Report to Our Communities

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Report to Our Communities 2008

We’re Building Strong, Healthy


...By Building

Strong Families



Camp Wabanaki Lake Vernon, ON Floradale


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YMCA Centres Health, Fitness & Recreation (2) Child Care (11) Afterschool Antics (8) Virtual YMCA (1) Day Camps (5) Overnight Camps (3) Outdoor Centre (1) Cross Cultural & Immigrant Services (2) YMCA Ontario Early Years Centres (2) OEYC Service Delivery Sites (14)



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Kitchener-Waterloo Program Sites


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YMCA Centres Health, Fitness & Recreation (3) Child Care (4) School Age Child Care (5) Youth Leadership Development Centre (1) Virtual YMCA (1) Opening April 2009 Day Camps (1) Cross Cultural & Immigrant Services (1) Cambridge Youth Leadership Development Centre (1)



Cambridge Program Sites


The YMCAs of Cambridge & Kitchener-Waterloo

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YMCAs of Cambridge & Kitchener-Waterloo Our Mission The YMCA is a charitable organization that strengthens our community by providing opportunities for personal growth and active involvement for all children, adults and families.

Our Vision A leader in building a strong, healthy community through innovation and collaboration.

Our Core Values Acceptance Welcoming and open to all.

Caring Acting with compassion and concern for the well being of others

Health Developing people in spirit, mind and body

Respect Treating all people with dignity

Responsibility Accountable for oneself, others, our environment and the world we live in


A common plan for the future

The last year has been an extremely busy one for the YMCAs of Cambridge & Kitchener-Waterloo. We have been fine-tuning how collaboration works and planning for the future. We are pleased to report that this process is essentially complete and that we can now actively work to the benefit of the communities we serve. Essentially, collaboration means that two independent YMCAs have chosen to work together “as if ” they were one while retaining their status as separate legal entities. For example, our boards meet at the same time and place, but we vote separately on common issues and each board retains full control over policies specific to its Y. Our most significant accomplishment has been to develop a common strategic plan that includes a common mission, vision and values. In order to enjoy the greatest benefit from our new relationship, it was critical that we share a common vision for the future and a plan for getting there. We are confident that we will live in stronger, healthier communities in three years time as a result of our YMCAs’ efforts. We will do so by being innovative and collaborative. We will strategically seek to: • Do more by touching every family in the region. • Focus on expanding programs for seniors and newcomers to Canada. • Develop strategic relationships with other organizations that promote healthy communities. Newcomer Youth Program at Chaplin Family YMCA, Cambridge

• Build organizational capacity that will allow us to achieve our strategic goals. We are already seeing the benefits from collaboration. For example, A.R. Kaufman Family YMCA now offers specialty day camps based on the Cambridge model and the Chaplin Family YMCA has a Newcomer Youth Program based on the model developed in Kitchener-Waterloo. We are proud that we have accomplished all this while continuing to be financially healthy and serving thousands of people in high quality, values-based programs. Over the next few years, our region will have many challenges and opportunities. We are confident that we are well-positioned to meet them and continue building strong kids, strong families and strong communities. Sincerely,

Specialty Day Camp at A.R. Kaufman Family YMCA, Kitchener

Bruce McDonough Chair, YMCA of Cambridge

Mike Stork President, Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA




Participants in YMCA Programs and Services including

A.R. Kaufman Family YMCA


Child Care (Cambridge)

Chaplin Family YMCA of Cambridge

Average monthly membership


Child Care (KW)




Cross Cultural & Immigrant Services (Cambridge)

participants under 18

Average percent assisted



A.R. Kaufman Family YMCA (KW)

Cross Cultural & Immigrant Services (KW)




Virtual YMCA

(KW) Cambridge Youth Leadership Development Centre



Ontario Early Years Centres (KW)


people received


Day Camp & Out of School Programs (KW)

Outdoor Centre (KW)


Average monthly membership


Average percent assisted & newcomers

Overnight Camps (KW)

Direct Financial Assistance YMCA of Cambridge

2,261 $593,517

Chaplin Family YMCA

Day Camp & Out of School Programs (Cambridge)

Afterschool Antics (KW)


Average percent newcomers


Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA

5,066 $575,101

people received

in assistance

in assistance

A significant portion of this assistance is provided by donors to the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign and donors to the United Way of Cambridge & North Dumfries or the United Way of Kitchener-Waterloo and Area. Thank you for your support of these campaigns! The YMCAs of Cambridge & Kitchener-Waterloo provided the remainder of the assistance.

