17 minute read
‘Counter-narratives’ can explain much
Rabbi Steve Segar
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, in his recent and highly acclaimed book, “Not in God’s Name,” makes a powerful argument for how to understand the origins of religious violence in our world.
In the same volume, he suggests one of the best tools we have at our disposal to combat such violence and hatred can actually be found within the same texts that are sometimes seen as undergirding inter-religious tension, the texts that we in the Jewish community know as the Torah.
A central thesis of Sacks in this work is because the Torah text is multi-layered and supports many interpretations, it’s possible to generate different messages, depending on the perspective of the reader and the textual subtleties that one is drawn to exploring. He explains we can look at biblical narratives that are very familiar to us, and if we look carefully, we can find hints and nuances that support a very different reading than those that are most familiar to us. He calls these below the surface interpretations, “counter-narratives.”
Over the next several weeks, my intention with this column is to explore examples of such counter-narratives in the corresponding weekly portions. I will not necessarily be focusing exclusively on the theme of the religious violence as Sacks has done, but will aspire to support his claim more generally, by pointing to linguistic subtleties that significantly shift or expand our most common understandings of these stories.
This week’s parasha, Chayei Sarah, the life of Sarah, leads off, ironically, with Sarah’s death. The early rabbis in their midrashic commentaries already pick up on a potential counter-narrative in this portion, when they explore the idea that Sarah’s death is causally related to the content at the conclusion of last week’s portion, in which Abraham is commanded by God to offer Isaac as a sacrifice.
One midrashic tradition argues that when Sarah found out what almost happened to her son, Isaac, at the hands of his father, the emotional toll was so
Yiddish Vinkl
Onheyb (OHN-habe)
Meaning: beginning
• “In 1980, Bette Midler’s movie career went from a spectacular ‘onheyb’ (beginning) to a seemingly disastrous end. Her movie, ‘Jinxed,’ was exactly that.”
(From “A Yiddish Guide to Bette Midler,” marjoriegottliebwolfe.com)
• A song title, “Ich Onheyb Tsu Zayn Dos
Chayei Sarah Genesis 23:1-25:28
1 Kings 1:1-31 great that it killed her. To me, this midrash provides a beginning to a counter-narrative related to the entire binding of Isaac saga. The more common surface narrative is that God’s command to Abraham to sacrifice Isaac was a test of where Abraham’s ultimate loyalty lay, and according to that reading, Abraham did indeed pass God’s test, demonstrating his spiritual heroism along the way.
However, the rabbis, in the midrash about Sarah’s death, focus not on the heroism of Abraham, but on the destructive fallout his actions had on the members of his own family. I propose that there are other elements in this week’s parasha, in last week’s parasha, and in upcoming parashiot, that can build on the midrashic narrative of destruction that grows out of Isaac’s near sacrifice.
The most stunning example of this is a phrase that suggests not only deep pain on Sarah’s part, but an actual rift in her marital relationship with Abraham as a result of it. In Genesis 23:2, the Torah says that when Sarah died in Kiryat Arba, Abraham came to mourn for her. The presence of that verb, he came, indicates that Abraham and Sarah were not living in the same location when she passed away. This text, along with others, supports a counter-narrative of multi-generational trauma, all of which can be traced back to the moment when Abraham heard, and acted on, God’s command to sacrifice the younger of his first two sons.
Rabbi Steve Segar is spiritual leader of Kol HaLev, Cleveland’s Reconstructionist Community, in Pepper Pike.
Licht/ I’m Beginning To See The Light.”
• “Un Vo Iz Der Onheyb Fun Foterland” / “Where is the Beginning of the Fatherland” (A song performed by Psoy Korolenko, described as ‘charismatic Russian /Jewish multilingual poet-singer and performance artist’”
• Yeder onheyb iz shver / all beginnings are hard (from Yiddish song, “Oyfn Pripetchik)
Shaker Heights resident Harold Ticktin prepares “Yiddish Vinkl” for the Cleveland Jewish News.
AGUDATH B’NAI ISRAEL: Meister Road at Pole Ave., Lorain. Mark Jaffee, Ritual Director. SAT. 10 A.M. 440-282-3307. abitemplelorain.com
BETH EL CONGREGATION: 750 White Pond Dr., Akron. Rabbi Elyssa Austerklein, Hazzan Matthew Austerklein. SAT. 9:15 A.M.; SUN. 8:30 A.M.; WED./FRI. 7:30 A.M. 330-864-2105. bethelakron. com.
