inspire | ignite | illuminate
Messages from the Mayan Milieu Steep uphill climb to 2012
President Kennedy’s Proxi-American
Interview with Ifor Ffowcs-Williams
Issue 06 $ 9.95
Be in to win wi Hot Yo th ga
Feb/Mar 2012
Candy Clarke • Motivational Astrology • Blue Lake
Why you get fat • The Change Conundrum • Art of Bonsai
“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.� Audrey Hepburn 1929-1993, Actress
Photography by Joy Kachina
OneSmile inspire | ignite | illuminate EDITOR/PUBLISHER: Catrin Jacksties
Editor’s Letter
ART DIRECTOR: Ina Schulze Steinen EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES Contact: Catrin Jacksties CONTRIBUTORS THIS ISSUE: Tony Etchells, Joy Kachina, Bruce Rawless, Elayne Lane, Ian A. Williams, Chris Williams, Laura Raduenz, Sam Gentry, Yvonne Tait, Cliff Fell, Philippa Ross, Suzanne Masefield, Simone Dawn, Swami Karma Karuna, Candy Clarke, Amy Mc Comb, Sarah A.-J., kitchen team of Anahata, René Archner, Mark Griffiths, Steven McFadden, Caroline Foster, Alana Riley, Andrea Lawrence, Aaryn Barlow, GiGi Sosnoski Images (unless indicated): istockphoto, stockxchange, dreamstime ADVERTISING AND SPONSORSHIP Phone +64 (0)21 236 7628 SUBSCRIPTION: Reader submissions to CONTACT US: 47 Grove Street, Nelson 7010 Phone +64 (0)21 236 7628 Email: GOT A STORY FOR ONESMILE? Send to OneSmile is published bi-monthly by One Smile Ltd PRINTING: Copy Press WWW.ONESMILE.CO OneSmile (ISSN 2230-3367 and ISSN 22303405) is subject to copyright in its entirety. The contents may not be reproduced in any form in whole or part, without prior written permission of the publisher. All rights reserved in material accepted for publication, unless initially specified otherwise. Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of OneSmile. Note: the ending is not an accident (-: Please pass on, compost or recycle this magazine OneSmile is printed using offset stock with FSC-certified mixed source pulp from well-managed forests and other controlled sources. 113 gsm silk matt BJ Ball Papers
is already in full swing. The year so many have anticipated. I believe the keyword for this year is CHANGE. Change on many levels that is. We all have gotten to the conclusion (at least I hope) that we cannot continue to live our lives on this beautiful planet in the same way as we have in the past 100 years. A whole lot of healing has to be done. Healing of the earth, our relationships with each other, the past, and most importantly ourselves. The way we ‘see’ the world around us and all that is involved in our daily lives is a direct reflection of what we believe this world to be. Our own conditioned minds are ‘creating’ this reality that we experience. Most of us ‘see’ a lot of drama, turmoil and hurt and therefore we need to heal ourselves and then change the material that we feed into our minds in order to create a ‘new’ reality. Imagine! The song of John Lennon says it all. I for one am committed to healing myself and change and already am experiencing quiet a different reality. Beauty, wonder, excitement and love are all around us and the more I focus on it, the more I can ‘see’ it. I am inspired by Laura’s article about choosing a word for the year. My word
is LIGHT/light. I want to feel lighter in my life, be more playful and open minded and I want to be a LIGHT for others and inspire them to remember who we are and what is really important in life: love in its many different forms and shapes. I want to invite you to think about a word for the year and if you feel so inspired share it with us ( We will dedicate a page for our words for the year in our next issue. Let’s CHANGE together in the way we act, communicate, do business with and create relationships that reflect how we want to ‘see’ the world in the future. ‘Become the change we want to see in the world. ‘(Gandhi) One change with one smile at a time. Best wishes
Catrin Cover: Holiday picture: Merle enjoying a sunset on the West Coast
MESSAGES FROM THE MAYAN MILIEU Steep uphill climb to 2012
BLUE LAKE Nature’s miracle in front of Nelson’s doorstep
8 Messages from the Mayan Milieu Steep uphill climb to 2012
THE CHANGE CONUNDRUM The worst thing you can do is panic
ART OF BONSAI War cry of the kamikaze pilots and other myth busters
INCLUSION, PART VI The Hermetic Law of Cause and Effect
TRULY AN AMAZING EXPERIENCE A must do for your bucket list
RESTORING OUR RIVERS AND OUR HERITAGE Sustainable water management
18 Interview with Ifor Ffowcs-Williams Cluster Development
LET GO OF RESOLUTIONS Choose a word for the year
STAYING HEALTHY AS A WOMAN How do we nourish ourselves
CHANGE Simply a part of life
MANIFESTING THE POSITIVE Access to the unconscious mind
WHY YOU GET FAT The simple truth that no one told you about
KAWAKAWA The plant with an attitude
DANDELION More than a weed
32 President Kennedy’s Proxy-American A heart stopping fifteen-minute hop
STEP INTO THE LIGHT What we focus on expands
COMMITMENT IS EVERYTHING Intentions alone are worth nothing
CHOCOLATE MOUSSE TORTE Dairy and gluten free
CHAI TEA Absolutely devine
ROCKING THROUGH SUMMER Marinades and a cracking Punch
FIG AND GINGER COOKIES Vegan, sugar and gluten free
POEM BY CLIFF FELL Adultery in the age of pisces
MOTIVATIONAL ASTROLOGY Can you feel the love?
PRESIDENT KENNEDY’S PROXY-AMERICAN A heart stopping fifteen-minute hop
CANDY CLARKE The viewer must find the ‘truth’
MESSENGERS FROM THE WILDERNESS One person’s weed is another person’s wildflower
SCHOOL BROADCASTING NETWORK New Zealand schools can participate
J.R.R. TOLKIEN A household name, a classic, a life-changer
OneSmile turns one!
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Gratitude page: Readers holiday pictures
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Sales Star. Is this you?
Back to school blues?
Ex Libris: Journey into Nature
OneSmile turns One! Dear readers, I am filled with gratitude as I am writing these words for the amazing journey the creation of this magazine has send me on. I feel it is important to review my mission statement at this time and have a look at what we have achieved so far. “To grow a successful business that inspires readers in Australasia and then all over the world through encouraging articles that open the gates for change. To create financial support for projects that enhance the living on this planet for future generations and to ignite a community of likeminded people who share their vision via stories and projects that plant seeds for future generations.� Looking at this I can honestly say we are well on our way. The first year is always the hardest and I am the first to admit that the journey has its challenges. The magazine needs more subscribers, more advertisers and more ways to promote its existence. However with all the love that is poured into it in the form of people buying, subscribing and reading it, contributors
offering their beautiful skills, the most wonderful companies who support it by advertising, the donations that have been made and the encouraging emails I received are all a sign that there is a need for a magazine with only positive news, uplifting content, beautiful photography and stunning design. So I feel it is worth celebrating. The community of likeminded people is growing steadily and organically. I promise to stay true to my cause and thank you for being with me on this amazing journey. Catrin Jacksties Editor
Take as much as you need
Steep uphill climb to 2012:
Messages from the Mayan Milieu Š Copyright 2002 by Steven McFadden
In early Autumn 2002, Carlos Barrios journeyed North from his home in Guatemala to the Eastern edge of the Four Corners. In Santa Fe, New Mexico, at the tail of the Rocky Mountain spine of North America, Mr. Barrios spoke in a knowledgeable manner about the Mayan tradition and the fabled Mayan calendars.
The Mayan calendars are an object of intense interest for many thousands of people right now, because they focus upon the watershed date of Dec. 21, 2012. Everything changes then, it is said. With a cultural heritage including thousands of pyramids and temples, and a calendar that has proven itself to be astronomically accurate over millions of years, the Maya tradition is widely considered to be a mystic key to the soul of Turtle Island (North America). In public talks and in private interviews, Mr. Barrios laid out his account of the history and future of the Americas, and the larger world, based on his understanding of the Mayan tradition as both an anthropologist and an initiate. He spoke also about the path he sees ahead from now until the Winter Solstice of 2012. Accusations are often aimed at people who purport to speak of the Mayan traditions. Mr. Barrios is enmeshed in this matrix of uncertainty. He criticizes others, and he is criticized himself. He has become a figure of controversy for some traditional Mayan elders who feel he has betrayed them.
The World will Not End Carlos Barrios says he was born into a Spanish family on El Altiplano, the highlands of Guatemala. His home was in Huehuetenango, also the dwelling place of the Maya Mam tribe. With other Maya and other indigenous tradition keepers, the Mam carry part of the old ways on Turtle Island (North America). They are keepers of time, authorities on remarkable calendars that are ancient, elegant and relevant. According to Mr. Barrios, he is a historian, an anthropologist and investigator. After studying with traditional elders for 25 years since the age of 19, Barrios says he has also become a Mayan Ajq’ij, a ceremonial priest and spiritual guide, Eagle Clan. Years ago, along with his brother, Gerardo, Carlos initiated an investigation into the different Mayan calendars. He studied with many teachers. He says his brother Gerardo interviewed nearly 600 traditional Mayan elders to widen their scope of knowledge. “Anthropologists visit the temple sites,” Mr. Barrios says, “and read the stelas and inscriptions and make up stories about the Maya, but they do not read the signs correctly. It’s just their imagination. Other people write about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end. It will be transformed. The indigenous have the calendars, and know how to accurately interpret it, not others.”
The Calendars Mayan comprehension of time, seasons, and cycles has proven itself to be vast and sophisticated. The Maya understand 17 different calendars, some of them charting time accurately over a span of more than ten million years. The calendar that has steadily drawn global attention since 1987 is called the Tzolk’in or Cholq’ij. Devised ages ago and based on the cycle of the Pleiades, it is still held as sacred. With the indigenous calendars, native people have kept track of important turning points in history. For example, the daykeepers who study the calendars identified an important day in the year One Reed, Ce Acatal as it was called by the Mexican. That was the day when an important ancestor was prophesied to return, “coming like a butterfly.” The One Reed date correlates to the day that Hernando Cortez and his fleet of 11 Spanish galleons arrived from the East at what is today called Vera Cruz, Mexico. When the Spanish ships came toward shore, native people were waiting and watching to see how it would go. The billowing sails of the ships did indeed remind the scouts of butterflies skimming the ocean surface. In this manner was a new era initiated, an era they had anticipated through their calendars. The Maya termed the
new era the Nine Bolomtikus, or Nine Hells of 52 years each. As the nine cycles unfolded, land and freedom were taken from the native people. Disease and disrespect dominated. What began with the arrival of Cortez, lasted until August 16, 1987 – a date many people recall as Harmonic Convergence. Millions of people took advantage of that date to make ceremony in sacred sites, praying for a smooth transition to a new era: the World of the Fifth Sun. From that 1987 date until now, Mr. Barrios says, we have been in a time when the right arm of the materialistic world is disappearing, slowly but inexorably. We are at the cusp of the era when peace begins, and people live in harmony with Mother Earth. We are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition. As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth changes. All this, Mr. Barrios says, was foreseen via the simple, spiral mathematics of the Mayan calendars. “It will change,” Mr. Barrios observes. “Everything will change.” He said Mayan Daykeepers view the Dec. 21, 2012 date as a rebirth, the start of the World of the Fifth Sun. It will be the start of a new era resulting from – and signified by – the solar meridian crossing the galactic equator, and the earth aligning itself with the center of the galaxy. As John Major Jenkins has written in Maya Cosmogenesis 2012, at sunrise on December 21, 2012 – for the first time in 26,000 years – the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic, describing in the sky a great cross of stars and planets. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred Tree, The Tree of Life – a tree remembered in all the world’s spiritual traditions. Some observers say this alignment with the heart of the galaxy in 2012 will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the earth, cleansing it and all that dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of vibration. This process has already begun, Mr. Barrios suggested. “Change is accelerating now, and it will continue to accelerate.” If the people of the earth can get to this 2012 date in good shape, without having destroyed too much of the Earth, Mr. Barrios said, we will rise to a new, higher level. But to get there we must transform enormously powerful forces that seek to block the way.
A Picture of the Road Ahead From his understanding of the Mayan tradition and the calendars, Mr. Barrios offered a picture of where we are at and what may lie on the road ahead: The date specified in the calendar – Winter Solstice in the year 2012 – does not mark the end of the world. 11
Many outside people writing about the Mayan calendar sensationalize this date, but they do not know. The ones who know are the indigenous elders who are entrusted with keeping the tradition. “Humanity will continue,” he contends, “but in a different way. Material structures will change. From this we will have the opportunity to be more human.” • We are living in the most important era of the Mayan calendars and prophecies. All the prophecies of the world, all the traditions, are converging now. There is no time for games. The spiritual ideal of this era is action. • Many powerful souls have reincarnated in this era, with a lot of power. This is true on both sides, the light and the dark. High magic is at work on both sides. • Things will change, but it is up to the people how difficult or easy it is for the changes to come about. • The North and South Poles are both breaking up. The level of the water in the oceans is going to rise. But at the same time, land in the ocean, especially near Cuba, is also going to rise.
A Call for Fusion As he met with audiences in Santa Fe, Mr. Barrios told a story about the most recent Mayan New Year ceremonies in Guatemala. He said that one respected Mam elder, who lives all year in a solitary mountain cave, journeyed to Chichicastenango to speak with the people at the ceremony. The elder delivered a simple, direct message. He called for human beings to come together in support of life and light. Right now each person and group is going his or her own way. The elder of the mountains said there is hope if the people of the light can come together and unite in some way. Reflecting on this, Mr. Barrios explained: “We live in a world of polarity: day and night, man and woman, positive and negative. Light and darkness need each other. They are a balance. Just now the dark side is very strong, and very clear about what they want. They have their vision and their priorities clearly held, and also their hierarchy. They are working in many ways so that we will be unable to connect with the spiral Fifth World in 2012.” “On the light side everyone thinks they are the most important, that their own understandings, or their group’s understandings, are the key. There’s a diversity of cultures and opinions, so there is competition, diffusion, and no single focus.” As Mr. Barrios sees it, the dark side works to block fusion through denial and materialism. It also works to destroy those who are working with the light to get the Earth to a higher
level. They like the energy of the old, declining Fourth World, the materialism. They do not want it to change. They do not want fusion. They want to stay at this level, and are afraid of the next level. The dark power of the declining Fourth World cannot be destroyed or overpowered. It’s too strong and clear for that, and that is the wrong strategy. The dark can only be transformed when confronted with simplicity and openheartedness. This is what leads to fusion, a key concept for the World of the Fifth Sun. Mr. Barrios said the emerging era of the Fifth Sun will call attention to a much-overlooked element. Whereas the four traditional elements of earth, air, fire and water have dominated various epochs in the past, there will be a fifth element to reckon with in the time of the Fifth Sun: ether. The dictionary defines ether as the rarefied element thought to fill the upper regions of space, the Heavens. Ether is a medium that permeates all space and transmits waves of energy in a wide range of frequencies, from cell phones to human auras. What is “ethereal” is related to the regions beyond earth: the heavens. Ether – the element of the Fifth Sun – is celestial, and lacking in material substance, but is no less real than wood, wind, flame, stone or flesh. “Within the context of ether there can be a fusion of the polarities,” Mr. Barrios said. “No more darkness or light in the people, but an uplifted fusion.
We Have Work to Do
Find your heart, and you will find your way.
