The Clarion Call, 09/12/2013

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SEPTEMBER 12, 2013

VOL. 100 ED. 1

U.S. Sen. Patrick Toomey visits Clarion University Emily Miller NEWS EDITOR

CLARION, Pa. - U.S. Senator Patrick Toomey visited Clarion University campus briefly on Wednesday Aug. 28 as a part of his series of meetings across the northern area of Pennsylvania. Sen. Toomey explained that he came to Clarion University because he believes that is an important institution in Pennsylvania. In addition, Sen. Toomey also wanted to see the challenges and opportunities that were being faced at the university. “It really is an educational opportunity for me every time I make one of these visits,” Toomey said. While visiting Clarion, Toomey ate lunch with President Karen Whitney at the Eagle Commons dining hall where he noted that the “food was outstanding.” During their discus-

Jon Hyatt/ The Clarion Call

Clarion President Karen Whitney and Sen. Patrick Toomey speak with students in Eagle Commons Dining Hall. sion, Toomey said that there was some small talk of the financial circumstances that the university is facing as well as the state government’s role in higher education. When asked if he could

have any influence over the state government’s role in state-owned universities, Toomey said that he has “his hands full” of things that are happening in Washington and that it would be best

for him to focus on his position, not other’s. Before leaving Eagle Commons, Sen. Toomey took the time to have a meet-and-greet with some Clarion students. During this time, Sen.

Toomey walked around the dining hall to different tables to engage with students and introduce himself. While Toomey talked to several people, a few that he met were mem-

bers of the university women’s volleyball team. While speaking with them, he took special notice that most of their majors were in the field of health sciences, which Toomey described as a “thriving sector.” “There are many terrific opportunities in health care in Pennsylvania that I see everyday that are exceptional, which is good for a state such as Pennsylvania,” he said. Previously elected to the House of Representatives, Sen. Toomey currently serves on the finance, banking, budget and joint economic committees, according to his website. After visiting Clarion, University, Toomey will continue to tour counties across the northwestern part of the state, attending meetings and round-tablediscussions stretching as far north as Bradford County to see what challenges areas are facing.

Student participates in THIS internship Anastasia Bates STAFF WRITER

CLARION Pa. - A junior Clarion University student has taken part in The Harrisburg Internship Semester by working for the Senate Democratic Research office. John Owens, a finance and economics major, is one of 14 students from 14 different universities to participate in THIS, sponsored by the Pennsylvanian State System for Higher Education. According to PASSHE’s website, THIS allows students to work with policymakers in Pennsylvania government as well as other

governmental agencies. As part of his internship, Owens will produce an individual research project while still gaining 15 credits toward his degree program. Owens will be working inside the State Capitol, which will allow him to be exposed to the top branches of government in Pennsylvania. He also hopes to gain valuable skills for his future professional career. “As a result of the program, I’d like to gain an increased understanding of how public policy is created and how state government operates,” Owens said. “I’d also like to further develop my writing

and analytical skills, as those skills are an asset in any career track. In the end, I hope that this semester helps me further develop my professional skills, allows me to be a better student, and makes me a wellinformed citizen.” Owens explained that he thinks THIS is a great opportunity because “it enables us, as students, to get college credits while also obtaining real life experience. It also provides us with greater insight into public policy and how the state government functions,” said Owens. Barry Sweet, a political science professor at Clarion University and cam-

pus advisor of THIS said, “The THIS is one of the best internship opportunities available to our students. It is full-time for an entire semester in our state’s capital.” “The students are placed in a state agency and receive professional experience. It is like a full-time job for the semester. It is an excellent opportunity to gain real world work experience and to make contacts in state government,” Sweet said. Students who are interested in participating in THIS in the future can obtain information on the program by contacting Sweet, or visiting

Archive Photo/ The Clarion Call

John Owens, is participating in the THIS internship.

Campus, community join in 9/11 remembrance Emily Miller NEWS EDITOR

Tyler Lobdell / The Clarion Call

Students and community members walk to Veterans Memorial Park

CLARION, Pa. - Twelve years after the attacks on September 11 2001, Clarion University students and community members came together to remember the lives that were lost. On Patriot Day, members of the community and campus joined for a remembrance ceremony at Veteran’s Memorial Park. The Advisory Board for Leadership and Engagement teamed up with Don Montgomery and the local VFW for the remembrance ceremony. Sigma Phi Epsilon also participated by holding a remembrance project for students.

During the afternoon, the brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon’s project was located in the free speech zone outside of Gemmell. Here, members of the fraternity gave papers to students to write on about services to the country. The students’ notes were then stuck to a university collage in the image of the United States flag. Anna Olszewski, student and vice president of ABLE, explained that the organization wanted to create greater ties within the community for the 2013 9/11 remembrance ceremony. “ABLE has hosted its own 9/11 remembrance event in the past, but this time we wanted to

collaborate with the VFW and really celebrate all of the Clarion community,” Olszewski said. “When we come together for events like this, we are learning from each other and realizing that we do have things in common.” ABLE and the VFW invited students and community members who served in the police, fire or emergency medical fields to meet in front of Hart Chapel, where they passed out flags to hold while the group walked in a processional to Veteran’s Memorial Park. “The walk is a symbol of our appreciation and gratitude for all that our emergency response teams do for this country,” Olszewski said.




Faculty receive grant for literacy center. FEATURES PAGE 6

University art gallery set to close. ENTERTAINMENT PAGE 9

Football team opens with a win against Kutztown. SPORTS PAGE 12

News Opinion Features Classifieds Puzzles & Comics Arts & Entertainment Sports Standings

At the park, a wreath was laid at the POW MIA monument, and while there was a gun salute to honor service men and women. The national anthem was sung by Erin Lewis, assistant director of Career Services. Olszewski explained that having activities to remember and reflect on historic events such as 9/11 is important for both members of the community and campus. “Responding men and women such as police force, firefighters and EMTs deserve to be recognized not only for their work on 9/11, but also for the work they do everyday that saves lives and makes our community a better place,” Olszewski said.

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