Dental Health and Hygiene Special Section

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August 26, 2016



Dental health and hygiene

A Cleveland Jewish News Special Advertising Section



AuGuSt 26, 2016

brushing, flossing key to checkups ED WITTENbERG | STAFF REPORTER


here aren’t many secrets to having a successful dental checkup. Brushing and flossing on a daily basis will usually do the trick, most dentists would likely agree. But having a good relationship with one’s dentist is also an important factor, said Dr. Dina Fixler of University Heights Dental. “You want to feel completely comfortable with your dentist,” Fixler said.

“You want somebody who will educate you and not make you feel bad about yourself. You want to feel educated and informed. “You want to leave with optimal health, and if there is any Fixler disease present, you want to know how the dental staff will treat that.” From a dentist’s perspective, Fixler said, a great dental patient is one who

Barry R. Lazar, DDS

Family Dentist 4320 Mayfield Road, Suite 105 South Euclid, Ohio 44121 Phone: (216) 291-2080 Pager: (216) 829-0000 Office Hours By Appointment

Great Care That Will Make You Smile! Enhance your best accessory ... your smile! Take advantage of our special offer – a FREE consultation and a FREE Invisalign scan. • Orthodontic Specialist • 31 Years Experience • Premier Invisalign® Provider • Treating Both Children & Adults

Dr. Ira Weiss

Dr. Shira Tor

Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics

is open to listening, takes a great interest in his or her dental and overall health and comes in regularly for the appointed visit. “It’s somebody who listens to your Streem advice and takes the time to refer you to family and friends,” she said. “Most people want to be listened to and taken care of and treated respectfully.” Dr. Jason Streem, of Periodontal Associates Inc. in Lyndhurst, said most dentists are looking for how well patients care for their oral cavity, which includes the teeth, gums, tongue and the inside lining of the cheeks and lips. “Typically dentists will know when you’ve brushed and flossed and when you haven’t,” he said. “They’ll know when you’ve been doing your homework at home properly, (such as) brushing

twice a day for two minutes each time, flossing daily and regular semiannual visits to the dentist.” It may seem like common sense, but it’s surprising how many people don’t brush their teeth or floss on a regular basis, Streem said. “You would also be surprised by the number of people who brush four to five times a day, but it doesn’t look like they brush at all,” he said. “I joke that they’re not using the right end of the brush, but obviously they need some coaching. “I specialize in periodontal disease, and the consequences of leaving plaque on your teeth are progression of gum disease and loss of support for your teeth. In today’s dental technology, all of us try to individualize care and apply appropriate maintenance frequency based on the individual’s risk for disease. If they are at a higher risk, they may need more frequent dental visits (than twice a year).”

Ohio Dental Association opposes Senate Bill 330


hio Dental Association president Dr. Chris Connell of Lyndhurst issued the following statement regarding the proposal to legalize dental therapists in Ohio: “Allowing undertrained individuals to perform irreversible surgical procedures would be detrimental to the oral health of Ohioans and would be an unnecessary distraction from the progress being made in addressing the critical issue of access to dental care in Ohio. “Accordingly, the Ohio Dental Association strongly opposes Senate Bill 330. This bill proposes inadequate training for such a broad scope of practice that includes irreversible surgical procedures such as the cutting of tooth structure with a highspeed drill, extractions and restorations. “The General Assembly just passed House Bill 463 a little more than a year ago, which includes some of the nation’s most aggressive access to dental care reforms, including increasing the capacity of the Ohio Dentist Loan Repayment Program, which has already incentivized dozens of dentists to provide care in professional shortage areas, creating the Ohio Dental Hygienist Loan Repayment Program, creating opportunities for expanded function dental assistants to provide preventive dental procedures to Ohio patients and allowing dental hygienists to initiate preventive dental care in underserved settings outside the presence of a dentist. These progressive reforms just became effective, so let’s give them a chance to work.”

Sign up for



Orange Village 216.292.6340 Middleburg Hts. 440.885.1980



AuGuSt 26, 2016

How to make a dentist’s visit pleasant CARLO WOLFF | STAFF REPORTER


hen he was a kid, John Heimke’s father told him to buck up and sit straight when he went to the dentist. Heimke didn’t have a chance to be scared, though, he admits, he felt some anxiety. Heimke, a doctor of dental medicine and president and CEO of Facial Aesthetic Designers in Heimke Rocky River, now suggests that because of advances in technology and improvements in technique, anxiety plays a greatly diminished role. “These days, I think the offices are much more conducMarsh tive to the general public,” he said. “They don’t have the smells any more like the old days. When I was a kid, there a always that smell and you knew you were in the dental office.” “That smell” came from chemicals used in such procedures as root canals. Over the years, that chemical odor has been reduced, Heimke said. It’ s not only that behind-the-scenes factor that has changed. The whole environment has – dramatically. “There’s music, there’s televisions, and dentistry’s so gentle these days,” Heimke said. “There are techniques from the dentist to the hygienist that are very gentle and they’re geared towards patient relaxation, both nonverbal and verbal techniques.” Steven P. Marsh, a doctor of dental surgery at ClevelandSmiles in Lyndhurst, expanded on Heimke’s musings. Marsh is almost 64. His father was a dentist. To Marsh, dealing with patients’ fears and anxieties also involves the environment, both physical and psychological. At his practice, Marsh takes new patients on a tour, bringing them through the reception area where there’s a large screen TV they can tune to the station of their choice. Also on that initial walkthrough is a refreshment area serving healthy drinks and snacks. Warm-toned hardwood floors and walls painted in browns and greys also soften the experience, he said. And after the initial tour, “we then bring them into my office, which is a round table, and we

