e Cleveland Pops Orchestra honors Richard W. Pogue

Pops Gala

Saturday, April 27, 2024 for his contributions to the arts.

e Cleveland Pops Orchestra honors Richard W. Pogue
Saturday, April 27, 2024 for his contributions to the arts.
Richard W. (“Dick”) Pogue is a Senior Advisor at Jones Day in Cleveland, one of the world’s largest law firms. He was Jones Day’s managing partner in the 1980s, when he led it into the international arena. A graduate of Cornell University (1950) and the University of Michigan Law School (1953), he served for three years in the U.S. Army’s Office of the Judge Advocate General. He holds honorary doctorate degrees from the University of Akron and the Cleveland Institute of Music.
Dick has chaired many major Ohio civic organizations, including The Cleveland Foundation, Business Volunteers Unlimited, University Hospitals Health System, the Greater Cleveland Growth Association, The City Club of Cleveland, the Presidents’ Council Foundation, The 50 Club, Kulas Foundation, the Greater Cleveland Chapter of the American Red Cross, and the successful $51.9 million United Way Campaign in 1989.
He was instrumental in the development of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, and, as co-chair, he completed a $30 million campaign to revive the Gordon Square Arts District on the West Side of Cleveland.
Dick is the father of three, grandfather of eight, and great-grandfather of one. On April 26, he will celebrate his 96th birthday.
Richard W. (“Dick”) Advisor at Jones the world’s largest Day’s managing partner when he led it into A graduate of Cornell and the University School (1953), he in the U.S. Army’s Advocate General. doctorate degrees Akron and the Cleveland of Music.
Richard W. (“Dick”) Pogue is a Senior Advisor at Jones Day in Cleveland, one of the world’s largest law firms. He was Jones Day’s managing partner in the 1980s, when he led it into the international arena.
A graduate of Cornell University (1950) and the University of Michigan Law School (1953), he served for three years in the U.S. Army’s Office of the Judge Advocate General. He holds honorary doctorate degrees from the University of Akron and the Cleveland Institute of Music.
Dick has chaired many major Ohio civic organizations, Cleveland Foundation, Business Volunteers Unlimited,
6:00 p.m.
Welcome & Registration
VIP Reception, with Honoree, Richard W. Pogue
Silent Auction
7:15 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
Tribute to Richard W. Pogue
Musical Program
Followed by Dessert & Dancing
10:15 p.m.
Silent Auction Closes
Thank you for joining us for this special evening to support
The Cleveland Pops Orchestra
Your support ensures we can continue to perform the highest quality symphonic pops music while providing educational programs to develop an enduring appreciation of music.
Kulas Foundation
John P. Murphy Foundation
Shirley Morgenstern & Carl Topilow
James & Winifred Stone
Ohio Real Title, LLC
Margaret W. Wong & Associates, LLC
Albert B. & Audrey G. Ratner Family Foundation
David & Julie Borsani
Don & Sally Messinger
Ed & Judy Newman
Ed Luecke
Hawkins and Company, LLC
Dr. Keith Warner & Northeast
Surgical Wound Care
Lee Weingart
Michael & Penelope Shemo & Wolf Investors LLC
Sam & Kristen Totino
Taylor Gevry
The Parker Skin & Aesthetic Clinic
Thompson Hine, LLP
Richard W. Pogue
Robert & Brenda Weltman
Jacqui Herringshaw & Ned Hyland
Thomas Zung & Joyce Burke-Jones
Joyce Mistovich & Carl James
William Donovan & Mary Ellen Hutchinson
Randall Solomon & Nancy Glick
Stephen Brown & Leslie Brown
Norma M. Nelson & Lloyd V. Williams
Lonnie Sharon Williams
Lynn Chesler
Jeff & Diana Salisbury
John & Eliza Saada
Jones Day
Meredith Seikel
Bob & Trisha Pavey
Sanjiv & Anju Kapur
Nicole V. Mawby
Steven & Judy Willensky Philanthropic Fund
Queen on Stage.........................................................................................................arr. Paul Murtha
Excerpts from My Fair Lady – Lerner and Loewe .......................................arr. Robert Russell Bennett
Winter from The Four Seasons, 3rd movement – Antonio Vivaldi ...................... Holden Vokes, violin
Sweet Caroline – Neil Diamond ....................................................................Connor O’Brien, vocalist
Oye Como Va – Tito Puente
My Way – Jacques Revaux, adapted, Paul Anka
Dean Buck and Carl Topilow, tenor saxophones
David Pogue, pianist and vocalist
Carol Ruzicka
Mary Beth Ions
Leslie Braidech
Maria Beyens
Victor Beyens
Lisa Goldman
Liesl Hook-Langmack
Alexandra Vago
Lara Dudack
Kent Collier
Linda Atherton
Tim Powell
Kyra Kester
Jody Chaffee
Martin Neubert
Louis Gangale
Ben Chen
Kent Larmee
Ken Wadenpfuhl
Loren Toplitz
Jack Shantz
Riley Conley
Paul Ferguson
Scott Garlock
Paul Hungerford
Gary Adams DRUM SET
Jim Rupp
Rock Wehrmann
** Ken & Annette Hallock
Carl Topilow
** Jeff & Sandy Brausch
Carl Topilow
*Philip Lloyd II
Carol Ruzicka
George & Mary Leuca III, in memory of George Leuca Jr.