Participants include, for example, everyone who has purchased a YMCA membership*, registered in programs run at other YMCA locations or had a settlement file opened. * Individuals with a membership in 2008 for all or part of the year.

2008 Volunteer Service Awards


Volunteers play an important role in the YMCAs of Cambridge & Kitchener-Waterloo. They help our Associations be vibrant and meet the needs of our community. We thank all of our volunteers for their efforts.

The K-W YMCA Endowment Foundation President

Congratulations to our volunteers who celebrated milestone anniversaries in 2008!

The K-W YMCA Endowment Foundation did not enjoy a good year in 2008. Like most organizations, the economy has had a rather major impact on our results.

990 Total Volunteers

51,441 Total Hours

YMCA of Cambridge 5 Years

Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA 5 Years

Bruce McDonough Anne Renner Roger Rudolph Krista Skanes Les Whalen

Gheorghe Curelet-Balan Margaret Hennig Barbara Robinson Susan Sinclair Kellie Cain Tom Miceli Barbara Ryan Carmen Curelet-Balan Christa Webster Admir Hadziavdic Heidi Ingold Lynda Daehn Ann Bilodeau John Smith Thomas Bird Katherine Elliott Timothy Elliott Debbie Gehl Sophia Wirth Mostafa Essa Lorna Ramessar

15 Years Kim Lichty Nancy Movrin

20 Years Bonnie Cobb Val Moore Kevin Swayze Lindsay Turnbull

25+ Years Madeline Murphy

Marg Richmond Kerri Hallman-MacDonald Anna Wypruk Maria Wypruk Vencel Kot Austyn Reichelt Ildiko Virag-Lafontaine

10 Years Ann Ashberry Susan McCord Grant Roedding Seda Unsal-Aranton Tanya Schoeck Sarah Weber Maureen Green

15 Years Robert Meissner Chris McCord Jeffery Thomson Rhona Bennett

20 Years Theresa Dietrich Gord Millar

Congratulations to the

2008 YMCA Peace Medallion

Cambridge Strong Kid Ahmad Zeitoun

Strong Role Model Tony Roberts

Strong Community Popcorn House


Kitchener-Waterloo Strong Kid

The market value of our investments as of December 31, 2008 was down $159,600 (9.1%) to $1,512,500. We are pleased that this drop in value was limited to this amount, in view of general market conditions. Largely because of the major fund raising emphasis on the new Stork Family YMCA in Waterloo, the donations that the foundation received were down 82.3% to $27,900. The Heritage Club membership remains at 39 members, each of whom have given or pledged $10,000 or more to the Foundation. Some Heritage Club members support the cost of six life insurance policies with an eventual value of $460,000. For some years, the foundation has been making annual contributions to the Y in the area of $50,000. The Y has advised us that their current financial position would allow them to forgo any contribution from the Foundation for 2008. This will allow us to recover quicker from the results of 2008. As reported at last year’s Annual Meeting, the Foundation has lent its support to the Stork Family Y with a pledge of $500,000. Your foundation will continue to evolve and grow to play a major role in the building of a healthier community through the YMCA. We urge you to join us as a member of the Heritage Club!

Shailyn Drukis

Strong Role Model Ayiko Solomon

Strong Community The Afri-Can Connection

Charles E. Greb President, Foundation Board of Trustees

Alex at Hip-Hop Class

Grace in the Kids Zone

Chaplin Family YMCA Alex Thomson-Proctor loves his hip-hop class. He moves with enthusiasm and displays a growing sense of confidence as a performer. He gives his awesome instructor Mason a lot of credit for being so encouraging. At the same time, Alex’s sister Grace is participating in Kids Zone and his older brother Ryen Wilson and mother Maggie Proctor can use the cardio machines in the conditioning centre. It is a typical Wednesday night for the family at the Chaplin Family YMCA. They also enjoy badminton on Tuesdays and Mom gets to work out on Thursdays when the kids are at swimming lessons.

