Apricot Lesson Plans

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The following lesson plans complement the Readers In Rhyme Level K Apricot Set Readers. These plans offer a structured framework for small group instruction while reducing the need for extensive planning.

An index located at the back of the guide serves as a reference to assist with locating vocabulary and idioms used throughout the readers.

This guide was designed to aid general education teachers, reading specialists, ESL instructors, special education teachers, and any educator seeking valuable resources for teaching phonics to their students.

Lesson plans written by Deborah Kindred and Elizabeth Scagel

Copyright ©2024 Classical School Solutions www.classicalschoolsolutions.com

All rights reserved. This guide is intended to be used with Readers in Rhyme curriculum.

Lesson Outline

Pre Reading

Before beginning the reading lesson, it's important to reinforce the phonogram sounds your students have previously learned. Have students repeat all the sounds of the vowel that is the focus of the reader.


Before reading introduce the story by reading the title to the students.

Picture Question

Ask the students what they think is happening in the picture for the story. Point out anything of interest.


Introduce and discuss any vocabulary in the story that the students might not know. Make special note of words with multiple meanings. Help students to see that context can determine the meaning of certain words.

Students read the story.

Discussion Questions

Assess comprehension by posing insightful questions. Is there a connection between this story and others the students have read? Do they recognize a word used in another book?

Encouraging repeated readings of the stories enhances fluency and boosts confidence levels.

No. 11 Clap for Clem

Ink Blot

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of I (/i/ /I/ /E/) The word “ink” uses the third sound of I.


Pot (P.2) A round container.

Ink (P.2) A liquid used to write with.

Dab (P.2) To pat.

Blot (P.2) A spot or stain.

Jot (P.2) To write in a quick and simple way OR a very small amount.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. What did Babs get into? (the pot of ink)

2. What happened to her? (she got ink on her top)

3. Find the ink pot and ink blot in the picture.

4. Tell all the words that rhyme with “pot.” (got, blot, jot)

Bess Brags

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) Review the sounds of E (/e/ /E/)


Brim (P.4) The part of a hat that sticks out around the lower edge. Brag (P.4) To speak with too much pride about something.

Brat (P.4) A spoiled child.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. What does Bess have? (a big hat)

2. What does Bess do in the story? (she brags about her hat)

3. Why does Brad think Bess is a brat? (for bragging)

4. Do you think it is kind or rude to brag? Why?

5. Find to the brim of Bess’s hat in the picture.

No. 11 Clap for Clem

Clap for Clem

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/)


Clubs (P.6) Long metal sticks used to hit the ball in golf. Clan (P.6) A group of people from the same family. Fans (P.6) Followers.

Cup (P.6) A fancy metal cup that is given to the winner of a game.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. What does Clem have? (bag of clubs)

2. What game is Clem playing? (golf)

3. Who is yelling in the story? (his fans)

4. What might Clem win?(the cup)

Nab the Crab

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/)


Nab (P.6) To grab or snatch.

Crag(P.6) A steep rugged rock or cliff.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. Who is Mab set to nab? (the crab)

2. Why should Mab not try to nab the crab? (she doesn’t have a net)

3. Where will she be safe from the crab? (on the crag)

4. Why would a crab not make a good pet? (it would pinch you)

5. Find the crag and crab in the picture.

Big Drum

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of A (/a/ /A/ /ah/) Review the sounds of U (/u/ /U/ /oo/)

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. What can Dan do? (hit the drum)

2. What should Dan be careful not to do? (drop the drum)

3. What does the story tell us that Dan is? (the big drum man)

4. Where do you think Dan is going with his drum?

5. What word int he story rhymes with Dan? (man)

Tess Trips

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) Review the sounds of Y (/y/ /i/ /I/ /E/) “try” and “cry” use the third sound of Y.


Trek (P.6) A slow or difficult journey.

Dip (P.6) A downward slope in a road OR To lower and then raise again.

