CKW-The Chea K. Woolfolk Magazine June/July 2017 Issue 8 Volume 1

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Autism Friendly Business Initiative Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the fastest-growing serious developmental disability in the United States. 1 in 68 children will be diagnosed with ASD and over 3.5 million Americans live with ASD. With numbers this high, ASD is likely to affect each and every one of us. Getting out into the community can be a struggle for those on the spectrum and their families. The Autism Friendly Business Initiative (AFBI) has been created to educate community businesses about ASD and prepare then to provide compassionate customer service. Many individuals with autism and their families struggle to get out of the house. Grocery shopping, going out to eat, and getting a hair cut can be challenging and when families do not feel supported in their efforts, many choose to stay home. Our hope is that when the community is more welcoming, individuals with ASD and their families will be more willing to enjoy our great city and businesses will access more customers. Families for Effective Autism Treatment (FEAT) of Louisville, University of Louisville Autism Center, Kentucky Autism Training Center, and Meaningful Day Services together with a collaborative working group have created a 3-part plan to open the community to individuals with autism and their families. Level one is extremely easy. Agreeing to have at least 80% of staff watch a 10-minute video will add a business to the growing list of Autism Friendly Businesses in our community. We don’t want businesses to become therapists, but rather return to the simple rules of compassionate customer service for all. After that, we would like for the business to make this training part of their new employee training packet so that all new employees have training in the provision of compassionate customer service. An AFBI representative will follow up at least once a year to see how things are going and offer additional support if needed. For businesses willing to go a bit further, level two asks that accommodations or modifications be made available to individuals on the spectrum and their families. AFBI will provide industry-specific recommendations that would qualify for level 2 enrollments. For example, AFBI will ask businesses to take specific pictures of their setting. These pictures can be made available to parents to prepare their child for the expectations of that location. A little bit of preparation can make the world of difference for a family! Level three participation involves businesses reviewing their hiring structures to see if any alterations could be made to get a more complete picture of the skill-set of the candidate with ASD. Many individuals with ASD have extraordinary skills that may not be obvious during a face-to-face interview. AFBI would like to help businesses ensure that their hiring practices are allowing them to get the right person for the job! We believe these three simple steps can transform Louisville into a compassionate, autism friendly city. If you are part of a business interested in becoming autism friendly, contact us today‌it only takes 10 minutes to make a difference. Contact us at or


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Thanks Bud Dorsey-2017

Thanks Bud Dorsey-2017

Thank you to photographer Bud Dorsey for capturing the lively mood to and from

Thanks Bud Dorsey2017




Thanks Bud Dorsey-2017

Creating A Love To Last How many of you can look back and remember your first love? You got goose bumps at the sight of him/her. You had butterflies in your stomach at just the thought of that first kiss. You wanted to spend all of your time together. You could talk on the phone all night and get up and go to work still on cloud nine. Many of those relationships fizzled out almost as quickly as they began. Why? Because the foundation was not solid. A relationship built around physical attractions many times struggle to last. Yes, falling in love is the easy part. For many people the disappointment of a break up leaves them devastated. They become afraid to open themselves to the possibility of a new relationship for a long time. Some are left bitter for life. But one must understand that there is no fast formula for love. There is no one size fits all. If you examine the relationships that appear to be working for those around you I am sure you will find a variety of reasons for why they work. There are somethings that are key to every successful relationship. These successful couples generally have excellent communication skills. It is important to know when to talk and when to listen. It is also important to know how to talk and how to listen. One who is busy trying to think of a response is not

listening effectively. Just as important is how you speak. Be careful about saying anything that will deflate your partner’s self-esteem. When disagreements happen and they will, these couples have realized that working out these issues themselves is much better than including the opinions of others. It is good if a foundation of friendship exists. Mutual respect, trust, and belief in each other is paramount in a relationship. Never take each other for granted and always find ways to show your appreciation to one another. Here are a few more tips that will help to create a love that will last.

