Corofin Location and Context Corofin is located on the R476 regional route approximately 12 kilometres from Ennis, on the southeast edge of the Burren. Identified as a ‘Large Village’ in the Settlement Hierarchy of this Planit has a distinctive character and setting, enhanced by the River Fergus which flows through the village. Corofin has a wide range of shops, services and facilities serving its resident and visitor community, including a post office, Garda Station, medical centre, church, library, school and a heritage centre and genealogy centre. The Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) within Corofin has been identified for its traditional shop fronts which positively contribute to a traditional street façade. The village is home of some very fine Protected Structures including Corofin Bridge (RPS 197), The Market House (RPS 438), St. Catherine’s Church/Clare Heritage Centre (RPS 117), St. Bridget’s Church (RPS 135), P. Crowley’s Pub (RPS 436) and Richmond House (RPS 437). Corofin lies within a wider Burren landscape, characterised by extensive areas of exposed limestone with areas of rich limestone pasture interspersed with loughs. The strategy for Corofin is to provide for small-scale, well designed residential, tourism, commercial and community developments that have regard to the character of the village. Corofin is located adjacent to the East Burren Complex Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and the Corofin Wetlands Special Protection Area (SPA). Future development must ensure there are no adverse affects on the Conservation Objectives of the SAC and SPA site integrity, or the integrity of any other European site. Accordingly, objectives set out in Volume 1 of this Plan relating to European sites and to appropriate assessment will apply to any future development proposals in this area. The Natura Impact Report accompanying this plan (Volume 10a) provides relevant mitigation measures and recommendations at site and project level. Corofin is also adjacent to the East Burren Complex Natural Heritage Area. NHAs are protected from works which would destroy or significantly alter, damage, or interfere with the features for which the sites were designated. Therefore, given the location of the Corofin settlement, any future residential development, commercial or employment generating development should be subject to screening for EIA. Water supply is provided by the Corofin Public Water Supply and the existing wastewater treatment plant in Corofin has sufficient capacity to accommodate the population target. General Objectives: • To ensure that future development in Corofin encourages a vibrant village community, which maintains and enhances the economic and service role of Corofin village to residents, tourists, and the surrounding rural area. __________________________________________________________________________________ Draft Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029