Sat). Closed Sunday. 226 S Main
When the McCarrell sisters— Joyce and Nancy—moved back to Travelers Rest and bought the Williams Hardware building, they were interested in bringing back a sense of community to the town. With family recipes and local produce at the center of their efforts, they’ve managed to slow things down so that neighbors and friends can savor meals and enjoy each others company at this hometown
KEY : Average price of a dinner entrée (lunch if dinner isn’t served): Under $10 = $, $10-$15 = $$, $16-$25 = $$$, $25+ = $$$$ Breakfast = B Lunch = L Dinner = D Sunday Brunch = SBR 90 TOWN /
BARS, CAFÉS, & RESTAURANTS café. $$, B (Sat), L (daily), D (Fri–Sat).
13 S Main St, Travelers Rest. (864) 8347888, 19 Ashley Ave
Gorgeous custom built home in North Main area. This 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath home has incredible features. 3 levels with unbelievable views of Rotary Park! Large open first floor plan with formal living, huge dining, family room, and kitchen. Huge patio with outdoor fireplace, multiple entertaining areas, and pre-plumbed for outdoor kitchen. 3 tankless hot water heaters, central vacuum cleaner, and hardwood flooring throughout. Quality craftsmanship throughout this home. Absolutely stunning home!
If you’ve already worked up a sweat running or biking down the Swamp Rabbit Trail, you might as well go full-bore and embrace the mess of a chili or slaw dog. Take in the summer energy from the enclosed patio without subjecting yourself to the heat and enjoy your bratwurst, turkey dog, or veggie dog (the list goes on) in peace. $, L, D.
MLS# 1243851
Closed Sunday. 317 S Main St, Travelers Rest. (864) 834-3710 THE FOREST COFFEEHOUSE
12 EE Montclair MontclairAvenue Avenue 12
Originally synonymous with the Leopard Forest Coffee Company, the coffee roasting company has since spun off. Fortunately, The Forest Coffeehouse serves the same sustainable, high-quality coffee and everything you could want to pair with it: biscuits, muffins, scones, sandwiches, salads, and even a flatbread pizza. $, B, L. 27 S Main St, Travelers Rest.
Stunning home in popular North Main area! This 5 bedroom 3 bath home has fantastic features. Spacious formal living room flows nicely into the formal dining room. Large eat-in kitchen with breakfast bar, & granite countertops. Master suite on main with his/hers vanities, separate shower and jetted tub. Huge family room with wood burning fireplace and wiring for surround sound. 2 additional bedrooms as well as a bonus room upstairs. Oversized patio with a custom outdoor fireplace and pool with waterfall feature. Truly a great find!
MLS# 1245829
(864) 834-5500, KARRIE’S DELI & PUB
The reuben known as “Pam’s Favorite” is a bit of a misnomer. If you’ve had it, more than likely, it’ll become your favorite as well. This deli’s made-to-order sandwiches are popular with the Furman University set, and experimentation in the kitchen means there’s bound to be an interesting side order on the menu— a BBQ coleslaw, for example. $, L (Mon–
107 S Warwick Road
It doesn’t get any better than this! 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath custom home with perfect open floor-plan. Huge kitchen with granite countertops, custom cabinets, stainless appliances, and pantry opens onto the dining and large living space. Master suite with walk-in closet, his/hers vanities, jetted tub, and water closet. Bonus room with custom built-in cabinets and walk in storage. Downstairs, a cool living space with a bedroom and massive flex space. Wrap-around porch with outdoor fireplace. Beautiful new home in a beautiful setting!
MLS# 1258409
Sat), D (Tues–Fri). Closed Sunday. 5000 Old Buncombe Rd, Greenville. (864) 235-3033,
A Travelers Rest staple for more than 25 years, Pizza House is more than just a stopover for a slice. The menu features foot-long subs and truly gigantic calzones stuffed with ricotta, mozzarella, and Muenster cheeses. The large portions are made even sweeter with fair prices. $, L
(Mon–Sat), D. 310 Poplar St, Travelers Rest. (864) 834-3300
The Best Move You’ll Ever Make!
12 James Street
Unbelievable updated bungalow near downtown on Historic James Street. This 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Home has all the charm and modern updates. Large living room with gas log fireplace. Large dining with gas log fireplace. Great eat in kitchen with granite countertops, trey ceiling, new appliances, breakfast bar, and pantry. New roof. new privacy fence and updated electric, plumbing, baths and kitchen at a great price on a great street!
