Triennial Virtual Convention July 31st & August 1st, 2022
The Making of a Virtual Convention By Susan Isaacs and Gail Simpson
hen the National Executive Board decided that our Convention would be virtual and from Los Angeles, all eyes turned to the national board members from the Los Angeles area. I called Gail after the meeting. I thought she would be the right choice to chair the convention, after all Gail had done this before - but not virtually, of course. Gail was a little reluctant at first. “Well, I’ll do it if you co-chair with me,” Gail said. “Hmm, OK, I guess I’m up to it,” I replied. The co-chairs we locked in. How could we engage our members online, for two days, with an exciting, educational program? That was our challenge. We had to form a committee. We needed Esther Friedberg, Judith Shamir, Jan Gurvitch, Debbie Kohn, Susan Miller and the national office staff. Our brand-new Executive Director, at the time, Susan Seely, said she would love to help. We were off and running! Gail and I agreed that we wanted a very strong Hollywood theme. I looked for Hollywood videos, but nothing was appropriate. Maybe we could splice together some still graphics of scenes from Hollywood and Los Angeles and add some music, but how? My next call was to Art Verity. Art and his wife Bari have been my personal friends for over 40 years. I was a bridesmaid at their wedding. Bari brought me to my first NA’AMAT meeting. They have been life members of NA’AMAT for several decades. Art was enthusiastic about the convention project. His creative juices
started flowing from our very first conversation. Three scenic videos, a very Hollywood style outgoing and incoming board installation began to crystallize. His talents exceeded our expectations! Esther came up with the signature drink, the NA’AMATINI and worked with the local Israeli Consul office to get a taped greeting from Dr. Hillel Newman. Susan Miller said she would be in charge of our tribute journal, and we started soliciting ads. Jan & Debbie supported all our ideas and worked on the business portions for the convention. We needed new videos from Israel, showing our installations and detailing our 100year history. We asked Shirli Shavit for her greetings, always a popular feature. Gail thought it would be a good idea to hire a comedian to entertain us. Susan Seely suggested a woman comedienne and booked Talia Reese. We planned for a wonderful swag bag filled with Hollywood and NA’AMAT items! Our committee met, almost weekly, for over six months. Our timeline and schedule of events was revised many times. On June 30th, the final timeline was approved. My thanks to a great committee that worked tirelessly to help make our convention a great event! We hope that you have enjoyed yourselves and learned something new about our wonderful organization. Good luck to Jan Gurvitch, our returning President, and our new Board! This was a labor of love for me. Respectfully, Susan Isaacs, 2022 National Convention Co-Chair
From our President, Jan Gurvitch
t is my pleasure to welcome you to our National Triennial Convention. Our program began with the well-known song "Hooray for Hollywood" - and with that same enthusiasm I want to give a shout out and a BIG Hooray to our amazing convention chairs, Gail Simpson and Susan Isaacs, and their Convention Committee. Another BIG hooray goes out to our National Staff led by our new Executive Director Susan Seely. You’re the best! Conventions provide a time to look back and take pride in the accomplishments of these past few years. No doubt this was a challenging period for all Americans. Not for more than a century have we faced a pandemic that affected every part of our lives. For NA'AMAT USA, it meant going totally virtual and remote for members and chapters all across the country. We wondered how we would do it. With typical NA'AMAT optimism and determination, both staff and volunteers saw this as an opportunity for innovation and growth. Working together we created
zooms for programs and fundraisers. Local events via the internet became nationally viewed programs. We toured museums together, learned to cook together and even traveled together. We did all this and much much more. We demonstrated for ourselves and others that we were a vibrant organization that could meet challenges head on. And now, just this past year, I am proud to say we transmitted well over $800,000 to fund the vital programs of NA'AMAT in Israel. NA'AMAT is a Hebrew acronym - which means Working Women and Volunteers. I am proud to say that we exemplify that partnership of women who truly want to make a difference for women, children and their families in the United States and Israel. Welcome to all of you. Todah Rabah! Jan Gurvitch, 2022 National President NA’AMAT USA