Learn to love yourself as an individual first. It is impossible to love another if you haven’t learned how to love yourself. One who is confident and comfortable in who he/she is will attract a like kind. If you question what it is you bring to the table, rest assured eventually your partner will too.

Be ready for reality. The butterflies and walking on clouds will not last. One day you will look at your partner and realize he/she is not perfect but he/she is perfect for you. Accept the faults that you see in each other. This is the real world.

Give your relationship room to grow on its own. Don’t feel as if you need to keep doing something to make it grow. If you have established that you are compatible in all the ways that matter to you then relax and watch your relationship grow.

Respect each other’s privacy and space. Don’t feel the need to spend every free moment with your partner unless the desire is mutual. Most of us will eventually feel crowded without some “me” time. It is generally good to have some time apart.

It is also just as important to make time for each other. Keep the romance alive with a date night, a simple stroll in the park, or a weekend getaway. Make your needs known both in and out of the bedroom. Your partner is not a mind reader.

Always be there to support your mate. When things are not going well for your partner determine what you can do to help. Figure out a way to encourage and uplift him/her. Don’t just walk away as if what he/she is going through is not important to you.

Laughter is good medicine. Don’t always take everything so seriously. Keep a sense of humor and learn to laugh at yourself.

Valorie H. Lasley, Owner Empowered Living Institute on Facebook Change your mind, change your world Follow me on Twitter @valorielasley

I Needed a Reminder By: Chassidy Durrett

Fifteen months ago, I was an excited new Master’s graduate ready to start my first position in my field. I had moved away from my family, to California for more opportunities. Growing up in an extremely small town in Kentucky, there were limited resources, career opportunities, and limited external guidance. When I got to California, I finished my Master’s online and then searched for a career position. I was hired for a new business opening but had to wait a few months. The month before I could start, I was picking a friend up from work and a car ran a red light. Totaled the car and sent me to the hospital trauma center for a week with multiple fractures to my leg and one to my sternum, with multiple bruises. Since I was so far away from home and no family to care for me, I had to stay in a nursing care facility until I could move around a little. There is nothing more humbling for a strong independent person, then to be helpless and have to depend on others to help do everything from bathing to using the restroom. I have had three surgeries on my leg and I am still learning to walk. It hasn’t been fun, it has been stressful. I go through pain, depression, uncertainty, flashbacks, and every day is an uphill climb, but I am not going through it alone. When it first happened, I was so confused and couldn’t understand why this happened to me, I prayed. I focused on me having to sit in the house every day by myself, the activities that I can no longer enjoy, the physical therapy that I’ve had to do, and trying to find the purpose of the accident. I felt like, I’d gotten all the way to

California and wouldn’t be able to experience California. I wouldn’t get to start my job that I searched to find, I wouldn’t dance or do kick boxing anymore. I felt like my active life was over.

I did start the job and have been there for a year. They have held my position through Dr.’s appointments, surgeries, and physical therapy. I am appreciative of that. I am almost walking without crutches. I am working on building my health, my business partnership and brand of Niche with Words, writing my own novel and children’s book, and just enjoying every minute of life. I help people write and tell their stories because it helps others. Life is so short and can change at the blink of an eye. I implore everyone to enjoy life, worry less, laugh more, explore, and be thankful for what you have instead of what you don’t have. A friend that was diagnosed with cancer and passed away recently, reminded me that I have so much to be thankful for. I was going to be working with her on a book about her life. Although, she was experiencing so much from a brain tumor, she was fearless. She stayed positive no matter what news she was given. She had continued to pursue everything that she had planned as if the cancer was nothing. She reiterated the blessings of what is important; I survived the accident with minimal injuries, I still have my limbs, my family, friends, and another chance to enjoy life.

