Spiritized: Living Life with Spirit

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Letter From The Editor



12 Self Care for a JoyFULL Life

22 9 Elements of Spiritual Hygiene

35 On The Blog

Connect With Us

Finding Our Way With Spirit Guides


The Way Of Being


Spiritized [June 2014]

Living Life with Spirit

Lead Editor


Anne Nessa

Creative Designer




deah curry


Hanuman Zachary

Spiritized Spiritized


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From The Editor Welcome to the second edition of Spiritized: Living Life with Spirit! You will find fascinating articles by our Clairporium Team Members with topics spanning the spectrum from Feng Shui to Spirit Guides to Living Life Joy-Fully. Interspersed among the articles you will find inspirational quotes, motivational affirmations, and more. Spiritized: Living Life with Spirit is simply one small part of Clairporium. You could argue that I am bias but I have to say it: Clairporium Rocks! My sole intention with Clairporium was to compile a team of tested and mediums, psychics, and healers that I knew were the Best of the Anne Nessa trusted Best. I wanted to take away any fear, any doubt that customers would be getting scammed and getting a low-quality reading. Clairporium’s Team Members are, without a doubt, the Best of the Best. Almost immediately, Clairporium grew in other areas. We have a wonderfully fun, informative and educational blog, we have a Marketplace filled to the brim with handmade items by spiritual artisans. We have a Facebook page with over 46,000 fans. Whoa! We have two private Facebook groups and a thriving community. Clairporium is all that and more. Join us! We’d love to have you. Like us on Facebook, Ask to Join our private Facebook group, Clairporium’s Corner, become a member of Crystal Clarity, follow us on Twitter, Pin us on Pinterest, Favorite us on Etsy. We’re everywhere! If you have any questions feel free to shoot me an e-mail. I hope you enjoy this issue of Spiritized: Living Life with Spirit. Love to you all!

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A few years ago, I was lamenting my lack of love life with my good friend, Cheryl Oed. “Let’s look at the Feng Shui of your romance area,” she suggested. So off we went into my bedroom, where Cheryl, a Feng Shui master, made a few positive suggestions on how to cleanse the area and allow a better flow of energy. “And look how ready I am,” I said proudly, opening my lingerie drawer. Inside were stacks of soft, silky teddies and nighties and other unmentionables. 6


“What the….” Cheryl reached into the teddies and pulled out something buried between the soft layers.

helpful people/travel, career, inner knowledge, family/ancestors/health, and wealth/blessings.

“Oh, yeah,” I said. “That’s my Dad’s sword from World War II. He got it from a Nazi soldier. See, it has the Nazi insignia on it and…..What? Its stored in here for safe keeping.”

In this system, the map is intended to be used over the land, one’s home, office or desk to find areas lacking good chi, and to show where there are negative or missing spaces that may need rectifying or enhancing in life or the environment.

“Ah, Catori,” she said slowly, “ I strongly suggest you remove your fathers Nazi sword from your lingerie drawer.” Good advice for anyone, I think. So what is Feng Shui? It is, basically, a philosophy that is based on the idea that the proper placement of objects, and smart use of color, can diminish the negatives in one’s life, while enhancing the positives. Feng Shui incorporates ideas of geography, aesthetics, philosophy, ecology, interior & exterior design. A bagua map is a tool used in modern forms of feng shui to map a room or location and see how the different sections correspond to different aspects in one’s life. These sections are believed to relate to every area or aspect of life and are divided into such categories as: fame, relationships/ marriage, children/ creativity,

For example, if the bagua grid is placed over the entire house plan and it shows the toilet, bathroom, laundry, or kitchen in the wealth/blessings area it would be considered that the money coming into that particular environment would disappear very fast, as if to be ‘going down the drain.’ Another basic principle of feng shui is the principle of five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Here is the color correspondence of each of the five feng shui elements: WOOD: Green, Blue or Green/Blue combo FIRE: Red, Strong Yellow, Orange, Purple, Pink EARTH: Light Yellow, Sandy/Earthy, Light Brown METAL: White, Gray, Pastels WATER: Blue, Black, Purple