sit and get to know each other.” The idea is to personalize the visit. “Whether it’s a kid or an adult, we sit down and I say, what’s important to you? What are your goals in coming? What are your expectations?” “Part of any relationship is about establishing trust, especially in dentistry,” Marsh said. “I wan to establish that I’m listening to them – it’s not about my expectations – so that immediately they know it’s focused on them. We even show pictures of my family; if it’s a child, I say here are my two daughters. I’m going to treat you the same way I treat my own children. We’re always about treating people as if they were family.” Once the patient is in the treatment room, which also sports a large flat-screen television, Marsh explains the procedure, and if, say, he’s going to work on a tooth on the upper right of a patient’s jaw, he’ll take a photo to project on screen so the patient can see what he’s about to do. “A picture is worth a thousand words,” he said. Also part of the procedure: painless injections of anesthetics. “If they’re done correctly,” Marsh said, “they don’t feel the injection, so when you work on them, you cause no pain,” fostering expectations of painlessness. “If I suggest something is going to hurt, if I think it’s going to pinch a little, I’ll explain that,” he added. “You have to be true to your word. And that goes back to trust.” Depending on the complexity of the procedure, Marsh calls a patient who has had significant work done the evening following the procedure. In “very complicated” procedures, he’ll give the patient his cell phone number. So personalization and environment go far to ease anxiety. So does modern dental technology. “I know that even at specialists I refer to, there have been tremendous advancements in technology, like from phones to iPhones, that kind,” said Heimke. “Same thing in our profession: Odors are a big stimulus, so the elimination of those kinds of things, making impression materials taste better, fluoride taste better,” all help. “Basically, it involves more peoplecentered engineering to make things more ergonomic and patient-centered,” he added. “Most people would rather not come to a dentist’s office but prefer to come to a pleasant place, plus the techniques are more efficient at this point. Compared to when we were adults and children, it’s a very straightforward, pleasant interaction.”

ALPHA OMEGA “The Voice of Jewish Dentistry for over 100 years” Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity and its members have supported the Cleveland Jewish community through it’s dental services and philanthropic efforts. AO members strive to provide the highest quality dental care and continue to support the ideals of global oral health, dental education and Judaism in Cleveland and around the world. The spirit of Tikkun Olam is alive and well in Alpha Omega and its members. Dr. Gerald B. Adelstein Dr. Scott L. Alperin Dr. Richard S. Arnstine Dr. Murray J. Berkowitz Dr. Jeffrey Berlin Dr. Lawrence E. Brown Dr. Sharon G. Citron Dr. Dina Fixler Dr. Lawrence S. Frankel Dr. Eric Fried Dr. Marc Fried Dr. Stan Friedman Dr. Stephanie Gans Dr. Felix Gen Dr. Jerold S. Goldberg Dr. Bruce R. Golovan Dr. Gary M. Golovan Dr. Norman Golovan Dr. Mark Gorman Dr. Michael Hauser Dr. Roger Hess Dr. Howard Y. Karfeld Dr. Natasha Katsman Dr. Steven Katz Dr. Howard E. Kossoff

Dr. Sylvia M. Kramer Dr. Larry P. Kravitz Dr. Mark Kriwinsky Dr. Gerald Lander Dr. Eric S. Lawrence Dr. Kenneth H. Lawrence Dr. Barry Lazar Dr. Tamara Lempel Dr. Ira G. Levinsky Dr. Fredrick A. Lurie Dr. Steven P. Marsh Dr. Stanley T. Meckler Dr. Philip L. Michaelson Dr. Paul Mikhli Dr. Shreya Modi Dr. Gary D. Myers Dr. Jeffrey J. Orchen Dr. Stephan H. Parker Dr. Konstantin Pavolotsky Dr. Jay C. Resnick Dr. Gary E. Resnik Dr. Alan M. Robbins Dr. Katharine Rockman Dr. William M. Rose Dr. Fredrick Rosenberg

Dr. Jeffrey S. Rosenthal Dr. Sasha Ross Dr. Lawrence Rossoff Dr. Egon Safar Dr. Daniel Schwartz Dr. Michael R. Stein Dr. Gary A. Steinberger Dr. Cheryl R. Stern Dr. Michael D. Stern Dr. Jason Streem Dr. Mindy Streem Dr. Richard T. Streem Dr. Rebecca Swertloff Dr. Evan D. Tetelman Dr. Shira Tor Dr. Gary Truxton Dr. Jason Warn Dr. Gerald M. Waxman Dr. David Weidenthal Dr. Lee R. Weisberg Dr. Ira H. Weiss Dr. David M. Willen Dr. Howard S. Willen Dr. Jeffrey A Young


AuGuSt 26, 2016


Make your dental visit more comfortable PAuL MIKHLI


relaxing dental visit may seem like a myth, but when a doctor and their team focus on patient comfort your dental appointment may be something you can look forward to. Today, dentists can tailor your entire experience from the moment you call the office until after you’re back home from your Mikhli appointment, making it a seamless and comfortable one. When you call the office to make your appointment, many receptionists are coached to be cheerful, calm and soothing. There can be a lot of anxiety at this point, so ask any questions you may have before you arrive. You should know how long the appointment is expected to take, what your estimated fees will be and what sedation methods are available if you request them. Some sedation requires pre-appointment instructions, so be sure to get all the information needed (more on sedation later). You can even

request to speak to the doctor directly, he or she will be glad to answer any questions the receptionist can’t answer. The more informed you are about what to expect, the less anxious you will be about the unknown. Be sure to arrive on time or a bit early for your appointment. Running late puts both you and the office in a more tense mood. Many interior designers help doctors create a warm, cozy feel to the reception room, imagine more living room and less waiting room. Your appointment should start on time. Every once in a while, there are extraordinary circumstances that prolong a previous appointment and your appointment time may be delayed. However, this is the exception to the rule. A comfortable reception area and an on-time appointment go a long way toward a relaxing visit. Throughout the dental procedure there are a number of ways to relieve anxiety. Intravenous sedation, oral sedation, nitrous oxide, local anesthetic, relaxing music and even aromatherapy are a few. IV sedation will put you to sleep throughout the appointment. It is safer than general sedation, which is

done in a hospital or surgery center. You will be breathing on your own, but you will have almost no recollection of the appointment. This is best for some oral surgery appointments and people with severe anxiety. Oral sedation (Valium or Xanax for example) is very good at relieving mild to moderate anxiety. Advantages are its low cost and safe administration. Combined with nitrous oxide, oral sedation is very effective for all but the most anxious patients. Most patients that have anxiety do just fine with nitrous oxide (laughing gas) alone. It reduces anxiety and pain perception and best of all, it clears the body completely right when the appointment is done, so you can drive home yourself. Many people describe the feeling as if not having a care in the world. Topical anesthetics and local anesthetics are used to numb the tissues so you don’t feel the injection or the procedure respectively. A lot can be said for music and aromatherapy. Having relaxing sounds and smells around you can take your mind to a different place and make you feel very comfortable. So be sure to bring your favorite music on your iPod. Some offices will even have

noise canceling headphones to help block out sounds of the dental equipment. Depending on the type of appointment you have had, a myriad of medications can be prescribed to keep you comfortable throughout recovery. Be sure to ask your doctor about which over-the-counter medications you can take as well because there may be some drug interactions. The most important part of a relaxing dental visit is keeping in contact with your doctor. Your dentist should be available to you at all times to address your concerns. Don’t be reluctant to call. Your dentist wants to help you but can only do so if he or she is informed of your concerns. Knowing what options are available to you and how to control your environment can lead to all your dental visits being relaxing ones.

