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Editorial Platform launch presentation Clara España Ramon BA Fashion Marketing and Communication, 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 7
 C o m m u n i c a t i o n Te c h n i q u e s & S t r a t e g i e s 2 Fashion Show, Event organization Jaime Romeu, Carlos Sanandrés



Events Organization

1 . I n t r o d u c t i o n

2 . O b j e c t i v e s

3 . P r e s e n t a t i o n o f t h e E d i t o r i a l P l a t f o r m

4 . C u r r e n t S i t u a t i o n

5. The Event Concept (Creative Development)

6 . E v e n t P r o d u c t i o n

7 . E v e n t C o m m u n i c a t i o n

8 . S p o n s o r i n g & P r o d u c t P l a c e m e n t

9 . B u d g e t


Introduction FUSION is an editorial platfrom thought for men, their needs. The magazine features interest like fashion, events, shops and grooming, taking care of their bodies with skin eating habits and tips, interviews about inspiring men and ting topics.

interest and their trends like barber cares and healthy videos of interes-

The whole idea to launch the platform by doing an event is to reflect everything FUSION believes in on an event where men can come together and create som e t h i n g b i g g e r, a s p e c i a l c o n n e c t i o n t o t h e m a g a z i n e a n d a b o n d t o a c o m munity were they can belong and be appreciated. C o n t r i b u t i o n w i t h c h a r i t y, w i t h U N I C E F. B y u s i n g 7 - U N I C E F t h i s e v e n t w i l l help create change for children around the world.


-launch an editorial platform - Stablish brand awareness - Instert the target into the world of FUSION - Create an emotional and meaningful conection with the consumer to have a long term relationship. - Renforce the idea of - STRENGTHEN THE VALUES WITH THE SUPPORTING EVENT

Presentation of the editorial

“ A m e n ’s M a g a z i n e ” fashion events

trends (barber shops and grooming) body/skin care

healthy eating habits and tips

interviews about inspiring men videos of interesting topics

Current situation Tr e n d s i n l u x u r y Cutomization


Te c h o n o l o g y

Gucci with the designs Luis Vuitton or Burberry Brands are opting for on their handbags. with the initials on the tech-related accessories pieces.

Photo: Gucci Website

Photo: Burberry Website

Photo: Amazon Website

Tr e n d s i n E v e n t s Providing an experience

Gifts with a good use.

To m m y L a n d f o r t h e l a u n c h o f To m m y x G i g i C o l l e c t i o n w i t h To m m y H i l f i g h e r a n d Gigi Hadid.

A u d i , H P, a n d m a n y others hand out usb to their guest on the events.

Photo: Getty Images

Photo: Audi Website

G l o b a l Tr e n d s H2H ( Human to Human) Emotional Market

Healthy Lifestyle Market

Engage through the creation of emotions, to c a p t u r e o n e ’s a t t e n t i o n .

Desire well.

Photo: Michelin/Advertisments

Photo: Instagram/doyoutravel






Men-Care/Beauty Market

Men Fasshion Market

Confidence and appeareance, and feeling attractive. Uniqueness.

W a y o f e x p r e s s i n g o n e ’s self.


Photo: ELLE Men

The event concept

“Celebrating men in a magazine, and through and event� The concept behind the event is to represent everything represented on the magazine, the image is the FUSION lifestyle.

Event production From the venue, to the gifts, and music to food, everything reflects what the values and interest of our ideal reader are.

Personalized gifts as an experience





FUSION David McCall



As learned from analyzing the trends happening in the luxury industry and the e v e n t i n d u s t r y, t h e r e w i l l b e u s a b l e g i f t s w i t h t h e g u e s t ’s p e r s o n a l i z e d n a m e ’s o r initials, and the experience of getting a cutomize gift at the event venue. The gifts are Ipad Covers and Iphone Covers in collaboration with Apple, and perfect size wallets to keep in hand in the future.

FUSION David McCall

venue Open bar for beers, wine and all type of cocktails with food served. The venue is the perfect fit for the launch of FUSION, since it has all the sections featured in the magazine. The style of the restaurant is a p e r f e c t m a t c h w i t h t h e m a g a z i n e ’s i d e n t i t y, t h e r e f o r the decoration or catering are not something to worry about since it is provided on the Venue itself.