According to Mr. Barrios this is a crucially important moment for humanity, and for earth. Each person is important. If you have incarnated into this era, you have spiritual work to do balancing the planet. He said the elders have opened the doors so that other races can come to the Mayan world to receive the tradition. The Maya have long appreciated and respected that there are other colors, other races, and other spiritual systems. “They know,” he said, “that the destiny of the Mayan world is related to the destiny of the whole world.” “The greatest wisdom is in simplicity,” Mr. Barrios advised before leaving Santa Fe. “Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forgiveness. It’s not complex or elaborate. The real knowledge is free. It’s encoded in your DNA. All you need is within you. Great teachers have said that from the beginning. Find your heart, and you will find your way.”
American journalist Steven McFadden is the author of 12 nonfiction books, including The Call of the Land, Profiles in Wisdom, and Tales of the Whirling Rainbow: Authentic Myths & Mysteries for 2012. To learn more visit 13
Let Go of Resolutions &choose a Word for the Year by Laura Raduenz Small business Mentor & Life Coach
Here is an example of how to use your word. My word for 2011 was Gorgeous. I loved this word and it really worked for me. I would use the word like this: • How could I make my life more Gorgeous today, this week, this month? • What do I need to do to create a really Gorgeous business? • How could I create Gorgeous health today, this week? • What might I do to feel really Gorgeous today? • How could I make this relationship feel or be more Gorgeous? • How could I feel more Gorgeous about this situation? • How is my life really Gorgeous right now? • How might I allow more Gorgeousness to flow in my life? • How would I feel if I created a really Gorgeous life?!
I used it every day in all situations. And, my intuition popped up with my right next action. It was a really fun and playful word, always made me smile, and yet helped me grow in a creative way. Looking back, my life became more Gorgeous this past year. Here is an example of how to came up with your word this year: • Allow a few words to come to mind over a few days • Write down your words • Allow yourself to “test them out” or “try them on” for a day during various activities • Allow your intuition to tell you your right word for 2012 • There is no one right word for you, but the word should feel right in your heart, your gut, your head My word for 2012 is Delightful. I want to delight myself, my clients, my loved ones this year. I want to add delight to my day, my business endeavors, and add delight to all my activities. I will look for what is delightful in my day and my life and be grateful for it. So, that is how I will use my word of the year. Have fun with your word. Let it guide you, grow you, help you create a better, more beautiful life. Try it, and let me know how it goes.
Oh, this is such a playful change from the usual new year resolution process. I just love this, and hope you do, too… Here’s the idea… rather than making a list of new year resolutions, choose a word for the year to help guide, challenge, grow, and steer you throughout the year. This word can be used to guide you in your life, your business, your health, your relationships, and your environment. Your word can be very simple, straightforward, and traditional like Health, Prosperity, Wealth, Abundance, Release, Grow, Success, Family, Love, Friendship, Freedom, Inspire, Simplicity, Allow, Attract, Fun, Playful, Laugh, Smile, or Joy. Or, your word can be a little more different from the norm like Shine, Courage, Light, Ease, Gratitude, Flow, Empowerment, Self Confidence, Energy, Momentum, Focus, Clarity, Space, Grace, Delight, Learn, Yes, No, Awe, or Wonder. Your word may pop into your head right away, or you may need to reflect and “try out” a few words. Listen to, and trust, your intuition on what is the right word for you.
Laura Raduenz is a small business Mentor & Life Coach who helps her clients think big, be bold, step up, and take inspired action in their lives and business. 15
Our universe is constantly changing. It is a natural unavoidable element of the energetic system that sustains life. We therefore, are also constantly changing although we may not be consciously aware of it. Environmental energy affects us and the way we interact with the world. The earths energy constantly charges us with information so we can grow and develop.
The Change Conundrum by Philippa Ross
Appreciate – Make a list of all the scrummy things in your life to help put you in a positive frame of mind.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.
Our spirit senses the energy and communicates a response to the information via feelings which are then translated by the brain. The brain processes the sensations into thoughts and physical responses to cause action that will transform the particles that resonate so they can nourish us, while the negative disruptive particles are discharged. The changes are often so subtle that we don’t notice our emotional, mental or physical responses, but the body accumulates, stores and adjusts the way it functions accordingly. Turbulent feelings, thoughts and physical signs of illness are signals that the natural rhythm of the body is in chaos and in need of attention. The ‘Change Conundrum’ can be confusing and uncomfortable because we know we need to do something, but the fear of stepping outside of what we know can be scary and we feel we have no control. The discomfort of feeling fearful is worse than the perceived fear itself. The worst thing you can do is panic. It’ll drive you nuts! The best thing you can do is ‘unplug’ yourself from the world. Take yourself off to a new environment; a peaceful library, a walk in the bush, chill out in your favourite café, soak in the bath surrounded by candles – find a place where you feel relaxed. Use the ‘Change Check-Out’ to connect with your inner wisdom and find the courage you need to change the things that matter to you so you can release the negativity and make room for new ideas and opportunities to rise.
Breathe – Focused breathing quietens the mind and relaxes the body. Place one hand on the nape of your neck. Use the other hand to tap the top of your head as you breathe in. Tap your chest as your breathe out. Repeat twice. Move the hand on your head up a bit further and repeat the tapping and breathing exercise twice more in this position. Continue moving the hand on your head until you reach the final position over your eyes. Conscious awareness – Consciously connect to the feelings, thoughts and physical sensations you have. Write down all your experiences; even the bizarre ones that appear to be irrelevant. This process will help you gain clarity on the situation and establish what’s important to you. Digest & decide – Let the dust settle and focus your attention on other matters for a day then go back to your jottings as it will help broaden your perception of the perceived obstacles you fear which will facilitate your ability to decide what you want the opportunity of change to realise for you so you can create meaningful targets to aim for. Express your intent – Keep your target in mind – morning, noon and night. Put notes up around the house or office, talk to friends and colleagues. Spread your word to add fuel to your intentions. Feel your positive energy expand. Focus your efforts – Ensure your thoughts, feelings and physical actions align with your intentions and you’ll discover your body finds its natural rhythm again. Don’t wait till you’re forced to make changes. Use the Change Check-Out on a regular weekly basis to enhance your wellbeing, cherish your soul and gain peace of mind. 17
Ifor Ffowcs-Williams CEO Cluster Navigators Ltd
One Smile talks with Ifor Ffowcs-Williams about Cluster Development OS: Can you give us a brief background of your career path Ifor? Ifor: I was born in Whales, so I speak Welsh and lived in London for a while and worked with large corporations in London. I then moved to Canada and then came from Canada to New Zealand. That was 30 years ago. So I now describe myself as a kiwi. My work experience is mainly with large corporate and nationals and now I work with New Zealand Export agencies (New Zealand Trade and Enterprise). By observing small companies in this country competing
with each other I realized the potential of networking and forming alliances. However I realized it weren’t only firms that needed to work together but also the local systems. It was firms along with technical training and along with polytecs and local government, national agencies and universities if there are any. At that took me down the track of local cluster development. We are sitting here in Nelson and a good example of a local cluster network is seafood and fishing. But it is also related to fishing like marine engineering firms, marine lawyers. Another cluster is wellness. The people in Boutique
and Bed and Breakfast business, people supplying services and also supplying wellness related products. In Nelson we also have a wide range of art and craft people. So Cluster is a natural occurrence. It’s not as if a government suddenly decided let’s invent some IT cluster rather it comes thru naturally. So most of my work around the world is training people in the process of cluster development, doing workshops and often just bringing people together.
OS: Would you say that ‘cluster development’ is relatively new or where does it originate? Ifor: Clusters are natural phenomena. If you go back to ancient Greece and the main market in Athens, jewelery people clustered in one corner of the market and fruit and vegetables clustered in another. It happens naturally. It is only
in the last 20 years that clustering has been acknowledged as the way the world is working, the way the world is moving. Therefore when it comes to process of economic development, clusters are now much higher on the agenda than they have been in the past. For us here in New Zealand, we are still struggling.
OS: What is the difference between a cluster and a network? Ifor: Some people use the words equally. I think of a network as being a subgroup within a cluster, such as for e.g. a person making chairs and someone else is making tables and they form a network to jointly market or perhaps to develop a common design between them. And those two furniture companies might be part of a wider cluster. So a network is a group within a cluster.
© Cluster Navigators Ltd, 2007 Infographic by Tecads 19
OS: What do you like about clusters and what is your specific role in developing them? Ifor: I guess I want to change the world. I want to change the world one region at a time. So my work has taken me so far to 45 countries around the world. Part of my work is introducing the concept but also helping different government agencies work as a team and to work as a team along with businesses and academic institutions in a region. A useful concept here is a triple helix. Triple helix meaning public agencies, academia and governments working together to mutual advantages. But often as I was describing I see people isolated, unable to reach out. I see people coming to first meetings and the body language is like “this isn’t working”. And part of what we need to do is break that culture down. We need to respect that there can be differences between us but we can still collaborate and still work together.
OS: What are the benefits of becoming a member of a cluster? Ifor: A cluster does not necessarily have a membership. It is not like a private club. Anybody here for e.g. who is involved in wellness is in my mind automatically part of that wellness community, part of that wellness cluster. Cluster is an open door generating more open communications, where people can still have their secrets, their confidential. But there are other things, particularly as trust develops that I can share and that I can open up with. And the process of a cluster development is expanding those areas where open communication can take place and it can be a win – win. It should not be an exclusive club.
OS: What do you consider our biggest obstacle to create more clusters here in New Zealand?
Ifor: We have an absence of public funding in New Zealand to support the secretary to support the lubrication of a cluster initiative. Fundamentally the issue is the development of trust. And that takes time. It is not like switching a light bulb on. You actually got to know each other and you got to be comfortable with each other. And trust doesn’t really come thru Skype type conversation. It doesn’t come on the remote. It comes when we are eyeballing. And the key phrase I use is: ‘cluster development is dependant on eyeballing not emailing.’ It takes time. Once you have developed a relationship then you can pick it up on Skype or email but it is still no substitute to being close. It is only when we are close that high value tacit information is exchanged. The information that carries knowledge is exchanged when we are eyeballing.
OS: Would you like to share your most rewarding experience when it comes to cluster networks? Ifor: Let me take you to Zanzibar. A very poor island, though exotic. There is a lady at the University in Zanzibar who has two PHD’s in marine science. She is Tanzanian. She lived in Israel for a while and also speaks Hebrew. She was in Finland for her second PHD and speaks Finnish. She put it to me and said: I don’t want to write any more papers on marine science. I want to do something for my people. She joined me for a 5 day cluster training workshop. She now has 10 000 ladies in Zanzibar growing seaweed. They make one dollar a day. This is terrific. She has changed the lives of those 10 000 women and their families. She helped them to develop export contacts in Japan and she is a success. She is making a difference. She is a terrific lady. I get a lot of satisfaction out of people like that. email: web:
Adultery in the Age of Pisces
by Cliff Fell
How does it go, Lord, How does the old song go? Didn’t we love you enough, Lord, When you were a little fish? 20
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Art of Bonsai by Mark Griffiths
by Mark Griffiths
Bonsai, the ancient and mysterious art of miniature trees has been practiced
in Asia for at least 2000 years. It is
no longer a purely Asian curiosity
but is now a global interest. Within
the last fifty years this pastime has
been embraced by the western world.
But it need not be a mystery… Acer Palmatum “Early Spring” This tree is 90cm High and over 100 years old with Walter Pall who has worked on the tree for 20 years.
most people will Unfortunately most of what the general population believe they know about Bonsai is completely false: They believe that bonsai trees are pot bound, deprived and harshly treated to stunt their growth, in a nutshell tree torture to the untrained eye. On the contrary, the trees are lovingly fed and watered often. Planted in special blends of soil and need plenty of sunshine. If a Bonsai was never re-potted it will eventually lose its vigor and die. People think that Bonsai are indoor plants: No! Bonsai need to be kept outside and are only brought inside briefly for display. Someone once asked me how a tree was shrunk? I’m afraid that technology only exists on computer screens or at the cinema. Another belief is that all Bonsai must be small: Some Bonsai can be as large as two metres in height. My personal preference is a tree between 600mm–900mm high. I have even heard it stated that the word “Bonsai” was the war cry of the kamikaze pilots of Japan. I hardly think that while diving toward an enemy ship on a suicide mission, about to be engulfed by a fiery death, that one would scream out, ‘Pot Plant!!’ This is the literal translation of the word Bonsai. A Bonsai however is so much more than just a pot plant. What you are actually striving to create is the look and feel of a mature tree, only in miniature. So what makes a tree look mature apart from its size? The answer is bark and branch ramification. The bark
probably never
get to see a truly
special tree. Their
only contact with
Bonsai being what is offered for sale
at a hardware store or garden centre.
Those pitiful things
which are regrettably labeled Bonsai.
A nursery plant jammed into a
tiny pot one week
before sale does not a Bonsai make.
on a juvenile tree is generally smooth, whereas mature trees have a very rough and fissured texture. Mature trees also have a fine branch structure that the juvenile trees don’t have. These are two things a great bonsai will have in abundance and that is what creates the illusion. A true Bonsai has majesty, a presence about it. It has soul. It will draw an emotional response from the viewer. Perhaps a memory of a place, a tree seen in a field or the reminder of a childhood pastime playing in the big old tree in the backyard. This is where Bonsai shifts from a hobby or craft into the realm of art. Personally when I view a really great Bonsai my eyes begin to spiral like a mesmerized cartoon character. Unfortunately most people will probably never get to see a truly special tree. Their only contact with Bonsai being what is offered for sale at a hardware store or garden centre. Those pitiful things which are regrettably labeled Bonsai. A nursery plant jammed into a tiny pot one week before sale does not make a Bonsai. So what is a genuine Bonsai? Bonsai which have grown in the wild are created mainly by two forces. Harsh conditions and grazing animals. Most natural Bonsai are found in mountainous areas near the snow line. Here the soil may be scarce and impoverished; coupled with very short growing seasons. A tree which normally would grow to 15–20 meters may be only half a meter high and yet is over a hundred years old. 23
The other way is where sheep, cattle or deer have been continuously grazing the new growth from a tree. Over many years this results in a very swat and stunted form. Bonsai trees can be expensive. This generally reflects its age and the amount of time and work gone into a tree. A quality tree can range from a few hundred to a few million dollars for an exceptional tree with a long history. However I would definitely not recommend a novice to go and purchase a tree worth several thousand dollars. They will not have the necessary skills needed to nurture and maintain it. You have to be able to walk before you can run. Most people start with inexpensive material. Either purchased from a nursery, found and dug up from a field (with permission) or even their own backyard. Naturally we don’t want to wait a hundred years for the Bonsai process to take place. There are countless publications and internet forums for “how to” resources. One of the best ways to learn and gain some skills is to join a club. There you will find plenty of friendly advice and plant material available. Once you have a tree there are many means and techniques for accelerating the Bonsai process. Some of these might seem counter intuitive to how this occurs naturally in the wild. At the beginning of creating a Bonsai you want as much growth as you can get. This means resisting the overwhelming urge to put your beloved tree into a Bonsai pot. “What”, I hear you say. Isn’t the Bonsai pot the key to everything? No it isn’t. A Bonsai pot is the end destination not the beginning. By starting your tree either in the ground (a growing bed)
or in a large box or container you can accelerate the process. Gaining larger trunk diameters and far more branching. You can get the growth you require in five years that would take twenty years in a Bonsai pot. Worry about the pot later after you’ve created a nice tree. This process is still going to involve plenty of time and patience. I maintain it takes ten to fifteen years to create a real Bonsai. You need to try and visualize what the tree will look like in
It takes ten to
fifteen years to
create a real Bonsai.