Mary Beth Ions
Wolf Investors, LLC
Donna Bartlett Jelen
Blair Mooney
Leslie Braidech
David & Julie Borsani, in memory of Marissa Borsani
Sara Schaft
Don & Sally Messinger
Lisa Goldman
Ryan & Teri Marrie
Liesl Hook-Langmack
Alice Lang, in memory of Bruce W. Lang
Maria Beyens
Alice Lang, in memory of Bruce W. Lang
Ann Yu
David & Julie Borsani, in memory of Marissa Borsani
Lara Roberts Dudack
*Philip Lloyd II
Kent Collier
Ann Marie Hawkins & DavidHodgson
Gayle Klaber
*Tricia Gardner & Beverly Tatalick
Nicole Castleberry Clouser
Olympus Wealth Partners
Tim Powell
Anita Scalon
Mary Kay Robinson
Randy Solomon & Nancy Glick, in memory of Abe Solomon
Kyra Kester
Barry & Lynn Chesler
Jesse Martin
*Carl Topilow, in memory of Pearl Josephs
Louis Gangale
Irwin & Eileen Dinn, in memory of Victor C. Laughlin, M.D.
Benjamin Chen
Irwin & Eileen Dinn, in memory of Victor C. Laughlin, M.D.
Ken Wadenpfuhl
Millette and Company
Heather Johnson
*Jeff & Sandy Brausch
Gary Davis
Michael & Penelope Shemo
Larry Herman
Shirley Morgenstern, in memory of Theodore Tate
Jack Schantz
*David & Hope Koncal
Paul Ferguson
Janice Schwieterman, in honor of my husband
Paul Hungerford
*Thompson Hine, LLP
Jim Rupp
*Principal Chair Sponsor
** Podium Sponsor
Founding conductor of the Cleveland Pops Orchestra, Carl Topilow’s engaging programs have been acclaimed by audiences and critics alike. He enjoys a dual career as both conductor and clarinetist, often finding an occasion to perform a selection with the Pops on one of his brightly colored clarinets.
Presently, Carl is also conductor of the Firelands Symphony Orchestra, based in Sandusky, OH, and principal guest conductor of the Florida Lakes Symphony. He maintains an active role as Conductor Laureate of the National Repertory Orchestra, a summer festival in Breckenridge, CO, where he was conductor for 42 years. After 37 years as Conductor and Director of the Orchestral Program at the Cleveland Institute of Music, he was named Faculty Emeritus in 2018. He has served as principal pops conductor of the Toledo Symphony Orchestra, Southwest Florida Symphony Orchestra and Mansfield Symphony Orchestra.
A frequent guest conductor, Topilow has performed in this role with 132 different orchestras in 37 states and 12 foreign countries.
Co-founder of the Cleveland Pops Orchestra, President and CEO Shirley Morgenstern has brought this ensemble to be recognized as one of Cleveland’s prize musical organizations. Shirley and Carl’s daughter Jenny is a violinist with the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra. Their daughter Emily works at the Cleveland Clinic in marketing and enjoys performing as violinist with the Heights Chamber Orchestra.