B’NAI JESHURUN-Temple on the Heights: 27501 Fairmount Blvd., Pepper Pike. Rabbis Stephen Weiss and Hal Rudin-Luria; Stanley J. Schachter, Rabbi Emeritus; Cantor Aaron Shifman. FRI. Shabbat Service featuring Zamir Children’s Choir 7 P.M.; SAT. 9 A.M., 6 P.M.; SUN. 8 A.M., 6 P.M.; MON.-THURS. 7/7:30 A.M., 6 P.M.; FRI. 7/7:30 A.M. 216831-6555. bnaijeshurun.org.
MONTEFIORE: One David N. Myers Parkway., Beachwood. Services in Montefiore Maltz Chapel. Rabbi Akiva Feinstein; Cantor Gary Paller. FRI. 3:30 P.M.; SAT. Service 10:30 A.M. 216-3609080.
PARK SYNAGOGUE-Anshe Emeth Beth Tefilo Cong.: Park MAIN 3300 Mayfield Road, Cleveland Heights; Park EAST 27500 Shaker Blvd., Pepper Pike. Rabbi Joshua Hoffer Skoff, Rabbi Sharon Y. Marcus, Milton B. Rube, Rabbi-in-Residence, Cantor Misha Pisman. FRI. 6 P.M. (Park East); SAT. 9 A.M. (Park East), 6 P.M. (Park Main); SUN. 8:30 A.M., 5:30 P.M. (both Park East); MON.-FRI. 7:30 A.M., 6 P.M. (both Park East). 216-3712244; TDD# 216-371-8579. parksynagogue.org.
SHAAREY TIKVAH: 26811 Fairmount Blvd., Beachwood. Rabbi Scott B. Roland; Gary Paller, Cantor Emeritus. FRI. Kabbalat Shabbat 6 P.M.; SAT. 9 A.M.; SUN. Minyan 9 A.M. 216-765-8300. shaareytikvah.org.
BETH EL-The Heights Synagogue, an Independent Minyan: 3246 Desota Ave., Cleveland Heights. Rabbi Michael Ungar; Rabbi Moshe Adler, Rabbi Emeritus. SAT. Morning Service 9:15 A.M. 216-320-9667. bethelheights.org.
THE SHUL-An Innovative Center for Jewish Outreach: 30799 Pinetree Road, #401, Pepper Pike. Rabbi Eddie Sukol. THURS. Toast & Torah at Corky & Lenny’s 7:30 A.M. See website or call for Shabbat and holiday service dates, times and details. 216-509-9969. rabbieddie@theshul.us. theshul.us.
AHAVAS YISROEL: 1700 S. Taylor Road, Cleveland Heights. Rabbi Boruch Hirschfeld. 216-932-6064.
BEACHWOOD KEHILLA: 25400 Fairmount Blvd., Beachwood. Rabbi Ari Spiegler, Rabbi Emeritus David S. Zlatin. FRI. Kabbalat Shabbat 6:01 P.M.; SAT. Shacharit 9 A.M., Study Group 5:05 P.M., Minchah/Ma’ariv 5:50 P.M., Havdalah 7:02 P.M.; SUN. 7:30 A.M., Minchah/ Ma’ariv 5 P.M.; MON.-THURS. Shacharit
6:30 A.M., Minchah/Ma’ariv 7:45 P.M.; FRI. Shacharit 6:30 A.M. 216-556-0010.
GREEN ROAD SYNAGOGUE: 2437 S. Green Road, Beachwood. Rabbi Binyamin Blau; Melvin Granatstein, Rabbi Emeritus. FRI. Kabbalat Shabbat 6:10
P.M.; SAT. Hashkama Minyan 7:45 A.M., Shacharit 9 A.M., Minchah 5:40 P.M., Havdalah 7:01 P.M.; SUN. Shacharit 8 A.M., Minchah/Ma’ariv 5:10 P.M.; MON.WED. Shacharit 6:40 A.M., Minchah/ Ma’ariv 5:05 P.M.; THURS. Shacharit
6:30 A.M., Minchah/Ma’ariv 5:05 P.M.; FRI. Shacharit 6:40 A.M. 216-381-4757. GreenRoadSynagogue.org.