You need to try and visualize what the tree will look like
in five, ten or even
20 years from now.
five, ten or even 20 years from now. Along the way you will have learnt the necessary skills. In an age of ‘instant everything’ this statement does not sit well with many people. We want it now! We might be dead in that time! What I have come to understand through my time spent with Bonsai is, that it really is as much about the journey as it is about the destination. You embark on a journey, a partnership with the tree. As the tree is a living thing it grows and changes. So a Bonsai can never truly be finished. This reminds me of a story I was once told of an elderly Chinese man living in Sydney: A young man went to his home to view the old man’s Bonsai collection. He saw what he considered to be an outstanding Bonsai still growing in the ground. He asked why this tree was not in a pot and on display. The old Chinaman waved his finger and replied. ”No no, another fifteen years!” To which the young man exclaimed, “But you are eighty-five years old!” You see the old man understood it was all about the journey. He knew that he was creating something that hopefully would live on long after he was gone. That was reward enough for him. In Asia it is not uncommon for a bonsai to outlive numerous owners and is often passed down generation to generation. Bonsai can even outlive their brethren in the wild. So who knows, with a greenish thumb, some imagination and a dash of artistic flair? You too may be able to create a masterpiece that will outlive you.
Mark is a Nelson resident, a member of the Nelson Bonsai Club. President: Nigel ph 0211784241
Wellness Retreat in Kaiteriteri
Package Specials from
Be our Guest... Located just one hour from sunny Nelson, Kimi Ora Spa Resort in Kaiteriteri is the perfect place to relax and unwind all year around. Kimi Ora is for everyone.You are welcome to hire a mountain bike to try the hugely popular Kaiteriteri MTB Park or take a dip in our heated indoor or outdoor swimming and spa pools or relax in the sauna. Or how about treating yourself to a spa treatment (open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays). Set amongst the treetops, our solid timber eco friendly Swiss-style chalets are the perfect place to reconnect with nature and yourself. You’ll be delighted by the uninterrupted views of Kaiteriteri beach, estuary and surrounding bush-clad hills and the abundant bird life.
Kimi Ora Spa Resort 99 Martin Farm Road Kaiteriteri, New Zealand
Phone: 0508 KIMIORA (5464672) Email: Online:
Package One: Day stay, breakfast buffet, 1/2 hour treatments All for $79 per person* Package Two: Boat Trip from Nelson with Sea Shuttle, pick up and drop off from Kaiteriteri, breakfast, day stay, 1/2 hour treatments All for $99 per person* * Conditions apply Please mention this advertisement when you book a package
Staying Healthy as a woman – Are you looking after yourself?
by Elayne Lane
Staying healthy when we have busy lives can be quite a challenge. As women we spend a lot of time looking after other people and lose focus on taking care of ourselves. We are often bottom of the list, yet we are no good to anyone when we get exhausted, grouchy, can’t think clearly and forget to laugh. So here is a reminder on what to pay attention to.
egular checkups. This can be with anyone who can give you honest feedback about how they see you. Your GP, a naturopath, BodyTalker, health professional, masseuse, kinesiologist or a really good friend all can act as a sounding board to see where you are at. Do you feel tired all the time or do you have lots of energy? Are your glands up? Do you sleep well? What is your menstrual cycle like, is it changing? How is your emotional life, does it have ups and downs, have lots of drama, are you depressed or are you happy and on an even keel? Are you anxious or worried and what about? Are you eating well, gaining or loosing weight? Does your skin glow or does it have a different pallor? Do you feel loved or is life a bit empty at the moment. Do you sparkle or are you dull? What could you do about it? I believe the key to staying healthy is nourishment. Recently I asked the question “how do we nourish ourselves and where is our source of love that keeps us full and happy?” Often we go outside of ourselves to get filled up: time with our friends, going to an uplifting movie or show, buying a dress, being in nature, dancing, music, spending time with a loved one or our children. When we really enjoy the interaction then we absorb the energy and fill up. Enjoyment seems to be the key – it makes us feel happy and expanded. During times where our friends and family are not available to give to us, we have to develop new strategies to replenish our supply. I believe this supply comes from within our own being: meditating on our inner beauty, smiling into our bodies, treating ourselves to a relaxing bath with all the trimmings and then basking in the water, taking time out to sit and be still, doing some chi kung, yoga or tai chi, breathing deeply or saying words of affirmation to ourselves. It is an inner loving experience. When we really enjoy the experience, being fully present to it, we are nourished. However if we care for ourselves and still think about the chores or worry about the children at the same time, it just doesn’t work. In my experience there are certain situations that put us off balance: We run around after so many people that we don’t take care of ourselves by not eating properly or getting stressed. This means we don’t absorb our food as well and our body begins to lack nutrients and is more prone to getting sick. The stress stops us from sleeping properly and we get tired. Poor nutrient uptake, stress and emotional strain affects our hormones and we can develop a chemical imbalance which leads to feeling flat or emotional swings. In my practice I see several people a year who say their emotions are out of control due to long term stressful situations. After seeing a good naturopath and balancing their hormones through herbal remedies they feel like different people altogether. They can cope with life and their emotions settle down again. When our hormones are off, we are not ourselves! Movement is a wonderful way to release stress and connect with ourselves. Chi kung, tai chi, dance, walking, any form
of exercise which we enjoy can change our state of mind instantly. It enables our energy to flow and we can connect to a sense of inner “lightness”. On a more personal level breast cancer seems to be around us everywhere these days. Take time to massage your breasts while you are in the shower. It doesn’t take long and it keeps the breast tissue and lymph healthy. Did you know that there is a direct connection from the breasts to the heart. When we massage the breasts the heart releases nourishing/loving energy which makes us feel good – why not spread it around? It’s there anyway, we just need to activate it. Push up bras give us shape but do have some loose bras with no underwire to wear or go braless when you are at home. The lymph in our breasts moves freely when there are no pieces of metal pushed hard up against the vessels and blocking them. Lower abdomen massage also helps keep our ovaries and uterus healthy. There are some very good exercises which help: squats, forward bends, gentle pelvic curls all assist the movement of lymph and blood in this area. If you work with a lot of chemicals or use perfumes and strong smelling creams, have had lots of fillings removed, frequently use hair dyes, it is worth getting checked for heavy metals now and then. These sink to the lowest part of your abdomen and affect your reproductive health. The other part of us which looses tone when we get older is the pelvic floor. With the loss of tone comes incontinence and we actually loose life force energy this way too. So gentle squeezing of the pelvic floor keeps us healthy on lots of levels. It can be done anywhere and only you will know – you can even smile when you do it. It goes without saying that making healthy food choices and being discerning about the amount of alcohol we consume also has huge benefits to our bodies. I frequently use an affirmation “I make healthy choices about the food and drink I consume.” This keeps my mind focused on getting good nutrients in through my diet intake. I have noticed that sometimes I get a craving for orange juice, spirulina or to eat a certain food. The more I listen to my body and respond to its requests the healthier I get. Nourishment also comes from being open to receive from our family, friends, pets, nature and even what “life” has to offer. It is a rich tapestry and to receive is to be in the flow. Nourishment comes from everywhere and taking the time to enjoy its many forms means we stay healthy and have a lot to give. Life truly is abundant when we let it be.
Its not easy building this into your lifestyle on your own. Women’s Wellbeing Courses to assist you to get into the routine of naturally nurturing yourself are being run by Elayne. Elayne Lane is an Aromatherapist, Touch for Health Kinesiologist, she also practices Chi Nei Tsang and teaches classes from the Universal Healing Tao. She can be contacted on 03 547 0373. 27
OneSmile is introducing
Dolphin Watch Ecotours Truly an amazing experience Cruise the scenic Marlborough Sounds with the wildlife and nature experts. Operating for over 16 years they are committed to educating, sharing and inspiring people from all walks of life. Along the way to Motuara Island bird sanctuary, they will provide their guests with excellent photo opportunities as they stop with and describe the dolphins, fur seals and seabirds that reside in the Queen Charlotte Sound. Dolphin Watch Ecotours has been operating award-winning tours from the scenic port town of Picton since 1994. Over the years, their primary focus has been to provide their guests with an extremely high-quality and well-rounded nature experience to remember and to work very closely with the department of conservation. Dolphin Watch Ecotours is the only daily operator permitted by the Departement of Conservation to search for dolphins and seals in the Queen Charlotte Sounds. Dusky dolphins are found throughout the winter and spring and are the most acrobatic of all dolphins. Hector’s dolphins are the world’s rarest and smallest marine dolphins and are summer residents there. Bottlenose dolphins visit at intervals throughout the year. They never know when we will see them but they are great fun. Fur seals are often found in the Sounds either on the rocks or in the water.
‘Viewing dolphins in their underwater world is truly an amazing experience! Our marine mammal permit allows us to interact with dusky, common, Hector’s and bottlenose dolphins in the area. We are likely to encounter New Zealand Fur seals and a variety of seabirds along the way. A portion of every fare goes towards studying the dolphins and whales of the Marlborough Sounds. This tour is an open ocean experience and dependent on safe weather conditions.’ They offer a tour to Motuara Island as well as a trip to Historic Ship Cove and have a great knowledge of the bird life in the area. The Birdwatchers Expedition is devoted to finding two rare and endangered bird species on the top of any keen birdwatchers list. The rare King shag and the South Island saddleback. Dolphin Watch and Nature Ecotours is owned and operated by two families, Glen and Marion McNeilly and Paul and Claire Keating. They employ a small professional team of experienced knowledgeable and enthusiastic guides. phone: 0800-Wildlife (945 354 33) The Waterfront, Picton
Photography by Joy Kachina 29
l e e f u o y Can ? e v o L e th y al Astrolog Motivation 2 Forecast 1 0 2 h c r a February-M
by GiGi Sosnoski Keep Looking Up! Ltd.
Love. The Universal language! It is the thing that makes us human and the greatest gift we can give or receive. Love makes life worthwhile and supplies us with hope. No matter how we express it, share it, find it or use it, love makes all things possible. Having something or someone to love in your life is as important as oxygen. It doesn’t matter how we express love, just so we do. We can share it with our partner, family, friends, pets, in our work and activities, or within ourselves. As we celebrate the romance of Valentines Day this month we also get an Astrological push to embrace greater love in our lives, show more heart to those we care about and find passion in how we do things. How will the Astrological energies assist us in making the most of the weeks ahead?
LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS: Love is in the air, but keeps it real. Unrealistic expectations and idealized views of romance don’t bring long-term fulfillment. Recognize the difference between smoke-and-mirrors infatuation and the real thing. Love is a learned skill: good communication, mutual respect, developing common interests, trust, and finding what works for both is key. In partnerships or friendships remember that it’s a two-way street. You know what you want, but the ability to focus on the other person, and respond to meet their needs, will make you better at love overall.
WORK & FINANCE: Do what you love – but mostly do what caters to your strengths. Know your abilities, talents and the areas where you are most likely to succeed. Realize that your job does not define you, but the way you do it does. Your attitude toward work and your colleagues makes the difference – in your productivity, advancement and how you are seen by others. Find significance (and passion!) in what you do – realize that whatever your job, you are contributing to an essential service, a larger concern or a greater cause. When it comes to finances, it’s not about how much you make but how you spend it that counts. This is the month to identity and eliminate luxury services that you don’t really need. Keep a detailed list of how you spend your money. Cut out the extras and stop impulse buying – it’s as bad a habit as overeating. Put your finances on a diet – set a budget, stick to it, and start saving for something you love. Your efforts will be rewarded!
HOME & FAMILY: Your home is not necessarily where you were born and your family is not necessarily those you were raised with. For the most part, we’re blessed with the ability to choose those we associate with and the place we reside. Although we all have family to consider, many times our pick of friends makes up our “tribe”. What, where and
who you give love and attention to in your life is a reflection of you. This month we become more aware of the connection we have with those we consider our “family” and the community that we occupy. Sharing love with those close to our heart, regardless of their blood relation, is highlighted now.
HEALTH & SELF: What do you spend time on? That’s what you love! Explore your interests. Discover a project that brings you joy, volunteer for an organization you believe in, or get involved in a project that inspires you. Feeling excited about something keeps you healthy. Immersing yourself in a passionate pastime reduces depression, relieves stress and brings greater balance to life. Consider the things you appreciate about yourself, all that you’ve done, all that you have survived, and the true beauty within you! This is the month for being grateful for who you are, appreciating what you have – all of which encourages positivity and prosperity! *Neptune, the transcendental planet, has now moved into its natural sign of Pisces, where it stays for the next 14 years – the first time since 1847! Like that time 165 years ago, we come into an inspiring era of new communications, spirituality, creativity and humanitarian endeavors. This is also a green light to move forward regarding the love of the earth, all creatures, fellow man – and yourself! This is a time to share your Smiles!
If you would like to see more of the individual astrological alignment dates and what’s in store for birthdays in the weeks ahead, please go to my KeepLookingUp! With Much Warmth, Heart and StarLight to you ALL – and Keep Looking Up! GiGi
Motivational Astrology
See GiGi’s website at or contact her on 04 9051996 to find out more about how she can help you to achieve your dreams! Follow me on Facebook
See GiGi at the Nelson Evolve Festival 18–19 February & the Auckland New Spirit Festival 25–26 February
• GiGi Sosnoski has over 25 years of experience giving astrological readings • Motivational Astrology looks at your birth chart and forecast in terms of potential and possibilities, helping you to see what you can be, if you open up to change.
Motivational Life Coaching • Motivational Life Coaching helps you define and achieve your life ambitions • If you’re serious about wanting change, coaching from GiGi is the best way to make it happen.