Photo: Barber & Parlour Website

L O C AT I O N : 64-66 Redchurch St, London E2 7DP (entrance on Club Row)

Barber Shop

Photo: Barber & Parlour Website

Hair Salon

Photo: Barber & Parlour Website


Photo: Barber & Parlour Website


Photo: Barber & Parlour Website

Eggs any style on toast (v) Tofu scramble, spicy tomato sauce (vg) Eggs, avocado, chilli, lemon, toast (v) Eggs, beefsteak tomatoes, bacon Scrambled eggs, smoked salmon Eggs florentine (v) / benedict / royale

D R I N K S A N D C AT E R I N G Open bar for all the following options

5 7 9 9 9 8/9/10

Grilled ham, tomato, red onion & cheese sandwich Quiche of the day Halloumi burger (v) Squash, black rice, pomegranate salad (gf/vg/df)


Barber’s breakfast: Toast, black pudding, chorizo, fried egg, bacon, crushed potato, avocado, tomato 11

Soup of the day Baguette of the day Soup of the day and baguette sandwich

Avocado, toast (v/vg/df)



7 7 8 8

Sticky toffee pudding (v) 5 Brownie, creme fraiche (v/gf) 5

5 5 8

Cake of the day (v) Coconut panna cotta (gf/df)

5 5

Vegetarian (v) - Vegan (vg) - Gluten free (gf) - Dairy free (df)


SAT & SUN: 09:00–17:00


SWEET Cookie (v) Fruit muffin (gf/df/v) Croissant, pain au chocolat, almond pastry (v) Pancakes w/banana & bacon (until 12pm) Pancakes w/banana, whipped cream & hazelnuts (v) (until 12pm)

3 3 3 7 8

EG GS Eggs any style on toast (v) Tofu scramble, spicy tomato sauce (vg) Eggs, avocado, chilli, lemon, toast (v) Eggs, beefsteak tomatoes, bacon Scrambled eggs, smoked salmon Eggs florentine (v) / benedict / royale

5 7 9 9 9 8/9/10

6 6 6

PLATES Nocerella olives & marcona almonds (gf/vg/df) Garden salad (gf/vg/df) Grilled ham, tomato, red onion & cheese sandwich Quiche of the day Halloumi burger (v) Squash, black rice, pomegranate salad (gf/vg/df)

5 6 7 7 8 8

Avocado, toast (v/vg/df)

PUDDI NG S Sticky toffee pudding (v) 5 Brownie, creme fraiche (v/gf) 5

5 5 8

CITRU S Grapefruit, orange, lemon, turmeric, cayenne pepper GINGER Ginger, green apple, lemon RED Beetroot, carrot, ginger, pineapple, orange, lemon, apple

BOTA NI CA L S REFRES H (250ml) Coconut water, honeydew melon, lime, vanilla, chamomile ENERGY (250ml)


all at 6

AVO CA D O Coconut water, avocado, banana, spinach, celery, lime, honey

H AR D GR E E N Broccoli, cucumber, celery, lemon, spinach, parsley, ginger

GR E E N Apple juice, banana, mint, cucumber, lemon, spirulina

B R EA K FAST Almond milk, banana, granola, honey

TEA & COFFEE Espresso / Americano / Macchiato


House Brew filter coffee


Sandow Cold Brew Soy / almond / decaf

4 0.4

Cappuccino / Latte / Mocha / Hot Chocolate / Flat White 3 Coffee over ice white / black

AVOCA D O Coconut water, avocado, banana, spinach, celery, lime, honey

H A RD G RE E N Broccoli, cucumber, celery, lemon, spinach, parsley, ginger

G RE E N Apple juice, banana, mint, cucumber, lemon, spirulina

B RE A K FAST Almond milk, banana, granola, honey

TEA & CO FFEE Cold-pressed juice / All at 4.25

R EF R ES H (250ml) Coconut water, honeydew melon, lime, vanilla, chamomile

Orange Apple

B E R RY Cranberry juice, strawberries, blueberries, chia seeds

GLOW (250ml) Pomegranate, red grape, guava, ginger, lime, rose, collagen

R ED Beetroot, carrot, ginger, pineapple, orange, lemon, apple


all at 6

B E RRY Cranberry juice, strawberries, blueberries, chia seeds

G LOW (250ml) Pomegranate, red grape, guava, ginger, lime, rose, collagen

Espresso / Americano / Macchiato


House Brew filter coffee


Sandow Cold Brew Soy / almond / decaf

4 0.4

Cappuccino / Latte / Mocha / Hot Chocolate / Flat White 3 Coffee over ice white / black


