An Elegant Evening of Reflection, Vision & Celebration!
Sunday, June 2, 2024 • 5:30 pm
An Elegant Evening of Reflection, Vision & Celebration!
Sunday, June 2, 2024 • 5:30 pm
Recognizing Park’s Past Presidents
Mitchell Balk
Bob Brenner
Mark Froimson
Stuart Garson
Marvin Karp
Judy Kaufman
Andy Randall
Susan Ratner
Peter Rzepka
Honoring Albert Ratner with Park’s Inaugural Lifetime Legacy Award
Debuting the Judy Kaufman History Space
A newly created exhibit illustrating the history of Park Synagogue
Dear Park Synagogue Family,
With an abundance of gratitude, I wish you a warm welcome to tonight’s celebration, a gathering for us to support each other and our beloved synagogue.
As your Rabbi, it brings me immense pride to witness the unwavering commitment and dedication of our congregation towards the preservation and growth of Park Synagogue, our spiritual home, where we seek solace, learning and connection in the embrace of our shared faith.
The funds raised from this event play a crucial role in ensuring the continued vibrancy and vitality of our synagogue. They will support essential initiatives, including maintaining our sacred spaces, supporting religious education programs, and extending a helping hand to those in need within our community.
But beyond the financial aspect, this event holds a deeper significance. It is an opportunity for us to come together as a community, to strengthen
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to Park Synagogue’s “Reaching for the Stars Celebration” honoring so many deserving congregants. I am so happy to be a part of presenting Park’s first Lifetime Legacy Award to one of the patriarchs of our synagogue, Albert Ratner, and feel fortunate to have the honor of recognizing nine living past presidents of our congregation. The Judy Kaufman History Space and History Touch Screen have been a long-time coming and I hope everyone will enjoy their first look tonight.
Your generosity in participating in this fundraiser will allow us to continue to expand our programming,
the bonds that unite us, and to reaffirm our shared commitment to the values that define us.
Therefore, I thank each and every one of you for joining us this evening. It is important to contribute generously but also to be present to celebrate the spirit of unity and compassion that defines our congregation.
Tonight we honor our past presidents and thank them for the leadership that enabled us to celebrate today. There is no more dedicated or supportive leader than Albert Ratner, whose family literally provided the foundation on which our synagogue has flourished. Albert inherited this role and took it so much further, providing wisdom, guidance, and leadership. He has been the backbone of our synagogue, never looking for recognition or praise, which is why we honor his legacy this evening.
With heartfelt thanks,
while maintaining our synagogue, and providing enhanced security which ensures our safety.
I am proud to be the President of a congregation that is dedicated to preserving its history and celebrates its future as one of the largest Conservative congregations in the United States.
Enjoy this evening and know that we are indebted to you for your unwavering support.
SUSAN RATNER 2019-2023
BOB BRENNER 2009–2012
PETER RZEPKA 1990–1993
JUDY KAUFMAN 2000–2005
MARVIN KARP 1986–1990
Albert Ratner’s resume is impressive and filled with business acumen, but also countless commitments to the local and global Jewish community and general community. His legacy is strong and wide, but tonight, we celebrate Albert’s lifetime commitment to Park Synagogue and the legacy he has created here, for us.
Albert followed his parents’ example of commitment to Park Synagogue and the Jewish community. From going door to door collecting tzedakah with this father, to helping Park Synagogue in Cleveland Heights become a reality, through the completion of our new synagogue and beyond, Albert is there, sharing wisdom and resources whenever needed. Success has not changed him. Accomplishment has not jaded him. His memories of the past and
its lessons are as strong and vivid as if they had occurred yesterday. And the advice that he gives is treasured and, if we’re wise, will be valued for many years to come.
“There is a Jewish tradition that you stand on the shoulders of giants,” Albert shares. “It’s what comes before you that allows you to take the next step. Part of life is learning the lessons of the people who came before you and adding what you can.”