Dr. Paul Mikhli is the owner of Beachwood Dental. Content provided by advertising partner

Dr. Steven Marsh • A leader in Cosmetic, Restorative and General Dentistry

Golden Opportunities host Laurie Steiner with Dr. Steven Marsh

For over 35 years, the practice of Dr. Steven Marsh has improved the smiles of people in the greater Cleveland area. From cosmetic imaging to porcelain veneers and crowns, Dr. Marsh has built a reputation for comprehensive care and stellar results in cosmetic and general dentistry, some of which are featured on NBC/WKYC’s “Golden Opportunities,” Sundays at 11:30a.m.

Dr. Marsh is a 2nd generation member of Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity and will be installed in December 2016 as their International President-Elect. He is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and is a fellow of the International Academy for Dental Facial Esthetics. Dr. Marsh also belongs to the Greater Cleveland, Ohio, and American Dental Associations. He is repeatedly cited as one of “Americas Top Dentists,” “The Best Dentists in America,” as well as Cleveland Magazine’s “Top Dentists.” While mentoring aspiring dentists and dental students, he also contributed to “Barron’s Guide to the DAT” (Dental Aptitude Test) which focuses on the future of dentistry. Most importantly, he and his team have won the Angie’s List Super Service Award in Dentistry in each of the last five years. 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015

Implant/veneers on actual patient

Steven Marsh, D.D.S., Inc.

Brainard Place, Suite 540 29001 Cedar Road • Lyndhurst, Ohio 44124 Cedar/Brainard exit on 271, one mile from Beachwood Place. Phone (440) 461-1003 • Fax (440) 461-9834



AuGuSt 26, 2016

Dental guide akrOn children’S hOSPital Jeffrey Berlin, D.M.D. 177 W. Exchange St., Suite 31250 Akron, OH 44308 330-543-0070 Led by pediatric dentist Dr. Jeffrey Berlin, our team of dental hygienists and assistants provides fullservice care for babies, children and adolescents. Services include: routine cleanings, examinations; diagnostic care, fillings, extractions; restorative surgery; emergency care. Staff is trained to accommodate children with special needs or complex medical conditions. Accepting patients up to age 15 with all types of insurance and Medicaid.

BRACING YOUR SMILE chaGrin hiGhlandS dental GrOUP Dr. Douglas Desatnik, D.D.S. 22901 Millcreek Blvd., Suite No. 140 Beachwood, OH 44122 216-464-9800 Our patients at Chagrin Highlands Dental Group trust us with their smiles. Dr. Douglas Desatnik and his team strive to make your visit comfortable while helping you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. We care about you as much as we care about your teeth and we design custom-tailored treatment plans to meet your individual goals.

Suite 125 Mayfield Heights, OH 44124 440-461-6390 Expertise ranging from corrective jaw surgery to wisdom tooth removal. We can also diagnose and treat facial pain, facial injuries and TMJ disorders, and perform a full range of dental implant and bone grafting procedures. Drs. Alperin’s and Fried‘s staff is trained in assisting with IV sedation within our state of the art office setting.

Our Family has Community for over 200 years combined. “Let our family treat you like family.”

Eric S. Lawrence, D.D.S. ORTHODONTICS AND TMJ DISORDER 440.449.1550 |


Drs. Alperin & Fried Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

ScOtt l. alPerin, d.d.S. and eric S. fried, d.d.S. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 5825 Landerbrook Drive,

for a Beautiful Future FREE TEETH BLEACHING WITH FULL SET OF BRACES With this ad; New Patients Only

Fellows - American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Scott L. Alperin, D.D.S.

Diplomate, American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

dental care Of aUrOra Dr. Brad Hylan, D.M.D 160 West Garfield Road, Suite E Aurora, OH 44202 330-954-9032 Dental Care of Aurora specializes in implants and dentures. We “Cater to Cowards.” We take emergencies at any time.

Eric S. Fried, D.D.S.

Diplomate, American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Diplomate, National Dental Board of Anesthesiology | (440) 461-6390 | Fax (440) 461-2990 5825 Landerbrook Drive, Suite 125 | Mayfield Heights Ohio 44124 Members of the Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity

nOrman GOlOVan, d.d.S. & BrUce GOlOVan, d.m.d. BeachWOOd dental Paul Mikhli, D.D.S. Cosmetic Dentistry 3690 Orange Place, Suite 540, Beachwood, OH 44122 216-831-5661 At Beachwood Dental, we strive to provide the highest quality dental care to all our patients. Our goal is to always exceed your expectations in a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere. We care for your family as our family. Go to our website to find out more. PANTONE 287 PC R:0 G:78 B:149 C:100 M:78 Y:12 K:1

PANTONE 3005 PC R:51 G:163 B:219 C:70 M:20 Y:0 K:0

Family & Cosmetic Dentistry 28790 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 300 Woodmere Village, OH 44122 216-591-0022 Your dental health and comfort are our top priority. We pride ourselves on being dentists that take time to sit down and talk with our patients. We will answer and explain every question that you may have for us. We specialize in family and cosmetic dentistry. Gary M. Golovan Specialist in

Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Proud member of Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity for Over 25 Years.

Creating Beautiful Smiles for Children and Adults


Call to schedule your complimentary examination Stephan H. Parker, DDS, MSD Mindy J. Streem, DMD, MS, A.B.O.