Easy Feng Shui Color Tips For Your Home: Color Green is excellent for improving health and balancing family life when used in the East feng shui bagua area of your home. Color Blue is a very good feng shui choice in the North bagua area to support the energy of your career growth or in the East (Health/Family) and Southeast (Wealth/ Money) to water and nourish the Wood feng shui element. Have some strong Yellow in the South feng shui bagua area for happy gatherings and good times. Pure White in the West feng shui bagua area (Creativity & Children) will bring supportive energy for all your creative endeavors. A few little changes and a splash of paint in my bedroom have made a world of difference. As for my Dad’s sword, its on permanent loan to a local museum. I have no idea if the sex life of the curator has suddenly dried up, but then, some mysteries are best unsolved. If you are interested in more Feng Shui information, or would like a Feng Shui consultation, please contact: Cheryl Oed at: http://clairporium.com/product/cheryl-oed-30-or-60-minute-feng-shui-consultant.

Catori Grant lives in Baltimore, MD and has been giving psychic readings since childhood. When asked what inspires her the most, she replies, “Warriors who are masked as ordinary people. Teachers who educate students despite the odds; caregivers who give their lives for the benefit of others; anyone who has been knocked down and gets up again. Catori provides psychic intuitive and Tarot readings via Clairporium. Connect With Me

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Positively Positive!

I feel the

LOVE of those

who are not

Physically around

me. {clicktotweetthis}

Quotes of the month

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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Activate your spiritual awakening and soul purpose with

Dani Tworek




What Dani’s Clients Say “I had the most amazing Certified Angel Card Reading with Danielle! What a beautiful gift. Amazingly accurate and the love and peace just seemed to flow out of the email. I actually got chills when I was reading it! Thank you so much Dani!” -Holly Tagg

I was really impressed by my reading with Dani. The information she provided me was accurate and she is very genuine. I loved that her reading had some extras to it too. It made her reading stand out from the norm. She is definitely someone I will contact in the future for guidance. -Sharon Boder

I had a Chakra Clearing & Alignment Session with Dani. I was sleeping and suddenly woke at the time that she was to begin, so I began to meditate. I opened myself to accept the assessing and work that was to be done. I felt tingling in different parts of my body and afterward I felt so relaxed that I fell back to sleep. I feel that a weight has been lifted! There is also a clarity that wasn’t there before. Thank you so much Dani. <3 -Erin F. Grady

I gifted myself with an Angel Card reading from Dani recently. I simply could not have chosen a better present. I felt such a genuine connection and sincerity from her words and insight, not to mention that I was left nearly speechless after reading her email!! I am humbled and grateful and truly a fan! -saffiregreek

Self Care for a

JoyFULL Life By Jennifer Salness

How do you

take care of yourself? The concept of taking care of ourselves really does feel like a “concept” to many people, but is not actually a “practice”. Dr Jill Bolte Taylor, a Harvard trained neuroanatomist, experienced a rare form of a stroke in 1996, and learned how to completely “re-live” her life again, re-learning how to walk, talk, eat, interact with people. In her recovery she was prompted to post on her door this sign, “Please take responsibility for the energy you bring into this space.” Her intent was to only have people who supported her recovery with positivity into her space. This is a practice that we all can bring into our own lives in so many different ways. Are you conscious of the energy you bring into your body? What about your thoughts and mind? Is your spirit nurtured? Being aware of who and what you surround yourself with and fill your energy with is so important for your spiritual growth and to stay as clear and as happy as possible. Examine what fills your life. Clutter, un-loved items that decorate your walls, furniture that is not your favorite all affects your energy.



People who are negative or un-supportive, foods that don’t make you feel alive and nourished, or clothes that you don’t adore, are all ways that we fill our lives with “stuff” that doesn’t resonate with joy and what you truly LOVE. Wouldn’t you rather bring in new life and vibrancy with things that make your heart sing? We ARE allowed to take care of ourselves in ways that may seem frivolous to others, through energy work from healing practitioners, bodywork and massage, walks, hot bubbly baths, to vacations in a hotel room all alone for a night or to a Hawaiian island for a week.

Even simply daily habits of using essential oils, taking flower essences, drinking lots of water, taking supplements and vitamins, eating healthy, or doing yoga, stretching, or exercising can make a huge difference. Consider it all an investment in YOU, because aren’t you important? Whatever replenishes your spirit, mind, and body to the fullest is important. We are responsible for creating our own vibrant personal wellness, and if we are depleted, burned out, or tired, it shows in our body, energy, and lives. Living our lives with INTENT is going to lead to a joyful life. Personally I am just as guilty as the next person of not allowing myself time to do what my spirit needs for recharging, even though I am much more conscious of it now every day than ever before. My tell-tale signs of needing nurturing are being overly busy, being tired and cranky, things with my work not falling into place easily, being physically clumsy, etc. I know it’s time to have energy healing sessions and bodywork, take long baths, or head to a park or art museum to rebalance and allow my body and energy to heal and restore, even if it’s just for a few minutes each day. My spirit sings and I am able to create even more joy and life for myself.