MLS# 1240454
Bobby Thaicoon’s eponymous restaurant has become a go-to for Furman University students seeking Thai fusion and moderately priced sushi. For a fragrant spin but filling meal, try the pineapple fried rice: jasmine rice sautéed with pineapple, cashews, onions, and your choice of protein. The soft-lit interior and weekday bar specials also make Thaicoon a soothing watering hole after the work day. $$, L, D. 5000 Old Buncombe Rd, Greenville. (864) 2467255,
There’s pizza, and then there’s half-asquare-yard of pizza, which is exactly what you get with a 28-inch pie from Torrelli’s. Of course, size isn’t the only thing that matters. Artichokes, feta, fresh basil, and
6 Claret Drive
3 Beds, 2 Fullbaths 1400+SqFt
MLS# 1256665
17 Arcadia Drive
3 Beds, 1 Fullbaths, 1 Halfbath 1600+SqFt
MLS# 1255001
28 Townes Square Lane 3 Beds, 2 Fullbaths 1400+SqFt
MLS# 1257779
Nick Carlson 111 Williams Street • Greenville, SC 29601 Mobile 864.386.7704 • Office 864.250.2850
JUNE 2013 / 91
Guide buy a discounted movie ticket at the restaurant. $$-$$$, L, D. 3201 N
Pleasantburg Dr, Greenville. (864) 235-6533, MOJO’S FAMOUS BURGERS & MORE
This Simpsonville-based chain of burger joints prides itself on serving premium aged beef, hand-cut fries, onion rings, and thick shakes. Burgers come in abundant incarnations, from the mild Mushroom Swiss burger to the El Diablo (blackened and topped with jalapeños, pepper-jack, and hot sauce). And if you’re into supersizing, the Quadruple Coronary Challenge— clear this with your doctor first!— stacks four “chubby” burgers with American cheese, chili, bacon, and fried eggs between four grilled-cheese sandwiches. It’s not for the faint of heart…or appetite. $, L, D. 2541 N Pleasantburg Dr, Greenville. (864) 552-1398,
Photograph by Paul Mehaffey
Local produce, hormone-free meats, and house-baked bread marry to produce delicious sandwiches in a renovated red barn just off Main Street in Travelers Rest. The food is simple, satisfying, wholesome, and undeniably fresh—much of the produce and many of the herbs come straight from a garden out in front. With all the attention Upcountry Provisions pays to crafting your food, it’s only polite to return the favor and devote yourself to a healthy sampling of fresh-baked muffins, cakes, and cookies. $, B, L, D. Closed Sunday & Monday. 102 S Poinsett Highway, Travelers Rest. (864) 834-8433,
steak are just some of the toppings on the menu (in addition to the usual). Word of advice: if you’re picking up a 28-inch pizza, you’ll need to tip the box slightly to the side to get it out the door. $$, L, D. Closed Sunday.
5000 Old Buncombe Rd, Greenville. (864) 246-2900,
While nowhere near an actual desert, the Trailside Creamery can still seem like an oasis in the sands, especially in the summer heat. Located just off the Swamp Rabbit Trail, it’s the perfect stop for a soft-serve treat in a trail-friendly waffle cone. There’s no need to skimp on toppings, either. Sprinkles, mini M&Ms, crushed Heath bar, and gummy bears are just some of the extra goodies available.
$, L, D. Closed Monday. 11 S Main St, Travelers Rest. (864) 610-0096,
92 TOWN /
Hand-tossed pizzas topped with fresh mozzarella, prosciutto, and basil should erase any lingering doubts about eating in a former Pizza Hut. It’s not just the pizza, either. The menu features authentic Italian flavors like cioppino, a seafood stew, and little-neck clams in spaghetti alla vongole. Like it or love it (the most likely outcomes), feel free to dish feedback to the chef, who you’ll likely see checking on guests in the dining room. $$$, D. Closed Sunday.
2660 Poinsett Hwy, Greenville. (864) 271-7877, EVERYDAY ORGANIC
From salad greens to potato chips, including beer and wine, Everyday Organic guarantees that every ingredient here is free from chemicals, hormones, and preservatives. It may be a no-frills place with plastic utensils, but the food is tasty, fresh, and inexpensive. Start, perhaps,
with some warm roasted vegetable dip or a bowl of homemade soup (selections change daily). Salads and sandwiches make up the main dishes, which have an international flair in the likes of a croque monsieur and a Cuban panino. Vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free items are available, too. $-$$, L, D. Closed Sunday. 3225 N Pleasantburg Dr, Greenville. (864) 498-9194, FLAT ROCK GRILLE
The Cherrydale location of this local chain is now the only one in Greenville (the Woodruff Road restaurant closed in early 2011). Seafood—Southern-fried flounder, baked stuffed shrimp, hickory-glazed salmon—is the main event, but there are plenty of choices for carnivores, too (come Friday or Saturday for prime rib). Since Flat Rock Grille is right next to the Cherrydale Cinemas, it’s no surprise that the grill offers a dinner-and-a-movie deal: For every dinner entrée you order Monday through Thursday, you can
Within easy striking distance of Cherrydale, Furman University, and Travelers Rest, the Peddler occupies a charming, nearly century-old stone house. Inside, four fireplaces flicker invitingly on rare cold days, and the cozy bar makes a perfect spot for a pre- or post-meal cocktail. “Where’s the beef?” is a silly question here. Your waiter will bring a tray bearing hunks of beef to the table so you can customize your steak according to size and cut. Entrées include a baked potato and unlimited trips to the bounteous Peddler salad bar.