When we focus on the things we do have, the worry of what we don’t have fades away. It’s easy to get sidetracked with the things you don’t have or what you can’t do. I am thankful for my life and for everyday that I wake up breathing. My injuries could have been much worse, God blessed me. Although, I am unable to do some of the things I could before, each day I grow stronger. I am thankful for my support system. I enjoy life

day; I appreciate each breath and every moment I am blessed with.

more each

EMPOWERED LIVING INSTITUTE Change your mind, change your world

Introducing Valorie H. Lasley Author, Speaker, Spiritual Life Coach Abuse survivor and a victim no more







Enjoying Your Life When you hear, or read the statement “Enjoying Your Life” it can cause a positive or negative reaction. It depends on if you are “Enjoying Your Life”. Enjoy: means to take delight or pleasure in an activity or occasion, appreciate, relish, adore or bask in. Synonyms: be blessed with, be favored with, endowed with. Now that you have read the above definition how you would answer the phrase or statement “Enjoying Your Life” This is a personal question that I want us to ponder on. One can always find a reason to say that my Life is ok or I wish it was better. One can say if I was married I would Enjoy My Life. One can say if my husband and or wife would do this or do that, I would Enjoy My Life. One can say if I was single, I would Enjoy My Life. One can say if I had children, I would Enjoy My Life. One can say if I had no debt, I would Enjoy My Life. One can say if I lived in a better neighborhood or drove a nice car, I would Enjoy My Life. One can say if I had different parents or knew who my parents were I would Enjoy My Life. One can say if I had not been abused as a child or been in an abusive relationship as an adult, I would Enjoy My Life. One can say no one ever told me that I was loved; if they had I would Enjoy My Life. One can say if I did not have a terminal illness, I would Enjoy My Life. One can say I have lived in poverty and or always struggled financially, if not I would Enjoy My Life. One can say if I could lose or gain weight, I would Enjoy My Life. Thinking about all the different scenarios as to what we would change in our lives for us to enjoy our Lives can make a person scratch their head. We need to STOP focusing on what we think we need to change about our situation and realize that we are blessed to be alive in this moment. We have a free will to change our attitude for the positive and focus and appreciate what we do have. If we think about it, our lives could always be worse! I challenge us to write down 5 things that we enjoy about our lives. Read them out loud and by the time you get to #5 you will realize that you can Enjoy Your Life. Build Your Beautiful Smile with our quality replacements Premium Plus Replacement Toothbrush Heads for Philips Sonicare 4-Pack Durable, Medium, Dual Contoured Bristles for Maximum Oral Hygiene – Covers & Color Coding Rings

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Caregiving: A Daughter’s Story Information:

Caregiving: A Daughter’s Story

Caregiving AND Workforce Skill Development Training Information Workshops

For Caregivers Anyone!

Author: Janice Baldon-Gutter, CNA, PHR, MBA, MS-HRE

Caregiving: A Daughter’s Story Tells the Story of a Daughter who experienced the surprise, joys and pain of watching loved ones become ill and eventually die. Suddenly she became the decision maker for those who once made decisions for her. When did the roles change from carefree child to adult caregiver for the loving parents who raised her? How did she cope and survive the process? Learn how an average person like YOU learned to make healthcare and other professions LISTEN and work WITH her (and not dictate to her) to make decision on behalf of loved ones. Read the story of an ordinary person coping with the stresses and joys of caregiving for loved ones, how to survive through the caregiving process, and how to say “NO” to others when caregiving is over and move on with YOUR LIFE!!!!

Caregiving Resources Workforce Development Workshops: Are You A Former Family Caregiver in Need of a Job? Anyone In Need of a Job? Resume writing, Work Force Skill/Training Information for Everyone!

Caregiving Workshops: Resource Information WEBSITE: (contact) Book available for purchase at: Barnes and Carmichael’s (By Request) Short, Simple

Tips/Strategies for Everyday Family Caregivers contact: Facebook AND ©2010-2016 – Caregiving: A Daughter’s Story – no legal or healthcare advice – great information for family caregivers


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Ladies purchased by contacting the information below. It is also available on Amazon and Books-A-Million. available for purchase. CONTACT INFORMATION For speaking engagements or group workshops on the workbook, please see below. Email: or

Phone: Devon Chestnut

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