“Having the kids involved in activities at the Y, helps me to get me there,” said Maggie. “I figure that I should get active too instead of just waiting for them, so I do!”

GROWING STRONGER AS A FAMILY. Maggie and Ryen exercising in the conditioning centre

By giving the Proctor family a chance to get active together, Maggie believes that her kids can build healthy habits that can help them throughout their lives. “ I appreciate the role

models they find at the Y and the values-based programming.” But the benefits to the family extend beyond improving their physical health, “Spending this time together, opens up the lines of communication,” said Maggie. “As a result, we’re stronger as

a family.” Spend time at a Family YMCA any evening or weekend and you are sure to see a wide range of families. A similar sense of belonging and finding their family becoming ‘something more’ is a common experience as each family member grows healthier in spirit, mind and body.


YMCA Host Program The YMCA Host Program has evolved quite a bit since it started in 1985. There is a Mentorship Program for internationally-trained professionals, an older adult program and friendship and tutoring programs for newcomer children and youth in schools. At its core though is what is now called the YMCA Host Friendship Program. This program matches newcomers to Canada with Canadian hosts. The emphasis is to use social situations to help the newcomer to adapt to their lives in Canada while improving their language. Matches are carefully made so that there is a natural fit based upon interests, stage of life and professional background. So since some newcomers arrive as a family or have kids shortly after arriving, the Host Friendship Program matches them up as closely as possible with a Canadian family. Yesid Mejia and Yanin Molina from Columbia expressed the benefits of this program from the newcomers’ perspective,

“We share our customs and traditions and learn about each other. We also learn about Canadian culture and what we should expect living in this new community. Our volunteers always give us advice and it makes our adaptation process easier. They are very supportive.” Their host family also benefits. “Yesid and Yanin are a

delight. Having relationships with people from outside the West opens your eyes to how insulated we are against world events and the resulting quality of life most of the world endures. Our perspective changes and it affects how we live our lives,” said Corena Knechtel. The newcomer family Yesid Mejia, Yanin Molina & Nicolle Mejia get together with their host family Corena, Dane, Nate, Judah, and Asher (not in photo) Knechtel for dinner in Kitchener.

PARTNERI PARENTS FOR CHILD Jackson Perrin shows his mother Kristi what he built with blocks.


YMCA Child Care Placing your young child in someone else’s care is rarely an easy decision—even more so if it’s your first child. You want to be confident that quality care is provided, that the staff are competent and most importantly that your child receives the support, encouragement and opportunities he or she needs to learn and grow as a person. The best case scenario is to find a partner to challenge your child to dream and achieve. Parents tell us that YMCA Child Care is the partner that they seek. The feedback is that our centres are more than just a place to keep a child busy and safe, that they play an important role in building strong kids and strong families. One example is the Perrin family from outside Ayr.

“Since being at YMCA Child Care, Jackson has gained unbelievable independence in numerous areas such as individual play, personal hygiene and crafts,” said his mother Kristi. He has gained great confidence in his abilities to carry out numerous tasks and has great pride in his accomplishments. It is hard for me to describe how he has excelled as a young boy since he has been there.” “The YMCA has done a great job in ensuring that I am aware of what is going on in class, upcoming events the kids are talking about and Jackson’s progress. I highly recommend it. My husband and I can perform our jobs confident that he is in great hands, having fun and expanding his knowledge every day. I look forward one day to sending our baby Charlie there too.”

