inspire | ignite | illuminate
The bright green island Cluster development
Fire of transformation Life giving qualities
Spirit horse & wild dolphin Music, Love and Nature
Issue 05 $ 9.95
Dec/Jan 2011/12
Be in to win a weekend in Kaiteriteri!
New Young Creatives & The New Style
Positive thinking by itself does not work. Your embodied vision, partnered with vibrant thinking, harmonized with active listening, and supported with your conscious action - will clear the path for your Miracles. Sumner M. Davenport
Photography by Joy Kachina
OneSmile inspire | ignite | illuminate EDITOR/PUBLISHER: Catrin Jacksties
Editor’s Letter
ART DIRECTOR: Ina Schulze Steinen EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES Contact: Catrin Jacksties CONTRIBUTORS THIS ISSUE: Joy Kachina (photography), Bruce Rawless, Caroline Foster, Elayne Lane, John HelleNielsen, Marilyn Greenfield, Ian A Williams, Chris Williams, Laura Raduenz, Sam Gentry, Yvonne Tait, Eric Roeper, Kristina Jensen, Philippa Ross, Suzanne Masefield, Linde, Caitlin & Sika, Jamila Knopp, Swami Muktidharma, Jennifer Manson Images (unless indicated): istockphoto, stockxchange, dreamstime ADVERTISING AND SPONSORSHIP Phone +64 (0)21 236 7628 SUBSCRIPTION: Reader submissions to CONTACT US: 47 Grove Street, Nelson 7010 Phone +64 (0)21 236 7628 Email: GOT A STORY FOR ONESMILE? Send to OneSmile is published bi-monthly by One Smile Ltd PRINTING: Copy Press WWW.ONESMILE.CO OneSmile (ISSN 2230-3367 and ISSN 22303405) is subject to copyright in its entirety. The contents may not be reproduced in any form in whole or part, without prior written permission of the publisher. All rights reserved in material accepted for publication, unless initially specified otherwise. Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of OneSmile. Note: the ending is not an accident (-: Please pass on, compost or recycle this magazine OneSmile is printed using offset stock with FSC-certified mixed source pulp from well-managed forests and other controlled sources. 113 gsm silk matt BJ Ball Papers
ime is the biggest gift you can give to anyone. Your children and grandchildren will remember the time you spend with them, when you created those memories that linger in the storage room of your mind for years to come. Your partner will appreciate you taking the time to sit down and listen to their needs or the time you took out of a busy schedule to make a phone call to your parents just to say hello. Time is something that is gifted to us every single day and it is up to us how we use it and spend it. Christmas time and the upcoming holiday season is a very special time for all of us. The storage room of our memories swings wide open and reminds us of how we experienced time with our loved ones. It is not the expensive and sometimes overwhelming amount of gifts under the Christmas trees that we remember, but the feeling we had, when someone spend time with just us. I love to bake with my children on Christmas day and then deliver those goods to the hospice and our neighbors. We are grateful for being with each other and sharing that with those ones around us and also a few total strangers. It gives us a sense of belonging and makes us appreciate
what we have. Sharing a feeling is the most rewarding experience in life and helps us to open our hearts. We are able to connect on a really deep level and get a glimpse of what living with love from the heart really means. I encourage you to use this very special time to create long lasting memories, to share, to love and to look forward to an incredible New Year. One that is anticipated for different reasons worldwide. Let a series of happy thoughts run through your mind. They will show on your face. Make it the best time of your life and enjoy the experience and remember to share a Smile. My family and I are wishing you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year 2012.
Cover: OneSmile says thank you and wishes you a Merry Christmas page 6
THE BRIGHT GREEN ISLAND Cluster development in rural areas
FIRE OF TRANSFORMATION Life giving qualities
8 THE BRIGHT GREEN ISLAND Cluster development in rural areas
TAKE A QUANTUM LEAP INTO THE NEW YEAR Shift your wellbeing to a whole new dimension
INCLUSION, PART V The Hermetic Law of Rhythm
SPIRIT HORSE AND WILD DOLPHIN Music, Love and Nature in Golden Bay
15 ECO TIPS FOR A HAIRDRESSING SALON A few simple rules to follow
22 SPIRIT HORSE AND WILD DOLPHIN Music, Love and Nature in Golden Bay
THE PERFECT DAY Opportunities to expand
THE POWER OF CHOICE A new style of thinking
REDISCOVER PAIN FREE MOVEMENT Using movement to increase well-being
SELF LOVE Are you smiling on the inside?
YOGA FOR YOUR MIND Managing the mind
BALANCE THROUGH AYURVEDA Ayurveda treats illness at its source
CHASTE TREE A herb also known as Vitex
24 FIRE OF TRANSFORMATION Life giving qualities
THE ‘WHEN’ SYNDROM Give yourself the gift of now
TIME FOR CHANGE What needs to change and why
WARM KALE SALAD Three easy steps to follow
HORSES Sarah’s story
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE This issue’s inspiring person
MUGGLE QUIDDITCH A new sport for enthusiasts
EX LIBRIS Green Urban Living
OneSmile says thank you!
Gratitude page
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Sales Star. Is this you?
Grooming tips for your dog
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x-mas smile
What’s new? One Smile is introducing two new sections. Young Creatives OneSmile says Thank You! I would love to thank everyone who is in one form or another involved and engaged with One Smile Magazine for your amazing support and contributions this year. I could not have done it without you and am overwhelmed by the responses I have received from you. I set out to create a community of like minded a person who support, inspire and empower each other and that is exactly what is happening. Thank you to all contributors, writers, readers, subscribers, advertisers, sponsors, magazine shops, my printer, my graphic designer Ina and friends and family. You inspire me to continue on this amazing journey. My family and I are wishing you a very Happy Christmas with quality time for each other and the sharing of joy, fun and laughter. And lots of smiles. May you all be blessed. And I leave you with a quote from Abraham: ‘The only thing that makes the difference in the way you feel right now is the thought that you are thinking right now. It doesn’t matter how much money you’ve got; there are joyful people with no money, and there are unhappy people with lots of money. How you feel is about how you are allowing the Source that is You to flow. So when we talk about the Art of Allowing, we’re talking about the art of living; about the art of thriving; about the art of clarity. We’re talking about the art of being who you really are. ‘
We would like to encourage young writers, poets, photographers, project leaders, entrepreneurs, bright ideas person, designers and songwriters to participate in One Smile by sending us their work for us to publish. Young people are so very creative and we are keen to engage with that creativity by talking about their ideas and projects and dreams.
Please contact us via email:
The New Style We are starting this section with a story of a very special company and a hairdresser but the New Style is more to be read as a metaphor for a new style of how we do business, how we contribute , how we engage with our community. We have some amazing businesses in Nelson and would love to talk about them. They are special and amazing in different ways than you may expect. We feel that they are making a very conscious effort to work within their means to protect and sustain the environment. They have a very unique way how they engage with their customers. They create experiences with their products and services that you, as the customer, will remember. They contribute in many interesting ways to the well being of our community. Let’s talk about them. And since sometimes we feel the need to actually engage with you and them face to face we will be hosting “The New Style” events starting in 2012. You will be able to engage with those businesses in a relaxed and fun environment and find out more about the New Style. Keep an eye out for your first invitation.
For more information contact
Thank You!
Thank You!
Thank You!
Thank You!
Thank You!
Thank You!
Thank You!
Thank You!
Thank You!
Thank You!
Thank Thank You!
Cluster Developments in Rural Areas Bornholm – The Bright Green Island by Catrin Jacksties Images by Destination Bornholm
d Bornholm is an islan ark: nm De to that belongs • 37 km to Sweden en • 180 km to Copenhag • 88 km to Germany • 90 km to Poland • 588 km2 area • 158 km2 coast line • 41.800 inhabitants rly • 500.000 visitors yea
n an increasingly competitive global market, European clusters are seeking to improve and strengthen their performance and innovativeness. Clusters are more than mere user-producer linkages between industries. They are drivers in today’s knowledge industry comprising networks of inter-dependent firms, knowledge-producing institutions, intermediaries and related customers, all linked through complex valueadded chains. In recent years, European and national policy measures have increasingly targeted innovative industry clusters. A wealth of practical experience on cluster management and development has been accumulated and can be drawn on by clusters in Europe.
Bill Findlater from the EDA Nelson, New Zealand and Ifor Ffowcs-Williams, Member of the Advisory Board at European Cluster Observatory, organized a presentation on 2 cluster networks from Europe to showcase what cluster networks have achieved in areas similar to the Nelson region. Network Clusters increase communication and resourcesharing among people in a targeted geographic area. Clusters serve as sub networks on a scale that allows frequent face-to-face interaction and informal conversation. Ifor is specialized in introducing the relevance of cluster-based economic development; presenting interactive cluster training workshops. He is also a frequent presenter at competitiveness and economic development conferences and facilitated the above event. What do Clusters do? Through events, workshops, activities and on-line networking, the Cluster membership shares ideas, information, skills and resources to enable local groups to increase their capacity to care for local natural areas and to attract new or more business to the region. The Cluster membership, with support and input from the Network determines the activities it engages in.
Bornholm Example: Lars Albaek from the Business Cluster Development in Bornholm was in Nelson last month and gave a presentation on a 3 year project he conducted in Bornholm. Bornholm seems to have similar socio-economic characteristics as Nelson, with a peripheral location, maritime and rural areas, domination of primary industries and a low income level to name just a few. Lars told the audience that Bornholm’s main business is seasonal tourism and with a lot of young people leaving the island they had to think outside the box in order to work against that trend. Bornholm is a magnet for tourists – why? It has an abundance of nature and a wide range of activities and places to see. As well as a vibrant arts and crafts community and wonderful local food. The surroundings are stunning and ideal for the health and wellness sector. One can’t help but to compare Bornholm with Nelson, which has very similar characteristics. They decided that they needed a new branding as well as
attracting other industry sectors to the island to move into a brighter future - they realized they couldn’t sit back and rely on ‘help’ from the outside. They had to get actively involved in this process to create ‘More Bornholm’ and then ‘The Bright Green Island”. The following business development strategies where born: Bright Green Island - Bornholm - Bornholm as a ‘Business Island’ - Bornholm as an ‘Education Island’ - Bornholm as a ‘Bright Green Test Island’ - Bornholm as an ‘Adventure Island’ The Business Cluster Development on Bornholm provides its members with the resources to cooperate. The cluster members subsidies their common activities as well as the facilitation of Lars’s organization. They assist all members with the marketing and sales, education, innovation and product development as well as creating new business together. As with any new development - and cluster networking is still a fairly new concept in many countries including New Zealand - the group has had its ups and downs. However, the 11
persistence of a few and the desire to cooperate combined with a willingness to succeed eventually paid off. Bornholm marketed itself as a ‘green test island’ and an electronic car was launched with national and international media and international business groups present in Bornholm this year. Success is always a good motivator. What started with one business cluster lead to a few others. They were so called spin-off clusters. Once a new model has been successful and been accepted it is a lot easier to establish more. The idea of a Bright Green Island inspired another company to work within a cluster network and they have developed new green laundry technology. Another cluster around the food sector was established as well as a Steel Solutions cluster, where four companies got involved to work together and be more competitive on the global market and created a unique product within this cluster. By combining their resources and knowledge they can attract larger investments while staying competitive and actually growing their businesses, instead of just surviving.
What do we gain by participating in a Cluster? Potential gains for groups and businesses working to protect the environment (as only one example) participating in Clusters includes: • Access to the volunteers, expertise, and resources of each member organization and group • Restoration of land in a local area • General education of residents and continued education of members and interested individuals • A network of interested individuals and groups with whom we can share information and questions • Energy/Support/Inspiration for stewardship work on land in a local area. This could also be extended to others embarking on similar work near and far • Management Planning, both to gain the skills of management planning, and to develop management plans for specific areas • Completed projects
• Funding opportunities for all participants • Outreach and awareness for member organizations and the work they do; of the land itself; of the flora and fauna that are part of the land; and of our region and its meaning to people who live there • Increased dialogue about a variety of issues and topics, such as burning techniques, invasive species, and working with volunteers • Reduced fees for annual conferences and other workshops Information about natural areas webcasts and the ability to help determine the topics. The lessons learned in Bornholm were shared at the presentation. Openness and honesty is one of the prerequisites for any successful cluster network. It takes time to cooperate • The companies have to believe in creating new business and growth for the future • The cluster companies have to make common mission statements and that is not easy
• It is easier to cooperate develop businesses in smaller groups of companies Businesses, local government and the education sectors are working together towards a common goal. To create a sustainable future for the region, work with environmentally friendly principles, employ creativity combined with sound business practices and therefore ensuring that one is competitive and knowledgeable not only to survive but to thrive in this economy.
Economic development: ndas balancing national and local age
ness requires a tight Successfully nurturing competitive policies. In today’s world integration of macro and micro , upgrading the quality of globalization and localization ro agenda, is meriting of the local environment, the mic increasing attention. bottom-up approach Cluster development is more a more closely related to than a top-down, and as such is munity. the realities and needs of a com For more information http://clust 13
by Marilyn Greenfield
hat a wonderful era in time we currently live in. We have opportunities to expand in so many directions. Everyday my inbox has more opportunities than I can possibly accept. As you reflect on the year as it passes and as the new one begins, are you excited about the possibilities? Or is it overwhelming and you feel trapped in inertia? How would you like your life to be in 5 years? I have read from a couple of different authors about a futuristic party. It is a “Come as you will be in 5 years, after having accomplished your wildest dreams and are now living your best, most successful life”. People must come dressed appropriately for themselves in 5 years, bring with them a book, award, diploma, trophy...appropriate for achieving their most wonderful aspiration, and keep in character all evening. The results from such a party show that almost all go on to achieve that goal within the 5 years. By thinking about it and living ‘as if’ for an evening, it actually helps create that life in reality. I have lived at various times with different food regimes; as a vegetarian, a vegan and as someone who eschewed additives, preservatives and processed foods. Each lifestyle was
difficult initially but I discovered the key. All I needed to do was to create the perfect day, nutritionally. It required forethought, planning and preparation but after living a day in the chosen nutritional parameters, it was easy to replicate. I could do it the following day and the next. The weeks followed effortlessly. I aspire to live my best life. I want to live each day, to my fullest expansion. I desire to live with creativity, contribution and care toward others. I aim to be stimulated intellectually; be emotionally connected in relationships that are authentic; to be spiritually at peace and have time for meditation and reflection; to be physically energized, supple and strong. A life that makes my heart sing. This isn’t easy. It has been my goal for several years and although I get some aspects nailed, others unravel. Then I thought about my secret to success for nutrition where I focused on creating the perfect nutritional day instead of the life ahead. How could I apply this to creating the life I wanted? Have you ever thought about creating your perfect day? What would that look like? Where would you want to be? Is it static or does it change regularly? What do you do when you wake? What are your thoughts about? How does it feel? What do you make time for? Who do
you interact with? How does it end? It can seem too hard, too overwhelming to contemplate, let alone to try and implement. However, I know that as we prepare for a new year of opportunities that the secret to making this the most successful year personally, is just to focus on the one day. In the movie “Groundhog Day”, it focuses on living that one day. Unfortunately, our time doesn’t stay static while we learn, like it does in the movie and this is where, I believe, we can give up. No one else seems to be doing this. It is easier to fit in, go with the flow, numb ourselves from aspiring to something bigger, play small, dim our light. Yet it is by stretching that we empower ourselves to be more. That in turn, inspires our children, family and friends to be more. I have begun implementing some outrageous lifestyle goals for myself as I step toward creating my perfect day. I know that this is the secret and that one day will make the next one follow. It won’t all be perfect, but is forward momentum in the direction of my dreams. May the following quote from Marianne Williamson’s book “Return to Love” inspire you to a wonderful 2012:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. From the book “Return to Love” by Marianne Williamson 15
Stepping in to evolve It came as somewhat of a surprise to me, when in September 2010, my husband and I found ourselves managing a new business. As a mother of three children under seven, who chooses to home educate, with a full time self-employed partner, it’s not as though we had time to fill!