We all need to be more conscious of our “presence” in the world and how we care for ourselves. As we create a sacred space for ourselves, those around us can feel this sacredness and aliveness, and may even start to create it for themselves. It allows for life to flow with much more ease, magic, and abundance. What a beautiful world we could live in if everyone were aware and responsible for their energies! So, what are you going to change TODAY that brings your energy to JOY?

Jennifer Salness’ passion is being a catalyst for clarity and joy by sharing her work as an Energetic Guide, Crystal Intuitive, Sound Healer, and Soul Business Mentor. She has numerous certifications and education in all things holistic and spiritual, using tools with clients that are only of the highest energy and integrity. Connect With Me

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Positively Positive!

I replace my

anger with



compassion. {clicktotweetthis}

Quotes of the month

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a SINGLE candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being SHARED.

- Buddha

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Receive Guidance and Clarity when it’s most needed with

Dan Liss




What Dan’s Clients Say I have had two Transition Point readings with Dan Liss. Both readings concerned a multitude of transition points (moving, career, finances). Dan provided accurate information and the sessions left me with greater clarity and understanding of my choices and the details surrounding those choices. -Anne Nessa

I had a reading with Dan. It was great. He helped to to see where I am on my journey and how to progress forward. It was really nice to have some clarity in my life and to see things from a different perspective. -Lisa

I just had a transition point reading with Dan. This is just a small part of my reply to him, but I think it says it all: “I am just astounded your reading could have come word-for-word from my own guides. You have recognized my fears and put them to rest. Thank you so much, Dan!” -Connie

I had my reading with Dan and it was a lot of fun. He described several of my guides and told me their purpose. It was quite fascinating. Dan is very easy to talk to and is very knowledgable. I recommend this to anyone interested in learning about their guides. -sharonb

Finding Our Way

with Our

Spirit Guides

By Dan Liss

As we go forward

with our lives, we often have a desire for a second opinion from someone we trust. Sometimes we want to hear not from our buddies or our girlfriends or even close family members. Often we desire input from spirits who are on a higher plane when we are contemplating big decisions. Who are our spirit guides? There can be quite a variety of them. For one, those who were raised with a belief in guardian angels or saints often see them that way. In many cultures around the world, people ask for the guidance and protection of their ancestors. I have had many instances where a person had someone near to them who crossed over recently and they still feel that that person’s spirit is still near them and sometimes communicating with them. Of course, there is always God or Goddess in that role for some people, and that of course, will vary according to your view on religion and spirituality.

Another kind of spirit guide often takes the form of totem animals or spirit animals. As a person notices that they have a connection to a specific bird, animal or other creature, these may show up in person or in visions when that person is asking for a sign or an omen that will help them make a decision. We all have some sort of spirit guide and their job is always to help us and protect us. They would like to see us succeed.




Then why don’t we always succeed? Because we have free will. We feel that gut reaction that is unmistakable when we consider going out with this person or doing this work, and yet, there are always some people who will over ride that gut instinct and they always regret it. We can ask our spirit guides for advice. If we just sit quietly, perhaps in the morning before we get busy or turn on a TV or computer or talk on the phone, and make notes in a notebook where we might make note of whatever we can remember from our dreams. And then we also just get these random thoughts. But where do those random thoughts come from? Who do you think plants those seeds? You know, the kinds of thoughts like I should call so-and-so today. Or I really feel like it would be good to go to this place today. Or maybe it is time to read that book that I have had sitting here for a long time now. We can also ask our spirit guides to show us things that we need to know in our dreams. Before going to sleep, program that in asking to be shown answers to your questions. Sometimes you may need help understanding your dreams and that is something people have been doing since ancient times. My name is Daniel. Who was Daniel in ancient history? The interpreter of dreams for the king of an ancient society. When we keep in touch with our spirit guides and express our appreciation to them for all the good things we have received already, we are cultivating valuable sources to help us make the best of our lives. Spirit guides may ebb and flow in terms of their importance to us at certain times. For example, one who was highly interactive at one phase of our life may fade to the


