UPC 720189747687
3 Contributors Connect with us 5 Letter from the editor
6,11,19,24 Positively Positive!
7 Predestination and Free Will - Exist Together
9,15,23,28 Quotes of the month
16 12 The greatest love of all Spirit Medicine: STORY OF UNDERSTANDING A 3-point way to 25 THE ENERGY OF Empower Your HEALING Personal Spirit Guided by spirit 30 -JOURNEY INTO 29 ON THE BLOG HEALING
Spiritized [April 2014]
Living Life with Spirit
Lead Editor
Creative Designer
Anne Nessa
Deborah Dahmen
Holly Tagg
Bonnie Polk
Deah Curry
Dani Tworek
Spiritized Spiritized
Connect with us E-mail us! Visit us! Like us! Follow us! Watch us! Pin us! Learn with us! Buy from us! Be with us! 4
From The Editor Welcome to the first edition of Spiritized: Living Life with Spirit. I have been very blessed in my life to become friends with some of the best psychics, mediums, healers, and artisans in the industry. I created this magazine as a way to introduce you to the people that I respect, adore, and fall head over heels for. As you will come to learn, I love everything to do with Life, Love, and Spirituality.
Anne Nessa
I am the founder of Clairporium. Clairporium is a safe and loving place for you to explore, learn and discuss all things related to spirituality. We provide you with a Team of reputable psychics, mediums, and healers. We provide a Marketplace that features handmade wares from spiritual artisans. Clairporium’s blog focuses on everything from Psychic Development to Law of Attraction to Astrology and more. We also have a fun and active community that provides us with much love and much laughter.
Connect With Me
Positively Positive!
I feel the
LOVE of those
who are not
Physically around
me. {clicktotweetthis}
Predestination and Free Will -Exist Together
By The Circle of Twelve, channeled through Bonnie Polk
Raphael and Zander speak in unified voice. The Entire Circle of Twelve stands by.
Dear One, your topic and lesson for
today is free will and pre-destination. We have spoken of this before, and you know in your heart that they are not opposites. They both ARE. They exist together and are intermingled, joined… The vessel – your body – in which you are temporarily housed is just that – temporary. It is meant to wear out, wear down as time passes on Earth. This does not mean that you cannot help it maintain its integrity – good health - by taking good care (free will) of this body that you have been given (pre-destined) in this life. Before you come to Earth from your True Home, you plan what you want to accomplish during an Earth life. You, your soul family, your loving guides and angels plan interactions, when you will meet, what lessons you want to learn, what debts need repaying… All are pre-destined moments, big and small, in your Earth life – meant to help you move forward spiritually. That is the main purpose of every Earth life – to move forward and grow spiritually.
Sometimes lives are lived successfully – based on ‘living the plan” and growing spiritually. Other times this is not the case. Progress is slowed, growth opportunities are blocked, and spiritual expansion is stymied. This is free will. This is based on choice – your choices… You come back to Earth not remembering your True Home, your previous lives on Earth, because otherwise the mind - the human mind which does so much good and evil as well – will live in the past, long for other things beyond this life. And there again, would be another reason that spiritual growth would be stymied – or at the very least slowed to a much slower pace. This slowed progress can and does happen even when one is focused on only one life on Earth - from the thoughts of the mind. The mind is always either drawn to the past OR longing for or fearing the future. It is for these reasons, that until one is ready, you do not remember – at least at a mind and body level. The soul, it remembers all, and it is why We, Spirit’s Beings of Light, so often stress to live from a soul level. LIVE AT A SOUL LEVEL. Allow the soul to guide body and mind – to best allow spiritual growth and progress.
This is what it could look like being guided by soul – allowing soul to guide the Earthly vessel you use temporarily when in Earthly form. You live in the PRESENT, THE NOW. You know the past and accept it. You do not live in the past, wish to change it, blame yourself or others for things long or near past. You live in a place of love – NOW Love – that does not fear the future, but welcomes the joys and sorrows (this is the hard one) of life on Earth. With angels and loving guides around you – and your awareness of them – life is a more peaceful and loving place for a human spirit. Indeed it is. One tends to take good care of its temporary vessel, realizing the importance of it – good food, exercise, not abusing nicotine, drugs, alcohol and other behaviors that shut its energy down before its time (free will).