Our office is dedicated to the treatment of every patient with

state of the art technical skill and individualized personal GOlOVan OrthOdOnticS

attention. We provideD.D.S., the highestM.S. quality of specialty Gary M. Golovan, orthodontic care in a comfortable, patient oriented atmosphere. Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 28790 Chagrin Boulevard, Suite 250 • Woodmere Village, Ohio 44122 28790 Chagrin Boulevard, Suite 250 (216) 591-1916 • Woodmere Village, OH 44122 216-591-1916 Our office is dedicated to the treatment of every patient with state of the art technical skill and individualized personal attention. We provide the highest quality of specialty orthodontic care in a comfortable, patient oriented atmosphere.

Mayfield Village Office 6519 Wilson Mills Rd. 440.442.4800 Twinsburg Office 9945 Vail Dr., Suite 6 440.248.4825


dr. JOhn heimke dmd

Dr. Joseph Obermeier, D.D.S. Dr. Gerald Adelstein, D.D.S. Dr. Rick Adelstein, D.D.S. Dr. Christopher Chapman, M.S., D.D.S.

Restorative Dentistry

• Cleanings • Tooth Colored Fillings • Crown, Bridges, and Dentures

• Dental Implants • TMJ Appliance Therapy • Sleep Apnea Therapy

Call today to make your appointment with our team!

21851 Center Ridge Road, Suite 302 Rocky River, OH 44116 888-255-3588 Dr. Heimke concentrates on cosmetic and dental implant dentistry. He is a digital smile design master, and is known nationally for his skills in smile makeovers and full arch dental implants with the Prettau bridge. Dr. Heimke is a visionary, teacher and a humanitarian. His Smile Studio is located in the beautiful city of Rocky River.

3609 Park East Drive • Suite 404 • Beachwood • 216.591.1161 •

Celebrating 25 years of making Beautiful Smiles Free Examination and Consultation Convenient Saturday and Evening Hours


AuGuSt 26, 2016

SteVen marSh, d.d.S., inc. 29001 Cedar Road Suite 540, Brainard Place Lyndhurst, OH 44124 440-461-1003 From cosmetic imaging to comprehensive aftercare, Dr. Steven P. Marsh has built a reputation for the finest care in general and cosmetic dentistry. Dr. Marsh performs the following procedures: dental bonding, porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, dental implants, tooth-colored ceramic fillings, crowns and Bridges. Our team begins their day at 6:45 a.m. to be ready for our first appointment at 7:15.

keSS OrthOdOnticS

Brad L. Kess DDS, MA, MS

33790 Bainbridge Rd., Suite 211 • Solon, OH 440-498-1155 •

Brad L. Kess, D.D.S., M.A., M.S. Orthodontics for children and adults 33790 Bainbridge Rd., Suite 211 Solon, OH 44139 440-498-1155 Our goal is to provide the highest level of orthodontic care and friendly, helpful service to all of our patients. We strive to create beautiful, long lasting smiles, using gentle, state-of-the-art procedures. We understand our patient’s busy schedules, therefore we offer convenient after-school, evening and Saturday hours.

dr. ralPh f. mOndOra d.d.S 29001 Cedar Road Suite 320 Brainard Place Lyndhurst, OH 44124 440-461-7115 Dr. Mondora absolutely loves being a dentist and feels it comes across to his patients. Regardless if they just had a cleaning or were sedated and had four wisdom teeth removed. Dr. Mondora has the opportunity to help people but, more important routinely improve someone’s life. He welcome’s any calls or questions.

eric S. laWrence, d.d.S.


Dr. Roger Hess Dr. Rebecca Davis

1413 Golden Gate Blvd. Mayfield Heights, OH 44124 440-449-1550 Dr. Lawrence has specialized training in orthodontics care for youth and adults, surgical orthodontics, TMJ disorders, and oro-facial orthopedics. Dr. Lawrence has been practicing for 32 years. He is dedicated to providing his patients with the most current and advanced care available.

Dr. Miguel DeFina Dr. Jason Streem BarrY r. laZar, d.d.S. Family Dentist 4320 Mayfield Road, Suite 105 South Euclid, OH 44121 216-291-2080 Dr. Lazar is an experienced general dentist with a focus on family dentistry. His office provides patients with excellent dentistry, honest needs assessments and fair pricing. Patients enjoy great services in a friendly, attentive setting.

29001 Cedar Rd. Suite 450 • Lyndhurst OH 44124 (440) 461-3400 •

OBermeier adelStein & aSSOciateS, inc. 3609 Park East Drive, Suite 404 Beachwood, OH 44122 216-591-1161

JOSEPH ObERMEIER, D.D.S. Dr. Joseph Obermeier received his undergraduate degree from The Ohio State University and graduated from Case Western Reserve University Dental School. He then completed a one-year general practice residency program at Saint Luke’s Medical Center with an emphasis on surgical and emergency care. He and Dr. Rick Adelstein have been partners for over 20 years.

RICK ADELSTEIN, D.D.S. Dr. Rick Adelstein received his undergraduate degree from The Ohio State University and graduated from Case Western Reserve University Dental School. He then completed a one-year general practice residency program at Saint Luke’s Medical Center. He is also a member of several local and national study clubs to further his education and knowledge of comprehensive dental care.



August 26, 2016


Dr. Miguel DeFina

Dr. Gerald Adelstein attended Western Reserve University (now Case Western Reserve University), receiving a B.A. degree and also his D.D.S. degree from its dental school. After graduating from dental school, he served two years in the U.S. Air Force-Medical Service Corp. Dr. Jerry specializes in general dentistry, with emphasis in dentures and partials.

Specialty: Periodontics Dr. Miguel DeFina is a specialist in periodontics with expertise in periodontal disease, implantology, bone regeneration, and soft tissue grafting and has been a partner at Periodontal Associates since 2004.

CHRISTOPHER CHAPMAN, M.S., D.D.S Dr. Christopher Chapman received his undergraduate degree from Miami University, and graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry. He completed his training at Cleveland Clinic, receiving advanced training in all facets of dentistry, with an emphasis on treating dental patients with complex medical conditions. Our dental practice is devoted to restoring and enhancing the natural beauty of your smile using conservative cutting edge procedures that result in a beautiful, long lasting smile. Our team is committed to providing an excellent personalized experience, making your visit as pleasant and painless as possible We pride ourselves in spending time with each patient that they deserve.