However, when we read the email informing us that the Nelson based Festival of Opportunities was for sale, we were basically the new caretakers by the end of that night. I can remember that initial email very clearly, Chaitanya my husband, was reading it over my shoulder and we just looked at each other and said “YES!” Having that feeling when something ignites inside and immediately having a rush of inspiration and energy, to me, generally is a yes – even if it makes” no sense” in other terms, like how were we going to juggle something else? And where was the money going to come from? But as we both choose to live life from the YES’s we experience, we followed and trusted that initial response. Here we are now, a year later with one festival under our belt and riding on the wave of organising the 2012 event. The festival was started 21 years ago by Nelson based Avery Dash and was originally known as The Festival of Possibilities. It showcased therapists, speakers and businesses that supported health, personal development, spirituality and lifestyle alternatives, through stalls and workshops /
lectures. Nine years later Avery handed it over to Maureen McKain, who changed the name to Festival Of Opportunities. Maureen oversaw six years of Opportunities before Debbie Verdonk took over. Its whakapapa unfolding, four years later the event is now in our care. Retaining the essence of its roots, Evolve festival, based at Founders Park, is a weekend to nourish, inspire and educate. In line with the Yes that I and Chaitanya felt in stepping into managing the event, we also share an inspired vision into Evolves continual evolution. This year we are offsetting the festivals carbon footprint, planting trees to balance out the energy and resources the festival utilises. We hope to be a certified carbon neutral event in 2013. It feels important for us to align business so that it supports a positive future for the earth and Evolve Festival also provides the opportunity to raise public awareness of environmentally friendly ways to do this. Acknowledging that there are many ways in which individuals can go M.A.D (Make A Difference) on both a personal and global scale, we are working on extending the content of the weekend to cover more sustainability and creativity, while throwing in a good handful of celebration into the mix by showcasing great musicians and artists too! Evolve Festival’s workshop program is something that we
are working on diversifying. The program features around 70 taster sessions of 55 min over the two days, at no extra cost. The mini workshops or seminars offer a chance to explore things that can make a difference, to your body, your life and the world. Not necessarily giving solutions, but definitely designed to open doors! This year we are introducing new facilitators, from making eco-friendly cleaning products at home to learning the basics of Indian head massage, there will be something for everyone. Last year we introduced longer workshops, so that topics/experiences could be covered in extra depth. The “how to build a mud pizza oven” and a Shamanic circle with Medicine Crow both proved to be popular additions, receiving great feedback. This year we will be offering more in depth workshop options, check out the website in the New Year for an up to date program. As someone who loves to dance and is inspired and touched by music, growing the music side of the event has a great pull. This year we introduce a Saturday music evening, show casing inspiring and uplifting quality musicians and entertainment. As parents of three, we always value quality children’s activities that creatively nurture the spirit. We are excited to be offering an extended kids area offering different experiences, such as the new Faery Play Forest, alongside child focused workshops in yoga and dance etc., and a good old big bouncy castle. Supporting the families, a tent will
be available to relax in, while offering talks on alternative/ conscious parenting, aiding the growth in our selves for the future generations! Bringing the notion of life as art, we will be adding mandala installations into the stall areas, these can be added to throughout the weekend by visitors, engaging with natural materials and following cultural traditions, to be brushed away at the end of the weekend( similar to the Tibetan sand mandala)! There will also be a comfy seated chill out space, so after receiving a massage or reading there is a place to relax and contemplate. Whatever it may be that catches your attention over the weekend I hope the weekend will provide inspiration to ignite YOUR love of life. All over the world similar gatherings occur. Featuring a huge array of modalities that support healthy lifestyle choices, connect communities, provide an amazing celebratory party atmosphere, sprinkled with much awareness and creativity, while being based on long term sustainable/environmentally friendly ethics. We both passionately envisage Evolve festival’s growth within this genre. Ideally the festival will grow to become much bigger than the two of us, supported by and supporting others who connect to the vision and have a Yes to positively stepping in to evolving through life!
Founders Evolve will be held at uary the Heritage Park on Febr 18th –19th 2012. would love your Chaitanya & Bex Deva enquiries: www.evolv
Wellness Retreat in Kaiteriteri
Package Specials
Be our Guest... Located just one hour from sunny Nelson, Kimi Ora Spa Resort in Kaiteriteri is the perfect place to relax and unwind all year around. Kimi Ora is for everyone.You are welcome to hire a mountain bike to try the hugely popular Kaiteriteri MTB Park or take a dip in our heated indoor or outdoor swimming and spa pools or relax in the sauna. Or how about treating yourself to a spa treatment (open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays). Set amongst the treetops, our solid timber eco friendly Swiss-style chalets are the perfect place to reconnect with nature and yourself. You’ll be delighted by the uninterrupted views of Kaiteriteri beach, estuary and surrounding bush-clad hills and the abundant bird life.
Kimi Ora Spa Resort 99 Martin Farm Road Kaiteriteri, New Zealand
Phone: 0508 KIMIORA (5464672) Email: Online:
Package One: Day stay, back, neck and shoulder massage and dinner All for $99 per person Package Two: Boat Return Trip from Nelson with Sea Shuttle, pick up and drop off from Kaiteriteri, breakfast, use of all facilities and a back, neck and shoulder massage. All for $119 per person
Syndrome by Suzanne Masefield
Something that sabotages and suspends our ability to feel happy in our life or business right now is what I call the When Syndrome.
Suzanne Masefield Director of Think Success
eople tell themselves they will be successful and happy – When! When they reach their monthly targets, secure the next deal, earn a million dollars, ten million dollars, when they have better staff, when they’ve written their book, become famous, have a better relationship, a larger house or business the list goes on and on! They promise themselves they will feel successful and happy when they have some time off, when they finish the project they’re on, when they go on holiday etc. But if we wait for when we miss out on a very valuable commodity that could improve our life exponentially – ‘Now’ We miss out by not recognising where we are already successful, where we could choose to be happy and satisfied right here and now. Success always feels just out of reach and we wish our life away in the process. Recognising how well we are doing, valuing and feeling grateful for what we have already achieved causes a magical thing to happen – we take a step off the rollercoaster ride of lack. Releasing the need to struggle -we feel safe, we feel peaceful, we feel content and successful as we slow down to resonate with our true nature. Now you may think that slowing things down could be counter productive to running a successful business. But the
opposite it true! As we focus on the here and now, reconnecting with ourselves to realise how fortunate we are (even if we’ve worked hard to achieve those things) then we get off the treadmill of unconsciousness. Of continually striving but always feeling whatever we do or obtain is ‘not enough’. We make right now and all we have count. As individuals this enables us to create a stable platform of abundance and success in our ‘now’ from which to create each future step towards truly thriving in life and business. Realizing when to live fully in the now, recognising what we have achieved and what we have to feel grateful and happy about, grounds us in the present – increasing and positively focusing our energy to lift our spirit and transition from striving to thriving. Imagine how powerful all that positive energy would be in your business – right NOW!
Give yourself the Gift of NOW List all the reasons you could allow yourself to feel successful and happy in your life and business ‘right now’ – the people in your life, things you have, your job/business, a roof over your head, food to eat in the cupboard, you are healthy, you live in a beautiful country etc. 21
SPIRIT HORSE and Wild Dolphin I came to New Zealand 20 years ago to tame and ride two wild horses across the South Island. After many superb and extraordinary adventures, I came to rest in Golden bay. I hung my saddle bags in the tack room and decided to stop my wanderlust treks and turn my creative inspirations to my music and to teaching people how to understand the true philosophy of horses using a gentle practise. Our day begins at 6am with several horses tapping and stamping by the bedroom window, plus a rooster crowing and half a dozen Toggenburg goats joining in the chorus. “First feed” calls one of the kids and we all jump out of bed, feed out oats, hay and corn and jump back into bed before the frost gets chance to bite. Sika feeds the family with a hearty breakfast and homeschooling begins with anything on the timetable from maths to music, gardening, and horse taming, planting trees, fixing the hydroelectric water filter, French or science! And everything in between that is needed to run the Valley of Horses. Some years ago, we fell in love with this beautiful mountain, in a rural setting overlooking the calm blue waters of the bay. We rode here on our 2 horses and a packhorse, retiring from our nomadic lifestyle, putting our hooves and feet up for while. Although I miss the wilderness and exploring the remote areas of New Zealand and Britain, I love what we are creating here and keep me so busy that I barely have time to reflect on my delicious memories of those great silent peaks and the rushing rivers that I crossed with my faithful horses. I still have the spirit of these horses to connect me to Spirit horse. Our children love the programmes we run here, from milking the goats and bottle feeding the lambs to riding out
by Caitlin
the youngsters on the beach or generally being involved with our self-sufficient lifestyle. We aim to grow as much food as possible for ourselves and the animals, we train the horses to pull carts and they help gather in the firewood and such. The children also love it when we pack up the band wagon and head off on the road or tour, playing our music and spreading the word about our idyllic farm where we host courses for people to come and retreat, relax and get away from the pressures of the world, or for them to learn the secret language of the horse. They may enjoy watching me taming my wild horses using this silent communication, or simply sit in the saddle and be carried through some of the most beautiful scenery on this Earth. I often share my stories about my travels and Sika and I will sit around the campfire at night sharing food and music, singing to the moon, our guests and a host of animals that gather around us! That first summer with my wild steeds was idyllic, riding each day at dawn on the splendid golden sands. The real highlight for me was riding in the sea with a wild dolphin who was living alone at Onekaka that summer. There were 13 lone dolphins around the world who chose to be friendly with humans and it felt such a profound and powerful experience to be with her on horseback. She loved my 2 horses and when she heard the galloping of hooves on the sand she would come into the shallows then teach them to swim and take them out of their depth swimming through the diamond flecked, blue ocean. It all seemed like an impossible dream that was actually my reality. I felt so blessed. They communicated with each other just as dolphins do with their own kind. The dolphin, Delphi, chatted constantly with the horses, so
glad to find someone who understood her. She sent mental images to them from the front part of her brain straight to the horse’s foreheads. At first it was just too fast for me to comprehend, but as the weeks went by I began to catch a glimpse of their incredible language. I sat on my horses back for hours in the water and the dolphin would have her beak almost touching. Then they would go into a sensitive realm of higher consciousness where the dolphin communed with her God as it were, which I call Echo and so did the horse, I call their higher self, Equus. It’s a language that is beyond ours, more of a place of absolute Divine Bliss. I blissed with them! Feeling the sensations in their bodies, I became more in tune with them. When the dolphin and horse came together they entered this space all the time, beyond limitations of language, feeling dimensions and consciousness we never even think about. Language only describes those dimensions relating to our 5 senses, our physical world and sometimes we perceive the exciting dimensions of the metaphysical. A world that is invisible to us is very real in the horse dolphin mind as they are in the silence, in the closeness to God. Reaching liberation. Freedom. The horse and dolphin would be motionless in the water for an hour or more each day in this ultimate experience. This is what people strive towards in their meditations and it take years. I felt so honored to be with them. It is heavenly, the world close to Source, so peaceful, free, eternal, high conscious, inner peace, emptiness. It’s an art that horses are expert at and this is why they have survived for millions of years. If we can get back to the natural, gentle, silent way of being with each other and our horses, all our frustrations will become a thing of the past. 23
Fire of Transformation by Swami Muktidharma
Fire is a force of nature. It is used for survival, it is sometimes a destroyer, and it is an integral part of life on earth. Often fire is associated with flame but this is only the most physical aspect of the fire element. In the yogic view, fire is a powerful and transformative energy existing in the macro and micro cosmos. The digestive system is like a fire within the body, a part of the micro cosmos; while the sun is a fire heating the earth, part of the macro cosmos. Although fire is such an important force, it is frequently not given due respect in the West until it destroys something. However, in many different religions and cultures fire is still thought of as a God or a potent force that should be honoured. An insight into the energy of fire will allow for the greater conscious use of this element in order to harness the transformative qualities in a positive way.
