We may have plaques recognizing your generosity that we would like to return to you.
If you or your family members dedicated facilities at The Mt. Sinai Medical Center when it was owned and operated by the Jewish community (1903-1996), we may have plaques recognizing your generosity that we would like to return to you.
The Mt. Sinai Health Foundation, successor to Mt. Sinai Medical Center, will be holding a PLAQUE PARTY on Sunday Afternoon, October 6, 2024, 1:00 to 4:00 pm, at the Jewish Federation Jack, Joseph, and Morton Mandel Building, 25701 Science Park Drive, Beachwood.
If you see your name or names of loved ones listed on the following pages, and wish to attend the event and receive your family’s plaque, please RSVP to Events@mtsinaifoundation.org. Please include the names of your family’s plaques and your relationship (donor, descendant, etc.), as well as any questions you may have and Mt. Sinai staff will get back to you.
Scott M. Simon and Jeanne Tobin
Mt. Sinai Foundation Directors
Co-Chairs, Mt. Sinai Plaque Party 2024

Special Presentation: Book Talk Winds Over Jerusalem: The Story of Rae Landy, Pioneer Nurse of Hadassah
By Debbi Perkul
As part of the Mt. Sinai Plaque Party, Cleveland author Debbi Perkul will discuss her book about the life of Lt. Col. Rae Landy, member of the first graduating class of the Mt. Sinai School of Nursing in 1904. Recruited by Hadassah founder Henrietta Szold, Landy traveled to Palestine in January 1913 to start a district nursing program for the people of Jerusalem, many of whom suffered from malaria, typhoid, and dysentery. From two rented rooms at the edge of the Old City of Jerusalem, Landy launched a clinic and a nurses’ settlement house where young girls received training in nursing, first aid, and hygiene.
In 1918, Landy entered the United States Army Nursing Corps and rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel. She was on duty at the White House when President Calvin Coolidge’s son, Calvin Jr., died there on July 7, 1924. She is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
Ms. Perkul’s talk will commence at 1:30 pm. Free and open to the community but reservations required (Events@mtsinaifoundation.org).
Books will be given to the first 20 people who register. Additional books signed by the author will be available for purchase.
Ira C. Kaplan Board Chair Mitchell Balk President
Ablon: Dedicated in memory of Alvin S. Ablon by Carl S. Ablon
Ablon: Dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Ablon
Abrams: Dedicated in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice B. Abrams
Abrams: Dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. Leonard I. Abrams
Abrams: Dedicated in memory of William Abrams by Howard and Morris Abrams
Abrams, Brown: Bernard S. Abrams, MD, Marvin J. Brown, MD
Abt: Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Abt
Acme Cleveland Corp.: Acme Cleveland Corporation
Adelstein: Hope S. and Stanley I. Adelstein
Adelstein: Natalie and Harvey Adelstein in memory of Nate S. Adelstein
Alperin: Donated by Dr. and Mrs. Scott L. Alperin
Altschul: Lawrence and Karen Altschul
Amster: Dedicated by Morris and Kate Amster by Sidney and Hilda Amster
Amster: Dedicated to Benjamin and Yetta Klein by Sidney and Hilda Amster
Ancheta: Priscilla I. Ancheta, MD
Anisfield; Blossom; Eisenman: A nurse’s room is gratefully dedicated to those whose names are inscribed hereon and whose generosity made this home possible, 1927: Mr. and Mrs. John Anisfield; Mr. and Mrs. Dudly Blossom; Mrs. Charles Eisenman; Mr. and Mrs.
Sam M. Gross; Mr. and Mrs. Will S. Halle; Mr. and Mrs. I. Theodore Kahn; Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Newbury; Mr. and Mrs. Sol Reinthal; Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Spanye; Sol Ulmer; Bailey Company; Cleveland Trust Co.; A. I. Farber; Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Grossman; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene K. Hays; Theodore Miller; Cleveland News; Samuel Runner; I. N. Stone; Union Trust Co.; L. B. Beaumont; Abner L. Cohn; Claude A. Foster; Halle Bros. Co.; Richard H. Kohn; Philip Miner; Plain Dealer Pub. Co.; John L. Severance; Wm. Taylor Sons Co.; Mrs. Bessie Weil; Estate of Louis Black; Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Drury; M. H. Clauber; Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Halle; S. H. Kleinman; Mr. and Mrs. Max Myers; Cleveland Press; John Sherwin; H. R. Tyroler; Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Weil
Arnson, Fishman: Dedicated in memory of Belle and George Arnson and Jean and Jess Fishman
Artz: Donated by Dr. and Mrs. J. Sheldon Artz
Artz: Saundra and Hal Artz
Associated General Agency, Inc.: Donated by Associated General Agency, Inc.
Aszodi: Esther and Dr. Ami Aszodi
Axelrod: Dedicated by Max M. Axelrod
Axelrod: In memory of Dr. Moses Hartman by Elaine, Joel, Mark and Gary Axelrod
Babin: Dedicated by Ruth and Elmer J. Babin
Bachman: Artwork dedicated in memory of Tess and Max Bachman
Bailys: Janyce and Edmund Bailys in memory of Frieda Stern Bailys
Baker Mayer: In memory of Jacob and Clara Baker Mayer
Barnett: Dedicated by Anita and Harold H. Barnett
Barnett: Dedicated in memory of Jane Haas Barnett by her husband, Harold H. Barnett
Baron: Ben Baron in memory of Sunny R. Baron
Barrett: In memory of Nancy L. Judson N. Barrett by Anne E. Barrett
Barris: Maggie and Richard J. Barris
Barron: Dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell L. Barron
Bartlett: Dedicated by Michele and Candice Bartlett
Bassichis: Dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. William M. Bassichis
Bassichis: Dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. William M. Bassichis
Bassichis: Dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. William M. Bassichis
Battisto: Dedicated by Dr. and Mrs. Jack Battisto
Bayer: Mollie and Ronald Bayer
Bayer: Lucille and Jules Bayer
Becker: In memory of Nettie and Eli Becker by Cotton Club Bottling Company
Bedol, Marshallan Mfg. Co.: The Bedol Family and Marshallan Mfg. Co.