Parker & Streem Orthodontics

Periodontal Associates, Inc. 29001 Cedar Road Suite 450 Lyndhurst, OH 44124 440- 461-3400

Stephan H. Parker, D.D.S., M.S.D Mindy J. Streem, D.M.D., M.S., A.B.O. 6519 Wilson Mills Rd., Suite 100 Mayfield Village, OH 44143 440-442-4800

Dr. Jason Streem

9945 Vail Drive, Suite 6 Twinsburg, OH 44087 440-248-4825 At Parker & Streem Orthodontics, we recognize the individual needs of each patient and strive to provide the highest quality treatment in a comfortable and caring environment. Whether your child needs early interceptive treatment, comprehensive orthodontics or you are looking for adult braces, our office can help. We offer a full range of orthodontic treatment, including braces and Invisalign to meet your individual needs and desires.

Specialty: Periodontics Dr. Jason Streem is a board certified specialist in periodontics with expertise in periodontal disease, implantology, bone regeneration, soft tissue grafting, smoking cessation and conscious sedation and has been with Periodontal Associates since 2011.

Dr. Roger Hess Specialty: Periodontics Dr. Roger Hess is a specialist in periodontics with expertise in periodontal disease, implantology, bone regeneration, and soft tissue grafting and has been a partner with Periodontal Associates for more than 25 years.

Professional Endodontics, Inc. Philip L. Michaelson, M.S., D.M.D. Nonsurgical and surgical root canal therapies 8258 E. Washington St., Suite B Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 440-708-2850 An endodontic specialty practice located on the East Side of Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Philip Michaelson has expertise in all areas of endodontics including nonsurgical root canal therapy, nonsurgical root canal retreatment, routine and complicated endodontic surgery, and differential diagnosis of oral-maxillofacial pain.

Dr. Rebecca Davis Specialty: Periodontics Dr. Rebecca Davis is a board certified specialist in periodontics with expertise in periodontal disease, implantology, bone regeneration, and soft tissue grafting and has been with Periodontal Associates since 2002.

Comfort Quality Care The way dentistry should feel!

Cleveland’s Premier Cosmetic Dental Practice

Paul Mikhli, DDS Member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

3690 Orange Place, Suite 540, Beachwood, OH 44122 | | 216.831.5661


August 26, 2016








August 26, 2016



AuGuSt 26, 2016 SOlOn

OrthOdOnticS We also offer orthodontic We also offer Orthodontics for children treatment for adults! and adults orthodontic treatment Philip D. Bomeli, D.D.S., In addition to traditional metal braces, We also offer M.S. for adults! have clear ceramic We PHILIP alsoD.weoffer BOMELI, DDS, MS 6370 SOM Center Road, Suite 101 orthodontic treatment In addition to traditional metal braces, braces6370 andSOM Invisalign® available. orthodontic treatment CENTER treatment RD., Solon, OH 44139 and we have clear ceramic braces SUITE 101 in SOLON for adults! for adults! 440-349-5885 FREE Call 440.349.5885 today to see how we can help Invisalign


® PHILIPDDS, D. BOMELI, MS to traditional In addition to traditional metal braces, PHILIP D. BOMELI, MS InDDS, addition metal braces, 6370 SOM CENTER RD., 6370 SOM CENTER RD., we have clear ceramic and ceramic braces and webraces have clear SUITE 101 in SOLON SUITE 101 in SOLON available.® treatment available. Invisalign® treatmentInvisalign Examination and create the beautiful smile you deserve You can expect superb quality throughout your Consultation Call 440.349.5885 today


FREE Examination

with help our state-of-the-art digital equipto see howtreatment we can

ment, high-tech alloy wires that move teeth more Call 440.349.5885 today create the beautiful smile Call 440.349.5885 today comfortably, and our use of clear ceramic braces. to see how we can help you deserve! to see how we can help Invisalign clear aligners provide aesthetic alternacreate the beautiful smile tives. Accommodating patients of all ages. We treat Examination and create the beautiful smile you deserve! Examination and people, not just smiles. Consultation you deserve!



and Consultation

Gary M. Golovan, D.D.S., M.S. Specialist in

Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Proud member of Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity for Over 25 Years.

Our office is dedicated to the treatment of every patient with state of the art technical skill and individualized personal attention. We provide the highest quality of specialty orthodontic care in a comfortable, patient oriented atmosphere. 28790 Chagrin Boulevard, Suite 250 • Woodmere Village, Ohio 44122 (216) 591-1916 •

At Chagrin Highlands Dental Group, we recognize that teeth are only one component of the whole patient. Because of our comprehensive approach to oral health and well-being, we customize treatment solutions unique to each individual. Our entire team is committed to creating a comfortable and relaxed environment, which will…allow us to get to know you, not just your teeth.

cherYl r Stern, d.d.S., l.l.c. General Dentistry 24300 Chagrin Blvd. Suite 111 Beachwood, OH 44122 216-514-9440 We are a general dental practice where anyone in your family can feel comfortable receiving care. Crowns, bleaching, bridges, root canals, implants, dentures, and white fillings are only some of the treatments offered. We find that being an experienced dentist is not always enough to be current with the new technologies. Dr. Stern attends seminars to maintain and learn these skills. We have the most current available technology in dentistry, but still rely on many of the traditional dental methods.

SMILE! WeiSS OrthOdOnticS Dr. Ira H. Weiss and Dr. Shira Z. Tor Specialty: Orthodontics for children and adults 3755 Orange Place, Suite 100A Orange Village, OH 44122 216-292-6340 7055 Pearl Road, Suite 100 Middleburg Heights, OH 44130 440-885-1980 At Weiss Orthodontics, everything revolves around you. Your comfort, needs and smile dreams are the top priority of Dr. Ira Weiss and Dr. Shira Tor. We believe we’re here to serve and support you on your orthodontic journey, and are honored to be your partner along the way.

