CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine Dec 2018/Jan 2019 Holiday edition.

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Dec 2018/Jan 2019 Holiday Edition






CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine



DEC/JAN 2018

Cover Image Credits: Chea Chea Media Inc. Glam Squad Cover photo credits: Photographer: Dee Johnson Photography Hair: All Phases Salon Naturals Stylist/Jewelry Maverick: Myisha Reaves Nail Artist: Sondra Wilkerson of Big City Styles Make Up: MYA DANAYE MCCLAIN Hair provided by: Lavish Life Hair Boutique/ Melinda Dixon Footwear Consultant: Tonya Godsey-Lowe/ Foxy Feet Boutique

Game Changers Editor in Chief Chea K. Woolfolk Assistant Editor Little Chea Chea General Manager Craig Shanklin Executive Art Director Chea K. Woolfolk Staff Writer Chea K. Woolfolk, Craig Shanklin, Columnists:

EDITORIAL OFFICES Chea Chea Media Inc 1115 Garvin place. Louisville Ky 40203

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, Angel Elliot, Bill Houston Contributing Writers for this issue: Jacy Prolific Jones Tamra Means, Contributing Photographers: Babacar Sambe

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DEC/JAN 2018



11 15 18 20 23 26 29 33 37 42 45 48 50 53


56 59 62 65 66 69 73 76 79 80 85 88


HOME 92 97 100 103 106 108 111 113 115



FOOD & BEVERAGE 7 117 121 124 129 133 136 139 141 144 147 152 156 160 163









SPOTLIGHT 167 171 175 180 182 185 195 199 201







205 207 210 214 218 221 228 231 234






DEC/JAN 2018


CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


This issue has a significant meaning for me personally. As I look back over the past holiday issues and covers, I can see not only the maturity of the magazine but of myself as well. The goal now is to celebrate what 2018 was while embracing what 2019 will bring. The holidays for many can create an array of emotions and thoughts. Some good and some others dark and depressing. What I want to challenge every reader to do this holiday issue is to recognize any dark moment’s you may have, but look at them through holiday joy tinted vision. Know that you have the ability to be happy during the holidays and 2019. I have learned that looking at each new moment as a gift improves my perspective on life events and future goals. Lastly, tis the season of good cheer, good will to others, and respect for your fellow man. And, though this year has seen its share of divisive acts and words designed to separate us into individuals we must remain diligent and stand unshaken when these acts threaten our sense of community and collective love. For all of those senseless acts of violence and heartbreak brings a new day and a new chance to become the people that we are meant to be. Stay focused and stay persistent in your choice to change the world. Here at CKW the magazine we will forever be indebted to you for taking this journey with us. Joy to the world and Happy Holidays!!

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine



“Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas.” ―Peg Bracken


DEC/JAN 2018

“We are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmastime.” ―Laura Ingalls Wilder

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DEC/JAN 2018

3 Steps to Help Manage Depression BPT

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Symptoms of depression It can be difficult to know when feeling down is turning into something more concerning. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, a major depressive episode may include some of these symptoms:

- Sadness and grief are normal human emotions. These feelings can often last for a short period of time. However, when these emotions last for many days or weeks, depression becomes a concern.

* Persistent sad, anxious or "empty" mood

According to the American Psychiatric Association, depression is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Fortunately, depression is among the most treatable of mental disorders. Between 80 percent and 90 percent of people with depression eventually respond well to treatment. Almost all patients gain some relief from their symptoms.

* Feelings of hopelessness * Feelings of guilt, worthlessness or helplessness * Restlessness, irritability * Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 16.2 million adults in the U.S. have had at least one major depressive episode in a given year. In fact, according to a report from the National Center for Health Statistics an estimated 8.1 percent of adults age 20 and older had depression in a given 2-week period during 2013-2016. Of those affected by depression, 80 percent reported having at least some difficulty managing work, home and social activities.

* Decreased energy * Difficulty concentrating, remembering or making decisions * Insomnia, early-morning awakening or oversleeping * Low appetite and weight loss, or, overeating and weight gain

In the past, stigma surrounding depression caused some people to avoid seeking help. As celebrities, musicians, and even politicians speak out about their own struggles with depression, people have felt empowered to take the steps to find the help they need.

* Thoughts of death or suicide * Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment (such as headaches, digestive disorders and pain for which no other cause can be diagnosed) www.CKWMAG.INFO

DEC/JAN 2018

Three steps that can help People experiencing some or all of these symptoms can take action by following these three steps. Step 1: Get screened by a qualified mental health expert. Depression can only be diagnosed by a health care professional who has special assessments and tools to make the appropriate diagnosis. Step 2: Talk to your healthcare provider about a treatment plan. Depression can be managed with the right treatment options. A healthcare provider can determine the strategy that works best for you. Common treatment plans may include psychotherapy and medication. Step 3: Follow a treatment plan closely and take medications as prescribed. Abruptly stopping medications may cause withdrawal symptoms that could worsen depression. If you are uninsured or your health insurance doesn't cover the medications you need, there are programs that can help. For example, the Inside Rx program is a free prescription savings program that could save an average of 40 percent off select brand-name medications and 80 percent off retail price on generic medications. You can check the price of medications, and terms and restrictions like eligibility requirements, at Depression doesn't discriminate. It impacts all races, ages and genders. Take these first steps to help manage your symptoms. Keep in mind, if you are ever feeling suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800273-8255 immediately.

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


Look Good, Feel Better! Positive self image.

There are many opinions regarding how to improve self image but ultimately con'dence is the key to a positive self image. We must discover our worth and it is our individual responsibility as part of the human community to build, encourage, and uplift one another. I have found through my years of experience in the beauty industry, we do not truly transform people externally without impacting them internally.

When we share goodness and kindness while providing our services, people’s attitudes and at times, lives are transformed. Be a Blessing today by touching someone’s life with love and kindness. Sondra Wilkerson, Manicurist Big City Styles 312 W Chestnut Street Louisville, KY 40202 502-584-2489


DEC/JAN 2018

5 Tips for Coping with Chronic Pain (Family Features) Pain can impact nearly every aspect of your daily life from cleaning the house to going to work or playing with your kids. In fact, according to the Institute of Medicine, 100 million Americans, or more than 30 percent of the population of the United States, suffer from chronic pain, which is pain lasting 3-6 months or longer. Most often, chronic pain is treated using prescription opioids. However, the National Institutes of Health estimates 2 million people in the U.S. suffer from substance use disorders related to prescription pain relievers, while 60 people die every day as a result of opioid overdoses, according to the National Safety Council. “The country is facing intertwined crises of opioid misuse and chronic pain management. Nonopioid, non-pharmacological treatments such as acupuncture and other similar interventions can be essential in handling patients’ pain management as a complement to lessen dependency on opioid prescriptions and serve as a more effective holistic therapy for chronic pain,” said Dr. Kory Ward-Cook, chief executive officer of the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). “The care provided by NCCAOM National Board-Certified Acupuncturists is essential in continuing the movement toward greater integrative and complementary pain care, especially as a non-pharmaceutical alternative to harmful opioid prescriptions.” To help treat your pain with a non-opioid solution, consider these tips: Set Goals for Yourself Setting realistic, measurable goals that focus on functional health and quality of life is essential to managing chronic pain. Outline specific, measurable goals you hope to achieve, such as exercising for 30 minutes three days a week or cleaning at least one room in the house twice a week and track your progress toward reaching them.

#14431 Source: National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

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Use Relaxation Techniques There are a variety of techniques, including meditation and deep breathing, that can help your body relax by slowing breathing, lowering blood pressure and instilling feelings of well-being. Giving your muscles a chance to relax can release tension, which may ease pain. Practicing yoga or tai chi, which involve a series of physical postures in addition to breathing and relaxation techniques, may also help reduce pain. Consider Non-Pharmaceutical Treatment Options With concerns mounting about the prevalence of opioid use and abuse in the U.S., complementary, natural treatments such as acupuncture can help alleviate pain and reduce the number of opioids prescribed. Using practices derived from traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncturists stimulate specific points on the body, most often by inserting thin needles through the skin. For example, National Board-Certified Acupuncturists, whose credentials can be verified through the NCCAOM, are affirmed to have the education and training necessary to competently deliver acupuncture services. To learn more about how acupuncture can help with pain management or addiction, or to find a practitioner in your area, visit Focus on Nutrition A well-balanced diet is vital to overall health and well-being and can also influence chronic pain. As food choices can increase or decrease inflammation, which leads to many chronic diseases, consider a diet low in sugar and carbohydrates that includes fresh, organic fruits and vegetables; lean, grass-fed meats; legumes; nuts; whole grains; and organic dairy products. Keep Track of Progress To effectively manage and treat your pain, consider keeping a journal to note your pain level on a scale of 1-10 each day. Also track your activity during the day – including time on your feet, exercise and even sitting at your desk – so you can identify patterns based on what you do and how you feel afterward. Then use the connections you’ve made to modify your environment and schedule as necessary. Photo courtesy of Getty Images


DEC/JAN 2018

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For people with chronic illnesses, nutrition is important - but some nutrients present risks for certain patients. Potassium, for example, has many benefits, but can be fatal for people with kidney disease if the level of potassium in their blood spikes. In the United States, there are more than three million patients who are living with hyperkalemia - a condition that refers to having abnormally high blood potassium levels. As the number of people with these diseases is expected to climb, so too are the number of people at risk for hyperkalemia. A survey from the National Kidney Foundation found that 50 percent of chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients - who are at risk for hyperkalemia - said that high potassium was their most important health concern. However, while some respondents were aware of the condition, the same survey found that 80 percent of respondents did not know what their potassium level was.The importance of potassium levels Potassium is an electrolyte that is necessary for the heart to function. In normal cases, the potassium level in a person's blood is maintained via diet and any excess potassium is removed through the kidneys. However, when the kidneys are not functioning properly, and excess potassium is not removed as normal, this additional potassium can cause abnormal heart rhythms and, in some cases, even sudden death.Controlling potassium through diet and other solutions www.CKWMAG.INFO

DEC/JAN 2018

For patients with hyperkalemia, controlling potassium levels requires special attention to one's diet. While most people do not require a complete overhaul of their diets, some popular foods such as bananas, melons, oranges and other high-potassium foods may need to be replaced with low-potassium foods such as apples, grapes and berries. Limiting milk and/or yogurt intake is also commonplace, as both are high in potassium. Such dietary changes are an important component of managing chronic conditions. If you think you might need a change, it is always best to consult a doctor who can help develop a plan that's right for you. Here are some other ways to lower potassium intake and potentially lower potassium levels: *Be wary of salt substitutes. While salt substitutes have their appeal, some have very high levels of potassium. Before using such a substitute in meal preparation, it is important to thoroughly read the label. *Various treatment options exist. Doctors can speak with you about potential treatments for hyperkalemia, which include water pills and medicines known as potassium binders. Only your doctor will know the best choice for you. *Avoid supplements and remedies. Many herbal remedies or supplements can actually create more problems because of their high potassium content. Patients should consult their doctor before taking any supplement or remedy to learn more about how it could impact their potassium levels. *Never stop learning. Whether you have lived with hyperkalemia for years, or you're concerned because you have a chronic condition, monitoring potassium levels is an important part of keeping yourself healthy. It's a big task, but fortunately you don't have to face it alone. Healthy choices and consistent communication with healthcare professionals can help you keep track of potassium levels and maintain a healthy life. Be proactive and take charge of your health - talk to your doctor today. The National Kidney Foundation Survey was funded and completed in collaboration with Relypsa Inc., a Vifor Pharma Group company.

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Photo courtesy of Getty Images

Eyeing Better Vision 9 tips to maintain eye health


hen considering making changes to positively impact your well-being, many aspects of health may jump to the forefront, from taking care of mental and emotional health to ensuring a well-maintained body from head to toes. However, one sometimes overlooked area is your eyes and the importance of vision care. Despite nearly 4.2 million Americans over the age of 40 suffering from impaired vision, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, it’s an aspect of daily health that is sometimes neglected. To better care for your eyes, consider these tips that put the focus back on eye health:

Schedule an exam While focusing on enhancing care for your eyes is a productive idea regardless, it’s also important to have your

vision and eye health checked regularly by a professional. This can help detect diseases and conditions that cause vision loss and blindness, many of which show little or no symptoms in the early stages, and a doctor can help create a care plan that preserves your eye health.

Understand your family history Genetics can play a major role in eye health, so talk to family members about their vision history. If anyone has been diagnosed with a disease or condition that impacts their eyesight, knowing can help determine if you are at a higher risk for developing a hereditary trait.

Use proper lighting While there are many everyday ways to maintain eye health and function, there is one simple yet overlooked way to take care of your sight: reducing eyestrain.


DEC/JAN 2018

While three out of four Americans suffer daily from eyestrain,according to an online survey conducted by Russell Research, some people may not realize the lighting they use at work and home may be contributing to the problem. One way to achieve a reduction in eyestrain is to use indoor lighting such as the OttLite Wellness Series, a line of lamps that closely matches the spectrum of natural daylight to reduce eye fatigue and eyestrain by 51 percent. The line includes four models featuring stylish designs with ClearSun LED technology, highquality diffusers for clear illumination and multiple brightness settings, all intended to help reduce eyestrain by providing “good” lighting, which means providing enough natural daylight-quality illumination to see clearly without being blinded by excessively high light levels or glare. The lamps also feature adjustable necks and shades to help direct light to fully illuminate an intended area and adjust for glare from reflective surfaces and smart features like USB ports to conveniently charge your devices. Find more information at

Shield your eyes While sunglasses help block out the sun, protective eyewear like safety glasses and goggles can help shield the eyes while conducting physical activities like yard work or playing sports. Be sure to use safety glasses specifically intended for the use you’ll wear them for, as some varieties are designed for certain activities.

Limit evening screen time The blue glare from traditional lighting and electronics (TV, cell phones, computers, tablets) used before bed may disrupt sleep patterns and circadian rhythm, and may even lead to sleep disorders, depression, cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Take a break Your eyes work hard when you put extended focus on a com­ puter screen or other activity. Take periodic breaks to avoid eye fatigue. Try the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, shift your gaze to something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

Clean contact lenses If you wear contacts, make sure to take proper precautions, which includes cleaning and rinsing each time you wear and remove the lenses. When cleaning, use cleaners approved by an eye doctor, and don’t wear lenses longer than recommended.

Maintain overall health Living a healthy lifestyle overall can have a positive impact on your eye health, too. For example, maintaining a healthy weight can help avoid risks like diabetes, which can lead to vision loss from diabetic eye disease or glaucoma. In addition, eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables aids eye health, along with fish high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Wear sunglasses Overexposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays can increase the risk of age-related macular degeneration and blurred vision. It’s important to protect the eyes from harmful UV rays when you’re outside by wearing sunglasses that block out 99-100 percent of UV-A and UV-B radiation.

Optimal Eye Health Your eyes are your window to the world, so protecting your eye health is an essential component of your overall wellbeing. Symptoms like headaches and drowsiness can be signs of eyestrain, a feeling of discomfort caused by issues like poor lighting. Keep your eyes in optimal condition and avoid problems like eyestrain by ensuring you’re utilizing proper lighting within your home and workspaces. Natural daylight renders colors most accurately, which offsets the potential mood and energy

level impact that occurs when you’re not able to perceive colors correctly. However, when natural light isn’t practical while working at a desk or reading inside, rely on lamps that simulate natural light and have a high Color Rendering Index, such as those from the OttLite Wellness Series, which use diffusers to evenly distribute illumination and protect against glare with dimmable options for users if a lower light level is necessary. To find more information, visit

Don’t Skip the Eye Doctor If you’re having trouble with your vision, don’t hesitate to set up an appointment with an eye doctor. These symptoms specifically, according to the Centers for Disease Control, are reasons to see a doctor as soon as possible:

n Eye pain n Decreased vision n Double vision n Draining n Redness n Flashes of light n Floaters, or tiny specks

that appear to float appearing around lights

n Halos

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Fall-ify your routine: Transitional skincare tips and tricks BPT

With fall in full swing, it's time to reconsider your skincare regimen. Autumn and Winter's cooler temperatures and lower level of humidity can lead to an uptick in dry skin and overall skin health changes. Researchers found that climate factors have the potential to influence skin health, especially skin's moisture levels and textures, and that consumers should alter their skincare from season to season. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to smoothly transition your skincare regimen to fall without overhauling your entire beauty product collection. Here are five simple tips to consider to correct any summer damage and prepare your skin for the upcoming colder months: Switch up your cleanser: With a decrease in sunlight and heat, our skin produces less oil. With that change, it is important to choose a cleanser that does not completely strip the skin of its natural oils. During the summer months, gel and foaming cleansers are great for a deep cleanse, however these may cause the skin to dry out in the fall. The key is to choose a new cleanser based on your skin type and how it reacts to different weather conditions, such as a sulfate-free or lotionbased alternative. Don't skip out on the toner: In addition to switching up your cleanser, it is also best to opt out of using alcohol-based toners. Alcohol-based products can be too drying in the cooler months. Instead, try incorporating a toner made with witch hazel or glycolic acid to help keep oil production to a minimum but also reduce blemishes and blackheads.

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DEC/JAN 2018

Invest in a personalized serum: To help transition your skin, focus on serums that help even skin tones, replenish hydration levels and enhance radiance. The Artistry brand by Amway recently created Artistry Signature Select Personalized Serum, a completely customizable serum solution equipped with the amplifiers needed to address skin concerns found across seasons. This serum uses Power Infused Technology - airtight packaging that becomes pressurized with nitrogen to infuse the concentrated skincare formulas into the base serum, ensuring the ultimate potency and freshness of each unique serum. Like with other skincare products, each customer has unique concerns and should consider what formulation would work best for them during these autumn months. Purchase a humidifier: Boost the hydration in your living room or bedroom of your home by adding your own moisturizer with the help of a humidifier. Since you'll probably be spending plenty of time indoors with the heat on, this can help provide much-needed moisture to the air, but also help with your skin health. Don't neglect the SPF: Sun damage can occur even in short periods of sun exposure year-round. It is important to continue to protect your skin by applying sunscreen each morning as part of your routine. UV rays can be present even in the coldest months of the year, so continue using an SPF of at least 30 or higher especially on your hands. Seasonal weather changes can definitely create change in the skin. If you follow these skin tips and slightly alter your skincare routine, you can keep it looking and feeling its best.

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine



A skeptic at first, 71-year-old Clara Tanner began her journey on dialysis treating in a center even though her son, who is her care partner and an experienced dialysis technician, continually tried to convince her to make the switch to home dialysis. After a year of going into a center for treatment, Tanner switched to treating in her home, and she's stayed with that treatment option for the past 10 years. "He kept telling me I needed to come home, but I wasn't ready," Tanner said. "I didn't know what it was all about." For many people on home dialysis, having more flexibility and freedom when it comes to their treatment schedule is important and can help prevent missed treatments. Missing a treatment has never been an issue for Tanner. "Home dialysis allows people on dialysis to dialyze from the comfort of their home, giving them better control of their treatment schedules, more time for themselves, their families, their jobs and the activities they enjoyed before starting dialysis," said Dr. Martin Schreiber, chief medical officer of Home Modalities for DaVita Kidney Care. There are two types of dialysis that can be done at home: peritoneal dialysis (PD) and home hemodialysis (HHD). PD is a needle-free dialysis treatment that's most similar to a person's natural kidney function. Instead of cleaning the blood outside of the body, PD uses the person's peritoneum, which acts as a filter to remove toxins and fluid in place of the kidneys. It can be done during the day at home or work, at night during sleep - or potentially even on vacation.


DEC/JAN 2018

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


HHD uses a machine with a filter to remove fluid and waste from the blood. HHD treatments can be done on a person's own schedule and in the privacy of their home. A nephrologist, which is a physician who specializes in kidney care, guides people with kidney disease to help identify the best treatment option for them. While home dialysis treatments primarily take place in the home, people on PD and HHD still come into a center about once a month for support. Tanner worked with her physician when considering switching to HHD treatments. Her physician also prescribed a treatment plan that works best for her condition and lifestyle to help her manage her treatment schedule. That said, Tanner cautions that being on HHD doesn't give a person a license to slack off. "You have to have discipline," Tanner said. "You've got to do what you're supposed to do and diet is so important." Not only is each type of home dialysis treatment different, but every person on home dialysis is unique. Dietitians who specialize in helping people on dialysis with their diets take into consideration a person's lab results, access to food and food preparation, weight, malnutrition and other factors to help come up with diets that work best for the individual. For example, Tanner loves watermelon but, because it's high in potassium, she has a strategy to control her cravings. "When I want watermelon, I cut out everything else that has potassium," Tanner said. "Everything should be done in moderation." One piece of advice Tanner recommends: "Ask questions so you can be aware and don't assume you know." To learn more, visit


DEC/JAN 2018


CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


When Tosin Ola was a baby, she cried a lot. It wasn't because she was hungry or cold. Tosin cried a lot because of something much worse, and her parents had no idea what it was. They thought she was simply a cranky toddler. But Tosin was not a cranky toddler. Instead she was a child with sickle cell disease (SCD). A grim diagnosis Tosin was born in Nigeria, a country without infant screening for the disease at the time. SCD, a lifelong, inherited blood disorder, impacts the flow of blood and oxygen to the body due to a genetic mutation that leads to the damage and destruction of red blood cells. This causes chronic anemia, leading to fatigue, and inflammation, leading to severe pain. Over time, the cumulative effects of living with this chronic disease can cause organ and tissue damage, stroke and premature death. People with SCD typically live until their mid-forties. Tosin learned this early on. She was not diagnosed with SCD until the age of 4 when her parents took her to a military hospital. The prognosis was grim, with the doctors telling her parents that she would likely die in childhood. Tosin was in the room during this conversation and the rage she felt at hearing her own predetermined fate motivated her to fight to live. With her family, she moved to the United States a few years later, where she was hospitalized once or twice a year for bouts of severe pain during her childhood. Finding a voice It was a hospitalization in 2005 that changed Tosin's life. She had been in the hospital for two weeks, and as the only person in her family with SCD, felt very isolated. As she looked for resources online about selfmanagement of SCD, she found nothing. Tosin knew that had to change, and from her hospital bed she started Sickle Cell Warriors, the largest online patient-run community for SCD in the world.


DEC/JAN 2018

Moving forward Tosin's SCD is a part of who she is, but she is quick to point out it isn't all of who she is, nor should anyone with SCD be judged based on their condition. "We are regular people just living our lives," she said. "We aren't always the patient in the bed." Instead, they are warriors with a mission. To learn more about the Sickle Cell Warriors, visit Sponsored by Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc.

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With the support of her family, and in particular her mother, what started as a simple blog now has more than 22,000 members around the globe, and it all started with a woman who followed her voice. Continuing to teach These days Sickle Cell Warriors is larger than ever, but Tosin, a registered nurse and mother of twins, never passes up the opportunity to share information about SCD with anyone who will listen, including rideshare drivers. For those who know very little about the disease, Tosin says these are the three most important things to know. 1. You can help eradicate the disease just by finding out if you have the trait. An SCD test is not run on adults unless you ask for it, but you can request it as part of your annual blood work. While it's most common among people of African descent, SCD can also affect people with Latin American, Mediterranean or Middle Eastern heritage, no matter how distant the genetic link. If you do have the trait, educate yourself on how you can avoid passing the trait or the disease on to the next generation. 2. SCD patients are not pain medication seekers. Tosin likens the pain to prolonged episodes of throbbing, deep pain, similar to when you break a bone or have a severe migraine. Tosin was in labor to give birth for 12 hours before she realized it, as it paled in comparison to an SCD pain episode. There is no approved treatment for the underlying cause of SCD so many patients end up in the emergency room during pain episodes. As an "invisible" disease, the lack of objective methods to measure pain means that emergency room staff are often skeptical and assume SCD patients are addicts. Tosin has faced disbelief and judgment while trying to get help, to the point where she sometimes avoids the emergency room. At these times, she prefers to suffer at home than deal with the staff which can worsen the long-term damage of the disease. 3. SCD is more than just pain. While pain is commonly associated with SCD, pain is just one of many symptoms of the disease. In addition to the pain, the ongoing shortage of red blood cells leads to chronic hemolytic anemia which causes a cascade of symptoms including hypoxia, vascular injury, progressive end-organ damage and premature mortality. Tosin suffered strokes as a child, is prone to jaundice and infection, and has necrosis in her hip due to ischemia, which will require the replacement of both hips in her late thirties. www.CKWMAG.INFO

DEC/JAN 2018


CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


The opioid crisis has made physicians increasingly wary about prescribing the potentially addictive drugs to their patients in pain. Experts in pain medicine, such as physician anesthesiologists, are creating individualized pain management plans that include alternatives to opioids that are not only safer, but often work better. "Opioids, or narcotics, can be helpful for short-term relief, but they are not a long-term solution for managing pain because of their many downsides, from significant side effects to a high risk of dependence or addiction," said Greg L. Thompson, M.D., physician anesthesiologist, pain medicine specialist and member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). "Pain medicine specialists can help people in pain get relief and reduce or eliminate opioids often by using a combination of techniques from physical therapy and nerve blocks to non-addictive pain medications." Opioids alleviated the excruciating pain 37-year-old mother of two Beth Hunt suffered while recovering from multiple surgeries after her leg was crushed in an accident. But after three months in the hospital on opioids, she came to rely on them just to be comfortable. Hunt turned to Dr. Thompson, who used ultrasound and tiny catheters, or tubes, to direct medication to the major nerves in her leg that were the source of the pain. This therapy reduced her opioid use by 90 percent while her leg healed, and she learned to walk again. Now she is opioid-free, has regained her quality of life and is spending time being active with her children.


DEC/JAN 2018

Hunt never dreamed she'd become dependent on opioids, but her experience shows it can happen to anyone. ASA urges people to learn how the opioid crisis is changing the way physicians treat pain responsibly, and the reasons your physician may limit or avoid prescribing opioids: They are not the only option: While opioids can provide general pain relief for a short while, they are not the solution for all pain because: * There are more effective methods for treating pain in a specific site, including nerve blocks or stimulation therapy. * People who take them can begin tolerating the dose and may need higher doses to get the same relief. There are many side effects and risks: * Addiction and dependence are major worries. If there are signs of risk for addiction your physician may be more hesitant to prescribe opioids. * Other side effects include: sleepiness, constipation, depression, life-threatening shallow breathing and slowed heart rate - which could be a sign of an overdose. * In older people, opioids can increase the risk of falling as well as interact with other medications, making them less effective or causing side effects. It's the law: Legislators have enacted many rules and regulations to stem the opioid crisis. For example, because studies show the longer people take opioids, the more likely they are to become addicted, some states have enacted prescribing limits on opioids. It's important to know there are many other options for managing pain, from targeted therapies (e.g., nerve blocks) to non-addictive medications (e.g., antidepressants, antiseizure medications, acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen) to high-tech methods (e.g., spinal stimulation and radiowave therapy) to alternative treatments (e.g., physical therapy, acupuncture and meditation). For more information on pain treatment, visit the American Society of Anesthesiologists online at or find them on Facebook and Twitter. To learn more about the role physician anesthesiologists play in ensuring patient safety, visit

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DEC/JAN 2018

Self Care with Angel Angel Elliot

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DEC/JAN 2018

Stress Free Tips to Survive the Holidays he holiday season is here, and the pressure is on. Family functions, holiday parties, reconnecting with friends. Get ready for lots of good comfort food and adult beverages. Here are a few tips to care for your skin, mind and body during this chaotic season

Hydrate - Drink plenty of water it is the key to healthy glowing skin and body. Our body is made up of 70% water.