HEIGHTS JEWISH CENTER SYNAGOGUE: 14270 Cedar Road, University Heights. Rabbi Raphael Davidovich. FRI. 7:15 P.M.; SAT Morning Parsha Class 8:30 A.M., Morning Services 9 A.M., Minchah 30 minutes before sunset; SUN. 8 A.M., 15 minutes before sunset; MON.-THURS. 6:45 A.M., 15 minutes before sunset; FRI. 6:45 A.M. 216-3821958, hjcs.org.
K’HAL YEREIM: 1771 S. Taylor Road, Cleveland Heights. Rabbi Yehuda Blum. 216-321-5855.
MENORAH PARK: 27100 Cedar Road, Beachwood. Rabbi Howard Kutner. SAT. 9 A.M., 4:15 P.M.; DAILY Minyan & Breakfast 8 A.M., 4:15 P.M. 216-8316500.
OHEB ZEDEK-CEDAR SINAI SYNAGOGUE: 23749 Cedar Road, Lyndhurst. Rabbi Noah Leavitt. FRI. Minchah 6 P.M.; SAT. 9 A.M., Minchah/Seudah Shlishit 5:45 P.M., Ma’ariv/Havdalah 7:02 P.M.; SUN. 8 A.M.; MON.-FRI. Shacharit 7 A.M., Minchah/Ma’ariv 6 P.M. 216382-6566. office@oz-cedarsinai.org. oz-cedarsinai.org.
SEMACH SEDEK: 2004 S. Green Road, South Euclid. Rabbi Yossi Marozov. FRI. Kabbalat Shabbat at candlelighting; SAT. 9:30 A.M., Minchah at candlelighting. 216-235-6498.
SOLON CHABAD: 5570 Harper Road, Solon. Rabbi Zushe Greenberg. FRI. Kabbalat Shabbat 6 P.M.; SAT. Torah Study 9 A.M., Service 10 A.M., Minchah 1:30 P.M.; SUN. 8 A.M.; MON-FRI. 7 A.M. 440-498-9533. office@solonchabad. com. solonchabad.com.
ZEDEK: 1970 S. Taylor Road, Cleveland Heights. Contact the synagogue for service times. 216-321-4875.
WAXMAN CHABAD CENTER: 2479 S. Green Road, Beachwood. Rabbis Shalom Ber Chaikin and Moshe Gancz. Minchah 6:10 P.M., SAT. Shacharit 10 A.M., Minchah 6 P.M.; WEEKDAYS Shacharit 7/8 P.M., Minchah 5:10 P.M. 216-381-1770. waxmanchabadcenter@ gmail.com.
YOUNG ISRAEL OF GREATER CLEVELAND: Hebrew Academy (HAC), 1860 S. Taylor Road; Beachwood (Stone), 2463 Green Road. Rabbis Naphtali Burnstein and Aharon Dovid Lebovics. FRI. Minchah 6:05 P.M.; SAT. Shacharit
(Stone) 8/9 A.M., (HAC) 9 A.M., Minchah
5:45 P.M., Ma’ariv 7 P.M.; Shacharit: (Stone) SUN. 7:15/8/8:30 A.M., MON./
THURS. 6:40/7:50 A.M., TUES./WED./FRI.
6:45/7:50 A.M., (HAC) SUN. 7:20 A.M., MON./THURS. 6:40 A.M., TUES./WED./ FRI. 6:45 A.M. WEEKDAYS Minchah 5 P.M. 216-382-5740. office@yigc.org.
ZICHRON CHAIM: 2203 S. Green Road, Beachwood. Rabbi Moshe Garfunkel. DAILY 6 A.M., 6:45 A.M. 216-291-5000.
KOL HALEV (Cleveland’s Reconstructionist Community): The Ratner School. 27575 Shaker Blvd., Pepper Pike. Rabbi Steve Segar. SAT. Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 A.M. 216-320-1498. kolhalev.net.
AM SHALOM of Lake County: 7599 Center St., Mentor. Spiritual Director Renee Blau; Assistant Spiritual Director Elise Aitken. 440-255-1544.
ANSHE CHESED Fairmount Temple: 23737 Fairmount Blvd., Beachwood. Rabbis Robert Nosanchuk and Joshua
Candlelighting time 6:02 Sabbath ends 7:01
Caruso; Cantor Sarah Sager; Jordana Chernow-Reader, Rabbi-Educator. FRI. Simchat Shabbat for Preschoolers 5:30 P.M., Shabbat Evening Service with guest speaker 6:15 P.M.; SAT. Torah Study 9:15 A.M., Shabbat Minyan 10:30 A.M., Shabbat Morning Service 11 A.M. 216-464-1330. fairmounttemple.org.