background as another becomes a stronger presence at this time of our life. We don’t get rid of one to get another. We have more than one, so those who were with us when we were little children as still with us, although there may be a different one who we are communicating more with now. This is all part of our evolution. Others help us now, and when we evolve and have learned our major life lessons, it will be our turn to be spirit guides for other people. I know, some of you got a little bump in your coffee because you hadn’t thought of that angle yet. But it makes sense, doesn’t it? We are never really alone. If you haven’t been working with your spirit guides very consciously, these are some ways that you can get started with as soon as you like. Like today. You can start by simply sitting quietly in some place you feel comfortable and open your mind to your spirit guides. Welcome them in and open the dialogue. Remember, spirit would not send us a messenger and then refuse to deliver the message. Start however you like and discover a whole new dimension to your journey.

Dan Liss has given thousands of readings over the past 40+ years. Dan provides specialized readings including Your Soul’s Journey, Meeting Your Spirit Guides, and Transition Point Readings, in addition to his Tarot and intuitive readings. Connect With Me


Positively Positive!

I never know what


person I will meet

next. {clicktotweetthis}

Quotes of the month

When one door of

happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us. - Helen Keller

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9 Elements of

Spiritual Hygiene

© 2014 by Deah Curry PhD, Clairporium psychospiritual astrologer & shamanic coach

The concept of natural hygiene


introduced to me years ago by a friend of mine who is naturopathic doctor and midwife. Rather than being about diet or cleanliness per se, it is the idea that Nature and natural living preserves our well-being. Natural hygiene uses Nature’s and the body’s own healing powers to restore health. This got me thinking – might there be a parallel for expansion and resilience of one’s spirit? What would be included in a concept and practice of spiritual hygiene? After much reading and seeking for commonalities among various spiritual philosophies, I decided to define spiritual hygieneas mindful attention to developing and sustaining a relationship with ourselves as spiritual beings while embracing and interacting with the presence of Spirit in our lives, and in the world. Like hygienic disciplines for the body---such as brushing teeth, eating nutritionally balanced meals, or getting adequate fresh air and exercise, spiritual hygiene should be a daily practice.


There are some practices of healthy emotional functioning, too, that I think contribute to spiritual hygiene and are certainly part of the development of a stable and moral character, such as: tactfully telling the truth apologizing for unintended hurts we’ve caused not carrying grudges confronting fears asking for help or guidance taking pride in accomplishments accepting limitations saying what we mean and meaning what we say But the practices of spiritual hygiene, I think, go beyond these character strengths, and more specifically contribute to avoiding spiritual materialism and manipulation. (See Chögyam Trungpa’s Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism for an excellent foundation in understanding the traps of seeing spirituality as merely self-improvement).

The 9 Essential Elements I believe there are 9 components that comprise a complete spiritual hygiene, and an infinite number of ways to put them into practice. The elements are: 1) Cultivating Joy and Gratitude 2) Seeking the Gifts in Suffering 3) Giving Forgiveness 4) Having Compassion 5) Practicing Random Acts of Kindness and Creativity 6) Listening for the Transcendent Sacred 7) Resting in a Felt Sense of the Immanent Sacred 8) Feeling Connected to Others, Nature & the Cosmos 9) Discerning and Living Out Your Spiritual Purpose How might these be practiced in ways that help you align body, mind, and spirit? Here are some suggestions. Cultivate Joy and Gratitude Do one thing each day that makes you tingle with delight -- play with a child or animal, trade silly sounds with a baby, connect with absent friend, indulge in a sensuous pleasure, dance with wild abandon. Develop a routine, ritual or habit for giving gratitude -- keep a gratitude journal, show appreciation to others, light a candle, write a prayer of thankfulness. Seek the Gifts in Suffering Consider how the circumstances that bring you suffering are spiritual lessons. Reflect on these questions -- What can I learn from this experience? How is this suffering serving me? What would I lose by letting go, and what would I gain? What does this suffering symbolize in my life? How is it a repeat of a pattern from my past?