Canton Tea Co:


(English Breakfast / Earl Grey / Green Tea / Peppermint / Chamomile / Jasmine)


GR E E N Kale, apple, cucumber, celery, pineapple, lemon, spinach, parsley, ginger

Cold-pressed juice / All at 4.25

GINGER Ginger, green apple, lemon


G RE E N Kale, apple, cucumber, celery, pineapple, lemon, spinach, parsley, ginger


SOFT D R I N K S Cold-pressed juice / Small 4.25 Large 7.5

CITRUS Grapefruit, orange, lemon, turmeric, cayenne pepper

E N ER GY (250ml) Orange, mango, passion fruit, lime, ginger, maca, 5 cacao

Cake of the day (v) Coconut panna cotta (gf/df)

Vegetarian (v) - Vegan (vg) - Gluten free (gf) - Dairy free (df)


Cold-pressed juice / Small 4.25 Large 7.5



Barber’s breakfast: Toast, black pudding, chorizo, fried egg, bacon, crushed potato, avocado, tomato 11 5


Almond milk bircher, coconut yoghurt, blueberries, bananas (vg/df) House granola, blackberry, plum, greek yoghurt (v) Chia seed, pistachio milk, figs (gf/vg/df)

Soup of the day Baguette of the day Soup of the day and baguette sandwich


Fresh mint tea 3 3

Grapefruit Ginger shot

3 2


Chai Tea / Chai Latte

2.5 / 3

Matcha Tea / Matcha Latte

2.5 / 3

Pinot Griogio, Nina, Veneto, Italy

7 19

Cotes de Provence, St Roch les Vignes, France

8 22 30



all at 4.75

CRATE I.P.A, Crate Cider / Camden Hell’s Lager / Peroni

OLD FASHIONED Woodford Reserve, old fashioned syrup

American Pale Ale Fourpure / Nanny State 0.5%

BLOODY MARY’S B LOODY MA RY Finlandia, tomato, spice mix, lemon DIRTY B A RB ER Grey Goose Le Citron, tomato shrub, spice mix, pickle brine





Prosecco Treviso DOC, Luna Argenta, Brut NV W H IT E WIN E


6.8 35 52

Champagne Testulat Carte d’Or Blanc de Noirs Brut NV GLS



Grecanico, Pieno Sud, Sicily, Italy

6 16 22

Viura, Candidato, Mancha, Spain


Sauvignon Blanc, La Prade, Languedoc, France

7 19

Pinot Grigio, Nina, Veneto, Italy

8 22 30

Gavi di Gavi, “la Contessa”, Piemonte, Italy RED W IN E

27 35


Rosso Terre Siciliane, Pieno Sud, Sicily, Italy



6 16 22

Primitivo, Visconti, Puglia, Italy


Merlot, La Prade, Pays d’Oc, France

7 19

Malbec, Finca La Colonia, Mendoza, Argentina

8 22 30

Pinot Noir Reserva, Terra Andina, Chile RO S E WIN E

27 35


Negroamaro, Pieno Sud, Sicily, Italy



6 16 22

Pinot Griogio, Nina, Veneto, Italy

7 19

Cotes de Provence, St Roch les Vignes, France

8 22 30



all at 4.75

CRATE I.P.A, Crate Cider / Camden Hell’s Lager / Peroni


all at 9.75

all at 9.75

PISC O BLU SH Pisco, mixed berry syrup, lime, egg white


all at 8.50

MIMOSA Prosecco, orange

DON PICANTE Finlandia, tomato, spice mix, fresh chillies, habanero hot sauce, lemon

CHEEKY R OYAL E Prosecco, berry syrup

BLOODY MAR IA Centenario Plata, lemon, tomato, spice mix, horseradish

Nachos, tomato salsa & cheddar (v/gf) Hot dog Halloumi burger (v) Sweet potato wedges, goat’s cheese & hazelnut (v/gf)

7 7 8 6

Mini sausages & honey mustard (df) Nocerella olives (vg/gf) Hummus & pitta (vg) Popcorn bags (vg/gf)

5 4 6 2

Vegetarian (v) - Vegan (vg) - Gluten free (gf) - Dairy free (df)

E SPR E SSO MA RTIN I Finlandia, Kahlua, house espresso BE R M U DA FIZ Z Gosling’s, house-made ginger syrup, grapefruit, pineapple shrub, mint, lime, soda T H E E AR L OF GREY Bombay Sapphire, Rinquinquin, earl grey, lemon

LOGAN Rooted in a far more realistic realm, this new addition to the X-Men cannon finds Wolverine’s isolated retirement interrupted by a new arrival.