BETH ISRAEL-The West Temple: 14308 Triskett Road, Cleveland. Rabbi Enid Lader. Alan Lettofsky, Rabbi Emeritus. FRI. Family Service 7:30 P.M.; SAT. Torah Study 9:30 A.M., Service 11 A.M. 216941-8882. thewesttemple.com.
BETH SHALOM: 50 Division St., Hudson. Rabbi Jim Egolf. SAT. Torah Study 9 A.M. 330-656-1800. tbshudson.org
B’NAI ABRAHAM-The Elyria Temple: 530 Gulf Road, Elyria. Rabbi Lauren Werber. FRI. Shabbat Service 7 P.M. 440-366-1171. tbaelyria.org
SUBURBAN TEMPLE-KOL AMI: 22401 Chagrin Blvd., Beachwood. Rabbi Allison Bergman Vann; Michael Oppenheimer, D.D., Rabbi Emeritus. FRI. Kabbalat Shabbat Service with Torah Reading and Vintage and 5th Grader Participation 6 P.M.; SAT. Torah Study 9:15 A.M. 216-991-0700. suburbantemple.org.
TEMPLE EMANU EL: 4545 Brainard Road, Orange. Rabbi Steven L. Denker; Daniel A. Roberts, Rabbi Emeritus; Cantor Richard Lawrence. FRI. Shabbat Service (First Friday Shabbat) 6:15 P.M.; SAT. Parshat HaShavuah 9 A.M., Service 10:30 A.M. 216-454-1300. teecleve.org.
TEMPLE ISRAEL: 91 Springside Drive, Akron. Rabbi Josh Brown. Cantor Kathy Fromson. FRI. Service 6:15 P.M.; SAT. Torah Study 9 A.M., Morning Service 10 A.M. 330-665-2000 templeisraelakron. org.
TEMPLE ISRAEL NER TAMID: 1732 Lander Road, Mayfield Heights. Rabbi Matthew J. Eisenberg, D.D.; Frederick A. Eisenberg, D.D., Founding Rabbi Emeritus; Cantorial Soloist Rachel Eisenberg. FRI. 7:30 P.M. 440-473-5120. tintcleveland.org.
THE TEMPLE-Tifereth Israel: 26000 Shaker Blvd., Beachwood. Senior Rabbi Jonathan Cohen; Rabbi Roger C. Klein; Associate Rabbi Stacy Schlein; Cantor Kathryn Wolfe Sebo. FRI. Tot Shabbat 10 A.M., Kabbalat Shabbat 6 P.M.; SAT. Torah Study 9:15 A.M., Shabbat Service 11 A.M., Shabbat Service 4:30 P.M.; FRI. Tot Shabbat 10 A.M. 216-831-3233. ttti.org.
JEWISH SECULAR COMMUNITY: First Unitarian Church, 21600 Shaker Blvd., Shaker Heights. jewishsecularcommunity.org.
THE CHARLOTTE GOLDBERG COMMUNITY MIKVAH: Park Synagogue, 3300 Mayfield Road, Cleveland Heights. By appointment only: 216-371-2244, ext. 135.
THE STANLEY AND ESTHER WAXMAN COMMUNITY MIKVEH: Waxman Chabad House, 2479 South Green Road, Beachwood. 216-381-3170.
This is a paid listing with information provided by congregations.
Marjorie Brock (nee Wise), 95 of Mayfield Heights, passed away Oct. 24, 2018.
Born in Cleveland to Irene and Victor Wise on Nov. 25, 1922, she graduated from Shaker Heights High School and attended the University of Southern California.
She volunteered at Hillcrest Hospital for 36 years, including the weeks leading up to her death. Marjorie also worked in children’s retail for over 30 years.
An active, lifetime member of The Temple-Tifereth Israel, Marjorie was a member of the National Council of Jewish Women’s Cleveland chapter and her temple’s sisterhood.
Marjorie loved playing bridge, reading and spending time with her grandchildren. She loved making friends. You couldn’t go into a restaurant or store without her knowing half the people in the room.