WeStern reSerVe PeriOdOnticS, inc. Charlene B. Krejci, D.D.S., M.S.D., and Sasha B. Ross, D.M.D., M.S. Specialty: Periodontics 3609 Park East Dr., Suite 411 Beachwood, OH 44122 216- 464-8985

Healthy. Beautiful. Comfortable. 6175 SOM Center Rd., Suite 240 YourSolon, Dentistry OH 44139from WHOLE LIFE DENTISTRY®

Rebecca Swertloff DDS, Inc. Family Dentistry

reBecca SWertlOff ddS, inc.

440-248-1623 We are a periodontal specialty practice dedicated to providing quality care in a comfortable atmosphere. We practice all aspects of non-surgical and surgical periodontal therapy including consultations, periodontal diagnosis, periodontal cleanings, gum grafting for recession, esthetic periodontal surgery, bone regeneration, osseous surgery, oral biopsies, dental implants and management of complex dental cases.

34301 Chardon Rd., Suite 9 Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-944-9201 Our focus is providing quality dental care that enhances your appearance and comfort to improve your dental health and hygiene to keep you smiling. We do so with compassion, honesty and COSMETIC AND FAMILY DENTISTRY • SLEEP APNEA integrity with the most cost-effective, appropriate WhOle life dentiStrY ® INVISALIGN • DENTAL IMPLANTS treatment to meet your specific needs. Simply said 29001 Cedar Road, Suite 660 440-461-8200 … dentistry you can trust. Lyndhurst,• OH 44124 29001 Cedar Road Suite 660 • Brainard Place 440-461-8200 The synergism of four experienced dentists enables each patient to receive the highest quality care. Their skilled and caring staff is dedicated to the Streem, Resnick, Tetelman and Young mission YoUr DAILY NEwS statement, “helping each patient attain a healthy, FroM tHE CJN functional, and esthetic smile.”

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Douglas Desatnik, D.D.S. 22901 Millcreek Blvd. Suite #140 Beachwood, OH 44122 (216) 464-9800 ·



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Tikkun Olam plays big role for Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity STEPHAN H. PARKER


lpha Omega Dental Fraternity is the oldest international dental organization. Alpha Omega was founded in 1907 by Jewish dental students at the University of Maryland to combat anti-Semitism. The Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity’s vision, mission and values are based on Parker our tenets of professionalism, fraternalism and commitment to Judaic values. Alpha Omega embraces the spirit of tikkun olam, or healing the world through charitable endeavors. The fraternity always believed its Jewish identity is what gave it its special purpose with certain Judaic moral and ethical values. While it is a Jewish dental organization, Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity is welcoming to people of all cultural backgrounds. The principles of Alpha Omega are to provide oral health and wellness, promote social justice and to repair an ailing world. Examples of Alpha Omega’s outreach to our communities both far and wide include donating our time and talent for the care of Holocaust survivors, building Israeli dental schools and the promotion of oral health and social justice. The Alpha Omega-Henry Schein Cares Holocaust Survivors Oral Health Program was started in January 2015 to help survivors gain access to oral care


August 26, 2016

to enhance their quality of life. Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity helped raise millions of dollars to establish dental schools in both Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. And money currently raised is used to support dental health, education and research to benefit others. The Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity has developed The Global Oral Health Initiative as a way to encompass all of its members’ philanthropic activities. The initiative is composed of many parts, uniting all of its members and encompassing its goals of raising funds for dental health, education, research and care. Alpha Omega members believe in promoting dental health to enhance patients’ quality of life through both positive self-image and self-esteem. The Alpha Omega members have developed clinics and educational centers in developing nations. We also provide care to teens here at home through the “Tomorrow Smiles” program in conjunction with the National Children’s Oral Health Foundation. The members of Alpha Omega Cleveland dental fraternity are committed to providing the highest-quality dentistry and to helping the Jewish community in Cleveland as well as the larger community of the world. The original spirit of tikkum olam is alive and well in the heart of our fine Cleveland dentists.

Dr. Stephan H. Parker is an orthodontist and the owner of Parker & Streem Orthodontics in Mayfield Village and Twinsburg. He is the president of the Cleveland chapter of Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity.

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August 26, 2016


HHS awards $6 million to expand oral health services


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ealth and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell recently announced $6,489,094 in funding to support 16 health centers in Ohio. The funding will increase access to integrated oral health care services and improve oral health outcomes for health center program patients. Nationwide, today’s announcement includes nearly $156 million in funding to support 420 health centers in 47 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. This funding enables health centers to expand integrated oral health care services and increase the number of patients served. With these awards from the Health Resources and Services Administration, health centers across the country will increase their oral health service capacity by hiring about 1,600 new dentists, dental hygienists, assistants, aides and technicians to treat nearly 785,000 new patients. “Oral health is an important part of our overall physical health and well-being,” said Burwell. “The funding we are awarding will reduce barriers to quality dental care for hundreds of thousands of Americans by bringing new oral health providers

to health centers across the country.” Oral health problems can be a sign of illness elsewhere in the body. Additionally, lack of access to preventive and routine dental care for underserved populations can result in dental conditions requiring more costly emergency dental treatment. “HRSA will continue to explore ways to further integrate oral health services within primary care settings, and increase awareness of the connection between oral health and overall health,” said HRSA acting administrator Jim Macrae. Today, nearly 1,400 health centers operate about 9,800 service delivery sites in every U.S. state, D.C., Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and the Pacific Basin. These health centers employ more than 170,000 staff who provides care to nearly 23 million patients. In 2014, health centers employed over 3,700 dentists, more than 1,600 dental hygienists, and more than 7,400 dental assistants, technicians and aides. They served about 4.7 million dental patients and provided nearly 12 million oral health visits. To view the list of the awardees, visit