Give Forgiveness Bring to mind all the people who have wronged you -- one by one in your imagination see/hear yourself saying “I forgive you, and I let go of the feelings I have carried because you hurt me.” If you can, seek out the people who have wronged you -- in person say to each one, “I forgive you; no longer will I hold onto the feelings of hurt and anger I have had.” Have Compassion Accept others as they are, not as you want them to be. Understand that other’s actions may come from their pain instead of their heart or higher nature. Seek similarities rather than differences. Celebrate diversity. Having compassion for oneself is an attitude that means letting go of perfectionism, making choices with the desire to be in integrity, and letting go of negative self-judgments about your situation, your choices, as well as about other people.




Practice Random Acts of Kindness and Creativity Random acts of kindness stimulate the soul of others -- cook a meal for an ailing neighbor, leave a fresh flower on a co-work’s desk, or take someone you barely know to the airport. Random acts of creativity stimulate you own soul -- write a poem, make a sculpture, paint a picture, or create a prayer chant. Listen for the Transcendent Sacred The transcendent sacred is that which is outside of you, and surrounding you. Some may call this the tao or the awesome mysteries of creation or the universe, other might call this god, allah, brahman. Listening in this context means being open and aware -- meditate daily, combine prayer (talking) with meditation (listening), and pay attention to Spirit speaking to you through signs in the environment, and through other people. Feel Connected to Others, Nature & the Cosmos Reflect on how you are only one of an infinite number of strands in the web of life -- consider how you have a role to play in the unfolding spiritual drama in your family or community, notice how you are a part of nature and the cosmos as much as they are a part of you.

Rest in a Felt Sense of the Immanent Sacred

The immanent sacred is that which is within you that distinguishes between the sacred or meaningfully uplifting and the ordinary, taken-for-granted everydayness. Develop your own sensory signal system whereby you perceive the presence of the Sacred within you, such as -- hearing the internal still small voice, seeing an image in your mind’s eye, feeling a warm hard at your back, or experiencing the welling up of gnosis/knowing. Discern and Live Out Your Spiritual Purpose Discerning your spiritual purpose may be done by -- meditating on the question, going on a vision quest, taking a prayer retreat, or working with a spiritualitycoach. Living out your spiritual purpose is a daily effort that could start with -- writing a personal mission statement, developing a spiritual hygiene discipline plan, or setting a schedule for practicing your disciplines. Links: Healing Presence http://www.amazon.com/Healing-Presence-Experiencings-Transpersonal-Naturopathic/ dp/0741426390 An Organic Inquiry Primer http://www.amazon.com/Organic-Inquiry-Primer-Novice-Researcher/dp/0741430789 Creating Sanity in Troubling Times http://www.amazon. com/Creating-Sanity-Troubling-Times-Curry-ebook/dp/ B008ALNS6Y

Deah Curry PhD is a shamanic coach, intuitive reader, and psychospiritual astrologer. She is the author of several books, including Healing Presence-- Bodily Felt Experiencings of Transpersonal Connection in Naturopathic and Non-Clinical Settings, An Organic Inquiry Primer for the Novice Researcher – a Sacred Approach to Disciplined Knowing,and Creating Sanity in Troubling Times. A version of this spiritual hygiene article appeared in Hermitage, Winter 2000.


Positively Positive!


thoughts are my reality


I am thinking of a

BRIGHT NEW DAY. {clicktotweetthis}

Quotes of the month

“What Is Love?

I have met in the streets a very poor young man who was in love. His hat was old, his coat worn, the water passed through his shoes and the stars through his soul�. - Victor Hugo

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The Way of Being By Hanuman Zachary

The way of being

is referring to a state and a strategy. The state is a way of being that is most conducive to holistic health, well-being and deep satisfaction. The strategy is a plan for living that leads to greater love, transformation, healing, truth and fullness of life. This Way of Being is so important because it is the direct source of our motivation, of our energy level on a day-to-day basis. This energy is our life force. The Way of Being concerns the present and, to some degree, the future, as it pertains to our desires and goals. As far as the past goes, the Way of Being is a means by which we transform our past, thus finding wholeness and a life filled with magic and power. This transformation also enables us experience the present more fully, more authentically. In a way that is ALIVE. (That’s where a lot of the healing comes in.) The Way of Being can be found in various forms of spirituality, self-help models, and world religions. The Tao translated is the Way. Many people use the Bible or the Qur’an as a guide to living and transforming and transcending. These Ways of Being have certain things in common. They are all meant to help us. They are all meant to guide us into what we can truly manifest and into our beautiful self. This place that we can be guided to by the various Ways of Being is, I believe, our True Home. It is where we came from, why we are here and where we are going. It is our heart. It is our inner child. It is, as I said, the source of our vitality and energy. It is the source of inspiration. It is the place from which we truly care.