n ancient times fire was worshipped universally through ritualistic practices for its life giving qualities and to avoid its destructive powers. Even today in India and elsewhere, fire is still worshipped. In India it is called ‘Agnihotra’ or fire ceremony. There are special fire rituals to end drought, enhance fertility and for various illnesses. Offerings are given to the fire in an exact and scientific manner, and as the burning fire transforms each offering, mantras or sacred sounds are chanted. The combination of the fire and the mantras purifies the environment and those who perform the ritual, with subtle shifts in the surrounding molecules. In the same way that the heat from the sun begins to evaporate water on the earth by drawing it into the sky to create clouds and then release it back down in the form of rain; the fire ceremonies transform those who participate in them. Fire is worshipped and acknowledged in its external form as well as the internal representation. The element fire exists within all the levels of physical existence. The sun is the most powerful source of this element in the macro cosmos, heating the earth, transforming seeds into plants and providing essential vitamins and conditions for human existence. In ancient times the sun was worshipped daily when it arose. A common yoga practice today called ‘Salute to the Sun’ is a remnant of sun worship; however, mostly the deeper understanding of the practice has been lost. In the human body or the micro-cosmos, the element fire is represented within Manipura chakra or the energy centre at the solar plexus. The name solar plexus itself reflects the fact that the internal sun lives there. In many Eastern philosophies including Ayurveda, Chinese medicine and Yoga the main source of energy for the human body is located at the navel centre. This energy is called ‘prana’, ‘chi’ or the ‘fire of life’. Fire is a heating force that alters
all in its path, thus the internal fire manifests with qualities such as anger or arguments and inevitably change occurs. It also has the capacity to manifest in a positive way, driving the person to achieve spiritual transformation. At Manipura chakra, prana or life energy is either depleted or increased by the way one lives. When the fire centre is over activated, a person will have too much drive in an imbalanced way. They may be overactive or forceful. The fire energy is often spent in an unaware way and it gets depleted quickly, so that exhaustion or illness arises from the over utilisation of the energy. On the other hand, a person with a weak internal fire, may not have vigour or drive to do much and thus they may never be able accomplish their dreams. This type of person is likely to have a sluggish digestion and excess mucous in the body, also resulting in illness. When the fire centre is in balance, the person will have a strong digestion, energy to accomplish anything, but in a balanced way and they will feel healthy. A person with a balanced fire chakra will usually do actions for higher spiritual purposes and that benefit humanity. Although fire is often known for its destructive qualities, it actually has a restructuring quality. For example fire is used to destroy the impurities in Gold and extract the pure gold. In the material world the objects do not disappear, rather they are transformed into something else. Nothing in the physical world remains the same forever. Take an apple, its form is round and its colour is red. If the apple is eaten the appearance disappears with the process of digestion or the internal fire. The whole apple is transformed into vitamins and wastage that becomes stool. In the same way, a piece of tree goes into the fire and is transformed to ash. Something still exists, but it has changed form. Whenever there is a transformation, the element fire is present to make this process possible. 25
Fire is the energy that transforms there are a series of yoga postures Satyananda, a fire ceremony is everything. In the case of the apple, that are called the digestive series. performed every year, usually in the digestive fire was responsible for They act directly on strengthening December. Thousands of people from this transformation. When a human and balancing the internal fire by around the world gather together at this being dies, again fire is responsible for strengthening and activating the auspicious event. The effects are so that the transformation of the human body abdominal muscles and organs. The years later one begins to understand into rotten matter, which goes back to yoga practice of Salute to the Sun is the importance and the subtle the earth. In this case the prana, the another powerful practice to awaken transformative quality of the ceremony. fire of life, withdraws in order for the the internal sun energy and if it is done Regardless of who we are and what transformation to happen. This is the in the proper way, as a prayer, the we do, we can begin to affect our passive way. The case of the apple is effects are far greater. daily life in a positive way by using the the active way There is also a breathing practice simple practice of honouring the gifts However, fire cannot exist alone. All called Bhastrika Pranayama, which that the manifest fire gives to us. Take of the elements are interconnected. is a heating breath practice used to a moment to be thankful to the sun In order for fire to exist, it is necessary strengthen the internal fire. It increases for its life-giving qualities. Be aware to have air and earth (wood). that due to the sun, oil was made Honestly analysing our actions and over thousands of years to run our The heat creates condensation, so water is born from fire beginning to make changes as to how machines and plants grow to feed and also water is the element we use our energy is transformative our bodies. Bring some respect that can keep fire in balance. into the house and give the fire and allows us to begin acting for the used for cooking and heat, awe and Earth, water, fire, air and ether good of others, rather than from a combined have very important reverence. roles to play in our human With the conscious use of the purely selfish perspective. existence. On the external element fire in the micro and macro level, we depend on all of these the vital energy of the practitioner. cosmos, we can transform our life to elements to live. Internally, they are Due to a rapid exchange of air in the create greater health, life energy and constantly interacting, creating either lungs, more oxygen is available to the a drive towards positive action to help health or disease within. body to feed all the cells and carbon others and ourselves. Ultimately, inner Mostly, the human condition is dioxide is pumped out, releasing toxins. transformation leads to outer changes imbalanced in the body as well as in The heating nature of the practice allowing the fire of life to burn in a the macro cosmos. The elements that increases metabolism and burns up balanced way. make up nature are being utilised and waste products thus removing diseases manipulated in the wrong way. For caused by the imbalance of water, earth Swami Muktidharma is an inspiring speaker example, if water is damaged and air and wind elements within the body. and teacher who has dedicated his life to imbalanced, then fire will be out of After working with the physical body, yoga. He shares a deeply experiential and equilibrium producing damage to the it is important to begin developing practical understanding of yoga, having spent 16 years in India living directly with planet. Humans are the only ones who an awareness of our mental patterns, Yoga Master Paramahamsa Satyananda have the choice to keep the existing thoughts and ways of acting in the Saraswati. He lectures throughout the world natural harmony of the elements in world. A meditation practice known as and imparts more than 35 years of yoga nature or to put them into imbalance Inner Silence (Antar Mouna) helps us to practice. His main purpose is to inspire and by wrong use of them. The imbalance become the observer of our thoughts uplift humanity. that we create with the elements and actions. How do we utilise our Swami Muktidharma approaches yoga from outside is a reflection of the imbalance energy? Are we acting out of anger a scientific point of view to bring it into the 21st century in a valid way. He postulates within. In human beings all the or a selfish drive or are we inactive? bringing yoga into daily life. People who elements have to inter-relate with each Honestly analysing our actions and take his courses and spend time at Anahata other in a balanced way for health to beginning to make changes as to how Yoga Retreat receive inspiration and exist. The lack of harmony can produce we use our energy is transformative techniques to transform their daily lives into imbalances in any part of the structure. and allows us to begin acting for the a yogic life. Proper practices of yoga and lifestyle good of others, rather than from a Anahata Yoga Retreat can bring these elements into balance. purely selfish perspective. P.O. Box 155, Takaka, Golden Bay Yoga helps for the maintenance of There are also rare opportunities to 03 525 9887 healthy internal and external ecology. attend a fire ceremony. In Rikhia, India, In the Satyananda Yoga tradition at the place of my Guru Paramahansa
Vapour Trails
by Erik Roeper
I awoke this morning to find my arm scratched during the night. Just a little line that had moved in while I slept. Later that day I traced the line again as I watched God’s fingertip etch a vapour trail across the blue belly of heaven. The mark in the sky teasing white noise from the air, and left to pool in the shallows of my senses. 27
Beauty Will Save The World OneSmile is introducing ZINC HAIRDRESSING At Zinc Hairdressing we believe this is possible; and we believe that our vision of sustainability can make it happen. ZINC HAIRDRESSING was established in August 2011 by Co owner and creative director Andrea Ranieri. Andrea started his professional career working in salons and the fashion industry in Milan for twelve years. We are now lucky to have him in Nelson. The relaxing atmosphere of Zinc is in line with its philosophy of laid-back professionalism to achieve effortless style that suits you and your lifestyle. You will feel welcome as soon as you walk thru the door of his beautiful salon. Clients will experience a combination of a relaxing head massage, a commercial and artistic haircut or colour along with great coffee and music. This beautiful space on Haven Road is simplistic with predominantly white interior, natural light and art from local artists. Zinc is environmentally-minded leading to the choice to work with Italian hair care brand Davines whose business ethics and concept of beauty sustainability benefit both client and community.
Davines on Beauty + Sustainability Beauty By creating “beauty” we want to encourage people to take care of themselves, of the environment in which they live and work, and of the things they love. Our ideal of beauty finds its inspiration in the concept of equilibrium between substance and shape as well as in the Italian Renaissance tradition.
We are inspired by a lifestyle based on the quality of daily activities and the pleasure created by experiencing and sharing these activities with others. All this represents the foundation of our style.
Sustainability Our particular brand of beauty cannot work without practical and visible efforts, “sustainable” efforts. For us, sustainability deals with the responsibility we owe to ourselves, the people with which we work, our customers, and the world in which we live and operate today and tomorrow. That said, our vision of “sustainability” has a range of connected meanings: - “sustainability” in regard to our commitment to minimizing the impact our activity has on the environment, and not compromising the quality or quantity of natural resources today or tomorrow. In summarizing, “beautiful and good”- as the ancients referred to the inseparable unity between exterior and interior beauty - is another way to say “beauty + sustainability” and “beauty + sustainability” is another way to say Davines. Andrea is striving to achieve all these goals at ZINC as he believes in these principals. The atmosphere and ‘freedom’ you experience when you become his client is liberating. And you will have a lot of fun while you are there. A truly inspiring combination. Zinc and Davines. “Beauty will save the world.” ZINC HAIRDRESSING, 5 HAVEN ROAD 7010 NELSON, NEW ZEALAND 03 548 4629
15 Eco-Tips
A salon working to full capacity every day consumes water and electricity and produces a lot of waste. A few simple rules can considerably reduce the environmental impact, improving the prospects of all the Earth’s inhabitants for a better life, today and tomorrow.
Don’t use Throw-Away Items: Buying items made to last is one of the simplest ways of cutting down on waste and saving the energy required to dispose of them.
Wash Linens in Cold Water: Using your washing machines cold-water programmed avoids producing large quantities of CO2 (and your linens will come out just as clean).
for Salons
Use Renewable Energy: On average, you save 600g (21 oz.) of CO2 per KW of electricity consumed when you use renewable energy, as opposed to energy deriving from fossil fuels. Contact your local utility company for more information. Save Water: Always turn off the tap when massaging in products during a hair wash and have a flow reducer fitted to the tap: this is an inexpensive device and can reduce your water bill by 50%.
Recycle: Equip your salon with recycling bins for paper, plastics, glass and hair-colouring tubes.
Clean Green: Study the labels on the detergents you are thinking of buying, and choose the most environmentally friendly. This will reduce water pollution.
Produce Oxygen: Feature some pot plants in your salon (possibly using recycled Essential Hair care containers as vases). The oxygen produced by green plants balances out carbon dioxide emissions- and they will make your salon more attractive.
Use Low-Energy Lighting: Choose light bulbs marked CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lights). They last 10 times longer and use 66% less energy than incandescent bulbs. Go Easy with the Central Heating/ Air Conditioning: By setting the thermostat just 2˚C ( 4˚F) lower in winter and regulating for a temperature 2˚C higher in summer, a salon can reduce its CO2 emissions by 499 kg (1,100 lb) annually. When you set the thermostat, think of the environment.
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Inspire Your Customers: Tell your customers about the responsible choices you have made: you may become their source of inspiration for both beauty and sustainable behavior.
Andrea Ranieri Co owner and creative director of ZING HAIRDRESSING
Remember to Clean Your Salon’s Windows: Make the most of the natural light and reduce your electricity bill to a minimum by keeping the salon’s windows clean. The natural light is ideal for reading your client’s colour. Only use Your Washing Machine when it’s full: Wait until your washing machine is full with towels and other linens before you run it. This is a simple way to conserve energy and water. Switch off Bluetooth and WiFi: To save energy, switch off the Bluetooth and WiFi functions on mobile phones and personal computers when not in use. That will boost your usable battery life as well as save you money on your energy bills when charging your gadgets up again. Buy Recycled Toilet and Kitchen Paper: Keep up the demand for recycled products by simply choosing products made from recycled materials such as toilet paper and kitchen paper (paper towels, napkins, paper cups). Invest in a Water Purification System: Instead of offering clients bottled water-and adding to the already enormous amount of plastic being recycled daily- invest in a water purification system that connects directly the pipes under your salon’s kitchen sink and purifies tap water. There are numerous companies that offer these systems, from very basic designs to more elaborate models. 29
Take a quantum leap into the New Year Shift your wellbeing to a whole new dimension by Philippa Ross
Being well is something we all aspire to and with a leap year just around the corner, it’s the ideal time to affect changes that will lift your energy levels to make the quantum leap that will empower your total wellbeing. The universe is a mass of active energetic particles of either positively or negatively charged ‘matter’ that constantly change form due to their continuous movement and interaction with one another. Everything that exists is intrinsically connected. You are a mass of energetic matter that is linked to and affected by the energy of the matter around you. A ‘Well Being’ is an entity that thrives because the energetic levels of its inner and outer environment nurture and nourish its ability to grow and develop its whole living system. Every particle of your being plays an active part in synchronising the seven glands that make up the endocrine system; the whole system that connects you to the universal energy that sustains your growth, development and ability to take part in the Game of Life. Positively charged energy is light and has an uplifting effect because it moves faster so all those balls of energy inside you can move faster, making it easier to take quantum leaps. Negatively charged energy is heavy and has a depressing effect on the body because all those balls of energy are limited by the weight that hampers the speed that they can move. Tune in, notice the environmental conditions that resonate and synchronise your Feelings, Actions and Thoughts. Fire up the balls of energy inside your body so its able to connect your physical body with the universal energy that will transform the energy of your endocrine so it supports your growth and development.
Mastering the Tactics to shift your F.A.T.
Feelings inform Thoughts. Thoughts inform Actions. The energetic level of the ‘F.A.T’. ™ you produce affects the weight of the matter your body carries; physically and metaphorically. Start a ‘F.A.T. journal’. Make notes, drawings, cut out pictures of everyday things you notice; things that you may have previously taken for granted to increase your awareness of what make you feel good. These feelings are energy in motion; ‘emotions’ that trigger a response from your brain to send an signal to your body to release happy juices in response to the positive sensations.
• Stop and think before you react. Pause and connect with your conscious mind so you control the F.A.T. in your unconscious mind; F.A.T. that contains other peoples energetic ‘matter of F.A.T.’; F.A.T. that has programmed your thinking to act without thinking about your response.
Feelings: • Stimulate yourself with some high energy happy hormones; a wholesome drug of natural feel good juices that respond to laughter, smiles and hugs. • Get in touch with your senses. Make notes in your F.A.T. journal of things you like to look at, hear, taste, touch and smell and discover how the information your senses receives influences your perception of the world and your place in it.
Actions: • Act with awareness to sharpen your focus and ability to tune into, synchronise and balance your feelings and thoughts. • Focus your attention, direct your energy and ensure you create an environment that creates opportunities for you to do, think and feel in ways that support your moral fibre and add value to your worth.