She is survived by her children, Thomas Wise (Susan) Brock of New York and Robert Alfred (Belinda) of Highland Park, Ill; grandchildren, Sam (Gaby) Brock, Laura (Zeke) Fraint, Annie (Adam) Turek and Max (Alison) Brock; great-grandchild, Sophie Fraint; and her special friend, Allen Abel. She was predeceased by her husband of 41 years, Alfred M. Brock; parents, Irene and Victor; and her sister, Elizabeth Wise Jarrett (Everett).
Friends who wish may contribute to the Hillcrest Hospital Volunteer Services, 6780 Mayfield Road, Mayfield Heights, OH 44124.
Shirley Delores Fenton (nee Zirulnik) beloved wife of the late Milton Fenton, passed away peacefully on Oct. 27, 2018 in Boca Raton, Fla.
She was one day shy of celebrating her 93rd birthday.
Shirley was born in Detroit to the late Bessie and Benjamin Zane (Zirulnik).
A graduate of Wayne State University in elementary education, Shirley taught for many years in the Beachwood School District.
Shirley was a world traveler, avid reader, and classical and Broadway music lover with many hobbies including needlepoint, bowling, knitting and crocheting.
She is survived by her beloved family: brother, Dr. Alan Zane of Houston; and her children, Stuart (Marilyn) of Pepper Pike and Estero Fla., Richard (Mary Beth Hance) of Ellicott City, Md. and Marcy Hines (Jack) of Boca Raton, Fla; her loving grandchildren, Brad Fenton (Susy Cywiak), Raleigh (Yony) Arad, Dr. Andrew Hines (Dr. Keegan Finberg), Benjamin and Emily and Steven Fenton; great-grandson, Maxwell Fenton; and many cherished nephews and nieces. Services were held Oct. 30 in Hollywood, Fla.
In lieu of flowers, those who wish to make donations may contribute to the American Heart Association, or Trustbridge Hospice by the Sea, 1531 W. Palmetto Park Road, Boca Raton, FL 33486. She will be missed by all that knew her.
Jeffry Steven Landis, 64, beloved son of Marion and the late Jacob; husband of Marilyn (nee Goodman); father of Sarah (Jason) Zielsdorf; brother of Cindy (Larry Kitzman); and grandfather of Eva Rose and Jacob Terry Zielsdorf, died Sept. 30, 2018.

He will be remembered for his passionate belief in caring for his family and for those in need in his role as a mental health social worker and for his wonderful sense of humor.
He would often go the extra mile to take a client to lunch on his time. His beautiful, sincere heart touched so many lives.
He will be missed.
Memorial donations suggested to a charity of your choice. Private interment was in New York.
H. Stanley Rassler, 88, passed away peacefully at his home in Boca Raton, Fla., on Oct. 19, 2018.
Stan grew up in Middletown, N.Y. and earned his bachelor’s degree in business at Miami University in Oxford, and the sweetest smile and always offered an encouraging word. Stan was adored by friends and extended family and we thank the many of you who came from around the country to share in our celebration of his life.
Papa Stan especially loved spending time with his grandchildren and taking us all on family vacations.
His favorite color was purple. He loved the Yankees and the Miami Heat. His favorite songs included “My Way” and “Memory,” and Stan certainly did things “his way” in creating the wonderful memories we will treasure forever.
His longevity is a testament to the miracles of modern medicine and the unparalleled love and devotion of his wife, Ellie.
Stan was predeceased by his brother-in-law, Arthur Weitzner of Shaker Heights. In addition to his loving wife of 64 years, Stan is survived by his sons, Scott (Karen) of Weston, Fla. and Michael (Ruth) of Santa Barbara, Calif.; grandchildren, Brielle, Shelbie, Ari and Jared; brothers-inlaw, Robert (Cookie) Weitzner of Beachwood and Ronald (Carolyn) Weitzner of Aurora; and many beloved nieces, nephews and cousins.
In loving memory of Gerry Kahn (nee Goldman), a monument will be dedicated at 12:30 p.m. Nov. 11 at Bet Olam Cemetery in the Park Synagogue section. Rabbi Joshua Skoff will officiate. Gerry was the loving wife of Marvin (deceased); devoted mother of Sherry (Mark) Tilson, Jeff (Linda) and Richard (Michelle) Kahn; the best Grammy to Cory (Laureen) Tilson, Brad, Jason, Mitchell Kahn, Matthew Kahn and Steven, Cory and Brittany reer as a sales agent in the Prudential Cleveland Shore Life Insurance Agency.