It is where we want all human spirits to live so that spiritual growth is not slowed or blocked, but is REAL for everyone. We Beings of Light have taken on quite a challenge to bring this message – amongst other loving words – to those of you on Earth. We do it with the help of Lightworkers like yourself – even while you also continue your own spiritual growth on Earth. Live from a spirit level, Dear Heart. And you grow each day toward that goal. Continue to help others toward their goal as well. We are so happy – filled with joy – to see this loving progress taking place on Earth. Let your light shine, Dear Heart. Let your light shine! And, help others to allow their lights to shine as well. It is your loving calling. Indeed, this is so. Love and blessings, Zander, Raphael in unified voice The entire Circle of Twelve stands by.
One tends to not be ruled by a mind meandering, wandering to sometimes very negative and damaging thoughts. One realizes that thoughts are just thoughts – and may or may not have anything to do with REAL TRUTH, REAL REALITY. Thoughts – your mind’s creations – are simply that – CREATIONS. However, if you live at a soul level, you will be aware of body and mind but not ruled by either. Soul, your spirit, the Divine and Sacred in you is OF love, OF truth, and knows reality and the mirage that is often life on Earth. It is where we want you to live, Dear One. We ask that you LIVE AT A SOUL LEVEL.
Bonnie Polk provides Angel Readings – gentle messages of love and truth directly from the Angels, Spirit’s Beings of Light. She speaks to them, and they speak to her. She feels their loving energy and presence, and they share their visions and wisdom with her. Along with Angelina, her Guardian, Bonnie has her Circle of Twelve - twelve Archangels who are her loving Angel Guides. These Beings of Light have taught her so much – and the more she learns, the more she realizes how much more there is to learn! Connect With Me
Quotes of the month
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the
heart .� -Helen Keller {clicktotweetthis}
Our Products Pleiadian Healing Discs – Chakra Balancer
Pleiadian Healing Discs – Stargazer
Mandala Spiritual Discs – Water
Mandala Spiritual Discs – Serenity
Mandala Spiritual Discs – Shifting Frequency
Pleiadian Healing Disc – Galaxy
Click on any of the discs to know more.
Positively Positive!
I replace my
anger with
compassion. {clicktotweetthis}
The Greatest
Love of All By Holly Tagg
So many people
long to know who their spirit guide is. To know this spirit who has signed up to watch over you, direct you, challenge you. What is this spirit like who loves you so much that they are willing to take on this daunting task. I am so very fortunate to not only know who mine is, but to have lived with him in the flesh twice in this lifetime. I, just like most people wanted to know who my guide was. I finally got my chance! I was at an Advanced Animal Communication class. Our teacher took us on a shamanic journey to find our guide. As the journey began, I saw a quick flash of a Tiger that came swooping in, then it was black. I waited for a while in the dark. Suddenly my horse Abe showed up. I was happy to see him. He kept showing me images of our life together, like snap shots falling to the ground. Even though I was glad to see him, I kept telling him that he had to leave, because I was trying to meet my guide. He continued what he was doing and quickly the snap shots turned into a movie, wonderful scenes of our life together. I am still telling him he has to go, when he appears with white wings and wants me to get on him.
He starts to fly and the movie is playing underneath us. After the journey we are all gathered together to discuss our experience. I still hadn’t understood and was a little embarrassed to admit that I had been playing with Abe the whole time. Reluctantly I told my story. I was surprised to find out that he was my guide. My teacher told me that it was very rare, but not unheard of to have a guide walk this life with us. I knew Abe was special, but this was really special! We had always been close. He had health problems, bouts of laminitis that would make it difficult for him to walk. I spent a lot of time taking care of him. I learned a lot about Essential Oils, Homeopathies, Reiki, Equine Massage, Herbs etc. He was already educating me without my knowledge. One day he had showed me an image from a past life. He had been wanting me to put my hand in his mouth. I kept telling him no. So he showed me this scene from a past life. We were galloping through a woods, I heard a roaring behind us. I turned and looked, the whole woods was on fire. He said, “You used to trust me with your life now you don’t trust me at all!”
