Giving Guide

Page 11


MAY 20, 2022


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Case Western Reserve University improves and enriches people’s lives through research that capitalizes on the power of collaboration and through education that dramatically engages our students. We realize this goal through: Case Western Reserve University improves and enriches people’s lives Case Western ReserveUniversity Universityimproves improvesand andenriches enrichespeople’s people’slives lives Case Western Reserve Case Western Reserve University improves and enriches people’s lives Case Western Reserve University improves and enriches people’s through research that capitalizes on the power of collaboration and through research that capitalizes on the power of collaboration and •Case Scholarship creative endeavor that draws forms of inquiry. Western Reserve University improves and on enriches people’s lives lives throughand research that capitalizes on the power ofall collaboration and through that capitalizes on the of collaboration through research thatresearch capitalizes on the power ofpower collaboration and and through education that dramatically engages our students. through education thatdramatically dramatically engages our students. through education that engages our students. through research that capitalizes on the power of collaboration and •through Learning that is active, creative and continuous. through education that dramatically our students. education that dramatically engagesengages our students. throughWe education that dramatically realize this goal through: We realizethis this goal through: engages our students. We realize goal through: • Promotion ofWe anrealize inclusive culture of global citizenship. this goalendeavor through: that draws on all forms of inquiry. •• Scholarship and creative Scholarship and creative endeavor thatdraws drawson onall allforms formsofofinquiry. inquiry. We realize this goal through: • Scholarship creative endeavor that We realize this goaland through: • Scholarship and creative endeavor that draws on all forms of inquiry. • Learning that is active, creative and continuous. Learning that active, creativeand and continuous. •• Scholarship and creative endeavor that draws forms of inquiry. • •Learning that isisactive, creative continuous. Scholarship and creative endeavor that draws onon all all forms of inquiry. • Learning that is active, creative and continuous. •• Promotion Promotionof ofan aninclusive inclusiveculture cultureof ofglobal globalcitizenship. citizenship.

• Promotion of an inclusive culture ofcontinuous. global citizenship. •• Learning thatisisactive, active, creative and Learning that and continuous. What’s New? • Promotioncreative of an inclusive culture of global citizenship.

• Promotion ofan aninclusive inclusiveculture cultureofof global citizenship. Promotion of global citizenship.

Through the support of our valued alumni and partners, Case Western Reserve University continues to have a powerful impact on the CWRU community and beyond. Whether providing support for student scholarships or helping to fund initiatives Through the support of our valued alumni and partners, Case Western Reserve Throughthe thesupport supportof ourvalued valuedalumni alumniand andpartners, partners,Case CaseWestern WesternReserve Reserve Through our that allow CWRU to remain aofleading institution in research and education, your University continues have aapowerful impact on the CWRU community and beyond. Through theto support of our valued alumni and partners, Case Western Reserve University continues to have powerful impact on the CWRU community and beyond. University continues to have a powerful impact on the CWRU community and beyond. thoughtful philanthropy can create a legacy whose impact is felt for generations Whether providing support for scholarships helping to fund initiatives University continues to student have a powerful impactor on the CWRU community and beyond. Whether providing support for student scholarships or helping to fund initiatives providingIRA support for student scholarships or gift helping to fund initiatives toThrough come.Whether Athat will bequest, distribution or other planned can be a simple Through the support of our valued alumni and partners, Case Western Reserve that allow CWRU to remain aaleading institution ininresearch and education, your Whether providing support for student scholarships orWestern helping to fund allow CWRU to remain leading institution research and education, yourinitiatives the support of our valued alumni and partners, Case that allow CWRU to remain a leading institution in research and education,Reserve your but impactful way to invest in the future of the University. University continues to have a powerful impact on the CWRU community and beyond. thoughtful philanthropy can legacy whose impact felt for generations that allow CWRU to create remain leading institution in isresearch and education, your thoughtful philanthropy can createaaimpact alegacy legacy whose impact isfelt feltfor forgenerations generations University continues to have acan powerful on theimpact CWRU and beyond. thoughtful philanthropy create whose iscommunity to come. AAwill bequest, IRA distribution or other planned gift can be simple thoughtful philanthropy can create aother legacy whose impact isafelt for generations Whether providing support for student scholarships or helping to fund initiatives to come. will bequest, IRA distribution or planned gift can be a simple to providing come. A willsupport bequest,for IRAstudent distribution or other planned gifthelp canto be a simple Whether scholarships or helping fund initiatives Please visit toIRA learn how your gift can support but impactful way to invest ininthe future of the University. to to come. will bequest, distribution or other and planned gift can your be a simple butCWRU impactful wayAto to the future ofthe the University. that allow remain ainvest leading institution in University. research education, but impactful way invest in the future of that allow CWRU to remain a leading institution in research and education, your educational excellence. but impactful way to invest in the future of the University. thoughtful philanthropy can create a legacy whose impact is felt for generations Please visit to learn how your gift can help support Please tolearn learn howyour your giftcan can help support thoughtful philanthropy can create a legacy whose impact is felt for generations Please visit to how gift help support to come. A will bequest, IRA distribution or other planned gift can be a simple educational excellence. Please visit to learn how your gift can support educational excellence. to come. A will bequest, IRA distribution or other planned gift can be ahelp simple educational excellence. but impactful way to invest in the future of the University. educational excellence. but impactful way to invest in the future of the University.

What’s New? What’sNew? New? What’s What’s New?

What’s New? New?

Please visit to learn how your gift can help support 10900 Ave 216.368.4460 Please Euclid visit to learn how your gift can help support educational excellence. Cleveland, OH 44106-7090 10900 Euclid 216.368.4460 10900 EuclidAve Ave 216.368.4460 educational excellence.

10900 Euclid Ave 216.368.4460 10900 Euclid Ave 216.368.4460 Cleveland, OH 44106-7090 Cleveland, OH44106-7090 44106-7090 Cleveland, OH Cleveland, OH 44106-7090

Contact us to learn more: UMC_4148-01_2021 UMC_4148-01_2021

Contact us to learn more: Contactus usto tolearn learnmore: more: Contact Ellen Halfon, JD Contact us to learn more: Contact us to learn more: Contact us to learnE.more:

Senior Philanthropic Advisor 216.368.2630 Ellen E. Halfon, JD Ellen Halfon,JD JD E.E.Halfon, Senior Philanthropic Senior Philanthropic Ellen E. Halfon, JD Senior Philanthropic Ellen E. Halfon, JD Ellen E. Halfon, JD Advisor AdvisorSenior Philanthropic Advisor Senior Philanthropic 216.368.2630 Senior Philanthropic 216.368.2630 Advisor 216.368.2630 Advisor 216.368.2630 Advisor 216.368.2630 216.368.2630 Amanda Pinney, JD Executive Director, Office of Strategic Giving Amanda Pinney, JD Amanda Pinney,JD JD 216.368.6958 Amanda Pinney, Executive Director, Executive Director, Amanda Pinney, JD Executive Director,

Office of Strategic Giving Officeof of StrategicDirector, Giving Executive Office Strategic Giving 216.368.6958 216.368.6958 Office of Strategic Amanda Pinney, JD Giving Amanda Pinney, JD 216.368.6958 216.368.6958 Executive Director, Executive Director, Office of Strategic Giving

Office of Strategic Giving

216.368.6958 216.368.6958

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Giving Guide by Cleveland Jewish Publication Company - Issuu