Stan went on to earn advanced degrees as a chartered life underwriter (CLU) and chartered financial consultant (ChFC) and served for 30 years as manager of the Prudential Insurance Co.’s office in Rochester, N.Y.
Stan served as president of the Rochester Life Underwriters Association and on the board of the National General Agents and Managers Association. He was also a life member of the Million Dollar Round Table.
Stan grew up in a time when a man’s word was his bond and you only made a promise you knew you would keep. He was a “self-made man” who lived his life with the utmost integrity and an uncanny knack for distinguishing what’s right from all the other options.
When Stan retired in 1989, he and his wife, Ellie, moved to Boca Raton, Fla., where he was the founding president of their homeowners’ association for 10 years. He also launched and chaired the Jewish Federation’s campaign at The Polo Club.
Everyone loved “Stan the Man.” He had the kindest soul
Gilbert “Gibby” Singerman passed away peacefully on Oct. 28, 2018, after a long illness. He was 82. Born and raised in Cleveland to William and Sarah on Jan. 27, 1936, Gibby was the older brother of Larry and Burt. As a teenager, Gibby drove the delivery truck for Myer’s Meats, his father’s business and played football at Shaker Heights High School. Soon after high school, Gibby met Gayle, and they were married June 16, 1957.
Gibby attended Kent State University and graduated from Cleveland State University. He was an entrepreneur with a long career as an electrical contractor, founder of Progressive Electric and Midwest Air Charter, as well as an owner and CEO of Wright Airlines. Gibby was president of the Cleveland National Air Show and chairman of the board at Cuyahoga Community College.
Gibby was an avid handball player at the Central YMCA and was always ranked a top player in the United States. He was an aviation enthusiast, with a passion for flying.
Gibby spent his life surrounded by people he loved and who loved him. His loyalty and enthusiasm for life are made evident by the dozens of family members and lifelong friends who will live to carry on his spirit.
Gibby is survived by his beloved wife of 61 years, Gayle; children, Paul (Kim) Singerman, Michael (Jill) Singerman, Egon (Suzanne) Singerman and Suzy Holzer; and brothers, Dr. Lawrence (Margaret) and Dr. Burton (Ellen) Singerman. He was also the adored grandfather of Annie Singerman, Shari (Zachary) Hiudt, Scott (Roshni) Singerman, Alec and Jordyn Singerman, Zach, Kyle and Justin Singerman and Emory, AJ and Will Holzer; and great-grandfather of Reece Singerman and Noah and Emerson Hiudt.
Gibby will be greatly missed by all who knew him. The family is grateful to Lisa Williams, compassionate caregiver for Gibby over the last year and a half.
Contributions in Gibby’s name may be made to Hospice of The Western Reserve or Temple Israel Ner Tamid.
Elaine Rita Weinstein, 81 of Beachwood died Oct. 19, 2018, following a two-month heroic medical battle.
Elaine valiantly fought to get better and was a true inspiration to everyone she came in contact with. Beloved wife for 57 years to Milton; devoted and loving mother of Marci (Brent) Garson of Orange and David
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• Burial plots in Zion Section 3, a beautiful location (near sections D, 6, 4 and The Kol Israel Monument) available to all Jewish Families.
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(Aliya) Weinstein of Newport Beach, Calif.; dear sister of Joseph (Marilyn) Smith of Chicago; known as “Grandma E” to her six grandchildren, Danielle, Arielle and Andrew Garson, Rachael (Koby) Altman, Asher and Aden Weinstein; and great-grandmother of Sophie Altman and many other relatives and friends.
Elaine was kind, caring and a loving wife, mother, grandmother and friend. Elaine was known to everyone she met as being a warm, outgoing and a genuine person.
People liked being around her even though occasionally they needed to wait for her – but to her friends and family she was always worth the wait.
Elaine’s greatest joy was spending time with her family, never missing an opportunity to be with her kids, grandkids, and great-granddaughter.
After family, she enjoyed scheduling dinners and events with her friends, traveling, especially visiting her grandkids wherever they were, in the states or abroad, playing golf and making her famous raspberry and lemon Jello molds.
Her favorite highlight was cruising with her entire family this past April.
