PHONICS PRACTICE •Review concepts taught in Level 2. Review phonograms QU, EE, TH, SH, AR, CK, OR, OO, WH, ER, IR, UR, WOR, EAR, OW, OU, OA, OE, AY, AI, OY, OI, EA, AW, AU, ED, CH, NG, TCH, EIGH, EY, EI •Learn phonograms IE, IGH, EW, DGE, KN, GN, GU, WR, OUGH, TI, SI, CI HANDWRITING PRACTICE COPYWORK DICTATION NURSERY RHYMES/POETRY “Piggie Wiggie Willie Randy”, “Star Light Star Bright”, “Little Robin Redbreast”, “The Torn Dress”, “Ride, Ride Away”, “The Make Believe Express”, “The Wedding of Miss Jenny Wren”, “Our Dog”, “Old Mother Goose”, “There was an old Woman tossed up in a Basket”, “The Cry Baby” READ ALOUD A Cricket in Times Square, Stuart Little, Sarah Plain and Tall, The Boxcar Children, The Blue Fairy Book GRAMMAR PRACTICE •Capitalization, Punctuation, Abbreviation. •Synonyms, Antonyms, Homophones. •Sentence combining. •Identifying nouns and verbs. PICTURE STUDY
Lesson 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D
Phonograms we are working on this week: IE Nursery Rhyme: “Piggie Wiggie Willie” Popular English Nursery Rhyme
Letter Tiles • Guide students to sound out their phonogram tiles to build words from the lesson. You can do this as a class (guided) to begin with and slowly move it to independent work. Dry Erase Board activities • Guide students to sound out and write words from each lesson onto their dry erase board. You can do this as a class (guided) to begin with and slowly move it to independent work. Plastic Sheet Protector activities • Use plastic sheet protectors to create dry erase sheets for students to copy words . You can place phonogram sheets from the lesson in the sheet protectors and let the student complete the work this way. Phonics Bingo • Play games of phonics bingo. Dictation • When dictating phonograms make sure to say all the sounds each phonogram makes. When dictating sentences say each word in the sentence slowly allowing students time to sound out and write the words. Once the students have written the complete sentence, say it again slowly allowing students to check their work. You can gradually increase the pace as the students are ready. Read Aloud • We recommend daily read aloud time at the end of the day before dismissal. Set aside 15-30 minutes per day for reading and discussion/narration.
Materials • Dry Erase Boards • Letter Tiles • Plastic Sheet Protectors • Phonics Bingo sheets (Appendix)
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To Read Teal Set 61-70 • 61. Piggie Wiggie • Read Aloud Suggestion: A Cricket in Times Square 1-3 by George Selden (activity suggestions in appendix)
Lesson 1A
Phonics Have the student point to the phonograms and say their sounds.
Daily Dictation: (When dictating phonograms make sure to say all the sounds each phonogram makes. When dictating sentences say each word in the sentence slowly allowing students time to sound out and write the words. Once the students have written the complete sentence, say it again slowly allowing students to check their work. You can gradually increase the pace as the students are ready.) Phonograms of the day: OA /O/ (as in boat), QU /kw/, UI /oo/ (as in fruit), EIGH /A/ the 4-letter /A/, AU /aw/ that we MAY NOT use at the end of a word, OY /oy/ that we MAY use at the end of a word, Sentence of the day: Ben will play at home all day.
Phonogram ie Read to the student: The phonogram ie says /E/I/ as in “cookie” and “pie." Today we will focus on the second sound of ie /I/ First read each sound in the words below, then put them together to read the word.
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v-i-n-e vine
c-a-k-e cakel-i-f-e life
g-a-m-e game f-i-n-e fine
c-a-v-e cave w-i-p-e wipe Lesson 1A
Read to the student: Read the sentences below. All phonograms have been underlined for you. The arrows remind you of the “silent e” words.
v-i-n-e The safe was cracked byl-i-f-e alifethief. vine 2
v-i-n-e l-i-f-e 2. The little birdie flies across the field. vine life
f-i-n-e fine
2 3. Anniebake made a batch of cookies.