Belman, Weingarten: Dedicated by Renee and William Belman and Iris and Myer Weingarten
Beluschak: Donated by Grace Beluschak
Benchell: Eunice and Ernest Benchell
Benjamin: Dedicated in memory of Dorothy Benjamin + Recovery room cubicle dedicated in memory of Dorothy Benjamin
Bercu: Head nurses office dedicated in memory of Roger A. Bercu
Berger: In memory of David M. Berger by The Berger Family
Berke: Lenore and Norman Berke
Berman: X-ray viewing consultation room dedicated in memory of Harry L. Berman from his son Alan E. Berman
Better Gardens Club: The Better Gardens Club
Beyer: Michelle and Lawrence Beyer
Bialosky: In memory of beloved parents Esther and Ben Bialosky by loving family
Bialosky: Dedicated by Helen Bialosky in memory of M. C. and Irma L. Rosenfeld
Bilsky: In memory of Julia and Sam Bilsky by their sons Harold, Leo and Marvin Bilsky
Biskind, Ackerman: In memory of parents Eva and Emmanuel Biskind and Betsy and Israel Ackerman
Block: Phyllis and Marvin Block
Blonder: Dorothy and Jerome Blonder
Bloomberg: Nurses station dedicated by Jane D. and Edward C. Bloomberg
Bloomfield: Dedicated in memory of Louis A. Bloomfield by his wife and son
Blum: In memory of Tom L. E. Blum, Martin E. Blum and Lillie Blum Reiches
Blum, Reiches: In memory of Tom L. E. Blum, Martin E. Blum and Lillie Blum Reiches
Blumberg: In memory of Rosel Mintz, Rivka Blumberg by Dr. and Mrs. Uri M. Mintz
Blywise: In memory of my mother and father Sarah and Joseph Bleiweiss by Edward Blywise
Bonda: Dedicated by Marie and Ted Bonda
Bornstein: In memory of Rose and Robert Bornstein
Borovitz: In memory of Jerry Borovitz
Brahms: Donated by Dr. Malcolm and Evelyn Brahms
Breslau: Lawrence Breslau, MD
Brody: Ernest O. Brody in memory of Julie Kravitz
Brooks: Dennis B. Brooks, MD
Brown: Stanley and Barbara Brown
Budin: Dedicated by Sara R. Budin
Bunevich: Mr. and Mrs. William Bunevich
Byers: Keith Byers, MD
Cardinall: Dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Cardinall
Chessin: James and Shirley Chessin
Cleveland Electric Co.: Contributed by The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company
Codrington: Dedicated by The George W. Codrington
Charitable Foundation
Codrington: Donated by The George W. Codrington Charitable Foundation
Coe: Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Coe
Cohen: Simon Lee Cohen
Cohen: Dr. and Mrs. Phil I. Cohen
Cohn: Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Cohn
Cole: Dedicated in memory of Parents, Sol and Sarah Cole by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Cole
Cole: Donated by Marcia and Joseph E. Cole
Colombi: Mr. and Mrs. Benedict A. Colombi
Corn: Dr. and Mrs. Robert Corn
Cortell: Helen and Ralph Cortell
Cousin: In memory of Phil Taichnar by Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Cousin
Dauby Gries: This floor is dedicated in memory of Bessie B. Dauby by her husband, Nathan L. Dauby and her daughter, Lucile Dauby Gries
Daus: Ellen F. and Alan R. Daus
David Geller: Dedicated in memory of our parents by Mr. and Mrs. David Geller
Demsey: Leo and Libby Demsey in honor of our parents Charles and Minnie Demsey, Samuel and Edythe Reese
Dept. of Anesthesiology: Anesthesiology Suite dedicated by Department of Anesthesiology, The Mt. Sinai Medical Center
Dept. of Nursing: The Department of Staff Development for Nursing
Dept. of Pathology: Frozen section pathology lab donated by the pathologists of the department of laboratories, Edward Siegler, MD, Sheldon Taubman, MD, George Vareska, MD, William Sterin, MD, William Wise, MD
Dept. of Physical Therapy: In appreciation of Physical Therapy Department
Deutsch: Dedicated in memory of Raymond Deutsch
Deutsch: Samuel H. Deutsch and Martha S. Deutsch
Deutsch: Dedicated in memory of Ethel Shrier Deutsch by her husband, Raymond Deutsch
Deutschman: In memory of Herman and Shirley Deutschman, Elmer Kramer by Dan and Nancy Deutschman
Dexter Corp.: Gibco/Mogul Divisions the Dexter Corporation
Dickens: In memory of Mr. Leon G. Weil by Ardelia L. Dickens
Diver: Dedicated by Barbara Diver
Dixon: Dedicated by Mr. Richard J. Dixon
Dragin: In memory of Laura and Alvin Dragin
Drost: Beverly and Aron Drost
Dugmore: Dedicated by Mr. Asa J. Dugmore
Dul: In honor of Rose and Michael Dul
Durschlag; Stark; Wolfstein: Mount Sinai Hospital Medical Library
in Memoriam: Dr. Sidney Durschlag; Dr. Henley A. Stark; Dr. James A. Wolfstein
Dworkin Truck Lines: Dedicated by Dworkin Truck Lines
Plaque Inscriptions
Eaton Corp: Contributed by Eaton Corporation in appreciation of those who volunteer their time and skills for others
Efroymson: Dedicated in memory of parents Harry and Hannah Efroymson by Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Efroymson
Eichner: Dr. and Mrs. Eduard Eichner
Eisen, Deitz, Garfinkel: In memory of parents Diana and Irving Eisen and Irene Deitz Garfinkel, Joseph H. Deitz
Emsheimer: Dedicated in memory of Parents, Louis E. Emsheimer, Sr. and Mabelle H. Emsheimer by Louis E. and Marcia M. Emsheimer
Epstein: Bonnie and Sheldon Epstein
Epstein: Dedicated by Rhea and Harry Epstein
Ernst & Whinney: Ernst & Whinney
Evans: Nurses station dedicated by Marjorie and Charles Evans
Fallenberg: In memory of Jac Fallenberg
Falvey: In honor of Sara Hunter Falvey
Fant: In memory of Alfred and Charlotte Fant
Faulb: Elizabeth and Jared Faulb in memory of Susan Faulb
Feder: In memory of Sarah and Abe Feder from their children
Feiner: In memory of Samuel and Sarah Feiner by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Feiner
Feiss: Dedicated by The Joseph & Feiss Company
Felber: In honor of Frieda Singer’s 80th birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Z. Singer, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Felber
Felber: Dedicated by Thomas L. and Richard J. Felber
Felder: Dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Felder and Family
Felder: Patient Room dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B Felder and Family
Feldman: Dedicated in memory of Lois R. Feldman by The Feldman Family
Feldman Mechanical Contractors Co.: Patient Room dedicated by Feldman Mechanical Contractors Co.
