7th Grade Special Education Inclusion — Northwest Middle 2nd Grade — Robert E. Cashion Elementary English — Wade Hampton High 1st RUNNER-UP 2nd RUNNER-UP 3rd RUNNER-UP Michelle Stein Lesley Hipp Bekki Benjamin Vi b e s!good2022-23 Tea c her of the Year 5th Grade Brushy Creek Elementary WendyFrans

What is SmartARTS?
2.methods.Pairing SmartARTS teaching artists with teachers and providing support for planning rigorous units.
7th Graders at Tanglewood studied protest art in Social Studies to create this colorful mural with teaching artist Adam Schrimmer kimberly@greenvilleARTS.com@smartARTSgvl Learn more: greenvilleARTS.com/smartARTS
3. Implementing, documenting and assessing units that are inquiry-based and highly experiential to encourage career ready creative problem-solving by students. Congrats to the Teacher of the Year!
SmartARTS Goals: 1. Training new Greenville County School teachers each year in the planning and use of successful arts integration
Students at Summit Elementary School studied dance and character development with teaching artist Kristin La Roy.
SmartARTS is the Metropolitan Arts Council’s successful arts education initiative founded in 2002 that provides Greenville County Schools with teaching artists, art supplies and arts integration training to facilitate arts-integrated units in the classroom. Now, 20 years later, both artists and students across Greenville County are benefiting from the SmartARTS program which aims to create an even playing field for students of lowto moderate-income by giving them equal opportunities to discover their talents, express their voices, and be engaged in meaningful cultural activities with professional local artists while increasing their academic SmartARTSperformance.teaching artists have the unique ability to use the arts to reinforce, extend, and deepen student learning during a time when many students have fallen behind due to the pandemic. SmartARTS is thrilled to be a partner in creating arts-rich schools across Greenville County.

– Wendy Frans
Wendy Frans
It is important to Wendy that she teaches her students that kindness and giving to others is important. Not only because it makes one feel good, but more importantly because they are thinking of someone other than themselves. Wendy’s motto is: I RISE! She hopes to instill that motto in her students as they grow and mature. She says, as a teacher I RISE early to get to school, to prepare for the day, so I can give 100% to my students; I RISE to meet the demands of each learning style of every student in my classroom; I RISE to quickly correct behaviors of unkindness, selfishness, and laziness because I am shaping the minds of the future; I RISE to wipe away tears when they come to school with a heavy heart; I RISE to be honest with my students, admit when I make a mistake, ask forgiveness when I’ve jumped to a conclusion, show fairness to all students in my classroom no matter what – because I am a role model to them. I RISE to provide the best learning experience I can for every student; I RISE to create engaging lessons to make learning fun; I RISE to see the value of every student because I believe that every child, regardless of previous academic performance, behavioral issue, or social struggle can learn in my classroom. I RISE to demand the best of my students. I RISE to mentor younger teachers; I RISE to advocate for my present and past students while striving to become the best educator I can be.
There’s no such thing as a typical student; each has their own personality, learning style, and needs.
TeacheroftheYear Creek Elementary
2022-23 Congratulations to… 5th Grade Brushy
Wendy grew up as the youngest of six children in her family. Neither of her parents graduated from college and despite this, they instilled in her the importance of education and a college degree. With 20 years of teaching experience, it still makes her excited to create engaging lessons and see the “lightbulbs” come on…and she still gets nervous on “Meet the Teacher” night because she loves her career and is always striving to do her best!
The 2022-23 Greenville County Schools Teacher of the Year, Wendy Frans, knows that being a teacher is more than teaching in a classroom; it’s about being a role model, a school counselor, and helping students grow socially inside the classroom and out.
Actively promoting equity in my classroom helps me remove barriers in which all students can learn.”
2022-23 Greenville County Schools Teacher of the Year | 3

TeacheroftheYear 2022-23 Runners-Up
4 | 2022-23 Greenville County Schools Teacher of the Year
SECOND RUNNER-UP 2nd Grade — Robert E. Cashion Elementary Lesley Hipp
THIRD RUNNER-UP English — Wade Hampton High Bekki Benjamin
When teachers collaborate, share talents and are willing to learn from one another, we impact the lives of students well beyond our classrooms. I strengthen the teaching profession by actively seeking and creating opportunities to collaborate with peers in order to ultimately improve the quality of education for allstudents.”Iam a firm believer that “all means all.” I truly believe that all students can learn and be successful, regardless of ability. I work hard to ensure that every student truly believes that he/she can achieve and be successful. As their teacher, I own my responsibility and job to build my students’ confidence and show them that they can achieve.” RUNNER-UP 7th Grade Special Education Inclusion — Northwest Middle Michelle Stein
In my work as a literature teacher, I have the amazing opportunity to show students, through stories, humanity at its best and sadly, sometimes at its worst. It is my goal to select literature in which my students see their commonalities and appreciate their differences. In doing so, I create connections among my students and literature which are both necessary for authentic learning”