Trip (P.6) To catch your foot on something and stumble, Or to go on a journey.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. What did Tess and Kip set off to do? (go on a trek)

2. What happened to Tess? (hint a dip and tripped)

3. What did Kit and the pets do? (yell and fell)

4. What does the word “trip” mean in this story? (to fall)

No. 12 Fred Frets

Fix a Flat

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) Review the sounds of Y (/y/ /i/ /I/ /E/)


Flat (P.6) Having little or no air; deflated.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. What happened to Flo and Flinn? (they got a flat tire)

2. Who will try to fix it? (Flinn)

3. Who is supposed to yell for help? (Flo)

4. Does Flo do as she was asked? (no)

5. What does Flo do instead?

Fret Frets

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) Review the sounds of E (/e/ /E/


Fret (P.8) To feel troubled or worried.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. Who is sad? (Fran)

2. Who was bad? (Fred the pup)

3. Who will be so mad? (Mom)

4. How do you think Fran will fix the mess?

No. 13 Glad Glen

Glad Glen

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/)


Glum (P.2) In low spirits; sad or gloomy.

Glad (P.2) Happy or pleased.

Lad (P.2) A boy.

Pal (P.2) A friend.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. Glen is not ____ or ___ ? (glum or sad)

2. What does the story say that Glen is? (a glad lad)

3. Why will Glen go up the hill? (to get his pal Gill)

Greg Grins


Pal (P.4) A friend.

“Top Hat” (P.4) A tall black hat worn by men.

Cab (P.4) A car that carries people from one place to another for a fee.

Grim (P.4) Stern or harsh.

Glum (P.4) In low spirits; sad or gloomy.

Grin (P.2) A wide smile

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. Who is Greg’s pal? (Val)

2. List the items Greg and Val grab. (hats, bag, a cab)

3. What does the story say Greg is NOT? (grim or glum)

4. Look at the picture and find Greg’s Top Hat and Val’s hat and bag.

Pat’s Plan

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) Review the sounds of Y (/y/ /i/ /I/ /E/)


Pal (P.6) A friend.

Plan (P.6) An idea for an action.

Plum (P.6) A purple fruit that grows on trees.

Glum (P.6) In low spirits; sad or gloomy.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. Who are the pals in this story? (Pat and Peg)

2. What is Pat’s big plan? (to get Peg a plum)

3. Why was Pat glum? (he fell on the hill)

Miss Priss

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of I (/i/ /I/ /E/) Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) Review the sounds of E (/e/ /E/


Pal (P.8) A friend.

Ink (P.8) A liquid used to write with.

“Miss Priss” (P.8) A girl who is stuck up and fussy.

Fret (P.8) To feel troubled or worried.

Fuss (P.8) To become upset.

Grim (P.8) Stern or harsh.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. Who is “Miss Priss”? (Prim)

2. What happened to Prim’s dress?

3. What will her pal Jim do to help?

No. 14 Snug as a Bug

Nat the Cat

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) Review the sounds of E (/e/ /E/


Nab (P.2) To grab or snatch.

Grab (P.2) To take hold of suddenly or with force.

Trap (P.2) A device for catching, holding, and often killing wild animals.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. What is the name of Scott’s cat? (Nat)

2. What did Nat run to do? (nab the rat)

3. What does Scott want to do to catch the rat? (set a trap)

Skip, Kip, Skip

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of Y (/y/ /i/ /I/ /E/)


Spy (P.4) To observe in a secret and careful way. Skip (P.4) To jump forward lightly by sliding and hopping on one foot and then the other.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. Who is the story about? (Kip and his dog Dip)

2. What will Kip do? (skip, hop and fly)

3. Where will Skip and Dip fly? (up, up, up in the sky)

No. 14 Snug as a Bug

The Pets Slip

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of Y (/y/ /i/ /I/ /E/) Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/)


Slip (P.6) To slide suddenly, as on a slippery surface.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. Who is the story about? (Cass and her pets.)