• Open your mind and transform your conditioned learning into thoughts that serve you. Engage your own ‘modus operandi’ so your reasoning serves the objective of your intentions and allows you to expand the realms of possibilities to receive information that motivates you to respond with the confidence to tackle situations as opposed to shying away from them. • If you’re feeling low in energy – shift your thoughts to the positive things that have influenced your life. The mere act of directing your thoughts stimulates the memory in every cell of your physical body to respond and provide you with a surge of happy juices to perk you up. Cherish your wellbeing and give your F.A.T. a serious workout so your energy takes that quantum leap and you’ll experience a balanced sense of total wellbeing that honours the true essence of your matter – the heart and soul of who you.
Philippa Ross is an Energy Psychologist. She has an Honours Degree in Psychology, is a Reiki practitioner, Energy Dance instructor and an Equine Assisted Learning facilitator.
• Give without expectation of anything in return. • Extend your energy and connect with people who resonate with the purpose of your game in life. • Act with the following values in mind to receive the energetic nourishment the glands in the endocrine system need: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Authenticity and Integrity Creativity Resilience and Responsibility Compassion and Patience Optimism and Curiosity Respect and Courage Trust and Inspiration 31
Interview with Amnyi Trulchung Rinpoche
Rinpoche is heading the groundbreaking Vista Project, based in Sershul, the town closest to Ju Mohor Monastery. The aim of the Vista Project is to revitalise the economic and cultural lives of the Tibetan people. Although the Chinese economy is growing rapidly, the nomadic peoples of Eastern Tibet are often unable to take advantage of the opportunities available. The Vista Project aims to provide basic education and vocational training to enable local nomads to survive and prosper in the modern economic climate and also to preserve and cultivate the ancient culture of Tibet.
OS: What does Buddhism actually mean in practical terms?
for the first time, his world was turned upside down. Over three consecutive days he saw a very sick person, somebody old and someone who had died. Upon his recognition of the inevitability of old age, sickness, death and the impermanence of everything, he became deeply troubled. The next morning, he passed a Yogi in deep meditation and their minds met. Inspired by this, the prince then left his home and family and wandered the country in search of teachings that could overcome death and suffering. He studied with various teachers, but none of them could lead him to his ultimate goal. At the age of 35, after six years of deep meditation, he realized the true nature of mind and was enlightened. He became awakened to the essence of all things: the all-knowing space that makes everything possible, its radiant clarity that playfully expresses mind’s richness and its limitless love that obstructs nothing. For the next 45 years the Buddha taught the methods to reach the goal of enlightenment to thousands of gifted students.
R: The best explanation of the Buddha’s teachings comes from
OS: How can I live Buddhism?
the Buddha himself. In Sanskrit the teachings are called the Dharma and in Tibetan Chö. Both mean ”the way things are”«. So Buddhism can be seen as a set of tools that enable us to see things as they really are here and now. Buddhism has no dogmas and allows question marks to be placed everywhere. Buddha’s teachings aim at the full development and freedom of body, speech and mind.
R: Buddhist practices lead to clarity of thought. , The key
OS: Who was Buddha? R: Buddha was born in India about 2560 years ago into the royal family of a highly developed culture. The young prince enjoyed extremely privileged circumstances and up until the age of twenty-nine he had known only pleasure. Leaving his palace
is to cultivate a peaceful mind through the practice of loving kindness. When our mind is peaceful and loving it is undisturbed, it becomes clear. When we are thinking clearly we make skilful decisions that have positive results. That makes all our experiences, inner and outer, easy and happy. We are ultimately all cultivated by our own mothers. And the way we relate to our mother is our way of relating to all other things. We are not independent but interdependent. Success in Buddhism is related to how we take care of our family, friends, neighbors and strangers. We need to respect ourselves and others and grow social communities on these principals. Our minds need to be peaceful and then our communities will be peaceful also.
OS: Can you elaborate on that thought? R: Let’s say you are feeling lonely and you are upset. When you now relax your mind by either meditating or breathing exercises you will find the essence of who you are: Love and Kindness. Now you won’t feel lonely and upset anymore. Your mind is at peace and connects with your heart. That is the easiest way to explain it.
OS: What should we aim for? R: The question is more “how can I be useful?” We all want to be useful to society in some way. Try to understand the truth behind all things. The truth isn’t something given to us from on high. It’s like this – compare being punched and being hugged. Which do you prefer? Unless you are drunk or emotionally disturbed you will say you like hugs. Then ask, where does a hug come from, what is the motivation? The answer is loving kindness. That’s why the Buddha taught loving kindness and all his other teachings are like that. Truth from our own experience clearly seen.
OS: When you talk about “the truth” do you mean always saying the “truth”. Can you explain? R: Love and Kindness is the truth. We need to think always love and kindness with everything we do. Experiencing very
simple things with clear awareness creates ease in our mind. That we can pass on to people who are with us or asking for our advice. Love and Kindness. Wish someone well in any situation. A transformed mind will create a transformed reality. Everyday thinking should be consciously choosing to think kind thoughts.
OS: Are women and men equal in Buddhism? R: Man is important but I believe women are more important. Every mother is a teacher. They carry us for 9 months very close to their heart and their beliefs guide us as children. They experience a lot of pain when they give birth to us. They have such an important role in our lives. They are Love and Kindness in action.
OS: If you could give our reader one advice in these very turbulent times what would that be? R: When you are having a problem don’t think it over and over in your head. Let it go. Then think: what is the next thing I can do right now? That will make you look forward. Try to keep your mind as often as you can in a peaceful state and work together with others. There are always solutions to everything. Only a peaceful mind is able to see them. Love and Kindness.
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The Power of Choose a New Style of thinking this Holiday Season
by Laura Raduenz Small business Mentor & Life Coach
This is a great topic for the end of the year and the holiday season. Holidays can bring joy, love, peace, excitement, happiness, inspiration, and fun. They can also bring stress, overwhelm, anger, and sadness. You have the power to choose. So, choose an empowering perspective. You may not be able to control many situations that may be stressful like traffic, long lines, rude people, commercialism, past hurts, or negative family members. But, remember, you have the power to choose your RESPONSE in each of these situations.
Choice Choose to focus on the positive. If your thoughts dwell on the stress, your lack of time, anxiety at finding the perfect gift, how awful Aunt Martha will be, that is EXACTLY what you will get. Your outside world and experiences reflect what you believe, see, and feel on the inside. If your thoughts dwell on the pleasure of giving, enjoyable conversations, how lucky you are in your family and friendships, beautiful music, feeling relaxed and peaceful, that is EXACTLY what you will get. Take a deep breath and let go of negative thoughts with your exhale. Look for something good in every situation, in every interaction, in every activity. Make it a game. Make it playful. Make it your intention. You’ll lighten up.
Choose to be present. We often “live in” the past or the future with our thoughts. We automatically click in to thinking about past holidays, past conversations, past events, future events, or what we have to do tomorrow. Let go of the past and future and BE PRESENT. Look around. Be aware. Focus on the person you are talking to or the task you are doing and enjoy them. Look people in the eye. Listen. Connect with others. Be curious. You only have NOW. Enjoy it.
Choose to keep it simple. If you are worried about money, time, or finding the perfect gift, keep it simple this year. Everyone on your list will love
Here are some tips to help you enjoy your holidays…
getting homemade gifts from the heart. Give homemade cookies, a pretty jar of your homemade jam, flowers, or a plant with a pretty bow. My favorite simple gift is “coupons”. Make homemade coupons for everyone on your list! Get creative. This is a gift of your time. Write out a coupon good for “cleaning windows”, “repairing the ___”, “a romantic dinner for two”, “a Sunday picnic in the park”, “a leisurely coffee break at your favorite café”, “girls night out”, “an afternoon of fishing”, etc. They can be practical, pleasurable, or flamboyant. Coupons are from the heart and are guaranteed to make your loved ones smile. Really. We all love and welcome heartfelt, homemade gifts.
Choose an empowering response to help you through a difficult situation. Don’t allow others to push your buttons. You choose…. Someone doesn’t do this to you. You allow them to. Take a deep breath and do or say one of the following with your exhale. • I can choose peace instead of this. Keep quiet. Or, say a non-committal “Hmmmm”. Or, walk away until you calm down. • I can choose love and kindness instead of being right. Say, “You’re right, John.” Or, “I never thought of that perspective. Thank you for sharing your point of view.” Your kindness will make you feel terrific and stop the I’m-right-you’re-wrong game. • I will not take this personally. If
others choose to say unkind things or act in unkind ways, it is their problem, not yours. They are feeling insecure or afraid. It is not about you, it is all about them. • I will not make assumptions. I will ask questions to clarify & better understand the other person. “Tell me more about that.” “I don’t think I understood that, would you clarify?” • I can choose to stay within my budget instead of overspending. Think homemade. Think simple. Think playful. • I can choose to feel grateful and thankful for all the good things in my life instead of sad for what I don’t have. Make a gratitude list of all the things you are grateful for. Tell the people you are grateful to have in your life how grateful you are for them. “I am so grateful you are in my life” is one of the most beautiful gifts you can give anyone! Your Thoughts become Things. What you Focus on Expands. Focus on choosing to RESPOND rather than REACT. It will be your present to yourself this holiday season.
Laura Raduenz is a small business Mentor & Life Coach who helps her clients think big, be bold, step up, and take inspired action in their lives and business. 35
Pain-Free Movement by Sam Gentry
I’m one of the rare fitness professionals who believe that exercise is a very poor way to lose fat. I don’t mean to say that exercise doesn’t help, it is a very important component in a healthy, vibrant life, but what you eat influences your waistline much more than how much you
We live in a very damaging way in our modern world. Sitting, working at a computer, lack of movement for hours at a time, driving and even relaxing at home all cause damaging muscle imbalances. It is not a natural human movement pattern to sit in a chair, especially not for hours at a time! If you are one of the lucky few who have a more physically involved job it is still likely that you will perform many repetitive movements rather than a large range of movements with lots of walking. This state of affairs causes us lots of trouble in our bodies. The most common muscle imbalances I see are:
exercise. I’m not talking food today though; I’m talking about using movement and exercise to increase your wellbeing. When we take the focus of exercise away from burning calories we can look at all the other things that can be achieved with movement.
1. Short, tight chest muscles that pull the shoulders forward and misplace the neck and head. 2. Weak muscles under the shoulder blades so the shoulder blades don’t move backwards like they should. 3. Very tight muscles at the top of the shoulder with a tight band of muscle running between the shoulder blades all the way down to the lower back and pelvis. 4. Weak lower abdominal muscles (under your belly button). 5. Weak hamstring muscles (backs of the legs) and weak gluteal muscles (the muscles in your bottom).
I haven’t ever met a client who doesn’t have at least four of these five major imbalances when they come and meet me. These imbalances cause back and neck pain, hip, knee and ankle issues and eventually you just won’t be able to move well anymore. Feeling stiff and uncomfortable when moving is not likely to encourage you to move more! One of the main reasons I tell people not to run as a form of exercise is because of these imbalances. If you have them you’re going to run very badly and do yourself and injury. I’ve written a programme here for you that will start addressing some of the major muscle imbalances. Do each exercise between ten and fifteen times, once or twice per day.
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1. Strengthening the shoulder blades: You’ll need a resistance band for this exercise. You can buy them online or at sports shops. Sit on the floor with legs as straight as they can be. Put the band around your feet, holding the band with the loose ends at the front of your hands. Draw the band back using your shoulder blades. Imagine trying to squeeze a pencil between them. Your chest should lift forward when your shoulder blades squeeze together. Be careful that you don’t use the tops of your shoulders in this exercise, keep them down and relaxed. Your shoulders aren’t earrings!
2. Strengthening the hamstrings: Lie on the floor with your legs on a swissball. Lift up your hips, pull your toes back towards you, and roll the ball towards your bottom. Your feet should move from heels on the ball to ball of foot on the ball and back again as you roll the ball. Keep your tummy muscles firm. Remember to relax your shoulders.
2. I strongly encourage you to see a qualified, experienced fitness professional to check that you’re doing these exercises correctly. Doing a stretch-based form of exercise like Pilates or yoga will be very good for addressing the tight, over-worked muscles. Regular massage or other bodywork often does wonders for sore, stiff muscles. Here’s to a pain-free body that feels great, work at it and you will reap the rewards.
3. Strengthening the bottom: Lie on the floor with one foot on a swissball or chair. Use both feet if you have lower back issues. Pull one leg into your chest so it is out of the way. Squeeze your bottom and back of your leg as you lift your hips up and then all the way back down to the floor again.
3. 37
Self love are you smiling on the inside?
by Elayne Lane
Often I have wondered what Self Love is all about. Yes I like myself (depending on what my hair is doing on a particular day), I feel good when I dress up, but what really IS self love? First I thought about what happens when I don’t love myself: I refuse to accept or brush off a compliment. I find it hard to receive love because I don’t feel worthy of it. I feel drab and flat. My heart is closed and feels heavy. It’s hard to get going in the morning. So I thought about times when I felt self love and discovered that usually it’s when I did a loving act for myself. For example: When I stood up for myself and did the right thing by me. I gave myself a treat. I resolved an issue. I recognised a time when I have changed a pattern to something different and patted myself on the back for choosing something better.
For me the benefits of Self Love are... Waking up feeling delicious inside. Look forward to a new day. I can let go and trust. I can roll with the punches and go with the flow. It’s easier to adjust to changes. So I know all that but how do I cultivate more self love, despite the wrinkles, a bad hair day or anything else that comes along? Well, what I do know is that love is an ACTION. It’s no good just thinking about it or wishing for it, real love is felt when it is expressed or experienced. One of the ways I know to cultivate self love is through an ancient chi kung practice called The Inner Smile meditation. Yes smiling on the inside of your body develops self love. You can smile inside yourself anywhere, anytime and you can smile to any part of you – to each of your organs, your body parts, your skin, into your bones, your eyes, ears or hair. Or you can smile with love at a feeling – “there I go again feeling anxious, angry or sad” – just smile at it. Hearing its voice and accepting it just as it is will help you find peace again. The trick with smiling is to do it with intent. The kind of intent I mean is this: imagine you are an employer and are visiting your hard working employees. When the employees experience your genuine smile they immediately relax, puff up their chests, feel good and smile back at you! In fact, they will probably smile for days afterwards because of this experience. This is what happens with your cells, organs, tissues, body parts or emotions. Try it, they will love it. Another way to love yourself is to give yourself a treat, the way you would a dear friend. You could... Have a fragrant bath with candles, soft towels, music and wine. Go the whole way, don’t skimp on yourself. Do something that delights you with the focus on loving yourself, walk in the moon light, swim naked, dance to inspiring music or sing. Take a nap in the sun. Wear something special (I have a friend who wears fabulous dresses when she gardens). Put new sheets on your bed, grab a hot chocolate and read great books. Whatever you do, make sure you do it for yourself the way you like it and allow yourself to consciously enjoy it. Smile on the inside and soon you will be smiling on the outside. We have all seen people in love who seem to glow. Well loving yourself will also give you a sparkle that is irresistible. Now when the compliments come you will be able to receive them because you already feel good.