Ferro Corp.: On-Call Room dedicated by Ferro Corporation
Fine: Dedicated by Gloria and Irving B. Fine
Finkle: Dedicated in memory of Betty Jane Finkle by her family and friends
Fisher: Stuart Blaine Fisher, MD
Fishman: Dr. and Mrs. Julius Fishman
Flandera: Paulette Flandera and Family
Flesheim: In memory of Sylvester W. Flesheim + PICTURE #580
Forcheimer: This Colbalt Room dedicated by and in memory of Leo Forcheimer and in honor of his valiant wife Julie Forcheimer
made possible by their generosity and in recognition of the benefits of medical science to mankind
Ford Foundation: This obstetrical delivery suite is the gift of The Ford Foundation, January 10, 1960
Ford Motor Co.: Dedicated in honor of The Ford Motor Company
Frankel: Dedicated in memory of Lloyd Philip Frankel 1911-1932 by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Frankel
Frankel: Dedicated in memory of Charles and Rose Frankel
Frankel Brothers Ins. Agency: The Frankel Brothers Insurance Agency
Freedheim: Mina and Eugene H. Freedheim
Freiberger: Dedicated in memory of Esther and Samuel Freiberger and Rose and Samuel Fertel by Isadore F. and Fannie F. Freiberger
Frieberger: In memory of Lloyd S. Freiberger from Margaret R. Frieberger
Friedman: Donated by Dr. and Mrs. Arnold B. Friedman
Friedman: In honor of The Family of Jacob Friedman and The Family of Herman L. Friedman
Friedman: Mr. and Mrs. Sidney M. Polk and Mr. Mrs. Irving Z. Friedman
Friedman: In memory of Ann and Sol Friedman by Ernest H. Friedman, MD
Friedman: Lynne and Robert Friedman
Friedman: Shirley and Allen Friedman
Friedman: Donated by Norman Friedman, MD
Friedman: Dedicated in memory of Abraham E. and Goldie H. Friedman by Samuel M. and Esther Friedman
Friedman: Dedicated in memory of Harry and Rose Friedman by their children Cele and Sol H. Friedman
Friedman: Dedicated in memory of Samuel and Anita Goldin and Hervert C. Goldin by Samuel M. and Esther Friedman
Friedman: In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Friedman by Arthur, Leo and Emanuel Friedman
Friedman: In memory of Abraham E. Friedman and Anna and Sam Golden by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Friedman
Friedman: Dedicated in memory of Harvey Friedman
Friedman: Dedicated by Jane and Max Friedman
Fromson: Dedicated by Lorrie and Sheldon Fromson
Fuerst: Adell and Harrison Fuerst
Fuldheim: In memory of Dorothy Fuldheim, Jr.
Garrett: Betty and Milton Garrett
Garson: Donated by Anita and Peter Garson
Geiger: In memory of Anna Grossman Geiger
Geiger: Dedicated in memory of Rosa and Emanuel Grossman by Daughter Anna Geiger
Geiger: Dedicated in memory of Isaac and Esther Nussmaum, Sister, and Fannie Grossman, Sister, by Anna Geiger
General Moters Corp: Dedicated as a public service by General Motors Corporation - Cleveland Plants
Gerdy: In memory of Anne L. Gerdy, RN
Gerrett: Dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Gerrett
Gerson: Estelle and Jerry Gerson
Gibbons: John and Amelita Gibbons
Gingham: In appreciation of the leadership given to the Greater Cleveland Hospital Fund and its participating hospitals by Robert F. Gingham as chairman of the joint hospital committee during the period 1941 - 1947.