SO H O MU LE Finlandia, house-made ginger syrup, lime, soda PICANTE DE LA CASA Centenario Reposado, chilli, coriander, lime, agave SO H O NEGRON I Bombay Sapphire, Suze, Martini Bianco

ELLE An assault victim plans to turn the tables on her attacker in this daring return to form from director Paul Verhoeven.

BEAUTY & THE BEAST 3D Emma Watson steps into the shoes of Belle in this live-action reboot of a tale as old as time.

A 12.5% discretionary service charge will be added to your bill.

E AST E R N STA N DA RD Finlandia or Bombay Sapphire, cucumber, mint, lime

TOMMY’S MARGARITA Centenario Plata, lime, agave OL D FASHIONED Woodford Reserve, old fashioned syrup

American Pale Ale Fourpure / Nanny State 0.5%

DI RT Y BARBER Grey Goose Le Citron, tomato shrub, spice mix, pickle brine

all at 9.75

at 10.75



B LO ODY MARY Finlandia, tomato, spice mix, lemon

TOMMY’S MA RGA RITA Centenario Plata, lime, agave


at 10.75

all at 8.50

M IM O SA Prosecco, orange

D O N PICANT E Finlandia, tomato, spice mix, fresh chillies, habanero hot sauce, lemon

C H E E KY ROYA LE Prosecco, berry syrup

BLO O DY M AR IA Centenario Plata, lemon, tomato, spice mix, horseradish

CI NEMA FOOD Nachos, tomato salsa & cheddar (v/gf) Hot dog Halloumi burger (v) Sweet potato wedges, goat’s cheese & hazelnut (v/gf)

7 7 8 6

Mini sausages & honey mustard (df) Nocerella olives (vg/gf) Hummus & pitta (vg) Popcorn bags (vg/gf)

Vegetarian (v) - Vegan (vg) - Gluten free (gf) - Dairy free (df)

5 4 6 2

Information from: Barber & Parlour Website

distribution Decoration will be smooth and simple, the look of the venue will be kept as it usually is for the restaurant, very modern look, relaxed and warming. Soft light of 4pm in London.

The Barber & Parlour Style will remain intouch Photo: Barber & Parlour Website

music Playlist of the following artists and similar will be played as background music for the event

. - Ben Howard - Damien Rice - George Ezra - The Lumineers - James Bay - Vince Joy - John Mayer - Passenger - Jack Johnson - Mumford & Sons - Ben Harper - Brett Dennen - Ed Sheeran - Jason Mraz - Crystal Fighters - James Morrison - James Blunt - Bruce Springsteen - Bob Dylan - Van Morrison - Russ - The Kooks - Brandon Heart - Moby

Event communication PR Brand Ambassador for the event will be David Beckham. He is a U N I C E F G o o d w i l l A m b a s s a d o r, a n d h a s h i s o w n U n i c e f F u n d a s we can see belown on the website. The reason to bring Beckham into the event and the project is to be able to help a charity with such good cause as this one.

Photo: 7David Beckham Website

VIP guests are London Based. Alex Pettyfer Actor To m S t u r r i d g e - A c t o r Zayn Malik - Singer George Barnett - Musician Douglas Booth - Actor Oliver Cheshire - Model David Gandy - Model Johannes Huebl - Model Sean O’pry - Model

Media relations (Media coverage) Publications that do not represent competition such as: H o l l y S h a c k l e t o n - E d i t o r- i n - C h i e f o f i - D . L o n d o n I s a b e l l a B u r l e y - E d i t o r- i n - C h i e f o f D a z e d Elizabeth Fraser Bell, Emma Wyman - Fashion Editors of Dazed Photo: Getty Images

Sponsoring & product placement Celebrity endorsement (Product placement)

