PORTUGAL by Sรก Machado
Armillary Sphere
Southwestern Europe, bordering the Atlantic Ocean, west of Spain
The recent changes to the legal
total: 92,090 sq km land: 91,470 sq km water : 620 sq km note: includes Azores and Madeira Islands
rules on entr y and stay of
that allows foreign nationals to
1 793 km
obtain a Portuguese residence
Climate maritime temperate cool and rainy in north warmer and drier in south
Population 10 799 270 (July 2013 est.)
foreign nationals in Por tugal have introduced a mechanism
permit if they make cer tain i nve s t m e n t s i n t h e c o u n t r y. These permits are known as “Golden Visas”, and they are a unique and ver y attractive temporary opportunity to make hi profitable investment associated with the possibility of, in the end, obtain the Portuguese citizenship.
Torre de Belém - Lisbon
Sta bility a nd consistency at Political a nd Democratical matters This is the the countr y with the world's oldest definite boundaries! The First Republican constitution of Portugal was approved in 1910, since then the countr y democratic knowledge has been stable. Member of the European Union (EU) that is an economic and political conglomerate of 27 member nations that are located primarily in Europe, and considered a true model of stability and governance for all the world. The Constitution is the countr y's supreme law. It enshrines the fundamental rights that pertain to citizens, the essential principles that govern the Portuguese State, and the major political guidelines with which the latter's entities and organs must comply. It also lays down the rules for organising political power. In other words, it establishes the structure of the state and defines the competences of the main entities that exercise sovereign power (the President and the Assembly of the Republic, the Government, and the Courts), and regulates the way in which they relate to one another. All the other laws must respect the Constitution - if they don't, they are unconstitutional and thus invalid.
C u r re n c y â‚Ź (member of the eurozone since 1999)
SĂĄ Machado
S c h e n g e n A re a The Schengen Area is a group of 26 European countries which have abolished passpor t and immigration controls at their common borders. It functions as a single countr y for international travel purposes, with a common visa policy. Portugal is a member of the Schengen Area since 1991
Member states of the EU (year of entrance) Austria (1995) Belgium (1952) Bulgaria (2007) Cyprus (2004) Czech Republic (2004) Denmark (1973) Estonia (2004) Finland (1995) France (1952) Germany (1952) Greece (1981) Hungar y (2004) Ireland (1973) Italy (1952) Latvia (2004) Lithuania (2004) Luxembourg (1952) Malta (2004) Netherlands (1952) Poland (2004) Portug al (1986) Romania (2007) Slovakia (2004) Slovenia (2004) Spain (1986) Sweden (1995) United Kingdom (1973)
European Union
S á
PORTUGAL M a c h a d o
the gastronomy
The history of Portuguese gastronomy is naturally connected to the capacity to integrate the products nature gives us and to the influence of the people who occupied this land for more then 1500 years. From the Phoenicians to the Romans, from the Moors to the new generations, the Portuguese cuisine is the result of contributions by all those who have occupied the Peninsula.
The age of Portuguese maritime discoveries (by the Gregorian year of 1500) has played a large role in the portuguese gastronomy, with the introduction of spices and bittersweet flavours. Besides spices, a whole variety of products have been introduced. Today products such as bean, sugar, cod, potato, aromatic herbs and many others are regarded as standard in the Portuguese kitchen. Through this global discovery Portugal, at that time, also introduced these products into Europe. The diversity of Portuguese cuisine, as well as its origins, comes mainly from the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, as is clear from the strong presence of fish and shellfish. The foundation of Mediterranean tradition is based on bread, wine and olive oil. This trend spread all over the country finds different nuances according to the contribution of each region. Meat and smoked sausages make up the base of core products in many Portuguese dishes, especially in the North region. However, the dry cod fish is without any doubt the most exclusive plate of the local gastronomy, being Portugal alone the consumer of more then 80% of the world consummation of this fish. The heritage of the Portuguese cuisine is also a result of its history, geography, constraints and developments undergone by this nation and its people, based in regional cuisine that still holds such a great meaning today.
Pastéis de Belém (Belém Cookies)
PORTUGAL M a c h a d o
the gastronomy
Dry cod fish is the most traditional plate of Portugal.