A glass of water before meals helps prevent over indulging on comfort foods, delays muscle cramps as well as, give the body energy. Water also has been proven to helps with digestion

Don’t allow the harsh winter conditions to have your skin looking dull and lackluster. Knock off the dust and, remove dead skin cells to achieve a healthy glow by exfoliating. This also helps achieve that flawless makeup application and create a smooth canvas to work with. Natural products that are perfect to exfoliate with can be found in your refrigerator or cabinets.

Papaya- has an enzyme called papain which dissolve dead skin cells, heals the skin, as well as decrease the appearance of wrinkles and lighten age spots. Here is how: 1. Mash this fruit into a paste 2. Apply evenly 3. Leave it on for 15 mins and relax 4. Rinse with warm water and pat skin dry.

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Yogurt - have lactic acid. Use yogurt by applying directly on the face as a mask. Allow it sit for 20 mins then rinse off with warm water and oat skin dry. According to,2014 (jennifernelson) Did you know? Cell turnover in healthy skin In 20’s :14-25 days In 30’s: 30 days In 40’s :40 days Make Peace with The Past: As 2018 close now is the time to drop those old bags of hurt and pain it has no room in 2019. I suggest writing a letter and releasing the guilt, shame, and confusion. And then find a safe place to burn that letter and LET GO. Speak Your Desires into Existence: It’s important to visualize and speak the desires of our heart into existence. Add some positive affirmations. Begin every morning with a thankful spirit. Devote a power hour to yourself to do something for yourself each day, uninterrupted completely focusing on self-awareness, growth and development. Make yourself a priority 2019.

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DEC/JAN 2018


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Mothers are the CEO of the home. Organizing schedules, paying the bills, doing food shopping, managing pickups and drop-offs, and making sure everyone is healthy is just part of the job. Unfortunately, because they are so busy taking care of others, many moms often put off taking care of themselves or scheduling their own health appointments. Making your health a priority can help you stay healthy and keep illnesses at bay. Here are a few tips to help: Sleep consistency You harp on the kids about the importance of a good night's sleep, but when it comes to your own sleep, it's often the first thing that's sacrificed. Sleep deprivation is common among moms for a variety of reasons. Make it a priority to get 7 or 8 hours of quality rest each night. Keeping the bedroom quiet, cool, dark and free from the distractions of devices such as cell phones and tablets can help you relax and sleep.

Simple health tips for busy moms Contributed by BPT

Annual physicals Just like with your kids, proactively seeing a doctor every year can help you tackle health issues head on rather than putting them off until they become a bigger problem. During wellness visits, your doctor will use health indicators like weight, blood pressure and heart rate to screen for common conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. Doctors can then recommend treatments to help you stay healthy and feel your best. www.CKWMAG.INFO

DEC/JAN 2018

Fill prescriptions Your doctor's treatment plan may include a prescription medication. Doctors advise that it's important to fill and use the medication as prescribed. If you are not insured, or if your health insurance plan doesn't cover the medication you were prescribed, you can check a free prescription savings program called Inside Rx which can help save an average of 40 percent off brand-name and 80 percent off retail on generic medications. Eligibility requirements and a complete list of the medications offered through the program can be found at Boost nutrition You meticulously pack your kids' lunches, but when it comes to your own, sometimes you eat whatever you can grab. Eating well helps fuel the body and mind, so skip the junk and instead eat wholesome meals three times a day with healthy snacks in between. Stock the fridge and pantry with healthy foods that are easy to eat on the go and always have nutrient-packed snacks, such as dried fruit or nuts. Meal planning can help everyone enjoy healthy homemade foods throughout the week. These simple tips will help you prioritize health as you take care of your family, so you can feel your best today and in the future!




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The best way to buy beauty products without stepping in a store BPT Mobile, social and e-commerce platforms as well as augmented reality have infinitely changed the way consumers research and shop for the things they need. Even with all of that information, buying beauty products online can be tricky. Whether you are shopping for something you haven't tried before or attempting to get the best bang for your buck, it's easy to get overwhelmed by the number of options. And unlike less personalized items, beauty products need to look and feel right for your own skin, hair and nails. So how can you efficiently dig through the clutter to identify the products that will work best for you? Here are five tips to consider when shopping for beauty products online: See what it looks like out of the tube: Lower prices and loyalty points are great but finding the right product online can seem intimidating when you can't see or feel it in real life. If you can't test a color instore, try to find the swatch online or identify thirdparty tutorials showcasing application to get a more realistic view of how the product will look and perform on your skin. Some of the best tips can also be found on Pinterest or private Facebook groups specifically for beauty lovers.

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DEC/JAN 2018

ITest it out (virtually): Brands using the latest technology have made it possible to try out looks without having to navigate beauty aisles. Amway's Artistry Virtual Beauty App uses smart facial detection to guide true-to-life makeup application in real-time or on selfie photos. Android and iOS app users can test, discover and purchase products like the new Artistry Studio NYC Edition that channels inspiration from cities around the globe. The first edition captures the hustle, heart and unapologetic style of NYC with six products, from all-in-one palettes to double-duty sticks for eyes and lips, that make glam-on-the-go effortless. Raise your hand for updates: Sign up with your favorite beauty brands and their reps to receive information and alerts on new products, sales and limited-edition collections. This way, you won't have to worry about missing out on the latest launches or having to deal with the disappointment of finding the perfect product only to realize it's no longer available! Steer clear of unauthorized e-tailers: When buying beauty products, make sure to shop only from official brand channels - like brand reps, websites and apps. This will guarantee that the product you receive is new, undamaged and in good quality. Do your research: Compare e-shops and brand sites so that you can identify a standard price. Once you determine the value, it becomes possible to eliminate stores that are unreasonably expensive. The key to finding the best deals? Purchase products you trust, and spend extra time sourcing the best price. The options may seem limitless when it comes to searching for the ultimate beauty products online. These tips will help to make your next experience more seamless and successful.

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THE RAREST OF THE RARE What to know about a cancer you may not have heard of



woman celebrating her 40th birthday, a young boy starting second grade or a college grad about to begin his career. All three could develop a rare form of cancer known as epithelioid sarcoma (ES), a form of soft-tissue sarcoma. There is little information available about ES. Patients, advocates, doctors and researchers across the United States are aiming to educate people about this ultra-rare cancer and the unmet need for an effective, tumor-specific treatment. Consider these facts about ES:

What are Soft-Tissue Sarcomas and What is Epithelioid Sarcoma?

Soft-tissue sarcomas (STS) are a type of cancer that occur in tissue like muscle, fat, skin, nerves and blood vessels. There are more than 50 types of STS, including ES, which is a rare form that can occur under the skin in the limbs (such as the arms, hands, legs or feet) or soft tissue in other places like the abdomen. Adults in their 20s and 30s and men, in particular, are more likely to get ES, although it can affect people of all ages and genders,

according to research published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology.

How Rare is Rare?

According to the American Cancer Society, a rare cancer is defined as fewer than six new diagnoses per 100,000 people per year. ES is an ultra-rare cancer. According to available epidemiology and case reports, it is estimated about 600 people are properly diagnosed in the U.S. and Europe each year.

What are the Most Common Types of ES and How Do They Impact Diagnosis?

ES can take two forms: Distal-type: Classic form, typically affects teenagers and young adults. n Typically forms under the skin in areas like hands, legs and feet. n Can be mistaken for another skin condition like an infected wart or a wound that won’t heal, which may delay diagnosis.


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Proximal-type: Rarer form, mainly affects adults and is more aggressive. n Typically forms in central areas of the body like the abdomen. n Can be mistaken for menstrual cramps or an upset stomach, making identification and diagnosis more difficult.

Dealing with a Diagnosis?

Due to its rarity, harmless appearance in its initial stages and occurrence in young people, ES is often misdiagnosed, according to the Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative. For this reason, the Sarcoma Foundation of America recommends checking often for lumps and bumps in places they shouldn’t be. For people faced with a sarcoma diagnosis, it’s important to get a second opinion from a sarcoma specialist. These specialists have extensive knowledge of STS and can determine what form of sarcoma one may have, what stage it is and the best course of treatment. The specialist may confirm the diagnosis with a physical examination, a scan or a tissue sample (biopsy) of the area. It’s common to feel a range of emotions after a diagnosis of ES, according to Clear View Health Partners, including: n Fear n Denial n Frustration n Anxiety n Hope that treatment will be successful n Determination to beat ES

What Treatment Options are Available?

Treatment options depend on a variety of factors, including the location of the tumor, tumor staging and whether the disease has metastasized or spread to other parts of the body. For patients with early stage ES, many elect to have surgery to remove the tumor, which may precede or be followed by radiation therapy or chemotherapy treatment, according to the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. If the cancer returns or spreads, a patient may undergo radiation therapy and chemotherapy. New treatment options are being studied through clinical research, which is why seeking a specialist in the field is important if one is faced with a diagnosis. As with many cancers, early detection is important and can increase survival or successful treatment. Typically, the distal form of ES is associated with more favorable survival rates than the proximal form. Content courtesy of Epizyme, Inc.

4 THINGS TO DO TO ADDRESS ES TODAY 1. Don’t ignore your bumps and lumps, see a doctor as soon as possible. n 2. Learn more about epithelioid sarcoma and its symptoms. n 3. Seek a second opinion. n 4. Find support if you’re faced with a diagnosis. n n n

AN ES DIAGNOSIS JOURNEY In the spring of 2008, Maria Voermans’ 4-yearold daughter requested an “airplane ride,” and as Voermans lifted the young girl up with her legs, she had to make an “emergency landing” because of some sudden and significant pain in her upper right thigh. After a few months, the pain persisted. Voermans continued to jog and play sand volleyball, thinking nothing of it. At the rec­ ommendation of her primary care physician, she took some anti-inflammatories and tried to rest, which wasn’t easy to do as a single mother of two young children. Two more months went by and her leg caused increasing problems. She could feel something in her leg, but never considered it a “lump” because it was not visible on the outside. Voermans took matters into her own hands and visited a sports medicine orthopedic specialist for further testing. An MRI found a mass in her right leg and she was referred to one of the few musculoskeletal oncologists in Wisconsin, her home state. He ordered a biopsy, which on Voermans’ youngest daughter’s third birthday confirmed her worst fear: it was a rare form of cancer called proximal-type epithelioid sarcoma, and it was stage three. Her biggest concern was not living to experience future holidays, birthdays, graduations and other life milestones with her daughters. Voermans underwent chemotherapy, radiation therapy and had surgery to remove the tumor. As of July 2018, Voermans reports the cancer has not returned. Today, she’s a wellness coordinator supporting other people diagnosed with cancer who are undergoing treatment or posttreatment. She’s able to use her own cancer journey to provide empathy to others, and it’s brought satisfaction to the whole experience.

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DEC/JAN 2018

Does the idea of holiday travel make you feel like a Scrooge? Booking a flight, traversing through a packed airport and getting to the gate on time are just a few things that can cause stress. Then there's using those tiny on-board bathrooms, and hoping you get your luggage back in one piece. Holiday travel is difficult for the average person, but now imagine doing all this in a wheelchair. "Problems for travelers with disabilities are extremely common," says Shaun Castle, a service-disabled U.S. Army veteran and deputy executive director of Paralyzed Veterans of America. "By far, the number one complaint that we receive from our members about any issue, is about the problems with air travel." Castle has experienced the difficulties firsthand. He has had his wheelchair bent, cracked and even lost in separate incidents. "These are more than minor inconveniences," Castle says. "If my wheelchair is damaged, it may mean I am stranded until I can get it repaired." But things could be getting better soon for Castle and tens of thousands of travelers with disabilities with the signing of the Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act of 2018 (H.R. 302) on Friday, Oct. 5, 2018 by President Donald Trump. The passage of H.R. 302 provides a 'bill of rights' and an advisory panel for passengers with disabilities, as well as revised training and procedures for TSA screenings for people with disabilities. Paralyzed Veterans of America calls it a matter of basic civil rights, and has been a vocal advocate for safer trips for all travelers with disabilities. The congressionally chartered veteran's service organization even challenged the Department of Transportation in court to move forward with requirements for accessible bathrooms on single-aisle planes. Improvements could come as early as this year, but in the meantime, there are some things travelers with disabilities can do to reduce risks, especially during the busy holiday season. Paralyzed Veterans of America recommends not only giving verbal instructions for folding and storing wheelchairs or scooters, but attaching written information to the equipment as well. Many airlines have written forms online for passengers to complete. The group also says to arrive at least two hours early for a flight, to take advantage of pre-boarding. "This new bill recognizing the rights of travelers with disabilities is a huge move forward, but there's more work to do," says Castle. "Paralyzed Veterans of America will continue to work toward accessibility for all Americans with disabilities." To learn more about these issues and how Paralyzed Veterans of America is an advocate for accessible public spaces and disability rights, visit

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DEC/JAN 2018

Play Through the Pain: 5 Tips to Minimize Sports-Related Pain BY


.Pain is a part of everyday life for active Americans - whether as a result of their athletic pursuits or due to silly mishaps. Though pain can occur in the blink of an eye, it can linger for years and prevent sufferers from fully enjoying the sports and exercises they so love. When participating in your favorite physical activity or trying out a new one for the first time, the last thing you want is for pain to live life for you. Ben Shear, performance trainer and Golf Digest fitness advisor, shares his tips on how to minimize and treat pain resulting from physical activity, so you can get back to performing at your best. 1. Warm Up While warming up is often perceived as something only runners or collegiate or professional athletes need to do, no matter the physical activity you're partaking in, it is crucial to properly warm up to avoid injury and minimize pain. In fact, according to a recent ThermaCare survey of 2,000 Americans, 45 percent of people feel they have injured themselves due to a lack of stretching or warming up. A good warm-up should increase core body temperature, making the muscles more receptive to stretching, and stretching keeps the muscles pliable and mobile. 2. Stock Up When aches and injuries strike, it's important to have items on hand that can combat pain quickly so that you can stay in the game. Be sure to stock up on a quick and effective topical pain reliever, like ThermaCare Ultra Pain Relieving Cream. It's the first and only formula with four powerful pain-fighting ingredients that provides deep, penetrating relief for multiple types of pain, including sore muscles, joint pain, back pain, arthritis and body aches. 3. Massage Up Sure, massages are a great way to unwind, but they can also aid with managing pain. Massages can help muscles recover, stimulate blood circulation and alleviate local inflammation to improve mobility and flexibility.

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4. Fuel Up Hydration is crucial when it comes to muscle and joint recovery; however, water isn't the only fuel source to consider. The foods and drinks we consume can have a direct effect when it comes to minimizing muscle and joint pain post-exercise. Lowfat chocolate milk has the ideal recovery ratio of carbs to protein (4:1), so it can aid in faster muscle recovery. Nuts and seeds, as well as fish like salmon, contain omega-3 fatty acids to reduce inflammation. Moreover, they're packed with lean protein - a key element of muscle restoration. 5. Switch it Up Yes, you're a golfer, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't explore other types of physical activity to up your performance on the course. By introducing other types of workouts, like swimming and running, you'll utilize different muscles and allow overused muscle groups a chance to heal and recover. Moreover, core and flexibility training can actually help you improve your athleticism, whether on the golf course or the basketball court. For the 78 percent of people that participate in physical activity once or more a week, aches and pains are inevitable. Luckily, being equipped with thorough preparatory and recovery plans can make all the difference when it comes to getting back to feeling and performing your best. For more information, visit www.CKWMAG.INFO

DEC/JAN 2018


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Stress-Free Holiday Entertaining Tips (Family Features) The holiday season is meant for spending quality time with friends and family, not stressing out over hosting. With some simple tips, you can cut down on hectic preparations while creating a memorable holiday full of food and fun guests can savor. Consider these suggestions from the entertaining experts at Real California Milk: Plan Ahead Heading into your seasonal soiree with a plan in place can help avoid snafus. Make a shopping list of ingredients and decorations. Then put together a schedule a few days prior to the event to cover last-minute preparations. Elevate Holiday Classics Elevating classic appetizers is a simple way to savor the season. A trend on the rise, the Grazing Table starts with the table as the canvas, adds elements of the traditional cheese board then takes it to the next level with an arrangement of appetizers or brunch dishes and seasonal decor. Another way to lift your holiday spread is using high-quality, authentic ingredients like Real California Milk cheeses, made with milk from California dairy farm families, which are key ingredients in this Sweet Citrus and Spice Cheese Board. Prepare Dishes and Decorations in Advance Preparing for guests can be one of the most time-consuming aspects of hosting. Decorating at least a day ahead and setting the table the night before, for example, can help minimize stress. Welcome guests with holiday cheer and trendy decor like a virtual yule log made of melting cheese, complete with holiday music. For more holiday inspiration and recipes like antipasto skewers and yogurt-pesto dip, queso fundido and cheese logs and bundts, visit Grazing Table Toma cheese, sliced natural almonds prosciutto salami Real California aged cheddar, sliced Real California burrata cheese olive oil herbs blue cheese Real California braided marinated string cheese dry salami, sliced premade antipasto skewers yogurt pesto dipping sauce


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Real California aged Gouda brie cheese Real California cheese log Real California cheese bundts dry jack cheese sweet red piquante peppers green California olives premade Real California queso fundido breadsticks tortilla chips dark chocolate sea salt caramels dried citrus, such as oranges and lemons artisan bread, sliced On large board, plate or tray, arrange sliced toma cheese, almonds, prosciutto, salami and aged cheddar. In center, place burrata cheese and top with olive oil and herbs. On separate small plate, place blue cheese; crumble. On medium board, arrange braided string cheese and dry salami slices. On serving platter, arrange antipasto skewers around bowl of yogurt pesto dipping sauce. On separate small cheese board, place Gouda, brie cheese and cheese log. On slate, arrange cheese bundts. On separate plate, place dry jack cheese. In separate bowls, place piquante peppers and green olives. Arrange boards, plates, bowls and skillet of queso fundido on table, as desired. Fill blank spaces on table with breadsticks, tortilla chips, dark chocolate sea salt caramels, dried oranges, dried lemons and bread slices. Add floral arrangements and holiday decor for finishing touches. Complete table with cheese knives and spreaders. Sweet Citrus and Spice Cheese Board Real California brie cheese black olives green olives dried oranges, sliced Real California pepper jack cheese, sliced almonds raspberries blackberries #14558 Source: Real California Milk

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Real California burrata cheese honey, for garnish fresh herbs, for garnish To assemble cheese board: On large board, plate or tray, arrange brie cheese, olives, dried orange slices, sliced pepper jack cheese and almonds. On smaller board, arrange raspberries and blackberries around burrata cheese placed in center of board. Garnish cheese with honey and fresh herbs. Place smaller board into empty space on larger board.


DEC/JAN 2018

Play is a child's work, and it comes naturally to kids. While we often focus on how a child's intellectual abilities are coming along, the role of imaginative play in childhood development is often overlooked.


Imaginative play comes in many forms, whether playing house during a play date or pretending a cardboard box is a magic portal to the dinosaur age. Whatever a child chooses, imaginative play expands creativity, problem-solving skills and cognitive thinking. That is why for children in the 3- to 5-year age range, it is crucial they are given access to time, space and playthings to fully experience it, says Laurie Schacht, publisher of The Toy Insider. "Imaginative play enables young children to navigate their new and growing emotional thoughts, as well as boundaries within their own social and family group settings," says Schacht. "A simple doll can create a new world or environment for a child to role play, as they interact with their toy and learn the importance and responsibilities of caring for something."

While children need little prompting to play and pretend, there are many things parents and caregivers can do to encourage and support imaginative play. Here are a few ideas and tips to get started. * Build a dress-up station: With a dress-up station, kids can take their pretend games to the next level of fun - and perhaps even stage a play to entertain the entire family. Include hats, funny glasses, fake beards, wigs and shoes. Tip: Yard sales and thrift shops are a gold mine for inexpensive, gently used costumes and accessories.

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* Imitation is good: Kids like to mimic real life situations in their play, helping them make sense of their world. That makes kitchen sets, play tools and even a play shaving set so much more than simple amusements. So if they want to cook a pretend dinner, be sure and arrive "hungry!" * Cardboard boxes are magic: With the help of a few simple, everyday objects around the house, kids can make their own playthings - and put their creative spin on it. Penne pasta, a little food coloring and string lets them make and design their own colorful beaded necklaces. And don't forget, to a kid, nothing holds more possibilities than a large empty box! * It's OK to pretend in public: Just about any outing gives kids the perfect backdrop and inspiration for imaginative play - and lets them burn off energy! You can kick things off with a simple "what if" statement such as, "What if the playset was a ship at sea?" And just watch as the kids take over and do the rest! * Say hello to their imaginary friends: As they talk, listen to and have adventures with a doll, stuffed animal or action figure, they're developing their understanding of relationships. They're also learning something about expressing emotion and connecting with others. So when they ask you to say good night to Teddy, just go with it! Also helpful in the development of imaginative play are playsets that encourage open-ended, interactive experiences. Calico Critters, featuring a focus on "Nature, Family and Love," offers a variety of detailed environments, complete with a cast of all kinds of critters to engage children to explore their imaginations. The new Town Series Grand Department Store introduces a new character, Stella Hopscotch Rabbit, who works as a dress designer. It features elegant, sophisticated styling and a unified design for even more freedom with the layout. With finely sculpted areas and exquisite attention to detail, it draws children in and enhances imaginative play. "Calico Critters delivers a rich play experience for kids," says Chris Byrne, aka The Toy Guy, who specializes in following and analyzing current toy trends and promoting the benefits of toys and play. "The scope of the world and the various characters are brought to life in the imagination, giving kids a chance to contextualize their experiences, explore their personalities, and engage in the sheer fun of storytelling and creativity. It's the kind of active, engaged play that supports healthy intellectual and emotional development." To learn more about Calico Critters, visit www.CKWMAG.INFO

DEC/JAN 2018

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Tech tips for hassle-free travel



s another busy travel season approaches, roadweary parents and families can hold on to holiday cheer a little longer by counting on tech as their preferred travel companion.

Every year, tens of millions of travelers brave planes, trains and automobiles to celebrate year-end holidays and exchange goodwill with family and friends. Consider these ideas for using tech to make this year’s travel a little easier.


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Electronic Entertainment

Nearly every parent is wary of excess screen time, but holiday travel is a good time to set aside those concerns. Hours of chaotic travel, unfamiliar scenery and overall disruption to typical daily schedules can wreak havoc on kids. One way to keep those stressful feelings at bay is entertainment, and there are plenty of options that can serve as aides to keep kids calm and collected when travel gets tiresome. Handheld video games, portable DVD players and tablets can all be customized with kid-friendly content to make it from point A to point B with your sanity intact, or to simply enjoy an uninterrupted hour catching up with loved ones.

Savvy Smartphones

It's a trend on the rise: More than 70 percent of U.S. travelers responding

to Google Consumer Insights agreed they “always” use their smartphones when traveling to research activities or attractions, locate shopping areas and restaurants, or look up directions. For value-conscious travelers, a smart­phone like the Alcatel 7 offers robust talk time, nonstop streaming and lightning-fast charging. Up to 28 hours of talk time makes it ideal for connecting with family and friends down the street or around the globe, and after just 22 minutes of charging, it can be used for up to six hours. With more than 10 hours of nonstop streaming in a single charge, kids won’t have to miss out on any social media stories or updates from their favorite vloggers while waiting for grandma's pecan pie to cool. Sleek and compact, the phone also features a large six-inch Full HD+ display and dual cameras that let you shoot in portrait mode. Learn more at

Get Organized

Technology isn’t just for fun or capturing memories, or even for finding a late-night diner when you’re on the road. With the right apps and tools, you can turn your smartphone or tablet into a virtual file folder filled with all

your travel details, from an itinerary mapping out each step of your journey to confirmation codes for reservations, e-tickets and more.

Power Up

You’ve heard the tongue-in-cheek adage that technology is great when it works. One thing is sure: it won’t work if it isn’t properly charged. Take time to lay out all your devices and their respective charging equipment before you pack your bags. Fully charge all devices, install new batteries and, when you’re done, stash the cords and extra batteries in your carry-on bag where you can access them easily later.

Connectivity Crashes

If you’re planning to rely heavily on your tech devices while traveling, be sure you’re aware of any potential connectivity issues that may limit your access to certain apps and features. Remember that in certain areas signals can be spotty. If there’s essential info you may need, download it directly into your device so you can retrieve it with or without a good connection.

Protective Care

Away from home, you’re likely to encounter situations and environments that put your family’s tech devices in precarious places. Even a suitcase with liquid toiletries can pose a hazard, but a simple plastic bag can prevent damage from spills en route. Before you embark on your trip, also take steps to safeguard your tech devices with screen protectors and snug-fit covers or cases.

Give Gifts that Matter without Regretting the Price Holiday cheer turns into financial fright for many people every year. According to MagnifyMoney’s annual post-holiday debt survey, Americans rang up an average of $1,054 in debt during the 2017 holiday shopping season, an increase of 5 percent from 2016. However, buying gifts and spreading cheer doesn’t have to come with a giant price tag that screams regret. Shop the sales. Tech gifts top wish lists for recipients of all ages, and that makes them popular items for holiday specials. Preview ads for great offers and look for bundles or other perks that make the purchase price even more attractive.

Focus on function. Tech devices come in different sizes and colors, and in every price range. For example, an Alcatel 7 smartphone provides the same connectivity, talk time and display as phones that cost up to four times as much. Plus, multiple camera modes allow for standout photos. With dual rear cameras, portrait mode allows you to focus on a subject in real-time with blurred background effect. Set a budget. If you determine up-front how much you can afford to spend, there won’t be a reason to second-guess your purchases. Make a list of everyone you’ll be buying for and determine how much you’ll spend on each person. Think about gifts each recipient will appreciate that fall within your threshold for a fool-proof, debt-proof approach to holiday shopping.


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hen in need of inspiration during gift-giving season, focusing on thoughtful presents that align with the personalities and interests of your intended recipients can be a surefire way to delight even the hard-to-buy-for friends and family on your list. If you need a little extra help this holiday season, though, these ideas curated by the experts at Macy’s can help you hand out on-trend, versatile gifts.

For the Beauty Lover

For the Home Decorator

Bring the holiday cheer home this season with cozy throws and decorative pillows that are perfect for gathering around the fireplace. A variety of options are available, including a Basket Weave FauxFur Pom Pom Throw, a Snuggle by the Fire Pillow, a Holiday Truck Pillow and a Stand Out Scottie Pillow. Featuring touches of faux fur and velvet, these throws and pillows from the Martha Stewart Collection can add warmth to a room on chilly nights.

For the Luxurious Lounger

This holiday season, you can combine the cozy and glamorous sides of nearly any woman in your life with sparkly slippers from I.N.C. International Concepts. These comfy, round-toe, moccasin-style slippers are faux-fur lined and available in four vibrant colors – Rose Gold Glitter, Black Glitter, Navy Glitter and Silver Glitter – that can put a luxe finish on lounging around during a night in.

For the woman who is beauty-obsessed, give her a gift of relaxation with the Tony Moly sheet mask set. The set includes 19 masks in total, including pulp sheet masks, layering sheet masks, gel face masks and gel eye masks, and is a perfect reason for a girls’ night in. Featuring ingredients such as red wine, which helps tighten and purify skin, and lemon, which helps brighten skin tone and combat hyperpigmentation, among others, there is a mask for nearly every skin need.

For the Go-Anywhere Man

Perfect for the office or a night on the town – and nearly anything in-between – a Tommy Hilfiger watch is a lasting and versatile gift for the special man on your list. Completely focused in black stainless steel with a matching minimalist dial, this sophisticated timepiece is also water-resistant to 30 meters. The black-on-black design is a modern upgrade to classic watches, and can keep your man in style for seasons to come.