Sponsoring the restaurant opening of Neo Bistro in London. The restaurant is the new style bistros of Paris, and has the fines chefs in the kitchen. The magazine will support the opening and feature a review of the experience and restaurant on the magazine. L O C AT I O N : 1 1 W o o d s t o c k S t , M a y f a i r, London W1C 2AE, UK

Photo: Neo Bistro Website

Product Placement Influencers promotion online on Social Medias (Preparation - During - After) The following style of publication. Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

Budget VENUE


Flight for Anderson .Paak from LAX in Business Class €


Hotel room for Anderson .Paak at Soho House € Flight for David Beckham from LAX in Business Class €

600,00 4.000,00

Photocall structure, set up and breakdown & rental of € the robe chain


Transfers for VIP guests (60€/ride)


Personalisation of the gifts (8€/item)


iPad cases (25€/each) iPhone cases (20€/each)


Wallets (50€/each) Staff - Personalisation (40€/hour)

€ € €

4.000,00 10.000,00 320,00

Brunch menu (35€/person) Open Bar (40€/person)

€ €

17.500,00 20.000,00

Anderson .Paak (20000€/h) Renting of technical equipment

€ €

20.000,00 5.000,00

10 Hosts (20€/h) 3 Security guards (100€/h)

€ €

800,00 1.200,00

600 Invitations (5€/invite) Delivery (3€/invite)

€ €

3.000,00 1.800,00

Pablo Frisk (500€/hour) Retouching, copies and video

€ €

1.500,00 2.000,00


Service (90€/hour)



Donation to Unicef











Rental of Barber & Parlour (50000€/day)

Fashion Show

1 . I n t r o d u c t i o n

2 . H i s t o r i c a l T i m e l i n e

3. The Brand

4. The Designer

5. The Collection

6 . T h e C r e a t i v e C o n c e p t

7 . V e n u e

8. Fashion Show Elements

9. References


The Event

1. Introduction The brand contributes to the editorial platform in different ways, first and most important, the way men are represented with each menswear piece and the care for each piece to have the best quality possible to have the best e x p e r i e n c e . F o r t h e s e c o n d o n e , i s o b v i o u s l y t h e p a s s i o n f o r f a s h i o n a n d i t ’s world around it, and third the love and appreciation for the art and the cultur e , a s t h e F u s i o n m e n r e a d e r s a r e v e r y i n t e r e s t e d o n w h a t ’s b e y o n d t h e n u m bers and financial aspects. The magazine is marketing the UK for the first goal, but down the road and with the influence of the collaboration with Brunello Cucinelli would like to be expanded to the other countries where the brand has an important market:

Key markets: U S , C a n a d a , E u r o p e ( I t a l y, S w i t z e r l a n d , B e l g i u m , F r a n c e , G e r m a n y, A u s t r i a ) , and Asia ( China and Japan )

Objectives - Pain visibility - Position and Promotion of Fusion - Increase engagement with client - Reach out to Brunello Cucinelli customers and bring them to the platform - Enlarge the customer base in key markets. - Increase sales. - Launching a new col- lection - Create emotions among our audience

Photo: Brunello Cucinelli Website.

2. Historical Timeline of Fashion Shows Photo: Charles Dana Gibson/ Library of Congress

900 - 1800 Designers start paying women to desplay their designs surrounding racetracks

1900 Fashion Shows were private

Photo: Getty Images

Photo: Getty Images

1955 Fashion Week was born, known as “Press Week� - pic: Dior show

1920 Retailers used to stage shows, not designers. (by: Wendy Rodewald-Sulz)

Photo: Getty Images

1977 Paco Rabanne Haute couture

1975 Chanel Show - Models holding numbers of the designs

Photo: Getty Images

Photo: WGSN

Photo: Dolce Gabbana Website - 2018 Spring-Summer

Photo: Getty Images

1997 Start of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show as we know it. ( The Wings)

1998 Alexander McQueen Revolutionary shows

2016 TommyLand for the Tommy Hilfiger X Gigi

2007 Fendi fall 2007 Great Wall of China

Photo: Getty Images Photo: Getty Images

2017 Dolce & Gabbana Spring- Summer 2018 - Social Media Influencers take the runway

2016 Start of the “Buy fresh off the runway” or “See-Now-Buy-Now” concept


Photo: Brunello Cucinelli Website.



