Fairtrade Bananas

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info@clac-comerciojusto.org www.clac-comerciojusto.org /clac.comerciojusto @CLACFairtrade

THE BANANA The Fairtrade banana was born 20 years ago, with the objective of improving small producers and workers’ positions in supply chains; as well as improving their living and working conditions by means of better commercial relations and demanding standards. Overall, Fairtrade seeks to ensure greater sustainability in banana supply chains. Today, there are 83 small producer organizations and 56 plantations certified Fairtrade in Latin America and the Caribbean, representing nearly 19,000 banana producers and workers in eight countries.


The banana is the most consumed and commercialized fruit worldwide. It is also the economic foundation for thousands of farming families in Latin America and the Caribbean. However, many small producers are at a commercial disadvantage, with little access to international markets and the pressure of low prices. Equally, plantation workers have suffered exploitative conditions for decades, facing low wages and unsafe working conditions, with no way to exercise their fundamental rights as workers. This has resulted in unstable living conditions for the majority of small producers and workers.


FAIRTRADE BANANA CERTIFICATION GUARANTEES Fairtrade Minimum Price (guaranteed), that allows producers and workers to cover the costs of production and ensure profitability of the crop Fairtrade Premium of $1.00 USD per box (18.14 KG) for producer and worker organizations to finance projects in productivity, health, education and housing, etc. Decent employment and working conditions Respect for fundamental rights of producers and workers


Compliance with the Fairtrade Standards by producers, workers and traders is controlled by independent certifier, FLOCERT.


List of prohibited materials (pesticides, fertilizers‌) Better agricultural practices and natural resource management (water, soil, biodiversity) Democracy and management




SUPPORT FOR PRODUCERS AND WORKERS With its extensive field staff, the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Fair Trade Small Producers and Workers (CLAC), provides support to producer and worker organizations in areas such as standard compliance, organizational strengthening and capacity building. CLAC also implements projects specific to the needs of producers, such as the Program for Increased Productivity (PIP).


Access to differentiated markets Improved income for producers Greater economic stability and resilience of organizations Increased investment capacity in production (infrastructure, materials, inputs) Development projects for producers, workers and their communities Education: Funding for education centers, school supplies, scholarships, promotion of athletics and the arts Health: Financing for health centers, equipment, medical personnel, and health campaigns Housing: Construction and renovation of housing Community Infrastructure: Improvement of roads and highways, sports facilities, and urban amenities Loan facilitation for members

“Fairtrade, in the economic aspect, has improved the income of the producers. Today, buyers prefer that organizations are Fairtrade certified. There is a difference before and after (the certification) because it has improved the economic aspect of the families and the organization, also allowing them to expand their market.� Nadia Coloma Quispe miembro, AGROSOL

BENEFITS OF FAIRTRADE FOR BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS Sustainable supply chains (economic, social and environmental criteria) Independent certification Services and technical assistance for producers Compliance with human and workers’ rights conventions Established trade relations Differentiation

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