I felt horrible so I put my hand in his mouth. He promptly bit me. I told him that did not bode well in the trust department. He said, “I could have broken your skin or crushed your bones. I bit you to show you that the lessons I will teach you may be painful at times , but they will never crush or break you.” I also learned during a past life regression to that lifetime, that we had been hiding out in that woods that was set on fire. I learned that the fire had been set on purpose to flush us out. We had been captured and the men who captured us tried to hang me off of Abe’s back. They were hitting him and trying to make him run out from under me. I heard him say so clearly, “I can’t move my feet or she will die.” I was sobbing when I came out of that regression and it took me a long time to calm down. He had brought this past life time through to this one. He still couldn’t move his feet. Abe has shown me many past life’s with very deep messages that show how intertwined we have been in lifetime after lifetime. One night while I was trying to fall asleep, Abe popped in to again show me images of our life together. This time he included an image of me with my childhood horse Tuffy. He was telling me that he was Tuffy, so he could plant the seeds of what we were to do. It all made sense, Tuffy was also an incredible escape artist, just like Abe. Also just like Abe, Tuffy suffered from bouts of laminitis. He was also my best friend. I was two years old, I would sit on the fence and Tuffy would come up and stand so I could climb aboard. He would walk all over the pasture with me and then bring me back safely when he was done. I wish I had an idea what we would talk about during our journeys.
I am so incredibly honored to have this beautiful spirit as my guide. He has the wisdom of the ages, I don’t know that there has ever been a question posed to him that he didn’t have the answers for. His love and care for me is never ending, as is mine for him. He left his earthly body about two years ago. That was the hardest thing I have ever had to do is say goodbye to him. To not be able to look in those big brown eyes and see how they twinkled with mischief. Although I know he isn’t gone. His spirit has just flown free of his earthly constraints. This I know, I could feel his spirit envelope me as soon as it left his body. He gave me a huge hug with his energy before he crossed. He is still here with me. I wasn’t sure he would be, but his guidance is just as clear, just as pure and just as wise as it ever was. Maybe even more so. His sense of humor is still very much intact. Truthfully he needs that most of all, having to deal with me. I asked him what he wanted people to know about spirits. He said, “We laugh... A LOT!”
Holly Tagg Psychic Medium/ Animal Communicator. 11 years professional experience. I work very closely with my guide Abe. We love helping people to make sense of the bigger picture of their life as well as to navigate through the present situation, or connecting them with a loved one who has crossed over. Animals are a huge passion of mine. Communicating with them and allowing their thoughts and feelings to to be heard is magical. Connect With Me
Our Readings Products Dani Tworek – Monthly Forecast Reading by E-Mail
27 00
Julie Herbert – New Relationship Reading
20 00
Dan Liss – Meeting Your Spirit Guides Session
Retrograde Impact Reading
100 00
25 00
Catori Grant – 30 or 60 Minute Spirit-Based Reading
Hanuman Zachary – Simply Healing Love Session
60 00
60 00
Quotes of the month
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; YOU are the one who gets burned.�
Spirit Medicine:
Dani Tworek
When I
was 20 years old, I woke up one day feeling like how I would imagine someone who had just crossed a desert feels – tired to the core and devoid of all energy. I wanted to lie in bed all day and drift off to places where I felt like myself again. Little did I know this was the beginning of a journey of remembering who I really was; a journey of understanding that I am
a Spirit having a human experience and the power that comes with that relationship.
“Call the doctor.” she said, very matter of factly and with no room for discussion. This coming from the lady who normally insists that a good cup of coffee and a hot shower could cure anything. This is my mother, MJ.