The Way of Being has so many different faces and names in the world today, and that is a good thing. It does so because there is absolutely such a diverse variety of people around the world, with their own specific needs, cultures, contexts, wants and desires. Each and every single person, including you, needs to be met right where we’re at, or else it’ll just go over our head! It needs to speak the language of our unique story. The Way of Being has so many different aspects and yet, in some sense, it is so very simple and to the point. The Way of Being focuses on psyche, the sub-conscious, the soul, the body, the mind and thoughts, relationships, beliefs, worldviews, and motivations, to name a few. At the same time, the Way of Being is simple because it is all about YOU and what you most need. This might sound self-centered to some, but without selfcare there would be no you to help care for others! Some would say that it’s simple because it’s all about love, or it’s all about God, or it’s all about enlightenment or self-realization. Either way, it comes back to this: what do you need most? What is your unique greatest need? If you were to close your eyes, turn inwards, and imagine grown-up you visiting and talking to little you (say when you were age 7), and if you were to ask little you “what do you most need?”, what would you hear little you giving as a response? Try it and find out. The answer to that response, even if there are several answers, is what the Way of Being is all about.

The answer that “little us” usually gives is very candid, honest, simple and straightforward. The Way of Being also can be summed up as candid, honest, simple and straightforward. So, as I stated earlier, the Way of Being can get very multifaceted, but in some of the most important ways, it is simple. It is whatever your heart needs it to be! So what would or could this Way of Being look like for you? Is it very simple and light? Is it defined and structured, or loose and flexible? What feels safest for you? What makes the most sense to you? What brings you to life and what do you get excited about? Would your Way of Being fit within a religion or worldview? Or would it be unique and personalized to you? The Way of Being is wonderful most importantly because it realizes and manifests what we most need, but also it can change over time to fit our specific needs in this ever-changing life. The Way of Being can carry “Big Picture” and “Little Picture” aspects to it as well. What is the main goal for your Way of Being? What is the over-arching reason for why you do what you do? This is important because it is often the source of our inspiration, especially when things get really tough. It is “the direction we’re headed” so-to-speak. What is essential to pursuing the ultimate goal, whatever it may be for you, is having a strategy, especially for living day-to-day life. If you have a big goal established (example: self-realization) then you need a plan for how you want to live to get to that point. Even if your goal is to simply be fully present in the moment, you can still come up with strategies for how to live that, be that, or achieve that.

Again, it’s whatever you need. You can even set up a daily routine, activities for well being that you do, and these will naturally keep you on your Heart Road. The Way of Being, in considering the goals we’ve spoken of, even covers the long-term and short-term and, when a daily routine is implemented that points in the direction of your goals, you will find your self and life defaulting by nature to your Heart Road! Here’s an interesting fact: everyone has a Way of Being, even if they don’t realize it. We all make choices all day, every day of our entire lives. We all have core beliefs about ourselves and the reality we live in. These choices and beliefs are founded on our particular Way of Being that we have lived up to this point in time. Question: Do you feel like you are living true to who you are? Does your current Way of Being sing your heart song? Is there anything you would change about it if you could? There are many, many different options for choosing your own unique Way of Being, so if there is something important that you need, you are totally free to change your Way of Being. Sometimes it can be easy to fall into autopilot and just continue doing the things that we’ve been doing because they’re what we’re familiar with, or because we’ve been told by others we need to do them. When we are able to connect with our inner child, connect with our deepest need, we can create and center a Way of Being from that place, and it will be awesome, because this Way of Being will be coming from our truth. It will touch those places in our body and heart and soul that oh-so-badly need touching. What a wonderful thing to be able to discover our deepest need and frame a life and routine that cares for those places within us.




There’s even better news about the Way of Being! The universe/God/Reality/Self (to name a few) have worked things out in a way that when we know, seek and receive what our “little selves” most need we, by extension, become more able serve or give to others. A natural part of receiving what we most need usually turns out to feed us in ways that we have an abundance of what we receive! A natural result of having contentment from receiving what we most need is that we enter a state of wanting to know others, and wanting to be known by others. This state of being brings us into contact and unity with those around us. When we have what we most need, and when we are in unity with another that we know is lacking what they need, we are able to share with them, whether it be advice, time or simply providing presence. Especially, however, we are free and able to share our gifts, which each and every one of us have. It is natural for our contentment and peace to want to spill over to others “as a cup overfloweth.” So when an individual lives a Way of Being that works best for them (meaning, they receive what their “little self” most needs) not only do they benefit, but so do those around them and, by extension, our society and the entire planet.