“The holidays are our favorite time of the year,” said Durand Guion, group vice president, Macy’s Fashion Office. “As the gift destination, we believe in the wonder of giving and are excited to help our shoppers find the perfect gifts. Our fashion directors have highlighted the best selection of fashion, beauty and home with trendy pieces that are not only versatile but also inspiring, whether they’re for gifting, dressing or entertaining.” Find more thoughtful gift ideas that can make your loved ones smile at

For the Modern Host

Essentially every host knows entertainment should be a focal point of the party. Bring family and friends together with the Studio Mercantile Stacking Game, a vintage-inspired twist on a classic made to be played while sharing a round of drinks. The set includes 40 wooden blocks engraved with prompts that can make things more interesting as well as 14 blank blocks so you can create your own entertaining tasks.

For the Classic Entertainer

Savor your favorite spirits with loved ones and add an elevated touch to your entertaining this holiday season with a set of two whiskey glasses from the Hotel Collection. Accompanied by black marble coasters, this modern set of 14.7-ounce glasses can help protect your furniture and surfaces from cup marks, drips, spills and condensation while also impressing guests at any size gathering.

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DEC/JAN 2018

Today's college students are just as likely to be moms and dads themselves, full-time and part-time employees or members of the U.S. armed forces. Many students juggle work and family, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, which found that 62 percent of students work full- or part-time, and 29 percent have at least one dependent. Needing flexibility and variety in course offerings, more students are turning to online learning to design a path that fits their lifestyle. As a result, online learning is seeing significant growth. A recent study found more than 6 million students take online courses across the U.S., and that number continues to rise. At ASU Online, programs have grown significantly, with a 60 percent increase in freshman enrollment since fall 2016 to more than 35,000 students in over 175 undergraduate and graduate degree programs. As part of ASU EdPlus, created to advance inclusion, efficiency and innovation, the online program implements technologies students need to succeed, paired with committed coaches and academic advisors. "At ASU, we work diligently to lay the right groundwork for each student at a personal and individual level because we know there is no silver bullet to student success," said Leah Lommel, chief operating officer of ASU Online. "Each learner is unique - what works for one may not work for another. This reality requires a tireless commitment to innovation on the part of higher education." Career success Access to higher education remains the best pathway to career success, directly impacting employment opportunities and wages. The Center on Education and the Workforce found that bachelor's degree holders earn 31 percent more than workers with an associate's degree and 74 percent more than those with a high school diploma. Further, emerging technologies and the changing nature of industries have created a demand for new types of skilled workers.

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Higher ed programs need to be flexible and adaptable, allowing students to study during the hours - or minutes - that fit their schedules. With online programs, students can gain practical knowledge throughout their program that can be immediately applied on the job, making them even more valuable in their current roles. As online programs continue to expand, students are more closely able to map coursework to their desired field of work. Support structure is key to successAdoption of online learning is fueled by the fact that universities are discovering that it can be just as effective as face-to-face learning. However, support and guidance are essential to success. From strong faculty support to success coaches and career advisors, universities providing high-touch student services throughout a student's journey see the best outcomes. For students stepping back into school after many years, support and encouragement are key. The ASU Online Student Success Center, which pairs each student with a personal success coach, has seen enrollment scale five-fold. Coaches are a lifeline as students juggle life with studying and coursework. Facilitating conversations with students related to academic and personal goals, and career aspirations, coaches offer support, help students overcome obstacles and connect them to other campus resources. Online learning allows universities to meet students where they are, academically and personally. Today's student is approaching education from a new standpoint, with different requirements and needs. The power of innovation in online learning means that each student can complete a degree in a way that was simply not possible before. Interested in learning more about ASU Online's programs? Check out to explore the range of options ASU Online offers.


DEC/JAN 2018


eC ord -C utt er' sD TV viewers have ile more options than m ever ma BPT

You've made the decision to cut the cord. Now, how can you continue to enjoy all your favorite shows in a cost-effective and convenient manner? With multiple ways to access content in today's home entertainment market, consumers face a challenge: how to get a premium TV experience - live TV, recording capability and access to popular streaming apps - without the premium price. How can you get a premium TV experience without the premium price? Consumers can opt to get many of their favorite shows through a subscription service on a streaming media player like Roku or Apple TV. They can also connect their televisions directly to HD antennas to watch local broadcast networks. While these options have benefits, neither provides an elegant, all-in-one solution. That's the cord-cutter's dilemma. Streaming media players offer limited access to live local news, weather and sports. HD antennas offer free TV programming, but most TVs, even those with combination antenna/DVR, don't provide full program schedules, episode descriptions or pictures. Of course, you could choose to buy a streaming player and an HD antenna, but then you have to deal with juggling multiple devices and multiple remote controls.

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"The good news? There's a new device that offers the benefits of both - and more. The recently launched TiVo BOLT OTA for antenna is a live TV, recording and streaming device all-in-one that's perfectly designed for cord-cutters who are looking for that nextlevel TV experience without the high price. Consumers can watch and record available broadcast programming, plus stream 4K Ultra HD movies and TV shows from Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu and more. Better still, it offers access to all this programming on large and small screens, both in-home and on the go. It doesn't stop short on today's most innovative technologies either, offering voice commands through the included remote and hands-free control using Alexa-enabled smart home devices like the Amazon Echo. A variety of cool features enhance the entertainment experience, like one that skips right past commercials on select recorded episodes, which means that you don't have to futz with the fast forward button. Speed-watch any program without losing sound quality. Additionally, the included four TV tuners can store up to 150 hours of HDTV programming, allowing you to record up to four shows at once without worrying about storage space. The bottom line? Cord-cutters no longer have a dilemma. The TiVo BOLT OTA for antenna offers live TV, recording and streaming in one simple, fun and money-saving device. www.CKWMAG.INFO

DEC/JAN 2018

The power of play BPT

Play is fun for children, but it's serious business when it comes to their health and development. From peek-a-boo as a toddler to jigsaw puzzles, dolls and toy trains as an older child, play enriches not only their lives at the moment, but their brain development and a whole host of other things, too. But, what is play, exactly? According to an American Academy of Pediatrics report, "The Power of Play: A Pediatric Role in Enhancing Development in Young Children," play is an activity that involves active engagement and results in joyful discovery. It is fun and spontaneous, and involves creating an imaginative reality that contains elements of make-believe. It's not about passively watching the television or computer screen, and it's not about the latest and greatest technical bells and whistles on a smartphone. It's about simplicity, imagination and the unstructured time to create. "Simplicity has always been at the forefront of classic toy development with the focus on undisturbed, open-ended play," said Filip Francke, CEO of Ravensburger North America, whose BRIO line has been creating happy childhood memories for more than 130 years. Their new product line, Smart Tech, complements open-ended play and is compatible with other BRIO World products their parents and even grandparents have likely grown up playing with.

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Here are just a few benefits of open-ended, unstructured playtime: * Amplifies creative role play and inspired storytelling. * Models "cause and effect." * Develops critical thinking skills. * Improves children's abilities to plan. * Helps with language and math development. * Encourages and deepens relationships with siblings, friends and adults, creating the foundation for more healthy relationships in the future. * Fosters curiosity. * Encourages problem solving, collaboration and creativity. * Helps children manage stress. The AAP is so adamant about the benefits of play that it encourages pediatricians to write out prescriptions for play at well child visits to remind parents, in this increasingly structured world, to give their children plenty of time to play. That's because more and more, parents are focused on achievement, after-school programs and increased homework demands, even for elementary students. Inspiring play is as simple as providing the unstructured time and space. So, whether it's brightly colored toys for an infant, showing a mirror to an older child to explore her own expressions, reading to children of all ages, giving your child simple toys like blocks, wooden toys, puzzles or a train set - providing your child the opportunity for a daily dose of play is the right prescription for his or her development.


DEC/JAN 2018




CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


You take every precaution to make sure your family is safe and healthy. There are locks placed strategically throughout the house, baby gates installed on all stairways and little plastic plugs in every electrical outlet. You think your little ones will be safe and secure in these spaces, but have you done enough to ensure their health and wellness? Whether you're a new parent or have toddlers in tow, there are a few more things you should do to ensure your children are safe at home and away. Consider adding these not-so-common baby safety steps to your checklist: Car safety and air quality You know it's important to install and use the right car seat, with your child buckled in properly every time you hit the road. You might not have considered another important feature of your vehicle: air quality. Research from the California Air Resources Board proves the air inside cars, trucks and SUVs can be up to six times dirtier than the outside air because they are surrounded by emissions from other vehicles. What's more, studies show that babies exposed to pollution in the first year of life are more likely to develop allergies. www.CKWMAG.INFO

DEC/JAN 2018

What can you do to ensure cleaner air for your little traveler? Consider the FRAM Fresh Breeze cabin air filter, powered by natural baking soda. FRAM's filters remove up to 98 percent of dirt, dust and allergens from the air passing through a car's A/C and heating vent system. This means a cleaner and healthier trip for baby and everyone in the vehicle. What's more, it takes just minutes to change your vehicle's air filter (right behind the glove box in most models), so it's a simple step anyone can take, usually with no tools needed. Window and furniture security The natural light from windows is welcome in homes, but it's important to be cautious when it comes to youngsters. Once kids start climbing furniture, be sure windows that are low or accessible are locked to avoid fall hazards. Pay close attention to blinds and window treatments, too. Corded window coverings present a choking risk and are one of the top five hidden hazards in American homes, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Take safety steps like installing cordless blinds or using breakaway safety tassels. Take a good look at your furniture, too. Make sure bookshelves, dressers and other heavy pieces are securely fastened to the wall. Installing anchors and brackets is simple and can save lives by preventing furniture tip-overs.

Chemicals and cleaning products Start by keeping locks on all cabinets where cleaning products are stored or place bottles high and away from the reach of infants and toddlers. Beyond security, it's important to consider the appearance of products and make switches if necessary. Brightly colored laundry detergent pods can look like candy, and bottle designs can feature bubbles that look like soft drinks. Don't let youngsters confuse these products with treats. A clean house eliminates germs that can stress developing immune systems and cause sickness. However, some of the more popular cleaners contain toxic ingredients, so consider replacing them with natural alternatives. Baking soda and vinegar are affordable, effective cleaning ingredients that help with numerous household tasks, from disinfecting the tile floor where toddlers play to wiping down the high-chair tray where baby eats. While some of these healthy-baby steps may not be common, they are still important for keeping children safe, secure and healthy - and for giving parents peace of mind.

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Unfortunately, bullying in schools is all too common. According to, between 1 in 4 and 1 in 3 U.S. students say they have been bullied at school. While the term "bullying" has certainly become a buzz word, it's also important to understand what it means. The Centers for Disease Control and Department of Education define it as a pattern of unwanted aggressive behavior that causes physical or psychological harm. "As a high school counselor for over 10 years, I've witnessed bullying and its impacts in different ways - from working with administrators and teachers to put a stop to it in classrooms, to supporting parents and students as they attempt to heal and find the best path forward," said Carol Heavin, a school counselor for Arkansas Virtual Academy who has been in education for 28 years. National Bullying Prevention Month is a reminder for all of us to think about how we can help stop this behavior in our schools. One of the best ways to help prevent bullying is to empower parents with useful advice, including warning signs to watch for, tips on how to talk to your kids about bullying and information on where to go for help. Because the long-term effects of bullying can be serious for a child, a parent's actions and support can help protect them from harm. Heavin offers the following warning signs and tips:


DEC/JAN 2018

Warning signs As a parent, you know your children well and what to expect from them. While some changes in behavior can be noticeable or sudden, others can be hard to spot. If you suspect your child is a victim of bullying, watch for these warning signs: * Change in your child's attitude or visible loss of confidence; this includes nonverbal and verbal changes, from how they carry themselves (dejected, slumped posture) to expressing suicidal thoughts * Any unexplained, physical bruising or injuries * Withdrawing from usual hobbies and interests * Change in dress * Change in friend group or sudden loss of friends How to talk to your kids If you notice these warnings and suspect your child could be a victim of bullying, talking to your child is a critical step to understanding what is happening and building trust. Keep these things in mind as you decide how and when to talk to your child: * Be available to your child and schedule at least one weekly family dinner or outing to connect and check in * Ask your child about their day, every day, to keep the lines of communication open * Find a time to talk to your child in a relaxing environment, such as listening to music, watching a sports game or doing an art project together * Start the conversation with your child with topics that interest and build a rapport with them * As hard as it may be, don't push them to share something they may not be ready to share; however, consistent reminders that you are available to talk are important cues

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What to do After you've identified warning signs, and you believe that your child is a victim of bullying at school, there are a few things you should consider and keep top of mind. * Take a deep breath and stay as calm as possible * Document as many details as you can from your child, including what is being said or done to them, who may have witnessed the repeated behavior, etc. * Speak to the school administration, sharing as many documented details as you can * Ensure your child is a part of an environment that uplifts them (i.e., church events, sports, other clubs) * If possible, remove them from the bullying situation and consider other academic opportunities, such as a tuition-free online public school Children can be cruel, and adults simply can't chaperone 24-7. For this reason, many times schools don't find out about bullying until it's been taking place for a long time. Students are embarrassed and uncomfortable speaking freely about what's been happening to them. By following this advice, you're already helping to stop bullying and protect your child. For more information, visit For more information on tuition-free, online public schools, visit: www.CKWMAG.INFO

DEC/JAN 2018

3 tips for making gifting easier this holiday season BY


From shopping for gifts, planning holiday travel or parties and wrapping up work projects, the weeks leading up to the holidays can be full of activity. For those tackling their shopping list, finding the perfect gift for a special loved one may sometimes feel overwhelming. However, for savvy shoppers who leverage the following tried-and-true tips, holiday shopping can be stress-free, fun and convenient. * Find the perfect gift for everyone on your list. There's no better feeling than watching a loved one open your gift and knowing they're going to love it. Take a step back and think about what the perfect gift looks like for everyone on your list. Whether that person values gifts that give back, hard-to-find fashion or tech toys, many retailers group gift ideas by personalities to help customers take the guesswork out of shopping in-store or online. * Join a loyalty program. Being a rewards member at your favorite retailer allows you to not only get the perfect gift, but enjoy wonderful bonuses for yourself as well. For example, Nordstrom's new Nordy Club combines everything you loved about the Nordstrom Rewards program with enhanced services and experiences. You can earn points faster to receive notes, which can be used like cash for purchases in-store, in the app or online. As a member, you also get "First to Shop" select brand and product launches, access to beauty and style workshops, free basic alterations, and can reserve online to try on in-store or use curbside pickup. * Find shortcuts. During the holiday season, time is of the essence. From using convenient services like Buy Online Pick Up in Store, engaging with a salesperson to help find that perfect gift or locating the holiday gift-giving or gift-wrapping section at a store, look for ways to shave time off your shopping trips. To learn more about The Nordy Club visit

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DEC/JAN 2018

SPECIAL REPORT There are those who meticulously decorate dozens of sugar cookies for the office cookie exchange, give bottles of homemade Irish cream to coworkers for the holidays or send perfectly curated gift baskets to family and friends. And there are those who may want to do all of that, but don't have the time or the creative flair. But that doesn't mean their holidays can't have that "homemade" charm. All it takes is a little help and savvy knowhow, and your holiday celebrations can have the same love and care as if you DIYed them. Here are some ways for you to make it look like a pro-DIYer was behind your holiday entertaining. Semi-homemade hors d'oeuvres. Combine pre-made phyllo cups with already-prepared deli items like tuna or chicken salad, chicken curry, barbecued beef or pork or anything else that appeals to your palate. Or fill them with cheese like cubed brie or gruyere and pop them in the oven until the cheese is bubbly, or use ready-made pie filling to make a sweet treat. You can even raid your pantry and fill them with what you already have on hand. They're elegant and easy, a perfect combination! Know when to outsource. Cooking dinner or heavy hors d'oeuvres for a crowd can be time-consuming, but not everyone can use that time to prep for a party. The busy host or hostess knows the secret sauce of holiday entertaining is knowing when and what duties to outsource. Dessert is one easy option and a big time-saver. Even catering in your whole party becomes affordable when you factor in the cost of ingredients and the time you'll spend prepping, cooking and cleaning up. Many grocery stores will even deliver a party to your door, hot, assembled and ready to go. Hire a cleaning service. Kids and pets - and let's face it, ourselves from time-to-time tend to leave a swath of dirt, debris and clutter in their wake on the best of days, but around the holidays the mess seems to get magnified into epic proportions. Lucky for us, there are services like Merry Maids, which offers a variety of customizable cleaning services - from light housekeeping to disposing of those takeout boxes that have been in your fridge since the Clinton administration, to a deep clean of your entire house top-tobottom. Even though 53 percent of women and 44 percent of men claim to enjoy cleaning - according to research Merry Maids recently conducted - a majority (72 percent) would "happily outsource their house cleaning to a service if they could." This is likely because two-thirds of them (68 percent) also agree that having a cleaning service alleviates stress, and there is already enough of that going around during the holidays.

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Give homemade gifts. (Just not made in your home.) You can find anything online, from handmade ornaments to art and collectibles. Etsy is one great site for finding creative gifts you may not have even known existed. It specializes in handcrafted, vintage and unique items, many that have been homemade. No one said they had to be made in your home. If you're feeling creative, you can use Etsy and other online sites to find easy ways to personalize or DIY gifts you already have. One option is to make custom labels, which you can find on Etsy, for craft beer or wine to give as gifts. Or take something as simple as a candle or quilt and customize it to make it that much more meaningful. Don't even think about making dough. Ready-made pie crusts make baking a pie child's play. One super easy recipe that will take you literally five minutes to assemble: Line a pie plate with one of the crusts. Mix 5 cups thawed or fresh blueberries with 1/2 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca and 1 tablespoon lemon juice, pop the mixture into the crust, top it all with the second crust and cut four slits in it. Fancy it up by brushing the top crust with milk and sprinkling a little sugar on it. Bake according to the directions on the pie crust box and boom, you've got pie. (Secret tip: You can buy pie filling ready made in a can, too.) With everyone's lives being so hectic these days between work, getting the kids to school and their various activities, and finding a few minutes to connect with your loved ones on any given day, the holidays can kick stress up a notch. But celebrating with family and friends should be fun and relaxing, right? Give yourself a break and use these easy tricks to add a personalized, DIY air to your holidays, just without the added stress. www.CKWMAG.INFO DEC/JAN 2018

The Flowers Route El Salvador's Flowers Route guides visitors through the Apanecallamatepec mountains, showcasing culturally rich artisan towns including Nahuizalco, Salcoatitan, Juayua, Apaneca, Concepcion de Ataco and Ahuachapan. Catch the weekend food festival in Juayua, where vendors from across the country serve up traditional fare such as tamales, soups and filled corn tortillas. Afterward, hike to Los Chorros de la Calera to view waterfalls and take a refreshing swim. Tour coffee plantations in Apaneca and Ahuachapan, stopping for a cup of locally grown java complemented perfectly by native sweets featuring coconut, molasses, toffee, caramel, sweet nance, tamarind or panela. Another must-try? El Salvador's take on the quesadilla, a rich dessert cake that also pairs well with coffee. The colonial city of Suchitoto The nation's cultural capital boasts well-preserved colonial architecture and cobblestone roads dating to the 15th century. Gourmands can dine at the many restaurants or cafes, sample local cuisine at weekend food festivals, and learn to prepare their own pupusas during interactive workshops at area pupuserías. Visit Santa Lucía church, learn ancient indigo dying techniques through workshops at Arte Añil, or hike to nearby waterfalls, caves and Lake Suchitlán while observing the area's 200 bird species. La Libertad Coast This internationally known surfing destination is also a favorite among seafood connoisseurs who feast on fresh fish, shrimp, octopus and ceviche at top eateries such as Beto's Restaurante and Café Sunzal. Visit La Libertad Pier for an up-close view of how the local fishing industry thrives. Another not-to-be-missed dining experience is at Acantilados, the newest luxury hotel to open along the country's Pacific coastline. On-site restaurant FAUSTO puts seafood center stage and is popular for its sushi and tropical beverages. For more information on El Salvador's attractions, including its many culinary offerings, visit



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Myth No. 2: Sticking to a holiday budget is just too hard

Holiday fantasies are not just for children. It turns out grownups actually celebrate the holidays living by their own set of myths, and they probably don't even know it. If all the holiday prep and bustle is giving your inner Grinch a migraine, you may find yourself in very good company! A recent Coinstar survey, conducted among 2,000 adults by Atomik Research, uncovered some of these hidden attitudes toward the holidays. The findings revealed truths behind the following five myths we often cling to when it comes to the holiday season. Myth No. 1: Regifting is in poor taste Many people have a secret stash tucked into drawers and stuffed way back into closets: Presents from the past they don't really want but the guilt is too strong to let them go. If you think regifting is a tacky solution to lightening the load, here's a good secret you should know. Nearly two-thirds of us (65 percent) do it anyway, according to the survey. So if you can picture your aunt's wide grin when she sees that overthe-top holiday sweater, by all means, wrap it up and give it to her. She'll commend you for your excellent taste and your holiday budget will also give a tiny gasp of relief. www.CKWMAG.INFO

After past failures to make a holiday budget, you decided it's just easier to close your eyes and dive into a credit coma until January. Because it's impossible to keep up with the unexpected extras that keep popping up: added gifts, events, replacement decorations, holiday attire and food. Here's a reality check. Some 68 percent of people stick to a holiday budget. Maybe past failures can be chalked up to not having enough information to create a good plan. Look back on last year's bank and credit card statements to help you make a better plan for this year. Myth No. 3: Adding spare change to your budget doesn't add up These days, you think pocket change won't even cover the cost of a cup of coffee. Which is why you may not be in the habit of counting on your change to fill out your holiday budget. Remember this: Most people who cash in spare change have more than they think, and according to the survey that's about $78 on average. So don't discount the power of pocket change. Grab a container and explore the nooks and crannies of your house just to see what you find. Check handbags, car consoles, spare change jars, dresser drawers and sofa cushions. With this new cash stash, you can easily knock out an item or two on your budget. DEC/JAN 2018

Myth No. 4: Spending time with family is what the holidays are all about No better occasion than the holidays to spend quality time with your family, eating a delicious meal, followed by opening gifts in the soft glow of the fireplace and twinkling lights. If picturing your extended family in this idyllic holiday scene is more than a stretch of the imagination, you're not alone. One in five people say they'd rather bow out of the family celebration. In fact, they'd prefer to spend time with friends, be alone or go to work. But for those who enjoy family time, holidays are perfect for making new memories. Myth No. 5: Gift-giving comes from the heart Ideally, every single gift is a pure expression of love and generosity from the giver, right? Wrong. You probably have a competitive gift giver in your group. And maybe it's even you! One quarter of Americans confessed to getting into an altogether different kind of holiday spirit when it comes to buying presents. They want to be the one behind the most talked-about, flashiest or best gift at the gathering. Whatever the motivation, keep on giving. Now that you know the truth behind some common holiday myths, give your holiday spending power a boost by visiting the nearest Coinstar kiosk. Cash in your extra change for cash or a no-fee eGift card for well-known retailers and get more gifts crossed off your holiday list.

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


Easy ways to spark your infant's curiosity BPT


DEC/JAN 2018

It's the way your baby gazes into your eyes as if pondering the meaning of life. It's how your infant grabs onto your shirt to play with the buttons and collar. It's your toddler stacking and sorting, as if addressing a problem that only he can solve. These are all examples of curiosity at work, and it's something all kids have in common. "Curiosity is an inherent characteristic that starts when we are babies and is important for brain development throughout life," says Rochelle Wainer, Ph.D., vice president of global insights at Baby Einstein, a leading baby product and toy brand. "For parents and caregivers, it's important to celebrate and support this curiosity as it's a trait that will help them lead a successful life. It helps cultivate many fundamental skills while building confidence and a love of learning." While kids may be naturally curious, you can help plant the seeds of success by nurturing their drive for curiosity. Wainer offers simple research-backed ideas for inspiring curiosity at home: Engage through play Play-based learning is one of the most effective ways for small children to develop basic skills that set the stage for educational success. Kids are always interacting with their surroundings, so parents can foster this important exploration by engaging with their little ones through talk and touch as they discover everything around them. In fact, getting on their level and checking out the world from their vantage point is the perfect way to start. Next, parents can inspire curiosity and creativity in infants by setting out basic child-safe instruments for kids to interact with as music plays. Art is another great activity for young children. For example, get some non-toxic finger paint, cover baby in a smock and let them go to town as a little Picasso. Finally, get a plastic bin or table and transform it into a sensory space by placing a variety of different items infants can explore, including utensils like wood spoons and items made from different materials like stuffed animals and fabric swatches.

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Stack the toy bin

Quality is more important than quantity for toys, and not all toys are created equal when it comes to inspiring curiosity and fostering development of critical skills. Because playing with toys is a favorite pastime for kids, be sure to stock your collection with toys that inspire curiosity and learning. Plus, according to a Baby Einstein survey, 90 percent of parents agree that toys that encourage curiosity interest their child for a longer period of time than toys that don't. Baby Einstein is focused on developing toys that support curiosity and learning in kids, and the Baby Einstein Easy Touch Piano is the perfect example. This simple wooden piano features innovative cap-touch technology that is designed with sensors embedded underneath. As the child touches the wood keypads, different notes respond almost magically. It's perfect for infants and toddlers alike and is predicted to be a top holiday toy. Learn more at Read, read, read It's never too early to start reading to your child. Reading is one of the most valuable ways to help children's language and imagination grow. A whopping 77 percent of parents in the Baby Einstein survey said they read with their children at home or at the library to help fuel their curiosity. Whether it's board books for babies or picture books for toddlers, try sitting down daily with your child and a good book. You can make reading an interactive activity for you and your little one by having them pick out the book and help flip the pages. Ask them about the things they see on the pages. Have them point to different pictures and feel different textures. Even if they can't speak yet, you'll be communicating and building language skills.

"Encouraging your child's curiosity today will cultivate their confidence, creativity and discovery for tomorrow," says Wainer. "These are just some of the countless activities that can help set your child up for success as they grow and develop throughout life."


DEC/JAN 2018

HOME “Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.” ―Norman Vincent Peale

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


When additive manufacturing technology - better


3D printing is reimagining the way we  live today

known as 3D printing - was first invented more than 30 years ago it was intended to make the product design and manufacturing process more efficient. At that time, 3D printing was used primarily as a way to create prototypes to validate and perfect product design, but the inventor, Chuck Hull, had no idea how it would change the way we live. Today, 3D printing has evolved beyond product prototypes only used by industrial designers and engineers. Manufacturers all over the world now rely on additive manufacturing to produce final parts and products that are purchased and experienced by mainstream consumers across the marketplace. This

3D printing is reimagining the way you see your bathroom

includes parts in automobiles and appliances, medical and dental implants, custom prosthetic limbs and food, and has also become an important component in interior design, reinventing what you think is possible. www.CKWMAG.INFO




Who Invented 3D Printing? The first 3D printer, which used the stereolithography technique, was created by Charles W. Hull in the mid1980s. Stereolithography is largely an expensive commercial technique, with machines often costing $100,000 or more.