Shirley Morgenstern, President and CEO
Carl Topilow, Artistic Director and Conductor
William G. Zurkey, Chorus Director
Loren Toplitz, Executive Assistant to the President and Orchestra Personnel Manager
Kaitlyn Jozwiak, Patron Service Manager
Sabrina Plumb DeCastra, Director of Digital Marketing
Benjamin Malkevitch, Orchestra Librarian
Tim McLeer, Production Assistant
Carl Topilow
Shirley Morgenstern
James M. Stone, Chairman
Ann Marie Hawkins, Vice Chair
Adrienne Stemen, Secretary
Russell H. Grindon, Treasurer
Donald Messinger, Immediate Past Chairman
Sondra M. Boyd ~ Austin Carr ~ Jared Chaney**
Susan Delaney ~ Edward H. Gabelman, M.D. ~ Taylor Gevry
Edward H. Luecke ~ Ryan T. Marrie ~ Lisa H. Michel
Justin Mistovich, M.D ~ Lydia Parker, M.D.
Thomas J. Scanlon* (d) ~ Michael A. Shemo ~ Andrew D. Smith
Randall L. Solomon ~ Adrienne L. Stemen
Sam Totino ~ Carl Topilow ~ Keith M. Warner, M.D., FACS
Robert B. Weltman ~ Evelyn Wright
**Lifetime Board Member
Lydia Parker ~Ryan Marrie
Sally & Don Messinger
Shirley Morgenstern & Carl Topilow
Winnifred & James Stone
From somewhat modest beginnings, with a three-concert season as the Wolstein Center at Cleveland State University in 1996 to today’s Severance Hall, Playhouse Square, and multiple venues throughout Greater The Cleveland Pops Orchestra has grown to be recognized as one of the the nation. As such, we have become active participants in Cleveland’s scene, making this one of the best arts cities in the country.
The Cleveland Pops Orchestra is proud to be honoring Richard Pogue for the tremendous impact he has made on so many organizations in the Cleveland community. A special thank you to Don and Sally Messinger for their time and energy in making this event possible. Thank you to David and Tracy Pogue for their support and input in this salute to their dad.
Thanks to our patrons, musicians, and board of directors, we will continue to strive to remain a vital part of Cleveland’s arts scene for years to come. There’s nothing like the sound of a symphony orchestra, and ours plays the best of symphonic pops music, Hollywood, Broadway, rock, jazz, and light classics, the music that entertains and enriches your lives. Our educational activities include our in-school Actual Music program, Pops Youth Orchestra, and Jean and Gordon Petitt scholarship competition, which features a performance with the Cleveland Pops Orchestra and a cash prize.
In addition to the professional musicians who comprise our orchestra, Pops is nurturing the next generation of professional musicians through Petitt Memorial Scholarship Competition for high school students and collaboration with The Music Settlement that has established The Cleveland Orchestra, now in its second season. We believe that our Youth Orchestra symphonic pops orchestra in North America.
Shirley Morgenstern President & CEO
We are delighted and proud to be honoring Richard W. Pogue for his outstanding contributions to our community.
Tonight’s program includes a special performance by CBS Sunday Morning host David Pogue. We’ll also feature Holden Vokes, a violinist with the Cleveland Pops Youth Orchestra, and Pops favorite, vocalist Connor Bogart O’Brien. And, where else but at a Cleveland Pops event such as this one can our patrons have the chance to dance to a symphonic orchestra.
The Cleveland Pops Orchestra also operates its Actual MusicTM elementary schools, bringing music education to hundreds of children truly say throughout the community that The Cleveland Pops Orchestra
Shirley Morgenstern & Carl Topilow
Carl Topilow Music Director & Conductor
Thank you again, Richard, for all you have done and continue to do to enrich our community.
We are thrilled to be honoring Dick Pogue year. Dick Pogue is one of the most important business and philanthropic leaders in Cleveland in the past 50 years.