2. What is the name of Cass’s cat? (Slim Jim)

3. What are the names of Cass’s dogs? (Tim and Kim)

4. What happened to the pets? (They slid on the wet grass.)

Snug as a Bug

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of U (/u/ /U/ /oo/) Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) Review the sounds of A (/a/ /A/ /ah/)


Plan (P.8) An action one intends to take.

Snag (P.8) A hidden or unexpected problem.

“Snug as a bug in a rug” (P.8) Very cozy and comfortable. Fuss (P.8) To become upset.

Fret (P.8) To feel troubled or worried.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. What are Mom’s plans? (for Bud to nap)

2. Where is Bud? (in the tub)

3. Is the tub a good place for a nap? Why or why not?

Nell Sped

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of Y (/y/ /i/ /I/ /E/) Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/)


“Hot Cross Buns” (P.2) A spiced bun marked with a cross on the top. “Hits the Spot” (P.2) To be exactly what was needed. Sped (P.2) To have moved rapidly or swiftly.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. What does Nell smell? (hot cross buns)

2. What does “A hot cross bun hits the spot” mean? (Exactly what Nell wanted/needed)

3. Who did Nell speed to get? (Ned)

Stop Don Stop

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of E (/e/ /E/) Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/)


“Step on the Gas” (P.4) Drive faster. Pass (P.4) To move beyond.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. Who sped in the sun? (Deb and Don)

2. Who does Don stop the car for? (the cop and the cat)

3. Tell the names of all the characters in the story. (Deb, Don, Cop, Cat)


Swim Kim

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) Review the sounds of A (/a/ /A/ /ah/)


Swan (P.6) A large white water bird with a very long neck and webbed feet.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. Who will get Kim to swim? (Ron)

2. What animal is Kim trying to swim like? (A swan)

3. Does she swim like a swan? How do you know?

4. Which words describe how Kim swam? (flip, flap and flop)

The Twins

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of E (/e/ /E/) Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/)


Twins (P.8) Two children born at the same time to one mother.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. What are Tess and Tiff Todd? (twins)

2. Where are Tess and Tiff going? (on a trip to Gran’s)

3. Who will they take with them to Gran’s? (Wags the dog)

Sun and Sand

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) Review the sounds of A (/a/ /A/ /ah/)


Plans (P.2) An action one intends to take.

Grand (P.2) Very good.

Dim (P.2) Not bright or clear, faded light.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. What do the kids have plans for? (fun)

2. Where do Red and Rand run? (in the sun and sand)

3. How long will Red and Rand swim for? (until the sun get dim)

4. Do you think it is day or night when “the sun gets dim?”

The Franks

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) Review the sounds of A (/a/ /A/ /ah/) Review the sounds of U (/u/ /U/ /oo/)


Trunk (P.4) A large compartment in the rear of a car used to store items such as packages and tools.

Tank (P.4) A container to hold liquid or gas.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. What are Fran and Fred Frank doing? (point on a trip)

2. Where does Fred out their bags? (in the trunk)

3. What do you think it means for Fran and Fred to “fill up the tank?” (put gas in the car)

No. 16 Hank’s Prank

Lend a Hand

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/)


Fuss (P.6) To become upset.

Fret (P.6) To feel troubled or worried. “Lend a Hand” (P.6) To provide help.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. What is the mess that Sad Bess is in? (the dog got her dress)

2. Who will “lend a hand” to help Ben get her free from the dog? (Brad)

3. What will Brad to to get the dress back? (run and jog, grab the bad dog)

Hank’s Prank

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of all vowels A (/a/ /A/ /ah/) E (/e/ /E/) I (/i/ /I/ /E/) O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) U (/u/ /U/ /oo/)


Mind (P.8) To not like or object to.

Prank (P.8) A teasing trick; stunt.

Skunk (P.8) A small animal with black and white fur and a bushy tail that defends itself with a spray that smells terrible.

Stunk (P.8) To give off a strong and bad smell.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. Who will try to pull a prank? (Hank)

2. What does Hank tell Gwen? (he got a cat)

3. Why is Gwen so mad? (it was a skunk that made her dog stink)

No. 17 Romp and Stomp

Ted Trent

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of I (/i/ /I/ /E/)


Pal (P.2) A friend.