Elayne Lane is an Aromatherapist, Touch for Health Kinesiologist, she also practices Chi Nei Tsang and teaches classes from the Universal Healing Tao. She can be contacted on 03 547 0373 or see her website
So cut yourself some slack and smile some love into you. 39
Yoga for the Mind by Swami Muktidharma Photo by Caroline Foster
Mind is recognized as the main factor governing our entire lives. Everything that is experienced externally comes through the senses; the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin. Messages are perceived and sent to the mind, where the experience is interpreted. This interpretation is according to our prior experiences and the deep patterns that we are holding in the mind.
Every experience we have, including physical movements, perception of pain and joy; are all interconnected with the mind, even if it manifests in the physical body. What we experience and how we relate to the world makes up our personality. Much of the way we perceive the world and expression of our personality is due to the education or programming that we have received from society, our parents and all the experiences we have passed through. We have been trained to strive to be somebody or something, instead of just being. In this false process of becoming, we actually move far away from our own center of being. All the so-called education has been based on ambitions and attachments, which are usually the food for the ego. These ambitions create desires, and most desires create bondage and misery. However, we cannot ignore the mind,
the deep desires and ambitions if we wish to live in a balanced way in this world. Thus in the yogic tradition, the mind has been given a place of great importance and all of the practices, even those physical in nature, revolve around managing the mind. No matter who we are, how much money we have, or what our position in society is, physical and mental challenges come to us in life and only those with a clear and strong mind are able to pass through the fire without getting burnt. Thus we need techniques in order to create a deeper awareness of how the mind affects our lives. SWAN practice is one tool that begins the process of integrating yoga into life and gaining control of our personality and our mind. SWAN involves analyzing the Strengths, Weaknesses, Ambitions and Needs.
Everyone has certain Strengths, such These can be physical, social, as creativity, positivity and will power. emotional and spiritual. Sometimes These strengths are what allow us to we are unable to really differentiate achieve material, personal, emotional between our real needs and our or spiritual gains in life. We also have desires. Many times we think ambitions weakness such as fear, lack of will are needs. We think we need that new power, low self-image, etc. These outfit, but upon really analyzing what weaknesses limit our true potential we “need” and honestly looking in the and stop us accomplishing what we closet, this may have been a desire. On are really capable of. Sometimes there the other hand, due to a deep feeling is confusion between strength and of being unworthy, some people deny weakness. Perhaps, we have a talent their real needs, thinking that they are in a certain area, but due to society just ambitions. or our upbringing, this has been When we lack this deep repressed. Through using the SWAN “Yoga is not only about exercises for process, we can begin the body, more importantly it is about to find dormant areas strengthening and stretching the mind” of our personality and boost them Swami Mutkidharma into action. We can also analyze, where the ego may be understanding of our own personality, stepping in making us think that we are there is confusion and we end in strong in a certain area, when really we conflict with ourselves. Sometimes it are just protecting the fragile ego. may manifest as ego as we try to be Ambitions can be external, internal something that we are not or we may or social. For example we may never make an effort to shift our lives, desire name and fame or perhaps because fear stops us, so we create spiritual growth. Desires can be both failure in our lives. In order to gain constructive and destructive. We need control over our external existence to honestly look at our desire and see we need to develop a true sense of if they are serving a positive purpose the personality, and take control of in our lives or whether they keep us our own lives again, rather than being trapped in a dream. It is important controlled by deep patterns. to be honest. A “real” desire that In order to strengthen the mind is repressed will still arise in some so that external situations do not way. So, we need to ask, how can I affect us so much, the development transform the desire into something of the “witness” aspect of ourselves positive. For example, if the desire is becomes important. The witness allows to have a lot of money, we may achieve us to act in the world, without being this, but will it actually make us happy constantly ruled by the world. In the and propel spiritual growth? Perhaps same way a banker handles cash all this desire could be transformed to be day long and has thousands of dollars more constructive. Rather than using passing through their hands without the money for purely selfish means, attachment or being affected by the one could focus on making money for money, we can learn to face the world, a project that serves humanity, thus interact in it, and not be thrown around fulfilling the desire to make money or attached to it. while at the same time achieving a The technique of Antar Mouna greater purpose. (Inner Silence) is a practice used to We all have real Needs, such as develop the witness. It is based on housing, clothing, love and affection. the discipline of observation. We
are trained to become an indifferent witness of the movements in the wild mind. This neutrality charged with passive awareness is one of the greatest ways to loosen the grip the mind has on our consciousness. A deep process of non-identification with the mind takes place, thus deprogramming it. The witness and the technique of SWAN can be integrated into everyday life. While at work, with family, one can keep checking in with the self. At the end of each day, a spiritual journal can be kept in which aspects of the day are recorded, such as; how did I use my strengths today? When did I allow the weaknesses to arise? Did I honour my needs? Am I acting out of ambition? Over time, this process will bring a much deeper awareness of how the mind affects every aspect of life and gradually the ability to be more in control of the mind, and thus life will arise. In order to go beyond the materialism and negative attitudes of the 21st century, working with the mind is essential. When the mind is silent, even the most violent external storm cannot rock the boat. Much of the suffering of humanity is related to the noisy mind, but an increasing number of people are developing the awareness and desire to go beyond the limitations of the mind. These techniques are powerful tools belonging to the tantric tradition, which do not reject the mind, but instead befriend it, and use the mind as a stepping-stone, in order to go beyond it. Antar Mouna and SWAN practice gradually tone down the thinking, noisy mind into a meditative one. A meditative or silent mind is one, which is connected with the heart. It is highly creative and has the ability to transform weaknesses to strengths. Ambitions can be channeled into positive ventures and opportunities arise to manifest positivity in all aspects of our lives. 41
The secret of Giving.... is that giving is receiving I am sure you have heard that saying before. And The season of giving is upon us and I feel it came so much faster than last year. Or do we just say that every year? I would like to ask you: do you enjoy reading One Smile Magazine? Have you received inspiration, a feel good experience and/or information you find useful? If your answer is yes then I would like to ask you to consider sharing it by gifting a subscription to a family member, a friend or a health center of your choice. I need your help. In order to continue to publish this magazine I need to increase our turnover and I also need more subscribers and advertisers. And I am not afraid to ask for your help. It could simply mean that you know someone who knows someone etc. For me this is the “New Style” of business and I will explain this concept in this issue. Giving is Receiving is a concept I have experienced for a long time. It is most rewarding. In this sense I am giving you my full energy, creativity, commitment and love for the One Smile community and journey. All I need is a little help. If you feel you can help in anyway please do contact me via the website, facebook or I would love to hear from you.
Humpback Whale Gives Thanks To Divers This is a story of a female humpback whale who had become entangled in a spider web of crab traps and lines. She was weighted down by hundreds of pounds of traps that caused her to struggle to stay afloat. The whale also had hundreds of yards of line rope wrapped around her body, her tail, her torso, a line tugging in her mouth. A fisherman spotted the whale just east of the Farallon Islands (beyond the Golden Gate bridge) and radioed an environmental group for help. Within a few hours, the rescue team arrived. They determined that the whale was so bad off that the only way to save her was to dive in and untangle her. The team worked for hours, carefully slashing through the labyrinth of lines with curved knives. Eventually, they freed her. The divers say that once the female humpback was free to move, she swam in what seemed like joyous circles. The whale then came back to each diver, one at a time, and gave each a nudge, pushing her rescuers gently around as she was thanking them. Some divers said it was the most beautiful experience of their lives. The diver who cut the rope out of the whale’s mouth said her eyes were following him the whole time. And he will never be the same.
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Inclusion and Part V
the Hermetic Law of Rhythm by Bruce Rawless Author of Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook
The fifth of the seven laws or principles is given the name Rhythm in the Kybalion, along with the phrase
“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulumswing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” The Kybalion
Like all the Hermetic laws or principles, this one (Rhythm) can be used either by the fragmenting thought system of the ego … or by the non-dualistic thought system of our real self. We’ve trained ourselves from day one to look ‘outside’ and emphasize what appears to come our way – the tidal flood of experiences that come and go, to and fro, in endless variations. Seasons, circadian flows, tides, lunations (phases of the moon), precession of equinoxes (Yugas in the Hindu tradition), meandering rivers, our heartbeats and our breath - all follow a rhythmic pattern. The enticement for entrainment is everywhere. The question is not whether there are tides; the question is do we want to be out-ofthis-world-class surfers or get caught in the undertow! … We certainly can’t stop the waves from reaching the shores of our lives, but we can respond to the surf of this 3D world in very different ways.
It isn’t about what we do externally, but about how we choose to feel and think internally, and the meaning (or lack thereof) we ascribe to what goes on ‘around’ us in the ever shifting cycles of change. There is a stark contrast (using the law of Polarity to return to a non-dual state) between the egoic victimhood stance (lose-lose) and the enlightened caring, yet carefree (win-win) perspective that allows us to take all rhythms of life in stride. Our inner graceful choreography in response to the circumstances of our daily forgiveness lessons provides all we need to ultimately dance our way to serenity beyond the stars. The folly of everyday life reminds us to maintain a sense of humor about our pretended grievances regarding things that come and go … How much will we fret and fuss about all of our current seemingly insurmountable obstacles in a year? In a millennium?
Inner Responsivenes is Groovy Have you ever felt “in the flow?” Being in a ‘groove’ where you simply respond inwardly to whatever comes up … instantly … is something we often associate with Olympic athletes, charismatic speakers, superstar musicians and the like. Yet we can gradually achieve our own state of inner superconductivity by lowering our resistance to inspiration, humbly acknowledging that everything we have is a gift (true for everyone!) and surrendering to the wiser and saner transpersonal self that always votes for the optimal welfare of all. When we look back on those moments when everything seemed to flow, we realize that we were willing to get our sense of a separate ‘self’ out of the way, and allow our unified identity (beyond space and time, yet acting within those dimensions) to take over the controls… I’d call this surrendering to one’s higher self, and the best part is that this sort of surrender doesn’t involve any compromises, since our metapersonal awareness isn’t after any kind of special or exclusionary goals and benefit is assured for all from this encompassing intent. We naturally are superconductors for spirit… We’ve just trained ourselves to believe otherwise! In order to hear the inner voice consistently, we must be willing to acknowledge that our finite perceptions (as observed from our little micro-dot in the cosmos of temporal and spatial delusions) are incomplete, and because of that minuscule window on truth, rather distorted. Letting go of our biases and hopelessly provincial, territorial perspectives (hint; those of us who still occasionally believe we’re limited to a human body are in that category :-) gives us the lucidity to receive guidance beyond what we currently believe possible. We become superconductors for the joyous experience of freedom by letting the trivial go and adopting an unyielding
allegiance for the eternal. It’s a feeling that is all our birthright, no prerequisites and guaranteed by our Creator. Recycling our preconceptions at the curb makes room in our inner pantries for delicacies we haven’t even dreamed of!
Beyond Attachment and Aversion Acceptance of our Inclusive Sprit’s guidance as it pertains to our personal current events is using the law of rhythm for our release from bondage (and automatically, for everyone else’s release as well. Non-acceptance, which generally takes the form of some sort of attachment (I want more of this) or aversion (I want less of that) just tightens the apparent chains that seem to imprison us to circumstance. The acceptance (or non-acceptance) in question here has nothing to do with passively condoning or actively promoting something that we disagree with outwardly. Instead, this type of acceptance pertains to what we make a fuss about (or don’t) in our minds. It is perfectly possible for one to be at peace inwardly while taking action to do something in the world that seems appropriate and warranted. One can pull a child away from running into traffic and scold them without reinforcing any unkindness or intent to separate; the ‘inner hug’ we maintain with all in our lives need not be broken by external events. It’s only when we identify with ‘our interests’ that we get out of sync with our (all-inclusive) unity.
Neutralization via Forgiveness When I first experienced being on a sailboat, I was impressed with the fact that by tacking back and forth – applying the proper angular relationships (sounds like geometry, doesn’t it! :-) to the observed currents – one could not only avoid being pushed where one didn’t want to go, but a skilled sailor could harness the energy of the wind to actually go in a
direction opposite to where the wind was wanting to push the vessel. The principle here is neutralization, or using the opportunity of a particular rhythm to nullify it’s effect, in much the same way that antimatter annihilates matter and produces light. If we apply and equal and opposite force in material realms, the opposing forces cancel and the movement is stilled. In the mental realm, forgiving ourselves for using others (and/or our personal selves) to project our unconscious fears, guilts and discomforts is a powerful neutralizing force. When a similar experience occurs again (often rhythmically the same time the next day, month, year or whatever), instead of gaining momentum as a grievance, we knock the wind out of the proverbial sails of the problem. Even in the case where we’re not able to completely forgive the situation, person or whatever, the partial forgiveness reduces the seeming magnitude of the problem by that amount and we’re much better equipped and practiced to handle the residual situation if and when it occurs again. The same amount of time and effort is expended, but
depending on the thought system, each brick we stack becomes either our next classroom (using the inclusive, transpersonal thought system) or our next prison (using the exclusive,
personal thought system.) Building our immunity to victim-identification is really just systematically undoing a belief in a false identity.The metaphor here implies that when we release our attachments and aversions to experiences that we encounter from moment to moment, we are free to learn from our circumstances, rather than being at the mercy of them. This works because we identify with the cause (our infinite nature, and returning inexorably to the home of wholeness and oneness), rather than the temporary situation we happen to find ourselves in.
