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Getting you through this flu season
The flu can be indiscriminate. It can increase the severity of chronic conditions such as emphysema, COPD, diabetes and heart failure. It can cause pneumonia, upper respiratory infections and gastrointestinal distress. According to the CDC, there are up to 49,000 flu fatalities each year and around 700,000 hospitalizations. One should immediately seek medical attention, and just as important, after-care.

At Menorah Park COO Richard Schwalberg ensures staff and residents who are able get the flu shot do so. It is made available on campus, and has been administered for more than 30 years, perhaps longer. “We protect our staff, residents, clients and visitors by doing this to reduce the risks of the flu,” he said. “Even months after recovering from the flu older people remain at increased risks for heart attack, strokes or disability.” He said Menorah Park also focuses on ensuring standard precautions for infection control are taken, including hand washing and use of gloves, which helps prevent the spread of infection in a health care setting.
During the flu and after it’s important to