Hunt (P.2) To set out to find and kill (game animals) for food or as a sport. Trap (P.2) A device for catching, holding, and often killing wild animals. Snap (P.2) To break suddenly with a cracking noise.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. What does Ted Trent have? (big tent)

2. What will Ted and his pal Fred do? (hunt for wild hogs)

3. How will Ted and Fred catch the hogs? (set a trap)

The Gifts

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) Review the sounds of A (/a/ /A/ /ah/)


Hall (P.4) A narrow passageway in a building; corridor. Fret (P.4) To feel troubled or worried.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. Who got lots of gifts? (Nell and Cliff)

2. Tell what Nell got for Dell and Poll? (bell for Dell, doll for Poll)

3. Why does Nell fret? (Cliff left the doll in the hall)

No. 17 Romp and Stomp

Romp and Stomp

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/)


Stroll (P.6) To walk slowly without a clear goal or purpose. Roll (P.6) To move by turning over and over.

Romp (P.6) To move about or play in a lively manner.

Stomp (P.6) To walk with a loud heavy step.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. Who will stroll? (Penn)

2. Who will roll? (Prim)

3. What will happen if Penn hits a bump? (Prim will jump)

Call for Help

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of A (/a/ /A/ /ah/) E (/e/ /E/)

I (/i/ /I/ /E/) and Y (/y/ /i/ /I/ /E/)


Fret (P.8) To feel troubled or worried.

Fuss (P.8) To become upset.

Fed (P.8) To have been given food. Yelp (P.8) To cry out or bark quickly and sharply.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1.What did Tess do? (fret and fuss)

2. Why does Tess cry and call for help? (she cannot find her pup Gus)

3. What will happen if Gus is not fed? (he will yelp)


Dust We Must

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) A (/a/ /A/ /ah/)

E (/e/ /E/)


Dust (P.2) To brush or wipe away dust.

Mop (P.2) To use a tool for cleaning made of a bundle of cloth or yarn.

Strip (P.2) To remove (an outside layer or covering) from something.

Yelp (P.2) To cry out or bark quickly and sharply.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. What does Flo tell Stan in the first line? (Dust we must.)

2. Name the three things Flo does? (dust, mop and strip the beds)

3. What does Stan do and what does Flo tell him?

Grin and Jest

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) E (/e/ /E/)


Bud (P.4) A friend or pal.

Glad (P.4) Happy or pleased.

Grin(P.4) A wide smile.

Jest (P.4) A funny saying or action; joke.

Gal (P.4) A woman or girl.

Grand (P.4) Very good.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. Who is Ann’s best bud? (Jan)

2. What does Ann help Jan to do? (to be glad)

3. What does the last line tell us about Ann and Jan?

Tisk, Tisk, Poll

Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) A (/a/ /A/ /ah/)


Jot (P.6) To write in a quick and simple way OR a very small amount. List (P.6) A series of things placed one after another in a written form. “Tisk, Tisk”(P.6) A sound made with the mouth to indicate that someone is being naughty or disobedient.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. What does Poll sit to do? (jot a list at her desk)

2. What does Poll ask for Gran to get her? (gum, drum, mask, ball)

3. Read the last two lines. Don you think Poll asked for too much? Why or why not?

Dip and Dot

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of A (/a/ /A/ /ah/) I (/i/ /I/ /E/) and Y (/y/ /i/ /I/ /E/)


Tot (P.8) A very young child. Wink (P.8) To close and open one eye quickly, as a sign of agreement or friendliness.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. Where are Dip and Dot? (on a walk)

2. What can Dip not do? (walk or talk)

3. What does Dot do if Dip starts to cry? (wink and give him a drink)

No. 19 Hog Wild

Mild Pig

Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) A (/a/ /A/ /ah/) E (/e/ /E/) I (/i/ /I/ /E/)


Clan (P.2) A group of people from the same family. Stroll (P.2) To walk slowly without a clear goal or purpose. Mild (P.2) Gentle or calm.