Albert, you have certainly stood on the shoulders of the giants who built the foundation for our synagogue and our community. Thank you for allowing us to stand on your shoulders and learn those important lessons.
Susi Yarus Meisel & Dara G. Yanowitz
Stacie &
Pritzker Vlock
Dad and Susie,
We are grateful that you have worked so hard to fulfill our Zede's wish to keep seats at Park Synagogue.
Mazel Tov on your well-deserved honors!
With love and gratitude, Debby and Brian
There is no one in this community that deserves this award more than you!
Congratulations, Norma Lerner
Albert, After building 402 apartment units in Bu alo with you and then together meeting with the lab union leaders in Washington, the balance of my real estate career was a day at the beach.
With much love, a ection, and respect.
Ronnie R enfeld
“From acorns grow mighty oaks,” was one of Tom’s favorite expressions. It’s a reminder that even small actions can make a big impact.
Fro m a co rns
g row mig hty o a .
For decades, the Sullivan Family has been proud to support the Jewish community.
Frank and Barbara Sullivan are pleased to continue the tradition in nurturing the seeds of change and growth with The Park Synagogue and its Reaching for the Stars Celebration.
Thank you for striving to include everybody and building a community of empowerment and belonging.
In memory of Tom and Sandy Sullivan, recipients of the 2006 Jewish Community Federation’s Charles Eisenman Award.
Leadership is the capacity to translate a vision into reality.
Congratulations to Albert Ratner on receiving the Park Synagogue Lifetime Legacy Award.
“An assist in basketball makes two people happy. A point makes one guy happy.”
Nikola JokicOn behalf of all Park Synagogue’s past presidents honored here today for their contributions, thank you Albert for all your assists. It made our efforts more effective and productive knowing you were on the court with us.
Cheryl & Stuart Garson and Family
Mazel Tov to our very own shining star
Mark Froimson for being honored by Park Synagogue, along with his fellow past presidents and Lifetime Legacy Award Recipient
Albert Ratner.
Thank you for providing leadership, with Chesed and Ruach, as you proudly and joyfully served the congregation that our family has called home for four generations!
Yasher Koach!
Phyllis and Avrum Froimson
Lisa and Herrick Mann
Abbe and Eric Froimson
Kim and Mark Froimson
Karen and Greg Conway and Families
Todah Rabah to a of our past presidents.
Park Synagogue is a be er place because of your leadership.
M el Tov to Albe Ratner for receiving the Inaugural Lifetime Legacy Award.
Albe , thank you for always providing a seat for us in our synagogue.
Susi & Peter Meisel
Mazel Tov to Uncle Albert and all of the honorees!
Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for our family, Park Synagogue, and our community.
Barbie, Abe, and Gabrielle“To be a Jew is to keep faith with the past by building a Jewish future.”
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z”l
Mazal Tov To Our Dear Cousins,
There is no better choice for the first Park
Synagogue Lifetime Legacy Award than you, Albert. Thank you for all you do for Park, the community, and future generations of Jews.
Susie, you shepherded Park through its capital campaign to give us a beautiful place to pray and gather. Thank you from all of us and the future generations of Park members who will reap the benefits of your hard work.
Love, Caryn and Steve Nancy and Aric and Sherri
appreciation of their dedication and commitment to Park Synagogue, we honor Albert
Thanks for everything you have done for Park and for so many other worthy organizations over a lifetime - often with no public recognition. And thank you from our hearts for 45 years of special friendship.
Love, Darlene and Bob Duvin
You have set the example for so many of what it means to be a leader for both the general and Jewish communities. Thank you for all you have done and will continue to do in the future!
Albert, congratulations on this honor. Your devotion, leadership, and support for our congregation throughout your life has been a major reason that our congregation has been so successful. We feel very fortunate to be able to call you our friend.
Barbara and Bob BrennerI was already Bar Mitzvahed when I joined synagogue in 1950, but my little brother was Bar Mitzvahed at Park.