Imagine if everyone found a Way of Being that gave them their greatest need and propelled them forward into a full life. This is not impossible. It is the way things can be now. In the modern world, especially with the internet, there is what is referred to as the marketplace of ideas, and this includes varieties of Ways of Being. Some would say it’s overkill on options and information. I say, pick what you need, what truly works for you, and leave the rest. What do I mean by truly works for you? These are some of the signs that you have developed or chosen a Way of Being that works for you: you feel more free to be honest, authentic, with yourself and with others; you feel more real, even if it’s


scary and new; you are entering places within yourself that are uncomfortable, but a part of you knows those places within you need that loving care; over time you start experiencing a greater sense of connection with the world around you; you have more motivation for life; you feel like you truly have a voice and are starting to or already stand in your power; you are making changes; you are keeping things the same, but seeing them in a new way; your heart feels more full and you have greater peace; you are exchanging old beliefs with new ones that invite you into freedom (for real), love (for real), peace (for real) and joy (oh yeah!); you feel healthier; you are healthier; you feel in loving unity with your self and your past; you have achieved the ultimate form of Enlightenment (just kidding!); and finally, if you feel like you are moving forward in your life, both internally and externally. These are just some of the signs that you are living a Way of Being that is meeting you where your at in your deepest need(s). The Way of Being contains the word “being” in it because it is more about developing a personal state of presence that is most concerned with right here and right now. Our state of being is so important because the only moment we have is right now. This very moment. This moment that I am typing these word is where I’m at right now. This is where our life takes place- in the now. If I changed it to the Way of Doing, the danger can be getting caught up in “now is somehow not enough.” If that were always the case, we risk missing our life as it passes before our very eyes! This state of being is who you are and how you are right in the moment. It doesn’t ignore the future, but rather assigns the future to a place that doesn’t weigh heavily on the self in the moment.

It doesn’t ignore the past, but rather acknowledges it for what it is, both “bad” and “good”, and works with what is currently available if healing or release is needed by our heart. This is also a much lighter way of being in the moment, even if there are things we wish to change about ourselves. Both states of being and doing are important, but for the purposes of living our life from the “Big Picture” and from the “Little Picture”, establishing a Way of Being is excellent for being free to set goals, being free to remember the past and being free to totally experience the moment, just as it is! That covers all the bases of existence. This is why it is called the Way of Being. The Way of Being that we choose to apply to our lives is a sacred thing. It is sacred because we all have purpose. It is sacred because we all deserve what our “little self” most needs. It is sacred because you, me, and all the other people on our earth have this body in this life that we’re living right now. What choices can we make that will lead us to feeling ALIVE? This Way of Being is sacred because each and every one of us is so precious. Our journeys are precious. The Way of Being is sacred because it draws us into our life, rather than out of it. The Way of Being is sacred because it is the impulse that will drive our world into a healthy and whole way of thinking, acting, living, and being. It is the way that we can heal our hearts, families, societies, and Earth. The Way of Being is sacred because it is the way of freedom and it is a way of living a life that, towards the end of it, every single person can say, “My heart is full and I am so grateful for this life I have lived.” I wish for you to receive what your “little you” most needs. I wish for you to find a Way of Being that brings gratitude to your heart, truth to your journey, peace to your mind, and joy to your present moment.




When these are experienced it isn’t hard to see why this Way of Being is sacred. It is for all these reasons that your Way of Being is so important to you and to all of us. I want to say thank you... for You, and I wish you well on your journey. If you need some suggestions, I have created a sample list of basic Ways of Being to get you started.

The list could go on‌ You decide. Hanuman Zachary has 9 years of personal/professional work in the field of healing and transformation.He brings with him the ability to see, feel, and hear in spirit. God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Archangels, angels, Ascended Masters, and other spiritual guides assist in healing appointments; as well as healing gemstones.Dan offers a variety of sessions on Clairporium including Fun & Discovery of Spirit, Intention & Healing, and the Transformation Session. Connect With Me



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