Donald H. Messinger
Mr. Pogue was former Managing Partner of one of the top international law firms in the world, Jones Day, which was founded in Cleveland. Among other things, Mr. Pogue is a past chairman of the Antitrust Law Section of the American Bar Association. He was a past director of various companies, including locally connected companies Continental Airlines, M.A. Hanna Co., KeyCorp, and TRW.
We are delighted and be honoring Richard for his outstanding contributions to our community.
Yet, we could not have done it without the constant support of Community. Our audience, including subscribers and individual ticket blood, but ticket sales provide only a small portion of our $1 million independent, non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, The Cleveland Pops on the generosity of individuals, corporations, and foundations. As we celebrating our 25th birthday beginning next year, we again thank you The Cleveland Pops Orchestra “sound” for this and future generations!
Shirley Morgenstern & Carl Topilow
James M. Stone
In the civic arena, he has served as chairman of many organizations, including The Cleveland Foundation, Greater Cleveland Growth Association, University Hospitals, The City Club, Business Volunteers Unlimited, Greater Cleveland Roundtable, and the Cleveland Institute of Music. He was instrumental with the Gordon Square and Detroit Shoreway Developments and the new Cleveland Ballet. He is truly an outstanding honoree!
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Cleveland Pops Orchestra
James Chairman of the Board Chairman 2015 – October 2019
Through our concert series at Severance Hall, our highly anticipated annual family holiday show at Connor Palace, and our community engagement events, The Cleveland Pops attracts a wide and diverse audience.
- 62,000+ individuals entertained each year
- 15-18 concerts & community events
The Cleveland Pops programs and performances throughout the region promote a love and understanding of music that make a lasting impression on the minds and hearts of thousands.
The Cleveland Pops creates music learning experiences for children from their pre-school stage through high school.
- A program designed to engage children in the wonderful world of music and dance. The program provides education, participation listening and visual stimulation for the young students.
- Open to vocalists, dancers and instrumentalists up to the age of 18.
- Prizes:
- Cash award
- The opportunity to perform on stage at Severance Hall with the Cleveland Pops Orchestra.
- Established in collaboration with The Music Settlement.
- Created to nurture and train young musicians ages 12-18.
- The program promotes critical thinking, self-confidence and leadership skills through music.
A special Thank you to the following partners and sponsors who have made our 2023-2024 concert season possible:
12th Street Florist
Beachwood City School District
Sandy & Jeff Brausch
Burford T. Hedgehog Productions
The Cleveland Foundation
Cleveland Pops Orchestra Chorus
Cuyahoga Arts & Culture
Fast Signs
Firelands Symphony Orchestra
The Sam J. Frankino Foundation
Sam & Esther Friedman Family Foundation
Fox 8 Cleveland
The George Gund Foundation
Hawkins & Company, LLC
Jackson Lewis P.C.
John P. Murphy Foundation
Kulas Foundation
Leonard Krieger Fund of The Cleveland Foundation
Don & Sally Messinger
The Music Settlement
Northeast Surgical Wound Care
Ohio Arts Council
Ohio Real Title Agency
The Parker Skin & Aesthetic Clinic
Richard Pogue
Michael & Penelope Shemo
James & Winifred Stone
Swagelok Company
Thompson Hine, LLP
Weltman, Weinberg & Reis Co., LPA.