President Kennedy’s Proxy-american by Tony Etchells
Kennedy’s ‘end of the decade’ deadline for a Moon landing was looming, and America didn’t have a spacecraft. At the Grumman plant in Bethpage, Long Island the Lunar Module was emerging as a fine and unsinkable ship; but in 1968 it was much too heavy and falling behind schedule as Grumman’s engineers wrestled every problem from faulty wiring to rusting metal. When NASA finally took delivery of their ‘finished’ spacecraft in June, quality control at Cape Canaveral listed 100 separate faults. In the race for the Moon, Soviet Russia already held the significant firsts. America was running out of time. It’s around now that George Low, a senior NASA manager, has an audacious idea – perhaps the most audacious single notion of the whole adventure. A trans-lunar crossing of some 243,000 miles takes 66 hours by Apollo spacecraft, roughly the time it takes an ocean liner to cross the Atlantic. America’s Moon attempt was set to take a giant leap forward early in 1969, when astronauts Bill Anders, Jim Lovell and Frank Borman became the first human beings to leave Earth orbit and head for the Moon. En route, they planned to turn their Apollo 8 Command and Service Module around, dock with the Lunar Module, then loop once around the Moon’s far-side, before letting gravity slingshot them home. A launch date was slated for February, but that assumed a Lunar Module that was ready. Convinced that Apollo couldn’t wait, Low suggested an early Moon flight without a Lunar Module. Instead of flying a simple figure of eight loop, Anders, Lovell and Borman would use their Service Module’s huge engine to brake into lunar orbit. Spending Christmas Eve 1968 orbiting the Moon, they’d become the first truly global TV stars in an appearance timed to make their worldwide audience, however briefly, Americans-by-proxy. I know that’s what happened, because I was one such proxy-American. I saw the whole thing on television. I can’t really remember, as I’d barely turned nine but the optimism and hope which comes with spaceflight is still with me and this is my Apollo story: So, where to begin? How about the twenty-nine words with which Kennedy inspired a nation and influenced the course of countless lives: “I believe 33
this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to Earth.” It was May 25th. 1961 less than a month after a heart stopping fifteen-minute hop made an apprehensive Alan Shepard America’s first man in space, and Kennedy committed America to the Moon. I was too young to notice, but by the time of Apollo 8’s Christmas broadcast I was already part-way American and hooked. Thus inspired, I built my own version of the interior of Apollo 8’s Command Module inside a cupboard in the south Manchester bedroom I shared with my two younger brothers. I’m not, of course, really American. I’m from the industrialized north of England, a few bus stops from Manchester United’s ground. While most of my mates dreamed of a pilgrimage to Old Trafford, my vision of terra incognita involved footprints on another world. This is the first of Kennedy’s gifts to me - heroes who flew. Their courage and skill evoked a vision of male grace, which offered a nine year old who didn’t like soccer a workable alternative to George Best. Second, much more recently (and I think much more important), I’ve realized that through Apollo, Kennedy introduced me to a life-changing idea – a universe existed beyond the confines of my terraced street. Perhaps it’s only natural that a kid from an industrial heartland should first sense romance and beauty in machines. But it’s this ‘poetry in nuts and bolts’ feel, this sense of things infinite in things specific, which stays with me after over forty years. It’s peculiar to spaceflight but also central to my other area of concern - scripted drama. Space flight is, after all, a journey into abstractions, into pure numbers, but one dependant entirely upon solidly reliable engineering. The Saturn V rocket had 2 million separate components and, at lift-off, harbored more explosive power than an atomic bomb. It could heft 124 tons into Earth orbit, send 45 of them to the Moon and its massive first stage took just two and a half minutes to reach an altitude of 38 miles. But for all of that horsepower and tonnage what it made possible was an epic of exploration in an era of voyages, the best ever romance, brief and intense, a love affair with the Moon which was over the moment it began. We can see the Apollo saga as a sequence of tank pressures and switch settings, or we can see it as a story of human expansion, uniquely free from territorial conflict, reigniting the myth of the covered wagon as a journey to a truly virgin land. We can see it as a politician’s edict becoming a vision for engineers then a journey of a quarter of a million miles. At journey’s end, Uncle Sam wins the Space Race and we all have a clearer idea of who we are. In his novel From Earth to the Moon, Jules Verne describes the ‘Yankees’ as “…the first mechanicians in the world, as Italians are musicians or Germans metaphysicians, by right of birth…” and
what’s striking about Apollo is the way it lets into the metaphysical and the transcendent, just as readily as it reminds us of nuts and bolts. Take Neil Armstrong’s very first act as he stepped on the Moon: he glanced down to check where he’d placed his feet. Finding a giant’s leap in his one small step, he spoke simultaneously as a representative of his evolving species and as a lone pioneer. We can see Apollo as simply a waypoint in thousands of careers. We can just as easily see it as human destiny, and I can’t help thinking that my childhood introduction to the infinite in the specific is the reason I’m a dramatist, and that it’s no accident my route into television was via an unsolicited script for the BBC’s science fiction series, Doctor Who. Dramatists are, by definition, people who seek the universal in the particular. Flying to the Moon is both as symbolic and as objective as it gets! By May 18th 1969 and Apollo 10 – NASA’s ‘full-up’ dress rehearsal for the lunar landing – I was armed with The ABC of Space; an illustrated dictionary of space flight published by Thames TV with a foreword by a Magpie presenter. For those of you unfamiliar with the history of U.K. television, Magpie was a children’s magazine show; a sort of sassy younger cousin to the BBC’s Blue Peter. Having used my new reading to decode the astronauts’ jargon and grasp some of the principles of spaceflight I wasn’t just an earthbound spectator. As John Young orbited the Moon in ‘Charlie Brown’ and Tom Stafford and Gene Cernan flew Lunar Module ‘Snoopy’ to scout out a potential landing site for Apollo 11, proxyAmerican Tony Etchells sat in a cupboard in south Manchester riding with them. My dad woke me early on July, 21st. 1969, in good time (in the U.K), to see Neil Armstrong become the first human being to test his weight on the Moon. I wasn’t just ready – I was perfect for Apollo 11, one of six hundred million human beings who watched or listened spellbound! I knew that nothing like it had happened before. What I couldn’t know was that nothing like it would have happened since. But I don’t want to end on a negative, not in a story so much about human imagination and hope. We will go back, and then go further, some day, maybe soon. I’m grown up now. I’ve got a Private Pilot’s License. I’m also married, and have two fine boys. There are cupboards in all of our bedrooms and I’ve still got The ABC of Space. We haven’t got the details of what spaceship we’ll be building, but sooner or later, we will. 35
by Andrea Lawrence
Change is such an interesting topic. It is simply a part of life. From the second we are born we are changing. We grow. We digest. We integrate information. Organically. Silently. Constantly. With little or no conscious work on our part. No stress. No misery. No effort. So it is extra interesting that when we want to make changes, we think we must push, work hard and muster as much willpower as we can. We think that the more stressed we feel, the more likely we are to change – but it is just not always true! I can not even begin to describe the number of times I thought that feeling miserable would help motivate me. Which in fact, actually it made it harder. For example, I often used to think negative things about money that I thought would help me save it. My favorite thought about money was, “I will never have enough!” Which made me feel anxious and even hungry or cold. Within minutes I’d be standing in line for a muffin at the nearest (cutest) café or a sweater at Fashion Island. ($4– $100 gone.) Now, I think, “Everything I need is inside of me or I already own it right now.”
And that makes me feel calm and grateful. And instead of going to get a muffin or a sweater, I simply sit and do my work. And save money. With no effort. I have saved a tremendous amount of money in the last six months JUST by changing the way I thought about it. I purposefully had to find a new idea that I believed that felt calming... and that was all the effort required. All the determination, hard work and courage I could muster was no longer needed. Which meant that I not only had saved money – but I had lots of energy to use on other things in my life! Like having a good time! And getting things done! And making more positive changes. Some of that positive energy went to finding new ideas about my weight. I used to think, “I have such a fat tummy!” And then I’d suddenly feel really sad. And want to grab cookies and watch T.V. And not loose weight. At all. Feeling sad was not helping me making changes at all... it was making it worse! So I switched that up, too! My new thought about my weight is, “I am learning to love my tummy now.” That feels super silly and fun. And I often find myself drinking a glass of water, smiling, going to a yoga class or just sitting still loving my tummy. And I have lost the extra kilos I’d been trying to lose easily.
With extra energy to use for other things in my life. I can find lots of evidence where the more miserable I feel the LESS likely I am to change. And often the harder I TRY to change, the less likely it is to happen. The COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what I have been taught. Feeling GOOD actually motivates me quickly, easily and creates long term changes. So... What if you could change with no effort? Without working hard? And without feeling stressed out? But feeling good instead? What if this was YOUR truth? But you were a little too busy to notice yet? Too tired? Or working too hard? After I threw in the “misery motivates me” towel, I have been making heaps of changes. You can, too! Try it out! It is totally counter intuitive. It is almost “wrong” as far as our culture is concerned. And yet it totally makes sense.
Thoughts create feelings. We act from these feelings. And our actions give us the results in our lives. This means thoughts are very important. 37
est lake r a e l c s ’ i d s l r s l on’s d e N Wo n o o orst h e w n e u r i a a “ m i the l Rang ake e of p p e a ce
ful la
Location: Tasman Region, South Island Coordinates: 42°3’30.6’’S | 172°39’25.6’’E Primary outflows: West Branch of the Sabine River Basin Country: New Zealand Max. depth: 7 metres Surface elevation: 1,200 metres
Blue Lake in the Nelson Lakes National Park has some of the clearest water in the world, a study has found. Blue Lake (Rangimairewhenua in Maori) is a small lake in Nelson Lakes National Park, in the northern reaches of New Zealand’s Southern Alps. Sacred to local Maori, it has the clearest natural fresh water in the world. The lake was traditionally used in ceremonies to cleanse the bones and release the spirits of the dead, so they could begin their journey to Hawaiki and the iwi regard its waters as tapu (sacred). (Blue Lake was used only for males; Lake Constance was used for females.) Its Maori name, Rangimairewhenua, means “the lake of peaceful lands”.
lue Lake is drained by the west branch of the Sabine River, which is part of the Buller River system. It is fed by a short upper segment of the Sabine, which in turn is fed by underground seepage through the landslide debris impounding the much larger Lake Constance. Blue Lake is roughly boomerang shaped, running north then northwest, with each arm of the lake stretching some 200 metres. Its waters are cold, ranging from 5 to 8 °C . The lake has extremely clear water, and is the clearest natural body of fresh water yet reported. A 2011 study found its visibility ranged from 70 to 80 metres, clearer than the 63 metres measured for Te Waikoropupu Springs, a previous record holder. For comparison, laboratory measurements show distilled water has a visibility of approximately 80 metres. Scientists attribute the lake water’s clarity to its passage underground from Lake Constance, which filters out nearly all the particles suspended in the water. Its clarity reveals water’s natural blueviolet colour. The lake’s clarity might be bettered only by ocean waters such as those in
the southeast Pacific near Easter Island. “Blue Lake is characterized by blue-violet hues seen only in the very clearest natural waters,” Niwa said. “It is highly unusual in its geological and hydrological setting, being apparently spring-fed from neighboring glacial Lake Constance. Almost all suspended particles appear to be filtered from the water as it passes through landslide debris that forms a dam between the two lakes – which probably accounts for its extreme visual clarity.” Niwa scientist Mark Gall said researchers suspended a black disc, a meter in diameter, under a buoy. They then paddled away in a boat while looking at the disc. Visibility was measured when the disc disappeared. Niwa aquatic optics specialist Rob Davies-Colley said it was highly significant that the clarity of the water in the lake was close to pure water. “The absorption of light by pure water is not well known in some parts of the spectrum, including the ultraviolet.” Some of the best data might be collected from Blue Lake, he said. 39
Satyananda Yoga Nidra Manifesting the Positive
The difference between your “sankalpa” and your New Year’s resolutions by Swami Karma Karuna
any people on the yogic path are committed to self transformation. This active focus on growth may ignite questioning of one’s own behaviour. Sometimes, there is genuine desire to change a particular habit or pattern, but try as one may, the cause of the action can be elusive! Whether resisting or accepting those aspects of the self which seem outside of conscious control, in truth the reactions, perspectives and even external conditions are all a product of patterned responses deeply rooted in the subconscious and unconscious mind, which is normally inaccessible. If they are not within conscious reach, how then to let go of these negative unconscious patterns and transform into a more positive being? Satyananda Yoga Nidra™ provides the tools to ‘weed out’ these unconscious negative patterns and in their stead plant positive seeds deep in the subconscious mind, gradually allowing expression from the highest aspect of the self.
Each and every thing experienced through the senses, from childhood, school, career and interactions with friends and family is recorded and imprinted in the mind. The subconscious and unconscious layers of the mind are beyond the reach of the average human being, but they are the storehouses where all the impressions received via the senses accumulate. The impressions in the mind are held in the form of archetypes or seeds, called samskaras. These samskaras have the power and capacity to influence behaviour and tendencies in everyday life. Put simply, humans are the result of their deeper mind and its store of countless impressions from the past. It is like looking into a big closet filled with photos, old toys and letters from lovers and friends. There are so many parts of the self stored within the closet that one brief glance over its contents renders it impossible to know exactly what is inside. One may think consciously, “I want to be positive. I want to overcome my reactions, anger, stress and
depression.” But the sneaky pattern, action or negative thought forms often arise before they can be stopped! So what can be done to support positive change and begin to overcome the deep patterns which may be causing emotional, physical and energetic imbalances? How can these patterns be changed when they seem to stay so well hidden? Satyananda Yoga Nidra™ is a deep relaxation technique which enables the practitioner access to the unconscious mind in a conscious way. By holding the practitioner in the state between waking and sleeping for a significant period of time, Satyananda Yoga Nidra™ induces a state similar to that of deep sleep. However, unlike normal sleep, where the person is unaware of the external world, in Satyananda Yoga Nidra™ the awareness is active while the body and mind deeply relaxes. In the visualization stage of Satyananda Yoga Nidra™, with the use of guided imagery, the contents of the unconscious mind can arise and be integrated into the conscious
experience. Sometimes samskaras arise as painful memories, unfulfilled desires, conflicts, fears, etc. or often what arises is just a color or seemingly unrelated images. Whatever surfaces, it is important to remain the witness of the experience and to view the contents of the mind as a movie. This is easy to do when in the deeply relaxed state of Satyananda Yoga Nidra™, but in the every day waking state we cannot normally remain the witness. We react, interact, express from the force of the pattern and thereby often give the negative pattern more energy. Remaining the witness in a relaxed state will unblock previously repressed and locked up energy so it can be used in other activities. It will also clean out the garden of the mind from the difficult weeds, which cause negativity and illness, and very gradually the positive flowers can be cultivated. In order to enhance the growth of the positive seeds, Satyananda Yoga Nidra™ uses the practice of sankalpa. The sankalpa is a short, positive statement or affirmation, mentally repeated whilst sinking into this deeply relaxed state. In the same way that large companies advertise their products by planting the seeds of desire within the subconscious mind; positive seeds can be planted in the subconscious with the sankalpa, thus affecting the actions of the practitioner and manifesting profound, positive changes in their life. The word sankalpa is derived from two Sanskrit root words: sam-‘union’ or ‘together’ and kalpa-‘possibility’- or every possibility in existence. When the sankalpa is used, the awareness is directed to a particular possibility that exists within, presenting a goal which, with repeated use, will gradually manifest.
The difference between sankalpa and a normal New Year’s resolution is that the sankalpa is used when the practitioner is in a receptive state. At the time of sankalpa repetition in Satyananda Yoga Nidra™, alpha brain waves are dominant. These are the brain waves of relaxation, creativity and receptivity. A resolution stated to the conscious mind is like planting a seed in too little soil. There needs to be enough soil for the root to reach deeply into the ground in order to
A sankalpa mentally stated with conviction, faith and determination used daily will grow very strong roots and will bloom willingly. One of the sankalpa’s many benefits is its practical application in shifting and transforming mental and physical patterns. It can be used to break a deep-seated habit in cases such as drug or alcohol addiction. Its mental repetition can be used to calm the nervous system whilst under stress. For physical or terminal illnesses it can be utilised to encourage healing, increase will power and promote positive thinking. Society trains the individual to ignore that the power of transformation lies Swami Sivananda within. There is always a tendency to create a strong plant. blame external factors for unhappiness Advertising agencies work on our and difficulties. Stop to question subconscious mind by consistently unconscious actions and mental exposing us to their images, slogans patterns and it can be seen that they and jingles. Being subjected to this are indeed the platform from which the constant barrage of advertising external world is viewed and interacted campaigns seems to have little with. Although the majority do it effect on the conscious mind, yet unconsciously, individuals create their the subconscious is recording own reality. and absorbing every detail of this Satyananda Yoga Nidra™ not only bombardment. Although the planting teaches that the conscious mind of these constant negative impressions obediently follows in the wake of the cannot be totally avoided, we can subconscious and unconscious mind; it choose to plant positive seeds and also reveals the gate to the garden of water them with the daily practice the deeper mind. Utilising the sankalpa of sankalpa during Satyananda Yoga provides the tools needed to plant Nidra™. whatever is desired in the life of each In the same way McDonalds always individual. The only limitation is the uses the image of the Golden Arches, imagination. the slogan ‘I’m Loving It’ and jingles like ‘There’s nothing quite like a Swami Karma Karuna is a founding McDonalds’, the sankalpa must be member and director of Anahata Yoga stated using the same words and the Retreat, New Zealand and a dedicated, same intonation at the same stage intuitive yoga teacher with years of of the practice each and every time experience working with a wide range it is repeated. The sankalpa should of people. be chosen carefully, using positive, Anahata Yoga Retreat concise language and should be important to the individual’s purpose.