Elayne and I were married at Park Synagogue and will be celebrating our 68th wedding anniversary in June. I believe we were the first wedding to take place at Park Synagogue in Cleveland Heights.
We both have beautiful memories of times spent at Park and have enjoyed many conversations with the current and past Presidents. It is our honor to recognize their contributions to our Synagogue and know that they have paved the way to help us move forward and develop new ways to reach our contribution to the modern world.
Both Elayne and I say God Bless to everyone who has helped to maintain and encourage the importance of Park Synagogue.
Congratulations to Albert on receiving the inaugural Lifetime Legacy Award and to all the past presidents recognized tonight. Your dedication and commitment to Park Synagogue and our broader Jewish community continues to inspire. It was an honor and a pleasure to work with you all as Development Director. As a congregant, I thank you for everything you do to make Park so special.
I am privileged to have served as Park Synagogue President (2012-2016), continuing as a member of the Executive committee and honored to be part of tonight’s program.
Adriana and myself along with our children Lauren and Caitlin, their husbands Andy and Evan, and our grandchildren Olivia, Jackson, Scarlett and London - congratulate Park Synagogue, my fellow past Presidents Mitch, Bob, Mark, Stuart, Marv, Judy, Susie and Peter and Albert Ratner on receiving Park’s Inaugural Lifetime Legacy Award on this momentous occasion.
Mazel Tov to Albert Ratner and all of the deserving and dedicated honorees!
It is wonderful to celebrate happy occasions together at Park!
With love and appreciation, Lois Joan Davis
In Celebration and Recognition of Park’s leadership throughout the years, Your dedication and commitment to our synagogue community is a shining example of Tikkun Olam for us all.
Mazal Tov to our friend and mentor
Albert Ratner
Your leadership continues to be the brightest light shining on our community. You teach us all what it means to Reach For The Stars.
Donna Yanowitz
Dara & Alan Yanowitz
Mazel tov to Bob Brenner and all the Past Presidents for their hard work and dedication to Park synagogue.
Jill and Jeff Muencz
The Marks and Paull families congratulate Albert Ratner for his vision and the past presidents for continuing that vision.
Mazel Tov to the Past Presidents. You set the bar high!
Thank you to Albert Ratner for your lifelong dedication to Park Synagogue. You have created an enduring legacy here.
Sheryl and Bart Simon
Mazel Tov to all the honorees! Your contributions have been immeasurable!
Ron & Ilene Lorig
Bradley and Elisabeth Sherman are thrilled to join in the celebration of Park’s leadership through its past presidents and the Lifetime Legacy of Albert Ratner.
Mazel Tov to Park’s Past Presidents.
Each of you exhibit leadership at its best!
Albert, your dedication, loyalty, leadership, kindness, wisdom and generosity have created a legacy that will shine brightly at Park Synagogue forever.
Rabbi Joshua and Ilana Hoffer Skoff Eden, Jared, Karen & Ana
Mazel Tov to Albert Ratner and all of the honorees and thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for Park Synagogue!
Sharon & Jamie Lebovitz and Family
Thank you to all the past presidents of Park Synagogue whose leadership has brought us to this day.
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Congratulations to Albert Ratner upon receiving this well-deserved Inaugural Lifetime Legacy Award from Park Synagogue. Tawny Ratner
Your leadership has been a great help to our community! Your ongoing efforts have helped Park Synagogue go from strength to strength.
The Yarus family Gary, Jeffrey, Beth, Pam, Theron, Susi & Peter
In appreciation for all that has been done for the benefit of Park Synagogue.
Norma and Harvey Kotler
Jane Altshuler & Bruce Gendler are grateful for the warm embrace of the Park community.
All the best to Albert Ratner and thanks for inspiring so many to appreciate our potential.
Congratulations from the Loree & Steve Potash Family
Congratulations to our beloved synagogue! It is through leadership that we remain strong. Thanks to Albert, all of our past presidents and our wonderful, inspiring clergy that we will continue to celebrate our Judaism into the future!
