Giving Guide

Page 51


MAY 20, 2022


Shoes and Clothes for Kids Our Mission: Shoes and Clothes for Kids’ mission is to improve K-8 school attendance by eliminating lack of appropriate clothing, shoes and school supplies as barriers.

What’s New? Shoes and Clothes for Kids continues to meet the needs of kids in poverty in the Cleveland area despite the pandemic. We’ve delivered thousands of bags of new clothing, school supplies, shoe vouchers, personal hygiene kits, laundry detergent and kids-sized masks to help kids finish school last spring, and have what they need to get back to school this fall in a virtual environment. Those kids need our help – your help – more than ever. Please visit our website to see videos ( about our programs and consider volunteering or donating today.

Office Address: 3631 Perkins Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114 Mailing Address: PO Box 93785 Cleveland, OH 44101-5785 (216) 881-7463 • Year Established: 1969 Number of Employees: 8

Top Three Items Needed New kids socks and underwear New core school supplies Groups of 10-15 volunteers

Top Leadership

Interested in Helping? Terry Uhl Executive Director 216-881-7463 x 3 | |

Terence J. Uhl Executive Director

Kelly Rudloff Board Chair

To celebrate 50 years of serving Cleveland’s To celebratefamilies 50 yearsinofneed, serving SC4KCleveland’s IS COMMITTED families TO DOUBLING in need, SC4K IS COMMITTED TO DOUBLING OUR IMPACT AND RAISING AN ADDITIONAL OUR$1IMPACT MILLIONAND DURING RAISING OURAN50TH ADDITIONAL ANNIVERSARY $1 MILLION YEAR.DURING Raising OURan50TH ANNIVERSARY YEAR. Raising an extra $1 million is our largest fundraising extra $1goal million ever,is but our we largest believe fundraising it is attainable goal ever, because but we thebelieve it is attainable because the community cares,To teachers care, community you cares, teachers care, and you care. celebrate 50 and To years celebrate of care. serving 50 has years Cleveland’s of serving families Cleveland’s in need, families SC4K ISin COMMITTED need, SC4K TO for DOUBLING IS COMMITTED TO DOUBLING Shoes and Clothes for Kids been serving Greater Cleveland area kids more than 50 OUR IMPACT ANDfundraising RAISING OUR IMPACT AN ADDITIONAL AND RAISING $1 AN MILLION ADDITIONAL DURING $1OUR MILLION 50TH DURING ANNIVERSARY OURservice, 50TH YEAR. ANNIVERSARY Raising anYEAR. Raising years. Our efforts have led to an expansion of our and expansion of our an We invite you to extra join us inmillion honoring We the invite founding youfundraising tois work join us of goal in Morrie honoring Sayre, the who founding saw a itneed work and of believe Morriebecause Sayre, who sawbecause a need the and $1 extra is our $1 largest million our largest fundraising ever, but we goal believe ever, but is attainable we it is attainable the programs and a search for expanded offices. took action. Withcommunity support from philanthropic took action. friends With support like from thatphilanthropic smallyou step wasfriends nurtured likeinto you, that small step was nurtured into cares, community teachers care, cares, and teachers youyou, care. care, and care. an organization that now serves thousands an organization of children that now each serves year but thousands could do of so children much more. each year butnew could dodedicated so much more. During the pandemic, we continued to meet kid’s needs through finding and We invite you toWe joininvite us inyou honoring to join the us in founding honoring work theoffounding Morrie Sayre, work ofwho saw aSayre, need who and saw a shopneed and partners thatProgram are committed toAnniversary serve. We provided thousands ofMorrie teachers free supply The SC4K 50th took Anniversary The SC4K Growth 50th Fund is from ourfriends gift Program back the Growth community—an Fund is our gift back the action. With took support action. from With philanthropic support philanthropic like you, friends that small likestep you, was thatnurtured small step into wascommunity—an nurtured into ping twice a year. And ourtoboard and other members of the community were relentless in the opportunity to express our gratitude opportunity for theserves many express years of our support gratitude and afor commitment theofyear many years tocould deliver of support and amore. commitment to more. deliver an organization an that organization now thousands that now serves of children thousands each children but each do year so but much could do so much volunteering inmore our warehouse to serve all. more services to many more families in services the coming to many years. more families in the coming years. The SC4K 50thThe Anniversary SC4K 50th Program Anniversary GrowthProgram Fund isGrowth our giftFund backis the our community—an gift back the community—an We invite you to support our efforts to provide the items kids need to gettoato school. We This expanded programming allows This us expanded to serve nearly programming 7,000 students allows us per to year serve from nearly 2020 7,000 to students per year from 2020 to opportunity to express opportunity our gratitude to express for our the gratitude many years forofthe support many years and aofcommitment support and deliver commitment to deliver provide more than ever before and need help. Thetoneed isweand great and continues grow. and 2025. By removing clothing as to a barrier to Byattendance, removing clothing will as getyour amore barrier students to coming attendance, school will get more students to to school more services more many more families to many inwe more the coming families years. in the years. more students in the classroom everyday more students will improve in thestudent classroom success. everyday Pleasewill join improve us in helping student success. Please join us in helping VISIT US AT SC4K.ORG/DONATE. THANK YOU! Cleveland kids succeed. Cleveland kids succeed. This expanded programming This expandedallows programming us to serve allows nearly us 7,000 to serve students nearly per 7,000 yearstudents from 2020 per year to from 2020 to 2025. By removing 2025. clothing By removing as a barrier to attendance, as a barrierwetowill attendance, get morewe students will gettomore school students and to school and ***For more information on howaclothing tobigger help SC4K toon have a bigger impact onimpact Greater Cleveland kids,please ***For more information on how to ***For help SC4K more information have on impact how to help Cleveland SC4K have kids, a please bigger on Cleveland more students inmore the classroom students in everyday the classroom will improve everyday student will improve success. student Please join success. us in Please helpingjoin us kids, in helping please contact Terry Uhl at contact Terry UhlCleveland at contact Terry Uhl at kids succeed. Cleveland kids succeed.

***For more information ***For more on how information to help SC4K on how have to help a bigger SC4Kimpact have aonbigger Cleveland impact kids, on please Cleveland kids, please contact Terry Uhlcontact at Terry Uhl at

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Giving Guide by Cleveland Jewish Publication Company - Issuu