Greater Cleveland Dental Society offers wealth of support, sources ROGER HESS


he Greater Cleveland Dental Society is a local resource for public and professional oral health information and service. Since 1886, its mission has been to support dentists so that they can deliver the best dental care to their patients while also serving their communities. With a three-tiered membership strucHess ture, GCDS members are also part of the Ohio Dental Association and the American Dental Association, which provide advocacy, education, practice management resources, fellowship and community service. About 160,000 dentists in the United States are members. Cleveland has a very active membership with about 800 dentists. Advocacy is integral to the organization on a local, state, and national level. It helps dentists continue to provide patients with the best care in the world. Above all, this tripartite values the integrity of the dentist-patient relationship. The ODA has a strong history of legislative achievement in Ohio. Surveys repeatedly have demonstrated advocacy to be among the most important aspects of organized dentistry. The GCDS believes that every individual deserves access to oral health care. It supports initiatives to better educate the community and bring new opportunities for care to the underserved population of Northeast Ohio. The ODA awards grants to Ohio for programs that help improve access to dental care. Since 1995, more than $400,000 in grants has been awarded. Some examples of GCDS providing community service include: • “The Give Kids a Smile” program provides hundreds of Cleveland schoolchildren with free exams and sealants. More than 225,000 children across the state have received screenings, treatment and/or oral health education since 2003, with dentists donating nearly $12 million in dental services. • GCDS dentist volunteers have made a three-year commitment to the Cleve-


August 26, 2016

land Metropolitan School District for “The Safe Smiles” program, where student athletes are provided with customfitting mouth guards to protect them during athletic activity. The program, funded by GCDS and other donors, is free to players and schools, with all the dentists donating their time for exams and fabrication of the guards. On Aug. 19, 64 football players from Collinwood, East Tech, John Marshall and LincolnWest high schools received custom-fit mouth guards. • A team of GCDS dentists, along with assistants and hygienists, volunteer to work at two to three dental clinics a year as part of Medworks clinics. Medworks is a nonprofit that provides the uninsured and underinsured with medical, dental and vision care. At the last clinic, the GCDS team helped more than 160 patients in significant need of dental care. Additionally, GCDS supports continuing education programs for its members and those new to the dental profession in order to keep providing the very best dental care. Partnering with the Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine, the GCDS develops and presents about four courses every year for dentists, staff, ancillary professionals and dental educators. Also in collaboration with CWRU, a mentorship program pairs GCDS dentists with dental students so that long-lasting relationships can develop while the students learn from and observe dentists. The ODA also offers scholarships to the state’s highest caliber of dental students, with more than $500,000 provided since 1995. As it celebrates its 150th anniversary, the GCDS will continue to promote education and improved access to care for the community, while it advocates for preserving the dental profession’s ability to provide patients with the very best dental care available.

Dr. Roger Hess is a periodontist and co-owner at Lyndhurst-based Periodontal Associates, Inc. He has served as president of the Greater Cleveland Dental Society and chairs numerous committees. Hess also served as president of the Ohio Academy of Periodontists and treasurer of the Ohio Dental Association.

Western Reserve Periodontics, Inc. Charlene B. Krejci, D.D.S., M.S.D.

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August 26, 2016


Teen sinks teeth into dental hygiene drive SUZANNE KURTZ SLOAN | JTA


ith the simple act of brushing her teeth one evening, Paige Alenick was inspired to think about those less fortunate than herself. “I realized how lucky I was to be brushing my teeth and that you can’t take things for granted,” said Alenick, who was then a 15-year-old high school student at Pascack Hills High School in Montvale, N.J. “And for some people a toothbrush is a luxury item.” She decided to reach out to Ron Lamb, a dentist who runs the World Dental Relief, an organization that sends dental health professionals on missions around the world to provide care and supplies where little is available. Alenick learned that there was a tremendous need for toothbrushes. “You don’t even need toothpaste,” she said. “Just a toothbrush and water gets out most of the bacteria and food particles that cause tooth decay.” After setting up a website for her project, Donate a Toothbrush, Alenick embarked on a letter-writing campaign to dentists nationwide, toothbrush

manufacturers, friends and family asking for toothbrushes. In the four years since she began Donate a Toothbrush, Alenick has collected more than 153,000 toothbrushes. In addition to providing the World Dental Relief missions with the toothbrushes, she has also donated them to victims of Hurricane Sandy as well as women’s shelters in New York and New Jersey. Now a 20year-old junior studying applied psychology at New York University, Alenick was awarded a Diller Teen Tikkun Olam Award in 2014 for her work with Donate a Toothbrush. She has no plans to stop collecting toothbrushes, either. With her organization recently granted 501(c)3 status, Alenick hopes to raise enough money to be able to ship the toothbrushes overseas directly to the places where they are needed most. “I was brought up doing a lot of tikkun olam and knowing the value of community service,” she said. “It makes me really happy to help others maintain better oral health. Donating a toothbrush is so small and simple and easy, but can make such a big impact.”

Paige Alenick says that “for some people, a toothbrush is a luxury item.” | Photo / Paige Alenick

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AuGuSt 26, 2016


Dentist’s passion for tea brews business DOuGLAS IMbROGNO | CHARLESTON GAZETTE-MAIL INWOOD, W.Va. (AP) – When he’s not filling cavities, Ken Banks is filling bottles on the side. Lots and lots and lots of bottles. About 5,000 a week. If it were noted that this dentist in Inwood has a crew filling those bottles with a micro-brewed beverage, a first guess might be that he brews craft beer on the side. But you’d be wrong. “I’m a big fan of the craft beer industry and how they do things, but I’m also a big tea lover,” Banks said. Enter Doc’s Tea, a premium microbrewed tea now available in five states, 42 Whole Foods Markets and every Kroger in West Virginia with a health food section. It has been quite a run for a bright idea Banks had in between filling all those cavities. The inspiration for concocting a craft tea, sweetened with a protected Chinese fruit once grown centuries ago by Buddhist monks, came five years ago. “I came up with the idea of trying to make a craft-brewed, healthy tea. I took the philosophy of the craft beer industry, and we just flipped it over into the tea side,” he said. The “we” is key, since the operation is a family affair, just as dentistry is in the Banks family. The tea operation includes his son and fellow dentist Christopher Banks. Meanwhile, daughter Sarah Langford, a dental hygienist and graduate of the Division of Dental Hygiene at WVU’s dentistry school, handles the business side of Doc’s Teas. It took Banks several years to work out the kinks, build the brewery and go to market after his initial brainstorm. Nowadays, Banks works Monday through Thursday peering into people’s mouths. On lunch breaks, evenings and weekends, he’s thinking about the art and craft of tea production in his

