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Location and Context

Corofin is located on the R476 regional route approximately 12 kilometres from Ennis, on the southeast edge of the Burren. Identified as a ‘Large Village’ in the Settlement Hierarchy of this Planit has a distinctive character and setting, enhanced by the River Fergus which flows through the village. Corofin has a wide range of shops, services and facilities serving its resident and visitor community, including a post office, Garda Station, medical centre, church, library, school and a heritage centre and genealogy centre. The Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) within Corofin has been identified for its traditional shop fronts which positively contribute to a traditional street façade. The village is home of some very fine Protected Structures including Corofin Bridge (RPS 197), The Market House (RPS 438), St. Catherine’s Church/Clare Heritage Centre (RPS 117), St. Bridget’s Church (RPS 135), P. Crowley’s Pub (RPS 436) and Richmond House (RPS 437).

Corofin lies within a wider Burren landscape, characterised by extensive areas of exposed limestone with areas of rich limestone pasture interspersed with loughs.

The strategy for Corofin is to provide for small-scale, well designed residential, tourism, commercial and community developments that have regard to the character of the village.

Corofin is located adjacent to the East Burren Complex Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and the Corofin Wetlands Special Protection Area (SPA). Future development must ensure there are no adverse affects on the Conservation Objectives of the SAC and SPA site integrity, or the integrity of any other European site. Accordingly, objectives set out in Volume 1 of this Plan relating to European sites and to appropriate assessment will apply to any future development proposals in this area. The Natura Impact Report accompanying this plan (Volume 10a) provides relevant mitigation measures and recommendations at site and project level.

Corofin is also adjacent to the East Burren Complex Natural Heritage Area. NHAs are protected from works which would destroy or significantly alter, damage, or interfere with the features for which the sites were designated. Therefore, given the location of the Corofin settlement, any future residential development, commercial or employment generating development should be subject to screening for EIA.

Water supply is provided by the Corofin Public Water Supply and the existing wastewater treatment plant in Corofin has sufficient capacity to accommodate the population target.

General Objectives:

• To ensure that future development in Corofin encourages a vibrant village community, which maintains and enhances the economic and service role of Corofin village to residents, tourists, and the surrounding rural area.

__________________________________________________________________________________ Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029

• To protect the built and natural heritage while allowing for balanced growth and development of the village and surrounding area.

• To make provision for additional car and bus parking facilities in the village that will contribute to an improved quality of environment and increased development potential.

Employment and Enterprise

Enterprise lands are zoned for the development of enterprise and employment generating uses with a view to providing greater employment opportunities for residents of the village and the wider community.

A key priority will be to retain community and social facilities in the village and to encourage indigenous enterprises and service provision. There are also opportunities to develop the tourism and leisure potential of the area, particularly given Corofin’s location in proximity to the Wild Atlantic Way, as a ‘Gateway to the Burren’ and less than a kilometre north of the former West Clare Railway line. The provision of a link between the proposed Greenway and Corofin has the potential to attract visitors to the village and support the development of retail and tourism offering in the village.

Strategy for Growth and Sustainable Communities

Corofin has always attracted people wishing to live in proximity to Ennis and seeking a traditional village life experience with an abundance of natural amenities on the doorstep. It is important to ensure that growth is balanced and contributes to a thriving village community that can support a range of services. In this regard, lands have been zoned in the village to promote compact growth and support the village centre. Development proposals must ensure safe pedestrian and cycle connectivity to local services and the village centre.

It is an objective:

• To support the development of facilities, amenities and services in the village that will cater for the needs of a range of users including current and future residents and will contribute to the sustainable development of the village into the future.

R2 Residential West of the Village

This site is located directly adjacent to the Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) in the village centre. The aim is to retain the overall special historic or architectural character of an area as per CDP 16.8 of this plan (Vol.1) and in this regard any development within this zoning shall be designed in line with the overall protective objectives and mitigation measures of the development plan.

In addition, any future development on these lands shall retain linkages across the landscape including existing hedgerows and treelines.

__________________________________________________________________________________ Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029

R3 Residential south of the Village

This site is located directly adjacent to the south of the river and a portion of the lands to the north are within Flood Zone A. Any planning application on this site shall be accompanied by a Site-Specific Flood Risk Assessment.

