CGA News - 10th March 2017

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CGA News

10th March 2017

The Progress Issue

A Message From the Headteacher


Dear Parents, Welcome to this latest addition of CGA News! This week we are celebrating International Women’s Day with a focus on ‘being bold for change’. Students have been involved in a number of activities to get them thinking about the role of women in society and the important role they play in being brave enough to challenge stereotypes and lead change in society. Students have been considering the important and growing role that women play in careers in sport, business and STEM (Science, Technolgy, Engineering and Maths). Thank you to all the parents who attended our recent wellbeing evenings. For any parents that missed these events about how to support your child with managing anxiety and ensuring positive emotional wellbeing, please see the parents’ pages on our academy website.

Create a revision timetable to add structure to your revision and help you identify which subjects

you should prioritise.

Mix up your study habits and methods by listening to podcasts, watching videos, moving to a new study area or even using different colours for your notes.

Take regular study breaks: breaks and exercising is proven to engage your brain in studying and improve performance. Make connections between things: use mind maps or stick study notes all around the house so in the exam you can think, “Ah I saw that on the fridge...” PRACTICE! Do as many GCSE past papers as you can. Practising past papers will help you get familiar with the question style and time pressure.

Over the next few weeks, we look forward to seeing all Year 7 parents at their daughter’s first CGA parents evening and seeing students in nonuniform on Friday 24th March to support our fundraising campaign to help house a Syrian family in Hackney.

ROAD SAFETY! Please remind your daughters to always use the pelican crossing on Lower Clapton Rd and ensure they are paying attention to traffic! ClaptonGirlsAcademy

There was lots going on this week for International Women’s Day. Some of the girls went to the Olympic Park and met female athletes for a day of inspiring talks and fun activities, with one of our girls selected to be mentored by Paralympic athlete Laura Sugar. Katia Bennamane and Kitty Love-Jones were invited to take part in a debate in front of an illustrious panel of guests at the Wolsley Cafe, Piccadilly. These included the CEO of Coutts Bank and HSBC’s Head of Corporate Social Responsibility. They successfully opposed the motion: ‘this house would introduce a 30% quota for women on executive boards”. Both girls spoke with great eloquence to persuade many in the audience to change their original stance on the motion. Activities happening in school on the day included the Faraday STEM challenge. Using BBC Microbit sensors, students came up with an idea for a product then used their coding skills to make a prototype of the product, presenting their finished pieces to a panel of judges.

Anna Feltham


International Women’s Day


top tweets @ClaptonGA

ClaptonGirls’Academy @ClaptonGA Excitement is high as the girls are training for their @DofE expedition today!! #Teamwork #DukeofEdinburgh #Progress

follow us for more of the latest news!

Key Dates

Boulogne-sur-Mer Last week Y7 and Y10 students went on a day trip to France. They visited the WW2 evacuation site at Dunkirk as well as the Aquarium in the city of Boulonge. “I really enjoyed visiting France! I miss it already! The Aquarium was amazing, we saw so many types of fish, some people even touched the rays! It was fantastic being able to communicate with all the shopkeepers in French and put what we’ve learnt in lessons into practice.” Thea Bryant 7O

ClaptonGirls’Academy @ClaptonGA “We are fighting for a time when every girl born into this world will have an equal chance with her brothers” E.Pankhurst #womensday #BeBold

Mar 16

Year 7 - CLA Parents’ Evening 4.00 - 6.00pm

Mar 24

Non-Uniform Day Raising money for charity

Mar 30

Year 7 - PTON Parents’ Evening 4.00 - 6.30pm

Mar 31

End of Spring Term 12.20pm

Apr 19

Start of Summer Term

Apr 20

Year 8 Parents’ Evening 4.00 - 7.30pm

Work of the month

This piece of work by Maddy Diggins, 10T, is an impressive leaflet in response to a short project in French researching and advertising a holiday destination.

Y7 Ambassadors A record 66 Y7 students have applied to be student ambassadors this year. Becoming an ambassador gives students confidence and experience in a leadership role, they also help new students when they join in September. Interviews take place this Friday, follow their progress on our social media.

Uniform update: The school jacket (without logo) has now been discontinued! Parents can continue to purchase the jacket until the current stock runs out. The school blazer (with logo) will thereafter be the only item of outerwear available through Price & Buckland.

Governors’ Corner It has been great to work with the students for Careers Week this week, both as a staff governor and in my role as Careers Advisor. There have been some really thought-provoking discussions about jobs and futures that will benefit the students when they make their own career decisions. The governors are working hard behind the scenes to ensure that CGA is providing the best for its students, from when they arrive to when they find work. Nikki Storey Staff Governor

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