Year 11s are facing an important time. GCSEs are approaching and it’s also time to start thinking about what comes next. Now is the time to take control of your future and think about your career goals and how to reach them, helped by your school, your careers adviser, and your parents. At Clapton, our motto is ‘Arrive with a dream, leave with a future’ - and, for our Year 11s, this is the time to make that happen.
Tip 1: Get to know your own mind Sixth form or college; apprenticeship or university; English or Chemistry - these are just some of the choices you face. It can seem overwhelming but it’s important to sit down and really think about what you want to achieve. Also make yourself aware of the resources and support available to you - does your school offer UCAS and careers support? How might your parents and friends help you? Think about how you study best and remember that there are no ‘right’ choices - it’s about what suits you.
Tip 2: Do your research These are important decisions - don’t make them without knowing what you’re choosing! Go to sixth form and college open days - Clapton Girls’ Academy’s is on Tuesday 18th November, from 5.00-7.00pm and everyone is welcome. Attend careers and higher education events and take advantage of extra-curricular activities that allow you to connect with professionals and learn more about different career paths.
What should I do after my GCSEs? Top tips for Year 11s planning their next steps
Tip 3: Choose carefully Once you’ve decided on sixth form or college, you then need to think about your subjects. Post-16 education involves more independent study than GCSE, so it’s really important that you’re passionate about the subjects you choose. You might research a career you have in mind and work out whether particular subjects are going to help you get there. The Russell Group universities (including Oxford, Cambridge, UCL, and Warwick) look for students taking at least two A Levels in ‘facilitating subjects’, like English, Maths, science subjects, and modern languages. For more information, Google ‘Russell Group - Informed Choices’. If you know you’ll study best through a more coursework-based, guided approach, you might want to consider BTECs, which can, like A Levels, give you the opportunity to attend many quality universities.
Tip 4: Stay calm! It might seem like there’s a lot to be decided and, with exams fast approaching, there’s a lot of pressure. But remember that you have plenty of time and that your school and family want to support you. Here at Clapton, Ms Whitworth and Ms Abubacker are available Monday to Friday in the LRC and are always happy to help you. Remember that these choices are yours and no one else’s. For more careers info, go to learning_careers_education and for more about our Sixth Form head to Good luck!