Letter from our National Executive Director Dear NA’AMAT Chaverot: I am delighted to be joining you for this year’s National Convention in my new role as NA’AMAT USA’s National Executive Director. In my first almost-six months, I have come to know many of you personally and have come to understand the wonderful place that NA’AMAT has occupied in so many of your lives - socially, philanthropically, and as a meaningful expression of your love for Israel. It occupies this place because you understand what I learned to be true on my trip to Israel this past May – that NA’AMAT is woven into the fabric of Israeli society and touches the lives of Israelis of all descriptions and backgrounds. I look forward to working with you all over coming years to continue our important work, make great memories, have fun, and create a legacy we can all take pride in. Welcome to the 2022 Convention! Susan Seely, National Executive Director NA’AMAT USA
NA’AMAT USA 2022-2025 Board of Directors EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Jan Gurvitch East Windsor, NJ
Membership Vice President Donna Levin Elkins Park, PA
Recording Secretary Dr. Linda Schoenberg Cleveland Heights, OH
Advocacy Chair Randye Sable Elkins Park, PA
First Vice President Selma Roffman Elkins Park, PA
Programming Vice President Judith Shamir Moreland Hills, OH
Treasurer Lea Templer Northridge, CA
Immediate Past President Chellie Goldwater Wilensky Skokie, IL
Fundraising Vice President Susan Miller Elkins Park, PA
Publicity and PR Vice President Susan Isaacs Encino, CA
Strategic Planning Chair Debbie Kohn Delray Beach, FL
Leadership/Publicity/PR Esther Friedberg Studio City, CA
Membership/Publicity/PR Sandra Reuben Thousand Oaks, CA
Advocacy/Programming Susan Neubauer Thousand Oaks, CA
Membership/Leadership Gail Simpson Agoura Hills, CA
Fundraising Roz Porton Northridge, CA
Finance Rhoda Birnbaum Delray Beach, FL
NEW DIRECTORS Fundraising Susan Sparago Sun Lakes, AZ
Membership/Strategic Planning Joyce Edelson Porter Ranch, CA
Finance/Programming Melanie Kutnick Highland Heights, OH
SIMPSON Yasher Koach on an amazing, successful Convention! We’re so proud of you for your dedication and hard work in support of NA’AMAT. We love you! Myles, Ian & Sara, Howard & Jessica, Eric & Jennifer 6
Executive Producer
Many thanks to our outgoing board of directors. Thank you for your stellar performances. Debbie Kohn
Executive Producer
Congratulations to
Donna Levin, The women of Rimonim and The entire incoming board of NA`AMAT USA. May you go from strength to strength. Jack Levin
Executive Producer
Yasher Koach to the Members of our Philadelphia Chapter Rimonim on becoming leaders of NA’AMAT USA: Jan Gurvitch - National President Selma Roffman - First Vice President Susan Miller - Fundraising Vice President Donna Levin - Membership Vice President Randye Sable - Advocacy Chair
No president can do it without an amazing supporting cast that includes professionals and volunteers. Much love and appreciation goes out to our staff and our amazing National Board. Todah!
Jan 10
Executive Producer
In honor of Janet Gurvitch,
our mother. We are so proud of how you not only make
our family better, but the world in which we live.
Love from your sons
Matthew, Samuel, and Nathan Executive Producer
GREETINGS TO THE CHAVEROT OF NA’AMAT USA! From: Myra Glajchen & David Cohen (Life & Friend) Susannah Cohen (Life Member at birth) In Memory of: Rebeca Katzman, Founding Member, Chelsea Branch Mildred Cohen (Life Member) In Honor of: Myra Glajchen & Susannah Cohen
4 Generations of Pioneer Women/NA’AMAT 12
Executive Producer
In loving memory of: Sarah Bocarsky Alice Howard Leo Howard With love from, Jane Blitz, Scott and Marcie Howard and families
Executive Producer
We are proud of and Congratulate the incoming NA’AMAT USA National Board Members hailing from the Greater Los Angeles Region Joyce Edelson Esther Friedberg Susan Isaacs Susan Neubauer Roz Porton Sandra Reuben Gail Simpson Lea Templer
Wishing you all the best!
Greater Los Angeles Region Board Kol Hakavod!
Executive Producer
As proud members, we congratulate and thank NA’AMAT USA for its continuous dedication and commitment to helping women, children, and families. Bravo to those who brought this convention to us! All the Best Bette and Danny Marinoff
In honor of Debra Kohn’s exceptional leadership and dedication to NA’AMAT! Your fans, Donna & Marty Kalikow
Dear Jan, You have done an incredible job leading the cast and crew of NA’AMAT USA. I know you will continue this next term with rave reviews. Debbie Kohn
So proud of our star, Susan Miller, and the National Board of NA'AMAT USA for all that you do! May you go from strength to strength!