In Portugal we use to say that there are more than 1001 ways to cook dry cod fish, but you can’t choose the most delicious of it.
Bacalhau (dry cod fish)
the tourism
Location and Climate Portugal is one of the best tourist destinations in the world. The country is known by it’s mild climate, enjoying 3000 hours of sun light per year and as if that’s not enough we still have 850 km of magnificient seaside. Portuguese people are very hospitable, constantly enjoying festivities, during all year. You can find uncountable festivals in every town, places where you can find the best delicacies, together with the delicious portuguese wine and enjoy leisure moments discovering the unique culture heritage, finding the tradition and the modernity side by side. Portugal can experience one of the best locations in the whole world, as it is in the extreme southwest of Europe, separated only by a couple of hours of any european capital. Being this one of the main reasons that year after year the numbers of tourists are constantly increasing. Portugal is in the 20 most visited countries in the world, receiving 13 million tourists annually. Major Tourist Regions The main tourist regions can be broken-down into: the Greater Lisbon (Lisboa), the Algarve, Greater Oporto (Porto) and Northern Portugal, the Portuguese Archipelagos of Madeira and Azores (Madeira and Açores), and Alentejo. Other tourist regions include Douro Sul, Templários, Dão-Lafões, Costa do Sol,Costa Azul, Planície Dourada, that are unknown to many tourists or visitors. The prestigious World Travel Awards 2012 acknowledged the Algarve region as Europe’s top beach destination, and Portugal as Europe’s top golf destination.
Sá Machado
Praia da Rocha - Algarve
S á
PORTUGAL M a c h a d o
the tourism
Our Patrimony
791 buildings are classified as National Anthem 13 of those are classified as International Anthem in UNESCO’s list The Jeronimos Monastery and Belem Tower continues today to be the ex-libris of our heritage, but monuments like the Convent of Christ in Tomar, the historic center of Porto and Guimaraes and the Cultural Landscape of the Pico Island Vineyard are true architectural wonders and landscape that are available to anyone at any time of the year.
T h e 4 6 P l a c e s t o G o i n 2 0 1 3 b y T h e N e w Yo r k T i m e s “Portugal’s economic pain is your gain in Porto, one of Western Europe’s great bargains. New boutique hotels and restaurants, like the Yeatman, dramatically perched above the Douro River featuring Porto’s first Michelin-starred restaurant, have brought a fresh burnish to this Unesco-protected city where labyrinthine narrow streets, ancient buildings and black-cloaked students inspired a young English tutor who lived here in the early 1990s named J. K. Rowling. The financial downturn doesn’t detract from the town’s most prominent industry — port wine — which can be sampled in the cellars of Sandeman, Graham’s or Taylor-Fladgate with a terraced restaurant, on the Douro’s south bank.” Finn-Olaf Jones for the NYT
Mosteiro dos Jerónimos - Lisbon
S รก
PORTUGAL M a c h a d o
the tourism A
As if all this were not enough, Portugal still enjoys a treasury in the middle of the Atlantic, the islands of the Azores, which according to the National
Geographic Traveler Magazine were considered the second best tourist destination in the world, between the 111 islands and archipelagos analyzed in this list The Azores enjoy a temperate climate and ecosystem - from the beautiful hills of Flores to the inlets of the island called as Third. Whales are still a common sight. The local culture is strong and vibrant, used to invite someone to a dinner at home or welcoming for a meal during the festivities. The U.S. magazine Forbes chose the Azores as one of the "few destinations in the world offering a truly unique experience" travel where you can experience something new, "never seen before". Who goes there did not go unnoticed the natural beauty of the lakes in the craters of volcanoes, in the set of nine volcanic islands in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, where the portuguese language is spoken and the countries own culture and cuisine can be found.
