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As part of the Tri-C JazzFest Cleveland, trumpeter Terrence Blanchard will hold a performance of “OUR VOICES: DEMOCRACY RE:visited” 7 p.m. Nov. 4 at the Maltz Performing Arts Center, 1855 Ansel Road in Cleveland. Admission is free but RSVPs are required at 216-368-6062 or case.edu/maltzcenter.
Get Best Bet daily with Boker Tov. Subscribe today at cjn.org/bokertov playwrightslocal.org or call 216-302-8856. Thru Nov. 18.
“Les Miserables” theatrical performance, 7:30 p.m., Connor Palace, 1615 Euclid Ave., Cleve. Tickets at playhousesquare.org or 216-241-6000. Thru Nov. 18.
“The Addams Family: A New Musical Comedy” performance, 8 p.m., Aurora Community Theatre, 115 E. Pioneer Trail, Aurora. Tickets at auroracommunitytheatre.com or 330-562-1818. Thru Nov. 17.
Cleveland Pops Orchestra’s 2018-2019 season “A Tribute to Stephen Sondheim & Andrew Lloyd Webber” concert, 8 p.m., Severance Hall, 11001 Euclid Ave., Cleve. As part of a subscription series. For more info and tickets, visit clevelandpops.com.
“Grand Gestures” large paintings by Christine Ries and Doreen Grasso exhibition opening reception, 4:30-6 p.m., 200 Public Square, Cleve.
“Mosaics” dance performance, 8 p.m., Mather Dance Center, 11040 Bellflower Rd., Cleve. $15, $10 adults 60+ and CWRU faculty/staff, $7 students with ID. For more info, visit dance.cwru.edu/reservations.
“The Drowsy Chaperone” theatrical performance, 7:30 p.m., Eldred Theatre, 2070 Adelbert Rd., Cleve. $10, $7 adults 60+ and CWRU faculty/staff, $5 students with ID. For more info, visit theatre.case.edu.
CWRU Concert Choir and Church of the Covenant Sanctuary Choir performance, 8 p.m., Church of the Covenant, 11205 Euclid Ave., Cleve. Free parking available. For more info, visit music.cwru.edu.
Apollo’s Fire to hold religious performance series
Apollo’s Fire will hold performances of “O Jerusalem! A Crossroads of Three Faiths” on Nov. 10, 12, 16, 17 and 18.
The performance gives a musical tour of Old Jerusalem and intersects Jewish, Arabic and Christian themes.
• At 8 p.m. Nov. 10, the band will perform at The Temple-Tifereth Israel, 26000 Shaker Blvd. in Beachwood.
• At 7:30 p.m. Nov. 12, the band will perform at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 2747 Fairmount Blvd. in Cleveland Heights.
• At 8 p.m. Nov. 16, the band will perform at Fairlawn Lutheran Church, 3415 W. Market St. in Fairlawn.
• At 8 p.m. Nov. 17, the band will perform at Cleveland Institute of Music’s Kulas Hall, 11021 East Blvd. in Cleveland.
• At 4 p.m. Nov. 18, the band will perform at Avon Lake United Church of Christ, 32801 Electric Blvd. in Avon Lake.
A pre-concert talk with Dapha Mor and Ronnie Malley will occur one hour before each show. Unique to the Nov. 10 performance at The Temple-Tifereth Israel, Rabbi Roger C. Klein will speak at the pre-concert talk.
For more information and tickets, visit apollosfire.org or call 216-320-0012.