4. The birthday cake had three tiers. bake Have the student read the words, circle the word bake that matches the picture and then write the word.
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cheer chief chill
cookie cool cootie
bunny birdie baby
shed ship shield
f-i-n-e fine
w-i-p wip
Handwriting Trace each letter pair and then write one of your own beside it.
Trace the phonograms and then write three of your own.
Trace the sentence below.
Draw a bird flying across the field.
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Lesson 1A
Lesson 1A
Grammar Capitalization and punctuation: Correct and rewrite the sentences below:
Read to the student: An exclamation mark(!) is used at the end of a sentence that shows strong emotion. Example: I love that! Fix the sentences below using correct punctuation and capitalization. Always remember to capitalize the first word of a sentence.
why did you run to the park
Parts of Speech: nouns and verbs Read to the student: A noun is a word that names a person place or thing. A verb is an action word! Play the grammar game below by filling in the blanks with either a noun or a verb. You can make the story as silly as you like. Play the grammar game. Fill in the blanks with the nouns or verbs found in the lists below:
1. Sam has to
the in the
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Reading Warm Up: Have your child point to each phonogram and say the sound.
Lesson 1B
Phonics Day 2the andstudent 4 Have point to the phonograms and say their sounds.
c-a-k-e cake
g-a-m-e game
c-a-v-e cave
Daily Dictation: Phonograms of the day: EI /A/ /E/ that we MAY NOT use at the end of a word, ED /ed/ /d/ /t/, CH /ch/ /k/ /sh/, EIGH /A/ the 4-letter /A/, TCH /ch/ the 3-letter /ch/, OY /oy/ that we MAY use at the end of a word Day 3 Sentence of the day: When will you be home from the play?
v-i-n-e vine
l-i-f-e life
f-i-n-e fine
Milk and Cookie are a match 2 made in Heaven. Use the phonogram ie to make words below. The first one is done for you as an example. Remember the two sounds of “ie” /E/I/. Write the word and read the word out loud.
ie th\\f gr\\f y\\ld f\\ld p\\r ©2023 Classical School Solutions
t\\s fl\\s cr\\s sk\\s d\\d
Lesson 1B
Read to the student: Copy each word on the line below and underline the phonograms in the word. Put a number 2 above each phonogram with the second sound of IE /I/. Match each word with the appropriate picture.
\\\\\\\\\\ rubies
\\\\\\\\\\ fries
\\\\\\\\\\ cries
\\\\\\\\\\ thieves
\\\\\\\\\\ lilies
\\\\\\\\\\ ©2023 Classical School Solutions
Lesson 1B
Piggie Wiggie Willie
Piggie Wiggie Willie Randy Ate too many sticks of candy Too much ice-cream, too much cake Then he kept us all awake As he tossed about and cried With that pain in his inside. **** It’s really better not to stuff But stop when you have had enough!
Say to the student: Underline all of the “ie” words in the poem. Can you tell the words at the end of the lines that rhyme?
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Follow the steps below to draw your own cake in the box provided.
Too much much ice-cream, ice-cream, too too much much cake cake Too
Ate too too many many sticks sticks of of candy candy Ate
Piggie Wiggie Wiggie Willie Willie Randy Randy Piggie
Copy the lines below in your best handwriting.
Handwriting Lesson 1B
Lesson 1B
Written Exercise - Dictation: Have your student listen as you read the lines of the poem “Piggie Wiggie Willie." Have them complete the missing words in the section below. Gently have your student erase or cross out and correct any mistakes. Be sure to spell all the words correctly.
Wiggie Willie Randy Ate too many
of candy
Too much
, too much cake
Then he kept us all As he tossed about and With that
in his inside. ****
It’s But stop
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better not to stuff you have had enough!