“What? NOOO!, I don’t want too!” I replied, in that whiny way that still living at home, all expenses paid, college students have. “I want you to go see the doctor. Make it happen. DO IT.”, she said, slowly in that tone that clearly implies my life is over if I don’t listen. So I go to our family doctor who cannot find any clinical proof of virus or infection – nothing to write a prescription for. Chalking it up to pulling all nighters for my Microbiology & Chemistry finals, he walks me up to the front desk so I can check out. The next thing I remember is waking up 3 days later, in ICU. MJ is sitting with me and after determining that I could see, hear, speak, smile and smell, she calmly tells me that I had a craniotomy for a subdermal hematoma caused by a cerebral arteriovenous malformation. Read: my brain was bleeding and I almost stroked out due to a malformation I was born with. “I know”, I said. She smiled, knowing that for the 3 days I was in an induced coma, that I heard every word she said. She sat with me, for 3 days and told me that I had a grand mal seizure while checking out at the doctor’s office, was rushed to the hospital where the head of neurosurgery figured out (4 hours later) that I needed immediate surgery (6 hour procedure) and that my parents opted to do it, even though there were scary odds of terrible side effects. The side effect we didn’t count on or understand was that this was a path I chose to teach me that the vital force energy of the human body is an energy that is
infinite, fortified and connected to something much bigger than what we are ever taught. The Spirit you, your higher self, is an organized and structured energy that is uniquely divine yet infinitely connected to the all that is. This is the ultimate Source of empowerment and the resources we have through the consciousness of existing as Spirit allow for our body to heal in ways that cannot be explained with science but are a multidimensional reality nonetheless. Through the process of healing from a major brain trauma, my consciousness level was changed because I had the courage to question, “why did I survive?” It all starts with energy. Everything is energy: thoughts, actions, emotions, situations... The energy that organized that day was very specific and it could have gone so many other ways. What if MJ didn’t pick up on the necessity of me going to the doctor? What if I simply disobeyed her and went back to bed? What if the head of neurosurgery was not on call and another surgeon missed the problem? This concept of the energy of that day is something I think about regularly, with gratitude. In fact, the energy of that day was so intensely understood to be organized for my survival, it is why I do what I do now and it shaped my life path. I am here because the energy was organized for me to survive in this lifetime. In accepting my call to action, of learning about energy and the connection that exists and is the vital force in each of us – I opened my eyes to releasing the constraints of boxed in medicine and healing and the scientific method ( this was no easy feat, I was an undergrad
at the University of Michigan, Biology major!) and started to seek how to connect with the energy of my highest self through meditation. Through meditation, the basis for all Spirit work, I started to remember who I really was and what I am here for, to guide others in understanding who they really are and empowering them by practicing energy medicine. Energy Medicine has been practiced in many forms over thousands of years. You may have heard of it in various forms – Reiki, laying of the hands, prayer circles, Pranic Healing, Chakra Therapy just to name a few. What these all have in common is the acknowledgment of the underlying life force energy that is present in all things. The organization of energy in a specific space in any given moment creates the situation of health or dis-ease. We maintain various states of health at different times and the dynamic processes that the energy is organized to maintain in our physical bodies is connected to our vital life force energy, which also makes up our SPIRIT body.
In practicing Energy medicine, specifically Pranic Healing and Chakra Therapy, I have studied and learned under my skilled mentors to connect with you energy body and feel where there may be blockages, damage or congestion. Then I can replace and repair damaged energy with fresh, vital life force energy (prana). Energy is neither created nor destroyed and as Spirit, we understand that we can manipulate and move energy into place to activate your physical body’s innate healing ability...this is the connection between you, the Spirit, connected to the Source of all healing and the energy of the physical body, which can utilize that innate ability. Start your healing journey today – reconnect your Spirit’s energetic organs (your chakras) with your physical body’s life force energy to manifest the ultimate healing experience! Om Shanti.
Do you see that we exist as humans and as spirit at the same time because the energy that fortifies all life, the vital force energy, is the common thread. In understanding this, it is obvious now that to remain alive in a human body, one has a Spirit body as it’s infrastructure. Our Spirit has chosen to manifest as human in this lifetime and we must maintain the Spirit body in connecting with the human body. This is a big lesson that we all chose – to be born and forget we are spirit to experience remembering who we really are: Spirit!
Dani Tworek is a lightworker, intuitive energy healer, Certified Angel Card Reader(tm) and consciousness coach. For over 23 years, she has studied alongside spiritual teachers, on this side and the other, to develop a system of intuitive tools to guide you on your path of awakening. Through readings, pranic healing sessions and one on one transformational coaching, you are empowered with these tools to understand your true intuitive nature and your connection to the infinite abundant energy of life. This awakening journey, of remembering who you really are, leads to a deep understanding of how you can exist in a higher state of consciousness in your daily life. Connect With Me
Positively Positive!
I never know what
person I will meet
next. {clicktotweetthis}
Crystal Clarity A close knit community of spiritual minded folks Crystal Clarity is a loving, close-knit community of members whose spiritual knowledge ranges from novice to expert. No matter your level of knowledge, there is always something new to learn from the discussions. All Clairporium Team Members are involved with Crystal Clarity and are looking forward to sharing their knowledge and insights with you.