3,500-square-foot Doc’s Tea microbrewery. The brewery is located across the parking lot from his dental office in the small Berkeley County town he calls home. A couple of other employees help run the machines that brew and bottle the tea. Banks, meanwhile, is the mastermind and chief tinkerer behind the Doc’s Tea process and mission. It all began when Banks began studying the labels of other teas on the market. “Being a heath professional, I read labels and I read ingredients,” he said. Most of the teas on the market are made from concentrates, flavored with sugar or corn syrup and concocted using a “heat exchanger” that warms the tea concentrate to sterile levels and extends its shelf life. Banks turned the whole process of making tea into a craft operation, although he had some learning to do. “That was the hardest thing in the industry. If you go out and start asking questions, nobody wants to talk to you much,” he said. “I decided to build a little micro-brewery for teas. There really wasn’t anybody doing a craftbrewed, micro-brewed tea. The way we do it, we have stainless steel tanks and steep all the product at one time, just like you would almost brew a cup of tea at home.” The base of the product is organic rooibos tea, a red, caffeine-free tea with high antioxidant qualities. Unlike most teas on the market flavored with concentrates, Doc’s Teas are flavored with actual fruits and seasonings. The flavors include apple cinnamon; orange ginger; pomegranate acai; lemongrass; island coconut and the two newest flavors introduced a few months ago, elderberry-blueberry and sangria. In an effort to make the tea healthier, Banks looked for a sugar alternative.


“I wanted to get away from sugar and the effects that sugar has on us. We consume way too much sugar in our diet,” he said. He settled on monk fruit, which at the time was new on the market. In 2013, monk fruit earned the FDA’s GRAS approval (Generally Recognized as Safe), shepherded through the approval process by the New Zealand company BioVittoria, a monk fruit champion. Monk fruit contains antioxidants, which are metabolized differently by the body than natural sugars, according to, which means that despite its sweet taste, monk fruit contains no calories and has no effect on blood sugar. For Banks, that meant his teas might be attractive to both diabetics and families concerned about how much sugar they and their children were consuming. “The whole deal is to try to make it as healthy a product as we can, so we want to eliminate as much of the sugar as we can,” Banks said. Banks has bigger plans for the Doc’s Tea brand, which, depending on where it is sold, can range in price from $1.99

to $2.29 a bottle. “Probably our biggest competitor, I would say, is Honest Tea,” he said. “When Coca-Cola bought Honest Tea they dropped the price down to $1.50. We’re more expensive, but we’re just a little bit different product.” There are a lot of teas on the market. But Banks feels he has a product suited for more health-conscious palates and a solid segment of customers in search of a tea both certified organic and kosher. “The goal that we have is to someday take 20 percent of the market,” he said. So far, Doc’s Tea has been entirely self-funded to the tune of about $500,000, Banks said. To grow, the plan is to build the same kind of microbrewery he built in Inwood in different locales throughout the East Coast. “When somebody places an order, we’ll brew the product. We’ll have it fresh for them,” Banks said. Life is a whole lot busier now that he has two doctors’ hats to wear. “In the evenings, I walk from the dental office over to the tea building and work over there. I’m back and forth all day long it seems like.”

Cheryl R. Stern, DDS, LLC General Dentistry


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August 26, 2016


Organizations encourage use of mouth guards in sports ROSEMONT, Ill. – April was National Facial Protection Month and this year five of the nation’s top dental associations reminded athletes and recreational sports players to wear mouth guards to protect their teeth. Mouth guards are an essential piece of athletic gear and can help prevent serious, painful facial injuries that affect the mouth and teeth. The dental experts at the Academy for Sports Dentistry, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, American Association of Orthodontists, and the American Dental Association urge parents, caregivers,

athletes and coaches to be proactive about staying safe by using a mouth guard. They offer the following important statistics to keep in mind as spring sports season begins: Three different types of mouth guards afre available Custom-fitted mouth guards are made by your dentist for you personally. Stock mouth guards come preformed and may offer a bulky fit. Boil and bite mouth guards are softened in boiling water and then inserted and allowed to adapt to the shape of your mouth. At least five top dental associations encourage

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athletes and recreational sports players to wear mouth guards to keep their teeth and smiles intact. Seven to 11 are the ages during which children are most vulnerable to sports-related mouth injuries. Athletes are 60 times more likely to suffer harm to the teeth if they’re not wearing a mouth guard. A mouth guard should be used for alll sports. Collision and contact sports may be high-risk for the mouth, but you can still experience a dental injury from other sports such as gymnastics or skating.

Sealants can help close door against decay, disease CHICAGO – A systematic review and updated clinical practice guideline from the American Dental Association and American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry show dental sealants are a powerful and effective therapy in the fight against childhood dental decay and disease. The systematic review, “Sealants for Preventing and Arresting Pit-and-Fissure Occlusal Caries in Primary and Permanent Molars,” in conjunction with “Evidencebased Clinical Practice Guideline for the Use of Pit-andFissure Sealants,” are available in the August issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association, as well as the July/August issue of AAPD’s Pediatric Dentistry Journal. Although tooth decay is largely preventable, it remains the most common chronic disease of children age 6 to 11 years (21 percent), and adolescents age 12 to 19 years (58 percent), based on data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey report of 201112. The systematic literature review evaluated the use and effectiveness of dental sealants – a therapy that has been around for more than five decades – as a preventive strategy for reducing dental disease in children, analyzing outcomes such as caries incidence, sealant retention and possible adverse effects. “Sealants are a proven and effective therapy for preventing cavities in children and teens. Oral disease can greatly impact one’s concentration and self-esteem and contributes to more than 51 million hours of missed school each year,” said lead author Dr. Timothy Wright. “The joint report reaffirms that sealants should be a routine part of cavity prevention, as children with sealants are up to 80 percent less prone to cavities compared to those without them.” Dental sealants are applied to pits and fissures of posterior teeth, known as molars, and act as a barrier to keep the decay causing bacteria from the tooth. Sealants not only prevent new decay but can also stop existing initial decay from developing into a cavity. “The new guideline gives clear direction for dentists to best use sealants to improve the oral health of their patients,” Wright said. To read the systematic review and download the guideline, visit

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