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Annual Guide To Jewish Living In Northeast Ohio

SOURCE 2019 will again be larger in format – 10.5 inches high by 7.5 inches wide – than previous years so readers will more easily see your ads!
SOURCE is the go-to resource for Northeast Ohio’s Jewish community. In addition to extensive listings for businesses and community resources, this annual publication provides at-a-glance information regarding Jewish holidays, synagogues, weekly candlelighting times and more.
• a full-page ad and receive a complimentary second full-page advertorial and 50-word listing ($1,390 value)

• With the purchase of any size ad, receive one complimentary 50-word listing ($190 value)

• Submit your completed listing online at cjn.org/source_listing
• Bonus circulation: SOURCE is sent to all CJN subscribers and distributed at various community and Jewish events throughout the region.