“Sow a thought and reap an action Sow an action and reap a habit Sow a habit and reap a character Sow a character and reap a destiny” 41
Why you get
the simple truth that no one told you about by Sam Gentry
This issue we are moving away from exercise and movement and looking at that other great pillar of health, what we eat. The way we eat determines the way our body is able to function.
Your body can function optimally, which means your health is good, you skin is great; you have energy, sleep well, and maintain a healthy amount of fat for your shape. Your body can also function at varying degrees of sub-optimal, the most extreme being chronic, debilitating illness. Most people don’t live with serious illnesses, but almost everyone lives with some degree of sub-optimal health. You may struggle with acne or other skin conditions, sleep poorly or be unable to lose excess fat no matter how hard you work at it. One of the biggest indicators that
your health is not where it could be is if you struggle to maintain a healthy amount of fat for your body shape. If you are overweight then your body is not as healthy as it could be. Healthy bodies can maintain a healthy level of body fat. I am not saying that you must be thin to be healthy, far from it, being ‘skinny’ can be just as indicative of poor health as being over fat, but I think we all know that being significantly overweight is not good for us. The thing is that we have the cart before the horse. We are not unhealthy because we are fat; we are fat because we are unhealthy.
We are not unhealthy because we are fat; we are fat because we are unhealthy. 43
We must turn our focus away from losing fat and instead put our efforts into restoring health. When we restore our health our bodies will return to a healthy body composition. Restoring health might look like dealing with a weight issue as it involves changing the way you eat and move, but the goal is different. This article will address the role that food and nutrition plays in restoring our health. The way we eat and drink is the one thing that has the most impact on our health. Getting your nutrition right will go a huge way to restoring your health. Exercise and other aspects of health really are additions to achieve better results. Without the correct foundation of good nourishing food with which to build your body, nothing else will make much difference to your health. The food you eat should have been alive at some very recent point, or it should come from something that is alive. This means plants and animals.
Vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruit, eggs, fish, meat, seafood, and natural dairy products (if you tolerate dairy) should form the basis of a health-giving daily diet. It is my scientific belief that an omnivorous diet is optimal for the human species and that a mix of plant and animal foods is what humans have evolved to consume. A vegetarian diet can be health-giving and sustaining if one is careful about protein sources and micronutrient intake. I do not believe that a vegan diet can be healthful over a long period of time, and these diets are best used as a type of detox for a short period of time. First and foremost eating natural whole foods with minimal processing will give your body the building blocks it needs to build healthy cells. When the bulk of your diet is made up of this food your health will improve immediately. When the bulk of your diet is made up of processed food stuff that provides mostly calories and little nutrition your health will suffer and you will get fatter
and fatter. Eighty percent of your diet should consist of foods that have been recently alive (plants and animals) and only twenty percent or less can consist of processed foods which also includes bread and baking, as well as artificial food stuff like chips, crackers, lollies, processed yoghurts etc. It would be much better to have one hundred percent of your food coming from the first group, but this is the real world and we need to be realistic about what is possible for each of us individually. Don’t feel guilty about eating ‘bad food’, just make sure what you eat most is nourishing real food. One of the most important things to understand about the way food works in your body is the relationship between carbohydrates, insulin and fat storage. The thing about the carbohydrate portion of the food you eat is that your body uses it for energy, not for any other body process or building project. Energy is very important, but we tend to have an overabundance of energy but a
Start the day with a good amount of fat and protein such as having eggs, joghurt and berries.
low intake of actual nutrients the body needs to build itself. When you eat food that contains carbohydrates such as any food that has sugar in it, bread, pasta, rice, fruit, starchy vegetables and grains the carbohydrate in that food will be digested and released into your blood stream as glucose. Your body can use that glucose to fuel working cells and it can store it for later use either as glycogen in your muscles and liver, or as fatty acids in your fat cells. In modern, westernised countries we tend to eat a high proportion of carbohydrates in our diet, much more than either fat or protein. This becomes a problem because your body always has plenty of glucose stored as glycogen on board, so when you eat more, your body will store it as fat. When you eat a meal that is high in carbohydrates and lower in fat and protein your body will quickly release the hormone insulin in response to the glucose being released into your blood stream. Insulin’s job is to take the
glucose to the cells that need it and to store it as glycogen or fat. When we eat carbohydrate rich foods every few hours of every day, we constantly have a level of insulin circulating. When insulin is circulating in the blood stream we can’t use our opposite hormone called glucagon to pull stored fat out and use it as an energy source. This explains how you can eat very little food but still gain weight, or at least not lose it. The solution to this is to be more aware of the ways we put our meals together. Start the day with a good amount of fat and protein such as having eggs, full-fat greek yoghurt, low sugar fruits like berries instead of high sugar fruits like apples and oranges, and reducing our intake of breads, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes etc throughout the day. Have fat and protein containing foods at every meal, good choices are cheese, eggs, nuts and seeds, meat, fish and good quality oils like olive and coconut. It’s not about never eating carbohydrates, it’s about being mindful
of our lifestyle and matching our intake of these foods to our level of activity. If we have an office job, we don’t need to be consuming bread and pasta like an endurance athlete!
To find out more about how the way you eat can change your health and your life, come along to one of our free seminars. These are located at Desire Fitness Studio, 71 Parkers Rd. Please email or phone Sam to register before attending: or 027 450 5940. You can also get a DVD of the same material in the seminar for $10.
Have fat and protein containing food at every meal, good choices are cheese, eggs, nuts and seeds, meat, fish and good quality oils like olive oil and coconut. 45
12000 miles
to tie the knot! Imagine this – waking up on the morning of your event knowing that everything is in place and ready to go. The sun is up with the bird song in full chorus as you dress. The day unfolds with an exciting boat trip to your chosen location with golden sands beneath your feet, blue skies above you and caressing waves lapping the shore. Its a perfect scene for a perfect occasion.
t was a normal day in early May 1999 when Julie and Mike first met. A chance meeting occurred as Julie walked home from her local paper shop in Lowestoft (Suffolk UK, Lowestoft is the most Easterly Point in the UK) fate gave reason for Julie to stop and chat to Mike who was waiting for his normal scheduled bus to work. An instant connection was made when Julie explained she had recently returned from New Zealand. It had always been an ambition of Mike’s to visit NZ and he was captivated with all she told him but as the bus arrived he quickly wrote his telephone number on Julies paper in the hope she would call him to resume the conversation. Julie was equally encapsulated and they met up for a drink that night to continue their discussion on New Zealand and never looked back. Over the next few years they had holidays in other parts of the world, but none inspired them like New Zealand. Their experiences and love over ten years came to a point when Mike proposed to Julie in the gardens of Sadringham the Queens Country home in Norfolk and Julie accepted his hand. Choosing where to get married was an easy decision, it had to be New Zealand, the country they both had fallen in love with, and had brought them together. Julie and Mike talked about a wedding that was to reflect them, their love and beliefs; that would be simple and straightforward and without all the usual “hassle” involved in traditional wedding planning. So they started looking on the internet for an ideal and perfect location with the right people to make their dream a reality. Starting in the Nelson area, where Mike’s son was now settled seemed the most obvious choice and they soon came across the “Wedding Whisperer”. The name intrigued them and Mike emailed the owner. Terri offered the whole package and was able to bring together local services required within a couple of weeks including stunning flowers, a petite wedding cake by Terry, a delicious wedding lunch and a few other frills over and above their expectations that made the wedding a dream come true.
The helicopter flight and lunch over Abel Tasman to Awaroa Lodge was a gift from their son. Ang and Terri listened and interpreted all of Mikes and Julies ideas to set the scene to express their vows to each other; it became total reality on a stunning character filled beach tucked into a quite island. A small appropriately dressed table with cake offering and an English style morning tea set the scene. The testimonial arrived from England on a handwritten letter: The ceremony was unique and personal and captured the moments that could be cherished for ever, with our names etched in a piece of drift wood to continue on in its journey. The personal welcome, beautiful, peaceful location and exquisite romantic dinner in the evening served in front of an open fire, just for us completed a perfect day. YOU, Sea Limousines and partners, all very much deserve the tag “making dreams a reality”. Julie and Mike Gillon
For more information visit: phone 03 527 8655 or 027 526 8771 47
Candy Clarke
Clarke studied Fine Art in Otago in 1981–83, and Graphic Design in Nelson in 2003. She has been exhibiting locally and internationally since 1985. Clarke paints in acrylic on acrylic (Perspex). Using bold imagery, strong colour, and often witty double entendre, she likes to “create the illusion of a new painterly world, one that’s trapped beneath the plastic, elusive, like the world behind the ubiquitous computer TV/ phone/camera screen”. Painting on the back of the Perspex everything is created in mirror image. The viewer must then look through the distortions of reflection to find the “truth”. Email: Web: Her art is viewable online or in Nelson at : • Red Gallery, 1 Bridge Street • The Reflections Gallery at the WOW Museum
“I like to create the illusion of a new painterly world, one that’s trapped beneath the plastic, elusive, like the world behind the ubiquitous computer/TV/phone/camera screen”. 49
Inclusion and
the Hermetic Law of Cause and Effect Part VI
by Bruce Rawless Author of Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook
The sixth of the seven laws or principles is given the name Cause and Effect in the Kybalion, along with the phrase
“Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.” The Kybalion
“Perception controls behavior.” Bruce Lipton “Projection makes perception. The world you see is what you gave it, nothing more than that. But though it is no more than that, it is not less. Therefore, to you it is important. It is the witness to your state of mind, the outside picture of an inward condition.” – A Course In Miracles, text, Chap. 21, Introduction The law of Cause and Effect, like the other Hermetic Laws, applies equally to everyone; we all have the same opportunity to recognize that we have charge of the realm of cause, and are merely spectators to the realm of effect. How fortunate that the law works this way and not in reverse! Yet most of the world appears to be caught in the folly of ceaselessly chasing after desired effects, mindless of the golden opportunity of glimpsing that exquisite
cause is within us, awaiting our invocation (or, perhaps more accurately, excavation) through the realm of how we feel. We can always – and do always – choose how we want to feel inwardly every moment (cause) despite how appearances (effect) may be presented to us outwardly, including the vast spectra of sensory, bodily, and material concerns; the cliché trio of these being heath, wealth and relationships. Circumstances (all the time-spacey stuff we’ve gotten so hung up on as humans) are not an effective emphasis for our thoughts and feelings. If there is an outcome (or outcomes) that you are invested in within the realm of space and time, you immediately make an enemy (or at least a fearful projection) of the vast holographic machine of the Universe. Sometimes what appears on the screen of our material lives seems to be a pleasant, sunny jaunt through the pastoral countryside, abloom with
fragrance from spring blossoms and distractions, diversions and delays that sweetly accented with gentle bird in one form or another (the specific songs (insert Hollywood’s euphoric form really doesn’t matter) keep us best here :-). Other times the screen from finding the peace that exists within shows us horror films that would make ourselves independent of any thing, Alfred Hitchcock run screaming from any condition, any situation, regardless the theater in stark terror. And then of who is or isn’t currently showing there’s the bulk of our lives that range on the screen of our lives, regardless somewhere in between these extremes. of whether or not our inner cinematic This is all part of the rhythm of life in broadcasting equipment is screening a 3D that we signed up for, and then comedy, a drama, a romance, a horror conveniently forgot about all the fine film, or an avant-garde experimental print in the boilerplate, and, of course, flick… it’s all the same ultimately-no-fun our signatures at the bottom of each movie! page of the cosmic screenplay. We’ve explored how modern physics We’re dreamers, and instead is leading us toward the conclusion that of choosing total recall of the what our senses show us only has the arrangements we made (to attempt to reality we ascribe to it. If we want to be forget our origins by being obsessed free, then we need to shift our attention with externals), we from the screen It matters not whether our or of our senses (our have been (almost) not our bodies appear to be total sleepwalkers. interpretations of Occasionally we have asleep physically – if we are incoming data) bursts of lucidity and and pay attention preoccupied with results in the remember that it is to the ‘wizard our mind that is the “world” we appear to be living behind the projector and that we in, we’re forgetting about the curtain’, the lucid are the projectionists, movie – the dream – that we dreamer of the but most of the time dream. This also wrote, produced, directed and has the benefit (by sinister small-self appear to be starring in… design) we zombies of showing us operate in knee-jerk where the buttons trance mode, oblivious to our birthright are that make the thunder, lightning of choice, freedom and unimaginable and all the other “special effects” happiness. It matters not whether our that we’ve gotten so swept up by. If or not our bodies appear to be asleep we realize that the buttons are in our physically – if we are preoccupied with control room, then we might just learn results in the “world” we appear to be to stop pressing them unconsciously! living in, we’re forgetting about the :-) When we discover, like Jim Carrey’s movie – the dream – that we wrote, character in the Truman Show movie produced, directed and appear to be did, that we’re on a gigantic movie set starring in… Did I mention our pivotal (except ours appears to encompass role in the choreography, too? :-) a stupendous universe filled with Fortunately, written into the script galaxies), we learn that we don’t have is a plot about waking up from the to get too upset about what is, after dream, which is basically unlearning all, just a movie, albeit a colossal, the convenient and socially ‘universal’ holographic, seemingly omnipotent excuse of blaming what is going on one. At some point, the script will be around us (or what appears to have over and we ‘get to’ (a.k.a. we finally happened in our past) for our current give ourselves permission to) go home. well being. Eventually, our spiritual This, of course, requires trust in our nature gets bored with having “been transpersonal selves (our true nonthere, done that” with the various dualistic spiritual nature), a willingness
to consistently practice being aware that we’re actors on the set and the lines that we’ve been given don’t need our incessant personal re-write (letting go of our finite agendas), and to forgive the other actors and props that seem to appear in the script of our lives. This doesn’t mean that our theatrical performance doesn’t count; it just means that we realize that our ephemeral lives aren’t as important as our eternal lives. As we explored in the prior article on rhythm, old habits require lots of practice to replace, and our valuation of, and investment in, dream stock that goes back to the big bang, which, in truth, was just a tiny mad idea! It takes plenty of practice to wean ourselves from the rancid drivel we’ve grown accustomed to; the tedious cycles of misery followed by fleeting bursts of almost pleasant enough moments. Eventually we’ll want happiness and peace that not only lasts forever, but is the ‘real deal’ and not a shadow of a reflection of a moldy crumb. Then we’re freed up to respond to the voice for our infinite nature rather than our finite nature.
