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The Jewish Federation of Cleveland will celebrate Stephen H. Hoffman’s tenure as president of the Federation since 1983 at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 12 at the Cleveland Museum of Art, 11150 East Blvd. in Cleveland.
Tickets are $80 per person. Kosher dietary laws will be observed. For more information, visit bit.ly/2Oxctxu.
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Women of Fairmount Temple’s “Books Change Lives” talk with Judy Payne of the Cleveland Kids Book Bank, 1 p.m., 23737 Fairmount Blvd., Beachwood. $5 for nonmembers. RSVP to womenft@fairmounttemple.org.
“Cyber Security from Solon’s Largest Employer” with Chuck Norman, senior manager of risk and controls at Swagelok, 11:30 a.m., Signature of Solon, 39000 Signature Dr., Solon. $25 for Solon chamber members at bit.ly/2PJTfRK.
Park Synagogue Sisterhood programming, 10 a.m., Park Synagogue East, 27500 Shaker Blvd., Pepper Pike. Other programming follows. Lunch at 12:15 p.m. For lunch RSVPs, call Rita Weintraub at 440-498-9712 or Beverly Bedol at 216-464-0395. Cost is $10 for lunch.
Shalom Baby class, 7 p.m., Gross Schechter, 27601 Fairmount Blvd., Pepper Pike. RSVP at bit.ly/2DaSQGd.
JLI “Wrestling with my Faith” course, 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m., JLI Cleveland Chapter, 25400 Fairmount Blvd., Beachwood. $89 at bit.ly/2yqDcR5.
The University Heights Civic Awards, 6:30 p.m., John Carroll University’s Jardine Room, 1 John Carroll Blvd., University Hts. $25 at bit.ly/2JuE4cz.
“Cyber-security and Holiday Scams” workshop, 7-8 p.m., CCPL Beachwood branch, 25501 Shaker Blvd., Beachwood. Free. RSVP at cuyahogalibrary.org or 216-831-6868.
“Conversations on Judaism and the Arts: The Talmud as Inspiration for Contemporary Literature” with author Ruby Namdar, 7 p.m., Landmark Centre, 27500 Science Park Dr., Beachwood. $5 for Siegal Lifelong Learning and Maltz Musuem members, $10 for nonmembers. For more info, call 216-368-2091.
9th annual “Jewelry Heist” fundraiser, 7-10 p.m., Clague Playhouse, 1371 Clague Rd., Westlake. For more info and tickets, call 440-331-0403 or clagueplayhouse.org. Sales benefit the playhouse. Thru Dec. 7.
“Living in English: Writing in Hebrew” with author Rudy Namdar, 10 a.m., Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage, 2929 Richmond Rd., Beachwood. $5 for Siegal Lifelong Learning or Maltz Museum members, $10 for nonmembers. For more info, call 216-368-2091.