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Wayne and Peggy Wagner on the steps of their new home in Ruskin Square at Hollingsworth Park.
Hollingsworth Park reinvents bygone era
864.329.8383 |
T H G. T H E.
ostalgia meets anticipation in Hollingsworth Park. This intriguing community is reinventing a bygone era by combining the best of yesteryear – classic architecture, close-knit homes, pedestrian-friendly streetscapes and a neighborhood business district – with the most modern of amenities. Forwardthinking building practices ensure it becomes the neighborhood of choice for generations to come. A dynamic model of Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND), Hollingsworth Park promises a villagelike atmosphere with a diversity of housing options – ranging from single-
family homes of varying price points to townhomes – all connected by a shared architectural authenticity. Residences integrate with common open space and pocket parks to ensure interaction amongst neighbors. “There’s lots of intimacy between these homes because of smaller lots with niche gardens,” says Jon Peery, principal of Peery Homes, who has several of Hollingsworth Park’s custom-built beauties to his credit. While TND is often defined by its diverse mix of interset homes, another distinct characteristic is placing merchants and service providers within easy walking distance of residents; thus, »