The Siegal Family
It’s very rare that in one’s lifetime they have the opportunity and privilege to know, learn from, work with and observe someone with the qualities and characteristics of someone like Albert Ratner. We have been the recipients of a gift that truly can be called a blessing for us, the communities we live in and work in, our cultural values and on belief in repairing the world. The knowledge and wisdom of Albert is unmeasurable in time that benefits our past, present and future.
Thank you for these gifts, Carole and Bart Bookatz The Bookatz-Berkowitz-Kumin Famlies
Mazel Tov to all Park’s past Presidents who guided Park Synagogue to Reach for the Stars!
We are so grateful to be part of the Park community!
Mazel Tov to all of the Honorees!
Thank you for all you do for
Cindy & Michael Duber and FamilyMazel Tov to all of Tonight’s Honorees! and
To our Star Who Shines the Brightest, Mark Froimson
Our Husband, Dad and Pop-Pop
We are so happy to celebrate with you!
Lots of Love and Appreciation, Kim, David, Samantha, Charlotte, and Isabel Froimson
Jill, John, and Etta Wilgucki
Sarah, Derek, and Oliver Howarth
Kevin and Marnie Froimson
Hannah Froimson
Mazel tov to Park’s living past presidents and appreciation for those leaders who built a strong foundation on which our congregation could grow and flourish.
In memory of
Robert Stein
Bernard Loewenthal
Nathan Shafran
Saul Stillman
Elmer Paull
Max Ratner
Philip Arnoff
Myron E. Glass
Myron Guren
Leonard Ratner
Henry Rocker
SJ Bialosky
M.D. Shanman
Israel Sheinbart
Carol Baden
Marx Berne
Max Cohen
Elias Graver
Max Bergman
May their memory be a blessing and their legacies live on. Mina and Gerald Saidel
Congratulations to all of Park’s Past Presidents and to Albert Ratner on his richly deserved Lifetime Legacy Award!
Joanie and Tom Adler
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-The Geller family
Congratulations to Park Synagogue. Wishing more generations fulfillment and meaning. Thank you Albert Ratner for all you have meant to Park Synagogue over so many years.
- Faith & David Gilbert
Proudly congratulate Albert Ratner on his Lifetime Legacy Award! We also honor all the extraordinary contributions of P k' t id t !
Thank you to all the Park past presidents for your time, talent, treasure and leadership.
Toda Raba and Mazel Tov to Albert Ratner on his most well deserved Lifetime Legacy recognition. Marc Freimuth
Congratulations on your recognition and thank you to Albert Ratner, Mitch Balk, Bob Brenner, Mark Froimson, Stuart Garson, Marvin Karp, Judy Kaufman, Peter Rzepka, Andy Randall and Susan Ratner for all you have done for Park Synagogue.
Linda and Clifford Wolf
Mazel Tov to the honorees for making and keeping Park Synagogue the best!
Pollack & Bert Rapowitz
Judy Kaufman Mazel Tov on 70 years of devotion to Park Synagogue. ~From Park Day Camp to History Space~ You are a true champion!
Love, Faye and Michael
Congratulations and thanks to past and present presidents for keeping Park Synagogue a place of warmth, community and spirituality.
Jodi Rich & Jonathan Eisengart
Fern Weiss & Larry Rich
Sheri & Seth Eisengart
Congratulations to Judy Kaufman and Albert Ratner on their well-deserved honors.
Ellen and Earl Leiken
Mazel Tov, Judy! We are so proud of you.
Marcia and Alan Arons
In Honor of Bob Brenner
Congratulations for your continued support of Park Synagogue!
Helena and Tom Farkas
Our sincere appreciation for the impact Park Synagogue has made on our lives.
Myrna and Kurt Bloch
Congratulations to all Reaching for the Stars 2024 Honorees for your outstanding contributions to Park Synagogue and our community.
Mazel Tov!
Lorie Gelb and Mark Silverman