Elaine passed away exactly four weeks after her husband, Milton, we pray they are both at peace together. Services were held Oct. 21 at Berkowitz-KuminBookatz in Cleveland Heights.
In lieu of flowers, please send donations to the National Kidney Foundation, attn: Team Kidney – Milton Jay and Elaine Rita Weinstein Memorial, 30 E. 33rd St. New York, N.Y. 10016, or go to team.kidney.org, click on honor someone and search for Milton Weinstein to electronically donate.
Lois G. Weiss (nee Goodman), 94 of Shaker Heights, passed away Oct. 19, 2018.
Born in Cleveland to Martin and Rose Goodman on Aug. 10, 1924, Lois graduated from Cleveland Heights High School in the class of 1942. She later attended Ohio University for two years.
Lois worked as a bookkeeper at Mid-Land Electric in the 1940s and the early 1950s. She was involved with Mount Sinai Hospital women’s auxiliary, Lutheran Hospitals women’s auxiliary, Better Gardens Club of Cleveland, National Council of Jewish Women’s Cleveland chapter and the Cleveland Print Club. She was a board member of the Mount Sinai and Lutheran Hospitals’ auxiliaries.
Lois loved art, ballet, reading and traveling in Europe. She tutored students taking Spanish at Shaker Heights High School and helped recent immigrants to the United States learn English.
Her true passion was English tea parties; there was nothing she enjoyed more than a cup of tea and a scone.
She is survived by her children, Nancy (Dr. Louis)
Klein and Kevin Weiss, both of Shaker Heights; and grandchildren, Cantor Audrey Klein (Dr. Joshua Albert) of Toronto, Canada and Nicholas and Peter Weiss of Cleveland. She was predeceased by her parents, Martin and Rose; and her husband of 50 years, Dr. Herbert Weiss.
The family held private services. Interment was at LakeView Cemetery. The family requests no visitation. A memorial service will be held at a later date.
Contributions in Lois’ memory can be made to the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Department of Prints and Drawings, 11150 East Blvd., Cleveland, OH 44106-1797.
Shirley Weiss (nee Cohn) passed away peacefully Oct. 29 at the age of 96.
Shirley, the daughter of the late Ben Cohn and Lillian Wolf Cohn, was a lifelong Clevelander. She devoted much of her life to her family having taken care of her mother, her husband, her children and grandchildren.
Once her children were grown, she worked as a bookkeeper for Seitz-Agin Hardware and Weisman Furniture.
Shirley was also an active volunteer, serving the Girl Scouts, Council of Jewish Women, Jewish Childrens Group Homes, Jewish War Veterans and PTA.
With her husband, she served as president of the couples club of Beth Am (Community Temple).
When her husband was installed as president of HBSU, she was also installed as president of the ladies auxillary.
Following the passing of her beloved husband, Joe, she became an active volunteer at Montifiore, as well as the de facto social director for friends who were also widowed.
Shirley was well known for her cooking skills. She could make a meal out of any food she found in the refrigerator or cupboard, always making room for extra people to join the table. Friends and family always looked forward to her split pea soup and mushroom-barley soup. No holiday was complete without her matzah ball soup.
Shirley’s gift to her family included her modeling of strength at times of challenge and crisis, her resourcefulness in reaching out to others and her continued inclusiveness of family on all occasions.
She was an extremely loyal friend, having maintained friendships with the members of her high school club throughout her life.
Shirley was predeceased by her parents and her beloved husband of almost 60 years, Joseph A. Weiss. She was the devoted mother of Pamela Goss (Matthew) and Robert Weiss (Diane) of Boston; very proud grandmother of Beth Lauren Goss (Greg Michelson) of Los Angeles, Geoffrey (Kristin) Goss and Nora and Aaron Weiss, both of Boston. Dearest sister of William “Bill” Mack (Rita, deceased).
In her later years her greatest pleasure had been in spending time with and constant bragging of her great-grandchildren, Benjamin, Louisa, Koren and Truman. Services were held Nov.1 at Berkowitz-Kumin-Bookatz Memorial Chapel. Interment was at Mount Olive Cemetery.
Contributions in Shirley’s name are suggested to Montefiore’s Maltz Hospice House.
Shirley’s life was a blessing to us all. May her memory also be for a blessing.
In loving memory of Eta Pollak, a monument will be dedicated at 2:30 p.m. Nov. 4 at Zion Memorial Park in