$$$-$$$$, D. Closed Sunday. 2000 Poinsett Hwy, Greenville. (864) 2357192, STAX ORIGINAL
American diners have timeless appeal, and this popular eatery on the corner of Pleasantburg and Poinsett is no exception. Owned by the Stathakis family from the early ’70s, Stax’s location has weathered the years since the ’50s, when it opened as a pharmacy (note the original counters). Hearty country breakfasts—with homemade biscuits, of course—will set you off on the right foot, while sandwiches and burgers make do for both lunch and dinner. And it just wouldn’t be a diner in the South without a meat-andthree menu. $, B, L, D. 1704 Poinsett
Hwy,Greenville. (864) 232-2133,
Another place to indulge a liquid diet, Coffee & Crema is located across from the Fresh Market in the Forest Park shopping center. Here, you can satisfy any java craving with international offerings including French press, cappuccino, and a unique pour-over. Don’t need that jolt? Go for a fruit smoothie, and treat the kids to a chocolate (or vanilla or strawberry) milkshake. Despite its name, Coffee & Crema even draws tea drinkers with a
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5/15/13 2:07 PM
Boutique For Sale Owner retiring Excellent clientele Proven sales record Greenville area Serious inquires only Please respond to: PO Box 8343 Greenville, SC 29604 JUNE 2013 / 93
selection of organic loose-leaf brews. There’s a satellite at Haywood Mall.
$, B, L, D. 27 S Pleasantburg Dr, Suite 130, Greenville. (864) 235-0051, FONDA ROSALINDA
If you’re looking for Mexican food beyond the usual tacos, enchiladas, and burritos, head for this little storefront around the corner from East North Street. Mexican-born chef/ owner Rosalinda Sala, who started cooking at her mother’s side when she was a small girl, goes beyond the standard in her menu of South of the Border fare: sea bass with shrimp and scallops comes doused with salsa nopales (cactus sauce); traditional barbacoa (slow-cooked lamb shank) in Rosalinda’s choice of sauces; and chicken choices include pollo en mole poblano, smothered with a spicy, housemade mole. $$-$$$, L, D (no dinner Mon
& Tues; no lunch Sat). Closed Sunday. 1124 N Pleasantburg Dr, Greenville. (864) 292-7002, LIFEIT CAFÉ
Being green with envy generally isn’t a healthy state of being, but being chock full of dark leafy greens is another story. Raw and living foods are the focus of Chef Latrice Folkes’s café. The menu is the epitome of fresh: kale, broccoli, avocado, sprouts, and cucumbers star in sandwiches, salads, and wraps. There’s also the option to drink your veggies and fruits in the form of organic smoothies. Regardless, nothing is prepared above 118ºF to preserve the nutrients and enzymes in every bite. $, L, D. Closed Monday. 730 S Pleasantburg Dr, #L, Greenville. (864) 271-4334, PITA HOUSE
The Pita House has been familyoperated since 1989. Inside it’s bare bones—plastic booths and simple tables—but the cognoscenti come here for good Middle Eastern fare, such as hummus, falafel, kibbeh, and shwarma. The menu is basically the same for lunch and dinner; if you’re having trouble deciding, go for one of the sampler plates (they may set you back a few more bucks). And save room for baklava and other Mediterranean sweets for dessert. Want to cook up some authentic dishes at home? Check out the little grocery in the back of the restaurant. $, L, D.
Closed Sunday. 495 S. Pleasantburg Dr, #B, Greenville. (864) 271-9895 S&S CAFETERIA
Part of a dying breed of Southern traditions, S&S Cafeteria has but one location left in Greenville. The place is named for its parent company, Smith & Sons Foods, which opened its first cafeteria in Columbus, Georgia, in 1936. A vast array of items encompasses mains like prime roast beef, Southern fried chicken, baked 94 TOWN /
spaghetti, and deviled crab. And that’s not to mention comfort-food sides of macaroni and cheese, whipped potatoes, collard greens, and corn on the cob. Bring the whole family, or get your dinner to go. $, L, D. 1037 N Pleasantburg Dr, Greenville. (864) 233-3339,
Bright walls and a long, inviting bar make a sunny backdrop in which to chow down on Colombian food at Sacha’s. Arepas are available with ingredients like beans, chorizo, avocado, shredded beef, and more stuffed inside (rellenas) or piled on top (encima). The patacones, or deep-fried plantains, are thick and sweet. For the unadventurous, there are hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken wings on the menu. Hungry groups can order the Fiesta Platter, a sampler that serves six people. To drink, try one of the natural fruit juices, or the imported cervezas.