Givelber: Hyla and Myer Givelber
Glaser: In memory of our brothers and sisters by Joseph and Henrietta Glaser
Glaser: Dedicated in loving memory of Brothers and Sisters by Joseph and Henrietta Glaser
Glaser: Dedicated in memory of David and Betty Glaser by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Glaser
Glauser: Donated by Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Glauser
Glickman: Dedicated in memory of Jack and Dora Glickman
Goetz: Dedicated in memory of Mother, Minnie Goetz by Ben J. Goetz
Goldberg: Dedicated in honor of the seventieth birthday of William Goldberg by the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 1750
Goldberg: Staff lounge donated by Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Goldberg
Goldhirsch: In memory of David S. Goldhirsch by Henry Goldhirsch, MD
Goldman: In memory of Mrs. Florence Goldman Kulber, Mrs. Hilda Raskin by Dr. and Mrs. Belden D. Goldman
Goldsmith: Dedicated in memory of Walter A. Goldsmith by his Wife
Goldsmith: In honor of Dr. Stuart Markowitz and Dr. Sherman Katz by Ethel and Sidney Goldsmith
Goldsmith: In memory of Lucille F. Goldsmith
Goldstein: In memory of Mr. and Mrs. David Glassman from Mr. and Mrs. Saul S. Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Goldstein
Golenberg: Dedicated by Judith and Glenn Golenberg
Goodman: Dedicated in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Goodman by their sons, Lewis and Russell Goodman
Goodman: Sandra and Tom Goodman in memory of Ann and Bernie Goodman
Gottfried: Dedicated in memory of Joseph and Helene Gottfried by their children
Goulder: Terry and Herbert I. Goulder
Goulder: Dedicated in memory of Herbert G. Goulder
Gray: Anita and Alvin Gray and daughters Lottie Mara Rachel Evan
Gray: Dedicated by Ruth and Henry Gray
Green: Jane S. Richard D. Green
Greenberg: Dr. Michael D. and Susan Jo Greenberg
Gross: Dedicated in honor of Mrs. Dora Gross
Gross: Martha P. and Merrill D. Gross
Grossman: Dedicated in memory of Louis J. Grossman and in honor of Mrs. Louis J. Grossman by their Children
Grossman: In memory of Lillian Grossman by Dr. Morton Grossman and Family
Guggenheim: Charlotte and Armin Guggenheim
Haag: Shawn and Deanne Haag
Haas: Dedicated in memory of Edna Kohn Haas
Haas: In memory of Arthur Haas
Haber: Dedicated in memory of husband Philmore J. Haber, son James K. Haber and parents Blanche and Joseph E. Mayer by Mrs. Philmore J. Haber
Haber, Lyons: Dedicated in memory of Hazel D. Haber and Irving R. Evelyn H. Lyons
Hahn, Loeser, Freedheim, Dean & Wellman: Dedicated by Hahn, Loeser, Freedheim, Dean & Wellman
Halle: Dedicated in memory of Eugene S. Halle by Blanche Rohrheimer Halle, his Widow
Halle: The James W. Halle family and the Richard L. Halle Family
Halle: In memory of Dr. Abraham Strauss by Mr. and Mrs. Salmon P. Halle
Halle: Dedicated by Eugene S. and Blance R. Halle, January 1938
Halle: Dedicated to the memory of Moses Halle and Family by their children, 1927
Hanna: Dedicated in memory of Leonard C. Hanna, Jr.
Hanna: The Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. division of special surgery
Hantman: In memory of Dr. Samuel Hantman by his family
Harris: Marilyn and Seth Harris
Harris: In memory of Toddie Harris and Jack Harris
Hartman: In memory of my beloved wife, Gertrude by Dr. Moses Hartman
Hartzmark: Dolores and Lee Hartzmark
Hauserman, Inc.: Dedicated by Hauserman, Inc.
Hays: Dedicated in memory of Joseph and Rosetta Hays, December 14, 1916
Hazelton: In honor of Milton H. Erickson, MD by Irene M. Hazelton, MD
Heller: In memory of Fannie Heller and Ida Blecker by Samuel and Esther Heller
Heller: In memory of Fannie Heller and Ida Blecker by Samuel and Esther Heller
Heller: Holding Room dedicated in memory of Fannie Heller and Ida Blecker by Samuel and Esther Heller
Heller: In memory of Dr. Arnold L. Heller by his family
Henry: In memory of Fred J. Henry
Hershey: May W. and Robert I. Hershey
Hexter: Dedicated in loving memory of
A legacy of Jewish health care philanthropy, rooted in Mt.
Jacobson: In memory of Herman A. Jacobson from his family
Jaffe: Operating room scheduling office dedicated by Stanley Jaffe, MD
Jaffe: Artwork dedicated in memory of Minnie and Isaac Jaffe Jaguar-Cleveland, BMW, Volvo: Jaguar-Cleveland, BMW, Volvo Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Jones: In fond memory of James E. Jones by Van Dorn Company + Dedicated by East Ohio Gas Company
Josam Manufacturing Co.: In memory of Norman and Birdie Polster by Josam Manufacturing Co. Josephs: Nina and Sidney D. Josephs
Junior Auxiliary: All of the Shared Critical Care Family Facilities were made possible through the Generosity of the Junior Auxiliary of the Mt. Sinai Medical Center
Junior Women’s Auxiliary: Gift of The Junior Women’s Auxiliary Kabb: Dedicated by Kenneth and Greer Kabb
Kaffen: Donated by Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon Kaffen
Kallen: In memory of Dr. Janusz Korczak by Ronald J. Kallen, MD
Kamionkowski: Donated by Mario D. Kamionkowski, MD Kammen: Donated by Dr. Irving F. Kammen
Kaplan: Dedicated in memory of Arlene Zelda Kaplan, Daughter of Edward and Sadye Kaplan
Kaplan: In deepest gratitude from Betty W. and I. Leonard Kaplan Kargher-Schaffer Foundation: Dedicated by The Kargher-Schaffer Foundation
Katcher: Shirley R. and Richard Katcher