The Grupp/Honeyford Family together at the A. R. Kaufman Family YMCA

YMCA Strong Kids Campaign


Life sometimes takes unexpected twists and turns. Everything may seem to be going according to plan—jobs, marriage, kids—and then life takes an unexpected u-turn. Just when you most need things like support, stress relief, activities for your child and achieving good health through active living, they can appear out of reach. That’s where the YMCA steps in and connects people with what they need. By providing them with financial assistance, all families can afford these and other benefits that come from participating in YMCA programs and services. An important source of this assistance comes from the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign. The Grupp/Honeyford family knows first hand how unexpected events can change your life. When Bennett was about six months old, Kim was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and Matt gave up his small business to focus on being a caregiver. Nearly three years later, Kim is adapting to a disability related to her cancer.

“Thanks to generous YMCA Strong Kids donors, we enjoy a family membership at the A.R. Kaufman Family YMCA. The welcoming, energetic environment is key to our well being as a family and as individuals,” said Kim. We look forward to one day supporting the campaign.” The family’s YMCA experience extends beyond the Family YMCA. Bennett attends a YMCA Child Care and a YMCA Day Camp. And Kim spent a decade of summers at YMCA Camp Wabanaki. All gifts to the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign stay in the communities each YMCA serves. To read more stories about the campaign’s impact, visit

YMCA OF CAMBRIDGE Association Finances Statements are for the year ended December 31, 2008, with comparative figures for 2007.


Program & Membership Grants, subsidies, and contributions Other income Investment Income (loss) Amortization of deferred capital contributions Amortization of deferred contributions


Program & Membership Facilities & Food Services Administrative Amortization of capital assets

Deficiency of Revenues over Expenses





$5,508 1,407 16 (71) 199 67 7,126

$5,306 1,221 26 10 199 129 6,891

3,396 1,833 1,280 680

3,358 1,787 965 853





($63) (168) 0 394 163 (3,172) ($3,009)

($72) (114) 0 663 477 (3,649) ($3,172)

FUNDING SUMMARY Received from Operations New Capital Purchases New Capital Contributions Other Net Changes Total Funds Generated Total Bank (Debt) - Opening * Total Bank (Debt) - Ending * *Cash less Capital Loan payable Financial Assistance Policy: The YMCA of Cambridge welcomes all who wish to participate and annually raises funds to help make this possible. Please contact one of our Member Services staff if we may serve you in this way. Please note: This financial data is extracted from the Young Men’s Christian Association of Cambridge, Ontario’s audited financial statements and does not contain all of the information included in the financial statements and, as such, is incomplete. The financial statements were audited by BDO Dunwoody, LLP and are available upon request from the YMCA of Cambridge.

KITCHENER-WATERLOO YMCA Association Finances Statements are for the year ended December 31, 2008, with comparative figures for 2007.


Program Activities Memberships Government Grants and Programs Donations, rebates, and grants Miscellaneous Revenue Amortization of Deferred Contributions


Wages and Staff Support Program Activities Facilities and Equipment Support Costs Staff/Volunteer Development Interest Amortization of Capital Assets Excess of Revenues over Expenses





$5,454 2,514 5,830 960 207 281 15,246

$4,835 2,468 5,009 718 103 185 13,318

9,390 2,083 1,596 751 141 32 458 14,451 $795

8,250 2,057 1,338 712 120 63 441 12,981 $337

$795 (489) 1359 493 2158 (466) $1,692

$337 (297) 427 (70) 397 (863) (466)

FUNDING SUMMARY Received from Operations New Capital Purchases New Capital Contributions Other Net Changes Total Funds Generated Total Bank (Debt) - Opening* Total Bank (Debt) - Ending* *Cash less (Bank Overdraft plus all bank loans including mortgages) Financial Assistance Policy: The Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA welcomes all who wish to participate and annually raises funds to help make this possible. Please contact one of our Member Services staff if we may serve you in this way. Please note: This financial data is extracted from the Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA’s audited financial statements and does not contain all of the information included in the financial statements and, as such, is incomplete. The financial statements were audited by KPMG, LLP and are available upon request from the Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA.