Strings, Eastside High Audrey Bass 1st Grade, K-12 Virtual Program Kerri Fay 3rd Grade, Bethel Elementary Janet Herrera-Gantt Health Science/EMS, Riverside High Hank Hill ELA, League Academy Sarah Monson 2nd Grade, Summit Drive Elementary Devin Moore TeacheroftheYear 2022-23 Runners-Up 2022-23 Greenville County Schools Teacher of the Year | 5

RUTH ZIMMERMAN A.J. Whittenberg Elementary TORI GRANT NASH Alexander Elementary BRITTANY SEAY Armstrong Elementary TERESA BRAZELL Augusta Circle Elementary KERRY HUGHES Beck International Academy KRISTEN RINALDI Bell’s Crossing Elementary TREVOR SCOTT BARTON Berea Elementary VANDEKERKHOVEJESSICA Berea High CANDICE DENNIS Berea Middle RHIANON ANDRY Blue Ridge High SARAH KENWORTHY Blue Ridge Middle LINDSAY CUMMINGS Blythe Academy of Languages KATIE BENTON Brook Glenn Elementary HANNAH JACKSON Bryson Elementary KIARA LEWIS Bryson Middle WENDY JACKSON Buena Vista Elementary MELISSA GUILLÉN Carolina High and Academy MEREDITH HITCH Chandler Creek Elementary JAMIE COX Cherrydale Elementary KATELYN PARKER Crestview Elementary DREW ARCHER Donaldson Career Center NICOLE SMITH Dr. Phinnize J. Fisher Middle NATALIE RICHARDS Duncan Chapel Elementary MICHELLE CHAPMAN East North AcademyStreet JANIS LEWIS Ellen Woodside Elementary DONNIE PEARSON Enoree Career Center MORGAN MCCANLESS Fork Shoals School REBECCA ASBERRY Fountain Inn Elementary AMY PRUITT Fountain Inn High BETSY RIDDLE Gateway Elementary ELIJAH EDWARDS Golden Strip Career Center CINDY GREEN Greenbrier Elementary KEITH RAY Greenville Early College MICHELLE MILES Greenville Middle Academy ALEX FAGAN Greenville Senior High School 6 | 2022-23 Greenville County Schools Teacher of the Year T e a c h e r S o f

JEFF NORMAN Greer High SYDNEY FORD Greer Middle ELIZABETH BATSON Grove Elementary PAMELA MOORE Heritage Elementary STEPHANIE HALL Hillcrest High KIM SKIPPER Hillcrest Middle ERIN CAMIRE Hollis Academy NADINE HAENLEIN Hughes Academy ERICKA LASENBERY J. Harley Bonds Career Center TORRI ATKINS J. L. Mann Academy SARAH THURN Lake Forest Elementary MARGARET REGISTER Lakeview Middle ANTONIO GOODRIDGE Mauldin Elementary GINGER ERNST Mauldin High JACQUES WHITE Mauldin Middle JENNA SCOTT Mitchell Road Elementary RACHAEL TATARINCHIK Monarch Elementary LAUREN HEPNER Monaview Elementary KATIE LEA Mountain View Elementary AMY LEMONS Northwest Crescent CDC SARAH MCGOWEN Northwood Middle MARYYOUNGCATHERINE Oakview Elementary BETH MAHON Paris Elementary KRISTEN ORR Pelham Road Elementary CARLYN WOODS Plain Elementary JESSICA EVANS Ralph Chandler Middle BRAE MCQUADE Riverside Middle EMILY MODRAK Rudolph Gordon School CAYCE CAMPBELL Sara Collins Elementary MONICA FITE Sevier Middle RACHEL VINCENT Simpsonville Elementary APRIL MCDONALD Skyland Elementary ELIZABETH NIX Slater Marietta Elementary BRANDI RICHARDSON Southside High KYLEE RUCKER Sterling School/Charles Townes Gifted Center 2022-23 Greenville County Schools Teacher of the Year | 7 T h e Ye a r ! 20232022-