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The 3D printed future

When Kallista, a division of Kohler, sought to execute its new Grid Sink Faucet design, the company quickly realized the idea could not be executed via traditional manufacturing methods. Rather than sacrifice the design, the team turned to 3D printing. Working with 3rd Dimension - an additive manufacturing services provider Kallista employed a layer-by-layer production approach on 3D Systems 3D printing technology to manufacture the faucet to the exacting specifications of the designer. The resulting faucet is significantly stronger and more durable than if it had been produced using traditional manufacturing methods. By carrying through the designer's vision, Kallista created a faucet that shifted away from excessive decoration and materials to instead expose a design that boasts the clean, understated lines of minimalist form.

The result was a faucet that delivers on its design without compromising functionality.



Additional benefits of 3D printing While 3D printing solutions are inspiring designers everywhere, giving them the opportunity to expand their creativity, 3D printing also offers several other benefits to companies and consumers, including: * A single source of efficiency and strength. "Some assembly required" is a catchphrase synonymous with traditional manufacturing and it is that assembly that also exposes the end product to errors in the pieces, poor construction and added time to fabricate the object. However, because 3D printed objects are made in one solid piece, they solve many of these issues. They are structurally stronger, free of connection weaknesses and expertly assembled to specifications. * Environmental consciousness. While traditional manufacturing takes raw materials and trims them down to the finished product, 3D printing builds the desired piece by adding material as the process goes along. This means it essentially utilizes only the amount of material necessary to create the object. The result is less waste and a reduced environmental impact. * Faster results, favorable returns. The 3D printing process offers a new level of accuracy and rapid part production with the ability to reduce and in many cases, eliminate - material waste, which also favorably impacts a project's overall bottom line. Reimagining what's possible Since its creation, the Kallista Grid Faucet has been nominated for and won seven awards, including "Best In Show" at the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show in 2018. It is proof that the technology of 3D printing is reimagining the rules for manufacturing and design. As 3D printing continues to evolve, it will push the boundaries in product design and production. 3D printing is transforming manufacturing and the doors to what is possible are suddenly wide open. To learn more, visit

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When it comes time to plan your holiday guest list, your invitees generally fall into one of two groups: those you want to invite, and those you feel you must. There is a third group, however, that's never intentionally included on any guest list: pests. Whether by box or by bag, pantry pests such as Indian meal moths, merchant grain beetles, cockroaches and ants can invade your home without your knowledge and wreak havoc on your holiday cheer. Suddenly, your "must-invite" list doesn't look too bad. Pantry pests can infest common baking ingredients such as flour, dried fruit, nuts, chocolate and more. They flock to secluded food sources like your pantry and can become major nuisances to homeowners due to their quick ability to infest an area in a short amount of time. To protect your goods and the rest of your home from pests this holiday season and beyond, apply these tips from the National Pest Management Association today. * Make it a total kitchen effort. Your work to protect the cleanliness of your pantry will be more successful if you are vigilant about your entire kitchen. This means routinely emptying trash receptacles, clearing crumbs from countertops, scrubbing the floors and running the dishwasher. The more uninviting to pests you can make your entire kitchen, the less interested they will be in your pantry.

* Inspect your packages closely. Sometimes pests enter your home before you can even take steps to prevent it. This can often be the case when the food you purchase is already infested. You can protect yourself from rolling out the red carpet for these pests by closely inspecting your food packages before tossing them in your cart. Avoid purchasing any package that shows a hint of damage, and once home, be sure to toss anything that's expired. * Store things properly. Plastic containers with secure lids are affordable and invaluable when it comes to protecting your pantry goods from pests. Look for plastic or glass solutions instead of other materials, and always try the lid before you buy. A poorly fitting lid can jeopardize all of your pest-proofing efforts. * Work with a professional. If pantry pests are spotted in the kitchen, discard the infested foods in outdoor trash bins and clean all of the shelves in the cupboards with a vacuum. Be sure to also partner with a licensed pest control professional to properly handle the infestation to keep pests from multiplying and contaminating other foods in your home. To find more tips on how you can make your home - and your pantry - pest-free for the holidays, visit

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5 ways to prep your home's exterior for cold weather pest problems

One of the last things you want to deal with as temperatures get chilly is an infestation of cockroaches or mice. With a few tips from Terminix, you can help protect your home from these critters so that you can spend more time relaxing and staying warm indoors. Seal possible entry points Take a walk around the outside of your house, paying careful attention to any deteriorating structures or holes that could act as an access point for pests. Almost no hole is too small - some mice can squirm through an opening as small as a dime! Make sure your drains are covered with screens or metal grates, to help keep rats and other small pests out of sewer pipes. Keep your home's exterior clear of debris and shrubbery Be aware of any piles of debris or bushes near your house that might act as a hiding place or access point for pesky animals. Clear away dead leaves and stack wood away from buildings. Overhanging branches can work almost like a ladder or bridge to allow small pests like rats to enter your home, so be sure to trim back any foliage that's close to the exterior of your house. Store trash safely It's important to store food safely inside your house to avoid attracting pests, but you should also be careful about how trash is stored outside. Keep food scraps and other garbage in secure, sealed trash cans. Additionally, try to eliminate or drain any easy outdoor sources of water that might attract pests.


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Check for signs of pest activity Signs of pest activity inside your home, such as rodent droppings or shed bed bug skins, may indicate that an infestation has already taken root. While it's important to notice what's going on in your house, you should also pay attention to potential signs of pests outside your house, so you can catch an issue before it makes its way indoors. Bring in a professional If you do find yourself faced with an infestation, know that you don't have to deal with it alone. Contact a professional to determine what kind of pest has invaded your home and how best to deal with it. Terminix's trained technicians will develop a pest control plan to help remove any unwelcome animal visitors and leave you to enjoy the colder months in peace.


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*Please send article submissions to: CKW -The Magazine Article submission Standards s and concrete examples Please remember that we are looking for stories, personal experiences, in your responses—these are what will make ideas as and observations most “real” and relevant to readers. We are seeking articles about: • Creating community in your neighborhood; • Health & Beauty • Lifestyle & Family • Fashion • Food & Beverage Suggested submission length is from 300 to 2500 00 words. We invite submissions ranging from short vignettes to extensively-developed articles, s and also invite suggestions of recommended s, resources and article leads. We’re seeking articles written in a reader-friendly, popularmagazine style, rather than in an academic style. We ask contributors to share stories and experiences, not just ideas; write about challenges, not just successes; and describe specific situations that will help your story come alive for the reader. Before you start writing, please see our full Writers’ Guidelines below–-and let us know your article idea so that we can give feedback on how it may fit into CKW The Magazine. If you don’t want to write an article but want to submit photos, please see our Photo Guidelines below. What “Submitting an Article” Means - We will promise to read your article, but we may respectfully decline it and not publish it, or save it and publish it in a future issue. We also reserve the right to edit, shorten, or revise your article. Most of the time we contact authors about this ahead of time and get their comments, corrections, etc, however due to time constraints we may not be able to do this. Getting Permission Ahead of Time - Please send the article only when you have permission from anyone you need it from, such as fellow community members. We endeavor to present a diversity of views on community, including controversial or critical views, in a respectful and cooperative manner. If your article may generate controversy or strong reactions, or if the group(s) would want the chance to review it, please share your draft with group members to get their input before sending it to us. Author Bio - Please also include two to three lines of autobiographical info. (where you live, your interests, community affiliations, contact info. or website if you choose to share it, etc.). Photos - If we publish your article, we want to accompany it with compelling images that illustrate your subject. You know your subject best, so we are appealing to you for images. If others in your community or group like taking pictures, they might already have great images to go with your article. If you would like to submit an article but cannot supply photos, that’s fine; however, please give us plenty of advance notice so that if we use your article we can get an illustrator. Please see our Photo Guidelines below. We also appreciate an author photo to accompany your short (several-line) author bio. Thanks for your contributions! Use of Photos - Unless you specify otherwise, your submission of photos constitutes permission for them to appear in our print magazine and also possibly on our website, in digital editions, and/or in future compilations. Thanks again for helping us create a beautiful magazine!



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A Photo-Worthy Home Decorated for the Holidays Tips for creating a festive space while leasing your home



easons change, and so do rental contracts and housing arrangements. If you’re leasing, you can still make your rental feel like home for the holidays with seasonal decor. There are plenty of ways to create a festive holiday setting that makes your temporary space feel like a cozy, inviting home for the holidays, according to Meghan Giddens, design expert for Invitation Homes, a leading owner and operator of more than 80,000 single-family homes for lease. “When it comes to decorating, renters often feel limited by the temporary nature of their living arrangements,” Giddens said. “We believe people should be able to make their house a home, one they’re proud to share with loved ones in-person or on their social feeds, no matter how long or short the stay.” These seasonal decorating tips can help you create a space worthy of your newsfeed that won’t break the bank or your lease guidelines.

A festive entryway When friends and family come to visit in celebration of the season, their first impressions often start when they walk up to the entryway. While festive touches are important to lead into the rest of the home, be careful not to overwhelm. Think of your holiday home decor as a series of unique moments, each designed to give your guests a positive experience or create an opportunity for a share-worthy photo. A holiday staple is a creatively decorated wreath hanging on the front door. Start with a plain wreath and add some holiday flair by wrapping it with thin red ribbon and tucking pine cones into areas they will hold firmly. For added detail, weave in artificial cranberry twigs that won’t lose their eye-catching pops of red color in the winter weather. Then affix your wreath to the door with a removable hook, of course.

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A small tree trimmed with white lights and miniature ornaments just inside the door is a welcoming touch for guests as they step inside – just make sure it’s clear of the door and there’s still ample room for removing wet shoes and coats.

Magical holiday mantels Nothing says “holiday” quite like a crackling fire adorned with festive decorations. In many homes, the mantel is already a focal point and the backdrop to many family photos, so it’s an opportunity to make a big impact in a relatively small space. Think of your mantel as a blank canvas to create your own holiday scene. You can remove your everyday decor and add seasonal accent pieces or stash what you normally display and introduce something completely new. Greenery in swags or a garland laid across the mantel is a classic way to dress it up for the holidays. You can add seasonal blooms like poinsettia and items like pinecones, faux antlers and berries for a nature-inspired look that can positively stand out. Or opt for oversized wire-edged ribbon to run across the mantle with gentle ripples and waves to add dimension. An easy DIY project like weighted boxes wrapped like gifts can lend extra visual appeal and festive color – simply wrap unused shoe boxes or other cardboard boxes with holiday wrapping paper, tie a bow with ribbon and stack like gifts. Remember, the mantel is also an excellent place to display a holiday collection, such as nutcrackers or treasured figurines.

Talk of the neighborhood There’s no reason to limit your seasonal celebrating to the indoors when you can create yard decor that’s the envy of the neighborhood. Holiday lights add instant

holiday flair, and there are a nearly endless number of low-profile, affordable clips available that allow you to hang lights without permanently fixing or stapling anything to a home’s exterior. Keep colors and patterns in mind, whether you’re planning to go all-out on different colored strings or simple white all around. Other options like illuminated figures, inflatables or projection lights let you get extra creative and show a little personality, too. Although the impact on your lease is probably less of a concern outdoors, there are some important safety precautions you should take to protect the property.

Be sure you’re aware of the home’s electric capacity and don’t overload the system. Use power cords and plug-ins designed for outdoor use and follow all the manufacturers’ safety guidelines to prevent fire risks. Also remember the details are what will make your outdoor design truly exceptional, so don’t overlook everyday features like the mailbox, which you can dress up for the season with a pretty bow. Decorating your home in a temporary yet festive manner can be accomplished with these ideas and more. Find additional tips to make your house a home any season of the year at

Decorating Do’s and Don’ts When it comes to decorating, a DIY approach can be intimidating. Get started with these pro tips from Invitation Homes: Do: mix textures The holiday season is the perfect opportunity to add more texture to your home’s decor. Mixing and matching textures can add depth and diversify the space. Fuzzy, festive throw pillows, colorful knit blankets or a vibrant seasonal rug all bring a temporary sense of holiday spirit. Don’t: be afraid to use color For a season that is built around bright reds and greens, the holidays are the perfect time to play with bold colors. For optimal color balance, a common rule of thumb is to use three colors: one anchor and two accents. The anchor will be more neutral as it takes up most of the space. The two accents can be bright and contrasting, helping give the room character.

Do: layer lighting Especially if you’ll be entertaining, don’t overlook the importance of lighting when planning your holiday decor. Many rooms are lit by a single overhead light. Although this ambient light typically gets the job done, the area is often left with a flat feel. Give the space dimension with varying, angled light from floor or table lamps to lend a warm glow that makes the room inviting while highlighting your favorite holiday decorations. Don’t: sacrifice function It’s easy to get carried away with filling your home with decorative pieces that really have no purpose except to look pretty. Too many showy items can lead to an overly cluttered area that looks more garish than great (and may prevent guests from fully enjoying all your hard work). Avoid holiday decorations that take up too much room or minimize seating.


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Create a Healthy, Winter-Ready Home



hen chilly weather arrives and the days get shorter, chances are good you’ll spend the majority of your days indoors. Before you start your hibernation, it’s a good idea to ensure your home is up to the task. Put your well-being at the top of the list with these ideas to help ensure a health-conscious home that’s ready for the dark days of winter.

Encourage better air quality

When the house is closed up tight to keep out the cold, you may be trapping in some undesirable air pollutants. A well-sealed house may not have the best circulation, and that’s the ideal environment for dust mites and other allergens to accumulate. A thorough cleaning is the first step toward better air quality. Do a deep vacuuming of all carpets, including under furniture and around baseboards. Be sure to launder linens that aren’t

typically part of your regular washing routine, like window treatments and comforters. You may want to consult a heating and cooling specialist to determine whether your ductwork is due for a cleaning. Especially if your system didn’t get much use through the summer months, there may be a fair bit of dust just waiting to infiltrate your home once the furnace begins to blow. Be sure to change filters, clean vents and air returns and, if necessary, consider adding an air purifier that helps filter any remaining particles for the best quality air. When opening windows isn’t comfortable during cold winter weather, letting the sunshine in can still help to improve indoor air quality. A study by the University of Oregon’s Biology and the Built Environment Center showed rooms with increased sunlight have fewer viable bacteria. “Until now, daylighting design has been primarily about visual comfort or circadian health, but now we can say daylighting influences air quality,” said Kevin Van Den Wymelenberg, co-director of the BioBE Center and co-author of the study.


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Let in light

Natural light plays an important role in overall health, and reduced daylight in the winter months can have a big impact on productivity and sleep, according to a recent survey conducted by YouGov on behalf of Velux. For example, nearly twothirds of respondents said they believe daylight affects their productivity and mood. Light is also an important cue to the body’s circadian clock, and proper exposure to natural light during the day can help support better sleep when darkness falls. What’s more, sunlight is a natural antidepressant, and there is ample scientific evidence that associates daylight with better health and quality of life, such as improved mood, less fatigue and reduced eyestrain. It may be tempting to keep the drapes closed when it’s blustery outside to ward off a draft, but with well-sealed windows, there’s no reason to block that all-important natural light. In rooms with ample natural light available, take advantage, especially in the morning when exposure to daylight can benefit your circadian rhythm. However, not every room is situated to maximize your access to natural light, and that’s when you can get creative. One solution is skylights, which add natural light to virtually any space. An option like a Sun Tunnel Skylight offered by Velux Skylights lends brightness to even the smallest spaces, like a bathroom or hallway. For a larger room, a fresh-air skylight can help address air quality concerns, and some models offer smartphone connectivity to open and close the skylight and even raise or lower blinds with a few quick taps of the finger. Learn more at

Keep out the cold

As a child, you were probably warned to bundle up in cooler weather to avoid catching a cold. As an adult, you likely realize that germs, not temperatures, cause illness. However, there is some truth to the old wives’ tales associating cold with getting sick. The viruses that cause colds and the flu thrive in cooler temperatures, for example. This means that, at least indirectly, a cold environment may indeed make you sick. To ward off a chill in your home, safeguard against drafts around windows and doors. If seasonal weather-proofing is impractical, consider temporary solutions like draft stoppers or mats you can place at the base of doors. Add insulation, if needed, in areas that commonly release a significant amount of heat, such as the attic and garage.

Daylight Makes a Difference As the days become shorter and colder, the importance of getting enough daylight is even more acute to sleep patterns, mood and productivity. These tips can help you get a better night sleep: n Increase your exposure to natural light during the day. Take a lunchtime walk at work or, if you can’t get outside, sit by a window while you eat. n Install blackout curtains in your bedroom to block light from street lamps and the moon. n Turn your thermostat down in the evenings to create a cooler bedroom to sleep in. n Establish a good bedtime routine. For example, read a book instead of spending more time looking at a screen. Blue light from electronic devices mimics daylight and can trick your brain into staying alert. n Use red or orange bulbs in kids’ night lights as these are some of the least disruptive to sleep.

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Know your enemy: Bed bugs BPT

Does the thought of a bed bug infestation send a shiver down your spine? Do you immediately think of insects hiding in beds? Did you know that bed bugs aren't just found in those places? The experts at Terminix are here to clear up some common misconceptions and provide information so that you can be more prepared than scared if you ever find yourself dealing with these pests. What are bed bugs? If you've never seen one, you may not know what the insect looks like. Bed bugs are wingless, small and reddish-brown in color, with an oval-shaped body. Because they feed on blood, they seek out hosts, including humans, to survive. www.CKWMAG.INFO

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These bugs can be found in close proximity to their food sources - namely under mattresses and near headboards. But don't be fooled by their name; they aren't only found in beds. These insects can also hide in hotel luggage racks, behind walls and even in piles of dirty laundry. How do they spread? In addition to residential areas, bed bugs can be present in a wide variety of environments including taxis, transit stations, theaters and hotels. But without wings, how does a bed bug get to any of these places? The answer lies in their ability to hitchhike: The insects are experts at travel and can stow away in personal belongings like clothing, purses and luggage. They can even hitch rides on furniture as it's being moved from place to place! What problems do they cause? Fortunately, bed bugs aren't known to carry any pathogens that cause sickness in humans. Unfortunately, the insects still look for hosts. In their search for a meal, they'll bite almost any area of exposed skin, which can cause mild to moderate allergic reactions and itchy welts. How can you avoid getting bed bugs? It's next to impossible to stop frequenting places like buses and hotels that could house the insects. A better approach is to take steps that will minimize the risk of bringing the critters home with you. When traveling, be aware of your clothes and any personal belongings that could act as a free ride for a bed bug. Inspect hotel rooms and your own home for signs of bed bugs such as blood spots and shed skin. And don't forget to check any clothing or furniture you bring into your home, whether it's new or used. How do you get rid of them? Even the cleanest person can end up with a bed bug infestation. The pests can be extremely difficult to remove, so it's best to forgo the do-it-yourself methods and let the professionals handle the issue. Terminix's trained technicians can help evaluate the infestation and create a treatment plan that will have you sleeping tight - without the bed bug bites. www.CKWMAG.INFO

DEC/JAN 2018

Holiday Entertainment with Friends and Family of All Ages (Family Features) Holiday entertaining is no small chore. From feeding the masses to keeping everyone happy and engaged, it can be a big job playing host during the holidays. #14534 Source: AARP

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From time-saving meal options to ideas that encourage everybody to take part in the festivities, consider these tips to help make it easy to keep guests of all ages entertained: Simply catch up. Once the whole crew gets together, make a game out of giving everyone the chance to catch up. Put topics in a hat and draw to determine which category you’ll hear about,

such as “favorite vacation this year” or “the latest on the grandkids.” Go around the room and give each guest a turn to share. Go out for a change. Rather than trying to cook at home, save time by finding a restaurant or take-out option that suits everyone’s tastes. Keep pricing in mind, as a large group can rack up quite the bill if you don’t plan ahead. Several restaurants offer special deals, such as the 10 percent discount available at select eateries for AARP members. From Italian to seafood, finding the right spot for a bite to eat with grandkids or longtime friends can be a breeze. Catch the newest release. When you feel like getting out of the house, heading to a movie theater can provide a chance to relax, especially for family members who have traveled long distances to join the group. Re-makes of classic favorites and holiday blockbusters can put a smile on just about anyone’s face. Additionally, some theaters offer discounts for ordering tickets online ahead of time. Deck the halls. Adding a touch of festive flair can make guests feel welcome and ready to celebrate the occasion. But you don’t have to spend hours dragging out boxes of decorations to get your home holiday-ready. Colorful flower arrangements can add instant seasonal character and cheer to a room. Some floral services make it easy and affordable to have those bouquets delivered straight to your door, so all you have to do is find the perfect spot to showcase the pretty blooms. Head to the mall. Shopping is another option for those looking to leave cramped quarters behind, and finding last-minute holiday deals could appeal to the procrastination-inclined gift givers. Take advantage of stores offering special deals or discounts with your AARP membership. Find more solutions for your entertaining and holiday needs at Photo courtesy of Getty Images


DEC/JAN 2018

What's making noise in your attic? BPT

Was that a squeak you just heard? A thump? What could possibly be making those noises inside your house, and what can you do to help get rid of whatever pest has decided to move in? The experts at Terminix have some information on what might be going bump in your attic. Birds Chirping or flapping coming from your attic area indicates that a bird (or two) may have decided to make a home up there. If your attic area has high ceilings or open beams, birds will have ample room to fly around, perch and maybe even roost or nest. Baby birds hatching in your upstairs might sound cute, but you probably don't want to deal with unsanitary bird droppings all over your attic. Rats and mice If you hear scratching, gnawing, scurrying or squeaking noises coming from your attic, you could have a rat or mouse infestation. These rodents can find their way into your home through a variety of entry points; anything from a roof vent to a poorly sealed window frame can provide access to your attic and the rest of your home. Mice in particular are excellent climbers, and roof rats - a type of rat - have been known to enter houses by accessing the roof via climbing on tree branches or nearby vines.

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Bats You might think that tiny hole in your attic wall is too small for any pest to fit through. Think again. Bats, which can weigh less than two ounces, can fit through a hole as small as the diameter of your finger! Some species like to nest in trees, which means they could be attracted to the wood framing in your attic. Since these critters can carry rabies and other disease-causing pathogens, don't try to remove the pest yourself. If you think bats might have made their way into your attic, contact a professional. Squirrels Rustling and other noises coming from your attic could hint at a lot of different critters. But if you're hearing those noises during the day, that's a hint that squirrels, which are diurnal, could be causing the ruckus. These animals are persistent and can damage the exterior of your home. They're also easily excited and can cause more damage when they feel cornered, so don't try to take one on yourself. Take care of an infestation with professional help You shouldn't have to deal with a pest infestation alone, particularly as a busy homeowner with a long list of other tasks to tackle. Leave the critters in your attic to trained professionals, such as Terminix's trained technicians, who can help determine the type of pest that has taken up residence in your attic and come up with a customized treatment plan. www.CKWMAG.INFO

DEC/JAN 2018

Deck the Halls for Happy Holidays (Family Features) Whether you opt for fresh-cut or fresh out of the box, trimming the tree is a staple of holiday decor in most homes. However, if you’ll be entertaining this season, you may want to go beyond the tree and take your seasonal decorating to whole new level. Create a scene filled with festive joy and get your home holiday-ready with these tips from the holiday hosting experts at Macy’s: Choose a theme: Designing around a specific theme is a simple way to keep your holiday decor from feeling cluttered. Your theme might be based on color or a favorite seasonal character like Santa or snowmen. If you’re starting from scratch, begin with a few statement pieces and let your collection grow over time. Choose a new item or two each year, and soon you’ll have a treasure trove of beloved holiday items that can brighten up your home. Cook up some fun: Whipping up dinner for a house full of guests won’t feel like such a chore if you rely on cookware that makes meal preparation fun. For example, Martha Stewart's Holiday Enamel Cast Iron collection can bring on the holiday cheer. With its festive plaid pattern and bright colors, the collection makes holiday entertaining special. Oven safe up to 500 F, these pieces can also be used with nearly any cooktop. Choose from gray or red plaid designs and 2quart or 6-quart pot and lid combos. Offer cozy accents: Tables, shelves and mantels tend to get their share of decorative love, but don’t overlook the ways you can bring cheer to other parts of a room. A snuggle-worthy throw in vibrant holiday hues and some plush seasonal pillows add practical warmth and good cheer. Another option: fun holiday floor decor, from welcome mats to area rugs to cushy kitchen mats that can make all that time cooking easier on your feet. Set a stunning stage: Go ahead and fill your guests with delight before they even sample their first bite. A holiday spread served over festive placemats and cheerful motifs can make your table come to life. Bring vibrant colors and cheeky detailed design to your dinner table with an option like the Cellar Holiday Dinnerware Collection. Placemats and coasters feature seasonal images like snowflakes, ornaments and red and green lettering with a cheerful “Ho Ho Ho.” Salad plates and mugs showcase whimsical animal art with beloved creatures like dogs and giraffes. Add pretties to the powder room: The bathroom may not be the first place you think to add some holiday spirit, but it’s a room virtually every guest will visit, so don’t leave it undone. Deck out the room with hand towels in seasonal colors and prints, and add plenty of festive accent pieces like rugs and soap dispensers. Don’t forget a candle with a subtle seasonal scent. Find these holiday entertaining products and more at

#14562 Source: Macy’s

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FOOD & BEVERAGE “He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.” ―Roy L. Smith www.CKWMAG.INFO

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Foodies with adventurous palates might be tempted to vacation in El Salvador just to enjoy its array of delectable local dishes. Of course, the green and lushly tropical country called "Land of Jewels" by the locals has much to offer beyond cuisine. Visitors can enjoy volcanoes, beaches, archaeological sites, artisan communities and culturally rich villages along the country's nine established tourist routes. Follow these tips for experiencing the destination's top attractions - and eating like a local along the way. The capital of San Salvador Start your trip in the capital exploring a range of stylish restaurants. Fusionfocused cuisine representing Spanish, Mediterranean and American dishes is served at trendy restaurants like Lobby, Oleos and Hacienda Real. The city is also home to historical monuments, theaters, museums and street markets where visitors can order traditional favorites such as pupusas, the national dish. Visitors to San Salvador the second Sunday of November each year can experience the country's largest National Pupusa Day festival, celebrating with the locals by feasting on the savory corn or rice pancake stuffed with pumpkin, beans, pork crackling, jalapeĂąos, and/or cheese. Joya de CerĂŠn A visit to El Salvador's UNESCO World Heritage archaeological park offers travelers a history lesson on Salvadoran culture and cuisine. In studying the city buried intact under lava circa 600 A.D., archaeologists learned its ancient Mayan residents consumed the same basic foods of today's Salvadorans. Tried-and-true favorites include the flavorful shellfish stew mariscada; the traditional breakfast "plato tipico" (fried egg, refried beans, corn tortillas, cheese and fried plantains); yucca fritters; empanadas and the sweet-and-salty snacks totopostes (sweet, charred corn tortilla chips).