$$, L, D (no dinner Fri & Sat). Closed Sunday & Monday. 1001 N Pleasantburg Dr, Greenville. (864) 232-3232, SAIGON FAST FOOD
Sandwiched in a little strip mall next to Sacha’s and across the street from Taco Casa, this storefront eatery presents a third option for ethnic food: Vietnamese. Contrary to its name, Saigon Fast Food is a sit-down restaurant. Inside, the small room is spiffed up with green-cloth-covered tables and a host of condiments in the middle of each. Folks come here for steaming bowls of pho—a fragrant broth made with rice noodles and your choice of other ingredients (meats and vegetables)—and an extensive menu of Vietnamese specialties to wash down with a glass of bubble tea. $$-$$, L, D. 1011 N
this Colombian restaurant. Switch up your Latin American palate with patacon relleno (fried green plantains filled with mozzarella, shrimp, quail eggs, sausage, and more) or a perro caliente Colombiano (a Colombianstyle hot dog served with pineapple sauce). $, B, L, D. Closed Sunday & Monday. 1170 N Pleasantburg Dr, Greenville. (864) 292-8228, TACO CASA
This little red-roofed Mexican place dates back to 1985, a time when there wasn’t much diversity in the area’s cuisine. Do as the locals do and start with an order of nachos. When your meal comes, you can spice up your entrée, from the simple menu of tacos burritos, tostados, and enchiladas, with a variety of salsas (mild to tongue-searing). A nod to its setting in the South, the restaurant even serves sweet tea. Prices here are a real deal, but be sure to bring cash—Taco Casa doesn’t accept credit cards. $, L, D. Closed Sunday. 1001
N Pleasantburg Dr, Greenville. (864) 232-1021,
On the south end of Wade Hampton Boulevard, next to Joe Joe’s Fish Market, this little restaurant is announced by a bright-red awning. Inside, it’s a simple affair done with wood-paneled walls and basic booths lit by Tiffany-style, stained-glass lamps. The meat-and-three menu includes a wide range of mains and sides; and the café, which serves beer and wine, also offers catering. Best of Friends is open for dinner, but only until 8pm, so there’s no late-night dining here. $,
Pleasantburg Dr, Greenville. (864) 235-3472
L, D. Closed Sunday. 2607 Wade Hampton Blvd, Greenville. (864) 268-5323
Industrial meets organic with handcrafted farm tables, rustic, bronze chandeliers, and reclaimed wood beams throughout the dining room. Expect an uptown spin on comfort food classics like tater tots served in a parchment-lined Chinese takeout container with pimiento cheese fondue. There’s also the pulled pork nachos: a tower of fried wonton trips interwoven with pulled pork, slaw, melted cheese, and barbeque sauce. For something a little sweeter, don’t miss the weekend brunch. The apple-stuffed French toast (adorned with melted goat cheese, maple syrup, and applewood bacon) will send you into a contented slumber. $$, L (Mon–Fri), D (Mon–
Sat), SBR. 2537 N Pleasantburg Dr, Greenville. (864) 552-1998,
Plantains—in soup, in salad, fried, and stuff—are just one of the unique ingredients found on the menu of
A Greenville institution, the Clock is more than an old-timey drive-in; it’s a piece of history. In the early ’50s when the place opened on Wade Hampton Boulevard, it was the favorite hangout of local high school students who came here for cheap burgers and shakes. Today, the modest structure marked by a large towering clock no longer offers drive-in service (you have to go inside to order), but that doesn’t stop fans from coming here for the signature chili cheeseburgers. In case you’re wondering, the Clock takes its name from the original Billy Haley song, “Rock Around the Clock.” $, L, D. 1844 Wade Hampton Blvd, Greenville. (864) 244-5122 HAUS EDELWEISS
What began on Stone Avenue in 1979 as a small venture by two German housewives has ended up as a full-service restaurant, deli, and catering operation in its current (and larger) location near Bob Jones
University. Lovers of German food have long prized this eatery for its authentic dishes (think sausages and Weiner schnitzel) and the perpetual favorite, the German potato salad. The original owner retired in 2004, and the place closed in 2008 Reopened under new management in February 2011, Haus Edelweiss reigns again with its legendary menu. $, L, D (weekends only). Closed Sunday & Monday. 903 Wade Hampton Blvd, Greenville. (864) 991-8998
Though this barbecue joint has since branched out with several satellites around the area, Henry’s original location has long set the standard for hickory-smoked pork butt. A Greenville institution, the Smokehouse specializes in slow-cooking meat in open pits over hickory logs. Sure, there’s smoked chicken and Brunswick stew on the menu, but a rack of Henry’s succulent ribs with sides of beans and slaw (or sweet potato casserole and mac and cheese) will transport you to hog heaven. $, L, D. Closed Sunday. 240 Wade Hampton Blvd, Greenville. (864) 232-7774, MEKONG
Formerly with Stella’s Southern Bistro in Simpsonville, Chef Huy Tran delivers the nuances of fine Vietnamese cuisine at Mekong. Among favorites is a noodle feast, featuring grilled pork, marinated with lemongrass, ginger, garlic, soy, and oyster sauces, and shredded pork simmered in a flavorful broth. Chef grows the herbs that are heaped in the bowl, and finishes the dish with nuoc cham, a Vietnamese sauce. Add a crispy spring roll and take your ’buds to a new dimension. $, L, D. 2013 Wade Hampton Blvd, Greenville. (864) 244-1314, THE OPEN HEARTH
Named for its exhibition kitchen, this Greenville stalwart has been in business since 1959. Despite the host of trendy new restaurants in town, fans still come here for the buttery steaks cooked to order on the coal-fired grill. Jimmy Melehes and his wife, Paula Starr, own the place (which was founded by Jimmy’s parents) and are always on hand to give guests a warm welcome. Steaks abound, from a one-and-a-half-pound sirloin for two to a modest filet mignon wrapped in bacon, but there’s plenty to satisfy seafood lovers, too. $$$-$$$$, D. Closed Sunday. 2801 Wade Hampton Blvd, Greenville. (864) 244-2665,
TOWN Magazine accepts no compensation for Dining Guide reviews and selects entries by its editorial discretion. Reviews are conducted anonymously.