Benefits of membership include, but are not limited to: Admission into an active and engaging private Facebook group that allows you to discuss spiritual topics and ask questions in a small, intimate, and close-knit community. Exclusive access to brand new Marketplace products and readings. This means that before products and readings are released to the public, you see them first! A moderated book club in which the members discuss a chapter a week. The current book is, “The Celestine Prophecy”, by James Redfield. Exclusive discounts and coupon codes available only to Crystal Clarity members. Our Sunday evening ClairShare chats with Clairporium Team Members and other experts within the field of metaphysics and a weekly Crystal Healing Grid held on Tuesday by Tanya O’Gary.
Ready to join? Click here!
Our Products Abundance Energetic Mist 2oz Bottle
18 50 Pendulums
Healing Gemstone Chakra Kit
Meet Your Spirit Guide Meditation
18 00 Tree of Life Pendant – Citrine
5 00 18 00
36 00
Our Products Chainmaille Bracelet with Healing Carnelian Beads
Handmade Custom Angel Journals
Gemstone Healing Tree – Rhodonite
15 00
35 00
Handmade Virgo Bracelet
Complete Energy Clearing Kit for Your Home & Car
45 00 14 00
22 00
Quotes of the month
-Mother Teresa {clicktotweetthis}
Positively Positive!
thoughts are my reality
I am thinking of a
BRIGHT NEW DAY. {clicktotweetthis}
A 3-point way
to Empower Your
Personal Spirit
© 2014 by Deah Curry PhD
In my 24 year career
as a therapist, psychology teacher, and spiritual growth coach, I have worked with hundreds of people who struggled with worry, fear, and a sense of disconnection from their own higher self, and true purpose in life. What they all had in common was the need for the genuine empowerment that comes from a solid sense and use of their own inner spirit. Many problems in daily life can be attributed to this need for reconnection with one’s own spirit. Medicine women and men in ancient shamanic cultures knew this and treated it as an illness, using various procedures to strengthen or stimulate the life force, and calling back one’s spirit or lost soul parts when they have been fragmented and split from the whole self. Modern times took the Greek word for this animating spirit – psyche, translated as soul -- and reduced it to narrowly refer to just the evidences of mental function that
could be measured and analyzed. Bench scientists pursue theories of neurochemistry and synaptic inhibition, and develop drugs to change behavior and emotions, but without regard for the mysterious and transcendent aspects of life force – one’s own personal spirit. Despite modern interventions, people still worry, have fear, feel spiritually disconnected. My clients still struggled with confusion, boundary problems, relationship injuries, self-sabotage, little self-confidence and low self-empowerment. They still felt disrespected, disallowed, unappreciated, unheard, and unable to get where they wanted to be in life. Stepping back from conventional psychological explanations for this continued malaise, I saw a different pattern, and intuited a different route towards healing, empowering, and reconnecting. I call it Three-Point SpiritMedicine. Others have different names for similar observations.
SpiritMedicine starts with balancing the relationship between what we believe, how we think, and seeking an expanded awareness of how we feel emotionally and physically. From my perspective as a mental intuitive following a nature-based shamanic spiritual path, beliefs, thought processes, and resulting feelings form our personal Spirit. And it is this personal Spirit that provides the ability to create inner peace from which comes resilience -- a necessary ingredient for empowerment to do what we intend to do. This personal Spirit also provides the sense of connection to that which is greater than the ego-self, from which we get the sense of feeling supported as part of a universal natural energy or consciousness. It is from a resilient, empowered, sense of connection to All That Is that we gain meaningful satisfaction. In other words, personal spirit is an inside job. It arises from what we believe, how we think, and what we allow ourselves to feel. For me and my clients, everything else --good relationships, career success, personal happiness, creativity, optimal conditions for good health – flows from this Three-Point SpiritMedicine. To illustrate, here is one approach to using Three-Point SpiritMedicine. Point One -- Which Beliefs Hinder or Free Your Spirit? Take an inventory of your beliefs to find those that crush your spirit, hinder your empowerment, and make you feel disconnected from your purpose and higher self. You might start with these questions below.
