2 minute read
Supplemental Hebrew

Religious School 23737 Fairmount Blvd. Beachwood, OH 44122 P: 216-464-1330 F: 216-378-2858 E: mail@fairmounttemple.org W: fairmounttemple.org FB: facebook.com/Anshe-Chesed-FairmountTemple-184422053042 Rabbi Elle Muhlbaum Staci Cohen, Upper School Director Our dynamic religious school offers a free pre-K Sunday program open to all, regardless of membership. This complements our highly acclaimed Parent-Child Hebrew program, interactive religious school and retreat programs for children in pre-kindergarten through high school. We provide a nurturing Jewish educational environment that will inspire students and families.
Early Childhood Center 27501 Fairmount Blvd. Pepper Pike, OH 44124 P: 216-831-6555 E: juliesukert@bnaijeshurun.org W: bnaijeshurun.org FB: facebook.com/groups/mishpachotbjc Julie Sukert, Young Family Engagement Director By providing support and creativity, the Early Childhood Center addresses the interests of Jewish parents in a Conservative Jewish context. We bring together young families with children from birth to 6 years old for social and religious programs. Wehold fun, meaningful andcreative eventswhere children can learn through interactive play and parents can meet each other and schmooze. Join us for our long running community Kinder Shabbat Friday morning program and your family will be part of a growing chavurah that will form lifelong friendships.
Milton A. & Roslyn Z. Wolf Religious School 27500 Shaker Blvd. Pepper Pike, OH 44124 P: 216-371-2244 x125 F: 216-321-0639 E: teri@parksyn.org W: parksynagogue.org FB: facebook.com/parksyn Teri Rube Hochberg, Director of Education Through innovative, community-minded curricula for babies through 12th graders, we utilize cutting-edge resources, as well as experiential parent/grandparent/child programs, to create learning experiences that instill a rewarding Jewish foundation. Award-winning Shabbat morning youth programs and services are free and open to the community. We also have a personalized tutoring and bar/bat mitzvah program that ensures every student’s success. We are a nationallyrecognized program rooted in Conservative values derived from the Torah, cultivating a community of lifelong learners.

5570 Harper Road Solon, OH 44139 P: 440-498-9533 F: 440-498-9966 E: miriam@solonchabad.com W: solonchabad.com Miriam Greenberg, Director Kindergarten through eighth-grade classes Sundays and Wednesdays geared toward Reform, Conservative and unaffiliated families. o membership re uired. Our focus is to offer a fun, hands-on learning environment where Jewish education is enjoyable for all.
Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple
Looking for an inclusive, compassionate synagogue community? Find out about our engaging clergy, commitment to social action, and outstanding Jewish learning programs, from preschool to high school and adult education. Fairmount Temple offers First Year Voluntary Dues to new and returning members. Call us at 216-464-1330 or visit
23737 Fairmount Blvd. Beachwood, OH 44122