OntheRoxx 4thS TownMarch13.indd 1
A Chic New Event Venue
Many new additions to our already popular International menu makes this unique European place well worth a visit. Addy’s is well known for its unusual and rare-to-find menu items, extensive European beer selection and elegant wine menu. Private upstairs dining room available. See you soon!
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Also visit Hans & Franz Biergarten at 3124 S.Hwy 14 near Pelham Road
3/13/13 AddysQtrTownSept 5:34 PM paragraph.indd 1
8/17/12 9:27:43 AM
JUNE 2013 / 95
Adultery, seduction, and sex! Sondheim orchestrates the lives of Frederik, his 18-year-old virgin wife, his former lover Desiree, her lover Count Carl-Magnus Malcom, and his wife Charlotte as they dance around each other’s infidelities and desires. The Tony Award–winning musical is the source of the classic song “Send in the Clowns.” The Warehouse Theatre, 37 Augusta St, Greenville. Thurs–Sat, 8pm; Sun, 3pm. $35. (864) 2356948,
Ken Ludwig’s tribute to the great English farces of the ’30s and ’40s takes the stage. Bingham, president of a country club, has placed a large wager on a golf tournament that he is likely to lose when a golfer switches sides. Luckily, Bingham’s new help happens to be a good golfer. A broken arm, a toilet-flushed engagement ring, and a sex-starved vice-president complicate matters for Bingham. Centre Stage, 501 River St, Greenville. Thurs–Sat, 8pm; Sun, 3pm. Adults, $25; juniors, $15. (864) 233-6733,
A midsummer night’s dream in Falls Park? Well, not that Shakespearean play, and not quite midsummer yet, but the Warehouse Theatre’s outdoor Upstate Shakespeare Festival is pretty dreamlike. Grab a seat on the grassy hills of Falls Park and enjoy a cornerstone of English theatre in the cool evening.
Falls Park, Greenville. 7:30pm. Free. (864) 235-6948, upstate-shakespeare-festival
Irving Berlin’s sharpshooting musical takes the stage with Mary Freeman as Annie Oakley and John Brigham as Frank Butler. Frank and Annie first meet in Cincinnati where Annie bests Frank in a shooting contest and falls in love with him. Pride tears the lovers apart before fate reunites them. The musical is the source of enduring classic songs like “You Can’t Get a Man with a Gun” and “There’s No Business Like Show Business.” Greenville Little Theatre, 444 College St, Greenville. Thurs– Sat, 8pm; Sun, 3pm. Adult, $30; senior, $28; junior, $20. (864) 2336238,
It’s market season again! Grab some fresh, local produce, baked goods, meats, and cheeses at this weekly market. With peaches from Monetta
and tomatoes from Central, you can rest assured that you are supporting local farmers and sustainable practices with each item you purchase. Chef demonstrations are also great for getting some kitchen inspiration for what you take home. Main St, Greenville. Sat, 8am– Noon. Free. (864) 467-4494.