Elliot, Max, Randi and Levi Miller
In loving memory of Ellen Barshop, Cipy Baron, Ivy Liebross and Beverly Miller. All were NA’AMAT “super” members. They loved participating in NA’AMAT. A big THANKS to all of the dedicated members of the Conference Planning Committee. Their creativity has conquered the restraints of COVID.
Sandra Reuben
Thank you outgoing officers
Congratulations to new incoming officers Stay strong for everyone else on the board! From strength to strength helping to keep NAAMAT successful.
Susan Seely - welcome aboard and thank you for joining the team.
Linda M Schoenberg 20
Let’s keep up the good work - together! Cleveland Council NA’AMAT USA
TODAH RABAH A convention is not organized by one person. There is no way that I could have done this without the help of many women and a man. I want to thank my Co-Chair Susan Isaacs for all her help. Without her I would still be floundering on how to create the videos. She is a great proof reader and keeper of the time and has put in endless hours. I want to thank my committee: Jan Gurvitch, Debra Kohn, Judith Shamir, Esther Friedberg, Susan B. Miller, and Susan Seely. We have been meeting for over 6 months. I welcomed their support and ideas. I also want to thank Art Verity for all of his work and hours spent on putting this together and making it look so professional. And most important, I want to thank all of you who registered and participated in this convention. Without you we would not be here. May we continue to go from strength to strength. B’Shalom, Gail Simpson
A person who runs to do just, good, and kind deeds attains life, success, and honor. Proverbs 21:21 Our Sincere Thanks to
For always kindly saying “yes” and lending us his talents for the good of NA’AMAT and the success of its events!
Yasher Koach! The Convention Committee and National Board of NA’AMAT USA Director
"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?" Martin Luther King, Jr. ESTHER FRIEDBERG You are our star!
We are proud of your dedication and hard work for and on behalf of NA’AMAT USA But most of all, we love you as our Mom and Grammy Yasher Koach! ישר כח We love you, Stephanie and Eva, Ari, Hazel, and Sherrie 24
KOL HA’KAVOD The NA’AMAT USA staff would like to thank the outgoing Board for their leadership and support over the past 3 years. Congratulations to the incoming Board. We look forward to creating an even better NA’AMAT with you!
Susan Seely, Marcy McKenzie, Amy Taus, Cindy Leshtz, Ange Nadel, Diana Cohen, Felicia Gross, Marci Curtis, Ellie Cohen
Kol Ha`Kavod to all our outgoing board members for all the hard work you have done for NA`AMAT USA/ISRAEL Gail and Myles Simpson
Lead Actor
Mazel Tov
to all of the incoming board members.
May we increase our membership and donations for
To all our NA`AMAT friends, well done! May we continue to go from strength to strength!!
Gail and Myles Simpson
Judith Shamir
May you be innovative and creative as you work to move
NA`AMAT USA forward.
Lead Actor
Best wishes for a productive and successful NA`AMAT USA convention.
Mazel tov
Linda Meisel
, to my chaverot from Na amat USA on a successful convention. You are all stars!
Sandi Seigel National President , Na amat Canada
Lead Actor
We are so proud of the efforts put forth by our sister, Jan Gurvitch, on behalf of NA'AMAT USA. We wish her well as she begins her second term as President. Norm and Karen Rosen
Lead Actor
We are grateful for all that NA’AMAT does for Israel, and super proud of our Aunt Janet, National President of NA’AMAT USA.
Love, Nadine, Billy, Steven and families
Proud of my sister Jan Gurvitch, National President
Sheila Spitz
Special Thanks to Debbie Kohn You are what makes NA’AMAT a special part of my life. Friendship & Commitment. Doesn`t get better than that! You are the best! Jan Lead Actor
In Loving Memory of my Grandmother Rosi Dulken, lifetime member of Pioneer Women Pamela Gurock
Lead Actor
Mazal Tov Selma Roffman on your installation as First VP of NA’AMAT USA! We are so proud of you! May you go from strength to strength! Congratulations to the 2022 Board! Love, Martin Roffman, Shira & Matt, Noah & Heidi, Jon & Sarah, Dan & Nancy, and of course, Shuli, Aviva, Eliana, Claire, Evan, Ella, Sophie, Emma, Olivia, Charlotte, Ira, Josh and Emily
NA’AMAT Canada wishes you a successful and productive convention.