Bruce Rawles is the author of Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook: Universal Dimensional Patterns, the co-author of The Geometry Code eBooklet and Screensaver (with Mika Feinberg of LightSOURCE) which is the prequel to a forthcoming book of the same name, and the editor of a website devoted to sacred geometry and the principle of interconnectedness,
Blueprint for Life I was in Fiji recently, on a family holiday, organized by my brilliant and discerning sister-in-law and my very generous father-in-law. Many things about the holiday surprised and delighted me: the beauty of the sea and the islands; the “untouched” scenery, cared for by wonderful, friendly staff who raked our garden three times a day; and the hammocks, hanging from every third palm tree, wide enough to hold three people each, made of string to let the balmy island breeze flow through them. When I returned home to France, I had an intuition to buy a hammock for our home here. I went on Amazon and found the perfect one, with a beautiful wooden stand so I can put it anywhere I want in the garden. I ordered it, and three days later it arrived. It was raining that day, but intuition prompted me to put it together, even so. The design is simple, and the instructions were all in pictures, so I could work it out easily. Some of the bolts required more hands than I possess to put them in place, but somehow I managed it, closing my
by Jennifer Manson
eyes any time I was on the verge of frustration an bringing to mind the satisfaction of feeling the challenging piece of the puzzle slide home. So there it was, the frame all assembled. It needed a bit more strength for the final tightening of bolts, and two people to provide the pull required to attach the hammock itself; half an hour after my husband came home it was done, placed under a welcoming tree and I was lying in it, staring up into the leaves, just as blissful as I had been in Fiji. A while later, darkness and a storm coming on, I wandered back inside. “I just love it when something exceeds my expectations,” I said to Paul, and poured us both a glass of champagne. As I look at life, this small story seems to provide me with a blueprint for living. I didn’t know I wanted a hammock, and my intuition prompted me to get one. I obeyed. It wasn’t logical to be out on the lawn in the rain assembling it, but once again, intuition prompted and I obeyed. I asked for help to complete it, and help was there. And at the end, I experienced peaceful, unexpected joy and satisfaction, the clear reward for following the prompting of my inner voice.
In life, many projects take longer, are more complex and require more time, more steps. The intuitive prompts are still there, just as clear, but the end point we are heading for may be less obvious, and further away. Sometimes there is the temptation to question – but life is so much easier if we can trust. From now on, whenever I begin to question intuition, I will remember my hammock, ease into the moment and trust.
Jennifer Manson is the author of six inspiring novels, all set in New Zealand. 47
Stepping back
in time
Thank you to my teacher … Auntie Margaret Machado, for the knowledge, the healing and the love.
veryone has a teacher/mentor that they have learnt from, that has shaped their lives in some way – Auntie Margaret was mine. This little Hawaiian woman in her 70’s with the BIG mana could just lay a hand on me and warmth would radiate through my body. Auntie Margaret was my Lomi Lomi massage teacher, living in Kealekakua Bay on the Big Island of Hawaii. I was living in Hawaii in 1986 and wanted to study massage and I was lead to Auntie Margaret’s course. The endearment’s Auntie and Uncle are used in the Islands to address people older than you to show respect and love. The Lomi Lomi massage course differed to anything I expected – just getting there was a test of my determination. I drove across the island, through the lavaland, down a 4wheel drive track, negotiating huge potholes and chickens to arrive in a small village by the ocean, surrounded by palm trees and the constant ocean breeze. It was a step back in time.
Advertorial We were a group of 10, sleeping under mosquito nets, lulled to sleep by the sound of the ocean. We would wake at sunrise and start most day’s with a saltwater flush (a detox for the intestines), pick papaya for breakfast and go to class. Our classroom was on a veranda (lanai) looking through the coconut palms to the ocean. The lanai held 6 massage tables and all the anatomy charts and reference books. Each class would start with a prayer for the day, inviting in healing and asking that our hands be used with love. Then the lessons would begin, the students in sarongs and Auntie calling out the rhythm and the routine in a sing song voice. Many of the massage movements related to Hawaiian life – the hula dance, the making of Poi (from taro), the long stokes similar to the lava flow, the percussion movement imitating the Hawaiian drums. These movements coaxed the bodies to release their tight muscles and withheld emotions , bringing fluidity and harmony back into balance. At the end of the day we would practise ho’oponopono – the Hawaiian art of mental clearing, when we would empty ourselves and ask for forgiveness before the sun goes down. The last stage of the day was to exfoliate the body with papaya seeds. Uncle Dan would have the steam house ready, we would steam for one hour, shower outside, pick an aloe leaf and rub that into the body. This was my daily routine for three months… Auntie Margaret Machado is a world renowned Kahuna (healer in Hawaiian), and has been named a “Living Treasure” by the State of Hawaii. Auntie was blessed with her healing knowledge, when she was only ten years old, from her grandfather – he died soon after. The knowledge of her massage lineage was kept within the family, until 1970 when she opened her school. Auntie’s primary message about massage - is to love the body. I feel blessed to have such a magical journey with Auntie and the doors she opened up for me with bodywork. This work continues today. Auntie passed away 29 December 2009 at the age of 93. Mahalo Auntie Margaret.
Katie owns and manages Enriching Day Spa with a team of highly skilled therapists. 49
Dolphin’s bring salty tears of joy Have you ever dreamed of experiencing the wonderment of wild dolphins jumping and playing in their natural world? Just imagine the excitement of slipping into the water in a wetsuit.... and there right before your very eyes dolphins playfully circling and whizzing past you. For some reason people have a natural attraction to dolphins and the dolphin have a pro-found effect on humans. On Eco-tour trips we regularly get reactions such as screaming, speechlessness, uncontrollable laughing and even’s quite something to see. (Just imagine what the dolphins think of all this fuss). Dolphins are one of the few truly “wild” animals that choose to play and interact with humans... totally trusting and friendly. The dolphin experience should not just for tourists and backpackers; it’s something every Kiwi should take the time to include in their top 10 things to do in life. We regularly get people telling us this is one of the best things they have experienced or we wish we’d done this years ago. For people it is about getting out of our urban jungles and back to nature, something strong in man’s past and missing from our frantic and busy lives. I can still remember the first time we took our 2 children to see dolphins, their smiles were indeed priceless... and they still talk about it. Life is short, enjoy each day, live your dreams and experience the wonderment of dolphins, natures own gift in the beautiful sheltered waters of the Marlborough Sounds.
For more information go to Dolphin Watch & Nature Ecotours
Is this you? Advertising Sales Star with a Smile: inspire – ignite – illuminate Opportunities like this don’t come along very often! How would you like to join the One Smile Magazine community? One which enriches lives inspires and connects communities? One which is open, honest and straightforward. One Smile looks to continue its remarkable nationwide growth with further expansion of their business channel and needs you. If you’re experienced in media sales or have a solution sales background then this role is one to get excited about! We are looking for someone special who will fit the One Smile Family. Fun to be with, Friendly and Confident! Totally Reliable, Flexible and Enthusiastic! Approachable, Genuine and Positively Optimistic! Willing to go the EXTRA MILE, follow Policies and Procedures and are Accountable for actions! They also: Love to SMILE!!! Love to Talk!!! Passionate about Advertising sales. Personal Attributes: • Extremely high customer service orientation • Friendly and genuine disposition toward people • High standards of personal presentation/image • High professional standards and attention to detail • Reliable and able to meet due dates • Self-motivated • Ability to consistently maintain a positive “can do” attitude • Ability to work as an effective member of a team • Quality focus • Willingness to learn from others and continually improve own capability
Is this you? If you think this sounds like you and you are available to start right now then send your CV and Cover Letter to introduce yourself to Catrin Jacksties and anticipate becoming part of our One Smile Community. If you are interested I would love to talk to you. Applicants for this position should have NZ residency or a valid NZ work permit.
Sales Star
inspire | ignite | illuminate 51
Grooming tips for your dog by Linde Professional groomer/stylist
Long haired dogs
It is important to clip or cut your dogs nails, as if they grow too long, then as they walk, the tip of their nail presses on the ground and pushes the nail back into the nail bed at the paw tip and can cause them pain in walking and running. Cutting Long Nails: If they are white or clear nails you will see a fine red vein running through it. Do not cut past the red vein as it will cause pain and make the nail bleed. It will take consistent cutting weekly that will make the vein grow further back into the nail bed for future trimming.
All these dogs need to be brushed and combed regularly on a weekly basis. It is best to brush first and make sure you are brushing every part of the dog. The only way to do this is by standing the dog on a table, laundry unit or bench with a secure rubber mat for the dog to stand on to stop it slipping. Section off the they dog in your mind and begin brushing say, the front leg, the other front leg then the back legs, then the body etc., If you strike a knot then brush from the outside tips of fur and down to the skin working down to the
Cutting black claws: It is always wiser to cut the nails maybe longer rather than cut too far down which causes pain to your dog and of course it then bleeds. Bleeding nails: You can use white pepper to stop the bleed by licking your finger to pick up the powdered pepper and seal the bleeding nail after cleaning with cotton wool.
skin rather than just going straight into the skin and pull the knot as your dog will resist with the pain it will suffer. You know yourself when you have a knot in your hair if you have had long hair, that it will hurt. Finally, using a metal COMB then go through in the same system of sectioning off the dog to make sure all knots are out.
Brushing and combing
Usual problem areas that knot
All dogs need to be groomed, whether long haired which obviously need brushing and combing just as humans do with our hair but even Labrador, Foxy, Jack Russell and many other short haired breeds as they malt and will leave fur on rugs, furniture, clothes and it is so short but strong and embeds into fabrics.
Under the arms, behind the ears, under the ears, and the ears in general. Also the base of the tail, the top of the tail and inside the rear legs and long beards. Knots around the ears can indicate that your dog has an ear problem which may be Ear Mites, Yeast Infection or Bacteria Infection which if left can not
only cause your dog great stress and discomfort but can take a long time to get rid of. You should take your dog to the Vets for an antibiotic Ear Cream/ Drops as normal ear cleaner will not cure or solve the problem. NOTE: If the Vets prescription isn’t working then you must persist and go back and let the Vet know that this type of medication is not curing the problem. Otherwise you poor we baby is the one who suffers with flicking their ears, rubbing their ears on the ground or furniture or leaning into your hand as you pat, rub or stroke their ears.
Knots around the rear quarters and tail and insides of rear legs can indicate a food allergy if they are consistently sucking, licking or biting their own fur and skin. Most times it is either a food allergy from processed food or cheap doggy treats that have colourants in them, or, the type of dog food your are using or treats like cheese, etc. The other reason can be grass and pollen allergies so there again, if these indicators present themselves it is a lot cheaper and kinder on your dog to rid the allergy or get special prescription shampoo recommended by your vet otherwise they will become obsessed and lick and bite their skin and cause it to bleed or infect. And although it may annoy you listening to that sucking, licking biting, then spare a thought for your poor wee suffering baby who is 53
being driven crazy by this allergy itching it’s skin morning noon and night. While you have a relaxing long deep sleep, your baby is waking and sucking licking biting and becoming stressed when it could well be the food you have fed it that causes the allergy.
Bathing your dog It is important to bath your baby at least once per month in a mild medicated shampoo. Really make sure that you lather the fur well. Make sure you really do get in under their front legs as well as their bottom and under belly. It is imperative that ALL the shampoo is rinsed off thoroughly otherwise, this can cause itchy skin and will result in a Vet visit which can be costly just because they were not rinsed off in the first place. It is best to bath them with a hand held shower unit rather than put them in a tub of water. If your only option is to use a tub to bath then you will need to make sure that the rinse water is very clear, Towel dry your baby and if you have a smaller long haired dog then use a blow
dryer on a low/Medium heat. Never point the air directly in the dogs face, always cover their face with your hand cupping their face in order to protect their ears and eyes. Best rule of thumb is to blow the dryer in your face to see how the dogs would feel. They may not like the process but they just LOVE the result and feel lovely, clean and feel just as we do after a shower, shampoo and blow wave. They will run around and go show all in the family how pretty they are, which is a win win positive outcome for all. Everyone loves a lovely clean dog. Don’t feel upset or disappointed if you beautiful clean freshly bathed and dried Darling runs outside to roll in something disgusting. This is their way of telling you that they preferred a yucky smell or what I call Kennel No.9 as in Channel No. 5. In the summer when it is hot, it is more than likely best to bath weekly. It does not wash out all the oil out of their skin. Have you ever heard of a dog being sent to the Vets because it has been bathed too much? No! Show dogs are always bathed weekly and when showing for 2-4 days are bathed and dried daily. None of them have skin problems. When you have fully dried your four legged baby then brush and comb their fur out completely making sure they are free of all knots.
Matting and bad knots If it is difficult to brush and comb out matting and knots then carefully using
scissors and pointing the scissors from the skin out to the out edges of the fur, gently and carefully splice through the matted or knotted fur then brush and comb. Never point scissors in toward their skin or pull the fur and cut. This could lead you to harm your baby. If the matting or knots are too bad then contact a professional Groomer who will more than likely have to razor your baby’s fur off so as you may make a fresh start again. Don’t feel bad if this happens as the fur will grow back soon enough. It can be very rewarding bathing , drying and grooming your baby and most dogs love it if you are regularly and properly grooming as they love spending time with you and is a lovely relaxing moment for you to bond and spend quality time with them. When grooming and having them up on the table, try not to feel too many emotions, this is a time to be calm and peaceful but firm so that your baby knows that this is not a time to play. When grooming is completed, and you let them down onto the floor then this is the time to get all excited and tell them what a wonderful, pretty/handsome Baby they are and what a good little dog they are so as they get the ‘feel good feeling’ of the positives of being groomed, feeling good, looking good so as the family get excited and cuddle, snuggle and tell them how lovely they are. phone (09) 447–1951
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OneSmile MAGAZINE, through its website and magazine, is a powerful resource for education and inspiration. We hope to foster creative ideas and actions that have a long lasting impact on the world. Everyone involved with OneSmile MAGAZINE – our readers, our contributors, and our sponsors – are the raindrops for positive change, causing ripples small and large that will impact others. If every person chose to make a difference through small positive actions each day, our world would be flooded with optimism, hope, joy and peace.