Tap into your wild side! The Greenville Zoo is hosting its annual Brew in the Zoo event, presented by RJ Rockers. Explore the zoo in the evening light with a posse of friends and samples of beer in hand. Greenville Zoo, 150 Cleveland Park Dr, Greenville. Sat, 6–9pm. In advance, $30; day of event, $40. (864) 467-4300,
With Memorial Day just past and Independence Day on the horizon, there’s no better time for some AllAmerican music. Join Matt Ryan and his band for a nearly indistinguishable recreation of Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band, and get your blood pumping as the Boss’s arena sound gets packed into a far more
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96 TOWN /
1322 e washington st greenville 864.255.5656
CAN’T-MISS CULTURE / EVENTS / ATTRACTIONS intimate setting. The Handlebar, 304 E Stone Ave, Greenville. Sat, 9pm. $20. (864) 233-6173,
Even though nature’s beauty is all around us, sometimes the artists in us can get in a creative rut. Join professional artists and photographers for a full day of workshops and demonstrations to get re-inspired. Hatcher Garden & Woodland Preserve, 820 John B White Sr. Blvd, Spartanburg. Sat, 9am– 5pm. $125, pre-registration required. (864) 574-7724,
1-2,7-12,20,26 Photograph by Darrell Snow
Stars in the making, the crack of a bat, a group of friends, and a cold beer in hand—all the ingredients for an entertaining summer evening at Fluor Field. Make your way to the West End stadium and support
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JUNE 2013 / 97
your hometown Drive during its June home stands. Fluor Field, 945 S Main St, Greenville. Times vary. $7-$10. (864) 240-4528,
Join singer/songwriter Angela Easterling at the Swamp Rabbit Café after the Upstate Farm Tour. The Greer native has embraced and explored her heritage, resulting in critical acclaim from Oxford American and Country Weekly. This after-party concert also features the Blue Ridge Rounders and is the final performance in the Community Garden Music Series. Swamp Rabbit Café & Garden, 205 Cedar Lane Rd, Greenville. Sun, 6:30–8:30pm. Free. (864) 2393757, concert
5, 12, 19, 26
CENTURY BMW REEDY RIVER CONCERT SERIES This summer-long concert series is pitch perfect for those who want to enjoy some mid-week live music and the Greenville outdoors. Jazz, country, rock and roll, blues, and reggae performances will all be represented. TD Stage, Peace Center, 300 S Main St, Greenville. Wed, 7–9pm. Free. Events/RRNCS.aspx
PelArch_4thS_TownJune13_LHR.indd 1
5/15/13 4:19 PM
4, 11, 18, 25 TUESDAYS ON TRADE
If you’re not familiar with Greer’s downtown charms, these themed Tuesday nights are a good place to start. Join other area denizens for girls’ night out, splurge day, and a community garden walk, and explore the restaurant and retail scene in this historic town. Downtown Greer. Tues, 5–8pm. Free. (864) 416-0125,
Film buffs and connoisseurs of the celluloid arts will not want to miss this five-day event. The festival celebrates independent films from all over the world: the inaugural 2012 festival featured more than 185 filmmakers from 30 countries. Come support and enjoy the artistic vision of directors, cinematographers, actors, and more. Locations vary, Greenville. Times vary. Prices vary.
Eva Perón’s rise from illegitimate child to international icon is chronicled in this Andrew Lloyd Webber collaboration with Tim Rice. Her career as a performer and singer leads her to become the wife of Argentinean dictator Juan Perón. A lifetime seeking power gives way to her true calling: serving the people. Riding a wave of populist sentiment, Eva is revered by the Argentinean people and reviled by social elites. Flat Rock Playhouse, 2661 Greenville Hwy, Flat Rock, NC. Wed, Thurs, Sat–Sun, 2pm; Wed–Sat, 8pm. Adults, $40; seniors, $38. (866) 732-8008,
6, 13, 20, 27 MUSIC BY THE LAKE
Join Dr. Leslie Hicken and the Lakeside Concert Band for its annual summer concerts. The varied programs will feature big band, 98 TOWN /
jazz, bluegrass, Latin, and orchestral sounds. Concert-goers can also expect guest appearances by pianist Derek Parsons and the Greenville Chorale. Lakeside Amphitheater, Furman University, 3300 Poinsett Hwy, Greenville. 7:30pm. Free. (864) 294-2086,
Your one-stop shop for wedding inspirations is coming to town. Leave no stone unturned with everything from a mock wedding and reception display, to tabletop displays of wedding designs, to fashionable attire for the entire wedding party. The first 600 brides through the door are eligible for the Grand Prize. TD Convention Center, 1 Exposition Dr, Greenville. Thurs, 4–9pm. $8. (864) 233-2562,
BLAZE OF GLORY: MARSHALL CHAPMAN IN CONCERT Singer and author Marshall Chapman returns to her hometown to promote her latest album Blaze of Glory and the second edition of her first book, Goodbye, Little Rock and Roller. The former Southern debutante became a rock and roller after going to an Elvis Presley concert and has since had her songs recorded by Conway Twitty, Jimmy Buffet, and Olivia Newton-John. David Reid Theatre, Chapman Cultural Center, 200 E St. John St, Spartanburg. Fri, 7pm. Adults, $25; students, $10. (864) 542-2787,
Visit downtown Greenville for an eyeful. More than 25 local art galleries and venues will be open. Works by emerging and established artists will be on display. Visitors can expect a diverse range of media: oils, watercolors, pottery, jewelry, woodworks, and photography, among others.
