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Temple in Beachwood and past president of the WRJ Central District, will co-lead Havdalah services on Nov. 10 and will be one of five panelists for Journey to Leadership, the final panel of the convention.
Susan Wasserman of TTTI Israel will direct a play Nov. 10 called, “Love, Loss & What I Wore.”
Sandy Adland of Temple Israel in Canton, immediate past president of the WRJ Central District, will teach a class: “Learning the birkat.” Her students will put their learning to use by leading the birkat after Shabbat luncheon.
Local arrangements co-chairs are Janice Bilchik and Sharon Priesand of the TTTI’s Temple Women’s Association.
“The convention ‘Embrace Your Voice” is so appropiate at this time in our world,” said Suzanne Singerman, president of the Temple Women’s Association of Temple Tifereth Israel. “We’re looking forward to having women from our Central District share and embrace their voices.”