3. The Brand

Something that makes this the brand unique and remarkable is how the success strategy wasn’t thought out to focus on the economic figures or formulas, but focusing on the people and the dignity of work, the heritage and the ideals. The company donates 20% of profits to its charitable foundation, and pays workers wages that are 20% higher than the industry average.

Charactheristics Va l u e o f q u a l i t y o n e v e r y p i e c e The brand specialized on Cashemer Made to last and pass on through generations as a valuable gift. Luxury made to be comfortable and fitting.

“ H u m a n i s t i c c o m p a n y, e t h i c s a n d p r o d u c t i o n . . . I f o u n d i t i n c r e a singly difficult not to adopt a concept of work and human action based on positivity and belief in the future”. Infromation: Brunelli Cucinello Website. About “My Life”.

Brunello Cucinelli, 1995 Campaign

Photo: Brunello Cucinelli Website.


- Dignity of work: Create profit with no damage to mankind - Q U A L I T Y, P E R F E C T F I T : P a y i n g d e t a i l t o f i n e f a b r i c s a n d f i n a l t o u c h e s . - Ideals: importance on supporting charitable foundations. - Family Value: made to last and pass through generations ¡ Strong foundation - Ancient heritage

2. Historical Timeline of the Brand 1978 Start of a small company of dying cashmere

First selected monobrand stores were opened in exclusive locations in Italy and abroad.

Product range was expanded “total look� for womenswear and menswear; 2000

1985 Purchase of the tumbledown castle in the hamlet for the corporate headquarters

Photo: Brunello Cucinelli Website.

Photo: Brunelli Cucinello Website.

Photo: Alessandro Burzigotti/ Courtesy of Brunello Cucinelli

2012 Listed on the Milan Stock Exchange

2017 Last Runway - Collection Spring 2018 menswear

2013 Founded the Solomeo School of Arts and Crafts

Photo: Brunello Cucinelli Website.

4. The Designer T h e D e s i g n e r w a s b o r n i n 1 9 5 3 i n I t a l y, i n t o a p e a s a n t f a m i l y a n d a s a y o u n g m a n h e f o u n d h i m s e l f d r o p p i n g o u t o f a e n g i n e e r i n g f a c u l t y, t o start his path on a fashion career with a strong Italian heritage. His c a re e r s t a r t e d i n 1 9 7 8 w i t h a s m a l l c o m p a n y t h a t c h a n g e d t h e m a rket with an innovative take; dying cashmere. Soon enough he became know as the “king of cashmere� and grew the company to what it is k n o w n n o w. A f t e r m a r r y i n g h i s w i f e F e r e d r i c a B e n d a , h e m o v e d t o S o l o m e o , I t a l y. This location became the centre of his workshop, and shortly after 3 years, he was able to settle his corporate headquarters in a fourteenth century castle he had purchased. He then also built the Forum of the A r t i n t h e p r o p e r t y, i n c l u d i n g t h e N e o h u m a n i s t i c A u r e l i a n L i b r a r y, t h e Gymnasium, the Amphitheatre and the Theatre. This new cultural and art filled space was a big part of the idea of what he founded later on, the Solomeo School of Arts and Crafts on 2013 B e s i d e s h i s r e m a r k a b l e s u c c e s s i n t h e f a s h i o n i n d u s t r y, B r u n e l l o C u c i n e l l i i s t r u l y a d m i r e d b y h i s p h i l o s o p h y o f a h u m a n i s t i c c o m p a n y, with the concept of respect for the employers with a human treatment, welcoming work environment and strong economical benefits. This concept of leading the company comes from his childhood, after observing his father working in an unwelcoming environment, and economical situation that left the family struggling.

1.2 Values Humanistic Value Culture and Beauty Heritage and value of long-lasting success

“Brunello considers not only as a w e a l t h - g e n e r a t i n g e n t i t y, b u t also as a framework to develop and nurture his dream of a capitalism that enhances the human being.“

Photo: Brunello Cucinelli Website.

