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Adult Education

Adult Education


Mailing Address Administrative Offi ce Only 2245 Warrensville Center Road, Suite 215 niversity eights, O P E connect kolhalev.net kolhalev.net FB facebook.com ol aLevCleveland Rabbi Steve Segar, Rabbi NOTE During the pandemic, most of our services and programs are being held online. Please visit kolhalev.net for more information. ol aLev’s wide ranging, creative adult learning experiences encourage meaningful communal engagement and personal development. hrough orah study, meditation, book, group and workshops on topics ranging from environmental activism to wise aging, members can broaden their understanding of Judaism spiritually, historically, culturally and religiously, with attention to the Reconstructionist viewpoint.


Shaker Blvd. Pepper Pike, O P , ext. F: 216-321-0639 E asolomon parksyn.org parksynagogue.org FB facebook.com parksyn Allison Solomon, Membership Director Our educational opportunities draw audiences with various backgrounds and levels of Judaic knowledge. Everyone is welcome to attend and learn in a warm, nurturing environment. Classes include Rabbi Skoff’s Bible Class classes with our Jewish Life Educator, lana orowit Ratner almud Study ebrew classes adult Bat Mit vah classes and more.


Lander Road Mayfi eld eights, O P: 440-473-5120 F E tint tintcleveland.org FB facebook.com templeisraelnertamidcleveland Rabbi Matthew J. Eisenberg, DD, Rabbi Bill Droe, Vice President of Religious Practices At emple srael er amid, we offer many opportunities for adult education, open to members and non members, including classes on Sunday mornings at a.m., men’s orah study, Sisterhood of the raveling orah, the Jewish riangle and Feast of Judaism.


Brenda Richardson R 14077 Cedar Road, #203 South Euclid, O P: 216-321-1090 E info solutionspts.com solutionspts.com Solutions speciali es in training individuals of all ages on how to become caregivers. Solutions also takes pride in the delivery of care to seniors and adults with disabilities. f you are in need of training or need a ualifi ed caregiver, call Solutions Premier at .


E. th St. Cleveland, O P P E info chabadcase.com ChabadatCase.com FB facebook.com C RJew C RJew Rabbi Mendy and Sara Alevsky, Co Directors Chabad at C R niversity Circle is a warm and welcoming place to celebrate and learn about your heritage. Regardless of background or religious affi liation, you will fi nd a home away from home, in an exceptional community, with do ens of like minded Jewish students.


East Spring St. Oxford, O P ORA E rabbi chabadmiamioh.com campuschabad.org elcome to the Chabad Jewish Student Center the one stop for anything Jewish at Miami niversity in Oxford, Ohio servicing students and faculty. e invite you to contact us if we can be of service to you. e look forward to personally welcoming you at the Chabad ouse.

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