Jam (P.2) A food made of fruit and sugar OR a difficult situation OR to play music with others.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. Tell about Pa Pig and Ma Pig? (Pa is old, Ma is cold)

2. Who went for a stroll? (the Ham Clan)

3. Why is Mo Pig sad? (got in a jam and sat on a hill of ants)

Wild Pig

Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) I (/i/ /I/ /E/) E (/e/ /E/)


Wild (P.4) Living in a natural state; not tamed. Glad (P.4) Happy or pleased. “Zip his Lip” (P.4) To stop talking immediately.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. What was Kit Pig? (a wild pig)

2. What bad things did Kit do in class? (hit and spit)

3. Tell how Old pig felt? (not glad, so mad)

No. 19 Hog Wild

Hog Wild

Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) A (/a/ /A/ /ah/) I (/i/ /I/ /E/)


“Hog Wild” (P.6) To do something in an excited uncontrolled way.

Halt (P.6) To stop or pause.

Jig (P.6) A fast, lively dance.

Jam (P.6) A food made of fruit and sugar OR a difficult situation OR to play music with others.

Bold (P.6) Brave or daring.

Mob (P.6) A large crowd of angry or excited people.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. Tell what Colt and Milt Pig do? (twist, hop, flip, flop)

2. Who runs hog wild? (Walt Pig)

3. Read the last line and tell about the group of pigs.

Pig Band

Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) A (/a/ /A/ /ah/) I (/i/ /I/ /E/)


Band (P.8) A group formed to play music.

“Have a Ball” (P.8) To have a great time.

Wild (P.8) Living in a natural state; not tamed.

Jig (P.8) A fast, lively dance.

Gig (P.8) A musical or entertainment event.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. What is the name of the band in the story? (Gold Hog Band)

2. Who has a ball? (pigs big and small)

3. Tell what the old pigs do. Tell what the wild pigs do.

No. 20 Plum Buns

Plum Buns

Review the sounds of A (/a/ /A/ /ah/) E (/e/ /E/)


Plum (P.2) A purple fruit that grows on trees.

Mutt (P.2) A dog of mixed or unknown breed

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. Who are the plum buns for? (Bess dog and all her sons)

2. What does Rob Dog do? (drops buns)

3. Who flops and stops to get the buns that Rob drops? (Spud Mutt)

Nell is Swell

Review the sounds of A (/a/ /A/ /ah/)


Mutt (P.2) A dog of mixed or unknown breed

Gruff (P.2) Rough and not polite.

Swell (P.2) Excellent or nice.

Tilt (P.2) To lean to one side; slant.

“Top Dog” (P.2) A person who is the best at something or in charge.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. What are Walt and Milt Mutt? (gruff)

2. What is Nell Mutt? (swell)

3. What happened to the Mutts? (they slid and fell)

4. Who was the top dog in the end? (Nell)

No. 20 Plum Buns

The Rink

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) I (/i/ /I/ /E/) and Y (/y/ /i/ /I/ /E/)


Rink (P.6) A smooth wood surface used for roller skating. Wink (P.6) To close and open one eye quickly, as a sign of agreement or friendliness.

“Have a Blast” (P.6) An enjoyable or exciting experience.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. Where are the Pups off to? (the rink)

2. What does Peg give Pup Jo? (a wink)

3. What will the Pups do at the rink? (fly so fast, have a blast)

Wild West

Pre Reading- Review the sounds of A (/a/ /A/ /ah/) O (/o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/) I (/i/ /I/ /E/)


Mild (P.8) Gentle or calm.

Tend (P.8) To be likely to.

Spat (P.8) A short argument.

“Wild West” (P.8) A time and place of cowboys and outlaws when there were not many rules and laws.

Discussion Ideas/Questions

1. What does Mom Dog tell her pups? (to be mild)

2. What do the pups tend to do? (get wild)

3. Did the pups get along?

4. What does Mom Dog mean when she says “it is not the wild, wild west?”

Index of Vocabulary & Idioms

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