BUILDING ON TRADITION. INVESTING IN THE FUTURE. Above: Barb Hill and Andrea Binkle at YMCA Camp Belwood. Debbie Porter, Sandy Westfall and Martha Bean at YMCA Camp Wabanaki on Beausoleil Island

The Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA has been offering quality camping experiences since 1923. In many families, going to Belwood, Ki-Wa-Y or Wabanaki has become a family tradition—a tradition that already extends four generations. The Hill-Westfall Family is an excellent example. Fifteen or more family members have been involved as campers, staff and committee members since Britton Hill asked Margaret Schreiter to serve as Wabanaki’s camp nurse in the 1930s. “We believe strongly in the power of camping,” says Barbara Hill. “Childhood is a special time of life and camping helps build kids into strong, successful adults in a very unique way.” Having experienced and witnessed the power of camping to transform lives firsthand, the Hills and Westfalls have stepped forward to ensure YMCA camps continue to make an impact on young lives, both today and into the future. They have done so through many generous gifts to the K-W YMCA Endowment Foundation’s Camp Fund.

“By investing in the camp fund, we know that the principal remains intact while the interest can be used to ensure the best possible camping experience,” said Dave Westfall, former director of Camp Belwood (1973-75). “I was thrilled when my nephew Jono Hill became assistant director at Belwood and when his sister Katie became the type of role model at Wabanaki that she had looked up to for many years. We hope that our gifts not only allow our tradition to continue, but that it allows many new 2002 family traditions to start and flourish.”

Jono Hill at YMCA Camp Belwood

K-W YMCA ENDOWMENT FOUNDATION Finances The K-W YMCA Endowment Foundation is a separate registered charity that raises funds to further the work of the KW YMCA. The income earned provides a dependable revenue source to help meet changing needs and provide quality programs and services.

Statement of Financial Position December 31, 2008, with comparative figures for 2007.



Cash Accounts Receivable Receivable from KW YMCA Interest Receivable Investments

Liabilities and Net Assets: Payable to the KW YMCA Deferred Revenue Fund Balance - Restricted


$25,941 3,134 1,350 1,093 1,512,510 1,544,028

$21,509 3,984 1,000 1,025 1,747,559 1,775,077

$16,162 11,603 1,516,263 1,544,028

$62,084 12,002 1,700,991 1,775,077

Statement of Operations and Fund Balances - Year Ended December 31, 2008, with comparative figures for 2007.


Donations Gain on Investments (loss) Investment Income (loss)


Investment Counsel Fees Audit Fees Administrative Expenses Fundraising Costs Insurance premiums Allocated Expenses Grant to KW YMCA Excess (deficiency) Revenues over Expenses Fund Balances, Opening as previously stated Change in Accounting Policy Fund Balances, Opening as restated Fund Transfer Fund Balances, End of Year

Operating Fund

General Fund

International Fund

OMG Fund

Member Fund

Camp Fund

CES Fund

Total 2008

Total 2007

$4,169 (241,883) 63,246 (174,468)

$1,757 1,757

$500 500

$3,915 3,915


$17,535 17,535


$27,876 (241,883) 63,246 (150,761)

$159,198 35,334 (16,739) 177,793 $12,259 1,800 5,725 6,540 6,347 32,671 (48,100)

$12,236 1,800 6,901 7,467 4,431 (16,168) 16,667 -

1,132 12,643 13,775 -

29 29 -

382 382 -

718 718 -

1,909 1,909 -

487 487 -

$12,236 1,800 6,901 7,467 5,563 33,967 -











1,338,292 1,338,292 (149,468)

3,329 3,329 (344)

38,442 38,442 (4,511)

74,027 74,027 (8,486)

201,347 201,347 (22,573)

45,554 45,554 (5,753)

1,700,991 1,700,991 -

1,434,976 168,993 1,603,969 -










This financial data is extracted from the K-W YMCA Endowment Foundation’s audited financial statements and does not contain all of the information included in the financial statements and, as such, is incomplete. The financial statements were audited by KPMG, LLP and are available upon request from the K-W YMCA Endowment Foundation.


with our community

Federal Government: Departments, Agencies & Crown Corporations Canada Revenue Agency Canadian International Development Agency Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Social Service Sector: Umbrella & Policy Organizations

Alliance for Children and Youth Child Care Network of Waterloo Region Community Coalition on Refugee & Immigrant Concerns

In contributing to building a healthy community, the YMCAs of Cambridge & Kitchener-Waterloo recognize the importance of working in partnership with other organizations serving our communities. Thank you to the local organizations and government bodies with whom we have partnerships, alliances and working relationships, for helping us to provide valuable community services.