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The Flowers Route El Salvador's Flowers Route guides visitors through the Apanecallamatepec mountains, showcasing culturally rich artisan towns including Nahuizalco, Salcoatitan, Juayua, Apaneca, Concepcion de Ataco and Ahuachapan. Catch the weekend food festival in Juayua, where vendors from across the country serve up traditional fare such as tamales, soups and filled corn tortillas. Afterward, hike to Los Chorros de la Calera to view waterfalls and take a refreshing swim. Tour coffee plantations in Apaneca and Ahuachapan, stopping for a cup of locally grown java complemented perfectly by native sweets featuring coconut, molasses, toffee, caramel, sweet nance, tamarind or panela. Another must-try? El Salvador's take on the quesadilla, a rich dessert cake that also pairs well with coffee. The colonial city of Suchitoto The nation's cultural capital boasts well-preserved colonial architecture and cobblestone roads dating to the 15th century. Gourmands can dine at the many restaurants or cafes, sample local cuisine at weekend food festivals, and learn to prepare their own pupusas during interactive workshops at area pupuserías. Visit Santa Lucía church, learn ancient indigo dying techniques through workshops at Arte Añil, or hike to nearby waterfalls, caves and Lake Suchitlán while observing the area's 200 bird species. La Libertad Coast This internationally known surfing destination is also a favorite among seafood connoisseurs who feast on fresh fish, shrimp, octopus and ceviche at top eateries such as Beto's Restaurante and Café Sunzal. Visit La Libertad Pier for an up-close view of how the local fishing industry thrives. Another not-to-be-missed dining experience is at Acantilados, the newest luxury hotel to open along the country's Pacific coastline. On-site restaurant FAUSTO puts seafood center stage and is popular for its sushi and tropical beverages. For more information on El Salvador's attractions, including its many culinary offerings, visit


DEC/JAN 2018

Tips from an executive pastry chef for simple holiday entertaining


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Whether you're hosting a small holiday gathering with friends or a formal dinner party with family, entertaining can be stressful. But with a few simple foodfocused tips, you'll be on your way to throwing the perfect holiday get-together headache-free. For ease of planning, Executive Pastry Chef Christina Kaelberer of acclaimed Edwards Dessert Kitchen in Minneapolis suggests focusing your gathering around the table. "Food is what brings people together, so it can easily serve as the focal point of a gathering," says Kaelberer. "You don't need to go out and purchase a bunch of expensive dĂŠcor and spend hours transforming your entire home." "Holiday prep can be overwhelming, so I'm all for saving time," she says. "My advice is to focus your efforts on a few star desserts and cocktails, which can easily elevate any party." Following are Kaelberer's three favorite tips for simple holiday entertaining. Tip one: Create cocktails in batches for easy serving. One thing you'll find on the menu at Kaelberer's dessert bar is an array of fabulous adult beverages. To save time, her team prepares batch cocktails daily to serve to patrons. Apply this practice to your party planning and you can keep glasses filled, guests happy and have plenty of time to mingle and enjoy. For inspiration, look to classics such as the Old-Fashioned, which features holiday flavors and warm spices. Add a splash of color to the presentation by topping your punch bowl with orange slices or cherries. To accommodate all your guests, accompany your bar offerings with something simple, festive and non-alcoholic, such as sparkling cranberry water.


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Tip two: Make the dessert spread your grand centerpiece. Your beautiful desserts deserve to be the center of attention. Holiday florals and ornaments can be expensive for how infrequently they're used, so save time and money by letting the seasonal sweet treats serve as the holiday dÊcor. Keep things visually interesting by serving a variety of flavor options with different textures and colors, such as layered trifles, fluffy pies and stacks of cookies and bars. Play around with platters, serving bowls and flatware that have varying shapes and heights. Tip three: Rely on premium, thawand-serve desserts to bring the sweet. If you're planning to make desserts the focal point of your next gathering, why not opt for eye-catching items that will leave your guests thinking you spent hours in the kitchen? Thankfully, you don't have to be a talented pastry chef to make a highimpact spread. A decadent, thaw-andserve pie from your grocer's freezer can elevate the occasion in minutes, whether it's served straight out of the box or deconstructed into a new holiday creation. To inspire your upcoming holiday bash, Kaelberer is sharing two recipes she crafted using crème pies that you can find in the frozen dessert aisle. You and your guests will be thrilled with the indulgent results.

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Time-saving tips and healthy tricks for holiday baking




DEC/JAN 2018

'Tis the season for cookies, cakes, candies and more! Those delectable treats are an iconic part of celebrations big and small. Whether you want to cozy up by the fire with your favorite confection or bring a few batches to the school bake sale, you're bound to be baking like crazy this time of year. With visions of holiday cookies dancing in your head, you know that means you'll have to carve out time to make all those goodies. Don't stress at the thought of a packed schedule and the temptation of too many unhealthy treats. Registered dietitian Dawn Jackson Blatner shares some smart tips to save time while also creating better baking that provides rich flavors and higher quality nutrients. Streamline by planning ahead First, consider designating a part of your cabinet or pantry to your holiday baking supplies and let family members know it's off limits. There's nothing worse than starting a recipe only to realize an ingredient you need became a snack two days prior. Those nuts, dried fruit and chocolate can be tempting! So, stock up on high-quality ingredients and add a note to deter tempted snackers if necessary. Another tip: Bake what you can ahead of time. "There are many holiday cookies that freeze beautifully," says Blatner. "That means you can start your baking weeks ahead of time and be ready for celebrations of all kinds. Just remember to thaw the day prior so that your baked goods are ready to go." Get better results with better eggs "Fresh ingredients are the key to superior baking and eggs are the perfect example," says Blatner. She recommends Eggland's Best eggs because they are the only eggs that have double the omega-3s compared to ordinary eggs. Omega-3s are classified as "essential" fatty acids because they are important for maintaining good health and the body cannot make them on its own. Omega-3s also enhance baking as they improve emulsifying qualities. More than just Omega-3s, Eggland's Best eggs have 25 percent less saturated fat, six times more vitamin D, 10 times more vitamin E and more than double the amount of vitamin B12. That means no matter what recipe you use them in, you'll be improving the nutritional profile of your holiday treats.

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Holiday Cut-out Sugar Cookies Use simple swaps for healthier results

Ingredients: Cookies:

Making more nutritious cookies can be as simple as swapping out a few key ingredients. Consider chocolate, a popular ingredient in holiday desserts. Instead of buying milk or white chocolate, use dark chocolate in recipes. "Dark chocolate is lower in sugar content and contains important antioxidants that are good for your heart," Blatner says.

3/4 cup butter (softened) 3/4 cup vegetable oil 1 cup white sugar 2 Eggland's Best Eggs (large) 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/2 cup sour cream

Another smart swap is to switch out some or all of your recipe's white all-purpose flour for whole-wheat alternatives. This pumps up the fiber content of your recipes. "Whole-wheat flour is a good option to keep on hand in the pantry," says Blatner. "For cookies with a more delicate texture, consider using a finely milled whole-wheat pastry flour."

6 cups white flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt Frosting: 1/2 cup vegetable shortening 3 1/2 cups powdered sugar

Find recipes with low prep time or prep-ahead qualities

pinch of salt

Holiday baking is a fun tradition whether you do it solo or plan a cookie day with the kids. To save time and reduce stress, look for simpler recipes or ones that offer you the ability to do steps ahead of time. With this Eggland's Best recipe for classic cut-out sugar cookies, you can make the dough the day before so you're ready to dive into the fun the day of, baking and decorating the cookies.

1/3 cup Eggland's Best Liquid Egg Whites 1 teaspoon vanilla small squeeze of lemon juice Directions: Cookies:


DEC/JAN 2018

In a large mixing bowl with a hand mixer or in a stand mixer with a paddle attachment, cream together the butter, shortening and sugar until fluffy and pale in color. Add in the eggs, vanilla and sour cream and mix until combined. Add the baking powder, salt and flour (one cup at a time), mixing until everything is evenly incorporated. Cover and chill the dough, preferably overnight for best results. Preheat the oven to 350 F. On a lightly floured surface roll the dough out to a 1/4- or 1/2-inch thickness. Cut into holiday shapes with a cookie cutter. Transfer cookies to a lightly greased cookie sheet and bake for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and move cookies to a rack to cool. Frosting: In a large mixing bowl with a hand mixer or in a stand mixer with a paddle attachment, cream the butter until fluffy. Add the confectioners' sugar, 1 cup at a time, and mix until combined. Add the salt, egg whites, vanilla and lemon juice and beat until ingredients are incorporated. Spread over cooled cookies, sprinkle with colored sugar and serve immediately.

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DEC/JAN 2018

Debunking myths about grocery store staples BPT

When you enter a grocery store, you're suddenly faced with thousands of options. You want to get the staples you need and you want the best nutrition for your family, but it's easy to get overwhelmed. How do you know what's your best choice? "Options like brown versus vitamin-enriched white bread, or, grade A versus AA eggs can cause confusion for even savvy shoppers," says Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist Dawn Jackson Blatner, winner of the hit primetime ABC television show My Diet Is Better Than Yours. "With so many choices it's difficult to know what's what." Blatner revels the truth about some of the most common myths and misconceptions of grocery store staples to streamline trips and ensure you're bringing home the most nutritious options. Bread Many people believe the darker the bread, the healthier it is, causing them to skip labels and grab a brown loaf on the go. The problem is, just because bread is brown doesn't mean it's whole grain. That color could be achieved through caramel coloring.

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"What you see doesn't tell the whole story, so it's important to look at labels to get the facts," says Blatner. "Whole grain and sprouted grain are always good bread choices for better nutrition. It's also important to pay attention to sugar content. There are many great options available with 0 grams of sugar." Eggs Egg-grading systems were created by the USDA to mark interior and exterior quality of eggs. Many people ignore this system and simply choose eggs based on appearance or price. To get the best nutrition, buy from a producer that has its own quality standards that go above and beyond USDA requirements. Blatner provides an example: "Grade A specifications for Eggland's Best eggs are actually more strict than standard grade AA specifications for regular eggs. That means, no matter what grade you choose, Eggland's Best provides the highest quality egg that's fresher and tastier. In fact, Eggland's Best recently celebrated its 30 billionth USDA-certified egg, which speaks volumes to the brand's focus and dedication to providing high-quality products. And with six times more vitamin D, 25 percent less saturated fat, more than double the Omega-3s, 10 times more vitamin E, and more than double the vitamin B12 compared to ordinary eggs, they're also the most nutritious choice." Produce The produce section is one of the healthiest places in the grocery store, but the notion that the misters are there to make items look good and add water weight so they cost more at checkout is a myth. In reality, that water helps ensure fruits and vegetables stay fresh, especially items that could wilt, like lettuce. "Give items a good shake to get rid of water weight," suggests Blatner. "And remember to always rinse fresh produce well once you're home to clean the surface of any dirt and bacteria. The mist at the store isn't meant to clean, only to help maintain freshness." When fresh fruits aren't available, she reminds people to look for frozen alternatives, noting many frozen options are picked at the peak of freshness and flash frozen to capture high nutrient content. The best frozen varieties are those without added sauces or seasonings. "When you know the truth, you are empowered to make smart decisions while you shop so you can get superior products with superior nutrition," says Blatner. "Then you can have fun making tasty recipes your family will devour." www.CKWMAG.INFO

DEC/JAN 2018

Blatner offers one such recipe for inspiration: Zesty Egg Fried Rice Lettuce Wraps Ingredients: 4 Eggland's Best eggs (large) 2 tablespoons Sriracha sauce 6 strips lean smoked bacon, chopped 2 cups cooked jasmine rice 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 2 tablespoons low sodium soy sauce 1/3 cup sliced scallion greens 12 leaves Boston/Bibb lettuce Directions: In a medium bowl, whisk eggs and Sriracha together until well combined. In large non-stick skillet, over medium-high heat, cook bacon until crisp. Transfer bacon to plate, leaving drippings in the skillet. When cooled, chop bacon into small pieces. Drizzle the egg mixture into the skillet, stirring as you drizzle. Add bacon, black pepper, rice and soy sauce to skillet and stir-fry 3-4 minutes, or until eggs are set. Stir in scallion tops. Remove from heat. Divide the mixture among the lettuce leaves and serve immediately.

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Bold Flavor Boosts for Tradition-Worthy Holiday Meals



oliday gatherings provide perfect opportunities to get creative in the kitchen. Spending quality time with family and friends over an unforgettably delicious meal is what the holiday season is all about, after all. Make sure to be the one everyone is raving about because you’ve brought something new and delicious to your event by transforming ordinary seasonal recipes with a clever, bold twist. At first, changing a classic family recipe or whipping up a new, taste-tempting holiday dish may seem daunting. However, balancing taste and complexity doesn’t need to be stressful. Simplify recipe planning with one versatile ingredient that provides a bold boost and creates real crowd pleasers: cooking wines. Now is the time to make cooking wine a must-have in your kitchen essentials. Using a wine specially made for cook­ing provides consistent, momentous flavor, as it withstands high cooking

temperatures and has a long shelf life. One option to try this season is Holland House Cooking Wines, with a long and delicious history of adding rich, robust flavor to a wide variety of culinary applications. These cooking wines are perfect for plenty of recipes and come in savory and flavor-boosting varieties including: Marsala, imparting a sweet-wine flavor with hints of hazelnut; Red, offering a smooth, medium-bodied finish; White, featuring a slightly dry but distinct profile; and Sherry, offering a mild flavor with hints of nut and caramel. If you’re looking for recipe inspiration for your holiday feast, you can experience the bold flavors of Holland House with these soonto-be holiday favorites. Serve Garlic and Herb Lamb Chops with Marsala Mushroom Sauce as your entree alongside Asiago and Bacon Orzo Medley. For a dessert no one can say no to, try scrumptious Buttered Pound Cake with Sherry Mascarpone and Soaked Berries. Visit for more taste-tempting holiday recipes.

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Garlic and Herb Lamb Chops with Marsala Mushroom Sauce

Prep time: 30 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes plus marinating Servings: 7 (about 2 lamb chops per serving) 2 tablespoons fresh rosemary, chopped 4 teaspoons fresh garlic, minced, divided 1 tablespoon lemon zest, grated 3/4 cup Holland House Marsala Cooking Wine, divided 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 2 racks of lamb (approxi­- mately 3-4 pounds), trimmed and cleaned Marsala Mushroom Sauce: 1 tablespoon butter 1 pound fresh baby bella or cremini mushrooms, cleaned 2 tablespoons fresh shallots, thinly sliced 1/2 cup beef stock 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard salt, to taste pepper, to taste 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped In large bowl, combine rosemary, 3 teaspoons garlic, lemon zest, 1/4 cup cooking wine and olive oil. Add racks of lamb, meat-side up, and cover bowl. Marinate 6-24 hours. After marinating, heat oven to 400 F. Transfer racks of lamb to heated, ovenproof saute pan on stovetop and sear each side 2 minutes until golden brown. Transfer oven-proof saute pan with lamb to heated oven and cook approximately 10 minutes, or until lamb reaches 135 F in center. Remove pan from oven and take lamb out of pan to rest. To make Marsala Mushroom Sauce: In same pan, melt butter over medium heat; add mushrooms and saute. Add shallots and remaining garlic, cooking until fragrant. Deglaze with remaining cooking wine. Add beef stock and whisk in Dijon mustard. Season with salt and pepper, to taste, and cook 2 minutes to reduce and thicken. Carve racks of lamb by cutting between ribs. Serve drizzled with Marsala Mushroom Sauce. Garnish with parsley.


Buttered Pound Cake with Sherry Mascarpone and Soaked Berries

Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes plus marinating Servings: 10 (2 pieces per serving) 3/4 cup fresh raspberries 3/4 cup fresh blueberries 3/4 cup fresh blackberries 1/2 cup Holland House Sherry Cooking Wine, divided 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon lemon zest, grated 2 tablespoons honey 1 cup mascarpone cheese 1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons butter 1 pound cake, cut into 20 pieces In medium bowl, combine rasp-berries, blueberries, blackberries, 1/3 cup cooking wine, lemon juice, lemon zest and honey. Cover bowl and marinate at room temperature 30 minutes. In mixer, whip mascarpone by slowly adding heavy whipping cream, sugar and remaining cooking wine. Once thoroughly mixed, whip to stiff peaks.

Asiago and Bacon Orzo Medley

Butter both sides of each piece of pound cake and add to saute pan. Over medium heat, brown both sides of cake until golden. Place two pieces of toasted pound cake in individual serving dishes and let cool. Place dollop of whipped mascarpone on pound cake pieces. Garnish with marinated berries.

Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 10 minutes Servings: 11 (about 1/2 cup per serving) 4 ounces bacon, chopped 4 ounces white onion, diced 1 teaspoon garlic, minced 2 cups fresh asparagus tips 2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved 1/4 cup Holland House White Cooking Wine 1/4 cup chicken stock 3 cups orzo, cooked according to package directions 1/2 cup shaved Asiago cheese salt, to taste pepper, to taste www.CKWMAG.INFO

In large saucepan, cook bacon over medium heat until crisp. Add onions and garlic to pan with bacon and saute until fragrant and soft. Cook onions until translucent. Add asparagus tips, cherry tomatoes, chicken stock and cooking wine to saucepan and deglaze. Add cooked orzo and Asiago cheese, stirring to combine. Cook 2 minutes. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. DEC/JAN 2018




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Freshen Up Holiday Entertaining

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Grapes and Balsamic Glaze

Add tasty, crunchy grapes to seasonal dishes Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Grapes and Balsamic Glaze



he holiday season is typically marked by gatherings of friends and family. Whether you’re hosting overnight guests, drop-in visitors or an important seasonal meal, taking a fresh approach to the menu can make the get-together more special. As you prepare for the festivities, consider recipes that feature healthy ingredients such as versatile California grapes, which come in three vibrant colors – red, green and black – and can add a palate-pleasing crunch and plenty of taste to everything from main dishes to sides and even desserts. Heart-healthy grapes are also perfect on their own as a snack and their natural beauty can help enhance any table as an edible garnish or fresh centerpiece. Using grapes as a featured ingredient in your holiday dishes can provide a fresh twist on seasonal dishes, such as this Grape Dutch Baby or these Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Grapes and Balsamic Glaze. For dessert, use the natural sweetness of grapes to create a smooth Grape Caramel Sauce that can be served as a topping for ice cream or other seasonal desserts. Find more holiday recipes at

Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes Servings: 4 1 pound Brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved lengthwise 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil pinch of salt freshly ground black pepper, to taste 1 cup red California grapes 2 tablespoons ready-to-use balsamic glaze Heat oven to 450 F. On baking sheet, toss sprouts with olive oil, salt and pepper, to taste, until sprouts are well-coated. Roast until deep golden brown, about 17-20 minutes, turning sprouts halfway through roasting. Stir in grapes and roast 3-5 minutes. Transfer to bowl and drizzle with glaze or drizzle platter with glaze and pile sprouts on top. Nutritional information per serving: 150 calories; 3 g protein; 20 g carbohydrates; 7 g fat (42% calories from fat); 1 g saturated fat (6% calories from saturated fat); 0 mg cholesterol; 30 mg sodium; 4 g fiber.


DEC/JAN 2018

Grape Caramel Sauce

Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes Servings: 6 1 pound green or red California grapes, divided 1 tablespoon lemon juice 3/4 cup sugar 1/4 cup water 1/3 cup heavy cream (optional) large pinch of salt ice cream In blender or food processor, combine 12 ounces grapes with lemon juice and puree. Set aside. Coarsely chop remaining grapes. In medium saucepan, combine sugar and water then bring to boil, stirring a few times. Simmer without stirring, brushing down sides of pot with brush dipped in water if crystals start forming. When mixture has turned deep, golden brown, remove from heat and whisk in pureed grapes until smooth sauce has formed. Turn on heat and simmer until mixture has reduced by one-third and forms smooth caramel sauce. Whisk in cream and salt; stir in chopped grapes and serve over ice cream. Nutritional information per serving of sauce: 200 calories; 40 g carbohydrates; 5 g fat (22% calories from fat); 3 g saturated fat (14% calories from saturated fat); 15 mg cholesterol; 60 mg sodium; 1 g fiber.

Grape Dutch Baby

Grape Dutch Baby

Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes Servings: 4 3 large eggs 2/3 cup all-purpose flour 2/3 cup low-fat milk 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 teaspoon salt 5 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided 2 cups red California grapes, halved 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon (optional) confectioners’ sugar Heat oven to 450 F. Put large (10inch) cast-iron or ovenproof skillet in oven. With electric mixer on high speed, beat eggs until frothy then beat in

flour, milk, vanilla and salt, and beat until smooth, about 1 minute (batter will be thin). Remove skillet from oven and add 2 tablespoons butter, swirling to cover pan. Pour in batter and return to oven. Bake until puffed and golden brown, 14-19 minutes. While pancake is baking, in another skillet over high heat, melt remaining butter and add grapes, brown sugar and cinnamon, if desired. Cook until grapes are heated through and sugar has melted. Spoon grapes over pancake, sprinkle with confectioners’ sugar and serve. Nutritional information per serving: 280 calories; 6 g protein; 22 g carbohydrates; 18 g fat (58% calories from fat); 10 g saturated fat (32% calories from saturated fat); 180 mg cholesterol; 380 mg sodium; 1 g fiber.

Grape Caramel Sauce

Seasonal Entertaining with Grapes While the beautiful, vibrant colors of grapes can add visual interest to recipes, they can also serve a variety of purposes when hosting: n Grapes can make for easy decorations when placed in bowls, on platters or draped from a cake plate. n Grapes can be “frosted” with sugar, spices and chopped nuts then served as a finger food or used as a garnish to

decorate cakes, cookies, puddings, mousses and other seasonal desserts. Simply dip grape clusters in liquid gelatin then roll in your desired mixture. n Grapes make for a quick and easy hostess gift. Wrap multi-colored grape clusters in tissue paper then place them in a basket or tin tied with ribbon.


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Coconut Muesli Clusters

Recipe courtesy of “Atkins: Eat Right, Not Less” Active time: 10 minutes Total time: 20 minutes Servings: 8 Olive oil spray 1 cup plain protein powder 1/2 cup unsalted sunflower or pumpkin seeds 1 cup whole raw pecans 1 cup unsweetened whole flake shredded coconut 1/2 cup chia seeds or ground flaxseeds 1 tablespoon stevia 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric 1 tablespoon coconut oil 1 tablespoon peanut butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 large eggs 1/4 cup water Heat oven to 350 F. Line large baking sheet with parchment paper, coat with olive oil spray and set aside. In large bowl, mix together protein powder, sunflower or pumpkin seeds, pecans, coconut, chia seeds or flaxseeds, stevia, cinnamon and turmeric. In large skillet, combine coconut oil, peanut butter and vanilla extract; melt completely then stir in nut mixture. Turn heat off and add eggs and water, tossing well. Transfer to prepared baking sheet and spread mixture in layer about 1/2-inch thick. Bake 10-15 minutes until mixture starts to brown and clumps together to make clusters. Cool completely on baking sheet then store in airtight container, refrigerated, up to 1 week.

Light Bites for Healthier Holidays



or those who are always on the go leading up to the holidays, the season can feel more like madness than merrymaking. From planning get-togethers to building out a perfect menu for the events, there can be difficulties for hosts and guests alike to ensure proper nutrition is still top of mind. Instead of sacrificing taste or eating less, aim for simple changes that give you the energy to power through the busy season. For example, instead of opting for a carb-loaded breakfast in the morning, try a low-carb Milk Chocolate Protein Muffin, which takes just a few minutes of prep and microwave time. The quick cook time leaves you with ample opportunities to run errands or divvy up precious seconds toward other activities, while the protein can fuel you for the day ahead.

Almost nothing beats warm soup on a chilly day, and this Butternut Squash and Pear Soup provides feel-good flavor without weighing you down. Finally, when snacks are on the mind – as it tends to happen when constantly on the go – Coconut Muesli Clusters are simple to make and won’t undo the nutritious efforts you’ve made throughout the day. This full menu of tasty recipes is part of the Atkins low-carb lifestyle, a long-term, healthy eating approach focused on high-fiber carbohydrates, optimal protein and healthy fats. The plan also aims to reduce levels of refined carbohydrates, added sugars and the “hidden sugar effect,” – when carbohydrates convert to sugar when digested. You don’t see the sugar, but your body does. Find more ways to live healthier during the holidays and learn more about the benefits of a balanced, low-carb lifestyle at

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Butternut Squash and Pear Soup

1/2 cup heavy cream nutmeg (optional) In large pot over medium Recipe courtesy of Atkins heat, melt butter. Add Prep time: 20 minutes onions and saute until Cook time: 30 minutes translucent, about 6 minutes. Servings: 6 Add squash, pear, curry 1 tablespoon unsalted powder, salt and white pepper; saute 3 minutes. butter Increase heat to high and 1 medium (2 1/2-inch diameter) onion, add chicken broth. Bring to boil then reduce heat to chopped low; simmer 20-25 minutes, 2 pounds butternut uncovered, until cubed winter squash, squash is very tender. Allow cubed 1 medium pear, sliced, to cool about 10-15 minutes. In blender or food plus additional, for processor, puree soup in garnish (optional) batches until smooth. Return 1 teaspoon curry pureed soup to pot and powder 1/2 teaspoon salt add lemon juice and heavy 1/4 teaspoon ground cream. Stir soup over low white pepper heat until hot. 5 cups chicken broth Garnish with additional 1 teaspoon fresh sliced pears and sprinkle of lemon juice nutmeg, if desired.

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Milk Chocolate Protein Muffin Recipe courtesy of Atkins Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 1 minute Servings: 1

2 tablespoons full-fat cream cheese 1 egg 3 tablespoons Atkins Milk Chocolate Protein Powder 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 dash salt In microwave-safe mug, heat cream cheese 10-15 seconds to soften. Add egg and blend briskly using fork. Add protein powder, baking powder, cinnamon and salt; blend until smooth. Microwave on high 1 minute; muffin will puff up then deflate slightly once done. Remove from mug and enjoy warm. Recipes courtesy of Atkins

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An On-the-Go Energy Boost As a hectic holiday season unfolds, it can be difficult to maintain energy while making dishes for get-togethers and keeping up with the festivities. To stay fueled and energized throughout the season, try incorporating Atkins Plus Protein and Fiber Shakes. Sweet and creamy, they make for ideal snacks, containing 30 grams of high-quality dairy protein and

7 grams of fiber. To help ensure steady blood sugar levels, the shakes also have a low glycemic impact and are made with 20 vitamins and minerals. Available in Creamy Milk Chocolate and Creamy Vanilla flavors, the ready-to-drink shakes provide hunger satisfaction for those who are on the go and seeking to maximize production with a busy schedule.


