Fairtrade impact in Costa Rica (Sugar cane)

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Impact projects of the premium of Fairtrade in organizations of small sugar producers from Costa Rica


PROJECT OF PROTECTION OF THE PEÑAS BLANCAS RIVER BASIN COOPEAGRI El General R.L. was born on November 25, 1962, as an option for solve the problems of coffee industrialization and commercialization that were faced for the small and medium coffee farmers of San Isidro de Pérez Zeledón. Since its foundation, CoopeAgri El General R.L. has evolved notoriously in terms of technology, level of production and development alternatives. It currently has more than 8 thousand associates and has become a pioneer company, that has boosted economic growth in the extensive southern zone of Costa Rica. COOPEAGRI R.L is governed by a high humanist sense with focus on the excellence of the quality of its products, whether for local consumption or for the most demanding international markets. Since 2006, COOPEAGRI R.L has been managing the protection program of the Peñas Blancas river basin with resources from the Fairtrade Prize, covered by the agreement of the General Assembly of Delegates No.70. This environmental project seeks to provide protection and timely management to 200 hectares of forest located in the area of influence of the Peñas Blancas river basin, working in the reforestation of 342 hectares and the planting of 200 thousand trees, among others. Further, complements the above with the production of 93 thousand bags of organic fertilizer per year, taking advantage of the by-products of coffee and sugarcane and the use of ecological mills, where save 70% of water normally used in the production process; ensuring of this way the availability of water resources for the COOPEAGRI Sugar Mill R.L and also protect the flora and fauna of the area, contributing to the improvement of the Alexander Skutch Biological corridor. It also receives resources from this project, the Aqueducts Association of Santa Elena and Quizarrá, with about 500 beneficiaries. During the years of the program, it has been reversed more than $ 80,000 and have benefited, apart from the owners of the lands within of the project, a whole community that still enjoys in the dry season to take a bath in its fresh waters. At the environmental level, this cooperative has invested part of its contributions thanks to the sales of their Fairtrade certified products, in the protection of 99 hectares of forest of the Peñas Blancas river basin; The implementation of this project was carried out through the Annual subscription of Environmental Services Certificates (CSA). COOPEAGRI R.L. has paid special attention to the protection of the Peñas Blancas river basin, which provides water to the industrial process of sugarcane, in order to preserve, recover and maintain the water resource and also the flora and fauna, indicates the annual report of the cooperative.


PROJECT ADDING IDEAS WE CHANGE THE WORLD COOPEVICTORIA R.L. COOPEVICTORIA R.L. founded in 1943, is the first cooperative in Costa Rica, and is dedicated to the industrialization of coffee and sugar of small producers in the central valley; Besides provides its associates complementary services to the productive and commercial activity. The purpose of COOPEVICTORIA R.L. is the economic and social improvement of their members. In addition to its main role in agriculture, it carries out development projects very important for the whole community, such as the production of organic fertilizers, protection of forests and watersheds, environmental education for children and production of Biodiesel. Obtaining international certifications as a result of good practices developed by CoopeVictoria, as is the case of Fairtrade, allows CoopeVictoria associates to receive a prize, which themselves have decided that one part be destined to support communal initiatives. And it is used in initiatives like this. It is so COOPEVICTORIA R.L. launches calls for projects to strengthen development initiatives in the educational institutions of the region. Appealing to the principle Cooperative of commitment with the community and the criterion of incidence of Fairtrade in the areas of influence established by the certification Fairtrade International; CoopeVictoria R.L of the hand of the Committee of Education and Welfare Social, launches the project call " Adding ideas we change the world " at the beginning of the year 2017. The objective of this project is to invite the educational centers in the area to present a development project for their institution, once the participating projects have been obtained, It carried out a selection process to reward 3 institutions with a total amount of 3,000,000 colones ($ 6000) to distribute among the winners. For this call, the projects that were framed within the following thematic areas: vegetable gardens and agriculture, promotion of school cooperatives, promotion of Cooperative Values. On this occasion the winning projects were: - CoopeAbeja of San Juan School in Grecia ($ 2,000): The goal of CoopeAbeja is to be a school cooperative that promotes the principles cooperatives within the student population giving library services. The Contribution of CoopeVictoria strengthened the creation of an adequate physical space for CoopeAbeja. - CoopeAbeja of San Juan School in Grecia ($ 2,000): The goal of CoopeAbeja is to be a school cooperative that promotes the principles cooperatives within the student population giving library services. The Contribution of CoopeVictoria strengthened the creation of an adequate physical space for CoopeAbeja. - Cooperative copying center of CTP Bolívar High School ($ 3,000): This project seeks to generate a cooperative copying center within the educational center that allow students to know about the model and generate development for the institution. The contribution generated was the impulse for the creation of the physical space of the project.

- Organic Orchard Francisco Alfaro School. ($ 1,000): This school has a very important environmental project which consists in the development of a Organic Garden so that the students know the agricultural work, in addition to provide healthy resources to the school dining room and generate a positive impact on the environment. The contribution of CoopeVictoria contributed to the obtaining of inputs for the management of the garden. In addition, as part of the activities of the week of Environment and Health 2018 is carried out a tree planting campaign with children from the community. The activity is carried out in commemoration of World Environment Day on 05 June 2018. The activity uses part of the funds obtained by the Fairtrade certification and has as an objective to promote the care of the environment in young people through didactic activities and field learning, sowing is accompanied by reflections on the Importance of reforestation. Participants: 60 children from the Julio Peña Morúa School, 6 educators and 5 workers from CoopeVictoria, 15 mothers / fathers of family members of the community. More than 140 trees of native species such as lorito, zotacaballo and others were planted.


CLEAN FIELDS PROJECT COOPECAÑERA R.L., was founded in 1972, as a result of the initiative of a group of 115 sugarcane producers in the canton of San Ramón, Alajuela. In 1974 a used sugar processing equipment was acquired, and four years later in 1978 the first harvest was made. For COOPECAÑERA R.L. Fairtrade has meant the opportunity to be linked to foreign trade, in addition for several has been the main source of income of the cooperative, for which we can say that it was his way of survival. The certification in Fairtrade has required reorganizing the cooperative in different scopes: administrative and accounting controls, greater rapprochement and training constant to producers, improvements in occupational health and safety systems, changes and investments in the production system to minimize the impact at the environmental, training for workers and associates on the Fairtrade standard. In COOPECAÑERA R.L. with the Fairtrade award they attend to environmental issues; one of the projects that have the greatest impact on producers and associated producers is the sponsorship agreement with the Clean Our Fields Foundation; this agreement contributes to the cooperative an adequate collection and treatment of containers of agrochemicals. By supporting this organization they encourage the proper use of agriculture inputs, both in the farms of their associates, as in those of other farmers of the area. In addition, an adequate disposition of the empty containers of agrochemicals. Which receive a triple wash treatment by farmers, then they are collected and transferred to the foundation. This is responsible for arranging the plastic for the recycling, and the development of products such as auto parts, fence posts, sleepers for train tracks, sewer grills, garbage dumps, among others. Through this project not only their associates were benefit but also many farmers in the area who grow coffee, vegetables, tubers, etc. Which previously they did not have an alternative to dispose the containers properly, and they ended up fouling their farm with the consequent environmental damage and health risk of his family. This investment results in the cooperative reaching an improvement in services and assistance producer technique and mitigate the effects of climate change.

"Fair Trade Sugar, the Sweet taste of a Trade made with Solidarity and Justice"

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