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Time for
by Ian A Williams
In the last issue I introduced the concept of Kairos. This is a Greek word for time, in the sense of the right time or season for change. Having introduced the Kairology series of personal and business coaching tools, I have committed to publish one of the 52 personal leadership cards from the Kairology pack in each issue of OneSmile. For this issue I have chosen the six of diamonds, representing change. With the recent election for the New Zealand parliament, and with so much change and uncertainty on planet earth, it’s not a bad time to evaluate where you are personally and what you plan for the future. The holiday season, and thoughts of a new year also provide a good time for reflection. The card is reproduced here for you, exactly as it is in my coaching pack.
it’s constant, natural and inevitable. Whether you welcome or fear change, How do you create change to fit your How do you instigate or resist change? s? stres d ciate needs, or overcome any asso h or relationship deat a us Change can be forced on ed wealth, poor gain or lost e, mov job loss, job change, tever darkness Wha ract. cont lost e, health, failed enterpris - what are the onds diam and dust you find yourself in, seek you hear of do s time y man How tes? crea this opportunities they say lish, stab re-e they once someone losing a job, and ge can Chan ? ened happ it’s the best thing that could have and tion, loca , hips ions relat in er, care or job be a choice – in e mak to ond diam the hone and adventure. How will you cut n! desig life d calle It’s be? can it it the best grow: new markets or products, Organisations change to survive and es, changing technologies, or new improving quality, adopting valu inuous improvement and growth? management. How do you foster cont : Whether change is forced REGARDING CHANGE THINK ABOUT or chosen, you have a choice rs othe • DEPENDENCIES – you and in how you respond and the are • FINANCES – short and long term manage it. What ing be learn and ities rtun oppo • HEALTH – how stressful it may it creates? How does this fit know t don’ • LEARNING – what you with your purpose, values, or can’t do and s dreams, aspiration you • RELATIONSHIPS –with those plans? Does this option e valu The ? serve or limit them and • TIMING – fit with life (chronos most exciting and rewarding ge s) chan kairo change is usually you create for yourself. found a way to be comfortable “Life is known only by those who have the nature of life, there may Given own. with change and the unkn be no security, but only adventure.” Rachel Naomi Remen
Linked cards:
All 6’s
© Ian A. Williams 2009
Change is always with us, so let’s not fear it but embrace it with gusto. The theme of the diamonds suit is POTENTIAL. Without change we cannot even begin to reach the potential power, skills and achievements that lie buried deep within us, or to challenge those constraints or habits that hold us back. Unearth the diamond that’s literally your life and polish it up. Look at all the facets and reflections and make an honest assessment. And here are some powerful selfcoaching questions for you to work through in your quiet moments during the holidays: 1. Choose an area in your life, work or relationships that requires change. What needs to change and why? 2. What is your plan and timeline?
3. What improvements can you expect as a result of changes? 4. What will be the challenges along the way, and how do you plan to manage them positively? 5. What help and support will you need? Start a journal for these questions and your answers. As you consider the five questions, consider also who depends on you, and whom you depend upon. Think also about what the implications are for relationships, timing, your health and your finances. Consider any training or learning involved, and the timing of the changes you plan to make. Let’s not make heavy weather of change, but have fun with it, be bold and have courage. It’s too easy to drift and stay with the same old same old lifestyle. Make 2012 your new season for growth, your kairos.
Ian A Williams FCIPD Author, coach and facilitator
♥ Hearts represent you, your values and your PASSION ♣ Clubs are about PEOPLE, partnerships and relationships ♠ Spades are for PURPOSE in tasks and achievement ♦ Diamonds are POTENTIAL, creativity and evaluation. The world’s first professor of leadership, John Adair has this to say about the programme: “This shows what people need to lead well; leaders need to think until it hurts, but these cards take the pain out of thinking, because of their gentle provocative prompting.” “What a neat way to encourage anyone to analyse oneself, chart positive new paths and goals — and achieve them.” Gordon Dryden, co-author The Learning Revolution series of books.
This comprehensive programme, based on the playing cards structure consists of 52 leadership coaching cards and 4 jokers, plus a full workbook. You could conveniently work on one card a week to complete the full programme in a year. Have fun with these great tools, at the same time as doing some serious work with yourself, your family and your clients.
“When I first saw the pdf of the planned cards I knew we would be on to a winner.” Carolyn Sheppard,
More info under: Kairology® ©Kairos Development Ltd. 2009 – All rights reserved
Winds of Change
Turning adversity around. Hosting a young woman from the UK three years ago gave us a new appreciation of the beauty that surrounds us each day.
oth my husband, Ian and I were born overseas and came to NZ with our respective parents as youngsters. Our early excitement over our surroundings had been suppressed by daily living amongst Nelson’s world class scenery. Our guest’s enthusiasm for the region re-awakened ours. Where else in the world can you view mountains such as the Arthur Range from the car window as you drive out of town on a main road? Or be dazzled by the sun dancing on the water at high tide as you drive the highway alongside the sea? Or the moon casting a path at night? Not many. Try driving the new highway from Motueka to Nelson on a clear night and see the lights of Richmond and Nelson twinkling, their reflections shimmering at the water’s edge. Travel to Golden Bay and explore the hidden corners of this wild area, appreciating its beaches, rivers and scenic vistas. No wonder Nelson is the destination of choice for so many visitors. We truly live in a fabulous place! Now, fast forward eighteen months; my husband is made redundant, I only have part-time work, jobs are at a premium and there are dozens of applicants for each position. Not a good outlook for our future. A conversation with friends turned to the prospect of self-employment and Ian’s life long interest in geology and paleontology – could we somehow make a living from that? Maybe its time to pursue a long-held dream, turning it into reality, we decided. We had often toyed with the idea of operating a tour company and as we discussed the possibility, the dream began to develop substance. What if we were to offer small tours, ‘off the beaten track’, using a four-wheel drive vehicle to enable us to visit some of the region’s more remote areas? Maybe we could personalise the tours; day trips or overnight, with suggestions for those who don’t know the area? We could concentrate
on geological tours and scenic/historical trips through our wonderful scenery, creating a never-to-be-forgotten experience. This was the beginning. We had never built a new business before but I have administrative skills and Ian has passenger vehicle and charter experience; he also has the necessary driving licences. Many months later our business is operational and although there are still hurdles to overcome we have a real sense of achievement; of a new beginning. We have formed a limited company; set up a website; obtained the necessary operating licences: begun to learn about marketing and are becoming known among other business owners in the city. One of the big decisions we had to make was the name - we were in a situation where we felt overwhelmed, flattened and like a pile of dry old bones. We needed new life breathed into those old bones, like a cool breeze refreshing and restoring us and so the name was born – FOUR WINDS TOURS LTD. Redundancy proved to be our opportunity to realise a dream. 59
Horses I didn’t want to ride again for a while, but I did. I was always going to come back to riding.
had wanted to ride horses since I was very, very short. My mum, fantastic woman that she is, relented when I was about 4 years old. I had already been on a horse at a friend’s farm, but sitting on a horse doesn’t count. Not to me. I wanted lessons. Proper lessons. And so it was that I ended up at Stonehurst Farm in torn jeans and grubby boots. Callum, my teacher introduced me to Punch. Punch was no thoroughbred, but he wasn’t a Clydesdale either. Punch was beautifully short(ish) and had a reddish coat and a black mane and tail. To me, Punch was beautiful. He had personality. He was just like me. Except, you, know, he had four legs, a long-lasting coat and was a boy. We got along spectacularly. He always stopped when I fell off his back and onto my behind. He moved swiftly through his
gaits, and eventually, I moved with him instead of meeting the ground rather frequently. I was able to become more advanced and was allowed to ride other horses, but, like many other firsts, I always chose Punch when given the option. Until he died. How morbid is that? He died on the same night as another horse at the farm. He just lay down and died. I didn’t even find out until a week later, when a friend of mine who was also at Stone-hurst told me in the middle of school. That is not what a seven year old girl wants to be told halfway through lunch. I was near tears the whole day. It was about a month later when I woke up and let loose the tears I had been holding in for a while. I wasn’t angry at my mum for not telling me. I wished nobody had ever told me.
The next horse I rode was Buck. He was famous for bucking off his riders, but I had that fearlessness all young children seem to have. He and I worked well together. We were both cheeky and enjoyed speed. As far as I know, he’s still alive, so I didn’t have a bad luck death streak like my unfortunate brother. His luck lost him three horses before he gave up riding. It was around this time when we bought Minti, or Oscar as he was known then. He was so large I could fit underneath his neck and still have room to spare. Of course I couldn’t do that now, I’m far too tall. Minti was the sweetest fellow in the book of sweet fellow horses. He didn’t start that way, but his breed required him to spend a few years with his owner before he would stop helping them to the floor. And now we’ve sold him. Sarah, 13, Nelson
We would like to encourage young writers, poets, photographers, project leaders, entrepreneurs, bright ideas person, designers and songwriters to participate in OneSmile by sending us their work for us to publish. Young people are so very creative and we are keen to engage with that creativity by talking about their ideas and projects and dreams. Please contact us via email:
This issue’s inspiring Person is William Shakespeare, a talented playwright and poet who changed the world. Born: Unknown Baptised: 26 April 1564 Died: 23 April 1616 Family: Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway at age 18, and he had three children with her; daughter Susanna and twins Hamnet and Judith. In the Modern World: Many of Shakespeare’s plays have been used for various acting companies, and some of his more famous plays have been remade as movies. Famous for: His tragedies especially, which in those times was a story which ends in a death, while a comedy ended in a wedding. Some of his most famous plays are:
William Shakespeare · Romeo and Juliet · Macbeth · Othello · King Lear · Hamlet · Midsummer Night’s Dream · Taming of the Shrew · Twelfth Night
Shakespeare also wrote many sonnets, most without a proper name, simply a number. Here is one of his many; Sonnet 29.
When in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes I all alone beweep my outcast state, And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries, And look upon myself, and curse my fate, Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, Featured like him, like him with friends possessed, Desiring this man’s art, and that man’s scope, With what I most enjoy contented least; Yet in these thoughts my self almost despising, Haply I think on thee, and then my state, Like to the lark at break of day arising From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven’s gate; For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings That then I scorn to change my state with kings. 61
Find the Silver Doe
Keeper (1), Chas er (3), Beater (2), Seeker (1)
Muggle Quidditch Q
uidditch is a fictional (not) Wizarding sport played in the Wizarding world. It is the most amazing sport ever invented! If you don’t know what it is – SHAME ON YOU! But I will be kind enough to explain it anyway. Matches are played between two teams of seven players riding broomsticks, using four balls and six elevated ring-shaped goals. The first of the four balls is the Quaffle. This is a large red ball handled by the Chasers – three of the seven players. The Chasers attempt to score through the hoops (goals) and the Keeper tries to block them. That makes up one ball and four players of a team. The second two balls are known as Bludgers-named rather aptly, considering what they do. Bludgers are designed to fly around the Quidditch pitch, unseating as many players as possible. This is where the Beaters come in. There are two beaters, each armed with a large wooden club, and their job is to protect their team from being knocked off their brooms. The last, and possibly most important ball is the Snitch – a tiny, walnut-sized golden ball that flies around the pitch, avoiding one person most desperately. The Seeker. The Seeker is the only one
who can end the game, earning 150 points for their team should they catch the nimble Snitch. And after that lengthy but (maybe) helpful explanation on the most beautiful sport on Earth, we come to you, our faithful readers, with surprising and slightly awesome news.
Muggles have their own Quidditch. It’s called ‘Muggle Quidditch’ (how original, right?) In the United States, teams from more than 200 colleges are affiliated with the International Quidditch Association and play in thrilling tournaments. In Muggle Quidditch, as in regular Quidditch, there are seven positions on a team. Because muggles don’t have magic, or can they fly, Muggle Quidditch has been adapted for play on the ground, with game play confined to a playing field comparable in size to a football field. The equipment in Muggle Quidditch varies depending on venue. Three circular goals are placed on either side of the pitch. The goals are often hula hoops held up by a pipe or wood. All players are required to carry a broom between their legs even though
muggles cannot fly. Slightly de-flated volleyballs usually act as the quaffle, while dodge balls serve as the bludgers. This allows for a much more intense experience. Beaters may use tennis rackets to serve the Bludgers. Tennis rackets do not quite allow the precision of the clubs in real Quidditch, but muggles seem to just work with what they have. In more extreme versions of the game, Bludgers are eliminated and the beaters are allowed to tackle the chasers and other players (seeker and keeper are generally off limits when tackling).
The Snitch As a slightly humorous twist, in Muggle Quidditch the Snitch is most often a neutral player, usually dressed in all gold, some-times adorned with wings. The Snitch, after release, is usually allowed to roam an area beyond the playing field. When played on a college campus the range is often the entire campus. The game begins with the quaffle and bludgers placed in the centre of the field, and after the snitch has been set off the referee yells ‘brooms up’ to start the action . 63
It is a way of living that teaches us how to stay in balance. 64
Balance through
by Jamila Knopp, Dip. Ayurveda
Ayurveda is a holistic system of natural medicine that originated about 5000 years ago in India. It is one of the oldest scientific medical systems in the world. However, it is not only a system of medicine in the conventional sense of curing disease – it is also a way of life that teaches us how to ensure a feeling of well-being and vitality. The Sanskrit word “Ayu” means life and the word “Veda” means knowledge or learning. So Ayurveda is the knowledge of life. At the heart of the Ayurvedic science lies the concept of the five elements. The five elements are: Ether (Space); Air; Fire; Water; Earth. Ayurveda believes that every person has his or her own individual constitution and that this constitution originates out of the five elements. From these five elements, three main forces or ‘Doshas’ arise. They are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each person’s constitution tends to be mostly dominated by either one or two of these three Doshas. A typical Vata dominant person generally has a thin body frame. They have a tendency towards cold hands and feet, with dry skin. As Vata comes from the Air element, it’s all about movement. These people talk fast, move lots and fast, and their mind is always busy. In general, Pitta dominant people have a medium body frame with moderate muscle development. They have a tendency towards moles or freckles. As Pitta comes from the Fire element, these people
have a strong metabolism, good digestion, a strong appetite and their body temperature may run slightly high. Characteristically they are intelligent and ambitious people. As Kapha comes from the elements of Water and Earth a typical Kapha dominant person usually has a strong solid body frame and well developed muscles. They tend to move slowly and have a good endurance. They are generally tolerant, calm, forgiving and loving when in balance. It’s useful to know one’s own constitution because that teaches us which Diet and Lifestyle suits us as an individual. It also teaches us how to stay in balance and how to correct imbalances when they occur. According to Ayurvedic tradition health is the balance of the 5 elements and illness is the result of an excess or deficiency of any of these particular elements. Ayurveda treats illness at its source, rather than at the level of symptoms. It is a complete knowledge of life that teaches us how to live in tune with nature. Ayurveda has a unique way of treating people and this can include the usage of herbs, lifestyle advice, nutrition, massage, ‘shirodhara’ and other treaments. By making the appropriate changes, the body’s natural balance is improved and its natural healing systems supported. Jamila Knopp (Dip. Ayurveda) has practiced Ayurveda for 10 years and if you like to find out more please visit 65
Chaste Tree Chaste Tree by Yvonne Tait Diploma in Medical Herbalism, Iridology and Clinical Nutrition, Colour Therapy
Chaste tree is a very pretty plant ranging in size from large shrub to small tree. I had it growing in my garden at the clinic in Australia. I had three of them and had to dig them up and take them with me when I moved to a new premises. They survived very well and grew to about two meters tall and just as wide. People often commented on the shape of the leaves, stating that they were very similar in shape to the leaves of the marihuana plant. The flowers of the Chaste tree are a lovely violet colour and grow on a spike similar to a lilac flower. The blooms last for quite a long time. When the flowers die off there are myriads of very small dark coloured berries. For use as herbal medicine the berries should be gathered in late autumn and dried, preferably in the sun.