DEC/JAN 2018

A Message From Paradise Island Tea

This year has been that of growth and challenges for many. We have all experienced changes, whether good or bad. As 2018 comes to it's end and 2019 stands and await us, we have to make some choices. Those missed opportunities, the procrastination to become better people, better in our relationships, better in our daily lives, better business leaders etc...this is the time to reflect on needed changes. It's now time to make the conscience decision to head into 2019 with a clear mind of progress and growth. In doing so, we will have to leave a lot of things and people behind. It's extremely important that all that hinders, prohibits and distracts, stays within the borders of 2018. Let's decide to choose ways that lead to progression, as we enter into 2019! God Bless

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Follow Us On Instagram: paradiseislandtea Like Us On Facebook: Paradise Island Tea, LLC Follow Us On Twitter: @talkntea LinkedIn: Tamra Means www.CKWMAG.INFO

DEC/JAN 2018



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Cranberry Riesling Brined Turkey

Savor Simplicity Holiday recipes worth sharing



ost great holiday gatherings start with great food and end with quality time spent with loved ones. This holiday season, rely on simple recipes that let you spend less time in the kitchen and more time celebrating special moments with family and friends. As a holiday host, it may be tempting to explore complicated new recipes to lend a festive air to your seasonal celebrations. However, with the right ingredients, a simple recipe can be equally impressive. Delicious holiday dishes start with premium ingredients like Bertolli Olive Oils, which offer enough versatility to be a must-have kitchen accessory throughout the holiday season and onward. From soups to main dishes to desserts, the rich, quality flavor works for nearly every culinary occasion. After a long day of checking items off your holiday shopping list, there’s almost nothing better than a warm bowl of quick and

easy Rustic Minestrone. This vegetarian classic is the perfect mix of marinara blended with aged cheeses, kale, zucchini and beans. One of the best parts: It can be on the table in 10 minutes, meaning less time cooking and more time spent stringing up holiday lights with family. If you’re looking for a simple way to put a new twist on your turkey, take it to the next level with a seasonal brine made with sweet Riesling, garlic cloves, thyme, fresh cranberries and olive oil. It’s a hands-off way to make a tried-and-true dish a little more special. Finally, when it’s time to wind down the evening, delight guests by bringing back a classic dessert: chocolate chip banana bread. Served slightly warm with a side of fresh whipped cream or vanilla bean ice cream, it’s a sweet finish to any gathering that family and friends are sure to love. Find more simple recipes to enjoy during the holidays at


DEC/JAN 2018

Cranberry Riesling Brined Turkey

1 quart water 6 bay leaves 2 tablespoons whole black peppercorns 1 tablespoon mustard seeds 1 1/2 cups kosher salt 1 bottle (750 milliliters) Riesling wine 2 large shallots, thinly sliced, divided 8 cloves garlic, crushed but left in skins 1 bunch fresh thyme, divided 2 cups fresh cranberries, slightly crushed, divided 1 turkey (16 pounds), giblet package and neck removed ice water, for covering turkey 1/2 cup Bertolli Mild Olive Oil salt, to taste pepper, to taste In pot, bring water, bay leaves, peppercorns, mustard seeds and kosher

salt to boil. Stir until salt is dissolved. Cool to room temperature. Pour brine into 5-gallon stock pot or container. Pour in wine then add one shallot, garlic, thyme (reserving some for stuffing turkey) and 1 cup cranberries. Slowly lower in turkey. Pour ice water into pot to cover turkey. Place lid on pot and refrigerate at least 24 hours. Heat oven to 500 F. Remove turkey from brine, pat dry and stuff with reserved shallot, thyme and cranberries. Place turkey in roasting pan. Generously massage olive oil into skin of turkey. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, to taste. Use kitchen twine to tie legs together so turkey will keep its shape. Place in roasting pan and roast 20 minutes. Lightly brush skin again with olive oil, reduce heat to 350 F and roast until internal temperature reaches 155-160 F on meat thermometer. Allow turkey to rest, loosely covered with foil, 30 minutes before carving.

Chocolate Chunk Banana Bread

Chocolate Chunk Banana Bread

Recipe courtesy of Justin Schuble on behalf of Bertolli Olive Oil

Rustic Minestrone

Rustic Minestrone

3 tablespoons Bertolli Extra Virgin Olive Oil, divided 1 small zucchini, sliced in 1/2-inch half moons 2 cups tightly packed, thinly sliced Tuscan kale leaves 1 jar (23 ounces) Bertolli Rustic Cut Three Cheese with Aged Asiago, Romano and Parmesan Sauce 1 carton (32 ounces) vegetable broth 1 can (15 ounces) cannellini beans, rinsed

1/3 cup shaved Parmigiano Reggiano cheese In 6-quart pot over medium-high heat, heat 2 teaspoons oil. Add zucchini and kale; cook, stirring frequently, about 1-2 minutes, or until kale begins to wilt. Reduce heat to medium; add sauce, broth and beans. Simmer 5-7 minutes, or until heated. Top with shaved cheese before serving. Tips: Substitute garbanzo beans, kidney beans, pinto beans or tri-bean blend for cannellini beans. For heartier soup, add 3 cups (9 ounces) refrigerated tortellini pasta with broth and beans. Simmer soup 8-10 minutes more, or until pasta is cooked through.

3/4 cup Bertolli Olive Oil, plus additional for coating pan 3 ripe medium bananas, divided 1/2 cup applesauce 1 large egg 1 large egg white 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chunks or chips 1/4 cup nut spread Heat oven to 350 F. Coat 9-by-5-inch loaf pan with olive oil. In mixing bowl, mash 2 bananas. Add applesauce, egg, egg white and vanilla to bananas and whisk. In separate bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking soda, salt and cinnamon. Slowly add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix. Add olive oil slowly and mix until combined. Fold in chocolate chunks. Pour batter into loaf pan. Heat nut spread in microwave until it reaches pourable consistency. Swirl spread into top of batter. Thinly slice long, flat strips of banana. Add slices to top of batter for decoration. Place loaf pan in oven and bake 1 hour. Remove bread and cool before slicing.

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A Host’s Guide to Holiday Gatherings

Butcher’s Butter Filet Mignon Roast Garnish

1/4 cup salted butter 1/4 cup duck fat 1/2 teaspoon fresh rosemary, minced 1 teaspoon fresh thyme, minced 1 clove garlic, minced 1/2 anchovy filet, minced 1/8 teaspoon black pepper 1 prepared Omaha Steaks Filet Mignon Roast In small saucepan, combine butter, duck fat, rosemary, thyme, garlic, anchovy filet and black pepper. Heat on low 3-5 minutes until fragrant. Remove from heat and serve over Filet Mignon Roast.



earing up for a big crowd at your holiday festivities can provide moments of excitement, stress, fun and plenty of other emotions as the big dinner draws near. This year, avoid any nagging feelings of doubt with this step-bystep guide to prepare for large gatherings. Plan in advance. Even if you’re typically the last-minute type, the hectic holiday season is no time to wait until a few days ahead of the celebration to throw meals and more together. Instead, be sure to put together a guest list and send invites at least a few weeks out. Take inventory of supplies like silverware, plates, serving dishes and any accessories you’d like to feature at the table. Make an outline of the food each guest is bringing, or, if you’ll supply all the food, ensure there will be plenty for everyone – don’t forget to take into account special diets or allergies. Make a list. Planning only takes you so far if you don’t write everything down. Once the menu is determined, list out what you’ll need to make the magic happen. Don’t forget to jot down easily overlooked items that can be picked up the day of, such as ice. Remember to thaw. One surefire way to make the big day a big disaster is to forget to thaw your main course. If you’re

planning to roast a turkey – perhaps the most common centerpiece – remember it takes around a day to thaw for every two pounds of meat. So, for example, it could take close to a week for a 14-pound turkey to fully thaw prior to cooking. Prep the day before. There are many tasks (big and small) that can be taken care of the day before guests arrive, making the holiday less stressful for hosts. From whipping up simple appetizers like dips to giving the house a thorough cleaning, there’s plenty of pressure that can be taken off your shoulders 24 hours in advance. If you really want to make the big day a breeze, consider cooking your main dish, slicing the meat and placing it in reheating pans one day prior. Create a schedule. No matter how far in advance you plan or how much prep you complete prior to the festivities, there will always be day-of work to be done. With guests coming in and out, it can be helpful to lay out what’s known as a “fire list,” which details times chronologically for when things need done, such as starting the oven to warm the turkey or simply remembering to lay out dessert following the meal. Find more holiday hosting tips and meal solutions at

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Whole Basted Turkey

1 Omaha Steaks Whole Basted Turkey (10 pounds) Thaw turkey completely in refrigerator 3-4 days or, keeping turkey in vacuum-sealed pack­ aging, place in sink full of cold water 5-7 hours, changing water approximately every 30 minutes. Heat oven to 350 F. Remove turkey from vacuum-sealed bag.

Roasted Grape Gastrique

Roasted Grapes: 4 cups assorted grapes (picked, washed and dried) 1 tablespoon olive oil 3/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 cinnamon stick nonstick cooking spray

Gastrique: 2 tablespoons water 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon cornstarch mixed with 4 tablespoons water To make Roasted Grapes: Heat oven to 350 F.

Place turkey in bag provided; secure bag with twist tie. Place bag in deep roasting pan. Using fork, puncture 6-8 holes in top of bag. For extra browning or crispness, slit top of bag for final 20-30 minutes of roasting. Roast turkey 2 hours, 45 minutes-3 hours. Turkey is done when internal temperature measured with kitchen thermometer reaches 165 F.

In bowl, combine grapes, olive oil, salt, pepper and cinnamon stick. Lightly spray baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray. Pour grape mixture onto baking sheet. Bake 15 minutes. Remove from oven and pour into bowl. To make Gastrique: In small saucepan, combine water and sugar. Bring to boil over medium-high heat, 5-7 minutes, until sugar starts to brown. Remove from heat and slowly add vinegar. Return to heat and stir until combined. Add cornstarch and water mixture; bring to boil. Remove from heat. Pour Gastrique mixture over Roasted Grapes.

Quick Roast Method

Heat oven to 400 F. Lightly oil and season roast. Place on an elevated rack in a roasting pan. Roast uncovered, using times below. Allow 20-40 minutes resting time before slicing. Verify degrees of doneness by using a kitchen thermometer. Below times are approximate. Weight

Rare 120-130 F

Medium-Rare 130-140 F

Medium 140-150 F

Well 160-170 F

Chateaubriand Roast

10 ounces

22-24 minutes

28-30 minutes

32-35 minutes

45-50 minutes

Chateaubriand Roast

2 pounds

30-35 minutes

35-40 minutes

40-45 minutes

1 hour1 hour, 15 minutes

Chateaubriand Roast

3 pounds

45-50 minutes

50-60 minutes

1 hour, 5 minutes1 hour, 10 minutes

1 hour, 15 minutes1 hour, 30 minutes

Chateaubriand Roast

4 pounds

50-55 minutes

1 hour1 hour, 5 minutes

1 hour, 10 minutes1 hour, 15 minutes

1 hour, 30 minutes1 hour, 45 minutes

Rib Roast

4 pounds

1 hour, 20 minutes1 hour, 30 minutes

2 hours, 30 minutes2 hours, 40 minutes

1 hour, 45 minutes2 hours

2 hours, 15 minutes2 hours, 30 minutes

Rib Roast

6 pounds

2 hours2 hours, 15 minutes

2 hours, 15 minutes2 hours, 30 minutes

2 hours, 30 minutes2 hours, 45 minutes

3 hours3 hours, 15 minutes

Rib Roast

8 pounds

2 hours, 15 minutes2 hours, 30 minutes

2 hours, 30 minutes2 hours, 40 minutes

2 hours, 45 minutes3 hours

Tri-Tip Sirloin Roast

1 1/2 pounds

30-35 minutes

35-40 minutes

45-50 minutes

3 hours, 30 minutes3 hours, 45 minutes 1 hour1 hour, 15 minutes


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.'Tis the season for getting together with friends and family to celebrate. Food is at the heart of the holidays, so whether you're hosting an event or attending as a guest, you'll want to whip up something to impress a wide variety of taste buds. The perfect solution: A holiday cheeseboard.

Creating a cheeseboard like the ones you see in food magazines might seem intimidating, but it's actually surprisingly simple. With a little planning and a few flairs, you'll put together a cheeseboard that guests will nosh on until every last crumb is devoured. Just follow these five steps to a delicious holiday cheeseboard that's guaranteed to get rave reviews.

1. Select a serving tray: A wood cutting board is timeless, but feel free to get creative with your serving vessel. You can choose your grandmother's crystal platter, that festive holiday tray or repurpose a favorite cake plate. The only rule is the tray must be large enough to hold all your cheese plus accompaniments without being overcrowded.

2. Choose cheese wisely: Select three to five varieties of cheese for your board. This provides nice variation without overwhelming guests with too many options. When in doubt, remember this rhyme when shopping: Something old, something new, something stinky and something blue. Consider an Italian cheese theme and choose from a variety of Stella cheeses. From fresh mozzarella and tart feta to aged Asiago and buttery Fontina, you'll have nice variety for everyone.


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CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


3. Get the right amounts: You want enough cheese to satisfy everyone but you don't wants loads of leftovers. Typically 4-6 ounces of cheese per person is a good estimate, but increase or decrease that amount based on time of day and other foods being served (for example, a bountiful luncheon versus a light cocktail hour). The Stella Cheese online cheese calculator can help you determine appropriate amounts considering these variables if you need assistance.

4. Add accompaniments and garnishes: For a well-rounded cheeseboard, extras are essential. Crackers, crostini and bread as well as nuts, dried fruit, olives and meats can be customized to your tastes. For a festive take on your cheeseboard, add quintessential holiday-themed foods such as cranberry jam, roasted chestnuts, fresh figs and even pumpkin butter. For pops of color, add in fresh berries and sprigs of rosemary. These extras not only add a plethora of flavors, but they beautify your presentation.

5. Consider proper preparation: One of the best parts of a cheeseboard is it can be prepared ahead of time. This means less work and more time to spend with loved ones during holiday events. To get started, organize your cheeseboard in an eye-appealing manner with cheeses from mildest to strongest flavor as that's the best way to sample them. Keep in mind you can set cheese out about an hour before serving as this time allows cheese to adjust to room temperature which maximizes flavors. Then add extras to fill in the spaces on the board, placing garnishes like jams and honey in the middle.

Whether you're hosting a casual neighborhood gathering, a festive celebration with family or a formal get-together with business partners, a delectable cheeseboard is ideal for guests to nosh on. For more inspiration visit


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Holiday Inspiration for Every Occasion (Family Features) The holiday season is full of opportunities to eat, drink and gather around the table with the ones you love. Whether it’s a family dinner, office potluck or neighborhood brunch, good food is a cornerstone of nearly every great holiday celebration. From hosting guests to kids returning home on winter break, the holiday season can require more planning than usual. Ensure you’re prepared this year with a savory centerpiece staple like Smithfield Spiral Sliced Ham or a crowd-pleasing favorite like Bacon French Toast Bake, giving you more time to soak in the best parts of the season. To keep the holiday season fresh and exciting, consider putting a twist on a classic, like adding sausage to a traditional side dish like Sausage and Ciabatta Stuffing. Available as links, patties and rolls, Smithfield’s line of Fresh Breakfast Sausage is made using premium, high-quality pork to provide big flavor that can be enjoyed any time of day. For more recipes and tips that can help make your holiday soiree a breeze, visit Bacon French Toast Bake 1 6 1 1 1/2 1⁄3

small loaf challah or brioche bread, cut into 1⁄2-inch-thick slices nonstick cooking spray large eggs cup heavy cream cup whole milk cup grated Gruyere cheese cup maple syrup


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1 4 1/4 1/2 1

teaspoon ground cinnamon slices Smithfield Bacon, cooked and chopped cup grated Swiss cheese cup blackberries teaspoon powdered sugar, for dusting

Leave bread slices out, at room temperature, at least 3 hours, or until slightly stale. Generously coat 9-inch baking dish with nonstick cooking spray. Arrange bread, slightly overlapping. In large bowl, whisk eggs, heavy cream, milk, Gruyere cheese, maple syrup and cinnamon. Add chopped bacon, saving 2 tablespoons for later. Pour over bread in baking dish. With hands, press down on bread to submerge. Cover baking dish with plastic wrap. Refrigerate at least 5 hours, or overnight. Heat oven to 375 F. Remove plastic. Sprinkle remaining bacon and Swiss cheese over top of bread mixture. Bake 45-50 minutes, or until golden brown and set. Top with blackberries and dust with powdered sugar before serving. Sausage and Ciabatta Stuffing 1 4 1 1 1 1/2 2 2 1/3 2 2

large loaf ciabatta bread, cut into 1-inch cubes tablespoons unsalted butter, divided pound Smithfield Fresh Sausage Roll cup carrots, diced cups onion, diced cups celery, diced cups chicken broth cup olive oil tablespoons chopped parsley, plus additional for garnish tablespoons chopped rosemary salt, to taste freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Heat oven to 325 F. Bake ciabatta bread cubes until lightly toasted, about 15 minutes. Set aside. Increase oven temperature to 375 F. In skillet over medium-high heat, melt 1 tablespoon butter. #14547 Source: Smithfield

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Cook sausage, breaking meat into medium pieces, until browned, about 8-10 minutes. Transfer sausage to large bowl; set aside. Add remaining butter to skillet; cook carrots, onions and celery until soft, 5-7 minutes, and transfer to bowl with sausage. In large bowl, mix bread cubes, chicken broth, olive oil, parsley, rosemary and salt and pepper, to taste. Add vegetable and sausage mixture to bread cubes mixture and combine. Spread evenly in greased 9-by-13-inch baking dish. Bake until golden brown and bread is slightly crisp on top, 30-35 minutes. Garnish with additional parsley before serving. Tip: Recipe can be made one day before and refrigerated overnight.


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Easy Holiday Hosting and Toasting (Family Features) If the very notion of holiday hosting has you feeling a bit overwhelmed, get organized with these simple ideas that can help you serve up a successful holiday celebration. Entertainment: Ensure guests enjoy a good time by offering entertainment that is suitable for their personality types. If your guests are more drawn to energetic activities, choose lighthearted, competitive games like charades. For guests who are more laid back, organize classic board games. There are many popular games available in special holiday editions for extrafestive fun. You can also simply play holiday movies and music in the background for crowds that would rather just mingle. Beverages: Stock up on refreshments all ages can enjoy. Keep a kid-friendly favorite like lemonade on hand, and tea is a traditionally well-received option for the grownups. Put a special holiday touch on your drink menu with a recipe like this Holiday Hot Tea featuring Milo's Famous Sweet Tea, which has been fresh brewed from custom-blended tea leaves with no added acids or preservatives for generations. Favors: Send guests home with a sweet memory of the event, such as an ornament that connects to the party’s theme or a bag of seasonal treats like homemade cookies or candy to nibble on during the trip back home. Simple Snacks: Building your menu around simple snacks and finger foods guests can nibble on while they mingle is perfectly acceptable for almost any type of holiday gathering. Include options that can satisfy all the taste buds. You can even combine sweet and sour with a seasonal crowd-pleaser like this Lemonade Cranberry Orange Bread, which draws its flavor from a secret ingredient: Milo’s All Natural Lemonade. Find more holiday hosting ideas and recipes at Lemonade Cranberry Orange Bread Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 1 hour Servings: 8 1 3/4 1 2 1 2 1 1 1/2

can cranberry sauce cup Milo’s All Natural Lemonade orange, zest only tablespoons vegetable oil egg cups flour cup sugar teaspoons baking powder


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1 1/2

teaspoon salt teaspoon baking soda

Heat oven to 350 F. In large bowl, mash cranberry sauce into small pieces. Add lemonade, orange zest, vegetable oil and egg; mix until blended. In separate bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and baking soda. Combine wet and dry ingredients; mix until batter is formed. Pour batter into greased loaf pan. Bake 1 hour. Let cool 20 minutes before slicing and serving. Holiday Hot Tea Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 2 hours, 30 minutes Servings: 12 12 2 1 12 4 1 1 1

cups Milo's Famous Sweet Tea cans (12 ounces each) frozen limeade juice concentrate orange, thinly sliced, plus additional for garnish (optional) whole cloves cinnamon sticks teaspoon vanilla cup fresh cranberries cup ginger ale raw sugar, for garnish (optional)

In large slow-cooker, combine sweet tea, limeade concentrate, orange slices, cloves, cinnamon sticks, vanilla, cranberries and ginger ale; stir. Heat on high 30 minutes then reduce heat to low for 2 hours, or heat on low 2 hours then reduce setting to warm overnight. Invert moistened glass rims in sugar then fit orange slice over rim, if desired. Note: For easier serving, place cloves in tea ball or double layer of coffee filters sealed with kitchen twine. Photo courtesy of Getty Images (Lemonade Cranberry Orange Bread)

#14555 Source: Milo’s Tea Company




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Take Holiday Hosting to the Next Level



t can be easy to impress your holiday guests without overdoing it in the kitchen by putting to use recipes that require little time to prep. After all, those precious moments with loved ones are meant for reflection and conver­sation, but that doesn’t mean you have to settle for lesser dishes. Appetizers like Beet Carpaccio Salad with Toasted Hazelnuts provide aesthetic appeal and taste to tide appetites. As one of the key ingredients, Filippo Berio Classic Balsamic Glaze adds tanginess and artistic flair for flavor­ful small bites. Go above and beyond with a main course that’s prepped in 10 minutes and ready in less than two hours like this Rosemary and Raspberry Balsamic Roasted Leg of Lamb, which can be the center of attention as guests dig in for a delightful meal. Finally, for a nightcap worth celebrating, this Dark Chocolate and Cherry Cheesecake can serve a crowd thanks to ingredients like Filippo Berio Raspberry Balsamic glaze, providing tangy, fruity flavor with its rich, smooth blend of raspberry juice and balsamic vinegar of Modena. Find more holiday recipes that can take your gathering to the next level at

Rosemary and Raspberry Balsamic Roasted Leg of Lamb

Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 1 hour, 30 minutes Servings: 8 Roasted Leg of Lamb: 3 tablespoons Filippo Berio Olive Oil 2 tablespoons Filippo Berio Raspberry Balsamic Glaze 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary 4 teaspoons grainy mustard 1 bone-in leg of lamb (about 6 pounds) 2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon pepper 3 onions, quartered 1 cup water Gravy: 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1/2 cup dry red wine 4 cups chicken stock 2 tablespoons Filippo Berio Raspberry Balsamic Glaze

1 sprig fresh rosemary 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper To make Roasted Leg of Lamb: Heat oven to 400 F. In bowl, whisk olive oil, raspberry balsamic glaze, rosemary and mustard; set aside. Make small incisions in lamb and insert garlic slices. Rub olive oil mixture over lamb. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Transfer to roasting pan fitted with rack. Add onions; pour water into bottom of pan. Roast 80-90 minutes, or until internal temperature reaches 145 F for medium-rare, adding water to pan as needed to avoid scorching and onions drying out. Transfer lamb to carving board and tent with foil. To make Gravy: Place roasting pan on stovetop over medium-high heat; stir in flour. Whisk in wine; boil 1-2 minutes, or until reduced by half. Whisk in chicken stock and raspberry balsamic glaze. Add rosemary; bring to boil and simmer 8-10 minutes, or until thickened. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with lamb.

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Beet Carpaccio Salad with Toasted Hazelnuts

Prep time: 10 min Servings: 4 1 1/2 pounds roasted beets 2 cups microgreens 4 ounces goat cheese, crumbled 1/4 cup chopped toasted hazelnuts 2 tablespoons Filippo Berio Classic Balsamic Glaze 1/4 teaspoon flaked sea salt 1/4 teaspoon cracked pepper Heat oven to 400 F. Using chef’s knife or mandoline, thinly slice beets; arrange on platter. Arrange microgreens over beets; scatter with goat cheese. Sprinkle hazelnuts over top and drizzle with balsamic glaze. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Dark Chocolate and Cherry Cheesecake

Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 1 hour, 40 minutes Servings: 12 Crust: 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs 1/3 cup Filippo Berio Extra Light Olive Oil 1/4 cup packed brown sugar Filling: 3/4 cup chopped bittersweet chocolate 1 tablespoon Filippo Berio Classic Balsamic Glaze 3 packages (8 ounces each) brick-style cream cheese, room temperature 1 cup granulated sugar 3 eggs 1 cup sour cream 1 teaspoon vanilla Cherry Topping: 3 cups frozen cherries 3/4 cup packed brown sugar 1 tablespoon Filippo Berio Olive Oil 1/2 cup water, plus 2 tablespoons, divided 2 tablespoons cornstarch 2 tablespoons Filippo Berio Classic Balsamic Glaze

To make Crust: Heat oven to 350 F. Mix graham wafer crumbs, oil and sugar; press into bottom of 9-inch springform pan. Bake 8 minutes; let cool. Reduce oven temperature to 325 F. To make Filling: In heatproof bowl set over saucepan of hot (not boiling) water, melt chocolate, stirring until smooth. Remove from heat and stir in balsamic glaze. Let cool slightly. Using electric mixer, beat together cream cheese, sugar and melted chocolate mixture until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs, one at a time. Beat in sour cream and vanilla; pour over crust. Wrap outside of springform pan in heavy-duty foil. Set inside roasting pan and pour in boiling water until halfway up sides of springform pan. Bake 90-100 minutes, or until sides are set and center is still slightly jiggly; cool 5 minutes. Run knife between cheesecake and pan; cool completely. Refrigerate 24 hours. To make Cherry Topping: In small saucepan over medium heat, bring cherries, sugar, olive oil and 1/2 cup water to boil. Reduce heat and simmer 5-6 minutes, or until sugar dissolves. Whisk cornstarch with remaining water; whisk into mixture. Cook about 3 minutes, or until thickened. Transfer to bowl; cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours or up to one day. Spoon over cheesecake; drizzle with balsamic glaze. www.CKWMAG.INFO

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No matter what you're chasing or up against - goals, bargains, chores, deadlines, your kids, etc. - life can be crazy. There never seems to be enough time to check everything off your to-do list, especially if you're always on the go. Here are some tips and tricks for keeping your sanity while managing your busy lifestyle: Plan ahead for meals and snacks You have enough to think about during your busy days, so don't overload yourself with any extra, unnecessary decision-making. When it comes to eating, shop for all your weekday meals at the beginning of the week and prep them in bulk ahead of time. Try pre-packaged smoothie bags for a healthy breakfast, and prep veggies and your favorite proteins to build out your meals for the entire week. For moments when you need a quick and convenient burst of energy, keep ready-made, protein-packed snacks on hand. Tired of rotating the same old yogurts and granola? Try something new like SeaPak's greattasting On-the-Go Shrimp Cocktail. This hassle-free snack can be thawed overnight in your refrigerator for the ultimate grab-and-go convenience. Sneak in a workout Truthfully, you don't need more than 20 minutes to fit in a great workout. Short bursts of high-intensity exercise, like interval training, can actually be more effective. If you're stuck at a desk for most of the day, try a few sets of pushups or crunches in between meetings. Or how about taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or parking farther away from your office - the extra steps add up. If you're traveling, take your workout on the road with you by downloading a fitness app. With one tap, your hotel room becomes a gym! Make music part of your routine If you're feeling mentally tense or worn out, music's always a wonderful way to collect oneself or reinvigorate your state of mind. Stressed at work? Chill out by listening to a relaxing playlist or the sounds of nature in the background. Driving to pick up the kids across town? Turn on your favorite artist and rock out until you get home. You'll feel your mood shift in no time!


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Schedule some me time In the middle of your busy schedule, don't forget to prioritize some time for yourself. Block off time on your calendar to work on a hobby or to take in that movie you've been wanting to see with your significant other. Pick up your favorite treat at the grocery store and indulge yourself. Take it a step further and get a massage or start planning the perfect vacation. "Me time" gives you a chance to recharge your batteries before returning to your everyday routines. You'll be able to tackle the next day's agenda with a clear head. Don't push yourself too hard An active, on-the-go lifestyle can be exciting and fulfilling, but don't overdo it. Pushing yourself to the limit is good occasionally, but it's not something you should do all the time. If you're feeling stressed, take some time to evaluate the situation. You might need to ask for help or move something off your plate. Also, be sure to make time for what matters most to you. No matter how packed your schedule is, there's always room for peace and calm. With these tips, you'll be able to wave away any stress in favor of a more chillaxed frame of mind.