Perception ultimately occurs in our minds, and therefore is subject to our interpretation. Here is where we liberate ourselves. Perception is inherently limited. As explored a bit
Perception ultimately occurs in our minds, and therefore is subject to our interpretation. in the article on “Take Home Lessons From Modern Physics,” we have such a tiny window to the Universe, even in the few dimensions that we generally focus
on! Our perceptions are fixated on the most infinitesimal fragmentary droplet of all that is, even on the scale of this little planet spinning around the Milky Way, let alone the greater cosmos, and that’s just with all undue respect to the familiar 3 axes of space and 1 axis of time (so we’ve been trained to believe.) Is it any wonder we go crazy trying to reconcile what appears to be outside us with what appears to be within when using our senses (and associated thoughts) as our criteria? Mix in the best of mystical traditions, and you have a formula that nullifies even the residual drop as mere illusion.
Bruce Rawles is the author of Sacred Geometry Design Sourcebook: Universal Dimensional Patterns, the co-author of The Geometry Code eBooklet and Screensaver (with Mika Feinberg of LightSOURCE) which is the prequel to a forthcoming book of the same name, and the editor of a website devoted to sacred geometry and the principle of interconnectedness,
Messengers From The Wilderness Weeds by Simone Dawn
A plant is a weed only within a certain context; one person’s weed is another person’s wildflower. Simply expressed, a weed is any plant that grows where it isn’t wanted. Weeds are defined by their tendency to flourish at the expense of a gardener’s overall vision, and we tend to battle their presence in our yards. It is interesting to consider, though, that a plant is a weed only within a certain context, which is to say that one person’s weed is another person’s wildflower. Most of us have pulled at least one dandelion up by its roots and disposed of it in the interest of preserving the look of a perfect green lawn, yet the dandelion is good medicine, packed with healing properties and vitamin-rich leaves that are a delicious, spicy surprise in a summer salad. In the wild, there is no such thing as a weed
because the overall vision is in the hands of Mother Nature, who accommodates and incorporates all forms of life. In nature, balance is achieved over the long term, without the aid, or interference, of a human supervisor. While one plant may prevail over others for a certain period of time, eventually it will reach an apex and then it will naturally decline, allowing for other forms to be born and survive. This self-regulating realm was the first garden of our ancestors, who learned the art of agriculture from studying the forests and fields of the as yet uncultivated earth. In a sense, weeds are harbingers of this wildness, pushing their way into our well-ordered plots, undermining more delicate flora, and flourishing in spite of us. The next time you see a weed, you might want to look deeply into its roots, discover its name, its habits,
and its possible uses. Instead of seeing an unwanted intruder, you might see a healer offering its leaves for a medicinal tea or its flowers for a colorful salad. At the very least, if you look long enough, you will see a messenger from the wilderness of Mother Earth, reminding you that, even in the most carefully controlled garden, she cannot be completely ruled out. 53
Step into the light
by Suzanne Masefield
The Energy of 2012 is about creating co-operation and balance, creatively developing structure and discipline as individuals in order to generate more confidence and freedom for us personally and as a world model. It’s about engaging a step by step process to step up into our life in a more powerful way than ever before. Above all it is about taking greater leadership of ourselves and our lives, becoming more authentic in how we choose to relate with ourselves firstly, and then with others. Owning our strengths and taking responsibility to update our weaknesses to engage in life more fully.
s we complete a year that many have found incredibly challenging, it is valuable to identify what we want to release. Honouring the distance we have journeyed and acknowledging our accomplishments to harness our Success Energy to take with us into the next phase of life with hope and promise. Recent world events and extreme natural occurrences over the last year including life changing earthquakes in Christchurch, Japan, hurricanes and tornados as well as many riots and protests connected to the world monetary systems, reflect the extremes people are undergoing worldwide, showing the polarities of life and human nature as never before. With the light of human kindness, courage and tenacity of spirit being shown each day to overcome, rise above and shine through the destruction. Alongside, shadow behaviours of looting, greed, violence, fear and insecurity rearing its ugly face. As our world changes and evolves we are going to be continually presented with the option to choose the direction we focus on – stepping into the light or into the shadow. The wonderful thing about life is in each moment we can consciously choose a new option to serve ourselves and humanity better. The law of attraction suggests that whatever we focus on expands and from my experience that is accurate. So choosing to focus on the beauty around us amidst whatever chaos is occurring and noticing the smallest gesture of kindness or compassion to expand the positive aspect, can improve things considerably. Being kind to ourselves, acknowledging our fears and having self compassion, opens our hearts to refocus on what is good and what is working, focusing us towards the light and away from the shadows in each moment, to raise our vibration and our energy. While many fears are being expressed about how the coming years will progress, focusing on what isn’t working and how terrible things are only creates more of the same and keeps us adrift in a sea of uncertainty, where the illusion is that we have no control of our lives, which is just not the case! Every moment we have a choice to focus on what we don’t want, keeping us trapped in a cycle of fear and powerlessness – or we can take charge to step up into the light creating what we do want and take actions towards that. We don’t always have control over the things that happen in our lives, but we always have a choice about how we respond and deal with it – that choice determines the outcome! Human nature is a strange thing and often things need to get tough for us to ‘wake up’ to really see who we are and what we are capable of – to really start living our lives more authentically and ‘stop playing small’. Over the years I have been very fortunate to work with some wonderful people who chose to take greater leadership of
their lives from the inside out, generating awesome results for themselves both personally and professionally. In 2012 I want to help many more do the same, to reap the rewards of creating greater head and heart connection, to allow an awakening of empowerment to seep into all areas, to live life more authentically. I would like to share Nelson Mandela’s inaugural speech with you as it captures the essence of this year and is a great call to action for us all to step into the light.
“My deepest fear is not that I am inadequate, my deepest fear is that I am powerful beyond measure. It is my light, not my darkness that frightens me. I ask myself, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who am I not to be? I am a child of God. My playing small doesn’t serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure about me. I was born to manifest the glory that’s within me. It’s not just on some of us, it’s in everyone. And as I let my own light shine, I unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As I am liberated from my own fear My presence automatically liberates others.” Nelson Mandela 1994 Inaugural Speech; (originated by Marianne Williamson)
Step into your light! Be who you know you have come to be. Put 100% into the actions you take right now. Create your own destiny.
Run a Body Language 4 Success course in your company for Conscious, Empowered Communication. Free Conscious Business Tips from Successful Entrepreneurs: Contact Suzanne Masefield, Director of Think Success 55
Go purple
for Kids!
With a bit of purple and a lot of fun, you can get involved in Purple Cake Day 2012 and help kids in Nepal and Haiti get better access to education.
Now in its second year, Purple Cake Day on 1 March aims to get children helping children all over the world, through celebration, education and fundraising. It’s an initiative of the Kenbe La Foundation Registered Charitable Trust, set up by New Zealander and humanitarian aid worker Emily SansonRejouis following the tragic loss of her husband Emmanuel and two of her three daughters, Kofie-Jade (5) and Zenzie (3), in the 2010 Haiti earthquake. ‘Kenbe La’ is Haitian Creole and translates to “never give up”.
The Purple Cake Day theme celebrates both Kofie-Jade’s thoughtfulness towards street kids and Zenzie’s wish to have not one, but two purple cakes for her fourth birthday. Emily says “we are celebrating all children, we are helping children learn about the wider world and we are fundraising to help children in need, especially children who might not get a chance at an education.” Maybe your local school, workplace or community can dress in purple, make purple cupcakes, create art or flags of hope, purple a sports event, or write a song. See our website and facebook page for fun purple ideas, competitions and recipes. Purple Cake Day 2011 was celebrated by schools and communities across
New Zealand and in 10 countries globally, including Singapore, Australia, UK, Belgium, Burundi, the Congo, USA and Haiti. It raised awareness and funds for the Children of Haiti Project, which supports the education of 87 children from a tent camp in Haiti through a quality school program, a hot daily meal and medical care. It also reached out to Christchurch children affected by the devastating February 2011 earthquake, providing financial support through Save the Children’s Journey of Hope programme. Widening its global reach each year, Purple Cake Day 2012 is focused on Nepal, working with established project partners the Hillary Himalayan Trust, First Steps Himalaya and In Time Trust. It will also establish an Emergency Children’s Fund and continue to support existing projects. First Steps Himalaya builds and runs early learning centres in the Sindhupalchok District of the Nepal Himalaya, and provides educational resources and training to primary schools. In Time Trust supports the Kailash Bodhi School in Jumla, north western Nepal and is establishing a comprehensive school library, a quality resource and learning environment for children, pre-school to secondary age. Hillary Himalayan Trust, established by Sir Edmund Hillary, will provide student scholarships for secondary school children in rural Nepalese communities from the Solukhumbu.
Stuck for ideas or want more information? Visit: and download the Resource Kit or email:
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OneSmile MAGAZINE, through its website and magazine, is a powerful resource for education and inspiration. We hope to foster creative ideas and actions that have a long lasting impact on the world. Everyone involved with OneSmile MAGAZINE – our readers, our contributors, and our sponsors – are the raindrops for positive change, causing ripples small and large that will impact others. If every person chose to make a difference through small positive actions each day, our world would be flooded with optimism, hope, joy and peace.
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Restoring our rivers and our heritage Aaryn Barlow works at the Nelson Environment Centre, is qualified in environmental science and management and has been involved at various levels in the sustainability movement for over a decade. He is also developing organic market gardens and orchards on his property near the Wangapekas.
It is summer which means swimming and enjoying our lakes and rivers. It’s a part of our Kiwi heritage. Nelsonians seem particularly good at getting out and enjoying the amazing natural environment that we are so lucky to have at our footsteps. Nelson and Tasman fare pretty well with the quality of our fresh water but even we have issues with nitrification of lowland rivers and now didymo is present in the region. Nationally, the quality of our fresh water systems is in severe decline and can be seen as one of our most pressing environmental issues. More than half of our monitored rivers are unsafe for swimming, one-third of our lakes are unhealthy, and two-thirds of our native freshwater fish are at risk or threatened with extinction. The science tells us that the decline of our water quality has primarily been driven by the intensification of agriculture − using more water and fertiliser, and putting more animals on our farms. This has largely been a result in the growth of dairying. In the last 20 years, dairy cow numbers in New Zealand have increased from 2.4 million to almost 4.4 million, while 540,000 hectares of land have been converted to dairying farming. This is a massive increase and it should
come as no surprise that our fresh water ecosystems are showing signs of stress from excess phosphorus and nitrogen from fertiliser use, accelerated soil erosion and urine. Of course it’s not all about our rural environment with our urban streams and rivers also coping badly with pollution. Would you swim in the Maitai in Central Nelson? We know what the problems are and we know how to solve them and there are some really good things happening out there. I live in the Motueka catchment on the Sherry River which has been part of an Integrated Catchment Management programme for the last few years. This has involved the fencing off of stock, the construction of bridges for dairy cows to cross the river and the replanting of riparian strips adjoining the river. As a result water quality has improved markedly and my family and neighbours are now able to swim without the fear of getting sick. But shouldn’t this be the case for all our lakes and rivers? When did we decide that we would sacrifice our heritage of swimming in our lakes and rivers for industrial dairy farming? Agriculture, dairy farming in particular, is and will remain the back bone of the New Zealand economy for the foreseeable future. One of the strategic advantages we have as an economy is the perception that we are ‘clean and green’ and it’s worth billions to our economy. One of the key reasons Fonterra has been able to so effectively penetrate the Chinese market for instance is because of our ‘Clean Green’ brand and it’s crucial to our tourism and horticultural industries. Voluntary measures like the one I talked about on my local river are great and we should applaud farmers and communities who take up the challenge of cleaning up our lakes and rivers. But voluntary measures alone won’t cut it.
The release of an independent report from MAF into dairy cattle access to streams, rivers and wetlands on dairy farms supports this fact. The Clean Streams Accord set in 2003 is a voluntary measure was adopted by the dairy industry to protect water ways and enhance water quality. The report showed that industry claims of 84% stock exclusion rates (in line with the Accord) were at least double what the reality is – only 42% of our waterways are protected from stock! This is after almost a decade of voluntary measures. In themselves they won’t work. So what do we need to do to restore the birthright of every Kiwi kid: to be able to swim in all our lakes and rivers again? First of all we could create a robust National Policy Statement (NPS) that would allow us as a country to ensure that agreed minimum environmental standards for water quality are met. Specifically, a strong NPS would create minimum levels for water flows, regulate intensive agriculture in sensitive catchments and implement smarter urban design for healthy waterways. The current NPS will not protect our fresh water eco-systems according to Nelsons Cawthron Institute which stated in a recent report that “despite the NPS, the condition of New Zealand’s lakes, rivers and wetlands is likely to continue to decline for several more years and possibly much longer.” As recommended by the OECD we could put a reasonable price on irrigated water. Presently there is little financial incentive for large irrigation users to use water efficiently apart from the cost of extra electricity needed for pumping. Ideally the revenue generated would not just go into the government slushy fund but would be used to fund sustainable water management such as a nationwide riparian planting programme and a contestable fund for councils to improve their sewage treatment systems. This is an important point. It will cost money to clean up our water ways and it is only fair that the activities that have by large created the problems pay for the clean-up. We can continue to have a productive agricultural economy. The reality is that farming is keeping New Zealand afloat in troubled economic times. But it should not be a trade-off between our economy and our environment, agriculture and clean water. We need to farm in a far more sustainable manner which ensures that our Kiwi heritage of swimming on hot summer days is not taken away from us. We can have a stronger production focus on quality as opposed to quantity and create a clean green economy that works for our farmers and our environment. 59
Commitment is everything by Ian A. Williams
This is the continuing series of Kairology articles, based on the Kairology Coaching and Leadership Programme. Kairos is a Greek word for time, in the sense of the right time or season for change. This month’s featured card is one in the series of 52 personal leadership tools from the Kairology pack in each issue of OneSmile. For this issue I have chosen the seven of hearts, which is all about commitment. It seems to be a good way to follow on from looking at change in the last article.
I’m not absolutely sure who said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. (According to Wikipedia the saying is thought to have originated with St Bernard of Clairvaux), but I’m sure there’s truth in it, provided of course that hell is a place you don’t want to be. Intentions are of course driven by ideas and thinking, and sometimes by our heartfelt desires. But very often they stop there, and never become a reality in the actions we take. When life goes awry, or something surprising happens, we need to stop and think. Why did that happen? Why did I say something that hurt someone else? It’s not what I intended! In those circumstances, we need to work backwards: OK so that was the effect did I behave? that what I intended? Intentions are worth nothing unless they are translated in how we behave, and to the effect or result we want to see. It boils down to your purpose, and the commitments you make to live that purpose. Winners in life often check out that what they are committed to actually works through into reality, and when things go wrong they work out why.
7 Commitment
What am I committed to and why? w through commitments, write them If you really want to make and follo and review your progress regularly. rs, down. Get the help you need from othe PURPOSE
What’s my passion and mission in life?
What do I intend to achieve, and how does it contribute to my overall purpose?
How will I record this and structure it in stages?
Am I well prepared for action?
What will be the key steps?
What are the options and choices?
Are they aligned to my intention and purpose?
How can I best think through and deliberate options?
What resources and help do I need?
Am I regularly checking and adjusting actions in line with purpose, intention and plans?
Where did it come from? How is it meaningful, and how supported by my beliefs and values? How do I show that I’m serious about my purpose? How would anyone know?
Am I excited and motivated by this plan?
How will I affirm and confirm decisions? How do I feel about it intuitively and logically?