Hi lls o f Flo res - Azores These hills are the western dry land of Europe
S รก
PORTUGAL M a c h a d o
the tourism A
I n t e r n a t i o n a l
r a n k i n g s
Organization Institute for Economics and Peace KOF Index of Globalization United Nations Development Programme Transparency International World Economic Forum
o f
Po r t u g a l
Survey Global Peace Index Globalization Index Human Development Index Corruption Perceptions Index Global Competitiveness Report
Ranking 13 out of 144 8 out of 181 34 out of 182 35 out of 180 43 out of 133
Lagoon of the Seven Cities - Island of San Miguel, Azores
P o r t u g a l r a n k e d i n 1 st p l a c e , a s c l a s s i c t r a v e l d e s t i n a t i o n
the tourism A
Sá Machado
“Portugal oozes 'old European charm'. Medieval towns and historical quarters are full of squares, churches and monasteries. Narrow lanes are flanked by old skew houses with crooked balconies draped in dr ying laundr y. Here, neighbors still share the latest gossip or discuss politics from their windows. Pastry shops and taverns are found in such abundance it makes you wonder whether the Portuguese eat at home at all. The pace is soothingly slow and any day seems to be a good day for a drink. Chances are that after a few days in Portugal, you’ll find yourself sitting in a small square with a glass of tawny port in your hand, no matter whether you previously liked the stuff or not. It's just one of those things Portugal does to you.” Bo Løvschall for the Top 10 countries for 2013 from Globe Spots
Lagoon of Fire - Isle of San Miguel, Azores
PORTUGAL M a c h a d o
heroes of the sea
The portuguese empire was the longest-lived of the modern European colonial empires, spanning almost six centuries, from the capture of Ceuta in 1415 to the handover of Macau in 1999 or the grant of sovereignty to East Timor in 2002. The empire spread throughout a vast number of territories that are now part of 53 different sovereign states.
The history of Portugal, an European and an Atlantic nation, dates back to the Early Middle Ages. The day of the Foundation of Portugal was the fifth of October of 1143
The birthplace of the nation - GuimarĂŁes
The 2010–2013 Por tuguese financial crisis began as par t of the wor ld Late-2000s financial crisis and continues as par t of the European sovereign debt crisis, which has affected primarily the southern European states and Ireland. Causes of the portuguese economic crisis - european sovereign debt;
the economic crisis
- lack of coordination from the EU policy to address these issues; Consequences of the crisis - Avoidance of capital from investor s and shor tage of credit; - Increase in unemployment and discontent population with cost-cutting measures adopted by countries as a way to contain the crisis; - Decreased ratings (ratings given by rating agencies) of nations and banks of countries involved in the crisis; - Fall or low growth in gross domestic product of EU countries due to the economic slowdown in the bloc. What is being done to combat the crisis panorama - Implementation of an anti-crisis economic package (released on 27/10/2011); - Greater involvement of the IMF (International Monetar y Fund) and European Central Bank's actions in addressing the crisis; - Financial aid to countries with more economic difficulties.
SĂĄ Machado
Adega Mayor - Alentejo
the economic crisis Since 2005, incumbent Prime Minister Sócrates's cabinet was not able to forecast or prevent the largely unanticipated imminent collapse of the Portuguese public finances and banking system and successfully stimulating the economy together with providing a solution for the unsustainable debt service coverage ratio of Portugal. Later in its term, the government was incapable of doing anything to improve the situation when the country was declared on the verge of bankruptcy by 2011. Evolution of the crisis panorama - Anxiety on financial markets - Austerity measures amid increased pressure on government bonds - Bailout loan, bank rescue and further austerity measures - Re-access to financial markets Major consequences for the Real Estate Market - subprime mortgage prices - lowest prices of the last decades in the housing market
Vi zela ’s Sq ua re made by Sá Machado
the golden visa G o l d e n R e s i d e n c e Pe r m i t P r o g r a m Po r t u g u e s e G o v e r n m e n t
Sá Machado
What is it? The Golden Visa (GV) is a simple and fast way for proper ty investor s to receive a 5 year residence permit, as an entrance to our countr y and the EU. The Por tugal residency permit allows free travel in SCHENGEN countries as well as being able to wor k or study in Por tugal. Additionally, there is the oppor tunity for a European Passpor t or permanent residency in Por tugal / EU in the 6 th year.
Qualifying investments for GV Investments must be maintained for a minimum of 5 year s
Through property investments Acquisition of Proper ties above € 500,000 in total Capital Investments Transfer of Funds above € 1,000,000,00 Job Creation Creation of a minimum of 10 jobs
Who may apply? Third State citizens (non european) involved in an investment activity.
