C L A R I O N U N I V E R S I T Y ’ S S T U D E N T N E W S PA P E R S I N C E 1 9 1 3
The Clarion Call www.clarioncallnews.com
March 25, 2010
Volume 96 Edition 19
President Obama signs historic health care reform Kelsey Huebert Features staff
CLARION, Pa., March 25 -President Obama’s signing of the historic health care reform bill has Clarion students and area residents speaking up from both sides of the issue. Ian Erickson, a senior in communication, said, “We need it, but they went about it in completely the wrong way. I think they would go to any limit to get it passed. There are enough taxes already.” “I definitely think it is a good idea, but I don’t know how well it will work out,” said Becca Stewart, a freshman in communication. “I’m not sure we’re ready to fully put it into effect.” HealthReform.gov, an official site managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports, “1.3 million residents of Pennsylvania do not have health insurance, and if nothing is done, by 2019 this population could swell to 1.7 million.” Facts like these created the initial impetus for
Caitlin McGill/ The Clarion Call
Clarion Hospital is affected by Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act which was signed by President Obama on March 23. reform. Not all students at Clarion are politically minded. Many of those interviewed declined to give an opinion on the new law. The voices of student
political leaders, however, are strong enough to speak for most Clarion students. Chris Katella is the Clarion Young Democrats president. He said, “Amer-
icans across the nation should be proud” of this occasion. “Simply put, Clarion University students should be relieved at the imple-
mentation of this legislation,” said Katella. “Instead of being forced into a volatile job market without health care, graduates will be allowed to stay
on their families’ plans until the age of 26. Free preventive care with no co-payments, the cessation of annual limits of coverage, and the removal of the clauses that allow companies to drop ill recipients from their plans are just some of the benefits college students can begin to see in the months to come.” Mike Armstrong, chairman of the Clarion College Conservatives, said, “Young people in particular should be concerned. “The new health reform legislation imposes unconstitutional mandates on the American people while adding more than $569 billion in new taxes,” said Armstrong. “Bureaucrats in Washington will have unprecedented control over our health care decisions, penalizing Americans who do not purchase authorized insurance plans. Furthermore, the law will only add to our national debt while subtracting $52 billion from Social See “HEALTH” page 2
Internship workshop
Ribbons to support Relay for Life
Mark Lett News staff
CLARION, Pa., March 25A 60 second profile can be a useful tool in seeking internships. Jim Garboden, a senior recruiter with H.J. Heinz Co., said, students may run into a potential interviewer, employee or secretary. By having a 60 second brief, a student can make himself or herself look more professional. The short profile tells the interviewer most of the infor-
mation he or she needs to know. It’s helpful in securing a job and also shows the personality of the applicant. Garboden spoke Tuesday night at an internship workshop in Eagle Commons. The workshop, conducted by Nick Brucker, a student at Clarion University, was the first in a series of workshops to be held on campus. Others will be held 7 p.m. Tuesdays March 30, See “WORKSHOPS” page 2
The National Student Speech Language Hearing Association sold ribbons supporting different types of cancer for a minimum donation of 25 cents. All proceeds went to the American Cancer Society.
Library offers more to students than finals week shelter Adele Stewart News staff
CLARION, Pa., March 25Clarion University’s Rena M. Carlson Library is a common place for students to study, meet in groups or check Facebook statuses. However, there is a lot more to the Carlson Library than meets the eye. The Carlson Library’s collections are located on five floors – Level B to Level three.. Level B contains bound periodicals that are more than nine years old. Although it has restricted access, anyone can fill out a journal request form that will be submitted to the circulation desk staff. Level A contains juve-
Full weekend forecast on page 2 Today: PM Showers High: 58
nile/young adult collections, media, Frederick Douglass Collection, as well as oversize books and faculty publications. Level A also has two separate computer labs and various work areas. Level 1, the entry level, includes reserves, periodicals (most current to nine years) and reference collections. It, too, has computer labs and work areas. Level two and three hold book collections and provide students with “quiet zones,” which are select areas where students must remain silent in respect to their studying cohorts. The library offers electronic, traditional print and media reserves. Faculty is encouraged to use electronic reserves
Lamont Sinclair/ The Clarion Call
Workshops are available for students searching internships.
Scholarships available Adele Stewart News staff
Caitlin McGill/ The Clarion Call
Carlson Library has more to offer students than a quiet place. to enhance student access to materials. It takes approximately two weeks for materials to be added to the reserve collection. “If
Fashion Show on Features page 5
students ever need help with anything - research, programming applications See “HEALTH” page 2
Full bracket on Sports
CLARION, Pa., March 25With the economic shift, Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education’s Board of Governors approved a tuition increase of 3.7 percent for undergraduate resident students in fiscal year 2009-2010. The 2009-2010 tuition and fees for full- time Pennsylvania residents are $3,691 per semester,
Cobra Starship announced for CampusFest on Entertainment page 7
and the tuition and fees for non-resident full-time students are $6,520 per semester. The rising cost of education prompts students to seek alternative sources of funding, and scholarships are an avenue that can be pursued. At Clarion University, there are hundreds of scholarships. These scholarships help more than 600 students to get an See “SCHOLARSHIP” page 2
INDEX Opinion Page 3 Features Page 5 Entertainment Page 7 Sports Page 9 Classifieds Page 11