PORTFOLIO Clarissa Rocha
Clarissa Rocha
a r q ui t e c t a nd ur b a n p l a nne r I am an architect and urban planner, 26 years old, born in Brazil. I recently completed a Master's in Sustainable Urbanism and Spatial Planning at Universidade Nova de Lisboa. I seek new challenges in my career and a placement in the job market. I want to continue developing my skills and contributing to the construction of great results in my work environment.
Contacts +351 968 899 982 clarissarocha@outlook.com Almada, Setúbal /clarissarocha /clarissa-rocha-7b9736116/
Education 2020 - 2023
PhD in Urbanism Universidade de Lisboa / FA Lisboa, Portugal JULHO 2020
Digital Marketing Course Universidade de São Paulo | e-Learning Coursera 2017-2019
Masters in Sustainable Urbanism and Spatial Planning Universidade Nova de Lisboa | FCT
Work Experience Leiken Cozinhas | Project Designer Ago 2019 - Ago 2020 Customer service, design of high-end kitchen projects, preparation of 3D projects and budgets.
Easy Concept | Arquiteta Projetista Fev 2018 - Ago 2019 Development of architectural projects, technical drawings for municipal licensing, 3D modeling, image production and support to the company's marketing.
Project Plan| Freelancer Fev 2017 - Ago 2017 Cadastral survey, inspection and management of bank branch remodeling works.
Déborah Coutinho Arquitetura| Estagiária Abr 2016 - Nov 2016 Development of architectural projects, technical drawing, 3D modeling, rendering and image production.
Lisboa, Portugal 2012-2017
Bachelor of Architecture and Urbanism Universidade Federal de Viçosa | DAU Viçosa, Brasil
Linear Arquitetura| Estagiária Fev 2015 - Mar 2016 Development of architectural projects, technical drawing, 3D modeling, rendering and image production.
Adobe Illustrator
ENGLISH | advanced
Adobe Photoshop
SPANISH |basic
FRENCH | basic
I NTERIOR D ESI GN Interior design for housing remodeling in Lisbon. Architect: Clarissa Rocha Year: 2020
I NTE R IO R D ESI G N Interior design for housing remodeling in Lisbon. Architect: Ricardo Carmona Year: 2020
I N TE R IO R D ESI G N Interior design for apartment remodeling in Lisbon. Architect: Matheus Moura Year: 2020
I N TE R IO R D ESI G N Interior design for apartment remodeling in Lisbon. Architect: Matheus Moura Year: 2018
R ENDE R ING Selection of works developed working for the Architecture Office - EasyConcept. Archictect: Sónia Bispo Year: 2019
I N TE R IO R D ESI G N Interior design for housing construction in Brazil. Architects: Matheus Moura, Clarissa Rocha Year: 2017
UR B A N R EVI TALI Z ATI O N The project consists of the reconstruction of the existing square, seeking a better use of the space and allowing it to be a pleasant and safe living environment. The transformation of sidewalks through afforestation, widening and signage is also included in the project. Estúdio VI Year: 2015