Nili Chapter of the Greater Los Angeles Region congratulates the incoming National Board
Sandi Seigel, National President and Vivian Reisler, Executive Vice President
Lead Actor
Mitzvah Chapter of the Conejo Valley (GLAR) would like to congratulate all our new National Board Members. May you have a very success term.
Congratulations to our incoming board! Special thanks to Art Verity for lending his creative talents to our convention and to Esther Friedberg for her continued dedication in helping me in my role as VP of PR and Publicity.
We would especially like to congratulate our members who are on the new board: Sandy Reuben, Susan Neubauer, and Gail Simpson
Kol Ha'Kavod for all that you do to make our chapter and NA'AMAT a success.
Susan Isaacs
Thanks for the wonderful work you do.
Mitzvah Board
Greg and Marlene Gurewitz 32
Lead Actor
Supporting Actor
Kol HaKavod 2022 Board! President: Jan Gurvitch Fundraising VP: Susan Miller Membership VP: Donna Levin Programming VP: Judith Shamir Publicity and PR VP: Susan Isaacs Record. Sec.: Dr. Linda Schoenberg
Treasurer: Lea Templer Strategic Planning: Debbie Kohn Advocacy Chair: Randye Sable Immediate Past President: Chellie Goldwater Wilensky
Esther Friedberg, Gail Simpson, Sandra Reuben, Roz Porton, Susan Neubauer, Rhoda Birnbaum, Susan Sparago, Joyce Edelson, Melanie Kutnick
Can’t wait to work with you, Selma Roffman
Thank you to our dedicated staff in Woodland Hills, Chicago, Cleveland, West Virginia, Florida and New York! You’re the best! Susan Miller
Congratulations to Jan Gurvitch on her continued leadership. My family is so proud of her. Madelyn Pullman Schloss
To our Anderson & Lessnick parents - everyday we miss you more. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lessnick Supporting Actor
Mazal Tov Susan Isaacs for continuing in your role as Publicity and Public Relations Vice President. I look forward to again working with you to promote NA’AMAT in its mission.
Esther Friedberg
Raquel Rub Stern z”l M.Rub M.D. z”l Masha Stern z”l Jack Peicher M.D. z”l We love you very much! AM ISRAEL hazak Mario Rub
Mazal Tov to the new National Board 2022-2025. Wishing success to NA’AMAT USA and NA’AMAT Israel for the next 100 years.
The Long Island / Queens Council
Supporting Actor
f o r o n o H In h c t i v r u G Jan
Mark and Carol Stone
Congratulations to all the incoming National Board Members. Rosalind Porton Debbie, Congratulations and Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. Love, Jacob and Carolyn In Memory Of Evelyn Leidner, Devoted NA’AMAT Life Member. Karen Sorongon Congratulations to NA’AMAT for all it does for Israel! Lea Templer In honor of the work of NA’AMAT and my children, Shanna and Jonathan Pullan. Esther Radom Pullan Rene Peters In appreciation of all that you do for Eilat Chapter and GLAR of NA’AMAT USA Your friends and colleagues, Esther Friedberg and Susan Isaacs
Pictured: A Women’s Health and Wellness class in Sderot, where women learn to make body care products from natural ingredients and pack them into recycled cosmetic jars.
Supporting Actor
Yasher Koach to our friend Jan Gurvitch. Joe and Livia Mezrich & the Rimon Center Family
Linda Schoenberg Recording Secretary
Judith Shamir Programming Chair
Debra Kohn First VP
Rhoda Birnbaum Treasurer
Gail Simpson Strategic Planning Chair
Selma Roffman Membership VP
Susan Miller Fundraising VP
Chellie Goldwater Wilensky Immediate Past President
Susan Isaacs Publicity & PR VP Doris Katz Leadership VP
NATIONAL BOARD Roz Porton Fundraising
Marcia Weiss Advocacy
Sandra Reuben Membership
Susan Neubauer Fundraising
Esther Friedberg Publicity/PR
Lea Templer Finance
Rene Peters Leadership
Randye Sable Advocacy
Donna Levin Leadership
Melanie Gladstone Professional Scholarship Chair
Esther Pullan Finance
a h T ion
s u o Y k n
l l i AM r d r a u o o B g to n i o g t 2 u 2 O 9-20 1 0 2