Giving Guide

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MAY 20, 2022

Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Our Mission: To provide resources for advancing student success at Cuyahoga Community To resources for student success Cuyahoga Community OurMission: Mission: Toprovide provide resources for advancing student success atatensure Cuyahoga Community Our Mission: To forstudent advancing student at Cuyahoga OurOur Mission: Totoprovide resources advancing success atsuccess Cuyahoga Community College and transform theprovide livesfor ofresources those Tri-C serves. Our vision: To Tri-C has Community the

College and transform thelives lives of those those serves. Our vision: To Tri-C has College tototransform the of Our vision: Toensure ensure Tri-C has the College andthe to transform the lives ofTri-C those Tri-C serves. Our vision: To ensure Tri-C has the College and toand transform lives of those Tri-C serves. Our vision: Toand ensure Tri-C thethe resources needed help every student learn, thrive and succeed to create ahas prosperous Our Mission: Toto provide resources for advancing student success at Cuyahoga Community resources needed to help every student and succeed and to create a prosperous resources needed to help every student learn, thrive and succeed and to create a prosperous resources needed to help every student learn, thrive succeed and to create a prosperous resources neededfortoall. help every student learn, thrive and succeed and to create a prosperous community College andfor to transform community all. for all.the lives of those Tri-C serves. Our vision: To ensure Tri-C has the community community forcommunity all. forall. resources needed to help every student learn, thrive and succeed and to create a prosperous community for all.

700 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115 700 Carnegie 216-987-4868 Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115 700 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115 700 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, 44115 216-987-4868 700 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, OHOH 44115 700 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115 216-987-4868 216-987-4868 216-987-4868 Year Established: 1973 216-987-4868 Year Established: 1973 Year Established: Year Established: 1973 AdvanceYear Futures, Transform the Region Established: 19731973 Year Established: 1973the Region Advance Futures, Transform Strategic Priorities: Advance Futures, Transform Region Advance Futures, Transform the the Region Strategic Priorities: Advance Futures, Transform the Region • Student Experience AdvanceStrategic Futures, Transform the Region Strategic Priorities: Priorities: •• Student Experience Strategic Priorities: Workforce focus on in-demand Strategic Priorities:careers in • Student Experience • Student Experience

•healthcare, Workforce focus on technology in-demandand careers in • •Student Experience information manfacturing • Workforce focus on in-demand careers •healthcare, Student Experience Workforce focus on in-demand careers in in information technology and manfacturing • healthcare, Workforce focus on on in-demand careers in in healthcare, information technology and manfacturing information technology and manfacturing • Workforce focus in-demand careers healthcare, information technology and manfacturing • Aff ordability • Aff ordabilityinformation technology and manfacturing healthcare, Leadership • Affordability Leadership Leadership Leadership

Leadership Leadership

Lou Joseph Lou Joseph Lou Joseph Chairperson Lou Joseph Chairperson Chairperson Chairperson Lou Joseph Lou Joseph Tri-C Foundation Tri-C Foundation Tri-C Foundation Chairperson Tri-C Foundation Chairperson Tri-C Foundation Tri-C Foundation

Megan O’Bryan Megan O’Bryan Megan O’Bryan President Megan O’Bryan President President President Megan O’Bryan Megan O’Bryan Tri-C Foundation Tri-C Foundation Tri-C Foundation President Tri-C Foundation President Tri-C Foundation Tri-C Foundation

Advance futures and transform the region. Advance futures and transform the region. Advance futures and transform the region. Advance futures and transform the region. Advance futures and transform the region. Advance futures and transform the region.

® ® Your legacy gift to gift create scholarships for Tri-C students invests in in their Your legacy to create scholarships for Tri-C students invests theirskills skillsto tosucceed. succeed. ® ® students invests in their skills to succeed. Your legacy gift to create scholarships for Tri-C Your legacy gift to create scholarships for Tri-C students invests in their skills to succeed. Your legacy gift to create scholarships for Tri-C ® students invests in their skills to succeed. ® Tri-C gift has with partnered with aFreeWill, a free online that guides you through creating a legally It’s easy to use and takes Tri-C has partnered free online tool thattool guides you through creating a legally valid will. will. It’s skills easy to use and takes Your legacy toFreeWill, create scholarships for Tri-C students invests in valid their to succeed.

Tri-C hasaspartnered with FreeWill, a complete. free online tool that guides you through legally valid will. It’s easyto touse use and takes Tri-C has with FreeWill, a free online tool that guides you through creating aathis legally valid will. and takes aspartnered little as 20 minutes to Feel prepared and as secure as youcreating complete important step ineasy building your legacy. as little 20 minutes to complete. Feel prepared and secure you complete this important step in It’s building your legacy. as little as 20 minutes to complete. Feel prepared and secure as you complete this important step in building your legacy. as little as 20 minutes to complete. Feel prepared and secure as you complete this important step in building your legacy. Contact Melanie 216-987-4868 with guides questions. Contact Majikas atMajikas 216-987-4868 withtool questions. Tri-C hasMelanie partnered with FreeWill, aatfree online that you through creating a legally valid will. It’s easy to use and takes Contact Melanie Majikas at 216-987-4868 with questions. Contact Melanie Majikas at 216-987-4868 with questions. Tri-C has partnered with FreeWill, a free online tool that creating a legally validstep will.inIt’s easy toyour uselegacy. and takes as little as 20 minutes to complete. Feel prepared andguides secureyou asthrough you complete this important building as little as 20 minutes to complete. Feel prepared and secure as you complete this important step in building your legacy. Contact Melanie Majikas at 216-987-4868 with questions. 216-987-4868 216-987-4868 Contact Melanie Majikas at 216-987-4868 with questions. 21-1012 FDN CJN 9.75x5.25 Philanthropy Ad Dec 2021.indd 1 216-987-4868 216-987-4868 216-987-4868



11/17/21 9:57 AM

21-1012 21-1012

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