Katovsky: Dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Katovsky
Katz: Dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Katz Mr. and Mrs. William Katz Katz: In memory of Lillian Katz
Katz: Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Katz
Katzman: In memory of Abraham Katzman by Dr. Richard A. Katzman
Katz-Sanders: Katz-Sanders Laboratory Experimental Surgery, 1949
Kaufman: In memory of Alexander Miller, MD by Richard S. Kaufman, MD, Gerald M. Yosowitz, MD, Edward H. Gabelman, MD
Kaufman: In memory of Lillian Kaufman Klein by Dr. and Mrs. James S. Kaufman + Reference #573, 605
Kaufman: Rosalyn and Martin Kaufman
Kaufman: In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Max Kaufman by their son Samuel S. Kaufman
Kaufman: Dr. James Kaufman
Kaufman: Dr. James Kaufman award Plaque
Kaufman: Dedicated in memory of parents by Samuel S. Kaufman + Reference #494, 601
Kessler: In memory of our parents by Dr. and Mrs. Saul W. Kessler
Kirschenbaum: The Kirschenbaum Family
Klaus: Michele and Frank M. Klaus
Klefeld: Equipment donated by Julius Klefeld
Klein: Dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klein
Kleinman: Allan & Millicent Kleinman
Klineman: Dedicated in memory of our parents by the Klineman family
Knell: Dedicated by Drs. H. Kang and L. Knell
Koblenz: Maxine and Herschel Koblenz
Koblitz: Dedicated in memory of Louis and Hannah Koblitz by Harry D. Koblitz
Koblitz: Dedicated in memory of Harry D. Koblitz and Lillian P. Koblitz by their Children
Kohn: Hazel Colbert in memory of Richard H. Kohn
Kohn: Defibrillator donated by Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Kohn
Kohn: Dedicated by Alvin Kohn
Kohn, Richman, Haas: Dedicated in memory of Herrman Kohn Carrie Richman Kohn Gertrude Kohn Haas
Koslen: Dedicated by Robert and Miriam Koslen
Krasney: Dedicated by Rosalind and Samuel Krasney and Banner Industries, Inc.
Kraus: William J. Kraus in memory of his wife Alyce L. Kraus
Krause: The Krause Family Foundation in memory of Pearl S. and Henry H. Krause
Krause Lubert: Automated Chest Room dedicated by The Radiologists of The Mt. Sinai Medical Center: Mortimer Lubert, MD, Norman E Berman, MD, Stephen N. Weiner, MD, Jay R. Gold, MD, Allan Lerner, MD, Phillip H. Weiss, MD, Avram E. Pearlstein, MD, Suhas G. Parulekar, MD, Ram K. Goyal, MD, Donn W. Kirschenbaum, MD
Krenzler: Dedicated by Adeline and Honorable Alvin (Buddy) Krenzler and Family
Krieger: In loving memory of Sylvia Neuman Monash from her loving daughter Grace S. Krieger
Kurlander: Dr. and Mrs. James B. Katz, Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Kurlander
Kurtz: Dedicated in memory of Isadore Kurtz by his family
Kurtz: Dedicated in memory of Isador Kurtz
Kutash: Henry Kutash
Lader: In memory of beloved father Isadore Lader
Lamson & Sessions, Co.: Dedicated by The Lamson & Sessions, Co.
Landy: Dedicated to the memory of Lt. Col. Rae D. Landy, A.N.C. who gave Meritorious Service to her profession, her country and to her faith, Died 1952
Laskin: The Schneider and Laskin Families
Lawrence: Mr. and Mrs. William P. Lawrence
Lazerick: Ina and Melvin Lazerick
Lederer: Dedicated in memory of parents Sigmund and Emily Lederer by Arthur and Herbert Lederer
Lee: Edgar Lee, Jr., MD
Lee Selman: Mr. and Mrs. John Lee Selman, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Lee Selman
Leeb: Donated by Dr. and Mrs. Moses Leeb and Family
Lefkowich: Alice and Bertram Lefkowich
Lerner: Dedicated by Raisa Lerner, MD
Lerner: In memory of Meyer Lerner by Phillip I. Lerner, MD
Lesy: Dr. and Mrs. Max Lesy
Leventhal: Arlene and George Leventhal
Levin: Dr. and Mrs. Erwin Levin
Levin: Dedicated in memory of Mtr. and Mrs. Morris Levin of Lorain, Ohio by Albert and Maxine Levin
Levin: A give from Robert M. and Lucille R. Levin
Levin: Dedicated to my wife Lucille R. Levin by Robert M. Levin
Levin: In memory of Sara R. Levin
Levy: Dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Levy
Levy: Dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. Marion I. Levy
Levy: Dedicated in memory of Louis K. Levy by loving family
Levy: Charlotte and Marion I. Levy
Lewin: In memory of Sarah and Louis Lewin by Leonard Lewin, MD
Lewine: In memory of Leanore Lewine
Lewis: Donated by Ginger and Martin Lewis
Liberman: Dr. and Mrs. Seymour J. Liberman
Linden: Dr. and Mrs. Milton Linden
Lipman: Sandra and Paul Lipman
Lissauer: In memory of Rosetta Lissauer by Dr. and Mrs. Jack Lissauer
Littman: Dedicated in memory of Louis Littman by his Family
Loewenthal: Donated by M. Loewenthal, MD
Loveman: Dedicated in memory of parents Golda and David Loveman by Darwin E. Loveman
Loveman: In loving memory of parents Peggy and Bill Loveman and grandparents, from Sondra and S. Michael Loveman, Brian, Mitchell, Kristy
Loveman: Dedicated in memory of Regina and Morris H. Loveman, Fanny and Saul Levitt by Mr. and Mrs. William H. Loveman, Mr. and Mrs. S. Michael Loveman
Lowenstein Miller: Dedicated in memory of Gertrude Lowenstein Miller
Lubin: Dr. and Mrs. Davis Lubin
Luntz: Donated by the A. M. Luntz Family
Luntz: Dedicated in memory of Rebecca Luntz, contributed by the Luntz Family
Luntz: Dedicated in memory of Rebecca, Sylvia and Charles Luntz by Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Luntz
Luria Brothers & Co., Inc.: Luria Brothers & Company, Inc.