Strategic Residential Reserve (SRR)

Acknowledging that not all lands within the settlement boundary of Corofin will be required for development to 2029, lands which comprise infill or contiguous sites or have a planning history for residential use and can form part of the long-term sequential expansion of the settlement are zoned SRR. Consideration may be given to the development of some SRR lands before the end of the plan period, in line with provisions set out for Strategic Residential Reserve in Section 19.4 of Volume 1.

SR1 and SR2 Lands north of the Town Centre

The mature trees and hedgerows associated with these sites should be retained as part of any future development of the site. Development should be sympathetic to the surrounding landscape and uses on the edge of the settlement within the Corofin and Crusheen Loughlands and the Low Burren Landscape Character Area.

Other Zonings

REC 1 and REC 2 Recreation Lands

Corofin is located within an area identified as having high landscape suitability for bat species. All bat species are sensitive to light pollution and will avoid brightly lit areas. Inappropriate lighting around roosts may cause abandonment and lighting along commuting routes may cause preferred foraging areas to be abandoned, thus increasing energetic costs for bats (Schofield, 2008). Any proposals to install flood lighting on these sites must adhere to the Bats & Lighting - Guidance Notes for: Planners, engineers, architects, and developers with respect to lighting (Bat Conservation Ireland, Dec 2010).

Transport, Active Travel and Connectivity

Bus Eireann provides a regular bus service to and from Galway City, Ennis and Kilkee and Clare Local Link also provides a regular service to Ennis as well as Lisdoonvarna and Miltown Malbay. While there is an identified need for additional public transport services, the existing services offer the potential to provide an alternative to the private car and encourage a modal shift to a more sustainable transport option.

Road safety, road quality and inefficient car parking arrangements have been identified as key concerns in the village, particularly for pedestrians and cyclists. In this regard, the enhancement of and provision for green infrastructure such as walking and cycling routes would promote active recreation and sustainable travel in the village and its environs.

__________________________________________________________________________________ Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029

Place Making and Regeneration

This historic village has a well-defined core and has benefited from a painting scheme in 2021. The addition of traditional street signs has enhanced the quality of the public realm and draws attention to interesting features and old lanes which could themselves be further enhanced. There are several vacant and derelict buildings in the village centre and the level of physical decline, dilapidation and dereliction in the village has been identified as a key issue. The plan supports the redevelopment or alternative use of these buildings to bring them back into functional use.

Walkability in the village is currently compromised at narrow parts of Main Street where there are no footpaths. The margins at the entrance to newer housing schemes are well defined with grass and neat edges but the approaches to the village would benefit from appropriate gateway features. The provision of a river walk, subject to the requirements of the Habitats Directives, would further enhance the public realm.

In this regard, Clare County Council are collaborating with National Parks & Wildlife Services (NPWS) to prepare an Enhancement Strategy for the village with the aim of maximising the potential of the village and its proximity to the Burren through thoughtful and sensitive interventions. The strategy will look to identify a suitable location and develop a design for a Burren National Park Visitor’s Centre and Administration Facility for NPWS, as well as public realm improvements. These will be achieved through a streetscape enhancement plan and improving the tourist experience through the development of a new signage strategy and extension of the existing Park and Ride facility.

The development of the West Clare Railway Greenway along the former railway line as a proposed recreational route will include a connecting link to Corofin and is supported in this Plan. Proposals to redevelop the former railway line will be subject to the requirements of the Habitats Directive.

It is an objective:

• To work with the owners of vacant, underutilised, and derelict sites/buildings to identify new uses and promote the re-use/redevelopment of these sites/buildings. In this regard, the Council will use its powers as necessary under the Derelict Sites Act 1991 and Housing and Urban Regeneration Act 2015.

• To promote sustainable and compact growth to address issues of vacancy and dereliction including the reuse or redevelopment of vacant, underutilised sites and buildings for alternative uses.

• To prepare an Enhancement Strategy for Corofin in collaboration with the NPWS within the lifetime of this Plan.

• To prioritise the development of the West Clare Railway Greenway.

__________________________________________________________________________________ Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029

• To support the development of appropriate micro enterprises along the West Clare

Railway Greenway route, subject to proper planning and sustainable development and the requirements of the Habitats Directive.

Flooding and Flood Risk

The Strategic Flood Risk Assessment in Volume 10(c) of this Plan advises that open space and agriculture zonings are appropriate uses and should be retained. Risk to the other lands is limited to the margins and can be managed by restricting development/redevelopment to Flood Zone C.

__________________________________________________________________________________ Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029

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