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Top 10 Ways to Bring the Athenaeum Home
Stephanie Doi ’17 Top 10 ways to bring the Athenaeum Home
Replicate all the amazing aspects of the Athenaeum and wow your dinner guests with these tips for bringing the long-standing traditions of the Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum into your home.

1 \ Dress to impress
The Athenaeum dress code is about more than just proper attire; it’s a way of life. This means always presenting your best self to the world. No meal is complete without a little networking so look business ready, but act casual.
2 \ Dinner is best digested with a hearty discussion.
Themes could include politics, economics, history, human rights, and the fact that Condoleezza Rice visited the Athenaeum. Select a topic from current events, give the evening a theme, or perhaps engage an expert to give an overview of the topic at hand. Invite your guests to share their views on the topic. Hearty discussion cleanses the palate and increases blood flow to the brain.
3 \ Only an orchid will do
A floral arrangement of orchids looks best when potted, placed in glass, or floating in a crystal clear pool of water. Be sure to change out your orchids to keep them looking fresh, and water no more than once a week. It’s best to use tame orchid colors that don’t clash with burnt orange and mahogany.
4 \ Athenaeum plate or bust
Only the best plates feature a sketch of the Athenaeum. Try sprucing up
your kitchen with the Athenaeum insignia. These plates will even start transforming the look of your food. Pair a matching bread plate, tea saucer, teacup, and dessert plate with the dinner plate—these are essential to the meal and the look of the table.
5 \ Teacup rules apply
Instruct your guests to place their saucer on top of their cup if they want hot chocolate. Flip their cup on its side for tea. If they want coffee, have them put their cup face up. Serve your guests based on your cup position. Always specify black or green tea, and decaf or regular coffee.
6 \ A cheese platter is a must
Every dinner should begin with a cheese platter complete with nuts, grapes, and crackers. Cheeses should vary: do not use all hard or semi-soft. There should be a plethora of cheeses. Whatever cheeses you choose, serve them on a mirrored or glass platter.
7 \ Where’s the dessert? Already on the table
Dessert should not precede dinner, but should be placed on the table from the start. Guests will enjoy staring at their dessert while discussing politics and the economic climate. Dessert adds a hint of sweet to an otherwise salty evening.
8 \ Wine & Dine
Offer 4 wine options (2 reds, 2 whites) to your dinner guests. This will give them the opportunity to try something new. Always have your wine options out, so your guests won’t whine.
9 \ Rotate the art in the room
Never keep the same artwork on one wall for too long, as it starts to look stale. Rotating art keeps your guests guessing. Invite artists into your house and allow them to display their work during dinner. Remember that some of the best art doesn’t only hang on the wall, consider displaying a sculpture or perhaps hosting a performance.
10 \ Host a Q & A session
The evening’s discussion does not stop with dessert, but may continue after dinner has finished. Before you say goodnight, invite your guests to continue their discussion over coffee and/or a question-and-answer session with the evening’s honored guest.