Lurie: Nurses Conference Room dedicated by Joyce and Jerry Lurie
Mahler: In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Baruch Mahler
Malitz: Dedicated in memory of Myron D. Malitz
Marcus: Dedicated by Betty and E. Robert Marcus + Recovery room cubicle dedicated by Betty and E. Robert Marcus
Marcus: Helen and Don Marcus in memory of James Randall Marcus
Margulis: Dedicated in memory of our parents, Isaac and Bertha Margulis, Harry and Sophia Kangisser by Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Margulis
Markey: Oscar B. Markey, MD
Markey: Donated by Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Markey
Marko: In memory of Florence Marks Marko, Dr. Joseph H. Marko, June 13, 1947
Markowitz: Dedicated by Dr. and Mrs. Martin A. Markowitz
Markowitz: In memory of Andrew Gluck by Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Markowitz
Markowitz, Berman: In memory of Anna and Jacob Markowitz from Mr. and Mrs. Jules Markowitz, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Berman
Marks: In memory of Dr. M. I. Marks by Lillian Marks
Martin: Dr. Lawrence Martin - Pulmonary Associates
Martin: Dr. Lawrence Martin - Pulmonary Associates
Maschke: In memory of Minnie Rice Maschke by her children
Mayer: In memory of George B. Mayer
Mayer: In memory of Walter and Esther U. Mayer
Mayer: Esther and Walter Mayer
Mediflex Systems Corp.: Dedicated by Mediflex Systems Corporation
Mervis: Dedicated in memory of Isaac and Fanny Mervis by Mr. and Mrs. Mace Mervis
Metzenbaum: Dedicated by Shirley and Howard Metzenbaum and Family
Metzenbaum: Dedicated by Shirley and Howard Metzenbaum and Family
Metzenbaum: Dedicated by Shirley and Howard Metzenbaum and Family
Miller: Lester T. and Edith D. Miller
Milstein: Dedicated in loving memory of Ida and Morris Milstein by their children
Mishell: Dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mishell
Mishell: Dedicated in memory of Boris Mishell by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mishell
Moritz: Dedicated by Florence F. and David A. Moritz
Morrison: In memory of George and Mary Morrison by Dr. David V. Morrison
Mortiz: Dedicated by Florence F. and David A. Mortiz
Mt. Sinai Medical Center Auxiliary: Geriatric Special Care Unit
donated by the Mt. Sinai Medical Center Auxiliary
Mt. Sinai Medical Center Chiefs of Staff: The Mt. Sinai Medical Center Chiefs of Staff
Multigraphic Corp.: Dedicated to The Staff of Mount Sinai Hospital by Addressograph - Multigraph Corporation
Myers: Admitting Office dedicated by David and Inez Myers Foundation
Myers: Admitting Office dedicated by David and Inez Myers Foundation
Myers: The Department of Radiology dedicated by Inez and David N. Myers
Nachman: Mr. and Mrs. George P. Nachman
Nathanson: Dedicated in memory of S. Allen Nathanson
Nemrow: In memory of Hede Nemrow 1903-1990 by Dr. Curt M. Nemrow
Neshkin: Philip and Adele Neshkin pediatric fund
Neuger: In memory of Dr. Eugene Neuger by Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Neuger
Newman: Charolotte and Gary Newman in memory of Kim Newman
Newport: Dedicated by Dalton, Dalton, Newport
Noll: Dedicated by Daurine and Sanford B. Noll
Noll: Dedicated by Evelyn and S. Darwin Noll
Noll: Dedicated by Daurine and Sanford B. Noll
Novasel: In loving memory of Jack Novasel by his wife Ida
Ogelbay Norton Co.: Oglebay Norton Company
Ozan: Mr. and Mrs. Terrence R. Ozan
Paris: Shirley and Milton Paris
Park Ohio Industries, Inc.: Park Ohio Industries, Inc.
Pax: Dr. P. Robert Pax
Pearl: In memory of Ben Erbst, William and Rae Pearl, Lorraine Jablon and Melvin Pearl by Dr. and Mrs. Norman Pearl
Penton / IPC: Nurses Station donated by Penton / IPC
Perlick: In memory of Dave and Anne Perlick
Perlmuter: Ernest Perlmuter
Perse: Dedicated by Elmer J. Perse, MD to his children
Rebecca Jane and Jonathan David
Petrulis: In honor of Mr. and Mrs. T. Stollenwerk by Richard Petrulis, JD and Alice S. Petrulis, MD
Plaque Inscriptions
Pevaroff: Sanford Pevaroff
Physicians of Dept. of Medicine: The Medical Intensive Care Unit dedicated by the Physicians of the Department of Medicine at The Mt. Sinai Medical Center
Piskurich: George and Janet Piskurich
Polster: Cel and Len Polster
Popovsky: The Popovsky Family
Powar: Susan and Lee D. Powar
Priem: Dr. and Mrs. E. Louis Priem
Raymer: In blessed memory of Emanuel Raymer by His loving family
Regano: In memory of Anthony Regano
Regar: Dedicated to David and Hannah Regar by their children
Reich: In memory of Betsy Jo Reich from her family
Reich: Donated by Hilda Reich
Reinthal: Dedicated in memory of Sol Reinthal long time trustee of Mount Sinai Hospital
Reisenfield: In honor of our families by Dr. Allen and Florence Reisenfield
Reliance Electric Co.: Dedicated by Reliance Electric Co.