Vitex agnus-castus often referred to as “Vitex”
Chaste tree has a very long history in its role as an herbal medicine. References to it can be found in the writings of: ca.
400 BC Hippocrates
50 BC Dioscorides
1200 AD Persian School Al-Kindi. 1630
Madaus’ work was amongst the first modern reports on vitex.
The first clinical work on vitex and its galactogogue activity (ability to Promote mother’s milk.)
Greek matrons in ancient times were reputed to have spread their couches with its branches in the hope that the not so good smell would ward off the advances of amorous men! The berries had a reputation for keeping the libido under control, (hence Chaste tree) It was well regarded by some in the past, for the treatment of inflammation, and depression.
Vitex has come into its own in the modern day herbal practice as a regulator of hormones; though it is also very useful as an anti-microbial agent: I often use it as an ingredient in herbal formulas designed to control Candida albicans. Chaste tree works on the pituitary gland, effecting progesterone particularly. I see it as a ‘normaliser’ when dealing with hormones: It may be useful in premenstrual stress (PMS), dysmenorrhoea (painful periods) associated with PMS, congestive dysmenorrhoea, breast cysts, HRT withdrawal, and menopausal symptoms. Also in regaining a natural cycle after the use of the contraceptive pill. The Male population may also find relief from its use in male acne and benign prostatic hyperplasia. I have two daughters, (not to mention the countless women who consulted me with regard to PMS) who have taken Vitex on a regular basis for this distressing condition and are grateful for the blessed relief they have had from its use.
Vitex Chaste tree is most often used as a 1:2 extract or 1:5 tincture. It can also be purchased in tablet form or a capsule.
Dosage for the 1:2 extract and 1:5 tincture: I think it is fair to include here that a good diet and avoidance of junk foods will improve the chances of getting a good result with PMS. The liver gets to a stage where it just cannot cope when over stressed, due to bad food choices and indulgencies such as soft drinks, biscuits and general sugar and fat overload: that is when your symptoms will come forward. Sometimes I have found that a drastic change in diet will be enough to affect the required outcome of pain free periods and no PMS. In some cases the addition of Vitex did the trick.
Vitex is usually taken once a day, and it has been found to be most affective taken BEFORE breakfast when the dose would range from 1 to 21/2 mls. in water. An Infusion can be made by pouring boiling water onto 1 teaspoon of the ripe berries and allowing it to stand for about 10 minutes. This can be drunk once or twice a day.
Contra indications: Do not take Chaste tree (Vitex) in conjunction with HRT, or the contraceptive pill, or progesterone drugs. Chaste tree may aggravate pure spasmodic dysmenorrhoea not associated with PMS.
Please Note: This article was written for educational purposes only. You are advised to consult a Healthcare Professional before taking herbal medicines.
References: Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy Modern herbal Medicine by Simon Mills and Kerry Bone. New Holistic Herbal by David Hoffman. Chaste_Tree_Vitex_agnus_castus_TheMonks_ protector/430/2 67
edible gifts
Recycled and Green
From Your Own Garden!
by Kristina Jensen
I have this thing about bottles, one of my little ‘habits’ that my husband rolls his eyes at if you mention it to him. Somewhere in our current dwelling (which is a boat at the moment), there will be a stash of jars and bottles, all ‘special’ in some way. Everything must have its use, on a boat, doubly so, and as Christmas rolls around, my jar and bottle stash come out and get filled with edible gifts. I love the curves and texture of glass, the clear pure look of slender chillies languishing in vinegar, floating peppercorns, complementing sunken garlic cloves and preserved herbal sprigs suspended in subtle poses. Bottles with long tapering necks are my favourites and now that many ‘boutique food’
items are packaged in attractive glass vessels, you can bet that I will be that person rummaging around in your recycling bin looking for ‘just one more’. Quick to make, easy on the purse and a great way to introduce kids to the joys of making home-made gardenbased gifts is what these herbal vinegars and oils are all about. Getting creative with the labels is another great job for the kids, perhaps even coming up with a funky logo for your property or product, especially if you are using ingredients that are grown and hand-picked by you. It is refreshing to both give and receive a hand- and home-made present that is deliciously consumable.
Sterilizing Your Glass Sterilize your bottles, jars and lids by washing them out thoroughly with hot soapy water. Then bring them to the boil in a pot of water. Carefully remove the vessels and lids with a pair of tongs and stand to dry and cool on a clean cloth.
Fresh Herb Vinegar
Fresh Herb Oil
This vinegar can be used directly on a salad or as an addition to stews and soups, especially the rosemary/sage/thyme & tarragon flavours. The amounts are for 300-500ml bottles.
Herb Oils made this way are very intense so a small amount goes a long way when drizzled onto fresh bread, pasta, slices of grilled polenta or new potatoes.
You will need:
You will need:
• enough apple cider or white wine vinegar to fill your bottle(s) • 3 large herb sprigs of your choice (with or without flowers) • Ideas; rosemary, tarragon, mint, fennel, dill, marjoram, thyme, oregano, sage • one bay leaf • 5-7 peppercorns • one teaspoon of yellow mustard seed • 2 peeled cloves of garlic • a dried chilli if your gift recipient likes chilli • one thin strip of lemon peel
• Two handfuls of fresh oregano OR thyme OR sage OR rosemary OR kawakawa leaves or a mixture of all five • 2 tsp of good sea salt • 5-6 tbsps of lemon or lime juice • 1 cup of high quality extra virgin olive oil (200-300ml depending on the volume of your vessels) • freshly ground pepper to taste
Some of the ingredients will float initially but after a week they will absorb enough vinegar to sink. Leave the herb vinegar for 2 or 3 weeks to mature. Then it is ready to give as a gift.
Chop the leaves finely or grind them in a mortar and pestle. Add the lemon juice, oil and pepper. Shake vigorously and pour into bottles. There will be some separation over time but a quick inversion will mix everything up ready for use. These oils need to be kept in a cool dark cupboard or refrigerated. 69
Christmas with a sweet tooth Being an Englishman things are a little strange over here but one of the things that is exactly the same Christmas always brings out the best in your sweet tooth and that’s how it should be! That is why we make new years resolutions so during the whole of Christmas we have an excuse to take a trip round Dessert Island. To me and my family it has slowly become less of a present giving fest and more of a hangout day, full of laughs, smiles, eating, drinking, being merry and then falling asleep during rubbish TV!
Sparkling summer berries
with roasted peach crème fraiche and a pineapple mint salad
Summertime is here and it is a great time to be a chef, especially in sunny nelson and especially when you are making dessert!!! Nelson is berry land in summertime. If there was a willy wonka film about berries and summer fruits it could well be shot in Nelson!! The market in summer is bursting with all different berries and fruits all from local growers (which ALWAYS taste better than supermarket berries!!) and when your making things like jams and preserves you can often ask for 2nds or 3rds which
taste the same or better but just look a little out of the ordinary!! When it comes to desserts with these fantastic types of ingredients the less is better (if you have read my other articles you may have picked up on this recurring theme). You don’t have to slave for hours to create a taste sensation!! For example something as easy as strawberries and cream will never let you down. If you want to fancy this up with very little work mixing sugar with mascarpone and some orange zest will bring a mixture of berries certain
Sparkling berries make about 10 depending on size of the moulds • • • • • • • • • •
400ml – chilled sparkling wine (that’s only half a bottle, good excuse if you ask me) 100ml – passion fruit pulp 1 punnet - blue berries 1 punnet – raspberries 1 punnet – strawberries 1 punnet – blackberries 5 leaves – gelatin or 5 tsp of powder 3 tbsp – sugar 2 limes zested 1 orange zested
Divide the berries up into the moulds (filling ¾ of the way up) and place into the fridge. Place gelatin into cold water to soften up. Pour 100ml of sparkling wine and all the passion fruit pulp into a bowl with the gelatin and heat over hot water till gelatin has dissolved, add the sugar and stir until dissolved. Take off the heat and allow to cool slightly. Take moulds and sparkling wine out of the fridge. Pour sparkling wine into the gelatin mix then pour that over the fruit. Push down any fruit that has risen to the top then place in the fridge to set!
elegance. In summer you want to be enjoying the sun or as I call it working on my freckles, not standing in the kitchen watching everyone else having a laugh!! I will give you one of my favorites, which should impress but not stop your tan or put you beer drinking hand out of practice! So quick, easy and tasty is the order of the day!!
Roast peach crème fraiche • 2 peaches • brown sugar • 200ml crème fraiche Halve and stone the peaches. Sprinkle with a generous amount of brown sugar and roast at 200°c till soft and golden. When soft allow to cool so that they can be handled and then smash them to a pulp. Mix the pulp into the crème fraiche. Taste and chill
Minted pineapple • Caster sugar • Mint • Pineapple Peel pineapple and cut into thin ribbons. Take mint and sugar and place into a pestle and mortar and bash till it has turned into an aromatic sweet paste. Sprinkle the mint and sugar mash over the pineapple and mix gently.
Chris Williams Head Chef, The Vic Brew Bar, Nelson 71
Warm Kale Salad
& simple, delicious full of goodness
in three easy steps...
Kale is a great versatile green vegetable that grows well in the garden. It can be picked fresh and made into a delicious simple salad with toasted seeds and a light dressing to enhance the flavour. Eating fresh foods from the garden is of course a great way to practice sustainability. Annaporna has deviced this delicious recipe from kale growing in the garden here at Anahata.
Ingredients: • • • • • • •
Fresh picked Kale (you can use spinach or any other greens growing in your garden!) Sesame seeds Sunflower seeds Olive oil Lemon juice Tamari Salt and Pepper to taste
Method: 1. Toast seeds in a frying pan with a little tamari until golden brown, 2. Steam kale until just wilted, 3. Combine seeds, kale, olive oil, a little lemon juice, a dash of tamari, a pinch of salt and pepper.
Tasman Building Biology & Ecology Centre non-toxic choices, natural materials
Building Biology is a science of understanding the connectedness of human life with the living environment and therefore it studies the impact of buildings and building materials on the health of people. Building Biology is not too expensive, but includes the real costs up front, which in conventional building methods are passed on to the general public, the next generation and the environment. You don’t need to have a new building to have a healthier home! Are you wondering whether your home or office is making you sick? Do you want to be introduced to the principles of BUILDING BIOLOGY? Are you looking for safer materials after natural disasters and their toxic impact? Is ECOLOGICAL RESPONSIBILITY more than just two words for you?
Healthier homes Healthier workplaces Healthier environment Healthier you Building Biology works for you, for your project, for your architect and for your environment. Susanne Brutscher Tasman Building Biology, Interior Design phone: 03 540 3672
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X-mas Smile
Confessions of a stone mason Many, Many, Moons ago, when I was just a lad My life was changed forever with the feelings that I had I found a love so tender that would last throughout my life The only really tricky bit was how to tell the wife I sat her down one evening, not so long ago and said, “I think you need to brace yourself for this” “See when I leave the house each day and travel off to work, Just after we have shared a goodbye kiss” My legs begin to tremble and my heart begins to race As I close in on my other lifelong love Tenderly I hold them then I find the perfect place What joy I have, it’s fitting like a glove. My wife she started smiling and had a grin upon her face Which in a way, it took me by surprise “Don’t think I haven’t noticed” she said “I’ve seen all the tell tale signs I can even see the passion in your eyes”. My secrets out, my conscience clear, my wife she understands, But should I get the urge again to fall If I should show to much affection for the stone within my hands It’s clear for me THE WRITINGS ON THE WALL
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Healthier Living with Healthier Materials Vivid compositions of color and materials, visual warmth, enticing moods together with the knowledge of Building Biology will transform a tired house into a fresh and inviting living concept.
For new projects and redesign contact Susanne Brutscher phone 03 540 3672 web
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Ex libris
Green Urban Living Written by Janet Luke
THE BOOK As life gets busier and backyards get smaller, it is a challenge to grow food and live more sustainably. Janet Luke shows that it can be done. She calls it Gurbing or Green Urban Living – a way of working with nature to create a productive urban garden. There are no hard and fast rules, and it might just be a worm-farm on an apartment balcony or some herbs in pots but the basic principles are the same.
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This book evokes some of the methods used in traditional Kiwi backyards, with modern concepts like recycling, organics and using water sustainably to grow food and keep chickens and bees in an urban environment. Janet recommends re-using low-cost materials over heading off to the store to buy new products. The book includes top tips, handy hints from green community forums and heaps of brilliant, easy and original ideas. Step-by-step projects range from planting a tree to building a chicken tractor, with seed bombs (guerrilla gardening), a garden bug Hilton hotel and lolly flowers for the kids to enjoy.
THE AUTHOR Janet Luke BLA, MRP (Hons) is a qualified landscape architect with a Masters degree in Environmental and Resource Planning from Massey University. She has a passion for sustainable design and eco-living and she has written articles for Woman’s Day magazine about growing organic vegetables. Her garden in Havelock North has been featured in Next magazine and she is a regular exhibitor with her business Green Urban Living at the Auckland Home Show. • Practical step-by-step advice to create a productive garden. • Detailed section on worm-farming, keeping chickens and beekeeping in an urban backyard. • Inventive and exciting garden projects for children that include making a birdhouse and a wigwam. • Author has built a profile with her website and seminars at home show events.