Graphic Standard Manual of Bonita Rachel Made by Clara Lestari - Graphic Design V 1701358465
7 Philosophy of the Logo
6 Bonita Rachel is a person who embraces nature as one with her self. She love adventuring on her scooter exploring different part of nature, wether it’s the beach or the mountains. She has a free spirit in her. The logo itself is developed from her unique personality. Using the keyword Free Spirit, Adventure, Freedom and Nature, this logo is developed. The logo itself is inspired from a seagull. A seagull, despite its name, does not live exclusively by the sea. It has the ability
to easily adapt to its surrounding. In Native America, it symbolizes a carefree attitude, versatility and freedom. It also symbolizes creativity. All the quality that represents Bonita Rachel very well. The logo follows the keyword freedom. The logo is developed from the initials B and R. The strokes in the initials are not attached to one another, there are no restrain in it. It symbolizes freedom. The color choosen is blue and yellow. Although Bonita have a great passion about nature, she loves pop art culture as
well. The yellow represents sunshine and the blue represents the sky and sea. The color is altered to be more fun and pop. The whole logo consist of an initial and the full name of Bonita Rachel. The rest of the name is handwriten as a handwriting shows a more human and natural feel. However intricate and flowy a font is, it will gives a un-natural and machine like feel to it.
10 C: 0% M: 23% Y: 84% K: 13% Hex Pantone
C: 83% M: 43% Y: 0% K: 50% Hex Pantone
Color Used in the Logo The color scheme used in the logo yellow ocre and blue. The color is toned down a bit into a more earthy tone so it won’t look unnatural. A greyscale color is also provided to be use in necessary circumstances.
Greyscale Logo
C: 50% M: 36% Y: 40% K: 0% Hex Pantone
C: 0% M: 0% Y: 0% K: 95% Hex Pantone
r: g: b:
Logo Regulation
Main Logo 224 175 60
: #E0AF3C : P10-15C
r: g: b:
0 73 117
: #004975 : P108-15C
r: g: b:
139 148 147
: #8B9493 : P176-4C
r: g: b:
50 49 50
: #323132 : P179-15C
Available Color Varaition which can be altered Color variation can be found on the next page. It provides several color scheme that can be used in certain circumstances. The logo itself can be changed into white and put on top of colored background. It is advised to stay with the original logo color as the background but It can be use minimally in special circumstances.
Logo Regulation
12 Reversed Logo
15 Black on White
Logo Regulation
14 White on Black
17 White on Colored
Logo Regulation
16 Greyscale
19 x0
Logo Regulation
18 0.1x
Minimum Size H: 1.5cm x 1.3cm
There should be a 0.1x free space to the left of the logo and 0.2x on all the other side of it. This is becaue the end of the B going over the boundary box and this free space is needed to create a balance.
MAXIMUM Size H: 10.9cm x 9.5cm
The logo should not be smaller than 1.5cm x 1.3cm as it is barely legible under that measurement. The minimum size should only be applied in a surface where the space limits the size of the logo. There are no maximum size of the logo as it will depends on the surface its applied on. However, it is suggested that the logo don’t exceed the size 10.9cm x 9.5cm.
Logo Regulation
20 What to do and Not to do The logo should not be stretched, tilted or reflected. The shape of the logo has to be maintained and should not be altered. The color of the logo should not be changed. The only color alternatives is the greyscale version of the logo. Usage of bright, un-natural color is not allowed as it is against the concept of the logo. When put on top of a colored background, the background color should not be in the same tone as any of the logo color. The logo should not be put directly on top of a patterned background. When it is necessary to put the logo on top of a patterned background, please use a solid color background on top of the patterened background first.
Logo Application
Bonita Rachel
Bonita Rachel
Bonita Rachel
Telp Email Website
Telp Email Website
Telp Email Website :
Graphic Designer
: +6221986291 : :
Graphic Designer
: +6221986291 : :
Business Card Variatoon
Graphic Designer
: +6221986291 :
Stationary Set
Logo Application
26 Camping Tent for Two
Vintage Scooter
Logo Application
28 Leather Motorcycle Helmet (comes in two colors)
Wind Breaker
Logo Application
30 Camera Backpack (comes in two colors)
Twin Reflex Lens Camera
Logo Application
32 Binoculars and Leather Case
Leather Passport Case
Logo Application
34 Portable Sleeping Bags
Hoodie Jacket