How are actions informing conscious changes to my purpose, intentions and plans? Am I getting expected results?
Is my will really engaged?
k ise into a reality. It is the words that spea “Commitment is what transforms a prom s. Commitment word the than r loude k spea ns actio boldly of your intentions, And the r to change the face of things. is the stuff character is made of, the powe over sceptisicm” It is the daily triumph of integrity Sherson Lehman, American Express
Linked cards:
What are potential barriers?
Who can help me think it through?
Are plans aligned?
All 7’s
Ian A. Williams 2009
Losers in life don’t bother, but tend to just muddle through injuring themselves and others in the process. They may be innocently oblivious to it all, or perhaps they just don’t care! But either way, there’s plenty of mayhem to see, when and if they bother to look over their shoulder at the results. So what and who are you really committed to? How are your commitments related to your purpose in life, and how is all of that evident in your day to day life? These are small questions that require big answers. That’s why working on your personal leadership is so challenging! Why not make 2012 the year in which you begin to consciously look at how your commitments translate, and the impact you have in life. Use the simple tool this card provides and you’ll be amazed at the results. The card is reproduced here for you, exactly as it is in my coaching pack. That’s the tool, and here are some coaching questions to help your thinking and change: 1. What is your track record on commitment, promises and follow-through? Why is this so? 2. How are you doing on making decisions or procrastinating? Why?
Ian A. Williams FCIPD Author, coach and facilitator
3. How do you align your commitments with others around you (at work, at home, socially)? 4. What new commitments will you make NOW for yourself and others? List at least 3. 5. What help and support will you need? Start a journal (if you haven’t already) for these questions and your answers, or contact Ian for a workbook. Just as last time, don’t make heavy weather of this challenge, but have fun with it, be bold and have courage. It’s too easy to drift and live with the same old same old lifestyle. Commit 2012 as your new season for growth, your kairos.
♥ Hearts represent you, your values and your PASSION ♣ Clubs are about PEOPLE, partnerships and relationships ♠ Spades are for PURPOSE in tasks and achievement ♦ Diamonds are POTENTIAL, creativity and evaluation. The world’s first professor of leadership, John Adair has this to say about the programme: “This shows what people need to lead well; leaders need to think until it hurts, but these cards take the pain out of thinking, because of their gentle provocative prompting.” “What a neat way to encourage anyone to analyse oneself, chart positive new paths and goals – and achieve them.” Gordon Dryden, co-author The Learning Revolution series of books.
This comprehensive programme, based on the playing cards structure consists of 52 leadership coaching cards and 4 jokers, plus a full workbook. You could conveniently work on one card a week to complete the full programme in a year. Have fun with these great tools, at the same time as doing some serious work with yourself, your family and your clients.
“When I first saw the pdf of the planned cards I knew we would be on to a winner.” Carolyn Sheppard,
More info under: Kairology® ©Kairos Development Ltd. 2009 – All rights reserved 61
Readers holiday picturesÂ
Lake Marion. By Diane and Mark Enjoying a sunset in Taranaki. By Serge
Merle enjoying a sunset on the Wes By Stefan
t Coast.
Cassien and Paige in the Garden. By Sue
Joy amongst the wildflowers at Lake Tekapo. 62
Nydia Track. By Andrea
Stunning view at Lake Tekapo. By Joy
Zac sitting on the beach in Kaiteriteri. By Donna
Sandy Smile. By Caroline
Tramp to Lake Marion. By Diane and Mark
Thinking time. By Caroline
Liene walking to the Franz Josef Glacier. By Stefan
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Subscribe to OneSmile Magazine for 12 issues and be in to win one of five one-month memberships at Hot Yoga, Nelson. Simply enter by subscribing at for 12 issues (hardcopy or online) before the 6th of April 2012. Be inspired Thought of gifting a subscription to a loved one or a friend or an organization of your choice? It is easy. Just go to and subscribe Inspire
Be in to win one of five one-month memberships at Hot Yoga, Nelson Be in to win
Online version: 1 year 6 issues $30.00 2 years 12 issues $55.00 (In NZ dollars) Single hardcopies and international subscriptions are also available via website. 63
School Broadcasting Network This is a great initiative and New Zealand schools can participate!
he School Broadcasting Network Inc (SBN) is a global portal for young people, schools, youth organization and youth media dedicated to communicating ideas, innovations and commitments for sharing culture and creating a sustainable and equitable future. SBN Inc will be launching the Global Classroom 2U (GC2U) Enrichment Programs for both primary and secondary schools across Australia and New Zealand in March 2012 with the inaugural GC2U event being held during the Greening Australia ‘Toolbox for Environmental Change’ Forum on Thursday 22nd March. This will be a free opportunity for schools to sample a live online GC2U event, with an introduction to one of the 2012 Enrichment Programs – ‘Walk on the Wild Side’ with zoologist and endangered species specialist Prue Simmons. GC2U’s aim is to deliver online and live event enrichment programs to schools across Australia and New Zealand that complement the national
curriculum annual focus, as well as programs specifically designed to increase young people’s awareness of pathways for creating sustainable and equitable outcomes and an appreciation for the cultural and ecological richness and diversity of our wonderful world. Other GC2U programs for 2012 include ‘Designing 2050’ presented by SBN Patron, futurist & author Dr Peter Ellyard, as well as programs such as Permaculture, Organic Gardening, Asian Art and Australian Indigenous Culture. For more details and links for free registration for the GC2U online launch events on 22nd March visit or email Viarnne Mischon Viarnne Mischon Founder/Executive Producer Wonderful World Media Network web: Primary Perspectives – Radio created for kids by kids! web:
This issue, we introduce a new Inspiring Person! A household name, a classic, a life-changer. by Sarah A-J
J. R. R. Tolkien Born: 3 January 1892 as John Ronald Reuel Tolkien in Bloemfontein, Orange Free State Died: 2 September 1973 (aged 81) in Bournemouth, England Occupation: Author, Academic, Philologist, Poet Nationality: English Family: Tolkien was born to Arthur Reuel Tolkien and his wife Mabel in Bloemfontein, Orange Free State in 1892. Courtship and marriage: At the age of 16, Tolkien met Edith Mary Bratt, and spent much of his time with her, which infuriated his guardian, and kept him from seeing her again until he was 21, at which point Tolkien wrote Edith a love letter and asked her to marry him. Edith was already engaged to another man, but confessed that this was only because she had believed Tolkien had forgotten her. She gave back her engagement ring and announced her relationship with Tolkien. They were married at Saint Mary Immaculate Catholic Church in Warwick, England on 22 March 1916. Famous for: Most notably, The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings
In the modern world: There have been three film adaptations of The Lord of the Rings. The first was The Lord of the Rings (1978), by animator Ralph Bakshi. The second, The Return of the King (1980), was a TV special by RankinBass. The third was the world-famous movie trilogy filmed in New Zealand and directed by Peter Jackson. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is the film adaptation of The Hobbit that is currently in production. Several musical theatre shows have been based upon Tolkien’s work. Tolkien wrote many songs and poems within his books, and the most notable would be a toss up between The Verse of The Ring and this one, The Riddle of Strider:
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be the blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king. 65
Kawakawa Kawakawa
Macropiper excelsum
by Amy McComb Qualified Herbalist, BSc(hons), Tutor at Wellpark College of Natural Therapies Wildcrafting Courses and Apprenticeships
Kawakawa is a coastal native shrub with aromatic heartshaped leaves. With swollen knobs on its stems and a woody strong look and an amazing attitude Kawakawa is somehow quite distinctive. It is found throughout the north island and the northern half of the South Island. This invigorating plant is a sister plant of Kava. The fruit, bark and leaves of Kawakawa all have medicinal purposes. Kawakawa prefers a moist rich free-draining soil and semi-shade to full shade. The female and male flowers are arranged in upright spikes characteristic of the Pepper family and grow on separate trees. Kawakawa often has holey leaves that have been left by ‘Cleora scriptaria’ the caterpillars of a native looper moth, which cause the plant to release extra substances for protection. Uses: against rheumatism, helps one to move forward without interruption, release of grief, is uplifting, a wonderful digestive, counters anxiety, has aphrodisiac effects, kidney and blood tonic, alleviates bladder problems, boils, bruises, relieves pain and toothache, a general tonic and purifier, has stimulant effects and more….
One of my favourite recipes is to make a Wild Pesto with this beautiful green being…
REFRESHING KAWAKAWA PESTO Collect a minimum of 5 handfuls of Kawakawa leaves, asking leaf by leaf and preferably picking some holey ones. Pound them in with a pestle and mortar sending love and light through its veins. Sprinkle in some rose petals and oxalis, dandelion, plantain or any other plant you enjoy the taste of. Add organic cold pressed olive oil, lemon and salt to taste. Mix and serve as part of a meal or simple snack. Great digestive, uplifting and anti-anxiety properties! Scrumptious! Surprisingly tasty even for those who do not commonly eat wild plants. Lovely as a garnish in soups or as a simple pesto with toast, crackers, carrot sticks and hummus! A beautiful and stomach healing addition to any meal.
KAWAKAWA TEA A simple tea with 2-3 kawakawa leaves steeped in a teapot with a little lemon is also very refreshing and energizing… give it a try today!
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Is this you? If you think this sounds like you and you are available to start right now then send your CV and cover letter to introduce yourself to Catrin Jacksties and anticipate becoming part of our OneSmile Community. If you are interested I would love to talk to you. Applicants for this position should have NZ residency or a valid NZ work permit.
Sales Star
inspire | ignite | illuminate 67
Dandelion Dandelion Taraxacum Officinale
by Yvonne Tait Diploma in Medical Herbalism, Iridology and Clinical Nutrition, Colour Therapy
It is a member of the Compositae family of plants. If I was to say “Dandelion” the odds are, that you would immediately think ‘Weed’. There are so many plants termed weeds yet they are incredibly useful as medicines for all kinds of maladies; today I have in mind the much maligned Dandelion, bane of the perfect lawn.
Dandelion, both as a food and medicine, enjoys a long history. Maud Grieve in her book ‘A Modern Herbal’ mentions publications in 1485 and 1532 each giving their monograph of Dandelion. Nicholas Culpeper’s Herbal published around 1649 discusses the virtues of Dandelion: “It has an opening and cleansing quality and therefore very effectual for removing obstructions of the liver, gall bladder and spleen and diseases arising from them, such as jaundice. It openeth the passages of the urine both in young and old and will cleanse ulcers in the urinary tract.” The modern herbal practice would be lost without the extract of Dandelion on the shelf, along with the roasted root and dried leaves. In my own clinical practice, I have used it extensively in liver, kidney and digestive mixtures with excellent results. Dandelion is what we term a ‘Bitter’ herb. Because of this it is very useful for the digestion; the bitter herbs help to generate the digestive juices and thereby ensure the nutrients from the
food eaten arrive at the cells. Another term we use with regard to Dandelion is ‘Alterative’. An alterative herb is said to be able to change the overall body chemistry for the better. In the case of Dandelion the reasons for its ability to do this have come to light with modern research. It appears that the herb contains not only copious amounts of vitamins, particularly vitamin C, but also substances acting like enzymes. These substances stimulate the function of the large glands, particularly the liver and the kidneys. (Good on you Mr Culpeper, you worked that out in the 17th century without modern research!) These same substances stimulate cell metabolism and have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Dandelion is a useful herb for complaints involving the liver and gall, with appropriate diet it can help to alleviate the discomfort of gall stones. Dandelion was often used as a spring tonic, cleaning out the large organs. When blended with Gentian root (Gentiana lutea) and taken straight after a meal, it will often stop indigestion and bloating. Because of
its alterative action it is being used with some success for connective tissue diseases such as rheumatism. Dandelion is an extremely good diuretic, and a very safe one. One of the problems with diuretics in general, is the loss of potassium from the body through their use. Dandelion has the advantage here because it contains high levels of potassium, thus making it a natural safe diuretic in all cases of water retention. Dandelion is a good example of “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food.” The roots can be roasted and ground to make a caffeine free coffee substitute. There are commercial ones on the market, choose those NOT rolled in milk sugar. The ground root can be made in a plunger similar to coffee, a small amount of honey can be added if required, and in my case I add a small amount of Oat milk, this adds up to a delicious beverage while at the same time supporting body processes. The leaves can be eaten in a salad but choose the young leaves, the larger ones can prove too bitter. The dried leaves can be crushed and used as a tea; excellent as just a beverage and of great use should fluid retention be a problem. On reflection, maybe we owe the Dandelion an apology. If you ever find yourself unable to purchase vitamins and herbal medicines, (at the moment so readily available,) then cast your mind back to the humble Dandelion, and remember: God scattered far and wide all that we require. Nature’s door is open; all we have to do is learn.
References: The New Holistic Herbal. by David Hoffman. Herbal Medicine. By R. F. Weiss MD. Culpeper’s Colour Herbal. Edited by David Potterton. A Modern Herbal. By Maud Grieve.
Dandelion Preparation and Dosage: Parts used: Roots and Leaf Collect the roots in summer when they are at their bitterest, split them longitudinally before drying. The leaves may be collected any time.
Decoction: The root can be chopped and 2 teaspoonsful boiled for 15 minutes in a cup of good quality water. This can be drunk three times a day. The leaves can be used fresh or dried, place one teaspoonful of chopped or dried leaves in a kitchen mug and pour boiling water onto the leaves, allow to brew for ten minutes , strain and drink, this can be drunk three times a day if required. Use the fresh young leaves in salads.
Dosage for a 1:5 Tincture: 2 to 5 ml of the tincture in water three times a day after meals. Please Note: This article is for educational purposes only. Please consult your health care professional before taking herbal medicines. 69
dairy & gluten free
Chocolate Mousse Torte with Fresh Berries
by René Archner | | ph: +64 (0)9 473 7597 | m: +64 (0)27 555 1622 Inspired by Matt Samuelson
Serves 8 For the crust: • 1c shredded coconut • 1c cashews • 4-6 Medjool dates, pitted For the filling: • • • • • •
3 avocados, peeled, pit removed 1T vanilla extract 5T organic cocoa powder 1/2c Rapadura, raw cane sugar ¼ t lemon juice 1 punnet (500g) fresh strawberries, thinly sliced
Method: ✿ To make the crust, in a food processor grind the shredded coconut into a fine powder. Add the cashews. Continue processing to a coarse meal. ✿ Add the pitted dates and homogenize until the texture resembles a graham cracker crust. Mixture should be loose and crumbly, yet hold together when pressed tightly. ✿ Press the crust into a 9 inch ungreased pie plate or a French tart shell with a removable bottom. Press firmly to get the crust to hold together. Place it in the freezer or refrigerator to set up while making the filling. ✿ To make the filling: place the avocados, vanilla, lemon juice, cocoa and Rapadura in a food processor with the “S” blade and homogenize until completely smooth. ✿ To assemble: Divide the filling 3 equal parts. Spread a thin layer of filling on top of the crust. Next, place a layer of strawberries on the filling. Spread another layer of chocolate filling on top of the strawberries, and then layer more strawberries, another layer of filling and the remainder of the berries. ✿ Refrigerate for at least one hour prior to serving. Cut carefully with a very sharp knife while gently holding the top layer of strawberries in place with your fingers. Enjoy!
absolutely devine
Chai Tea Ingredients: • • • • • • • • • • • • •
3 cups water 1 pinch fresh ginger, grated 3 pinches powdered ginger 3 pinches ground cardamom 1 stick cinnamon 2 pinches ground nutmeg 3-4 cloves 5 black peppercorns 1 dried chilli 1 pinch of star anise or fennel seeds 2 bay leafs 1 cup milk (alternatives - soy, rice or coconut) Black tea (alternatives - dandelion or red bush)
You can vary the spices, milk and tea according to taste. Method: Add the spices to the water and bring to the boil, then turn the heat down and simmer for 15 min*. After brewing add sweetener of choice to taste. Next add the milk and heat until hot but not boiling. Meanwhile brew the desired tea on the side. Once tea has fully brewed add to Chai mixture until it becomes a warm caramel colour. * For a strong brew: the longer you can simmer the spices the better. This creates a full flavoured base. If you are brewing for a few hours add an extra cup of water or two and ensure you have a tight fitting lid for your saucepan!