CHRISTEN FAASSE Taylors Elementary STEVE WATSON The Fine Arts Center SHAYLA ABERCROMBIE Thomas E. Kerns Elementary 8 | 2022-23 Greenville County Schools Teacher of the Year CANDACE BOLT Stone Academy MASON SANDERS Sue Cleveland Elementary BETH SPENCE Tanglewood Middle Teac h e rS o f T h e Yea r! 2022-2023 STEVEN THOMPSON Tigerville Elementary LISA ANDERSON Travelers Rest High RYANA WILSON Washington Center RUTH DECHANT Welcome Elementary BROWN-SHUFORDKIMBERLY West Greenville School JENNIFER BASKIN Westcliffe Elementary MELISSA PITTS Woodland Elementary SHAVOYAE BROWN Woodmont High VANDERFORDMARIANNE Woodmont Middle Greenville Federal Credit Union Honors Two EMERGING TEACHERS OF THE YEAR
Katie West
Caitlin McManaway
The Emerging Teachers of the Year Program, sponsored by Greenville Federal Credit Union, recognizes a second or third year teacher at the elementary and secondary levels for outstanding performance. Each winner receives $500, a crystal award, and $500 for his/her school.
Elementary Level
Caitlin has just completed her second year of teaching but possesses the knowledge of what feels like a “seasoned” teacher. She is a co-leader for her third-grade team that has been instrumental in the cohesiveness of the group.
It is hard to believe Katie is only completing her second year of teaching. Passionate about educating the whole child, Katie takes every opportunity to create a nurturing environment for her students. She wants her students to know she supports them. Katie works tirelessly to ensure all her students experience an inclusive environment. These efforts yield lessons that engage, support, and challenge students. Her collaborative spirit and enthusiasm are infectious, and she pushes her teammates to improve and try new things to support all the 8th grade students.
Secondary Level English Language Arts Greenville Middle Academy
Each week, she and her team discuss data, lessons, and collaborate to make learning fun, engaging and rigorous. Caitlin effectively uses whole group, small group and individualized instruction to make student achievement soar. Students are excited about learning in her class.
Third Grade Fork Shoals School

CongratulationstoAllWinnersofthe2021GreenvilleCountyTeacherofTheYearAward! We applaud your commitment and dedication to all the students in our community. Copyright © 2021 Michelin North America, Inc. All rights reserved. The Michelin Man is a registered trademark owned by Michelin North America, Inc.
CongratulationstoAllWinnersofthe2022GreenvilleCountyTeacherofTheYearAward! Michelin North America, The Michelin Man is a registered trademark owned by Michelin
Copyright © 2022
Inc. All rights reserved.
The members of the Selection Committee are Catherine James, Greenville Federal Credit Union; Dr. Michelle Meekins, retired GCS administrator; Kelly Nalley, former GCS Teacher of the Year and former SC Teacher of the Year; Andy Waters, Herff Jones of South Carolina; and Dr. Phillip Wilder, Clemson University. The announcement naming Wendy Frans the 2022-23 Greenville County Schools Teacher of the Year was made August 11 by Superintendent Dr. Burke Royster. Special awards and prizes were provided for the top Greenville County teacher and other honorees. YEAR
The process of selecting the ten finalists began last fall when schools and centers selected their individual Teachers of the Year. School level Teachers of the Year completed a comprehensive application that was reviewed and scored by an initial Screening Committee. The judges then ranked the top one-third applicants and selected the finalists. TEACHERS OF THE YEAR HOW ARE FINALISTSTHECHOSEN?
Greenville County Schools P. O. Box 2848 | Greenville, SC 29602 | 864-355-3100 Roger Meek 2022 Board Chairman W. Burke Royster,
10 | 2022-23 Greenville County Schools Teacher of the Year
insert was written by the Communications Department
Superintendent Bank of Travelers Rest, BMW Manufacturing Company, Chick-fil-A of Greer, Cowart Awards, District 1 PTA, Eplee + Associates, Expressions Unlimited, Greenville Federal Credit Union, Greenville Journal, Hand and Stone Massage and Facial Spa, Herff Jones of South Carolina, Jostens, LS Homes Residential, Michelin North America Inc., Papa John’s Pizza, Peace Center, Rotary Club of Greenville, SC Charities, Spinx, Staples and Table 301 Special Thanks to Our Sponsors LEFT TO RIGHT, TOP TO BOTTOM: Roger D. Meek, Area 26, Chair | Debi Bush, Area 19, Vice Chair | Carolyn Styles, Area 17, Secretary | Sarah Dulin, Area 27 | Michelle Goodwin-Calwile, Area 25 | Lynda Leventis-Wells, Area 22 | Derek Lewis, Area 24 | Glenda Morrison-Fair, Area 23 | Angie Mosley, Area 21 | Charles J. Saylors, Area 20 | Pat Sudduth, Area 18 | Lisa Wells, Area 28
Each Top Ten candidate for Greenville County Teacher of the Year is judged on the completed application, a one-on-one interview, and a classroom observation. During the interview, candidates were judged on their use of effective communication skills, organization of responses to questions, and substance and relevance of response. Top Ten Finalists had an unannounced observation by the judging committee. Judges scored each finalist on his or her knowledge of content, teacher/ student interaction, communication skills, instructional delivery, and assessment and feedback.
The 2022-23 of the Year of Greenville County Schools. Ph.D.