Give them a lot of thought, as the strongest beliefs are often deeply buried or camouflaged. What do you believe is possible, allowed, and real versus not real? How do those beliefs dictate what you think, feel and do? What beliefs about yourself have you inherited without examining from school, friends, or parents? Which beliefs stop you from exploring, moving forward, and taking creative risks in living your life’s purpose? Write these beliefs down. Look for a core belief that underlies all of them. What is that core belief? Does it empower your Spirit or contribute to feeling disconnected and disempowered? What would have to be different for you to change a core belief that is hindering your Spirit? Write that down too. Point Two – How Are You Thinking? Watch your thought process for a week. Pay attention to whether your thinking is mostly open-ended, or closed. Open-ended thinking is curious, descriptive, and pattern seeking so multiple avenues are open to you and a range of answers are possible. Closed thinking is rigid, narrow, and judgmental to the point that there is only one right answer and you must find it and stick to it. Knowing where your thinking tends to fall on the spectrum between open and closed will give you leverage when needing to change a hindering belief that is fragmenting your Spirit. Ideally you can choose when it benefits you to be curious, and when it’s more useful to be narrowly focused.
Point Three – What Are You Feeling and Where Are You Feeling It? Feelings, both emotional and physical, are a communication system. One of the beliefs that hinders our spirit is that some feelings are bad or undesirable, that feeling them means something is wrong. The thinking that joins that belief is usually judgmentally rigid – we must eliminate or not feel those feelings. SpiritMedicine says just the opposite. Those emotions or physical sensations are trying to tell you something. Your spirit is using this method to get you to pay attention to some thought or belief that it hindering you, and needing to change. Sometimes the message is clear and uncomplicated. For example, maybe your anxious feeling means your thinking is giving you too many conflicting answers at once and your belief is that safety comes from certainty. Your Spirit is telling you to reconsider what you need for true safety, or to change your conclusions about feeling anxious.. Sometimes the message of feelings is more complex, or you’ve ignored or tried to eradicate the feeling for so long that the message seems far removed from the real meaning. This can be especially the case with chronic but undiagnosable pain. What has worked for my clients is to imagine the pain is a small child, and have a dialogue with it, find out what hurt it, why it holds on to the hurt, and what it needs to heal. That usually points to the belief and thinking process that existed at the time of the original emotional or physical injury. When those are known, you have the information needed to work on re-empowering your Spirit.
Benefits of These SpiritMedicine Tools What my clients have liked about the Three-Point SpiritMedicine way of developing resilience, empowerment, and a healthy strength of spirit is that all of these factors are in our own control. We can choose what to believe, how to think, and what our emotions and the physical sensations of our bodies mean. Because these are all internal tools, they are not dependent on others, nor on our social or financial circumstances. We are never without SpiritMedicine tools, and they cannot be forever lost or taken away. By using SpiritMedicine tools, we can make ourselves more secure in our talents and gifts, more appropriately vulnerable to intimacy in relationships, and more courageous in following our purpose and path.
Deah Curry PhD now practices as a shamanic coach, intuitive reader, and psychological astrologer. She is the author of several books, including Healing Presence -Bodily Felt Experiencings of Transpersonal Connection in Naturopathic and Non-Clinical Settings, An Organic Inquiry Primer for the Novice Researcher – a Sacred Approach to Disciplined Knowing, and Creating Sanity in Troubling Times
Healing Presence An Organic Inquiry Primer Creating Sanity in Troubling Times Connect With Me
Quotes of the month
“Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.� -Anne Frank {clicktotweetthis}
ON THE BLOG Click here to catch up on all the spirituality!
Can You Be Psychic, Intuitive or Spiritual if you Don’t Believe in God?
from the Angels
4 steps to
Choosing the Right PSYCHIC
for you
Ways to Prepare for
Live Your Life with Intention! Four Fiery Facts About
Spirit is talking to
– Learn to listen!
Guided by Spirit --Journey into Healing By Deborah Dahmen
My journey
into healing began 29 years ago when, during a life-threatening illness, I experienced an Angelic intervention. I call it an intervention because I was too sick to ask for help but many people were praying for me. In my fevered delirium a being of light appeared by my side and told me how to heal my body. I followed instructions and got well rapidly. Since then, I’ve spent countless hours learning about energy healing, spiritual growth, and enlightenment. I’ve also led a very ordinary life. I went to college, received a B.A. in English and taught Reading and English to 7th and 8th graders in the public school system. I married the love of my life and together we had two sons and a daughter. My first experience with healing someone other than myself occurred when my youngest son was 18 months old and fell backwards off a playground swing onto hardened caliche, fracturing his skull. Doctors determined that his injury caused no brain damage and recommended quiet and rest.
