PHONICS PRACTICE •Review concepts taught in Level KA and KB. Review phonograms QU, EE, TH, SH, AR, CK •Learn phonograms OR, OO, WH, ER, IR, UR, WOR, EAR, OW, OU, OA, OE HANDWRITING PRACTICE COPYWORK DICTATION NURSERY RHYMES/POETRY “To Market, To Market”, “Boys and Girls Come Out to Play”, “This Little Pig Went to Market”, “Three Little Kittens”, “Pat-A-Cake”, “The Birdies Bath”, “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”, “Hickory Dickory Dock”, “Little Boy Blue”, “Hey Diddle-Diddle”, “Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater” READ ALOUD The Velveteen Rabbit, Winnie the Pooh, Adventures of Happy Jack, My Father’s Dragon A Bear Called Paddington GRAMMAR PRACTICE •Capitalization and basic punctuation. •Identifying nouns and verbs. PICTURE STUDY
Lesson 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D
Phonograms we are working on this week: Review-EE Handwriting: Slant Stroke Letters Nursery Rhyme: “This Little Pig Went to Market” Letter Tiles • Guide students to sound out their phonogram tiles to build words from the lesson. You can do this as a class (guided) to begin with and slowly move it to independent work. Dry Erase Board activities • Guide students to sound out and write words from each lesson onto their dry erase board. You can do this as a class (guided) to begin with and slowly move it to independent work. Plastic Sheet Protector activities • Use plastic sheet protectors to create dry erase sheets for students to copy words . You can place phonogram sheets from the lesson in the sheet protectors and let the student complete the work this way. Phonics Bingo • Play games of phonics bingo. Dictation • Have students write a sentence each day as part of their dictation exercise. This can be done in a journal or as part of their white board work. Read Aloud • We recommend daily read aloud time at the end of the day before dismissal. Set aside 15-30 minutes per day for reading and discussion/narration.
Materials • Dry Erase Boards • Letter Tiles • Plastic Sheet Protectors • Phonics Bingo sheets (Appendix)
©2021 Classical School Solutions
To Read Teal Set 21-30 • 23. See the Bees • Read Aloud Suggestion: Chapters 1 and 2 Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne (activity suggestions in appendix)
Lesson 3A
Phonics Practice Reading Warm Up: Have your child point to each phonogram and say the sounds. Have the student point to the phonograms and say their sounds.
Daily Dictation: Phonograms: A /a/ /A/ /ah/, EE “E” double E always says /E/, QU /kw/, V /v/, X /x/ Sentence of the day: I fly up to the sky.
Phonogram ee Read to the student: The phonogram ee says E double E always says E as in bee or see. Have the student repeat it back “E double E always says E”. First read each sound in the words below, then put them together to read the word.
b-ee bee
s-ee see
t-r-ee tree
b-ee-p beep
f-ee-d feed
w-ee-k week
Read the sentences below. All phonograms have been underlined for you. The sounds of vowels and “Sly Y” are marked above. Y says /y/ /i/ /I/ /E/, A says /a/ /A/ /ah/ 3
1. I see a bee by the tree. 2. The tan jeep went beep beep! 3 3. The tree is ten feet tall. ©2023 Classical School Solutions
Lesson 3A
Phonics Practice
Read to the student: Use the phonogram to make words below. Underline the double ee phonogram in each word. Write the words, sound out the words and then match each word with the correct picture.
s\\\ds f\\\t tr\\\ d\\\r b\\\ j\\\p ©2023 Classical School Solutions
Slant Stroke Letters Lesson 3A Slant Read to the student: The slant stroke letters begin at the midline and Down Slant Stroke Letters Handwriting
slant down to the baseline. Trace the letters below and then write your own starting on the dot. Trace the letters below and then write your own starting on the dot. Remember to practice the sounds as you write. V-/v/ W-/w/
Slant Down
Dash Line Letters Dash Forward Dash Line Letters Dash Forward
Read to the student: The dash line letters begin at the midline or between the midline and the baseline. Trace the letters below and then write your own starting on the dot. Remember to practice the phonogram sound as you write. “E double E always says E”
Draw a big flower for the bee. Color the picture.
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Lesson 3B
Say the poem daily and have the students learn by heart for recitation. Recitation Is recommended for the end of the week. Have the students recite the poem chorally and a few students can be selected to present the poem in a small group or individually.
THIS little pig went to market; This little pig stayed at home; This little pig had roast beef; This little pig had none; This little pig said, ‘Wee, wee, wee! I can’t find my way home!”
Oral Exercise — Where did Little Pig One go? What did Little Pig Three eat? Underline all of the ee phonograms in the rhyme.
©2023 Classical School Solutions
Personal Noun
Lesson 3A
Grammar Symbols: May be found to cut out in your google classroom.
Capitalization and punctuation: Correct the sentence below: Read to the student: Capitalize the first letter of the first word of every sentence. Capitalize someone’s name. Place a period (.) at the end of a sentence. P
Verb J I i ran to hug jan.
Personal Noun
the bee’s name is bill
Parts of Speech: Nouns Read to the student: A noun is the name of a person, place or thing.
P the following words aloud to your student and have them draw or place a black Read triangle Personalabove all the nouns. Verb Noun
©2023 Classical School Solutions
Lesson 3B
Phonics Practice Have the student point to the phonograms and say their sounds.
Dictation: Phonograms: AR /ar/, EE “E double E always says /E/, I /i/ /I/ /E/, O /o/ /O/ /oo/ /u/ Sentence of the day: Stan had a plan.