Provincial Government: Ministries & Agencies Ministry of Children and Youth Services Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Ministry of Health Promotion Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Ontario Trillium Foundation

Municipal Government

City of Cambridge City of Kitchener City of Waterloo Regional Municipality of Waterloo

Colleges, School Boards & Universities Conestoga College English at First University of Waterloo Waterloo Catholic District School Board Waterloo Region District School Board Wilfrid Laurier University

Literacy Group of Waterloo Region Local Immigration Partnership Ontario Council for International Cooperation Region of Waterloo Child and Parent Services Network Volunteer Action Centre Waterloo Region Immigrant Employment Network (WRIEN)

Community & Health Organizations

Argus Residence for Young People Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cambridge Cambridge & North Dumfries Community Foundation Cambridge Career Connections Cambridge Family Early Years Centre Cambridge Hindu Society Cambridge Memorial Hospital Cambridge Muslim Society Cambridge Neighbourhood Organizations Cambridge Youth Soccer

Catholic Family Counselling Centre Cedar Creek Community Church Centre for International Governance and Innovation Family & Children’s Services of the Waterloo Region Focus for Ethnic Women Independent Living Centre House of Friendship Islamic Centre of Cambridge John Howard Society of Waterloo Wellington Kidproof Canada KidsAbility kidsLINK Kingsview Residence Kitchener Downtown Community Health Centre Kitchener-Waterloo Optimist Club K-W Counselling Services K-W Habilitation Services K-W Reception Centre Kiwanis Club of Kitchener-Waterloo Luther Village on the Park Lutherwood Mennonite Coalition for Refugee Support Multicultural Theatre Space North Dumfries Family Resource Centre Provincial Ontario Early Years Network Our Place Family Resource and Early Years Centre People in Motion (Schizophrenia Support Group) Pioneer Youth Services Project READ RegencyCare Corporation St. Mary’s Hospital St. Monica House Thrive! The Canadian Centre for Positive Youth Development

United Caribbean Association of Cambridge United Way of Cambridge and North Dumfries United Way of KitchenerWaterloo and Area Village of Winston Park Waterloo Public Library Waterloo Region Community Action Program for Children Waterloo Regional Employment Services Waterloo Wellington Training and Adjustment Board Wilmot Family Resource Centre Woolwich Community Services YWCA of Kitchener-Waterloo

Private Sector

Coles Grand Experience Mad Science Manestay Equestrian Services Ontario Conservatory of Music Saginaw Golf Course Simply Scrapping Trans Canada Archery Virtual Events Wedges and Woods Golf Academy

YMCA Family

Abundant Asset Alliance North American YMCA Development Organization (NAYDO) YMCA Canada YMCA Ontario

International Partnerships

YMCA Leon, Mexico YMCAs of Zambia

The YMCAs of Cambridge & Kitchener-Waterloo are committed to protecting personal information by following responsible information handling practices, in keeping with privacy laws. We collect and use personal data in order to better meet your service needs, to ensure the safety of children in our care, for statistical purposes, to inform you about the YMCA program or service in which you are registered, and to satisfy government and regulatory obligations. You may receive periodic mailings from us with information about other YMCA programs and services that may interest and benefit you. For more information on our YMCA commitment to privacy, please visit our websites:,

YMCA OF CAMBRIDGE Chief Executive Officer: Cambridge Board of Directors Suresh Abraham

Manager, Operations Accounting Babcock and Wilcox

Chris Adach

Vice President M&G Steel LTD

Mark Carruth

Vice President, Sales & Marketing Ontario New England Express

Rick Chaplin

Vice President, Industrial Markets Canadian General-Tower Limited

Mike Dinning

Vice President, Student Affairs Conestoga College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning

Terry Hamilton Retired Educator

Laurie Hornell

Marriage & Family Therapy, Mediation Services Private Practice

Khalid Khokhar

Principal Islamic School of Cambridge

Brian Law

Lawyer/Partner Pavey, Law, Wannop & Witteveen LLP

Matthew McCready National Route Development Manager Frito Lay Canada

Bruce McDonough

Division Controller Parker-Hannifin Canada / Motion & Control Canada

Stuart Oxborough

CFP-Financial Consultant Investors Group

Vickie Quigg

Training & Business Development Consultant Humphrey Group

Harpreet Sahota

Punjabi Language Teacher International Language School

Michael Wannop

Lawyer/Partner Pavey, Law, Wannop & Witteveen LLP

Doug Wood

Retired, Imperial Oil

Cambridge Past Chairs Council Frank Burgess David Carse J.D. Chaplin David Grant Jim Harding Bob Howison Jeannie Joslin John Lennox James McBride John Reid Lynne Woeller Doug Wood

KITCHENER-WATERLOO YMCA John Haddock KW Board of Directors

KW Council of Advisors

Carol Duke

John Acheson Alex Brown Steve Cameron Mike Collins Roy Dahmer Graham Dare Jan Elgie Ross Gray Charles Greb Steve Farlow Lynn Haddrall Ron Heimpel Ted Heimrich Barb Hill Jim Huras Wilf Jenkins Rick MacNeil Norm McKee Jim McNeill Gabrielle Moule Dan O’Connell John Pawley Cathy Raithby George Robb Richard Rush Stephen Swatridge John Thompson Jim VanEvra David Westfall

Administrative Assistant Assante Wealth Management

Jennifer Eby

Audit Manager, Deloitte

Tom Griffith

General Manager Babcock and Wilcox

Gary Leduc

Retired Superintendent of School Services Waterloo Catholic District School Board

David Libertini

Managing Director, Hypor

Dave McBride

Chief Financial Officer Lift Technologies Inc.

Vivienne Ojala

President & co-Chief Executive Officer Brock Solutions

Anne Paling

Chief Financial Officer Barrday Inc

Gary Pooley

Retired Partner Ernst & Young

Daniela Seskar-Hencic

Manager Planning & Evaluation Health Determinants Planning & Evaluation, Region of Waterloo Public Health

Patrick Spence

VP AT&T, Rogers & US Regional GSM Carriers Business Unit Research in Motion

Mike Stork

President & Chief Executive Officer F.J. Stork Holdings Ltd.

Rolf Woerns

K-W YMCA Endowment Foundation Trustees Graham Dare Charles Greb Steve Farlow John Pawley Mary D’Alton Bill McGregor Sandy Hill Brian Ruby Dave McBride

Charitable Registration Numbers YMCA of Cambridge BN 11930 7098 RR0001 Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA BN 10757 2687 RR0001 K-W YMCA Endowment Foundation BN 88804 0060 RR0001





such as the youth who have used the Cambridge Youth Leadership Development Centre for the past five years.

like the families who go to camp together in the winter or the summer or hold a reunion at the YMCA Outdoor Centre.

such as by opening two new YMCA Child Care sites in 2008 to meet the needs of fast growing neighborhoods in Kitchener and Waterloo.

YMCA of Cambridge


250 Hespeler Road Cambridge, ON N1R 3H3 519-623-9622

460 Frederick St., Suite 203 Kitchener, ON N2H 2P5 519-584-7479

Credits Editor: James Howe Graphic Design: Nathan Robertson Photos: Lisa Malleck

By using 994 lb. of Cascades Rolland Enviro100 Print instead of virgin fibres paper reduces the YMCAs’ ecological footprint of: 8 trees 537 lb of solid waste 5,067 gallons of water 3.4 lb of suspended particles in the water 1,179 lb of air emissions 1,229 cubic feet of natural gas (

Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA

(except p. 1 small, p. 6, p. 14 and middle and right on back cover)

Cover Illustration: Wendy Angel / Caryn Scott


Donor Insert - 30% Post Consumer Waste

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