Portuguese National Flag
why invest in Portugal? Why should you invest in Portugal? Why now? Which kind of investments grant the best deals in long term?
SĂĄ Machado
To choose Por tugal is to choose an exciting countr y, in the West Coast of Europe, to invest and buy high quality ser vices and products. It is also the choice for a pr ivileged, geogr aphically str ategic location, ideal for those seeking to supply the European mar ket or expand their businesses to other par ts of the wor ld. Por tugal has great logistic and communication infrastr uctures with connections to major cities by a i r, l a n d , s e a , r o a d o r r a i l w a y a n d o u r communications and telephone systems are known as one of the best and more advanced in the wor ld. The success of a project is also shaped by the quality of its human resources. In Por tugal we have a highly skilled and talented wor kforce available with additional 100 thousand graduates joining the labor mar ket briefly. But more than all of that, the economical crisis has turned down the prices of the local real estate market to the bottom, making them a long term excellent asset. Being, some times, possible to by now more then 35% below the real value of the property, get profitability over it and in 5 or 6 years sell it above the acquisition price. And, of cour se, Por tugal is not only a good countr y to invest but also a desirable place to live. You can find sunshine in most of the days helping you feel motivated and productive .
PadrĂŁo dos Descobrimentos - Lisbon
We at Sá Machado & Filhos, S.A. are a problem solvers. About Us Sá Machado was founded in 1933 by António Augusto de Sá Machado - a man of strong convictions who even today continues to be a major source of inspiration for his heirs. From the very outset, Sá Machado has maintained a unique identity – fruit of a distinctive corporate culture based on respect for the founder’s guiding spirit. The company’s business activities commenced in the field of woodworking, carpentry and sawing and subsequently evolved into the building trade. The company’s principle area of work is now the construction of technical buildings. On the basis of its tradition and successful track record, Sá Machado has consolidated its position in the Building Construction and Public Works market and has been ranked within the 100 largest Portuguese companies in its sector for many years. Evolution The growth of Sá Machado's business has led to the creation of excellent working conditions, ranging from its administrative premises to its 80,000 m² central construction yard, divided into distinct production units, including carpentry, sawing, a concrete production unit and a modern, robot-controlled cement products unit. These units are constantly being updated and their main role is to support all the company’s construction jobs, in addition to the supply and export of products related to production areas. Skills The company has earned a growing level of recognition for its expertise in the construction of technical buildings, which is its principal area of development. Achievements in this field include works for the education, health and sports sectors. Special works and/or art works also represent a potential market for the company, which has dedicated considerable effort over recent years to the execution of such works in association with strategic partners. Alongside the public sector, the company also views the private sector as a key target market and its track record includes buildings in the fields of Housing, Tourism, Retail and Industry. Sá Machado has also established a presence in more sensitive areas such as the private health sector. Our outlook for the future is based on a strong commitment to the quality of our end-products, in order to distinguish our services from those offered by the immediate competition, in an increasing difficult and demanding market. Competitiveness The new requirements and challenges of the building construction trade and its ongoing evolution oblige a constant refinement and development of new methods and techniques that include valorization/training of our staff and evolution of our technological skills. Expertise acquired over many years of working experience, allied to the latest technologies, underlies the guarantee of skill and competitiveness that Sá Machado offers to its partners and clients.
Strategy With a consolidated position in the Building Construction, Real Estate and Public Works sector, Sá Machado has successfully expanded its turnover over recent years, as a result of a business strategy orientated by the search for new markets and strengthening of commercial relations with traditional clients. Sá Machado aims to attain its strategic objectives by constantly improving its standards of rigorous management and ensuring personal and professional enhancement for its staff. Innovation Use of state-of-the-art techniques and management tools enables us to deliver an effective increase in competitiveness and guarantee secure business progress. SHST Our prime objectives are associated to high quality, controlled deadlines and costs and above all to risk prevention. In all our activities, from the planning to the execution stage, we take all necessary steps in order to ensure that no risks arise as the project unfolds. Risks that are considered to be inevitable, oblige us to implement a series of preventive and protective measures in order to guarantee the health and safety of our staff. Environmental Protection In awareness of the importance of preservation of the environment around each construction site, Sá Machado, always develops an Environmental Management plan in parallel with its construction jobs, in order to minimise or eliminate any actions that potentially may harm the environment. Quality To increase customer satisfaction, Sá Machado & Filhos, S.A. has developed its integrated management system (SIG) of Quality, Safety and the Environment, according to NP EN ISO 9001: 2008 - "Quality Management Systems Requirements", OHSAS 18001:2007 - "Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems" and NP EN ISO 14001:2004 - "Environmental Management Systems - Requirements with Guidance for use". The Sá Machado & Filhos, S.A. security management system applies to the activity of civil construction and public works, applied to construction sites, corporate headquarters, administration building and central construction yard (fuelling station, circulation paths, storage areas and maintenance section). The quality and environment management system applies to the activity of civil construction and public works, metalworking, carpentry and sawing, production of concrete and concrete products.