Of course we were relieved but his head was enormously swollen, had a spongy texture and he was crying constantly because of the pain. We brought him home after his CAT scan and put him to bed. Meanwhile I lay in bed wishing there was something I could do to help him feel better. Suddenly a thought popped into my mind: imagining his swollen head returning to normal. As I considered the possibility, I received an Image of surrounding his head in white light and “seeing” the swelling disapear. I knew that at the same time I was to imagine a conversation with him in which I encouraged him to reduce pain and swelling in his head. I decided it wouldn’t hurt to try and I played with this imagery. To my amazement, when I got him out of his crib the next morning, the swelling was almost completely gone. I felt certain a miracle had occurred and was thankful. mmended quiet and rest. What I want you to get out of these two stories is the fact that we all have the ability to heal.
When I healed my own body as well as my son’s body, I had not taken a single class on energy healing. Technically, I didn’t know how to do it. The common denominator with both healings is I spontaneously received information in response to my desire for the situation to be better and I was willing to follow the instructions that came to me when I asked for help. As I look back, I realize I was receiving wisdom from my own Spirit or Soul and my intense desire to receive help opened a door within myself to that inner wisdom. Since then, I have read, studied, meditated, and taken many, many classes in order to learn more about spiritual growth, enlightenment, and healing. These activities have made my life fulfilling and given me a passion for helping others through energy healing and education about spiritual growth and healing. But the truth is, no matter how many new techniques I learn, their effectiveness depends on my willingness to ask for help, listen to the answer, follow instructions and hold the space that allows the Soul to go to work. Remember the part in the story about imagining a conversation with my son to encourage him to reduce pain and swelling in his head? He was 18 months old and I wasn’t in the same room with him! So who was I talking to? I realize now it was his Soul, of course. Therefore, it was his Soul that did the healing.
The miracle in the equation is that he and I together got our Egos out of the way long enough to let our Souls bring through perfection of being that can easily create health. I still love learning new things about healing, spiritual growth, and enlightenment and I am always amazed at how quickly my guides take any new information I learn and immediately put it to use. The week after I participated in a Family Constellation Integration group healing session, my guides suggested I do that for one of my clients. I hadn’t even read up on the subject and asked if it was really possible for me to do that for my client. They replied, “you’ve been doing it for years but we called it Ancestral Healing.” I’m usually playing catch up with them on the intellectual understanding of healing. Years ago I offered massage therapy. People came asking for help with pain such sciatica, low back pain, or neck problems. I would begin a typical relaxation massage with Reiki and find myself guided to specific acupressure points. My clients would rave about how quickly their pain cleared up. After they left, I would get out my books on reflexology and acupressure and discover the points I was guided to use were exactly the points most commonly used to alleviate those specific types of pain. My first experience guiding someone through a past life regression happened because someone spontaneously
regressed while I was giving them a massage. They were re-living the trauma and scared the bejeezus out of me! I silently called for help and immediately sensed a healing and calming presence. I then said what popped into my mind and guided my client through the trauma into healing. So far, every energy healing technique I’ve studied has some method to connect to Divine Wisdom through the Higher Self or Soul. Some use initiations, prayers, invocations, breath-work, visualization, or intention. They then follow with some specific technique and in my experience all of them work. I believe the secret to their success is the connection to the Soul. I hope that my journey into healing encourages you to allow yourself to be guided by Spirit. All you need is your sincere intention to connect and your Spirit will meet you more than half way.
Deborah Dahmen is a spiritual intuitive healer, channel, mentor, and teacher who has spent 30 years exploring spiritual growth and studying with internationally recognized leaders in the fields of spiritual growth and energy healing. She developed Diamond Enlightenment Healing in order to help people let go of self-sabotage, karma, and negative unconscious programming by connecting with the Soul’s ability to transcend limitations and effect positive change with ease, grace, and joy.
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Our Readings Products Sharon Willow Boyles – One Question Email Reading
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Deborah Dahmen – Diamond Enlightenment Healing
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Angela Jeffreys – Soul Retrieval Session
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Holly Tagg – Animal Communication Reading
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Nicole Taras – Healing Session by E-mail
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Bonnie Polk – One Question Email Reading
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