Locations vary, Greenville. Fri, 6–9pm. Free. (864) 325-4445,
Hawaii-native and ukulele virtuoso Jake Shimabukuro takes the stage for a playfully buoyant summer concert. Shimabukuro, whose intricate, racing dexterity across his four-stringed instrument has been compared to Jimi Hendrix and Miles Davis, blends Hawaiian sounds with jazz, rock, and classical traditions. TD Stage, Peace Center, 300 S Main St, Greenville. Fri, 7:30pm. $25. (864) 467-3000,
11–July 27
The Spartanburg Art Museum celebrates 20 years of its COLORS outreach program this summer. The program has 11 sites throughout Spartanburg County where children from low- and moderateincome families can learn and create art. The museum will be sponsoring an exhibit of child art, as well as hosting a fundraising gala on June 15. Spartanburg Art Museum, Chapman Cultural Center, 200 E St. John St. Tues–Sat, 10am–5pm; Sun, 1–5pm. $7. (864) 582-7616,
Whether you love quilts or just need something warm for your bed, the Landrum Quilt Show is bound to have something for you. There will be 12 vendors, more than 100 quilts, and plenty of other handcrafted items. Make sure to put your name in the drawings for the show quilt and fat quarter baskets. Landrum Middle School, 104 Redland Rd, Landrum. Thurs–Fri, 10am–5pm; Sat, 10am–4pm. $4.
by DESIGN JUNE 2013 / 99
Scene 21–22
Renew, revamp, and strengthen your relationship with God, your sons, your brothers, and your fathers with this weekend of manly fellowship. There will be workshops and exhibits full of hunting, fishing, football, and motorcycles interspersed with faithbuilding exercises. Speakers include Tim Tebow and A&E’s Duck Dynasty stars Willie and Jase Robertson. Bi-Lo Center, 650 N Academy St, Greenville. Fri, 7pm; Sat, 8am. $49-$89. (864) 241-3800,
With 20 years under its belt, you just know this festival will rock your appetite for food and sound. Get your fill of chicken, pork ribs, brisket, and all the fixings you can handle. There will also be two stages of constant music from the likes of Mill Billy Blues, The Legendary JC’s, Big Daddy Love, and Velvet Truckstop. Harmon Field, 1 Harmon Field Rd, Tryon, NC. Fri–Sat, 10am– 11pm. Free on Fri, 10am–2pm; adults, $8. (828) 859-7427,
Fake phone calls to get out of social obligations (like a bad date) are nothing new. Oscar Wilde foretold this phenomenon with this comedy, wherein two young gentlemen invent alter egos to get around social conventions. Things quickly spiral out of control as their romantic interests discover their identities. Hendersonville Little Theatre, 229 S Washington St, Hendersonville, NC. Thurs–Sat, 7:30pm; Sun, 2pm. Adult, $20; student, $15; youth, $10. (828) 692-1082,
The insatiable honey-hunting bear and his posse of friends come to life. Join Winnie the Pooh, Eeyore, and Piglet as they tromp about the Hundred Acre Wood on one adventure after another. The A. A. Milne stories are adapted by Kristin Sergel and directed by Kim Granner. Gunter Theatre, Peace Center, 300 S Main St, Greenville. Fri, 10:30am; Sat, 10:30am, 1:30pm & 5:30pm (June 15 only); Sun, 1:30pm & 5:30pm (June 16 only). Adults, $26; children, $17. (864) 235-2885,
“Don’t call it a comeback”—LL Cool J headlines a powerhouse lineup of hip-hop artists in concert at the Charter Amphitheatre. Legendary hip-hop artists Ice Cube, Public Enemy, and De La Soul will join the “Mama Said Knock You Out” rapper in support of his latest album, Authentic. Charter Amphitheatre, Heritage Park, 681 SE Main St, Simpsonville. Fri, 7pm. $28-$64. (864) 241-3800,
Compton hip-hop artist Kendrick Lamar broke out with his 2012 album good kid, m.A.A.d city and was promptly declared “Hottest MC in the Game” by MTV. Fellow California rappers Jay Rock, Schoolboy Q, and Ab-Soul will also appear. Charter Amphitheatre, Heritage Park, 681 SE Main St, Simpsonville. Fri, 7:30pm. $40, $50. (864) 2413800,
Photograph courtesy of the Blue Ridge BBQ & Music Festival
If you’re not fascinated by slithery snakes or leaping lizards, it’s probably best that you stay away. However, if reptiles and other exotic animals excite you, then Repticon is where you want to be. Join other
Pure Romance
L i v e , W o r k , P L ay
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Jeff Henson,
P: 864.678.5295 C: 864.402.9196 679 Fairview Road, Suite B • Simpsonville, SC 29680 • 864-228-2920 100 TOWN /
reptile enthusiasts for tips, supplies, and animal showings. Greenville Shrine Club, 119 Beverly Rd, Greenville. Sat, 10am– 5pm; Sun, 10am–4pm. Adult, $10$15; children, $5.