We provide to the investor the ser vices regarding this matters. we search and locate the best suitable solutions for investment deals, tailored for the requirements of each costumer in real estate or industrial matter s we are able to provide a study research for the best spots to aim in the por tuguese real estate mar ket we analyze what kind of investment is the right one for each time and place, according to the customer s needs and will we present all that wor k we do in a simple, secure and confident way, through well prepared keynotes we deal with all the bureaucracy in each and ever y oppor tunity that will eventually comes up through our lawyer s we can represent you legally and on legal matter s we can prepare and deal with all the internal bureaucracy to obtain the Golden Visa status
sum up: we grant your GV suffer no problems.
The Vasco da Gama Bridge is the longest bridge in Europe with a total length of 17.2 km, including 0.829 km for the main bridge, 11.5 km in viaducts, and 4.8 km in dedicated access roads. It is the 9th longest bridge in the wor ld.
Vasco da Gama Bridge - Lisbon
P o r t u g a l
SÁ MACHADO the bureaucracy
We deal with all the bureaucracy and help you dealing with the meeting of the requirements. - Valid Passport and Schengen Visa; - Valid travel document and medical insurance for EU / Portugal; - Updated property documents showing ownership of property; - Proof of means of income and proof of address; - Accommodation; - Absence of criminal conviction and of interdiction to enter the country; - Absence of notice from the Portuguese Immigration Authorities or Schengen Services; - Declaration from the investor confirming compliance with the investment requirements.
Hotel Flor de Sal - Viana de Castelo made by Sá Machado
the cost and for all this ser vice we will char ge you
The other phase of this process involves a postinvestment management.
after the investment
We at SĂĄ Machado can look out for your property when
What happens?
you are away! We grant our clients the chance to relief them from the worr ying and the annoying work to grant the maintenance and bureaucracy of the ownership.
management of the maintenance of the real estate
-taxes payment -managing and
managing, at private or corporate; monitoring of possible restoration or
construction works that are required;
and further assistance during the Golden Visa
-decoration, home
staging - acquisition and placement of
Praia da Rocha - Algarve
property management What’s the cost of the post investment active management service? The price of this ser vice will be based on what is requested by the c l i e n t a n d s t u d i e d c a s e b y c a s e , h o w e v e r, t h e r e e x i s t s a b a s i c management pack. Investments between 1.000.000,00€ and 2.500.000,00€ Will include the basic management pack for a per iod of 1 year , that m a y t h e n b e r e n e w e d a n n u a l l y. Investments between 2.500.001,00€ and 5.000.000,00€ Will include the basic management pack for a per iod of 3 year , that m a y t h e n b e r e n e w e d a n n u a l l y. Investments over 5.000.001,00€ Will include the basic management pack for a per iod of 5 year , that m a y t h e n b e r e n e w e d a n n u a l l y.
- rental contract management; - collecting rental payments management; - surveillance on the properties; - condition reports; - condominium payments management; - condominium meetings presence; - licensing construction or renovations works management;
- restorations
and constructions
- decoration
projects and execution management;
- taxes management; - Golden Visa process
Rio Douro and the city of Porto
enjoying the beauty
Serra do Pilar - Por to Ponte D. Luis - Gustavo Eiffels Projact
the opportunity Portugal is the right option... and is waiting...
SĂĄ Machado & Filhos, SA | investinportugal@sa-machado.com | www.sa-machado.com