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In this feature, the Cleveland Jewish News will highlight tribute honorees and other significant community events In The Community. Send event and honoree details with color photos at least six weeks in advance of the event to be considered for inclusion In The Community, to editorial@cjn.org and include “In the Community” in the subject line.
To read more about the events, visit cjn.org/inthecommunity
Nov. 28 / 64th annual Humanitarian Award Dinner
Community leader Enid Rosenberg and Marc S. Byrnes, chairman of Oswald Cos., will receive the PwC LeadDiversity Alumni Award, presented by The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio.

“Honorees exhibit an extensive record of involvement in civic, charitable, volunteer and professional organizations, and have contributed greatly to creating a welcoming and inclusive Northeast Ohio,” according to the Diversity Center’s website.
WHEN: 5:30 p.m. reception, 6:45 dinner Nov. 28
WHERE: Renaissance Cleveland Hotel, 24 Public Square, Cleveland
TICKETS: Starting at $350
INFO: diversitycenterneo.org
WHO BENEFITS: Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio, which works to eliminate bias, bigotry and racism and its school and youth programming that empowers more than 10,000 youth and youth-serving professionals in nine counties across Northeast Ohio
Nov. 12 / Celebrating Stephen H. Hoffman
Stephen H. Hoffman has served as president of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland since 1983. According to an invitation, through his commitment and passion, he has elevated all areas of the work of the Federation.
WHEN: 6:30 p.m. Nov. 12
WHERE: Cleveland Museum of Art, 11150 East Blvd., Cleveland
TICKETS: $80 per person. Kosher dietary laws observed. RSVP by Oct. 29.
INFO: bit.ly/2Oxctxu
WHO BENEFITS: The Stephen H. Hoffman Endowed Professorship of Hebrew Language at Case Western Reserve University and The Stephen H. Hoffman Hebrew Fund at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland am appalled by the cowardly malice the actions on our campus represent. Those who engage in such conduct should remember that it not only is contrary to our values, but also university policies. Violators will face discipline.”
Jared Isaacson, executive director of Cleveland Hillel at CWRU, was pleased with the swift action of the university.
“(CWRU) didn’t have any information yet as to whether this was something that was done very recently in light of what happened in Pittsburgh, etc., or if it was something that was put on a while ago
Thanksgiving Holiday Buffet
and recently just discovered,” he said. “The university responded really quickly and as far as I’m concerned, they were strong in their support for any students who would be affected by this. But more particular, they were very strong in their aggressive stance in this being a totally unacceptable aspect of things happening on campus.”
CWRU President Barbara R. Snyder declined through a spokesperson to provide additional comment when contacted by the Cleveland Jewish News.

11:30 am – 3 pm
Adults $38.95 Seniors $32.95
Children $13.95 Under 5 Free Cleveland East-Beachwood 3663 Park East Drive | Beachwood
Reservations suggested: (216)-910-1296