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Many Americans will pass right by the Red Kettles and ringing bells of The Salvation Army this season. Some simply have little money to spare for those in need this year. But others will consciously opt out because of misconceptions about why so many Americans - 39.7 million people, a full 12.3 percent of the U.S. population - are still living below the poverty threshold. One prevailing myth is that most of the poverty-stricken are unemployed people living off government benefits by choice. But research has repeatedly shown most Americans would prefer employment over welfare. Of U.S. residents living below the poverty line, some 25 million are adults with disabilities, 18 million are children, 6.7 million are among the "working poor" and a good number of others are struggling to recover from medical emergencies, job losses and other financial setbacks. "Ask us why the poor are poor, and we have a response quick at the ready, grasping for this palliative of explanation," Matthew Desmond notes in the New York Times. "Rather than hold itself accountable, America reverses roles by blaming the poor for their own miseries." Some other common misconceptions about poverty in the U.S.: Myth: No one in America really goes hungry. Food stamps, food kitchens and food shelves help stem the problem, but can't eliminate hunger entirely. At least one in seven U.S. households suffered from food hardship in 2016-2017, reports the Gallup-Sharecare Well-Being Index. Myth: The poor are best represented by homeless people and those living on the street. In fact, many of the poverty-stricken have housing, hold down jobs and are trying their hardest to get ahead, but can't generate enough income to support their families. www.CKWMAG.INFO

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Myth: Poor people aren't as motivated. Research has shown over and over that poverty stems not from a lack of initiative, but from a wide scope of other factors including low wages, lack of jobs, poor school quality, high childcare costs, a racialized criminal justice system and discrimination in the labor market. "While grit may have ushered you up the socioeconomic ladder in the late 19th century, it's no longer up to the task today," writes Stephen Pimpare in the Washington Post. Myth: Growing up in poverty has no lasting effect on children. Many believe in the outmoded idea that every American has an equal chance to succeed in life. In truth, poor children begin their journeys at high risk for physical, social, emotional and behavioral problems attributed to lack of nutrition, physical stimulation and/or emotional development. And those challenges can be difficult to overcome as they grow up and attempt to break the cycle of poverty. Myth: Being poor in the U.S. is better than being poor in other countries. That may be true when we compare our living conditions to those in some d Developing nations, but the U.S. doesn't manage its poverty problem nearly as well as most other wealthy nations. UNICEF recently reported, for example, that the U.S. has a greater percentage of "food-insecure" children than 35 of our richest neighbors. Such misconceptions may take awhile to refute, but in the meantime, compassionate organizations like The Salvation Army are fighting every day to offer Americans food, shelter, clothing, supplies and a range of other services. Last year the 153-year-old nonprofit was able to assist more than 23 million people in need in the U.S., spending an admirable 82 cents of each dollar it receives to support community service programs. This season, join the #FightForGood by donating to The Salvation Army's 128th Annual Red Kettle Campaign whenever you see bell ringers out and about. You can also donate online throughout the year, or contribute over the phone by calling 1-800-SAL-ARMY.

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LINKIN’ BRIDGE By: Chea K. Woolfolk & Craig Shanklin

Introducing Musical Champions Linkin’ Bridge

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When one listens to Linkin’ Bridge they are quickly reminded that there are still deep and soulful singers that can take you places with their soulful sounds and pure talent. Singing without music gives you no place to hide within the track, and the listener is given a pure vocal fusion of voices making music that can literally soothe the soul, and take your mind back to old Motown, where an evening became a spiritual experience. “From the Hood to Hollywood” is how they like to describe their journey, and in case you haven’t had the pleasure of being serenaded by this super talented and highly sought after group you have no idea what you’re missing.

Introducing Musical Champions Linkin’ Bridge

They are as dynamic as they are charismatic an A cappella group that you will ever meet. Originating from the west end of Louisville, Kentucky they formed in 2015. They began singing as a group to appear in a prank video entitled "Brothers Bring the Hood to the Burbs at Christmas." They then shot to super-stardom on the hit NBC show America's Got Talent, where the group ultimately made the finals and gained fans all over the world. Since then they have appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live, have opened for the likes of Jay Leno, Thompson Square, 3 Doors Down, the Commodores, Maze and Frankie Beverly and recently made an appearance at the world renowned Carnegie Hall. The group consists of Montre Davis, a soulful balladeer also known as "The Dreamer," his cousin Shon "China" Lacy who is a gritty soulful tenor and sings baritone and bass.... "Big Rome" Kimbrough who is a smooth vocal powerhouse who puts the finishing touches on everything he does, and the new addition to the group: Elliott "The Kid" Nichols because he is the youngest. Elliott was chosen because of his hard work ethic and dedication to learning his parts. Montre saw videos of him singing and heard a lot of great things about him from other artists around the city and it helped that he is also from the West End of Louisville. He auditioned and competed for the spot and performed with flying colors and in the process formed a brotherhood with the group. His voice is as smooth as butter when he wails and completes the soulful harmonies that the group displays. The recently added Angelo D. Polk will be joining as a musician, writer and backup.

Montre Davis

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Shon "China" Lacy

"Big Rome" Kimbrough

Angelo D. Polk


Elliott "The Kid" Nichols

DEC/JAN 2018

We caught up with Linkin’ Bridge on Friday Nov 16th at Mario Martin’s “Born4TheCity” event. We had a chance to sit down with the group to see what they are up to and where they see themselves headed They started the interview off and described Linkin Bridge as four young men who grew up in the west end of Louisville who had to go through many hardships such as abuse and poverty who used their music as a tool to catapult them out of their past and to make greater changes through the world. “It’s not just about color or race or even the environment that you’re from.” “Music is for everyone no matter what genre you do connects other people and there is no color when it comes to music.” They are trying to tear down stereotypes of what urban means throughout the world and to try to show people that you can be a lighthouse through communities throughout the world to shine positivity and to never give up on your dreams of succeeding. When asked what the journey had been like they replied it was life changing to see the Grand Canyon, or to visit the west coast and tour with groups like Three Doors Down has been an unbelievable ride. As they rattled off countless encounters with celebrities and athletes like Aaron Rogers that have shown an appreciation for their talent and drive as they burst into stardom and celebrity. They have no intentions of letting up and are working on their debut album which is sure to broaden their reach and expand their opportunity to solidify their name among the greats. When asked what they want their fans to walk away with? They replied that they want the fans to get to know them and to experience a true connection. They are very proud artists from Louisville Kentucky and the one thing you should remember is that these guys are “really good”. They work on their skills to stay sharp and to perform with the same sound quality of a cd with plans to do this well into their sixties or seventies! When asked what song best describes them the guys all replied “We are the champions” which is a song by Queen and is currently getting heavy play from the Queen biopic that is in theatres now. To perform in places you never dreamed of like Carnegie Hall or to be Grand Marshalls in the Pegasus Parade with Jennifer Lawrence. Linkin’ Bridge represents Louisville, and they represent never giving up, and the sky is the limit for this incredible group of guys who are bringing all ages of music together one performance at a time.

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


Hello and Happy Holidays from Prolific’s Connections to your family. We pray that the New Year brings you a bountiful Financial increase along with Peace and Joy!!! We encourage you to think of where you want to be at the end of 2019. What is it you see yourself doing in the next year? Do you have a business you want to start? Have you want to go back to school? If you want to do these that were just mentioned, here are some Prolific organizations we felt would be great for you to connect with in Louisville, KY for the New Year!

Starting A Business Louisville Forward/Economic Development Scott Love-Economic Development Manager 444 South Fifth Street Louisville, KY 40203 (502) 574-4140 KIVA Zip Dean Adams KIVA USA Loan Advisor Louisville/Southern Indiana (772) 80-9418 NIA Center-Business Clinic 2900 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY 40211 (502) 574-1139 / 574-1140 ​ Here is a link of other resources you can use:


When starting a business or organization, Networking is a must! A Prolific company to network with is called The P. E.E.R Group. This businesses and organizations in this group believes in partnering with each other for events and supporting each other by promoting another member’s services. Check out their website by going to: You can also check out their Facebook group: @thepeergroupprofessionals

If you want to go back to school: KHEAA Shouts out to, Candace Johnson! She represents this organization well! She is also the most encouraging and supportive person to go to when you are on the path of getting back to school!!!! Candice Johnson 502-541-7745

Prolific’s Connections must shout out Simmons College of Kentucky!!! They are doing Great Things!!! It is the ONLY HBCU in Louisville, KY and their band is ALL THAT!!! Go to:​ and connect with Simmons College of Kentucky Today!!! 1018 S. 7th St. Louisville, KY 40203 502-776-1443

Prolific’s Connections Dec ‘18/Jan ‘19 Edition

www.CKWMAG.INFO Fb: @prolificsconnectionsandservices

DEC/JAN 2018



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CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


If you’re looking for wonderful health conscious cuisine “S Bar” is the name, and fresh, and delicious, food options are their game! The owner, DJ Watts saw a health conscious culinary need and she decided to do something about it. She realized that the West End area of Louisville Kentucky needed healthier food options and she has supplied just that. Their menu comprised of dishes that begin with, you guessed it the letter S. Everything from “Spuds, Smoothies, Sandwiches and Salads.

Are you hungry? No need to worry Lil’ Chea Chea has a recommendation for you.

On my first visit, I was in a rush, and I was very hungry. I wanted to rush in, order, and take the food home to eat. Yet, I was greeted by a very pleasant staff, a clean atmosphere and a willingness to answer my questions about the establishment. I left, with not only a bag full of delicious food, but a new spot to satisfy my cravings. I was also very pleased to find that they offer an ample selection of healthy smoothies, as I have adopted a green smoothie lifestyle. And lastly, I also noticed that fresh ingredients, generous portions, and the ability to customize some of the dishes were an option. www.CKWMAG.INFO

DEC/JAN 2018

I ordered two of the specialty Spuds, the chicken fajita and the original SBar Spud which is a generously proportioned baked potato. Both were very large and loaded with fresh flavorful ingredients. These were definitely not the baked potatoes we’ve gotten used to in this country with topping just dumped on top and served. They were carefully constructed and created so that every bite had flavor. I noticed the amount of care the staff took in preparing all the food I and other patrons had ordered, and we all gave nods of acknowledgement while anticipating our chance to eat. To describe them as delicious is an understatement. I couldn't have been more impressed by my first experience and will be returning for another menu selection. I highly suggest that you give SBar a try, not only to indulge in the wonderful baked potatoes, very generous salads and healthy smoothies but also to support a business owner who wants to give back to the community, and one who decided that to see change you must be a part of the change. SBar and DJ Watts making an impact through healthy food and community awareness gets and “A� in my book every time!

1442 Dixie Highway Louisville, Kentucky 40210 (502) 439-6574




184 $XJ 6HSW 54



CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine



DEC/JAN 2018

On Sept 22nd, 2018 the Sickle Cell Association of Kentuckian held their annual fundraiser and awareness event. The event was held in the “Secretariat Ballroom” of the Galt House Hotel and was hosted by Chea K. Woolfolk. One of the biggest differences noticed about this year’s event was the growth. The Sickle Cell Association of Kentuckian has not only managed to bring a new light of awareness to sickle cell, but to their events as well. Attended by many from the sickle cell community, as well as the many supportive medical professionals who treat patients for this disease the gala was a roaring success. To learn more about sickle Cell and what you can do to make a difference visit Sickle cell anemia is an inherited form of anemia — a condition in which there aren't enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen throughout your body. Normally, your red blood cells are flexible and round, moving easily through your blood vessels. In sickle cell anemia, the red blood cells become rigid and sticky and are shaped like sickles or crescent moons. These irregularly shaped cells can get stuck in small blood vessels, which can slow or block blood flow and oxygen to parts of the body. There's no cure for most people with sickle cell anemia. But treatments can relieve pain and help prevent problems associated with the disease.

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


UAW Local 862~Ford


DEC/JAN 2018

The Louisville Soul  Music Festival

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


The Louisville Soul Festival with Fantasia / Anthony Hamilton / Tamia / Dru Hill & Hosted By Gary G-Thang Johnson @ Yum Center Nov 9th 2018.

What do you get when you combine the sounds of Tamia, Dru Hill, Anthony Hamilton and Fantasia? You get more than a show, you get an event. The Louisville Soul Music Festival was no disappointment. If anything, it was a gamechanger. The concert was held at the Yum Center on Nov 9th, 2018 the festival drew a near capacity crowd of people who sang along and interacted with each artist. Each act brought a feeling of celebration and nostalgia to memories of their youth for many attendees. The atmosphere was one of kinship and enjoyment. Many attendees were excited to see some of the artist for the first time. G Squared Events not only assured the Louisville Kentucky audience would have more than a concert but an event, they made sure the event was worth every penny of the ticket price. www.CKWMAG.INFO

DEC/JAN 2018

As I reflect on the concert I cannot forget the host, Gary G Thang Johnson. As I studied his hosting style, I noticed that he has the ability to connect with his crowd even one of this size. Not only is he hilarious, Gary has a bigger than life persona on stage yet is approachable. I believe this man’s star is one to watch rise. Comedy is a love of mine which is no secret. I study comedians because there is an art to making the world laugh. Gary seems to flow with whatever mood the audience is in, adjusting his delivery to match the mood while keeping the focus on the enjoyment of the event. He can keep the show rolling and fill in any gaps that may be happening behind stage. With a blend of good old fashion jokes, audience participation and energy Gary G Thang Johnson makes my list of Hosts to watch. His star is rising an its only going to get better.

Facts To Know! The total attendance was 7,600! Which was a great atmosphere for this urban show. The shows artists line-up was put together for the Louisville market only and not a touring show.

People came from all around the regions, Detroit Chicago St. Louis Indianapolis Cincinnati Dayton Columbus Nashville Atlanta Western Kentucky Areas.

Follow Gary “Gthang” Johnson on Instagram @ 314garyjohnson Find his comedy album entitled “GThang Live” om

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


The Louisville Soul Music Festival was G-Squared Events third show in Louisville KY. All the shows have resulted in a great atmosphere and had large attendances

INSTAGRAM: @lakeithentertainment

TWITTER: @lakeithentertainment

G-Squared Events has built a great partnership and business relationship with the local promoter Keith D. Pepper Sr. of LaKeith Entertainment. This partnership has supplied top quality urban shows and service to the Louisville, Kentucky area. Connected with G-Squared Events and receive information about their upcoming Valentine shows featuring Charlie Wilson, Baby Face and Joe in February 2019. To stay informed about the various show dates taking place in St. Louis and Nashville be sure and follow them on social media using the tags to the right.


INSTAGRAM: @GSquaredEvents DEC/JAN 2018


Born4TheCity 2018 2018 On November 16th, 2018 Mario Martin did much more than celebrate his birthday he gifted the city of Louisville with a dose of positivity. His event “Born4TheCity 2018" encompassed comedians, entertainers, vocals, and a mission. The mission was to feed families through Louisville Unite. You may be asking yourself what is Louisville Unite and how would an event help them? Very easily, the entire Born4TheCity show was dedicated to raising funds specifically for Louisville Unite. Louisville Unite is a musical event that raises money to feed underprivileged families every thanksgiving holiday. As I sat in the audience and observed the ticket buyers and the talent, I noticed one collective detail. It was that each person feels blessed to be in the building and taking part. They felt a part of something bigger than themselves. I was able to see Mario’s unselfish efforts to make everyone feel included. Even thought he had an amazing host for the event Mario took to the stage to include everyone and tell his motives for this event. There was an array of hosts and talent who each brought their own unique talents to the stage. The lineup included: Host Bella Rae, Meech Dog and Miss Krystal. The talents that graced the stage were Comedians Kevin White, Justin Tab, Slo Yo Roll and Larry Stark. Poetic and vocal talents Robin G., Good Karma, Kori Black, Chanson Calhoun and B Shatter. One of the highlights of the evening was a special performance by Linkin Bridge. The performance was also proposed with the group making a major announcement. Their newest member Elliot “Ade” Nichols. (Read more about the group in our feature article in the Spotlight section of this issue.)

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine



DEC/JAN 2018


s r e g n a h C e m Ga f o s e l p m a x E 5 Real-life o h W e l p o e P Ordinary y r a n i d r o a r t x E Made an Difference BPT The idea of making a difference in our communities may sound impossible to many of us. With busy schedules, family demands and homes to care for, it can be hard to find the time and energy.

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


To motivate you to challenge yourself and give back, here are five everyday people who will inspire you. To recognize their selflessness, bravery and commitment to doing good in their communities, Hardee's - known for real food, made right, served proud - is honoring these five All Stars, individuals who could have done things the easy way, but instead chose to do them the right way. Here are the 2018 Hardee's All Stars' stories, along with key takeaways that can help you do good in your own community. Caroline Lindner, Nashville Street Barbers: This hair stylist devotes one day of her week to serving the homeless through the nonprofit she founded, Nashville Street Barbers. On Mondays, she and other barbers head out to provide free haircuts to people in the homeless community.

Tip #1: Get in touch with your favorite nonprofit or organization and ask if they can use help from someone with your skill set - whether you're an electrician or an accountant, some organization or charity will be grateful for your talents!


DEC/JAN 2018

Gina Camelli, Paw Pantry: After noticing a rise in poverty in her district, this elementary school teacher in Warren, Ohio, wanted to help. She founded Paw Pantry, a nonprofit that provides clothing, food, school supplies and hygiene items for any student in the school district who is in need. Tip #2: Your employer can be a powerful ally when it comes to making a difference in your community. Check to see if yours offers matching donations, gives employees paid time off to volunteer, or would be willing to donate their services, space or surplus supplies. Jeffrey Thomas, Scarves for Students: While teaching special education at Lew Wallace School in Indiana, Thomas noted the large number of students who came to school with nothing warmer than a sweatshirt. Thomas got busy, clipping coupons and shopping sales, so he could make a large batch of brand new fleece scarves for all 650 students. Tip #3: Many nonprofits will happily accept any monetary donation - but if you have a knack for scoring a great deal, that is a great way to optimize generosity. Check the website of your favorite local charity, and see if you can brainstorm some clever ways to knock a few things off their wish list in a cost-effective way. Pastor Chris Williams, God's Garage: One day, Pastor Chris Williams discovered a mother and child from his congregation walking along a highway, inspiring him to start God's Garage to help single mothers, widows and wives of deployed military members with car repairs. Though Williams has no training in car mechanics, he found some volunteers who do, resulting in more than 300 vehicles fixed at no cost and 100 restored vehicles given away. Tip #4: When inspiration hits, don't let your lack of specialty or skills hold you back. Don't be afraid to recruit friends, family members and co-workers to lend a hand. It may surprise you how willing they are to help. Rodney Smith Jr., Raising Men Lawn Care Service: When the computer science student saw an older man struggling to push his lawn mower, he didn't hesitate to help. From there he was inspired to create Raising Men Lawn Care Service, which helps people who lack the time, physical ability, resources or money to keep their yards maintained. In July, the organization met its goal by reaching its 50th state. Tip #5: Whether you want to donate blood or volunteer at your local food pantry, setting goals can be a powerful way to motivate you to keep going. Keep track of your progress, so when you reach your goal you'll feel great and have a visual reminder of the impact you made! Here's where you come in! Hardee's is now taking nominations for its sixth All Star, who will be honored with a donation to support their cause. To nominate someone who goes out of their way to make a difference in their community visit on or before October 9, 2018.

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine



DEC/JAN 2018

Make a Difference this Holiday Season (Family Features) This holiday season, you have the power to change children’s lives for the better. Working in 190 countries and territories, UNICEF is focused on putting children first with programs in health care and immunizations, safe water and sanitation, nutrition, education, emergency relief and more. From UNICEF Market products to items available from partners, UNICEF USA makes it possible to give gifts that make a difference in children’s lives around the world. A specially curated online shop, UNICEF Market features handmade gifts from artisans around the globe. With each purchase, proceeds go toward lifesaving programs for children and support for the artisans. Shop their holiday picks at With UNICEF Inspired Gifts, choose from hygiene kits, therapeutic food packets, backpacks and more for the organization to deliver directly to children who need it the most. As little as $19 can provide polio vaccines to protect 100 children. Visit By connecting everyday activity to real-world impact, UNICEF Kid Power gives kids the power to save lives. Kids can learn about other cultures and places, while every step they take converts to lifesaving therapeutic food for malnourished kids. Grab a band and learn more at Consider these additional ways to give this holiday season: Joy As part of “Match the Magic,” The Starbucks Foundation will match any individual donations made to UNICEF USA through the Starbucks app or from Nov. 12, 2018-Jan. 6, 2019, up to $100,000 – helping improve the lives of women, children and families in tea communities in Assam, India with the Ethical Tea Partnership. Education MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell created the groundbreaking K.I.N.D. Fund (Kids In Need of Desks) with UNICEF in 2010 to support education in Malawi. Since then, the program has raised over $17 million for desks and girls’ scholarships thanks to MSNBC and “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell” viewers. Find more information at #14546 Source: UNICEF

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


Nutrition Every purchase of a Signature Advent Calendar or Shea Milk Solidarity Soap from L’OCCITANE will help UNICEF provide vitamin A supplements to fight against preventable childhood blindness. Learn more at Safe Water S’well and UNICEF are working together to help provide safe, clean water to the most vulnerable communities around the world. With support from partners like S’well, UNICEF has helped over 500,000 people in Madagascar gain access to safe and sustainable water sources. Visit to learn more. Health Johnson & Johnson is a proud partner of UNICEF, helping children everywhere have a healthy, happy life. To learn more about their work together, please visit Relief With support from Norwegian Air’s customers and employees, the airline has carried out five relief flights with UNICEF, filling an entire plane with supplies to deliver to children affected by crisis or emergency. To date, deliveries have been made to Yemen, Jordan, Central African Republic, Mali and Chad – improving the lives of more than 100,000 children. Learn more at Protection Garnier USA will donate $1* to UNICEF USA for every Whole Blends Holiday Kit sold from Nov. 8 - Dec. 31 at Walmart, with a minimum donation of $300,000. Available in Smoothing, Honey Treasures and Maple Remedy, each kit purchased can help up to five children living in emergency situations for a day. To learn more, visit #GarnierSupportsUNICEF Voice Seeing UNICEF’s work for children first-hand and highlighting those stories for viewers in the Los Angeles-area and across the country, KTLA TV has been empowering audiences to take action. Visit for more information. UNICEF does not endorse any brand, company, product or service. *No part of the purchase price is tax deductible.


DEC/JAN 2018

Recognizing a true Hall of Fame dad BPT

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


Recognized for his commitment Smith's commitment to his family remained steadfast, and while he saw nothing exceptional in what he was doing, Shenera most certainly did. She captured Smith's courage, strength and care in a heartfelt letter entering Smith in the Haggar Hall of Fame Dads(TM) contest.

Each Sunday, millions cheer as their favorite NFL stars charge out of the tunnel and onto the field. For those players, the ultimate dream is a shot at one day becoming a Hall of Famer. This past July, one special father found himself with that title without ever having played in a single game.

"He is the BEST dad because he is the rock of our family," Shenera wrote, speaking for her 9year-old son. "He donned his cape and made sure I was safe, comforted and happy as possible at the hospital during all of those crummy procedures ..." Haggar Clothing Co., the official jacket provider of the Pro Football Hall of Fame and the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, wanted to create a new Hall of Fame to recognize and celebrate America's greatest dads and father figures.

Dawaun Smith of Jacksonville, Florida, never dreamed he'd make the trip to Canton, Ohio, for the Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Week powered by Johnson Controls, but he did - and it all started with a simple letter.

The contest received more than 6,000 nominations and 50 dads were recognized as individual state winners. However, only one father could be chosen as the national winner, and Smith could barely contain his excitement when he learned that the honor belonged to him.

The rock of his family Smith faces challenges every day that might break other men. He is a father of three, and spends his days and nights caring for his wife, their 4year-old twins and 9-year-old son Liam, who has Down Syndrome and has battled Leukemia, requiring constant medical attention.

"Winning the Haggar Hall of Fame Dads contest has been the experience of a lifetime," he said. "I am honored to receive the award on behalf of dads everywhere."

Smith has spent the past several years traveling back and forth to the hospital for his son's lifesaving treatments while his wife Shenera stayed home with the twins. Even during the hardest times, Smith does his best to find ways to make Liam laugh during tough appointments, while also keeping the rest of his family's spirits up.

Celebrating with the greats In recognition of his award, Smith was able to choose between attending the Pro Football or Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame Enshrinement Ceremony. He also received a special edition Haggar Hall of Fame Dad jacket and a complete Haggar wardrobe.


DEC/JAN 2018

A lifelong football fan, Smith chose the NFL route and embarked on a VIP weekend that started with tickets to the Hall of Fame Game between the Chicago Bears and Baltimore Ravens. The following day, he took a tour of the Pro Football Hall of Fame and attended the Gold Jacket Dinner, where he saw the Class of 2018 Enshrinees receive their coveted Haggar Gold Jackets. The big event, however, was the Enshrinement Ceremony where Smith attended the VIP reception and watched as the newest members of the Pro Football Hall of Fame were enshrined. "My favorite part was probably the Enshrinement Ceremony, listening to all of the speeches," he said. "Ray Lewis is one of my favorite players and getting to see him and hear his speech was unforgettable." Home again Smith's Pro Football Hall of Fame experience may have come to an end, but he's happy to be back with his loved ones and will continue to meet the challenges of his life with humor and compassion. He's a Haggar Hall of Fame Dad, and that's good enough for him. "I get emotional just thinking about it. I went with my dad and seeing the excitement he had and being able to experience everything with him, it's something I'll remember forever."

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


BUSINESS “One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas Day. Don’t clean it up too quickly.” ―Andy Rooney


DEC/JAN 2018

BPT Special Report

3 technology challenges for entrepreneurs and how to handle them


As a small business owner, you face many challenges. From stiff competition for customers to getting your name out there in a crowded marketplace and of course, balancing your budget, there's always something new that needs your attention. Investing in technology can help alleviate many of the concerns your small business faces, but if not approached properly, a tech investment can open your company up to an entirely new set of problems. With that in mind, this article takes a strategic look at some of the most common technology problems small business owners face and provides you with tips to tackle them, and get back to running and growing your business to be everything you imagined.

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


Challenge 1: Finding the right technology The technology offerings available in today's market have grown exponentially. That's good news for your business but it can also make finding the right solution for your needs more challenging. To solve this problem, focus on tried-and-true methods. Read reviews, pay attention to professional reports and listen to what experts are saying on social media. You can also speak to current and former colleagues to learn more about what types of systems they utilize. And if you need comprehensive support beyond those options, you can also partner with a technology advisor to outfit your business with the appropriate solutions. The right partner prioritizes and determines the necessary solutions that build a foundation for current growth and future innovation. Dell Small Business advisors, for example, are available to answer your questions and offer you advice, no matter the size of your company. Engage the team in a live chat on Dell's Small Business website to find the right solution for your needs. Challenge 2: Solving the money issue The financial implication of every decision is always a focal point for any small business, but this is especially true when it comes to your technology spend. After all, as technology improves, businesses need to know they are purchasing tech that will support their needs for as long as possible, helping them to remain relevant. In fact, a recent study from SMB Group found 72 percent of respondents felt that using new technology effectively is key to the company's survival and growth. Partnering with an established small business advisor - as discussed above - can deliver on this need, but you can also ensure you're using the latest tech by opting to utilize leasing solutions. Instead of buying in particular cases, leasing allows you to maintain the competitive advantage cutting-edge technology provides you at a fraction of the cost. And, when your lease ends, it's easy to move on to the next solution. Challenge 3: Integrating a new solution with your existing systems When you add a new employee to your staff there's always a certain gelling period. The same is true with new technology. It isn't always a given that a new solution will integrate with your older existing systems. Therefore, this digital transformation challenge is one many small businesses face. According to the same SMB Group study, only 21 percent of small businesses strongly agree that they have a welldefined strategy for digital transformation. To help simplify transformation in your company, Dell business laptops, such as Latitude and Vostro, include a variety of connection ports, enabling them to work with more of your existing systems and streamline your company's integration needs as much as possible. Finding solutions to your small business's technology needs today In today's highly competitive market, your small business can't afford to ignore any potential advantage. While many of these are tied to technology, you don't have to let concern over making the wrong decision bar you from exploring your options. Apply the tips above and don't be afraid to seek professional advice. Your business and its tech will be better for it.