Republic Steel Corp: Dedicated by Republic Steel Corporation
Resnick: Dr. and Mrs. Jay C. Resnick
Reydman: Dedicated in memory of Saul Reydman by Gladys and Mel Reydman
Reynolds: In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Townsend by Grace Reynolds
Richman: Dedicated in memory of Nathan G. Richman, Charles L. Richman, and Henry C. Richman
Richman: In memory of George Richman by his wife Edith
Richman: Recovery room cubicle dedicated in memory of George Richman by his wife Edith
Richman: In memory of Nathan G., Charles L., and Henry G. Richman
Risman: Dedicated in honor of Anna and Joseph Risman
Robbins: Shirley Robbins Residents’ Lounge
Robinson: Dedicated in memory of my parents
Joseph and Mollie Robinson by Charles E. Robinson
Robson: Carl Robson, MD
Rose: Dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. Norton Rose
Rose: In memory of Philip Rose by Dr. and Mrs. M. William Rose
Rose: In memory of my husband David E. Rose from his wife Sadie Rose
Rosenbaum, Axelrod: In memory of parents Morris and Lena Freed by Evelyn and James D. Rosenbaum
Rosenberg: Sally and Leonard Rosenberg
Rosenfeld: Dedicated by Pearl and Andrew Rosenfeld, Patti and Ronald Rosenfeld
Rosenthal: A gift from The Samuel Rosenthal Foundation in memory of Sadie and Samuel Rosenthal
Rosenthal: A gift from The Samuel Rosenthal Foundation in memory of Sadie and Samuel Rosenthal
Rosenthal: In memory of Sadie and Samuel Rosenthal by their children
Rosenthal: Heart Surgery Operating Room a gift from The Samuel Rosenthal Foundation in memory of Sadie and Samuel Rosenthal
Rosenthal: Ronna and Benet Rosenthal
Rosenthal: In memory of Julius Orkin, Albert Rosenthal by Dr. and Mrs. Morton Rosenthal and family
Rosner: In memory of Ida and John Rosner by Robert Rosner, MD
Roth: In memory of Irving Roth by his loving wife and family
Roth: Dedicated in memory of Irving Roth by his wife and children
Roth: This floor dedicated by Edwin M. Roth
Rothenfeld: Dedicated in memory of beloved wife, mother and grandmother Enid I. Rothenfeld by her husband Stanley and children
Rubin: Dedicated in memory of Dr. Hans J. and Betty Rubin
Rubinstein: In memory of Susan Rubinstein by her children
Ruch: In honor of Asher G. Ruch, MD by Drs. Edward and Teresa Ruch
Rudolph: Bonnie and James Rudolph
Saltzman: This floor dedicated by Shirley and Maurice Saltzman
Saltzman: This floor dedicated by Shirley and Maurice Saltzman
Saltzman: The Shirley and Maurice Saltzman Institute for Clinical Investigation Dedicated in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Saltzman whose generosity made this institute possible, October 1, 1969
Saltzman, Wilson: In memory of our parents Fannie and Jacob Saltzman, Raie and Hersh Wilson
Sanders, Katz: Dedicated by Samuel S. Sanders and Edward M. Katz,
Saunders: In memory of Rose Wolf Marx by Henry and Marjorie Saunders
Schaefer: In honor of our children Charles, Marvin, David and their families Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schaefer
Schaffner Klein: Dedicated in memory of Gertrude Schaffner Klein and Eugene M. Klein
Schoenberger: In memory of Barney and Bertha Mahler by Myrt and Will Schoenberger
Schulman: Dedicated by Carol and Howard Schulman
Schultz: In memory of Nathan Schultz
Schumann: Dedicated in memory of Mayme Kyman Schumann and Israel Schumann by their children
Schwartz: Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Schwartz
Schwartz: Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Schwartz
Schwartz: Dedicated in memory of Della S. Schwartz
Schwartz: Dedicated by Carrie K. Schwartz in memory of her beloved son, Abner H. Goldman
Schwartz: Dedicated by Harry and Eleanor Schwartz
Schwarz: In loving memory of Roger A. Bercu and Marilyn Schwarz from Elaine and Edward Schwarz
Schweidt: Dedicated in memory of Abe and Sarah Schweidt
Schwenger: Dedicated by Helen and Lloyd S. Schwenger
SCM Corp.: Laboratory dedicated by SCM Corporation
Seybert: In loving memory of Shirley L. Seybert
Shapiro: In honor of Dr. Leonard Frankel by Paul and Eva Shapiro
Shensa: The Stanley Shensa, MD award is given annually to the most outstanding house officer in Internal Medicine program. This award honors Dr. Shensa as a member of the staff from 1962-76 for his excellence as a physician and as a teacher for his devotion to the house staff at Mt. Sinai.: 1984 Aric Greenfield, MD; 1985 Michael Grinblatt, MD; 1986 Jonathan Bortz, MD; 1987 Edward Millermaier, MD; 1988 Barry Katz, MD; 1989 George Topalsky, MD; 1990 George Topalsky, MD & Neil Smith, DO; 1991 Searle Videlefsky, MD; 1992 Ian Cohen, MD & Mark Friedman, MD; 1993 Valentino Fernandes, MD; 1994 Valentino Fernandes, MD; 1995 Roy M. Buchinsky, MD; 1996 Rfjesh Chandra, MD; 1997 Julian T. Isakow, MD; 1998 Anil R. Pai, MD and Brian M. Wolovitz, MD; 1999 Nabhan Alnabhan, MD and Ingrid Isakov,MD
Sheperd: In grateful appreciation by Barbara Sheperd
Sherman: Dedicated by Irene and Sidney Zehman, Roslyn and Milton Wolf and Judith and Harlan Sherman
Sherman: Lois H. and Lawrence C. Sherman
Shifrin: Dr. and Mrs. Sanford Shifrin
Sholiton: In memory of Mace Mervis by Dr. and Mrs. Davis B. Sholiton
Sidney: Dedicated by Phyllis and Jeffrey H. Sidney
Siegel: In memory of Lillie Siegel
Siegel: Dr. Mortimer Siegel award plaque
Siegler: Norma C. and Ernest H. Siegler
Silber, Pickus: In memory of Isadore B. Silber, MD, by Dorothy W. Silber, Nancy Silber Pickus and Albert P. Pickus
Silver: Edward and Esther Silver
Silverberg: Gail and Dan K. Silverberg
Silverstein: Ann and Jeffrey Silverstein
Simms: Dedicated by the Simms Family in memory of Larry Botnick
Simon: Harriet T. and David L. Simon
Simon: Dedicated in memory of David I. Simon by M and D Simon Company
Simon: Rosamond and Sanford M. Simon
Singer: Dedicated in memory of Rose Cohen and Bernard Mervis by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Singer
Singer Steel Co.: Nurses station dedicated by Singer Steel Company
Smith: Dedicated by Dr. and Mrs. Earl E. Smith
Smith: In memory of Dr. Earl E. Smith, Chief of Pediatrics 1953-1974 and in recognition of 50 years of dedicated service 1938-1988
Smith: Dr. Earl Smith Photo & Statement Pediatrics
Smith Lusig Box, Co.: Smith Lusig Box, Co.