Lesson 1C
Phonics Have Day 3the student point to the phonograms and say their sounds.
Daily Dictation: Dictate the words below to the student. Have the student write each word in the column according to which sound of ie the word uses. Make sure they underline the phonogram and notate with a “2” above the second sound of ie. The first two have been completed as an example.
1. thief
2. fried
3. spies
4. yield
5. lied
6. grief
7. allies
8. pried
9. priest
10. cutie
thief \\\\\\\\\
fried \\\\\\\\\
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Lesson 1C
Crossword ie
Have the student complete the crossword. The words are included in the box below to help with spelling. Have the student say the word out loud as they write it.
' 1
3 4 5 6
! $
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Handwriting Trace each letter pair and then write one of your own beside it.
Trace the phonograms and then write three of your own.
Color the bunnies below.
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Lesson 1C
Lesson 1C
Grammar Capitalization and punctuation: Correct and rewrite the sentences below:
Read to the student: An exclamation mark(!) is used at the end of a sentence that shows strong emotion. Example: I love that! Fix the sentences below using correct punctuation and capitalization. Always remember to capitalize the first word of a sentence.
mr jones is my math teacher
Parts of Speech: nouns and verbs Read to the student: A noun is a word that names a person place or thing. A verb is an action word! Play the grammar game below by filling in the blanks with either a noun or a verb. You can make the story as silly as you like. Play the grammar game. Fill in the blanks with the nouns or verbs found in the lists below:
1. Ben and ©2023 Classical School Solutions
at the
bunny birdie Day 2the andstudent 4 Have point to the phonograms and say their sounds. baby Phonics
shed ship shield
Lesson 1D
Dictation: Phonograms : OA /O/ (as in boat), CK /k/ the 2 letter /k/, UI /oo/ (as in fruit), EIGH /A/ the 4-letter /A/, TCH /ch/ the 3-letter /ch/, OI /oy/ that we may NOT use at the end of a word Day 3
Sentence of the day: We play by the hay in the barn.
The Pizza Pie family are ready for the party. Missing Phonograms Use the phonogram tiles above to help you fill in the missing phonograms. The first one has been completed for you as an example.
ea \\\r
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Complete the sentences sounds of ie.
Lesson 1D
Have the student fill in the sentences below with the correct word. Have them read each sentence out loud as they write.
tied tail
1. The boy
\\\\\\\\ his shoes all by himself. muddy movie
2. We will buy tickets for the
\\\\\\\\. niece nest
3. My sister's daughter is my
ties cries
4. My sister
\\\\\\ when she can't have candy. veggies vowels
5. Mom says I must eat my
babies cookies
6. I like to bake
\\\\\\\\\ with Grandma. lie pie
7. I love to eat apple
\\\\\\\ . thief grief
8. The police caught the jewel ©2023 Classical School Solutions
\\\\\\\ .
Lesson 1D
Copy the lines below in your best handwriting.
Then he kept us all awake Then he kept us all awake As he tossed about and cried As he tossed about and cried With that pain in his inside. With that pain in his inside. Draw the candy or cake that your think Piggie Wiggie Willie Randy is eating.
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Lesson 1D
Picture Study
Home At Last Arthur J. Elsley
Read to the student: Let’s explore this picture. How many children are in the picture? What are the children doing? How many animals are in the picture? What animal is the little girl holding? Is it winter or summer? What is the woman in the picture doing? Are the children happy or sad? What do you think the children’s names are? ©2023 Classical School Solutions
Lesson 1D
Capitalization and punctuation: Write a sentence about the picture on the prior page: (Teacher: Gently correct any mistakes and have your student erase or cross out and correct them.) Read to the student: Capitalize the first word of a sentence. Place a question mark (?) at the end of a sentence that asks a question. Place a period (.) at the end of a sentence that is a statement.
Parts of Speech: Read to the student: Antonyms are words with opposite meanings.
For example: fast and slow Write the antonym for the following words from the word list below:
big white in
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