DEC/JAN 2018

Go pro: 5 times to seek professional financial advice Need money management? 5 ways a pro can help BY


While many believe only the wealthy need financial professionals, the truth is that hiring such key advisors may help pay for itself financially and bring you peace of mind - regardless of your economic status. Whether you're just starting out in your professional life or nearing retirement, an experienced financial professional can act as an important source of information, explaining options and helping steer you toward smart decisions. Consider how these five life stages can be important times to seek professional guidance and advice about your financial future. You're saving for college tuition It's no secret today's college costs can be astronomical, but of course most parents want to provide their children as many advantages as possible. The earlier in your kids' lives you begin investing, the faster their college fund(s) can accrue. A professional can help decipher the best methods for helping make that happen. You're getting ready to retire: Now what? Only 50 percent of Americans have socked away more than $10,000 for retirement so far, reports the American Payroll Association. But even if you're nearing 50 and have a minimal amount in your retirement fund, it's not too late to start building wealth for your future and preparing for how to make it last. Whether you plan for lifetime income via an annuity or opt for another savings vehicle as part of your retirement strategy, a professional can assess your situation and develop a strategy with the goal of a comfortable retirement in mind.

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine



DEC/JAN 2018

Your parents are aging or ill Caring for an aging or ill parent is tough emotionally, and ambiguity or strife around finances only makes it worse. Elder care is an expensive business, and planning how to use your folks' money to ensure they get the best possible care can be complex - especially if siblings are at odds about what to do. Talking to a financial professional can be a great way to sort that out, since their focus will be on the most appropriate use of available funds. You're undergoing a life transition Marrying, divorcing, starting a family or dealing with the death of a loved one can impact your finances as well as your emotions. But in times of great change or strife, budgets and bills may be an added burden you're not prepared to address. That's when a session with a financial professional may ease your mind and even be a preemptive strike against future money troubles. You want to start investing Finding a financial professional who understands your situation and can design solutions for your day-to-day financial concerns can go a long way toward financial peace of mind, says Salene Hitchcock-Gear, president, Prudential Individual Life Insurance and Prudential Advisors. You might be tempted to DIY, but a financial professional can see the big picture and work with you to create a strategy based on your timeline, risk tolerance and goals. Bottom line? You don't need to be a millionaire to benefit from the services of a financial professional. But working with one just might put you on the road to setting and achieving your financial goals. For more information about building a financial future for yourself and your family, visit Prudential at "Prudential Advisors" is a brand name of The Prudential Insurance Company of America and its subsidiaries located in Newark, New Jersey. Securities products and services are offered through Pruco Securities, LLC (Member SIPC).

 4 insurance myths and misconceptions dispelled BPT

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


There are several myths and misconceptions that exist when it comes to insurance. For example, true or false? It costs more to insure red cars. The answer is false. Car color has no impact on insurance premiums; however, factors like your driving history, annual mileage driven, the cost of your vehicle and other things will affect how much you'll pay for insurance. Insurance is one of the most useful investments you can make to help safeguard your belongings and financial assets, but it's important to know what you're purchasing. Here are four things you should know about auto, homeowners or renters insurance policies to ensure adequate protection in the event of an unforeseen or unexpected loss. 1. Myth: Auto insurance covers all vehicle-related issues Most states require drivers to carry auto liability insurance. This coverage provides financial protection if you're found to be legally responsible for causing injury to another person or their property. It doesn't cover damage to your vehicle, however, or items stolen from your vehicle, or damage from a storm or vandalism. Collision insurance covers you while your vehicle is in motion and you crash into another vehicle or with a fixed object, like a pothole, guardrail or light post. This coverage is typically required by a lender when you finance a vehicle. Comprehensive insurance is coverage that protects your vehicle when it is damaged while not in motion. Examples of this could include vandalism, theft or an act of Mother Nature like a hailstorm or fire. www.CKWMAG.INFO

DEC/JAN 2018

"When financing a vehicle, the lender may require you to carry this coverage until it is paid off. If your vehicle is older, however, and it has been completely paid off then comprehensive insurance may not be the right coverage because a vehicle's value decreases with age. Consider whether the savings of not having comprehensive insurance are enough to offset the risk of potentially having a large repair or replacement bill," says Kevin Quinn, Vice President of Auto Claims at Mercury Insurance. 2. Misconception: Homeowners insurance protects against damage from all natural disasters Homeowners insurance covers losses or damages to your house and personal belongings in the event of a fire, sudden flooding caused by a broken pipe, theft and even objects falling from the sky like airplane debris. It also provides liability coverage if visitors suffer injuries on your property, and it can extend to events off the premises as well like if personal property is stolen from your vehicle. "Generally speaking, homeowners insurance is designed to help you rebuild your home and replace personal property if it is damaged or stolen," says Christopher O'Rourke, Vice President of Property Claims at Mercury Insurance. "However, you may need to purchase a separate flood insurance policy to protect your home from floods, because these events are usually not covered by a homeowners policy."

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


Homeowners should contact the National Flood Insurance Program to inquire about coverage for floods, rising tides or storm surges. 3. Myth: Renters insurance is unnecessary Renters insurance is very affordable; however, only 41 percent of renters purchase it. And without renters insurance, you'll have to pay out of pocket if your personal belongings are damaged in a fire or are stolen. "Unfortunately, your landlord's insurance policy will not cover any of your personal belongings and it won't provide liability protection if a lawsuit is brought against you because a visitor slips, falls and injures themselves inside your rental unit," says O'Rourke. "Renters may not be responsible for repairing the home they live in, but there's always a chance their possessions and valuables will need to be replaced if they are damaged or stolen, so purchasing a renters insurance policy is a smart way to provide financial security." 4. Misconception: Your auto insurance policy provides coverage whenever you are driving your vehicle A personal auto insurance policy protects drivers in case they're involved in a collision. However, there are certain situations where more coverage is needed. "With the advent of the gig-economy, many people are turning to ride-hailing jobs, where they can be their own boss and set their own hours," says Quinn. "Without the proper insurance, however, they're putting themselves and others at risk if they get into a collision, because your personal auto policy doesn't cover you when you use your vehicle for commercial purposes. This includes driving for Uber or Lyft, or even pizza delivery. "Mercury provides ride-hailing insurance, but if it isn't currently available in your area or you're using your vehicle to make money in another capacity like delivering pizzas, you'll want to purchase a commercial auto policy." Insurance is a sound investment, but can be complicated, so it's always a good idea to speak to an insurance agent. These highly trained professionals can provide expert advice and guidance to help ensure you are adequately protected.


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CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


6 things you should know about your health savings account (HSA) BY


For many families, health care is a major expense, even with health insurance coverage. There's a great solution that can help financially prepare you for out-of-pocket costs, and it may be right there in your wallet: A health savings account. "A health savings account is a valuable tool that can help you manage health care expenses for you and your family," says Deb Culhane, President and CEO, Optum Bank. "If your employer offers health savings accounts, or HSAs, it's well worth looking into how this account can help you save and pay for your family's health care needs today and in the future, income tax free." Perhaps you're one of the people who recently enrolled in a health savings account under a qualifying high-deductible health plan, but you're not exactly sure how it works or how to use it. With these tips and insights, you can reap the most benefit from your health savings account. 1. Familiarize yourself with your plan. If you have a health insurance plan with a health savings account, make sure you know how to check your balance and use the money toward your next prescription refill or doctor visit. If you're unsure, your employer's human resources department can help you.


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CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


2. Once you start saving, the money is there to pay your health expenses As the name implies, money in a health savings account can help you pay out-of-pocket costs for a doctor's visit, hospital stay and prescription drugs. It can also be used for other qualified medical expenses related to dental and vision. What many people don't realize, though, is health savings account funds can be used for your family's well-being. Contact lens solution and acupuncture are just a couple of the qualified medical expense uses for health savings account funds. (For a complete list, visit or 3. The money you save stays with you If you have experience with a similar benefit known as the flexible spending account (FSA), you may be concerned about meeting an annual deadline to spend all your money in the account. The upside of health savings accounts is that you don't "use it or lose it." If you don't spend it, you can keep it. Even if you change jobs, move or get married, your health savings account goes with you. 4. Did you know there are triple tax savings? First, each contribution - which can be withdrawn from the paycheck and deposited into the health savings account - is pre-tax. Second, any interest earnings are also income tax-free. Finally, unlike some retirement accounts, fund withdrawals to pay for health care costs are also income tax free. Depending on how much is set aside (for 2019, contribution limits are $3,500 for an individual and $7,000 for a family, over 55 can add an additional $1,000), these cumulative tax savings can add up to serious money over time. 5. It can help you plan for retirement Learn about your plan's investment options, because this is where your savings can really take off. Turning 65 unlocks more benefits, including the ability to use health savings account funds to pay for some Medicare premiums or long-term care. 6. You can shop around to find a plan that's best for you You can open your own health savings account as long as you have a qualifying health insurance plan. When shopping around, comparing details, such as access to low-fee investment options, accounts with no surprise fees, and the availability of tech tools like Alexa or Google Home or an easy-to-use mobile app, can help you reach your decision. Bottom line, a health savings account is a valuable tool to help you manage your health care costs and plan for your future. It's worth talking to your human resources representative and your financial planner to make sure you're getting the most from your health savings account. If you're interested in learning if an Optum Bank health savings account is right for you, start by visiting


DEC/JAN 2018




CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine

 Affordable affair: 7 tips for a holiday bash on a budgetÂ


BPT The days leading up to the holidays tend to be among the busiest of the year, with lots of celebrations taking place over a few short weeks. If you're hosting a holiday celebration of your own, you're following a national trend. Statista reports some 59 percent of Americans anticipate spending on holiday entertaining this year. That said, it's important not to let your party planning become so stressful, time consuming or pricey that it interferes with your enjoyment of the season itself. Don't worry. Preparing for a holiday bash doesn't need to be hugely expensive or overwhelming if you can enlist help for some of the busywork and outsource some of the key elements. Consider the following ideas for bringing friends and family together this year without having to micromanage either your budget or the logistical details. * Enlist a crew of friends and family members to help with the pre-cleaning, prep, cooking, bartending and final clean-up. Many hands make light work, and working toward a common goal can be a fun part of the gathering itself. * Instead of investing in your own serving ware and glassware, simply head to your nearest party rental store and check off all your needed supplies. The result will be far more elegant than opting for disposable paper products, and you need not worry about how and where you'll store all those pieces afterward. www.CKWMAG.INFO

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* Worried that your limited furniture collection won't allow guests to fully relax? Instead of buying something new, think about renting some of the fun, comfortable and design-forward seating groups now available for rental. Today's options go way beyond traditional folding chairs to encompass cocktail tables, rugs, lighting elements, bars and fully configurable sectionals and lounges, many of which can be used inside or out. * To take your party theme a step further, consider the fun of renting a full-sized backdrop that sets the stage while providing a prime selfie opportunity for your guests. Festive settings range from barns to castles to famous landmarks to cityscapes to breathtaking scenes from nature. * Hire a local caterer for your refreshments, or just contract for an attention-grabbing main course. Keep it simple with a traditional meal or opt for a local specialty. * Simplify the entertainment and/or dance music by creating a party playlist on your smartphone ahead of time, then hooking it up to your own speakers. * Finally, don't discount the idea of holding your party at a restaurant or rented event venue. That saves you from timeconsuming preparations and cleanup, shifts the liability elsewhere and lets guests come and go at their discretion. Celebrating the holiday season with friends and family can become cost-effective and hassle-free when you turn to a rental store for help. To find a rental store near you when planning your soiree, visit

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It is that time of the year again when we get together with family and friends to celebrate life and relationships. We eat delicious gourmet meals and share laughter and give gifts to the kids and this is what I want to talk about today. Giving gifts to the kids. Traditional gift in the Black family is to supply toys and clothes. Black Christmas is a very present-centric holiday. Logic would dictate that the best way to commemorate the birth of a child sent to teach the world that joy, peace and happiness are found within is through the receiving of presents. The gift-giving part of Black Christmas lasts until well after Dec. 25. Most black children expect to unwrap the lesser presents on Christmas morning, but the real gifts come when their parents hit the after-Christmas sales. In some cases—Christmas-gift receiving extends into a bigger and more substantial black holiday when black parents receive their de facto reparations for working all year, in a holiday tradition called “tax time.” On Christmas morning, there will be black children across America playing with remote-controlled cars with no batteries and staring at bicycles with no wheels. They won’t be disappointed because they know they will receive the D batteries and bicycle tires sometime between Christmas Day and April 15. Why Wealth is important Wealth is a crucially important measure of economic health. Wealth allows families to transfer income earned in the past to meet spending demands in the future, such as by building up savings to finance a child’s college education. Wealth also supplies a buffer of economic security against periods of unemployment, or risk-taking, like starting a business. And wealth is needed to finance a comfortable retirement or supplies an inheritance to children. To construct wealth, a number of building blocks are required. Steady well-paid employment during one’s working life is important, as it allows for a decent standard of living plus the ability to save. Also, access to well-functioning financial markets that provide a healthy rate of return on savings without undue risks is crucial.


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The Racial Wealth Gap Failures in the provision of these building blocks to the African-American population have led to an enormous racial wealth gap. The racial wealth gap is much larger than the wage or income gap by race. Average wealth for white families is seven times higher than average wealth for black families. Worse still, median white wealth (wealth for the family in the exact middle of the overall distribution—wealthier than half of all families and less-wealthy than half) is twelve times higher than median black wealth. More than one in four black households have zero or negative net worth, compared to less than one in ten white families without wealth, which explains the large differences in the racial wealth gap at the mean and median. The Reason for the Racial Wealth Gap Overall, housing equity makes up about two-thirds of all wealth for the typical (median) household. In short, for median families, the racial wealth gap is primarily a housing wealth gap. This is no accident. Besides facing discrimination in employment and wage-setting, for generations even those African-American families that did manage to earn decent incomes were barred from accessing the most important financial market for typical families: the housing market. Housing policies that prevented blacks from buying land, created redlining and restrictive covenants, and encouraged lending discrimination reinforced the racial wealth gap for decades. Crowdfunding’s Power to Close the Racial Wealth Gap Monday, May 16th, 2016 marks the beginning of a new era in American capital formation. Title III of the historic JOBS Act signed by President Barack Obama on April 5th, 2012 is now a reality. Regulation crowdfunding, known as Reg CF, allows startups and small businesses to raise up to $1 million annually from small-dollar investors through web-based funding portals.

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Access to capital is key to starting and growing a business from the ground up, and the black-white wealth gap affects the success of family and friends rounds. A lack of funds often prevents black cofounders from even surviving long enough to build their minimum viable product, which would give them something concrete to present when applying to accelerators and incubators. Access to the innovation, entrepreneurship and investment ecosystems that are often curated at coworking spaces and entrepreneurial centers across the country requires capital. Crowd investing can serve as family and friends, seed and Series A funding for startups, particularly those from under-represented communities. Active angels and venture capitalists may not like the idea of thousands of non-accredited investors being on a startup’s cap table. But what do they expect from black and brown entrepreneurs, who know that each year less than 1% of the $50 billion in angel and venture funding goes to black and brown firms? We can use equity crowdfunding to fund the stages of investment that early stage entrepreneurs must navigate to gain traction with their businesses. Equity crowdfunding can also serve as a catalyst of hyperlocal community and economic development and job creation. Imagine the purchase, renovation and rental of blighted real estate properties via crowdfunding. Takeaway This Christmas let’s think about how to build wealth when we give gifts to our let’s think about the future of our children from the wealth prospective. As we usher in 2019 and as we make plans to build closer and deeper ties let’s try to deepen those ties around activities and groups that will promote wealth building. Black Wealth is the new Civil right and faith-based organizations and social- and service-based fraternities and sororities, and professional organizations must be intentional about creating wealthbuilding networks of new investors that are willing to own and produce what they consume. Historically Black Colleges and Universities must be intentional about educating their students and alumni on the power of crowd investing to refinance university debt, commercialize research and fund end-to-end startup ecosystems in their city.


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Bill Huston is an Urban Development Consultant that is working to build innercity economies that work for everyone and provide opportunities for every resident to participate, thrive, and build wealth.

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


Bill Huston is an Urban Development Consultant that is working to build inner-city economies that work for everyone and provide opportunities for every resident to participate, thrive, and build wealth. To do this, he: • Designs and implement community capital offerings • Help clients raise capital from their own communities in alignment with their values and goals. • Work in collaboration with wealthy investors, government entities, corporate and philanthropic foundations to create impact investment funds Bill founded Our Crowd Rocks Consulting to upend the traditional models for raising capital that has left out vast, untapped numbers of low-moderate income Black inner-city residents who want to invest in the businesses and organizations that provide real value to their communities. Our Crowd Rocks is leading a movement that is bringing new capital — by directly engaging the average person in the Black community as investors, real estate developers, and entrepreneurs — to the new crowd economy — an economy that is open, democratized, resilient, just, and sustainable. This movement of “crowd capitalists” is questioning the old paradigms and bringing new models to the table that expand the capital aggregation options for nonprofits and social enterprises that are more democratic and values-driven. These models allow all stakeholders to benefit as ventures thrive. Bill was named one of the Top 19 Global Crowdfunding Experts by Inc. Magazine in 2014, featured on the Marketing and PR panel at the 2017 Crowd Invest Summit.

Event involvement: • Cadia Startup Exchange Business Engineering for Funding & Growth • The Virtual Crowdfunding Summit 2015 Event Page • The 2017 Crowd Invest Summit • BDPA Education and Technology Foundation iRadio Show • The 14th annual Bluegrass Minority Business Expo • The 15th annual Bluegrass Minority Business Expo • Cincinnati Blacks in Technology: Serving the community through Crowdfunding • Crowdfunding consultant Bill Huston share campaign advice • The digital inclusion video • The Crowd Invest Summit Video Two Successful Kickstarter Campaigns Louisville BeSpoke: Kens Interactive:


DEC/JAN 2018




The stats are in: Credit card fraud is down 75 percent because of chip technology

CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine




The whole idea behind integrating EMVÂŽ chips into credit and debit cards was to make transactions safer and more secure for consumers and merchants. A recent report by Visa shows that it has hit the mark. Visa took a look at the numbers, comparing chip card use by consumers and adoption by merchants from the initial rollout of chip cards in 2015 to now. What they found is pretty staggering. Counterfeit fraud, where a criminal steals your payment card number and imprints it onto another card to use in-person at their favorite store, is down 75 percent from September 2015 to March 2018 at U.S. merchants that are chip-enabled.[i] The sharp drop illustrates that the chip technology is doing its job as intended. That's important, because criminals are always on the prowl searching for an easy way to get money. Data that travels through a payment network when you insert your chip card is different than the data that is sent when you swipe your payment card using its magnetic stripe. The chip generates a one-time code that can only be used for one transaction. If cybercriminals steal your card number from the merchant's system or from a data breach, it is essentially impossible to commit counterfeit payment card fraud because the one-time code cannot be re-used and the card number alone is not enough to complete a transaction at a point-of-sale (POS) machine. So chip cards and terminals protect the customer from his or her stolen payment card number being counterfeited and protect the merchant from having to refund the money while losing their merchandise. In the end, everyone wins except for the fraudster. www.CKWMAG.INFO

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Some other findings from the Visa study include: More than 3.1 million U.S. merchant locations or 67 percent of U.S. storefronts are now fully chip-enabled and accepting chip cards. As recently as September 2015, only 392,000 merchants were accepting chip transactions. That's a 680 percent increase since chip technology debuted in the U.S.[ii]97 percent of overall U.S. payment volume in June 2018 was on chip-enabled cards.[iii]In September 2015, $4.8 billion was spent on chip transactions. In June 2018, that figure had jumped to $76.7 billion. [iv]Reasons for merchants to switch to the chip More and more merchants are accepting chip card transactions, but some, especially smaller merchants, have been slow to adopt the technology. But there are good reasons for updating to accept chip card payments, not the least of which is customer expectation. People who have chip cards expect the payment security they provide, and not accepting chip payments might be seen as a negative with consumers. Other reasons for adopting chip technology include: Implementing chip-based POS terminals is easier than ever before. It has become standard technology among many merchants and their technology suppliers.Transactions involving chip-based payment cards at many merchants are faster than when EMV chip cards first became available thanks to Visa Quick Chip technology.Implementing and investing in chipbased POS systems in many cases can also support new payment technologies like contactless payments.For more information about the study, or to read the findings, visit Visa, Inc. at



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BPT Special Report

Remember your savings? Here's why you should make them work for you


A generation ago, Americans were savers. When the Greatest Generation and Boomers needed to make a major purchase or wanted to take a trip, they put money aside. And then they saved some more. Putting money aside each week or month was an ingrained habit, perhaps as an outgrowth of people living through the Depression and World War II. But today, half of Americans do not automatically put money into their savings accounts with each paycheck. This is a routine that creates incremental gains every few weeks. According to a recent PurePoint Financial survey almost half of Americans today don't quite get the concept of saving for the short term. People are putting money into their employer-matched 401(k) plans for retirement, but they're not setting savings goals for the next one to five years.

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That's a mistake, says Pierre P. Habis, president of PurePoint. "People don't realize that not saving actually costs them money," Habis says. "They're leaving money on the table by not doing one simple thing: Maximizing their money by moving it from a checking account or traditional savings account to a high-yield savings account." Somehow Americans' money mindset shifted, and the instant gratification that comes with purchasing what we want, when we want it, has erased the concept of saving for a purchase. Millennials in particular are frequently derailed from their short-term savings goals by impulse. The PurePoint survey found that compared to the Boomer generation, millennials are three times more likely to have their short-term savings derailed by an impulse trip or vacation because their friends were going; and equally three times more likely to buy something on impulse because of an online or social media ad. Other findings include: * 65 percent of Americans do not know they're missing out on free money by not having a savings account, and don't understand how interest rates can impact their savings. * 4 in 10 Americans believe their checking account and savings account have the same interest rates. * One-third of Americans prefer debt and instant gratification purchases to saving. * More than half of Americans let money sit in a checking account without transferring it to a savings account, where they can be earning interest. How much money are people losing by not earning interest in a high-yield savings account? The numbers are startling. According to some number-crunching by NerdWallet by CNBC, if you put $10,000 in your checking account, at the end of three years, you'll have that same $10,000. A traditional, low-yield savings account will give you about three extra dollars. But a high-yield savings account will give you $10,475. Now you're talking about some real money, and it only goes up from there. Leave that $10,000 in the account for five years, and you'll have $10,805. And that's at an interest rate of 1.55 percent. Nontraditional banks like PurePoint offer higher yields, reaching more than 2 percent. That's a good chunk of change. "A good first step is to check your APY, which according to our research more than half of Americans don't know," Habis says. "If you're not earning at least one percent, you're doing yourself a disservice." Put that money in a CD, and you'll earn even more. Now, your money is working for you, not against you, like debt, inflation and credit card interest rates. The solution? The old-fashioned notion of saving for a rainy day has been streamlined by ultra-modern financial technology. Online financial institutions like PurePoint, which is a hybrid digital bank with brick-and-mortar financial centers, are offering more competitive interest rates for high-yield savings and CD accounts than traditional banks, nearing the 2 percent mark. It's an alternative to investing that you can trust with a knowable, controlled return over the short or long-term. It's almost like investing in the stock market, but with a controlled and knowable return. For more information about how you can make your money work for you, visit PurePoint at and try their rate comparison tool.


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CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine


Following their military service, many veterans feel overwhelmed by the transition to civilian life and the decision about what's next. While veterans may feel that it's challenging to identify civilian jobs that match their skills, there are job opportunities across the country and in their own backyard - they just need help finding them. One industry that is especially relevant for the veteran workforce is manufacturing. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are more than 12,000 U.S. manufacturing jobs, and that number continues to grow. Manufacturing industry jobs require the strategy, logistics and leadership skillsets developed in the military. And these are companies that recognize the value, talent, education and work ethic that veterans add to the workforce. It's up to employers to properly target veteran skillsets, and it's up to veterans to use the resources available to them to find mutually beneficial job opportunities.

Job opportunities in manufacturing benefit America's veterans

Contributed by BPT

Hankook Tire, for example, opened its first U.S. manufacturing plant in Clarksville, Tennessee, last year, less than 15 miles from Fort Campbell, a U.S. Army installation in Kentucky, and continues to hire local veterans to fill key positions as the company grows. Hankook has become an active employer of veterans in the Clarksville area, and as a result, more than 20 percent of the plant's current employees are former U.S. military members. For many veteran employees, this job has provided them with a winning solution - a great job with growth opportunities in their local area. www.CKWMAG.INFO

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For many veterans, their biggest concern about transitioning out of the military is uprooting their families to find a good civilian job. This provides companies, in particular those with manufacturing facilities near military bases, with a huge opportunity to tailor their job descriptions, recruitment and training to veterans, to help them build successful careers and stay in their communities. Organizations like DAV (Disabled American Veterans) are dedicated to ensuring that the men and women who stood up for America have the tools, resources and opportunities they need to competitively enter the job market and secure meaningful employment. Those currently making the switch to civilian life, as well as those looking for new jobs, can take advantage of networking and employment resources at career fairs co-hosted with RecruitMilitary and Veteran Recruiting. You can honor and recognize veterans for their service through the Hankook Heroes program, which seeks stories about why veterans are heroes. Enter for a chance to receive a set of tires by submitting your story to by Nov. 12. A second set of tires will be donated to a local DAV chapter member who is instrumental in helping support his or her local veteran community.

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*Please send article submissions to: CKW -The Magazine Article submission Standards s and concrete examples Please remember that we are looking for stories, personal experiences, in your responses—these are what will make ideas as and observations most “real” and relevant to readers. We are seeking articles about: • Creating community in your neighborhood; • Health & Beauty • Lifestyle & Family • Fashion • Food & Beverage Suggested submission length is from 300 to 2500 00 words. We invite submissions ranging from short vignettes to extensively-developed articles, s and also invite suggestions of recommended s, resources and article leads. We’re seeking articles written in a reader-friendly, popularmagazine style, rather than in an academic style. We ask contributors to share stories and experiences, not just ideas; write about challenges, not just successes; and describe specific situations that will help your story come alive for the reader. Before you start writing, please see our full Writers’ Guidelines below–-and let us know your article idea so that we can give feedback on how it may fit into CKW The Magazine. If you don’t want to write an article but want to submit photos, please see our Photo Guidelines below. What “Submitting an Article” Means - We will promise to read your article, but we may respectfully decline it and not publish it, or save it and publish it in a future issue. We also reserve the right to edit, shorten, or revise your article. Most of the time we contact authors about this ahead of time and get their comments, corrections, etc, however due to time constraints we may not be able to do this. Getting Permission Ahead of Time - Please send the article only when you have permission from anyone you need it from, such as fellow community members. We endeavor to present a diversity of views on community, including controversial or critical views, in a respectful and cooperative manner. If your article may generate controversy or strong reactions, or if the group(s) would want the chance to review it, please share your draft with group members to get their input before sending it to us. Author Bio - Please also include two to three lines of autobiographical info. (where you live, your interests, community affiliations, contact info. or website if you choose to share it, etc.). Photos - If we publish your article, we want to accompany it with compelling images that illustrate your subject. You know your subject best, so we are appealing to you for images. If others in your community or group like taking pictures, they might already have great images to go with your article. If you would like to submit an article but cannot supply photos, that’s fine; however, please give us plenty of advance notice so that if we use your article we can get an illustrator. Please see our Photo Guidelines below. We also appreciate an author photo to accompany your short (several-line) author bio. Thanks for your contributions! Use of Photos - Unless you specify otherwise, your submission of photos constitutes permission for them to appear in our print magazine and also possibly on our website, in digital editions, and/or in future compilations. Thanks again for helping us create a beautiful magazine! www.CKWMAG.INFO

DEC/JAN 2018

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