5. The Collction Last Collection key pieces (more selled) and a few originals.

All Photos: Brunello Cucinelli Website - Shop / Collection

6. The Creative Concept The creative concept comes from the mixing of Fusion, a magazine and platform made for man and Brunello Cucinelli, who has a found passion for creat i n g p e r f e c t p i e c e s f o r m e n s w e a r. A mixture of the passion for the arts, the culture and the fashion that they both share. The idea of creating a timeless-yet modern collection with key pieces that would fit the Fusion readers perfectly into their “hipster” lifestyle where interest for new discovering things rules their ambitions. The fashion show will be simple and will scream “the new men-generation”, hosted at the Guggenheim Museum and accompanied by live music by a band who will later lead the guests into a variation of standing appetisers and drinks. FA S H I O N - M E N - A R T - C U LT U R E


Ty i n g p a s s i o n o f t h e A r t , C u l t u r e a n d F a s h i o n o f t h e b r a n d w i t h t h e e d i t o r i a l

Photo: Getty Images

Photo: Courtney Freckleton-Burberry Menswear AW16

Photo: Getty Images

Strategic wanted outcome and effect

· Succesful Launch of the platform · Engaging with the audience · Create a Community with the readers + customers · Increase awareness · Increase sales

8. Fashion Show Elements


The Event

8.1 TEAM












8.2 Calendar

NOV 26th 13:00

NOV 27th 16:00

NOV 28th 15:00 18:00

- Model fitting

- Second rehersal

- Final rehersal

- First rehersal

- Catering set up.

- Makeup & Hair +

- Te c h n i c a l q u i p -

(tables, and uten-

outfit checks for

ment, decoration



tea and venue set

- Security plan-

- Hostess set up


ning organization.

and organization.

- Show starts.


- Catering set up.

- Show ends.


- Catering &

- Security set up.

drinks are served.



- Guests arrival

- Closing of the

- Final prepara-



- Clean up servi-

8.3 Venue

The fashion show will take place at the hall of the Guggenheim Museum at the 5th A v e S t r e e t i n N e w Yo r k C i t y. For that specific event, the museum would open the doors at a later time. The museum is located at the upper east side, close to other NTIW venues. The space has daylight coming from the ceiling and will be reinforced for the show. The location has been picked for its iconic architecture and the relation the brand as with art. The venue has wireless internet, concrete floors and private facilities which could be used as a backstage area. Photo: Pinterest/ Guggenheim Museum

8.4 Estimated Budget


$17.000,00 + Tr a n s f e r s







6 staff members ($10 hours) + Tr a n f e r s


Decoration SECURITY PR Media Model Casting

$1.000,00 5 G u a r d s ( $ 1 7 h o u r s ) + Tr a n f e r s

$800,00 $1.000,00 $4.000,00

T O TA L $ 2 8 . 6 0 0

8.5 Music and Styling A musical band will be playing at the venue from the first guest arrivals on until the end of the carrousel. They will be playing singles from singers like R u s s , T h e K o o k s , B r a n d o n H e a r t , M o b y, a m o n g o t h e r s .


8.6 Catwalk

The outfits will be styled in a tim e l e s s y e t r e l a x e d m a n n e r, v e r y m o d e r a n d m a n l y. S t y l e m i x e d b e tween the new generation-men and the image of Brunello Cucinelli. In terms of acting, models will walk at the fast-paced rhythm music along the catwalk.

The catwalk will iniciate on level 2 and the models will walk around the circles to level 0, where the catwalk end on t h e c e n t e r. T h e o r c h e s t r a w o u l d b e s e t up in the middle of the center space, with the audience sorrounding the left space on curved benches. There will be three rows of benches for the audience to sit on.

Photo: Getty Images

Photo: Getty Images

8.7 Outsourcing Make up: MAC Hair: GHD Catering: Franco Vitella (NYK Catering and Events) Catering and the drinks will be served after the show ends at 18:15.

Photo: Franco Vitella Catering Website

8.8 Guest List

Edward Enninful - Editor British Vogue Jo Ellisson - Fashion Editor Financial Times Jon Kortajarena - Model Emmanuelle Alt - Vogue Paris Editor-in-Chief Nicole Phelps - Director Runway Vogue US Stuart Royall - Stylist Neil Gavin - Photographer To m H i d d l e s t o n - A c t o r Marcello Alvarez - Model Will Welch - Editor in Chief of GQ Style Jude Law - Actor Bruno Mars - Singer Mariano Di Vaio - Influencer / Model

8.9 Security Citadel Security Agency Security will be located two at the entrance, one backstage entrance, and two sorrounding the catwalk, checking everything is running as spected.

Photo: Citadel Security Agency Website Logo

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