Come out to Lake Keowee for an evening of cool breezes and even cooler cats. Second Hand Jazz, with Shaun Ritchie on bass, Matt Dingledine on guitar, and Tim Blackwell on drums, has a reputation for riffing on jazz standards as well as performing modern originals. Bring a lawn chair and picnic for lakeside music in luxury. Upcountry History Museum, 540 Buncombe St, Greenville. Sat, 10:30am. Members, $15; regular admission, $20. (864) 467-3100,
27–July 14 THE BIG BANG
What could be more catastrophically hilarious than a 12-hour musical with 318 cast members, 6,428 costumes, and 1,400 wigs? How about two producers trying to raise the $83.5 million necessary to put on such a show? Chronicling some of history’s most famous figures, from Big Bang to present, the producers attempt to give investors a taste of what their money’s worth with creative re-tellings of the lives of Adam and Eve, Caesar, Eva Braun, and Napoleon.
performance as educational seminar, with explanations and demonstrations before each dance. Chapman Cultural Center, 200 E St. John St, Spartanburg. Sun, 4–6pm. Patrons, $25; adults, $15; balcony, $10; children, $5. (864) 542-2787,
Flat Rock Playhouse Downtown, 125 S Main St, Hendersonville, NC. Thurs, Sat–Sun, 2pm; Wed–Sat, 8pm. Adults, $35; seniors, $33. (866) 732-8008,
Husband and wife duo Krishnakumar and Sivakami revive 2nd century BC classical Indian dance for audiences. Bharatanatyam features intricate footwork and rhythms as well as enchanting melodies provided by live orchestra. The event is as much
Take off with the Runway Café on a mission to help the Julie Valentine Center with its objective to end sexual violence and child abuse. A ticket buys you cocktails, dinner, access to a silent auction, and live music, all at a hip venue. Greenville Downtown Airport, 21 Airport Rd Ext. Sun, 4pm. Tickets at Cork & Tap and Runway Café. $45, dinner and open bar; $25, dinner and cash bar; kids 12 and under are free. (864) 304-7645
Totally professional. Delightfully immature.
Totally professio
Come pl Come play with us!
Adapted by Kristin Sergel. Based on the stories by A.A. Milne Produced by special arrangement with THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY of Woodstock, Illinois
Your pets will thank you!
Music by RICHAR RICHARD RODGERS Lyrics Lyr ics by OS OSCAR CAR HAMMERSTEIN HA II Book by HOWARD LINDSAY and RUS RUSSEL CROUSE Sugges Sug gested by “The Trapp pp Family Singers” Suggested by Maria Augusta Trapp
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102 TOWN /
Advertiser A. T. Locke Realty, LLC Bell Cleaners Bennetts’ Frame & Art Gallery Blue Ridge Electric Co-Op Bon Secours St. Francis Health System Breakwater Restaurant & Bar Bubbly Blow Dry Bar Bynum Aesthetic Dentistry Capello Salon Carlton Motorcars Carolina Consignment Carolina Furniture CertusBank Charme Silkiner Chocolate Moose Cliffs Land Partners Clothes Make the Man Comfort Keepers Cox Photography Dapper Ink Downtown Dental Dr. Ryan Cook Eric Brown Design euphoria Femfessionals Frame Designs Gallery Seventeen Geiss and Sons Ginger Sherman/Prudential C. Dan Joyner Gold Collections Greenville Automotive Greenville County Museum of Art Greenville Dermatology Greenville Health System The Green Room Hale’s Jewelers Hans & Franz Harrison Lighting Haywood Mall Helwing Art High Cotton
Page 26 5, 63, 85 93 65 21 30 81 33 55 61 7 97 54 41 13 103 49 64 82 IBC 98 97 64 IFC, 1 87 80 81 99 34-35 103 100 43 9 50 46 95 BC 95 65 59 96 103
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Land Marks
America’s spacious skies, amber waves of grain, purple mountain majesties, and fruited plains have made plentiful fodder for artists across multiple generations. Sixty masterpieces, curated by Karen Quinn, will be on display at the Greenville County Museum of Art. The exhibit is on loan from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and will be making its first stop in the United States after a stint in Japan. The exhibit features a dazzling array of works ranging from Thomas Cole and his nineteenth-century Hudson River School compatriots as well as modern photographers such as Ansel Adams and Edward Weston. —Andrew Huang The Greenville County Museum of Art will be displaying Masterpieces of American Landscape from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, from June 19 until September 15. The museum’s hours are Wed–Sat, 10am–6pm, and Sun, 1–5pm. The museum is located at 420 College St, Greenville.
104 TOWN /
Stuart Davis, Hillside Near Gloucester, 1915 / Image courtesy of the Greenviille County Museum of Art
America the Beautiful is in your backyard at the Greenville County Museum of Art
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