Sobel: In memory of Dr. J. M. Rieger by Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Sobel
Sogoloff: In memory of Henry Sogoloff and Ann Michael by Dr. and Mrs. Barry A. Sogoloff
Sokolsky: Dedicated in memory of Morris M. Sokolsky
Solomon: In memory of Jeffrey Mark Solomon by Dr. and Mrs. O. David Solomon
Soltz, Hyams: In memory of Alfred I. Soltz from Margery B. Soltz, Robert L. Soltz, Nancy and Norman Hyams
Sorin: Dedicated by Dr. and Mrs. Steven B. Sorin
Spanye: In memory of Edward J. Spanye, 1902-1926
Spector: Zelda G. and Sidney Spector
Spero: Dedicated by the Barry Spero Family
Spevack: Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Spevack
Stark: In memory of loving wife and mother Evalin Stark
State Chemical Mfg. Co: The State Chemical Mfg. Co.
Stecker: Associated Theatres by M. S. Fine - Abe Kramer, S. H. Stecker
Stein: In loving memory of Edna Feiss Hays from her daughter, Cary H. Stein, and family
Stern: In memory of Morris L. Arnold by Thelma A. Stern and Arthur J. Stern + Recovery room cubicle dedicated in memory of Morris L. Arnold by Thelma A. Stern and Arthur J. Stern
Stern: Shirley and Harold Stern
Stern: Nelson Stern
Sterns: In memory of Louis D. Sterns
Stockfish: In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Stockfish by Dr. and Mrs. Hyman M. Stockfish
Stone: Two operating rooms dedicated by Mathile and Morton J. Stone
Stone: Dedicated in memory of Hani Stone, Marcus Stone by The Stone Family
Stotter: Dedicated in memory of Dr. Henry B. Stotter
Strauss: Dedicated in memory of Roger L. Strauss by Family and Friends
Strauss: Surgical research labatories
Weil: The Walter M. and Adele D. Weil Laboratory of Serology
Weil: The Walter M. and Adele D. Weil Laboratory of Bacteriology
Weil: The Equipment for this Blood Bank Donated by Walter M. and Edgar H. Weil in memory of their father Samuel Weil
Weil: Dedicated in memory of Samuel and Ida Halle Weil
Weinberg: Sally Forrest Weinberg
Weiner: Dedicated in honor of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Weiner
Weiner: Central Monitoring Station dedicated in memory of M. Edwin Weiner donated by Sue Weiner Lavien and children, Cathy Weiner Lanterman, Jeffrey Weiner, Robert Weiner
Weinstein: In memory of Sarah B. Weinstein
Weisman: In honor of Wilem and Frida Weisman by Brian and Paul Weisman
Weiss: In memory of Irene Rich Weiss by Adrian E. Weiss and children
Weiss: Dedicated by Joan and Larry Weiss
Weiss: Lita J. and Loren F. Weiss
Whitman: Dr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Whitman
Widzer: Donated by Dr. and Mrs. Gary M. Widzer
Wiggins, Moses: In memory of Mariam Wiggins, Adam Moses
Wingarten: Dedicated by Samuel J. and Ada Wingarten
Wise: Dedicated by the Samuel D. and May Wise Philanthropic Fund
Wise: To Samuel D. Wise whose generosity stimulated the building of this home, 1927
Wohl: In memory of parents Clara and Max Epstein by Sylvia and Max Wohl
Wolpaw: Sidney E. Wolpaw, MD, Isabel W. Wolpaw, MD
Women’s Auxiliaries of the Mount Sinai Hospital of Cleveland:
This division is the gift of The Women’s Auxiliaries of the Mount Sinai Hospital of Cleveland, January 1962
Wuliger: The Heart Research Laboratory dedicated by the Wuliger Family in memory of their parents Helen K. and Frank Wuliger
Wyse: In memory of Ethyle F. Wyse from husband Jack J. Wyse
Yanowitz: In memory of Jacob Yanowitz from Donna and Bennett Yanowitz
Yanowitz: In memory of Jacob Yanowitz from Donna and Bennett Yanowitz
Zaas: Robert D. Zaas, MD
Zeisler: Dedicated by Paula and Kenneth Zeisler
Zellner: Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Zellner
Zuckerman: Mr. and Mrs. Leo Zuckerman