Phonogram qu Read to the student: The phonogram qu says /kw/ as in “quit”. First read each sound in the words below, then put them together to read the word.
qu-ee-n queen
qu-i-t quit
qu-i-l-t quilt
Read the sentences below. All phonograms have been underlined for you. The sounds of vowels and “Sly Y” are marked above. Y says /y/ /i/ /I/ /E/.
I see the queen in the green grass.
2. I am on a quest to see a deer. 3
3. The squid and eel are by the reef. ©2023 Classical School Solutions
Lesson 3B
Phonics Practice
Have the student write out the picture sentence below. Make sure the student writes out the words represented by the pictures.
I see the queen
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ b-ee bee
s-ee see
Read to the student: Add ee or qu to form words below. Read the words out loud as you write them.
fl\\ b\\p \\est d\\p ©2023 Classical School Solutions
s\\int t\\n str\\t gr\\n
b-ee-p beep
f-ee-d feed
Lesson 3B
Handwriting Read to the student: Today we will practice slant stroke letters. The slant stroke letters begin at the midline and slant down to the baseline. Trace the letters below and then write your own starting on the dot. Remember to practice the sounds as you write.
Slant Stroke Letters Slant Stroke Stroke Letters Letters Slant Slant Down Slant Slant Down Down
Read to the student: The clock stroke letters begin at 2 O’clock and go around the clock. When Q and U are together they say /kw/ and in queen. Remember to practice the sound as you write QU /kw/
Draw happy little bees all around the queen. Color the picture.
©2023 Classical School Solutions
P Personal Noun
Noun Grammar
Lesson 3B
Grammar Symbols: May be found to cut Correct out in your the google classroom.below: Capitalization and punctuation: sentence
Read to the student: Capitalize the first letter of the first word of every sentence. Capitalize someone’s name. Place a period (.) at the end of a sentence. P Noun
J I Verb i ran to hug jan.
Personal Noun
the queen ate tarts
Parts of Speech: Nouns Read to the student: A noun is the name of a person, place or thing.
P the following words aloud to your student and have them draw or place a black Read triangle Personalabove all the nouns. Verb Noun
©2023 Classical School Solutions
Lesson 3C
Phonics Practice Have the student point to the phonograms and say their sounds.
Daily Dictation: Phonograms: SH /sh/, QU /kw, EE “E double E always says /E/”, U /u/ /U/ /OO/ Sentence of the day: The swan swam to me.
The wee bees are glad to see the queen.
Read to the student: How many words can you make with the phonogram “ee” using the letters in the boxes below.
\ee\ \ee\ \ee\ \ee\ ©2023 Classical School Solutions
\ee\ \ee\ \ee\ \ee\
Lesson 3C
Phonics Practice
Read to the student: Underline the two letter phonograms in each word. Read the words by each picture and write the word that matches the picture on the line below it.
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peek pen peel
feel eel flee
skin squid squint
see seep sweep
quilt quit grit
quest queen teen
Handwriting Read to the student: Today we will practice dash line letters. The dash line letters begin at the midline or between the midline and the baseline. Trace the letters below and then write your own starting on the dot. Remember to practice the phonogram sound as you write. “E double E always says E”
Complete the maze to help the bee get to the flower.
©2023 Classical School Solutions
Lesson 3C
Dash Line Letters Dash Forward
Personal Noun
Lesson 3C
Grammar Symbols: May be found to cut out in your google classroom.
Capitalization and punctuation: Correct the sentence below: Read to the student: Capitalize the first letter of the first word of every sentence. Capitalize someone’s name. Place a period (.) at the end of a sentence. P
Verb J I i ran to hug jan.
Personal Noun
i see the bee
Parts of Speech: Nouns Read to the student: A noun is the name of a person, place or thing.
P the following words aloud to your student and have them draw or place a black Read triangle Personalabove all the nouns. Verb Noun
©2023 Classical School Solutions
Lesson 3D
Phonics Practice Have the student point to the phonograms and say their sounds.
Daily Dictation: Phonograms: EE “E double E always says /E/”, QU /kw/, SH /sh/, AR /ar/ Sentence of the day: I saw a jar of jam.
The queen keeps her bees at the top of the green trees. Read to the student: Using red and blue crayons, color the vowel pair phonograms red and all other phonograms blue. If “Sly Y” is pretending to sound like a vowel, color him red. Use your phonogram tiles above to check your work. The first two have been completed for you as an example.
Lesson 3D
Phonics Practice
Read to the student: The bees have been very busy making honey. Follow the trail of the bees and read all of the double E and QU words to collect all the jars of honey. Use pasta, coins, tokens and have the student place them on each word as they read.
quiz bee seen
sweet quest need
deep free finish
Lesson 3D
Read to the student: The clock stroke letters begin at 2 O’clock and go around the clock. When Q and U are together they say /kw/ and in queen. Remember to practice the sound as you write QU /kw/
Color the picture.
Lesson 3D
Picture Study
Read to the student: Let’s explore this picture. who is in the picture? Are they happy or sad? Why do you think so? Is there an animal in the picture? What do you think the lady’s name is? Find a bee. Count how many golden tassels are in the picture. (You may wish to look up the story of this illustration. It is from the Queen Bee Grimm's Fairy Tales)
Lesson 3D
Capitalization and punctuation: Rewrite the sentence correctly. Read to the student: Capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentence. Always capitalize a person’s name. End a sentence that is a statement or tells something with a period (.).
the queen sleeps
Parts of Speech: Nouns Read to the student: A noun is the name of a person, place or thing. Find three nouns in the picture study on the previous page. Draw or place a triangle on the nouns in the picture.