Wolf Investors, LLC
A special thank you to our 2023-2024 Season Presenting Sponsors,
Sally and Don Messinger
Akron Civic Theatre
Akron Fossils & Science Center
Akron Rubber Ducks
All City Candy
Bar Italia
Baseball Heritage Museum
Beck Center for the Arts
Bob Weltman
Bruno’s Ristorante
Busy Bee Pottery & Art Studio
Carl Topilow
Cleveland Botanical Gardens
Cleveland Cavaliers
Cleveland Charge
Cleveland Metroparks
Cleveland Monsters
Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland Museum of Contemporary Art
Cleveland Playhouse
Cleveland Zoological Society
Cooper’s Hawk Winery & Restaurant
Cuyahoga County Fair
Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad
Dean Buck
Don’s Lighthouse
Firelands Symphony Orchestra
Gary Adams Photography
Gervasi Vineyard
Giovanni’s Ristorante
Good Time III
Great Wolf Lodge
Intercontinental Hotel Cleveland
JACK Casino
K1 Speed
Kent State Golden Flashes
King’s Island
L’Albatros Brasserie
Larchmere Fire Works
Luna Bakery & Café
Maltz Museum
Mansfield Reformatory
Memphis Kiddie Park
Mike Shemo
Music Box Supper Club
National Museum of the Great Lakes
NOSOTROS Rock Climbing Gym
Ohio Wine Producers Association
Perplexity Games Escape Room
Petitti’s Garden Center
Piano Cleveland Playhouse Square
Positive Perks Coffee
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
Samantha Friel
Sam Totino
Sand Ridge Club
Sawmill Creek Resort
Shelf Life Books
Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens
The Cleveland Orchestra
The Cleveland Jazz Orchestra
The Musical Theater Project
The Parker Skin & Aesthetic Clinic
The Salon & Spa of Venus
Tours of Cleveland, LLC
USS COD Submarine Memorial
Dear Dad:
From the moment you arrived here in 1957, you’ve been Mr. Cleveland, dedicated to the cultural and civic heartbeat of this great city. You’ve been Cleveland’s cornerstone, its cheerleader, and at times, we suspect, its secret mayor.
Your legacy is more than the cases you’ve argued or the boards you’ve chaired. Your legacy is also us— your three kids—and the humor, intellect, and love of music that you’ve instilled in us.
Tonight, may the sounds of the Cleveland Pops help celebrate your 96th birthday and commemorate your dedication to this town. Here’s to many more years of leading the charge, lightening the mood, and loving your city!
With love and admiration, Mark, Tracy, and David
Congratulations on your all your achievements in advancing our community. You have been a long time role model;
I learned much just watching you.Bob Smith, Partner and Market Leader at Cerity Partners
Michael and Penny Shemo Wolf Investors LLC Congratulations
For this well-deserved recognition. Your tireless e orts have truly made a di erence In the lives of countless individuals and families.
Congratulations to a great pair, e Cleveland Pops Orchestra and Richard W. Pogue
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Jackson Lewis is honored to support the Cleveland Pops Orchestra in its mission to perform the highest quality symphonic pops music, enhancing the richness and vibrancy of Northeast Ohio living.
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Dean Lee Fisher and the faculty, sta and students of CSU|LAW
Congratulate 2024 Pops Gala Honoree
Richard W. Pogue
We join with the Cleveland arts community in celebrating Richard Pogue’s generosity and support for the enrichment of our City.
James M. Stone | Principal Chairman of the Board, Cleveland Pops Orchestra Park Center Plaza I, Suite 400 6100 Oak Tree Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44131
Calfee is proud to support the Cleveland Pops Orchestra and the 2024 G-Clef Ball. Hawkins
For more than 120 years, Calfee attorneys have provided sound legal counsel to support business clients’ growth objectives while also supporting organizations committed to promoting arts and culture in our local communities.
©2024 Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP. All Rights Reserved. 1405 E. Sixth Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44114. ADVERTISING MATERIAL.
Randy Solomon and Nancy Glick are pleased to join the Cleveland Pops Orchestra in recognizing and thanking Dick Pogue for all that he has done for our community.
Richard W. Pogue
2024 Honoree of the Cleveland Pops Orchestra Gala Highland Centre 3900 Park Drive, Suite 100 Beachwood, OH 44122 216-378-2900
www.glenmede.com Cleveland Pops Orchestra
Ed & Suzanne Luecke are proud supporters of the Cleveland Pops Orchestra from the Cleveland Pops Orchestra, Chorus, and Staff
We are delighted and proud to be honoring Richard W. Pogue for his outstanding contributions to our community.
Shirley Morgenstern & Carl Topilow
Congratulations to the Cleveland PopsOrchestra and its 2024 Honoree, Richard Pogue
~Meredith Seikel~
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The Envelope Please... Scores that won the Oscar.
Tosubscribecall216.765.7677orvisitClevelandPops.com/Concerts/Subscribe SubscriptionconcertstakeplaceatSeveranceat7PM.
Tosubscribecall216.765.7677orvisitClevelandPops.com/Concerts/Subscribe SubscriptionconcertstakeplaceatSeveranceat7PM.
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choose, we play!
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Rock 'n' Roll with the Pops.
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