Mint Coco Chai Yummy Alternative Ingredients: • • • •
1 tsp coriander seeds 1 tsp cumin seeds 2 tsp carob or cocoa powder ½ cup fresh mint leaves or 1 tablespoon dried mint
Method: Follow Chai recipe, add coriander and cumin with other spices, use mint instead of black tea and add cocoa powder at the end… absolutely divine! 71
Rocking through summer! My freckles are in full flow and really looking good on a background of pink skin!! I love summer in New Zealand from cricket on the beach to rock diving in anyone of its beautiful rivers!! It is a magic place to be during the summer (well when I can get out of the restaurant). We are blessed people in New Zealand and we should be making the most out of its stunning scenery and fabulous culture. Just as we should be making the most out of the activities NZ has to offer so we should be checking out the produce on offer.
Chris Williams Head Chef, The Vic Brew Bar, Nelson
Keep your taste buds dancing with a few meat and fish marinades & a cracking cider-based punch
aking the most out of any berries you can get your hands on (get stock piling and making jams for the winter) but this month we are gonna talk about BBQs!! BBQs are brilliant! The best BBQ is one with the least amount of work and the most amount of satisfaction. In my book the idea is to get it all ready the day before or in the morning so that when it comes to cooking time you can still entertain guests and enjoy the occasion yourself. Here are a few things I have noticed about BBQs that need to be fixed: ➽ BBQs are not about how black you can make everything! ➽ Men you are not the kings of the BBQ! ➽ Ladies you are not exempt from turning a sausage or two. ➽ You can turn the flame to low any time you fancy that’s why the dial is there. ➽ And novelty aprons really are a must when BBQing. This month we will just go through a few meat and fish marinades that will bring a wee bit of life to a dish and will have your guests asking when the next one is! You don’t have to use all of them but just mixing it up with one or two different combos will keep your taste buds dancing! I find the best way to marinade the meat or fish is to use a zip lock bag and massage the marinade into the meat that way (saves mess saves dishes). And it’s not all about the food; I’ve got a cracking cider-based punch to keep you refreshed. My brother Howard has come up with this and I can’t get enough of it… proper refreshing and will compliment any sunny day’s BBQing!
Marinades One
This one works amazingly well on a butterflied lambs shoulder
Finally lets get Asian! Prawns are a good way to go with this one!
• • • • •
• • • • • •
2 lemons, zested and juiced 250ml natural yogurt Large handful of mint 1 tsp cumin ground 1 tsp coriander ground
Mix it all together. Pour over the lamb shoulder, massage in and allow to sit for as long as possible. Heat up BBQ, remove excess marinade and slap it on there (caution don’t actually throw it at the BBQ). It goes really well sliced over a Greek salad!
Two This one will give your chicken a much appreciated spicing up! • • • • • • • •
2 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp ground coriander 2 fresh chilies – sliced (seeds optional if left in it will bring the heat right up) 2 garlic cloves - peeled 2 limes – zest and juice 1 tbsp – soy sauce 2 tbsp - oil salt and pepper
Get all the ingredients and bash them up until they become a paste of pure greatness. Rub this into the chicken and BBQ! You can give this a taste before you put on the chicken to see if the spice is right. I like to use wings or drum sticks on a BBQ as the bone helps to keep the chicken moist.
1 chilli - sliced fine seeds out 2 limes – juice and zest 3 tsp – soy sauce 1 – lemongrass stick bashed 1 tsp – grated ginger 1 handful – fresh coriander – sliced leaf and stalk • 3tsp – oil • pepper Mix all together and give it a bash, pour over the prawns and leave for a few hours. Skewer 2/3 prawns to a skewer and fire them up! I hope these few bits and bobs will help to give you a bit more variety to your BBQ experience other than super crispy sausages!! Happy summer months to you all.
THE PUNCH Isaacs cider and peach punch Make this as big or as small as you like: • • • • • •
1 bottle of Isaacs apple cider 15ml white rum 30ml peach schnapps ½ fresh apple 2 sprigs of mint 1 wedge of lime juice
Put all together with ice, mix and drink. 73
vegan, sugar & gluten free
Fig & Ginger
Cookies Method: Pre-heat oven to 200°C and lightly oil a baking tray.
Makes 12 Ingredients: • • • • • • • • • • • •
250g rolled oats 100g flour (wholemeal or buckwheat) ½ cup chopped dates 1 cup chopped dried figs 200ml warm water 200ml oil 1/2tsp baking powder 3 tbsp honey or sweetener of choice 2 inch knob grated ginger (if you like it zingy add a little extra!) 2 tsp ground ginger 2 tsp ground cinnamon 2 tsp ground cardamom
Finishing touches... • 250g dark chocolate • 2-3tbsp *soy or rice milk (water can also be used) • 100g crushed walnut pieces • shredded coconut
Combine all dry ingredients. Melt honey in the warm water and add to the dry ingredients along with the oil. Mix well. Drop large tablespoon sized amounts onto the baking tray. Lightly press down with a fork and then cook in oven for 12-15mins. Once cooked, allow cookies to stand on a cooling rack. Meanwhile heat hot water in a saucepan, place a metal or glass bowl over the saucepan and add the chocolate. Allow it to melt but be careful not to burn the chocolate. As the chocolate melts add the soy milk* and stir, creating a thick smooth paste. When cookies are cool lay them out on baking paper and drizzle chocolate syrup over the top and sprinkle with walnut pieces. Refrigerate till chocolate is set. Before serving add the final touch of shredded coconut. Now most importantly, ... put your feet up, breathe, bite into your scrumptious creation, savour the flavour and breathe into the moment ...
Balance and harmony by design
by Susanne Brutscher
When Catrin invited me to write about my health focused attitude towards Interior Design, I became aware of OneSmile’s emphasis on publishing GOOD NEWS, an intentional technique which is also the philosophical base for my business: Holistic Interior Design.
Challenging conditions and demanding lifestyles consequently call for ‘recovery areas” at home, places that are toxicfree, peaceful and quiet to relax in and to recharge our batteries. The good news is that we have choices! At least in our homes, or nests, we are masters of creation of safe havens, well-being, relaxation zones and relative safety. We can choose how we live at home, e.g. turning off the TV and radio, inviting supportive energies in and choosing to invest in the only asset we truly own: our health. I incorporate the fundamentals of Building Biology, a science that started some 40 years ago in Europe. Under the influence and suggestions of Building Biologists, many governments decided to implement positive changes in the manufacturing of building materials, building codes and the protective regulation of resource usage, e.g. forests, water and land. In Building Biology, non-toxic, natural building materials and tested building methods are coordinated to create healthy housing and re-connect the inhabitants to nature. They allow them to live in a naturally supportive home-environment,
which consequently leads to more wellbeing. Using natural materials not only benefits the people who live in those homes but also the environment. Germany was the first country to acknowledge the holistic science of BB and began to offer the required university courses for architects.
“The application of Building Biology principles in my design process leads to truly harmonious, feel-good, attractive and healthy spaces which transcend personal boundaries.” My work involves creating spaces for realistic life situations, radiating a welcoming and comforting atmosphere by combining the classic design techniques with the modern knowledge of Building Biology. By creating healthy, beautiful interiors we also ensure healthy developments and sustainability for the environment. Keep in mind: it is not necessary to build a new house to benefit from the techniques of Building Biology. Any existing home will improve with BB related changes, however small they may be. Re-positioning of furniture for better energy may be an effective start. Any
amount of work into the right direction will let you feel the difference. Be inspired by the attraction that Mediterranean holiday spots emanate. Enjoy visual warmth, vibrant colors, enticing combinations of hues and tints, and spend your time at home in stimulating surroundings reflecting your own personality. My vivid compositions of materials and color will transform a tired house into a fresh and inviting living concept. Discover and use your own style. Personal style and personal color schemes will give you a long lasting frame for comfort, and you can always perk up just a few details with new glamour. Often less is more and gives you the means to afford better choices. At this stage in evolution we are still dependent on nature to support our lives, so the smart thing to do would be to preserve clean air, water and soil. Choose your living ‘style’ with your health and wellbeing and that of our environment in mind. For more information go to (see advertisement following page) 75
Healthier Living with Healthier Materials Vivid compositions of color and materials, visual warmth, enticing moods together with the knowledge of Building Biology will transform a tired house into a fresh and inviting living concept.
For new projects and redesign contact Susanne Brutscher phone 03 540 3672 web
INTERIOR DESIGN STUDIO MAPUA Professional Design & Building Biology
Tasman Building Biology & Ecology Centre non-toxic choices, natural materials
Building Biology works for you, for your project, for your architect and for our environment. Susanne Brutscher Tasman Building Biology, Interior Design phone: 03 540 3672
Healthier homes
Healthier workplaces
Healthier environment Healthier you
Move Nelson H
Discover the fun of a Segway
ugh Briggs started Move Nelson in 2011, having seen the potential of Segways after a visit overseas. On his return to NZ, he looked at the tour operation at Devonport in Auckland. He extensively researched other Segway operations around the country, and experienced the excellent tours in Christchurch and Queenstown. He set up the Move Nelson operation to provide a unique way of looking around this wonderful City, and to also provide for some fun experiences too! Hugh already runs a successful high quality B&B (Strathaven Lodge) in Nelson, and is also very involved in the tourism industry with the Chamber of Commerce. He saw the need for more activities in Nelson that would provide fun for both locals and tourists alike! Hugh says “I see the Segway business as a wonderful way of sharing my passion for Nelson with tourists and locals alike, enjoying our wonderful reserves, attractive places and buildings around the city. The Segway is a fun way in which to enjoy all this, using these remarkable and unique machines. I have experienced tours in other cities and seen how much fun they bring – not only to the clients but also to people in the street. There is always a positive response! Once you have tried them, you will share my passion for the Segway!” “Move Nelson runs tours around our attractive City centre – along the
riverside and coastal tracks, past historic houses and churches, and around beautiful parks and reserves.” Discover the fun of a Segway Riding an eco-friendly Segway is a truly unique and fun experience! Successful worldwide, and in most major tourist centres around New Zealand, it has now been brought to Nelson! There has been nothing like it here before! Nelson is an ideal place to experience these exciting machines! No special skill is required to use them. The amazing technology of the Segway takes care of the balancing part for you. Anyone can use one. Customers from 12 to over 70 have had fun on them! Easy to use! After a few minutes guidance from your experienced guide, you will be the master of this amazing machine! Simple technique: to go forward, just lean forwards; to stop (or reverse) just lean gently backwards. A weird but thrilling sensation that everyone quickly gets used to.
Other longer ones are currently being negotiated with the authorities to include around the area around the Cathedral, Fairfield and Melrose Parks, and around Tahunanui Beach. Try these as a fun and unique way of seeing your city! Have Fun at Corporate Functions, Major Events or Private Parties Want to do something different for entertainment at your next corporate or private function? Segways are being regularly used around the country for conferences, corporate activities, children’s and adult parties! Move Nelson has already been actively involved in providing up to 6 machines for corporate or private parties, giving participants a chance to experience the fun qualities of these machines! For further information on any of the Segway activities go to the website or contact Hugh Briggs on 027 243 5301 or 0800 FUN SEG (386 734)
Tours and Rides Hugh runs guided tours only – the machines are not for individual hire. He has set up wonderful tours along the Maitai riverside walkway, starting from the I-Site along up to the beautiful Queens Gardens and the Botanics; or around the Founders Park and Miyazu Gardens areas including a ride along the coastal shared footpath. 77
Teenage Tip
IkijW_dWX_b_jo Zinc Hairdressing is environmentallyminded leading to the choice to work with Italian hair care brand Davines whose business ethics and concept of beauty sustainability benefit both client and community.
blues? The new school year can be stressful and exciting all at the same time! The rush to get to into your new class. Leaving your lunch on the kitchen bench! Argh – why can’t my hair just do what I want it too!!! Swapping the beach for the classroom can be a nerve-wrecking experience! DON’T PANIC – they do get easier! • try to get into a good sleeping pattern before school starts – our brains need rest too! • pick out your first day’s clothes the night before. • everyday is a good day to eat a healthy breakfast. • try to aim for good learning habits – it does make the end of year exams easier. • don’t forget to smile! Maybe you got lost on the way to class – have a laugh at yourself – it’s not the end of the world. • no one said you have to like the complicated things in school – you just need to get through them. • there will be heaps of you feeling scared & vulnerable – they are just hiding it! • make some new friends, enjoy being yourself. • do you know the old saying “confidence loves company”? Be confident and remember to relax and enjoy the ride. and finally – enjoy your first day back at school for 2012. PS – don’t forget your lunch! Alana Riley B.Com, Dip NVP Director
Ex libris
Journey into Nature A Spiritual Adventure by Michael J. Roads
Roads & Driveways For all your asphalting and sealing requirements, from excavation to completion, call us today for free advice & quotes. • Road & Driveway Construction • Subdivisions • Carparks • Bitumen Sealing • Hotmix & Asphalting
Ph 03 544 8464 Fax 03 548 3408 Mob 0274 373 464 Email 84 Beach Road, Richmond, Nelson P O Box 3010 Richmond, 7050
Originally Talking with Nature and Journey into Nature were published as two books and I did read just the latter. Talking With Nature was first published in 1985, almost 25 years ago. In his foreword, Sir George Trevelyan, the great supporter of Findhorn, says, “... If the author can achieve this ‘talking with nature’ then all of us can potentially do the same. The manner of approach and attitude of mind are what matter. Approach the natural form – tree or hill, river or blossom – and speak inwardly with the elemental being within it. Then watch the response in your mind and heart and give back love. Let the flow begin...“. This is what Michael succeeds in doing and this book is the record of his experiences. In Journey Into Nature Michael’s experiences are taken to a whole new level, as he establishes contact with Pan – or more precisely, Pan establishes contact with him! Reaching into the experiences of his own past, and under Pan’s guidance, he finds himself reviewing them, not from his human point of view alone, but with his conscious awareness merging successively with that of blackberries, rock, cattle, dogs, a storm, dolphins and the realm of nature spirits. These are heavy-duty experiences, and the lessons to which he is exposed ring true. Consumed by a sense of guilt over his past conduct in some of these situations, he is admonished by Pan; ‘Failure and success are illusions. As long as you measure yourself in terms of success or failure you will remain unenlightened... . Only you judge yourself. Nothing else in life does this except humans. Humans judge themselves and each other. Give it up. You don’t need it... Believe me, Nature makes no judgments.’ Again and again, pure, unconditional love is expressed, and felt, by all participants in this great drama. I so much enjoyed this book and am now onto Talking with Nature. They are available directly from Michael’s website: