Research and Development at the Production Technology Center Berlin
FUTUR Vision Innovation Realization
Efficient Factories
Everything Ship-shape in One Place Scenario Methods
Reverse Engineering Centers for Factories
Future-proof Technology Concepts
Content Imprint FUTUR 1-3/2013 ISSN 1438-1125 Publisher Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann
Berlin-Brandenburg Takes up the Turbo Challenge
Under Close Observation – More Safety for Machine Engineering
Everything Ship-shape in One Place – Reverse Engineering Centers for Factories
Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK
Water Power – High-pressure Cleaning of Turbines
Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management (IWF), TU Berlin
With an Eye on Everything – Sustainable Management of Projects and Resources
It Pays to Set Your Standards High – Quality Management for Added-value
Information in Tomorrow's World – New Knowledge through Information Technology
Scenario Methods – Future-proof Technology Concepts
Sustainable Sanitation Systems – Ecological Fertilizers through Local Recycling of Nutrients
A Smart Decision – Using IT for Sustainable Product Design
Mastering Digital Materiality – VISION Advanced Infrastructure for Research (VISIONAIR)
Cutting Costs on the Last Mile – The BentoBox Carries the Day
Interview: Markus Robin, SEC Consult
Company Portrait: Meyer & Meyer
Lab Portrait: A New Robotics Complex at PTZ
Events and Dates
Co-Publisher Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Jochem Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erwin Keeve Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Kohl Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Krüger Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Rethmeier Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther Seliger Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Stark
Editor-in-chief Steffen Pospischil
Compilation, Layout and Production Claudia Engel, Alina Goldberg Contact Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK Director Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann Pascalstrasse 8-9 10587 Berlin Phone +49 30 39006-140 Fax +49 30 39006-392 Printed by Heenemann Druck GmbH
Photos BMW AG: 1 Kai Dräger: 33 Fotolia / Werner Weber: 6 Fraunhofer IPK / Steffen Pospischil: 15, 30 Fraunhofer IPK / Gerhard Schreck: 31 bottom Fraunhofer IPK / Katharina Strohmeier: 10 Meyer & Meyer: 28 Siemens AG: 4 TU Berlin / Ulrich Dahl: 34 TU Berlin / SFB 1026: 19
© Fraunhofer IPK Reprint, also in extracts, only with complete references and after consultation with the editors. Please forward a copy.
FUTUR 1-3/2013
Dear Readers,
Did you know that the Berlin-Brandenburg region hosts the highest concentration of manufacturers of turbomachinery in the whole of Europe? In our new Fraunhofer Innovation Cluster »Life Cycle Engineering for Turbomachines« we have been work-
Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann
ing together with many of them since the beginning of this year on optimizing mate-
at our XIV Production Technology Collo-
rials and technologies for these high invest-
quium held in September in Berlin – directly
ment goods whose real dividends come only
following the 11th Global Conference on
in the long term. Yet such real positive long-
Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM). Some
term effects depend on reliable functional-
of the novel ideas for handling knowledge,
ity, and a major part of the company budget
tools and methods were presented here,
goes on maintenance, repairs and overhaul
including scenarios for everyday handling
to ensure it. So by making processes and
of information in tomorrow’s world and
technologies in the fields of design, produc-
sustainable technology concepts for coun-
tion, operations, MRO and recycling both
tries with different levels of development.
energy and resource-efficient, real costs
Whether it is developing a minifactory for
savings can be achieved.
production of cocoa paste in Sierra Leone or designing digital factories in the context of
You can read about the new solutions we
Industry 4.0 – at Fraunhofer IPK we always
have come up with for this in the latest edi-
place resource-efficient production across
tion of our FUTUR magazine. We present
the whole value-added chain at the very
our concept for Reverse Engineering Centers
center of our research.
in factories, and show you ways to make automation work in inspection and reengi-
Learn more about our work in this latest
neering processes. Effective maintenance is
issue of FUTUR. With best wishes for enjoy-
only possible, if the machines and equip-
able reading,
ment have been properly cleaned beforehand. We have found that cleaning with the high pressure water jet method is particularly effective in this respect, and are now engaged on ways of making this method even more efficient for our customers. How can we continue to successfully develop and manufacture global and regional products in the future as well? What resources will we need? How can we ensure sustainable added value? Answers to these and other pressing questions were given by experts from industry and science
Research and Development Life Cycle Engineering
Berlin-Brandenburg Takes up the Turbo Challenge Following the success of the MRO Fraunhofer Innovation Cluster, the go-ahead
a reduction in emissions but an increase in
was given for the new Fraunhofer Innovation Cluster »Life Cycle Engineering
the quality, affordability, efficiency, safety
for Turbo Machines« in January 2013. This innovation cluster will take a
and security of air transport systems. To
holistic view of materials and technologies for turbomachinery in the avia-
meet these challenges, industry and science
tion and energy generation industries in which the Berlin-Brandenburg cluster
have come together in the Fraunhofer Inno-
region plays a leading role.
vation Cluster »Life Cycle Engineering for Turbo Machines«.
►► Industrial solutions for a proven concept Turbomachinery manufacturers in the avia-
sions together with increased use of renew-
Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) is an estab-
able energies. This latter priority calls for
lished concept that takes a holistic view of
greater flexibility in load changes in fossil
the whole life cycle of a product: it consid-
tion and energy generation industries must
fuel driven power plants, and thus also in
ers economic impacts, ecological impacts
meet future challenges in terms of con-
their turbomachinery. On top of this, the
and technical boundary conditions not just
serving resources, keeping costs down and
increasing scarcity of resources in terms of
in terms of construction, production and
ensuring aviation safety. Climate change
materials and fuels is another major chal-
use, but also in terms of recycling and reuse
means that the energy policy framework
lenge. The aviation programs ACARE 2020
of raw materials. This comprehensive life-
must prioritize a reduction of CO2 emis-
and FLIGHTPATH 2050 are targeting not just
cycle approach is of particular value when it comes to products with a high investment volume and long service life like turbomachines, as it can meet the requirements for higher efficiency and lower costs while also improving environmental compatibility.
►►LCE for turbomachines The aim of the new Fraunhofer LCE innovation cluster is to apply the Life Cycle Engineering concept to turbomachines, engineering energy and resource-efficient technologies for all life cycles of turbomachinery. The double focus here is on jet engines in the aviation industry and gas turbines in the energy generating sector.
►►The Berlin-Brandenburg cluster region Providing over 8000 jobs including in supplier industries and with an annual turnover of € 1.8 billion, the turbomachine industry is a major driver of the economy of BerlinBrandenburg. The region boasts the highest density of turbomachine manufacturers in the whole of Europe which makes it particularly suitable for the successful rollout of the Life Cycle Engineering concept. Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul at Siemens (© Siemens AG)
ignfe Cycle Monitorin Pro s e Li chining Te g
perception of the Berlin-Brandenburg region at the executive level of the turbomachine
industry. And not least of all, the network evolved by the MRO innovation cluster will be leveraged to identify and address common
focal points of research across the product
Pro ces s o M d l e lin ta i g g Di
Product Strategies
es gi agement an
chn a o d M format n ion lo In a d M an
n ctio du
FUTUR 1-3/2013
ti a r e Op
life cycle. Participation in the cluster initia-
The four fields of innovation are cross-sectional and address a variety of phases.
tive is still open. Please address your inquires to the central office of the LCE Fraunhofer innovation cluster.
The Fraunhofer Innovation Cluster Ressourceneffizenz »Life Cycle Engineering for TurbomaSimulationstechnik chines« (LCE)
Companies hosted by the region cover
duction and operations & MRO phases, while
Mission: Development and optimization
the whole life cycle from evolution of the
Production Strategies has its main impact on
of materials and technologies for energy
first draft designs and production technol-
operations, even though it also deals with
and resource-efficient turbomachines.
ogy to roll-out. Leading companies in the
other life cycle phases. The Digital Model-
branch like Siemens Energy, Rolls-Royce,
ing and Information Management innova-
Innovation Fields: Product Strategies, Mikrofräsen Digital Modeling and Information Manage-
MAN Diesel & Turbo, Alstom Power Ser-
tion field addresses problems and solutions
vice and MTU Maintenance have an estab-
through digital support in product develop-
ment, Process and Processing Technologies Mikrofräsbearbeitung and Life Cycle Monitoring.
lished presence here with production facil-
ment, the digital factory and model-based
Duration: January 2013 to December 2015
ities, service and maintenance operations
maintenance planning and implementation.
Partners: 6 research institutes,
and assembly works.
Life Cycle Monitoring applies to the whole
25 companies
product life cycle as it includes both status
Funding: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft,
►► Four innovation fields in one profile
monitoring and diagnosis and testing during
industry, federal states of Berlin and
Given the need for further research and
the actual production process.
Brandenburg Budget: € 17.3 million
development projects, the new cluster All fields of innovation are linked by interfaces
Coordination: Fraunhofer IPK
predecessor, the MRO Fraunhofer innova-
so they can be tailored to meet specific cus-
Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann
tion cluster, with its new focus on Life Cycle
tomer requirements. As the turbomachine
initiative will pick up on the success of its
Engineering for turbomachines. The cluster is
industry is a wide field that covers both the
subdivided into four phases – design, produc-
aviation and the energy generating industries,
tion, operations & MRO and recycling – from
its interests cannot be served by one single
which four cross sectional cross-phase inno-
complex of themes alone – as the MRO inno-
Your contact
vation fields are derived: Product Strategies;
vation cluster has demonstrated. Accordingly,
Dr.-Ing. Martin Bilz
Digital Modeling and Information Manage-
the LCE innovation cluster brings together
Phone: +49 30 39006-147
ment; Process and Processing Technologies
a host of regional core competencies and
and; Life Cycle Monitoring.
synergies under one roof.
The Process and Processing Technologies
The actors are also interested in bilateral R&D
Phone: +49 30 39006-351
innovation field is mainly concerned with pro-
projects and will seek to inculcate a better
Jeanette Baumgarten M.A.
Research and Development Condition Monitoring
Under Close Observation More Safety for Machine Systems
Identifying the best time for maintenance can be quite a headache. To do
Selected methods and algorithms are used
so, you need a means of detecting the current status of your machines and
in three design phases – signal preprocess-
equipment and their mechatronic components. And this can only be done by
ing, feature extraction and feature classifi-
continuous monitoring of all your systems. This is where Condition Monitoring
cation – to enable statements to be made
systems step in. These systems aim at providing early warning of changes
about the actual condition of the machinery.
through automated status detection and evaluation. Fraunhofer IPK develops
These statements are based on the analysis
solutions for the diagnosis and forecasting of faults.
and evaluation of measuring data captured by sensors and/or internal control systems as well as single events presented as reports. This data is also considered in combination with other constraining factors such as ambient conditions, user profiles, the type of stress or strain etc. to extrapolate a forecast of the development of the component under observation. This can then be replaced before it has time to fail.
►►The applications The new methods and algorithms are also easy to integrate. Realization of a specific application is an iterative process using the appropriate methods and algorithms in each of the three design stages. This means that
Power plants need effective Condition Monitoring.
users do not have to adhere to a particular input sequence on the user interface but
►►Condition Monitoring
systems whose applications for fault detec-
can freely switch between the design stages
The heavy strain placed on machines and
tion and diagnosis enable systematic deci-
to effect any necessary changes. The fully
equipment changes the material structure
sions to be made about necessary mainte-
developed application comes as an autono-
of their components which results in aging,
nance measures. This helps to increase the
mous MATLAB M-File.
fatigue, corrosion and wear-out. Such
availability and safety of your machinery.
changes can seriously impede the function-
Unlike standard preventive maintenance,
The toolbox of methods was evaluated and
ality of machines and in extreme cases lead
this condition-based approach brings a sub-
validated by a series of tests on a test rig
to their breakdown. Every effort should be
stantial reduction in the time and costs of
for ball bearings. Scientists used a spark-
taken to avoid such operational constraints.
maintenance work.
erosion machine to etch the ball bearings at
One such means is Condition Monitoring
various places with different types of dam-
►►The Toolbox of methods Your contact
age. At the same time as Fraunhofer IPK was
The Fraunhofer MRO innovation cluster has
developing the toolbox of methods, as its
developed a toolbox of methods for monitor-
contribution to the project Fraunhofer IZM
Dipl.-Ing. Eckhard Hohwieler
ing the condition of equipment and compo-
developed a hardware toolbox featuring a
Phone: +49 30 39006-121
nents which supports users in the design and
miniaturized smart sensor system. Taken
realization of Condition Monitoring applica-
together, these toolboxes enable the design
tions. These are applications for the detection
of applications for specific use cases of Con-
Dipl.-Ing. Abdelhakim Laghmouchi
of worn parts in mechatronic applications –
dition Monitoring.
Phone: +49 30 39006-129
such as applications for the monitoring of the
degree of wear in a wind turbine power train.
Research and Development
FUTUR 1-3/2013
MRO Planning and Digital Support
Everything Ship-shape in One Place Reverse Engineering Centers for Factories
How can repairs be carried out when the technical documents have gone missing or when the person who used to be responsible has now left the company? Or when the manufacturer is no longer producing the spare parts? The alternatives here are either to produce your own parts or resort to reengineering. Only that calls for 3D models of products. Which means that the processes for capturing such data need to be standardized. The solution comes in the form of the Reverse Engineering Center for Factories.
►►Missing 3D product data and documentation Long-life capital goods like steam turbines and jet engines with a lifespan of over 30 years are often maintained and repaired by different service teams. These include product manufacturers, users and service companies. For maintenance, inspection, and reengineering interventions, they all require technical documentation which often enough is only held by the manufacturer who refuses to release it for reasons of confidentiality. This means that all too often product users and service companies have to fall back on their own know-how. Problems are bound to occur, particularly when experienced members of staff quit the company. And even when the know-how is there,
A reconstructed impeller using surface reconstruction and parameterization of 3D scan data
there’s still the danger that production of spare parts will be discontinued because it’s no long profitable enough which effectively
cessing chain involves a great number of
The measurement data generated enable
ends replacement of defective components
manual – and thus extremely time-consum-
automatic recognition of component parts
and repair and maintenance of machinery.
ing – interventions.
and product structures and their inclusion
a great number of spare parts with the
►►The Reverse Engineering Center
report is then produced based on an auto-
purchase of the machine. The alternative
The Reverse Engineering Center offers
mated comparison between the data and
approaches – producing your own spare
an innovative solution that in future will
the product target status and product his-
parts or using reengineering for modern-
address problems of data and documenta-
tory from which the appropriate mainte-
ization purposes – both require production
tion acquisition and supply. Factories will
nance strategy can be derived.
of 3D models.
be equipped with fixed reverse engineer-
in a product data management system. A
This is why it’s common practice to order
ing cells or mobile solutions for automated
One decisive advantage here is that even
This explains why there has been such a
3D data acquisition. A combination of 3D
less skilled operators can execute complex
surge in the use and development of 3D
imaging lasers, structured light and X-ray
work stages as a workflow system gen-
scanning systems. Yet up to now there has
based measurement techniques keeps the
erates a clear and easily understandable
been no standardization of relevant reverse
time and costs for disassembly to a bare
sequence of steps. This workflow system
engineering processes while the data pro-
and the knowledge base to which it is linked
Research and Development MRO Planning and Digital Support
Digitization by 3D scanning
Segmentation and identification of single parts
Reconstruction of CAD product structure
Recognition of product structure for PDM integration
Automatic generation of components models and identification of product structure using a test data of an automobile generator
provide all the requisite data and administer
now working on an automated technique
niques still under development, a computer
the operator’s input.
for using the retrieved CAD parts to build
tomography identifies and extracts relevant
component models in order to generate
structures such as component parts, pins,
Not the least of advantages is that the 3D
a parameterized data set of the scanned
vias and conducting paths. As their course
geometric data allow for support by aug-
is tracked, a net list can be compiled which
mented reality systems: they visualize the
in the next stage can be compared with an
actual product status and superpose pro-
The component model serves as input for a
cedural instructions into the immediate real
self-developed Product Structure Generator
electrically generated net list.
context. Use of 3D data and generative pro-
which evaluates the relations of neighboring
The aim is to minimize errors. Components
duction technologies is a fast way to replace
single parts within a component and stores
are identified in a comparison of geometries,
obsolete components.
a product structure for reference structure
selected according to their circuit layout
comparisons on a product data manage-
symbols and imaged on the circuit board
ment system.
To optimize reengineering und inspection
pages. Autorouting also connects them to the conducting paths.
processes, experts at Fraunhofer IPK have
►►Extension with optical techniques
developed a data processing chain covering
To enable the repair of electronic compo-
all stages from 3D acquisition to definition
nents, a process chain for the automatic
of parameters for component models and
generation of circuit layouts for PCBs has
the associated product structure. Solutions
been designed and tested in a feasibility
for sub-processes were implemented as
study. Previous electrical techniques involved
prototypes while 3D scans with structured
use of flying probe testers which carry out
light, lasers and computer tomography were
connectivity testing through pin contacts.
used, and possible combinations and data formats were investigated, to identify the
The aim here is to compile a net list that
optimal 3D scanning technology and mea-
can serve as the basis for the design of the
surement strategy.
circuit layout. Yet impedance of pin contact
A segmentation technique was used to iden-
tion by component parts render this tech-
tify and separate single parts in the compo-
nique highly error prone which often makes
nent scan. A trawl of a standard parts library
its results unusable for practical purposes.
using a geometric similarity search enabled
This is why a process based on optical tech-
retrieval of related CAD parts and their tech-
niques has now been developed as a com-
nical descriptions. In addition, scientists are
plement. Employing segmentation tech-
due to protective coatings and obstrucThe impeller in a micro gas turbine – the task is to replace the present nickel-based alloy impeller with a ceramic impeller to increase the level of efficiency. First of all, the impeller is scanned, then the 3D model for fabrication of a ceramic version is revised and amended to allow for optimal distribution of stress.
FUTUR 1-3/2013
Your contact Dipl.-Ing. Hendrik Grosser Phone: +49 30 39006-295
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Adolphy Phone: +49 30 39006-216
Research and Development Cleaning Technology
Water Power
High-pressure Cleaning of Turbines The blades of a turbine need to be free of deposits of dirt, grime and functional coatings, if any defects in them are to be detected before they become really serious. Yet cleaning always comes with the risk of damaging the base material. The high pressure water jet method is particularly adept at meeting this challenge, as recent experiments at the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management (IWF) at the Technical University of Berlin have shown.
Reliable discovery of defective turbine blades is only possible when the blades are clean.
►►Detecting defects
►►How it works
Cleaning turbine blades and components
Scientists at the Production Technology
In the high pressure water jet method
is a critical part of the MRO process chain
Center (PTZ) have analyzed and evaluated
a pump compresses water by subject-
as all the follow-on stages – and especially
a variety of jet methods to ascertain their
ing it to a pressure of several thousand
inspection for faults and defects and their
cleaning potential. Of all the methods ana-
bars. The compressed water is then pro-
remedy – depend on the results it delivers.
lyzed, the high pressure water jet method
pelled through a fine nozzle (mainly made
This is why both operational impurities
was one of the most outstanding, deliv-
of sapphire) with an internal diameter
like rust or accumulated deposits, and
ering highly promising results in terms of
of between 0.2 and 0.4 millimeter. The
functional coatings like ceramics or adhe-
residue-free removal of light and heavy
ensuing water jet has a speed of up to
sive layers need to be removed safely
impurities – without damage to the base
900 meters per second. This enables sep-
and reliably in order to reveal all pos-
aration of entire components and targeted
sible defects in the underlying part.
cleaning of their surfaces.
FUTUR 1-3/2013
Base Material Contamination
Embedding Compound
Handling a steam turbine blade with an adjusted set of parameters. Strip width of 25 mm – note the minor damage on the surface of the component revealed after cleaning.
The main challenge in the cleaning of
An SEM scan of deposits of impurities on the cross- section of a steam turbine blade
First of all the unwanted layers were ana- great advantage, for example, are the low
components is correct adjustment of
lyzed using SEM scans and EDX analysis
diameters of the water nozzles and the
the parameters as on the one hand the
which showed that they were mainly
option of using complex curved types of
unwanted layers have to be safely and reli-
composed of oxide with a thickness in
nozzles without abnormal wear and tear
ably removed while on the other the base
the range of 0 to approx.100 µm. These
which allows for cleaning of areas of lim-
material must be left in as pristine a state
results served as the basis for an exten- ited accessibility. Use of a pure water jet
as possible. And this is especially problem-
sive set of technological investigations
also eliminates introduction of foreign
atic when the coating is harder than the
on cleaning impact. Close attention was
substances into the turbine and prevents
base material itself.
paid to the parameters for pressure, feed, the build-up of cleaning agents in the
Even though the water jet is extremely fine,
their influence on the cleaning outcome.
simultaneous use of multiple jets can make
The high pressure water jet was directed
for economic cleaning even of large scale
in a meandering movement over the com- The multiple advantages it offers make the
working distance and angle of impact, and
►►Areas of use high pressure water jet method ideal for
components. The unwanted layers to be
ponent to treat a flat surface area. The
removed can vary considerable from case
follow-up evaluation identified the sig- use in a broad variety of situations. Apart
to case in terms of their thickness, hard-
nificant parameters and derived a set of
from the turbomachine industry, it can also
ness and chemical composition. Thus the
parameters from them suitable for the
be deployed on ships hulls in the shipping
parameters of each cleaning process need
cleaning of turbine blades.
industry, on machine components in the production technology, for cleaning con-
to be individually adjusted to take account of the unique combination of unwanted
►►On-wing processing
crete and for the removal of hard to dis-
layers and base material in each use case.
A large part of the costs and time involved
lodge deposits in heat exchangers, pipes,
in the maintenance of turbomachines is
conduits and high-pressure vessels.
►► Parameter studies
due to the dis-assembly and re-assembly
Scientists at the Production Technology
of turbine components, operations which
Center (PTZ) have conducted a series
used to be indispensable for maintenance.
of parameter studies to investigate the
Handling machinery in its assembled
cleaning effects of a pure water jet on
or partly dismounted state represents a
industrially soiled turbine blades. The
huge potential for saving costs and time.
range of blades studied included blades
The qualities offered by the high pres-
from airplane jet engines in the aviation
sure water jet as described above make
industry and blades from gas turbines and
it a truly excellent medium for cleaning
Your contact
steam turbines from the energy sector.
turbomachinery in its assembled state. Of
Dipl.-Ing. Fabian Faltin Phone: +49 30 314-23624
Research and Development Project Controlling
With an Eye on Everything Sustainable Management of Projects and Resources The costs, schedules and performance of investment projects all require precise
in high investment volumes, an integrated
monitoring. Yet traditional methods of project controlling fall way short of the
form of project controlling is crucial for fac-
mark. They frequently show a lack of objectivity in the assessment of project
tory planning projects. This must not only
progress, are unable to offer quality projections, and fail to offer proper support
be able to detect any straying from project
for evaluation of controlling measures. Together with PSIPENTA Software Systems,
targets but must also facilitate cause-effect
Fraunhofer IPK has now developed a controlling system that goes a long way
analyses and selection of remedial measures.
to redressing these shortcomings. The Project Master Control (Projektleitwarte) enables integrated evaluation of the progression of costs, deadlines and results, and thus places the spotlight squarely on monitoring project goals and performance results.
►►Strategic and Operative Project Control In day to day operations both project controlling and strategic multi-project management
►►Project Master Control
and continuous project assessment. This
Sustainable project and resources man-
means that projects must be considered
products, generally MS-Office applications.
agement is the aim of the PROLEIT collab-
in relation to relevant company processes
The scalable Project Master Control devel-
orative project funded by the European
and various other alternative project pro-
oped by Fraunhofer IPK and PSIPENTA is a
Union and the federal state of Berlin which
jections. A great deal of electronic data
holistic integrated project management sys-
began work in September 2010 and ended
is needed for such a complex evaluation
tem that closes this gap. It provides func-
in August 2013. In this project Fraunhofer
process. Only then is sustainable project
tionalities for operative and strategic project
researchers and experts from PSIPENTA
management possible.
control in a system environment. Standard
worked on the development of methods,
deploy a broad spectrum of heterogeneous
integration of the PSIprofessional project
algorithms and business processes for a
►►Factory Planning
management system and the ERP PSIpenta
scalable Project Master Control. Built on
Controlling the progress of factory planning
system and an open import interface are
PSIPENTA’s PSIprofessional project manage-
projects through objective criteria requires
unique characteristics of the unit which pro-
ment software, the Project Master Control
not just analysis of schedule and cost targets
vide a warranty for the extreme sophistication of the evaluation functions it offers.
is an independent unit in its own right that
but also close comparison of target results
further extends the company’s range of
with the planning results actually achieved.
products. With it users can ascertain the
Given the interdependencies between the
►►The Indicator Matrix
status of an on-going project at a glance
time, costs and work results control param-
The core of these functionalities is mapped by
but can also flexibly select a series of indica-
eters, the high complexity of the processes
the indictor matrix. The lines of the indicator
tors for evaluation of project progress. The
of factory planning and the risks involved
matrix are for project processes covered by
prototype of the Project Master Control is now being tested for applications in the fields of mechanical and plant engineering and factory planning.
►►Mechanical and Plant Engineering
System architecture of the new Project Master Control
Application Server
DB Server
Companies in the mechanical and plant engineering sector produce their products in single or multi-model series or in
MS Project Client
small batches. Thus each customer order represents a project which, if improperly executed, carries serious economic risks for the company. To minimize such risks, companies need methods and tools for powerful project and resource controlling
PLS Client
MS Project (MSP) Server
Java Application Server
Project Master Control Server
FUTUR 1-3/2013
Process / Control Station
Planning Result / Weighting
1:n Process 1 . . . . Process n
Planning Result 1 . . . . Planning Result n
Indicators / Weighting
Results Indicators
Cost Indicators
Schedule Indicators
Calculation and Aggregation Rules
Functional Parameters
f1, Target . . fn, Target Target and Actual Values
f1, Actual . . fn, Actual
The indicator matrix of the new Project Master Control
the project planning system. Its columns are
can be accessed via the planning results. The
PSIPENTA Software Systems GmbH:
for target planning results, and results, costs
actual and target values of the indicators can
PSIPENTA offers manufacturing compa-
and schedules indicators with their compu-
be replicated at any time – a vital prerequisite
nies in mechanical and plant engineering,
tation and data capture instructions, func-
for objective evaluation criteria. Alternatively,
automotive engineering and aeronautics a
tional parameters and parametric values. The
the target and actual values of the evalua-
complete portfolio of software for efficient
indictor matrix offers maximum flexibility in
tion indicators can be intuitively estimated
added-value processes in the areas of pro-
the definition of enterprise or project-spe-
by experts. The retrospective and prospec-
duction planning (ERP), detailed planning
cific indicator systems for the evaluation of
tive degree of project progress is then arrived
(MES) and maintenance. Its Planning, Execu-
project progress. Even though standard con-
at by evaluation of the indicator system and
tion and Control (PEC) solution packages are
trolling methods and tools are all predicated
use of the aggregation rules stored for single
addressed to companies seeking a system
on the existence of objective criteria for ascer-
indicator values.
for more efficient production and/or main-
taining the degree of production, they offer no help whatsoever in the definition of such criteria. Nor do they offer any help in the definition of target work results. The Project
tenance processes in an already existing IT
►►Testing the Methods and the Prototype
landscape. PSIPENTA is a 100% subsidiary of PSI AG founded in 1969 and market-listed
The methods and the prototype developed
since 1998. As Germany’s third largest soft-
Master Control largely remedies these short-
by the project are now being tested by the
ware producer, PSI is a market leader in a
comings. With it at least one planning result
project partners and a group of selected
wide range of market segments. PSI solu-
has to be defined for each project task and
customers. And it is already apparent that –
tions are renowned across the world for their
each planning result must be assigned at least
unlike traditional controlling methods – these
contribution to optimal safety in production
one results indicator. If several results indi-
new methods do indeed offer an objective
and logistics and safety and efficiency in the
cators are assigned, each of these must be
and automatic means of evaluating the prog-
energy supply
weighted according to the importance of its
ress made by investment projects. What’s
role in defining the progress of results. Cost
more, one of the hallmark qualities of this
Your contact
and schedule indicators are directly assigned
new approach is the high reliability of the
Dr. Christina Kaltwasser
to a project task. If the matrix assigns sev-
forecasts it generates. It also offers the pos-
PSIPENTA Software Systems GmbH
eral cost or schedule indicators to one task,
sibility of assessing the impact of controlling
Phone: +49 30 2801- 2415
these are weighted in the same way as results
measures on project goals, while with it plan-
ning omissions and errors can be detected at a much earlier stage, thus giving project
Each indicator is given precise instructions for
managers greater time to take countermea-
the computation of target values. The vari-
ables and parameters used in the computation instructions are deposited in the indicator
Your contact
matrix. For computation of the actual values
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Knothe
of the indicators, the indicator matrix comes
Phone: +49 30 39006-195
with a set of data capture instructions which
Author: Dr.-Ing. Sven Glinitzki
Research and Development Management and Organization
It Pays to Set Your Standards High Quality Management for Added Value How does quality management (QM) contribute to a company’s added value?
makes no direct value-adding contribution to
What are the key factors on which an efficient QM system should be based?
a company’s success, and should thus be allo-
Without answers to these two questions, managers have no solid base for
cated only a minimum of resources. On the
making decisions when it comes to the optimal allocation of resources in the field
other side, empirical studies show that there
of quality. Scientists at Fraunhofer IPK and the Institute for Machine Tools and
is indeed a positive relation between a com-
Factory Management (IWF) at the Technical University of Berlin are developing
pany’s success and its deployment of a quality
innovative concepts, methods and organizational approaches for the consistent
management system. Yet how can the eco-
integrated evaluation and design of quality processes and QM systems. Their
nomic value of a company’s quality-related
aim is to ensure a sustainable, excellent company-wide quality level that gives
activities be assessed? This is where it pays
companies tangible added value.
to take a closer look at company internal and external effects and the causal links between added value and quality management.
Recent years have seen tremendous changes
no longer realize cost advantages solely over
both in customer expectations in products and
economies of scale, but must increasingly
►►ExternalVorgang Company /Effects
services and the competitive marketplace for
focus on what are the key factors of a com-
Many ofSteuerungsstelle the activities and approaches used Gewichtu
enterprise. Customer expectations in products,
pany’s success. And this, in turn, puts the spot-
in quality management aim at excellence in
processes and services are evolving ever more
light not just on the quality of company prod-
product quality. High quality products are
rapidly, while many companies feel the impact
ucts alone, but also – and critically – on the
of changing market conditions in terms of
quality of company processes and structures.
the foundations on which high customer satPlanungsergeb 1:n isfaction and customer loyalty are built and . . . . Planungsergeb in general promote the quality image and
stiffer competition, increased product complexity and ever greater diversification of their
►►More positive than expected
product portfolios. Industrial companies can
Critics always argue that quality management
Quality management for added value
market position of the manufacturer. SatisVorgang 1 fied customers are loyal customers who also . . . . generate vital Vorgang multiplyingneffects by their regu-
lar purchases of products of the same brand and their recommendations to other potential buyers. Recommendations are now increasingly being passed on by simple rating mecha-
Economic Variables
nisms on the internet whose importance as
Economic Success
a channel of communication should not be underestimated. Such recommendations are
Ensuring a Company‘s Survival
generally seen as credible and trustworthy and
e.g.: Product Quality Brand Management Reduction of Price Elasticity Overcoming Market Barriers External Effects Building a Quality Image Staff Participation
Continuous Improvement
can play a valuable role in the acquisition of
new customers. What’s more, high customer
Market Shares Revenue Cost Reduction Growth
Pre-economic Variables
satisfaction is an effective way of MS-Project preempting (MSP) MS-Project negativeClient trends in the wake of price adjustServer
e.g.: Time to Market Preventive Error Avoidance Efficient Production of Goods and Services Reduction of Error Allocations Internal Effects
Process Orientation Customer Focus
Communication Compliance with Law and Standards
ments so that lower demand or loss of market Java Application shares become less likely. Server
►► Internal PLS Company EffectsProjektleitstand (PL Server With its Client process-oriented and cross-departmental approach, quality management exerts an influence on a company’s operational efficiency. Process-orientation and efficient interdisciplinary communication are particularly effective in helping to minimize interface
FUTUR 1-3/2013
Performance indicators and key performance indicator systems are early warning systems.
problems. Quality programs ensure consistent
nal market, companies must often prove
the step-by-step introduction of the performance indicator system to the company.
improvement and implementation of best
that their products comply with particular
practice solutions throughout the company
EU regulations. Standards-compliant QM
and thus have a direct influence on efficiency
systems allow manufacturers to furnish such
Future R&D work by the scientists will be
and overall performance. Cost sinking effects
proof of conformity and thus enable them
directed to improving the efficiency of the
enable companies to amortize needed invest-
to overcome market barriers and open up
methods and the consistency of the quality
ment and serve various market price seg-
new markets.
tools deployed across business processes.
ments targeted by their business strategy.
The great leaps forward which are now been
►►Quality Controlling
made in the development of quality-related
At the same time, focus on processes and
Admittedly, effective quality management
software solutions will also help to keep the
consistent enhancement of processes also
also means that a company needs to put
efforts needed for operational work with quality tools to a minimum.
generates higher potential for protection
greater efforts into its organization and
against product plagiarism. The better the
operations. Such efforts must be profitable.
processes are controlled, the more difficult
Direct evidence of the profitability of quality-
Bottom line for companies: targeted invest-
it is for competitors to copy them. And in
related activities in a company can hardly be
ment in the field of quality brings positive
the light of exploding costs for the rectifi-
had without the support of appropriate key
sustainable returns. The extend to which
cation of defects, effective quality manage-
performance indicators and performance
quality management contributes to a compa-
ment also pays off in terms of preemptive
indicator systems. These can serve as an early
ny’s economic success depends both on the
avoidance of faults. At the same time, it also
warning system to ensure that the quality
requirements of particular market segments
reduces the risk of cost intensive maldistribu-
of products and processes never falls below
and the manner in which quality manage-
tion of resources and the risk of damage or
set target levels.
ment is embedded in the company. Those
This is why the QM experts at Fraunhofer
apply quality measures across the whole of
also benefit from robust quality assurance
IPK and the TU Berlin consider controlling
their organization are the ones with the most
and consistent customer orientation: opti-
to be an essential and integral part of qual-
promising outlook.
companies which consistently and rigorously
breakdown incidents on the customer side. Company product development processes
mized distribution of resources keeps costs
ity management. And they have developed
to a minimum, while improved time to mar-
a compact target and quality-oriented con-
ket brings with it greater sales benefits.
cept for key performance indicators which addresses critical factors and bottlenecks in
Consistent application of quality assurance
a company along the value chain. This per-
measures also makes it easier for companies
formance indicator pyramid gives an over-
on the legal front in terms of product or
view of defined key performance indicators
manufacturer liability as it enables them to
– from the executive level to individual busi-
Your contact
offer solid evidence that they have indeed
ness units. Classification of each key per-
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Jochem
fulfilled their organizational obligations. In
formance indicator in relation to the time
Phone: +49 30 39006-118
an increasingly harmonized European inter-
and costs of its implementation allows for
Research and Development Information Technology
Information in Tomorrow's World New Knowledge through Information Technology Germany’s transformation from a center for industry to a hub for science has brought about fundamental changes in the world of work. Availability, networking and use of transdisciplinary knowledge both inside and outside a company are now seen as key success factors, particularly in terms of product development. The scenarios outlined below show the importance of knowledge and tools will gain in future and how they enable engineers to interact intuitively with dynamic complex databases and make purposeful use of them in the development process.
►►The W³ Model
in systems engineering. The new professional
If we take the W³ model, two different
systems engineer works with a broad variety
►►Scenario 2: Shaping today what’s important for tomorrow
directions can be distinguished. If we con-
of development artifacts such as specifica-
To a very large extent, the characteristics dis-
sider the model in a clockwise direction,
tions, systems elements and simulation mod-
played by a product across its whole lifecycle
IT tools can be used to turn a new insight
els which are all connected for interoperability,
are specified in an early stage of product
(Eureka!) into more added value. New
while semiautomatic assistance systems offer
development. In future simulation models
knowledge about materials, for instance,
further support. This is the basis on which
will combine multiple criteria-based opti-
means that better simulations of models in
models are built, connected with one another
mization of sustainability dimensions over
IT systems can be built which in turn makes
by semantic rules. This means, for instance,
the product’s value creation network with
for more efficient product design and cre-
that a systems engineer can use intelligent
system optimization.
ates greater digital added value.
models to generate proposals for the modularization of a system structure – and have
Simulation models allow development engi-
Considered in the anticlockwise direction,
the system adjust the module structure in
neers to see the economic, ecological and
in strategic terms a company must always
line with any changes in product specifica-
social impact of their decision-making and
remain competitive. In the digital added
tions or functionalities.The module structure
allow them to weigh up different product
value chain, this can be achieved through
is also opened up for downstream develop-
alternatives – without losing sight of the
use of efficient and effective IT tools to
ment activities.
generate knowledge. Such new knowledge
product’s technical functionality. The engineer is then given processed-based support
then makes for greater added value. The following scenarios show the interplay
Interactions of knowledge, tools and value creation in user experience of a virtual simulation
between knowledge, tools and value creation, and demonstrate how the W³ model can be understood in a clockwise (scenarios 1 and 2) or anticlockwise (scenarios 3 and 4) direction.
Linking Know-how
Added Value
-Intelligent Models -Expert Knowledge -Experience
-Risk Protection -Modular Design and -Further Use
►►Scenario 1: Intelligent systems engineering The increasing functionality of modern products has brought about an increase in the
Tool for Experiencable Product Verification e.g. Virtual Model of a Back Door with Haptic Interactive Device to Experience Opening and Closing of Back Door
complexity, interdependencies and numbers of digital models used to describe systems in the development process. This has led to the much wider use of model-based approaches
CAE MKS Simulation, 3D Visualization, Interaction Algorithms, Real-time Interface
FUTUR 1-3/2013
Feedback, (e.g. Back Door Does Not Open Easily, Cannot Be Handled Well)
Charlotte Laurenceau
Shashank Mehrota
Simulation Expert
Projekt Manager
Coffee Shop in Paris
Test Center in Bangalore
Connected via Video Conference Aim:
Project Manager Decides about Concept
Connected via Video Conference
Running Simulation, Changing Parameters on the Fly
Experiencable Testing of Various Concepts
Preparation: Building of Simulation Model; Start of Simulation
Feedback to Development Team
Future use of knowledge and tools in a global network of value creation
in the construction phase as a warranty for
sitting in a café in Paris while at the other
a cross-domain basis with their colleagues
assured high quality. To this end, previously
end the project manager in Bangalore evalu-
in MES technology, plant automation and
used methods of quality assurance are mir-
ates the system using an interactive device
logistics planning. On-going feedback of
rored in the virtual development process.
composed of a virtual simulation and labo-
geometry, the functional behavior of the
Digital mapping of a product – which ideally
ratory hardware. Video conferencing sends
control program and factory electrical sys-
should be complete and exhaustive – creates
feedback to the developer who can adjust
tems into a database will enable them to
new advantages in terms of key performance
parameters on the fly so that the project
keep the time spent on information procurement and meetings to the bare minimum.
indicator systems and the early comparison
manager can again experience and assess
of interfaces and development solutions.
the changed system.
►►Scenario 3: Verification through
►►Scenario 4: The real world factory
user experience from any point in the world
in digital planning Today’s generation of factory planners have
Verification of technical systems plays a key
their work cut out for them. The huge efforts
role in the product development process.
involved in procuring information and coor-
User studies in an early development phase
dinating it with other areas means that they
can reduce the need for subsequent cost
only spend half their time doing what they
intensive changes. However, if user studies
are actually supposed to do – planning for
are to yield truly representative results, veri-
processes, layouts and logistics. Consistent
fication must be designed to take account
factory data management and holistic map-
of actual user experience with consideration
ping of the real factory in digital models will
Your contact
of a variety of dimensions including sym-
help factory planners of the future not just
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Stark
bolic aspects, emotionality, aesthetic aspects,
to use existing processes, production facili-
Phone: +49 30 39006-243
correct functionality and, last but not least,
ties or even whole plants as the basis for
usability. Enactment of verification need not
their planning, but will also enable them to
be tied to any particular site so that, for
factor in operational process optimization.
Dipl.-Ing. Kai Lindow
example, a simulation expert could initiate
They will also be able to discuss and develop
Phone: +49 30 39006-214
and control a simulation of tailgates when
various alternatives for the digital model on
Research and Development Sustainable Manufacturing
Scenario Methods Future-proof Technology Concepts The world population is now seven billion people. Of these less than one billion live in so-called early industrialized nations which enjoy a level of prosperity that other countries now wish to emulate. However, if all these other countries used the same technology currently used by industrialized countries, global consumption of resources would be stretched far beyond any acceptable ecological, economic and social limits. Use of sustainable technologies for achieving a balance between quality of life and consumption of resources is the mission of the Collaborative Research Center 1026 »Sustainable Manufacturing – Shaping Global Value Creation«. For the very first time, scientists have now presented a scenario-based method that supports development of sustainable technology systems for countries with different development levels.
►►One technology, two approaches
develop a path to the objective that takes
nology that addresses problems of growth in
Based on a specific start-out situation and
into account and deals with possible impedi-
threshold regions of the world. Their work
observable developments, scenario methods
ments. The technology-induced approach,
covers the fields of mobility, energy and man-
are used to make projections of the future.
on the other hand, starts out with a specific
ufacturing. On the one hand, these methods
The method facilitates development of inno-
technology for which meaningful fields of
enable them to identify the potential for sus-
vative and sustainable solutions to meet both
application are to be found. The final result
tainable technology and transfer it into use-
present challenges and those the future may
of both methods is delivery of a future-proof
ful applications in procedures which reflect
bring. Two distinct approaches are possible
technology concept.
the technology-induced approach of sce-
for scenario development, depending on the
nario methods. On the other hand, how-
specific start-out situation and the particular
►►Scenarios for sustainability
ever, the work of this research group also
set of problems to be addressed. The starting
In the Collaborative Research Center 1026
considers the needs of the people affected
point for a problem-induced approach – as
»Sustainable Manufacturing – Shaping
and strives to find sustainable ways of meet-
the name suggests – is a particular prob-
Global Value Creation«, researchers apply
ing them. This mirrors the problem-induced
lem that needs solving. The aim here is to
these scenario methods for developing tech-
Cocoa minifactory
Roll Crusher (to crush cocoa beans)
Ascending Sifter (to sort peels)
6 2 1
5 4
Stone Mill (to pre-grind the nibs)
Ball Mill (fine grinding)
Stirring Tank
Diesel Fuel Tank and Power Unit
FUTUR 1-3/2013
The first results can be illustrated by reference to the bicycle mobility in Berlin and
►► Production Scenarios for Sierra Leone
production scenarios for Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone was taken as a case study for a
projects. They exemplify two distinct phases
manufacturing scenario of generally applica-
of the problem-induced path. The starting
bility to a region of low development. Cocoa
point for both are scenarios which map out
is one of the main export goods of this West
the variety of possible futures and which are
African country. Yet the anticipated frame-
used as the basis for developing technol-
work conditions needed for the processing
ogy solutions enabling derivation of robust
of the cocoa bean to cocoa paste are pre
future-proof technology systems.
carious: lack of a proper electricity supply,
►►Bicycle Mobility in Berlin
tion all make Sierra Leone a challengingly
Researchers in CRC 1026 are investigating
problematic place for production.
Scenario 1 – Pedal Power for the Berlin Economy.
bad roads, and an unstable political situa-
the bicycle as a hypothetical solution for sustainable mobility. Motivations prompt-
Against this backdrop, the concept for a
ing people to use the bicycle range from
simple to realize minifactory for the produc-
very pragmatic reasons to questions of life-
tion of cocoa paste has been evolved that
style. Yet the widespread popularity of the
gives local people a tangible opportunity to
bicycle as a means of mobility in many coun-
improve their quality of life. All the requisite
tries of different development levels makes
equipment can be housed in a single 40 foot
it a highly rewarding topic of research. Its
container. Once delivered, the container only
development must be geared to the needs of
needs slight modification such as installa-
people which can vary considerably accord-
tion of windows and a roof to become an
ing to their particular development situa-
operational factory.
Scenario 2 – The Wild East.
tion. This means that efforts to identify or develop sustainable technologies must pay
The minifactories are designed to process
close attention not just to present sets of
relatively small amounts of cocoa and can
circumstances, but to those anticipated for
be run by local communities. This concept
the future as well – because future capabil-
factors in rural village structures and enables
ity is an essential part of the sustainability
small farmers to participate in the value
creation objective. As these farmers plant cocoa in a mixed form of cultivation, the
Three scenarios have been evolved for bicycle
concept also helps to promote retention of
mobility in Berlin in the year 2025. They vary
Scenario 3 – Business as usual.
in terms of the parameters they use, which include such factors as development of Berlin’s infrastructure, service models, motivations to use the bicycle, networking with other means of transport, as well as more general factors such as economic growth and environmental awareness. These three scenarios form the basis on which appro
Your contact
priate bicycle concepts will be built.
Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Pia Gausemeier Phone: +49 30 314-27094
Research and Development Sustainable Manufacturing
Sustainable Sanitation Systems Ecological Fertilizer Production through Local Recycling of Nutrients With their pipes, sewers and sewage works, sanitation infrastructures are highly complex systems which offer enormous potential for improved economic and ecological efficiency. In this respect, the way they are embedded in the natural nutrient cycle and their local context plays a paramount role. The department for Assembly Technology and Factory Management at the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management (IWF) of the Technical University of Berlin develops sustainable production technologies and strategies. Researchers in the department have now turned their attention to sustainable sanitary systems.
Figures from the United Nations show that some 2.5 billion people in the world have no access to basic sanitation services. This results in the spread of sanitation-related diseases such as diarrhea. Yet regions in which water-based sanitation systems are common have to contend with a different set of problems. In Germany, for instance, each person uses on average 35 liters of drinking water per day to flush away anything from one to one and a half kilos of urine and feces. In other words, 35 times more water is used to dispose of the excreta than the actual amount it constitutes. Not only is there high water consumption but the development and maintenance, overhaul and repair of the whole infrastructure from pipes and sewers to sewage plants is highly resource-intensive and the main cost driver in water and waste water management. A further complicating factor is that systematic disposal of human excreta other than by returning them to the ground soil breaks
The Sanitation System Cycle – from food to fertile soil
the nutrient cycle. The result is impoverishment of the soil which leads to erosion and
â–şâ–şTerra Preta Sanitation Systems
a greater need for fertilizers.
One such highly promising alternative is
hygiene reduces adverse health effects,
offered by the Terra Preta Sanitation Sys-
while at the same time a fertilizer is pro-
On the one hand the sanitation systems now
tem (TPS) which is based on the separation
duced in a natural and ecologically friendly
in use are not fit for purpose in developing
of solid and liquid excreta and multi-stage
way. Yet even though the principles on
countries, while on the other their imple-
treatment of excreta including anaerobic fer-
which the system is based have already
mentations in early industrialized countries
mentation and composting. These sanitation
been roughly implemented in prototype
are ecologically inefficient. Thus there is a
systems enable excreta to be collected and
models, there is still no fully comprehensive
pressing need for more ecologically and eco-
returned to the earth in the form of nutrient-
market-ready solution in sight for wide-
nomically effective alternatives.
rich fertilizers and thus create a closed cycle.
spread application. To change this outlook,
They offer two main advantages: better
FUTUR 1-3/2013
the organizers of the annual Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM) have launched a competition for the »Blue Responsibility Award: Manufacturing for a Sustainable Terra Preta Sanitation System«. The specific requirements involved in the development of a Terra Preta Sanitation System exemplify the general challenges involved in sustainable production. Promotion of local value creation, for instance, is a decisive factor in the development of a
The CubeFactory – an integrated production system
system for regions with an poorly developed
small scale production that are capable of
pendent. Applied to waste disposal sys-
infrastructure. To address such issues, the
creating added value with whatever local
tems and sanitation systems in particular,
department for Assembly Technology and
resources are available. Minifactories are one
this means providing access to the needed
Factory Management at IWF follows a two
example of such a system. These are com-
knowledge and production technology for
track approach of spreading knowledge on
pact systems of production of a kind that
all the systems elements of the production
the global level and implementing modular
can be housed, for instance, in a standard
process »from food to fertile soil«.
production on the local level.
►►Worldwide Knowledge Dissemination
ISO container. Minifactories can be moved from one strategically advantageous site to
Online-based collaboration platforms for
the next, generating local revenue streams
cooperative open development are a good
through local value creation and thus help-
way of providing solutions. They encourage
An approach based on open source product
ing to promote regional development. This
local initiative as they allow for continuous
development gives local communities access
concept does not involve transport of the
product improvement that factors in unique
to the knowledge they need to pursue eco-
product from a centralized production site to
local conditions. With such access to global
nomic activities. Internet-based open source
the place where it is needed; rather it is the
knowledge, sustainable and fit for purpose
product development facilitates high-speed
production site itself which can be moved
local sanitation systems can be developed
innovation and use of the latest technolo-
to where ever it can generate local income.
and produced, while at the same time local
uct-related knowledge. On top of this, it
Another example of a modular production
Local communities are also empowered to
also promotes continuous product develop-
system is the CubeFactory, a largely autono-
fulfill their needs by leveraging available local
ment which leads to more sophisticated and
mous, mobile production system about one
gies as it removes access barriers to prod-
health and fertilizer production is enhanced.
mature design – in line with the credo of the
square meter in size that consists of four
open source movement that »given enough
essential modules: production (3D printer),
eyeballs all bugs are shallow«. Yet another
closed circle material disposal (recycler for
advantage of open source product devel-
plastics), power supply (photovoltaic plates
opment is that it leads to designs that are
and storage batteries) and knowledge trans-
much more closely tailored to the individual
fer (touch-PC with enabling learning and
needs of users, precisely because users have
control unit).
been able to voice their needs and expec-
Your contact
►►Applicability to Sanitation Systems
Johannes Seidel, M.Sc.
Open source knowledge and local produc-
Phone: +49 30 314-75835
►►Local Production
tion capacity will overcome the barriers to
Regions with poorly developed infrastruc-
value creation in emerging economies and
tures need production systems adapted for
make local populations economically inde-
tations during the development process.
Research and Development Sustainable Manufacturing
A Smart Decision – Using IT for Sustainable Product Design Development of an IT-based assistance system is the job of the project »Virtual Product Development in Sustainable Value Creation Networks«, which is part of the Collaborative Research Center 1026 »Sustainable Manufacturing – Shaping Global Value Creation«. Its target is to improve the sustainability of product design by lending greater transparency to the decisions development engineers must make during the product creation process. Such transparency can only come about when there is maximum availability of all relevant information.
►►Conflicting Aims in Product Creation
frequently stands in contradiction to other
the various dimensions of sustainability is
requirements such as functionality and costs.
now so high that it can hardly be addressed
Climate change and dwindling natural
This is why the legislative framework has
by traditional methods and approaches to
resources in concert with steady demo-
introduced incentives for the development
product creation.
graphic growth pose major challenges to
of sustainable products. At the same time
modern industrial production. To make our
customer expectations about ecologically
►►360 Degree Decision-Making
present economic system fit for the future,
friendly products are also changing, and
The Collaborative Research Center 1026
what we need are innovative sustain
many companies with a strong customer-
investigates the impact of sustainability on
able solutions that turn threats into real
orientation have already readjusted their
production methods and their technolo-
strategies to take note of them. Social
gies across various scientific levels. The
aspects such as the ergonomics of assem-
project »Virtual Product Creation in Sus-
bly procedures also lead to new require-
tainable Value Creation Networks« aims
special role. Only by consistent avoidance
ments which must be reflected in product
to apply the principles of Life Cycle Think-
of negative environmental impact during
design. More often than not, implementa-
ing to product development in an effort to
the development process can the ultimate
tion of this wide array of generally vague
create forward-looking development that is
goal of sustainable production be achieved
demands is left to developers alone. Yet the
mindful of all the phases of a product’s life
in the long term. Even so, environmentally
level of complexity generated by the inter-
cycle. The general focus is very much on the
friendly, socially acceptable product design
dependencies and conflicting aims between
early stages of product creation, because it
This is where product creation can play a
is here that developers have the greatest influence on shaping the product’s charac1. Development of a New Concept 8. Optimization of EOL Scenario
teristics. The specific focus is on development 2. Chosing Materials with Low Environmental Impact
of an IT-based assistance system which supports developers in their decision-making on sustainability of design by bringing together all the data they need to make informed decisions. Embedded in current engineering
7. Optimizazion of Utilization Phase
3. Material Savings
tools, the assistance system will put forward methodological proposals for improving and assessing sustainability. Such an approach will promote, for instance, use of renewable
6. Reducing Environmental Impacts in Utilization Phase
4. Optimizing Production Technologies 5. Efficient Distribution
Selecting product concepts with the LiDS Wheel
materials to make products more ecologically friendly, higher social compatibility through early consideration of ergonomic aspects, and more rapid adaption to different conditions of life across the globe through use of
FUTUR 1-3/2013
Energy Production
Energy Recovery
Integrated System with Motor and Generator »Charge when Parking«
Braking Energy Recuperation
Ergonomics Intelligent Sitting Position with Loadoptimized Driver's Cab
Light Construction Weight-optimized Plexiglas Cover in Sandwich Structure
Draft design of a sustainable pedelec
modular-based structures. To this end, inter-
and through integration of databases. This
dependencies between the various elements
significantly simplifies and streamlines the
points from which a product can be consid-
of construction and the influence they exert
process of data acquisition.
ered, and thus lead to a high quality technical
on the various dimensions of sustainability across all product life cycle phases must be identified.
►►The Concept of the Assistance System
of the tool increase the diversity of vantage
solution with low impact on the sustainability
►►Latest Results
dimensions. In the case of the turbocharger,
Drawing on the exemplary development of
one of the ways this diversity was reflected
a pedelec (pedal electric cycle) and a turbo
was in the mix of quantitative (CO2-footprint)
machine, development of the DDSA followed
and qualitative (ease of disassembly) speci-
a bottom-up approach. First of all, methods
fications in the analysis of the basic prod-
Basically, the Design Decision Support Assis-
of sustainable product development were
uct. After various enhancement concepts
tant (DDSA) uses existing methods of sus-
collected in a database and systemized. Then
had been considered, such as regulation
tainable product development. From simple
the functionality of the system was simu-
of the loading pressure by variable turbine
checklists like the Ten Golden Rules of Eco
lated using the exemplary redesign for a
geometry, the best approach was methodi-
design and assessment procedures like the
Garret GT2860R turbocharger. Scientists
cally selected from the sustainability van-
ERPA-Matrix to complex analytic methods
then made a systematic selection of nine
tage point. With the help of these selected
like Life Cycle Assessment, the past few years
methods which they applied to three differ-
methods, further improvement measures
have seen the evolution of a large number
ent points in the product creation process.
for the product concept – such as weight
of new approaches. Take, for instance, the
In the third stage the development process
reduction – were then identified during the
Life Cycle Design Strategy Wheel or LiDS-
was analyzed with particular attention being
design process.
Wheel, which is a tool for the selection of
paid to the information input and output
various product concepts through com-
triggered by use of the methods. The final
parison of their sets of environmentally
stage involved examination of processes
friendly features. Development engineers
and data input and output. This provided
select, combine and use these methods in
the basis on which the technical data for
line with their set objectives, needs, require-
implementation could be prepared and from
ments and capabilities. The data on which
which insights into the practicability of the
they base their selection is supplied by the
methods could be derived.
assistance system. Users experience such
Your contact Tom Buchert, M. Sc.
support as a step-by-step workflow which
This approach that draws on existing methods
Phone: +49 30 39006-294
links methods on the activity level within a
and recombines them afresh for each use
process sequence. Data needed for appli-
case has proven to be highly promising. The
cation of the methods is supplied by users
particular advantages and special abilities
Research and Development Virtual Product Creation
Mastering Digital Materiality VISION Advanced Infrastructure for Research (VISIONAIR) »VISION Advanced Infrastructure for Research (VISIONAIR)« is a European high end visualization network which is being built in a EU project of the same name. More than twenty institutes are involved which have opened up their own visualization infrastructures to a wide range of disciplines in the research community to create new opportunities for the interactive visualization of their data and research results. Fraunhofer IPK is also participating in the project with its Virtual Reality Solution Center (VRSC) in which four transnational access projects have already been realized.
and bookcases modeled around them. The fourth approach involved creation of new physical modeling tools which only allow certain trajectories of movement and thus help guide modeling. The results of the project show that designers in virtual environments can indeed find a rich range of opportunities to master the challenges of digital materiality and meet their professional needs and standards in a design medium. Furthermore, over the
Participants sketching in the virtual environment
course of time it is highly probable that they will develop skills in working in virtual space
►►Mastering Digital Materiality
In the course of the two week project,
that have the same level of professionalism
In July 2012 one of the first VISIONAIR-TNA
which used the »SketchApp« immersive
as those acquired in working with physical
projects was carried out at Fraunhofer IPK’s
modeling system developed by Fraunhofer
materials. Similarly, it can be confidently
Virtual Reality Solution Center in partnership
IPK, the project members developed four
expected that the range of available immer-
with Laurence Mauderli, Laurent Greslin and
ways to master digital materiality. These
sive modeling tools will increase over time
students of the École Supérieure d'Art et
approaches used different ways to compen-
and bring forth new and more convenient
de Design in Reims, France. The aim of the
sate the lack of physical materiality. One of
methods of modeling.
project was to work together with the
the approaches, for instance, worked with
designers to find ways of modeling in vir-
physical constraints to develop a pendulum
tual space in which physical materiality can-
from whose movements virtual spiral mod-
not be experienced – in other words, no
els could be generated. Researchers later
objects can be picked up and no surfaces
added these models to container and basket
can be touched.
models and printed them as 3D models. Two further approaches used additional vir-
Your contact
tual models as visual constraints and guides
Dr.-Ing. Johann Habakuk Israel
for the modeling process. After completion
Phone: +49 30 39006-168
of the modeling process, these models were
removed so that only the models they had constrained remained in virtual space. For instance, books were loaded in virtual space
Research and Development
FUTUR 1-3/2013
Traffic Management
Cutting Costs on the Last Mile The BentoBox Carries the Day The »BentoBox« is a novel solution for urban collection and delivery systems that enables traffic-reduced low emission packet delivery, particularly in densely populated areas. With it, courier express packet (CEP) service providers can improve their delivery efficiency, service quality, and the sustainability of their transport systems.
one addressee to the next can be replaced by a single process – exchange of the empty container for a full one.
►►All-round Benefits First and foremost the object is to reduce handling costs, in other words the time spent by the courier in the shopping mall. Another advantage for service providers and customers is the flexibilized delivery times it offers as containers can be exchanged outside of shop opening hours. Low traffic volume also cuts journey times which in turn Both CEP service provider staff and end customers can operate the BentoBox. (© CityLog)
means lower gas consumption and fewer CO2 emissions – an important consideration
►►The Prototype
The courier only has direct contact with the
The BentoBox is the prototype of a joint
goods when handing them over to the end
not just for urban traffic policymaking.
development by Fraunhofer IPK and Logis-
customer. To facilitate placement of goods
In future the BentoBox shall be configured
tic Network Consultants (LNC) in the EU
at the depot or even to automate placement,
as an open multi-client system which will
»Citylog« project. It has already been put
the BentoBox comes with a large door on
enable a variety of CEP service providers
through its paces in field tests in Berlin,
its rear side which offers access to all the
to use their own roller containers and the
Lyon and Turin. In Berlin it served as a con-
BentoBox as common meeting and distri-
solidation hub for the local courier service
bution hub instead of cluttering the city
of Messenger Transport und Logistik GmbH.
While CEP service staff use the BentoBox as
with a plethora of provider-specific con-
In Lyon and Turin it was tested by TNT for
a consolidation hub, receivers have direct
tainer systems. So the benefits offered by
deliveries within shopping malls.
access to the individual compartments.
the BentoBox are for all parties – municipal
Seamless delivery tracking is a particular
authorities, customers and CEP service pro-
►►The Compartment System
challenge here as unique transfer of respon-
The special feature of the BentoBox is its
sibility at delivery must be documented. This
compartment system for different sized
is why in future a RFID-based delivery iden-
packages. These can be aggregated to
tification system is planned.
form moveable rolling containers all of the same size which can be completely removed
►►The BentoBox in Shopping Malls
Your contact
from the BentoBox. This means they can be
In Lyon and Turin TNT fills the moveable
Werner Schönewolf
filled at the depot and brought to the deliv-
containers at the depot and transports
Phone: +49 30 39006-145
ery area without a single package being
them to the BentoBox hub in a shopping
touched by human hand. This also applies
mall. Thus the courier’s time-consuming
to delivery areas within walking distance.
journeys through the shopping mall from
Crash Tests for Software When automobile manufacturers want to test the safety of their new models, they put them through a crash test. Markus Robin, general manager of SEC Consult, would like to see similar security tests for software products. In this interview with FUTUR he explains why.
FUTUR: Mr. Robin, you advise companies on
to be done in order to make companies really
FUTUR: How do you test how secure soft-
information and application security. What
safe, by using the state-of-the-art security
ware is?
kind of challenges are manufacturers and
products which are proofed. Robin: We carry out crash tests just like
users facing today? FUTUR: Two years ago you showed that over
they do in the automobile industry. We play
Robin: Information and application security
50 percent of all standard software has criti-
through standardized test cases selected over
might be an issue that is very widely aired
cal vulnerabilities. Have the vendors reacted
a certain period of time. This means that our
at the moment, and it is certainly one that
in the meantime? Have you observed any
experts act in the same way as any criminal
is very present in the media. Even so, com-
tangible changes for the better?
hacker. For instance, they feed characters
panies have very little awareness of how
into the input fields that switch the applica-
important it is. I like to compare it with
Robin: Basically only few things have
tion or the software to another status than
healthcare: you might be very well aware
changed. On the one hand this has cer-
the one originally thought up by the devel-
that you need to see your dentist again, only
tainly to do with the stiff price competition
oper. When they enter certain small software
you keep putting off an appointment. This is
software vendors are exposed to. And on
parts into the amount or name field, these
the same kind of attitude many companies
the other side security is a field that is not
can read the database and retrieve other
have towards software security. They often
so transparent for users. Most of them find
content or passwords with which they can
labor under the false impression that they
it very difficult to estimate which software-
continue to work. Generally speaking, no
themselves are perfectly safe and it is only
package is less or more secure. However, we
user name and no password is going to pro-
the others who get zapped by the theft of
can observe the increasing efforts and invest-
tect you against such attacks. Metaphorically
critical data. Companies in the small and
ments in the field of security from vendors'
speaking – if you have a really secure door,
medium-sized enterprise sector are particu-
side. In this segment our work and our state-
the hacker is going to go straight through
larly prone to thinking that they are not on
ments corroborate with the recent finding
the wall.
the hackers’ radar because they do not have
published by the VDMA (German Engineer-
such a high profile as the big OEMs. But as
ing Federation) that investigated the kind of
FUTUR: You are also involved in research
long a customer who wants one of their
security threats mechanical and plant engi-
and development of secure web applica-
products can find them, it is a safe bet that
neers are exposed to. It is really now high
tions. What are your particular areas of
a hacker interested in their IPs can find them
time that people – especially those in the
interest here?
too. There is really no difference whatsoever.
small and medium-sized enterprise sector –
In other words, what we see as the greatest
take these threats seriously. We believe that
Robin: We have just been working together
threat at the moment is this failure by many
you can only identify vulnerabilities when you
with the German BSI (Federal Office for
companies to take the danger really seriously.
involve a third party, an outside expert to
Information Security) on a code of practice
It is like driving on snow and ice with sum-
analyze just where you stand with your own
for the acquisition of secure web applica-
mer tires without turning on the windscreen
security arrangements. On top of this, the
tions. This is a very important issue, at pres-
wipers: you might feel safe for the first few
new coalition agreement also has a passage
ent this is the best opportunity for defining
meters, but the chances to cause an accident
about product liability for software according
security levels for the purchase and instal-
are significantly increased. Our job is to tell
to which in future manufacturers of machin-
lation of software products and compo-
companies what security risks they have and
ery and plant equipment must make sure
nents. Furthermore, we have been closely
explain to them the kind of havoc a hacker
that their machines and the software they
working with Fraunhofer IPK for many years.
can wreak. That is the diagnosis. But we also
contain are given adequate protection so as
Togehter we have implemented various
offer the right kind of therapy: what needs
not to endanger customers.
projects. In the field of reconstruction, we
FUTUR 1-3/2013
About Markus Robin After graduating in computer science at the Technical University of Vienna, Markus Robin began his career as a research engineer at Alcatel-Elin. In 1995 he moved to become Senior Manager at Ernst & Young Unternehmensberatung, later Capgemini Consulting Österreich AG where in 2000 are trying to make the research findings of
our new branch office. It is scheduled to
he was appointed as Vice President. Since
the IPK experts accessible to certain domains
start operations in 2014 and we are already
2005 Markus Robin has been General Man-
and user groups in Austria, too. And we also
very much looking forward to having a pres-
ager of SEC Consult Unternehmensbera-
work together on issues of security for criti-
ence here.
tung GmbH, one of the leading consultancy firms for information and application secu-
cal infrastructure applications. The aim here is to develop mechanisms with whose help
FUTUR: You are looking for IT security spe-
rity. Markus Robin is also a member of the
users can ward off such systematic hacker
cialists for your new company. What type of
advisory board of the Cyber Akademie, an
candidates have the best chances?
independent training and skills center for information security and data protection.
FUTUR: You are now setting up a high tech
Robin: Our security analysts – our White
company in Berlin. What kind of services
Hat Hackers as we call them – are always
About SEC Consult:
will you provide?
the kind of people who when they were kids
This vendor-independent company with
would rather take their toys apart than put
branches in Frankfurt, Vienna, Wiener Neu
Robin: One of the things our Berlin sub
them together. We are looking for people
stadt, Vilnius, Singapore and Montreal is
sidiary will do is to support companies spe-
who are highly creative and who bring a
a specialist for internal and external secu-
cialized in machine and plant engineering.
real passion for security with them. If you
rity testing, secure software (development),
We want to motivate them to run their
are working in this field, you need a very
security certification (ISO 27001, ÖNORM A
products through actual crash tests so they
great deal of stamina. You need to be highly
7700) and incremental sustainable improve-
can really test how secure they are, and if
focused and also emotionally committed to
ment of the security level. Customers of SEC
necessary work together with us to enhance
know just the right way to coax a system to
Consult include leading companies and
their security. And on the other side we also
reveal its weak points. And to know how
organizations in the services and admin-
want to offer our services to German federal
you can help a company deal with its vul-
istration sectors as well as numerous soft-
agencies and government authorities in the
nerabilities. The candidates have to posses
ware vendors. The SEC Academy founded
Berlin region. We are really committed to
a very analytical mind, and also the sense of
by SEC Consult in 2013 offers its own short
security »made in Germany«, because this is
passion which is very important for us.
courses and training programs on IT security
a field of superb quality in terms of security
for enterprise.
products and services. What’s more, we see Berlin as the ideal nurturing environment for the right kind of highly talented people
Your contact
who can help us optimize security tests and
Markus Robin
security solutions for our customers. We are
Phone: +49 (69) 17537343
now heavily involved in the groundwork for
Company Profile
»From Sheep to Shop« Meyer & Meyer Guarantees Full Shelves in the World of Fashion Well stocked shelves and a rich range of collections and fashionable accessories are the delight of every true shopper. There seems to be no limit to the
►►More Efficiency through Automation
selection of clothes offered by the garment industry as jackets, trousers, shirts
For some years now the fashion special-
and blouses stream into the department stores from a never-ending source.
ists have been investigating ways of auto-
Yet a glance at what goes on behind the scenes soon shows that in fact the
mating labor intensive time consuming
well stocked shelves are the end result of a sophisticated system of logistical
logistics services. In 2007 at its site in Peine,
services. It is a system that the fashion logistics specialists Meyer & Meyer
the company opened a state of the art
have brought to perfection.
logistics center with a fully automatic conveyor system for hanging textiles. In 2008, Meyer & Meyer invested in another automated logistics center for flat-packed textiles in Osnabrück where it has its main office.
►►Meyer & Meyer’s commitment to »Green Logistics« Economic efficiency and concern for the environment are written large in the company’s philosophy. Meyer & Meyer is one of the largest operators of photovoltaic plants in the Osnabrück region, making a vital contribution to climate neutrality. Four plants generate enough power to supMeyer & Meyer’s Hanging Textiles Center in Peine (© Meyer&Meyer)
ply 145 households with »green« energy. In this way the company reduces the load of ecologically damaging CO2 emissions by
A family owned and managed business
garment industry with a comprehensive
330 tones a year. By using state of the art
with its head office in Osnabrück, this logis-
range of transport and logistics services.
telematic systems and the latest automotive
tics service provider can look back on over
These span everything from logistics for
technology, Meyer & Meyer gives its fleet of
100 years of tradition. It first began to spe-
raw materials and production, warehouse
transport vehicles maximum environmental-
cialize in fashion logistics back in the 1950s.
logistics, finishing and quality assurance to
friendliness, while the company is constantly
Today the company serves leading national
transport of ready to wear products to the
on the lookout for alternative and yet more
and international names and retailers in the
retail outlets. Meyer & Meyer does not just
efficient drive system technologies. The
provide a broad variety of transport ser-
company is involved in pilot projects for
vices: its portfolio also includes such things
overlong cargo trucks and is testing use of
as professional hand ironing for high quality
the all electric truck in its city logistics. In
Your contact
textiles, attaching security alarms and price
such ways in many sectors of the company
Meyer & Meyer Holding GmbH & Co. KG
labels, inspection of size and fit, and cus-
innovative solutions are being created that
Julia Lehrmann
tomized deliveries. From its headquarters
shorten transport time, lend greater effi-
Hettlicher Masch 15/17
in Osnabrück and through its network of
ciency and speed to processes and motions,
49084 Osnabrück, Germany
branch offices and strategic partners in Ger-
and ensure long-term protection for natural
Phone: +49 541 9585-108
many and abroad, Meyer & Meyer manages
the logistics activities of 2000 employees in
Europe, Asia and North Africa.
Lab Portrait
FUTUR 1-3/2013
A New Robotics Complex at PTZ As one of the results of the Fraunhofer MRO innovation cluster, a new complex is being built for PTZ’s processing robots in the PTZ experimental test field. Since late 2012 this robotics complex has hosted four KUKA and COMAU 6-axes industrial robots of various
dimensions. The robot stations are equipped with a variety of tool drives, and tool and workpiece mountings for the milling, grinding, polishing and optical measurement
of workpieces. Processing is either tool or workpiece-guided depending on size, requirements and technology. A view of the new robotics complex at the PTZ experimental test field
COMAU robots feature an open control interface which enables integration of PTZ’s own process and control algorithms. One new arrival at PTZ is another robot from KUKA which comes with an application package for milling. It features an electri-
cally driven processing spindle, a two-axis4
positioner, and a tool magazine. An active force torque control system for operations and processing has also been embedded in the robot. This enables validation of strat-
egies for processing with industrial robots in a commercially available experimental set up, testing of new approaches and conduct of industrial feasibility studies.
A CAD model of the new robotics complex at the PTZ experimental test field
Kuka KR 60 HA
HSD milling spindle, 8 kW, HSK E40, belt grinding in preparation
Kuka ForceTorqueControl, two-axis-positioner, tool magazine with 10 locations
Comau NJ 130-2.6
IMT spindle, 15 kW, HSK F-63
active force/momentum control
Kuka KR 30
pneumatic spindles for deburring
passive force control using compliant spindles
Comau NJ 370-2.7
belt grinding, brushing, polishing, slide grinding machine
active force/torque control, optical 3D measurement
Technical data of the robotics complex
Your contact Dipl.-Ing. Marcel Manthei Phone: +49 30 39006-245
Events and Dates
The Ethiopian Minister of Science Visits Fraunhofer IPK The IPK received distinguished visitors on 29 January 2013 when a delegation from Ethiopia headed by the country’s Minister of Science and Technology Dessie Dalkie Dukamo paid a call. The delegation was greeted by Prof. Jörg Krüger, head of IPK’s Automation Technology division, whose welcome address outlined the work of Fraunhofer IPK and the research done in his own department. Current research projects in the field of quality management excited much interest as did the tour of the Application Center for Microproduction Technology where the visitors were given insights into the workings of microproduction technology. The visit concluded with a guided tour of the PTZ experimental testing arena. The visit was organized by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. Your contact
The Minister of Science Dessie Dalkie Dukamo (on the right) and his delegation at the Application Center for Microproduction Technology AMP
Steffen Pospischil Phone: +49 30 39006-140
Austria's Minister of Culture Tours the Secure Verification Lab In an unusual visit at an unusual time, on Saturday 9 February 2013, Dr. Claudia Schmied the Austrian Minister for Education, the Arts and Culture visited Fraunhofer IPK. She was particularly fascinated by the field of Virtual Reconstruction and its possible applications in the cultural domain. The Minister was in Berlin for the Berlin Film Festival and was attended on her visit by Dr. Sirikit Amann, a member of her ministry’s cabinet and Dr. Georg Locher, director of the Austrian Cultural Forum in Berlin. The delegation used the opportunity of a tour of the Secure Verification Lab to learn about the possibilities offered by virtual reconstruction whose use in the Stasi Puzzle Project has brought it to widespread public attention.
Your contact Dr.-Ing. Bertram Nickolay Phone: +49 30 39006-201
Divisional head Dr. Bertram Nickolay explaining the »Stasi-Puzzle« technology
FUTUR 1-3/2013
Brazil in Berlin Fraunhofer IPK Supports Development of Brazil’s Research Landscape On 25 and 26 April, Fraunhofer IPK welcomed a delegation from Brazil’s National Service for Industrial Training (SENAI) on its visit to Berlin. Fraunhofer IPK has been collaborating with SENAI since June 2012 in a partnership which will soon see the opening of 23 new research centers across the whole of Brazil. Last year experts from Fraunhofer IPK and SENAI drew up business plans in the first phase of the project for establishment of eight of these innovation institutes based on examples of global best practice from the field of applied research. During their April visit, the 16 regional and national SENAI delegates were able to gain a better understanding of these plans, to discuss them and bring forward their own proposals for shaping the Brazilian research landscape. Fraunhofer IPK and SENAI are currently involved in developing business plans for a further eleven
Prof. Kohl welcomes SENAI delegates to IPK.
innovation institutes. This second project phase is dedicated to a concept planning project for national-level central administration of the SENAI institutes as well as an evaluation system.
Your contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Kohl Phone: +49 30 39006-168
COBOTS in Industry Hannover Trade Fair 8. – 12. April 2013 Human-centric automation comes into its own at the point where full automation reaches its limits. Cooperative robots (COBOTS) do not imitate human capabilities, they support them. They do the heavy work while leaving operators fully in control. The end result is easy to operate systems of low complexity which enable low-cost all-in-all solutions. Together with eepos GmbH we displayed a manipulator for industrial handling tasks at the Hannover Trade Fair 2013. This gave visitors the chance to see real life-sized cooperative robotics at work – and lay their own hands on our COBOT controls.
Your contact Steffen Pospischil Phone: +49 30 39006-140
Events and Dates
Hands on Your Bicycle! The International »Do-it-Yourself Bicycle Workshop« at the PTZ The role played by the bicycle as a means of urban transport is steadily
scientists and representatives of do-it-yourself workshops and bicycle
gaining in importance. As a cost effective, space-saving, healthy
networks from Germany, France and Spain. During the workshop
and also environmentally friendly alternative to the car, the bicycle
attendees analyzed the business model of do-it-yourself workshops
is destined to play an even greater role in sustainable urban mobility.
to find out what role they played in terms of local value creation and
Accordingly, a local infrastructure needs to be put in place for the
how their work could be made even more efficient in the future. They
rental, maintenance, repair and recycling of bicycles. Yet at present
agreed on the necessity to develop an open knowledge platform in
there is no such comprehensive coverage. The bicycle workshops we
which know-how about the manufacturing and repair of bicycles
do have are frequently overwhelmed with work, and not everybody
could be pooled and made accessible to the general public. With
has the tools and skills needed to repair their own bike. One solution
the help of such a platform everybody should be able to repair their
to this problem could well be Do-it-Yourself Workshops. These help
own bicycle or even assemble a whole bike from scratch! Another
less technically savvy cyclists to repair their own bicycles by providing
cooperative effort was agreed upon in the field of instruments for
technical support and the right tools and by motivating people to
teaching know-how: so-called »learnstruments« or self-explanatory
»do it themselves«. This helps ensure that cyclists can quickly repair
tools should make it easy for non-professional people to learn how
their own preferred means of transport and are quickly back in the
to repair their bikes. Last but not least, the workshop also saw the
saddle rather than having to buy a complete new bike or resort to
birth of a collective of Do-it-Yourself Bicycle Workshops who now aim
environmentally harmful alternatives like the automobile. In this way
to work together to shape the future of sustainable urban mobility.
such workshops also make a major contribution to sustainability. This is the background against which the Collaborative Research Center 1026 »Sustainable Manufacturing – Shaping Global Value
Your contact
Creation« organized its workshop on Do-it-Yourself Bicycle Work-
Jérémy Bonvoisin
shops. 16 people came together on 23 May at the Production Tech-
Phone: +49 30 314-25549
nology Center in Berlin, including bicycle designers and manufacturers,
Particularly in urban traffic, the bicycle represents a space-saving, ecologically friendly alternative to the car.
Your contact Dr. Jérémy Bonvoisin Phone: +49 314-25549
FUTUR 1-3/2013
Robots in the Machining World Towards Flexible Reliable Manufacturing The 5 April 2013 was a special day at Fraunhofer IPK dedicated to »Flexible Manufacturing with Industrial Robots«. This was the name of a workshop held in the institute under the auspices of the EU’s HEPHESTOS project. The workshop brought together representatives of leading robotics producers, industrial companies, SMEs and research initiatives in robot-assisted manufacturing to present the latest developments in their fields. The closing panel discussion articulated the requirements and proposals of industry in terms of future research. The workshop, which was held in English, also served to promote networking between participants in the HEPHESTOS project coordinated by Fraunhofer IPK. The workshop was followed by the opening of the »Science Encounters Art« exhibition at the AMP co-sponsored by Comau, A² and Easy Rob (see the article below). In this way, the audience of experts had the opportunity first to become acquainted with the latest robotics developments in the fields of science and industry and then to view the technology’s creative side. For further information, please visit:
»Science Encounters Art« An Exhibition Fuses Art and Robotics »Where does art end and science begin?« This question was the springboard for the »Science Encounters Art« exhibition, a coproduction of the artist Ajit Kai Dräger and Fraunhofer IPK. From 5 April to 8 May the results were on view in the form of sculptures in the lobby of the AMP. The works of art embody Dräger‘s view of his collaborative research with IPK’s Dr. Dragoljub Surdilovic over the past one and a half years. A perfect exemplification of the title of the exhibition, the fascinating centerpiece »Transformation of a Cloud« (pictured on the top right) is partly created with the help of robot technology and partly by the artist’s hand. As Dr. Surdilovic comments, »Robotics is an amazing world that helps artists to liberate form from a block of stone while freeing them of the need for hard physical labor. Our research aims to open up the possibilities of robotics to European sculpture and thus to enrich the world of shapes and forms cast in stone.« Your contact Dr. Dragoljub Surdilovic Phone: +49 30 39006-172
Events and Dates
We Mourn the Passing of Professor Günter Spur Who Died on 20 August 2013 at the Age of 84. Professor emeritus Dr.-Ing. h.c. mult. Dr.-Ing. E.h. mult. Dr.-Ing. Günter Spur was an outstanding scientist and university teacher of national and international repute. His eight honorary doctorates, honorary professorship and numerous affiliations to academies of science bear testimony to the excellence of his work. From 1965 to 1997 he was director of the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management at the Technical University of Berlin. From its founding in 1976 through to 1997, he was also executive director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology. Over the decades he played a major role in the evolution of production sciences at the national and international level. He was always particularly concerned with developing the bonds between basic research and its applications in industry. Günter Spur supervised nearly 300 doctoral dissertations and way over 1300 diploma theses. Many of the doctoral candidates he supervised are now professors in their own right at universities in Germany and abroad. He is widely considered as the founding father of a new generation of scientists in production technology, and as the man who laid the foundations for a Berlin school of production technology at the TU Berlin. Günter Spur was a member of the executive boards of acatech, the German Academy of Science and Engineering, and the BerlinBrandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The numer-
1965 Günter Spur became director of the Institute for Machine Tools
ous awards and distinctions he received for services to production
and Factory Planning (IWF) of the Technical University of Berlin. With
science include the Helmholtz Medal, honorary membership of
the founding of this institute in 1904, Georg Schlesinger, one of
the Technical University of Berlin and honorary membership of the
the pioneers of scientific factory organization, laid down the basic
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. From 1991 to 1996 Günter Spur was the
principles governing practical application of scientific research. This
founding dean of the TU Cottbus, which later became the Bran-
very summer Professor Spur organized a commemoration ceremony
denburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg. Until the
in remembrance of the persecution and exile of Georg Schlesinger,
end of his life he was an active member of the governing board of
the founder of the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Planning,
the Society of Friends of the TU Berlin. In 1984 he was awarded the
and his Jewish colleagues by the National Socialists.
Grand Merit Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany and in 1988 the Order of Merit of Berlin.
The funeral service was held on 12 September 2013 at the Französische Friedrichstadtkirche on Berlin’s Gendarmenmarkt, followed
From 1948 to 1954 Günter Spur studied mechanical engineering
by a reception at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences
at the Technical College (Hochschule) of Braunschweig where he
and Humanities. An act of remembrance commemorating the life
majored in manufacturing technology. After a short time spent
and achievements of Professor Spur was held by the TU Berlin on
working in industry at Gildemeister, he returned to the TH where in
1 November 2013 in the university’s main auditorium.
1960 he took his doctorate on A Contribution to the Measurement of Cutting Forces in Drilling with Spiral Drills with Consideration of
Your contact
Radial Forces. He then returned to work for Gildemeister where, in
Steffen Pospischil
his capacity as director of construction design, he was responsible
Phone: +49 30 39006-140
for various major technical improvements in lathing machines. In
FUTUR 1-3/2013
Medica 2013 Technologies for Image-guided Surgery Intraoperative X-ray scanning with the aid of robotics, 3D visualization and instrument navigation – at this year‘s MEDICA, Fraunhofer IPK presented once more technologies for image-guided surgery. Modern imaging and visualization procedures can significantly improve the safety and efficiency of surgical interventions. One good example of this is X-ray diagnostics: During complex operations, surgeons use X-ray images to monitor the results of surgery while it is still in progress. The best results come from 3D images, because they offer precise representation of the inside of the patient’s body. But until now it has been very difficult to generate them during actual surgery. In the ORBIT project, Fraunhofer IPK is now working to create an open 3D X-ray system that can be better integrated into surgical procedures. ORBIT is a prime example of the large pool of expertise held
Research engineer Felix Fehlhaber (left) explains how ORBIT works.
by IPK in image-guided surgery technologies ranging from robotic systems and the reconstruction and presentation of 3D image data, to instrument navigation. We also collaborate with medical staff from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin to perform clinical evaluations of
Your contact
both prototypes and medical technology products that have already
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erwin Keeve
received approved. At Charité, our Robotics OR is a unique environ-
Phone: +49 30 39006-120
ment that facilitates such evaluation under real world conditions.
12th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing – Emerging Potentials Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 22nd – 24th September, 2014 The Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin), the Universiti Teknologi
sustainable manufacturing. It offers keynote speeches, panel discus-
Malaysia (UTM), the International Academy for Production Engineer-
sions, parallel sessions on sustainability issues and a global student
ing (CIRP) and the Collaborative Research Centre 1026 (CRC 1026)
competition on sustainable sanitation systems. Your participation,
are pleased to announce the 12th Global Conference on Sustain-
through the submission of your abstracts will be appreciated by
able Manufacturing – Emerging Potentials to be held in Johor Bahru,
24th of February 2014. Incidentally, 2014 is the visit Malaysia Year
Malaysia on 22nd – 24th September, 2014.
and numerous events and festivals have been lined up for visitors to Malaysia throughout the year.
The Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM) is expected to attract representatives from science and industry from all over the world to Johor Bahru, Malaysia from the 22nd to the 24th September 2014. It will be the 12th conference in the GCSM series. In 2014 it will be hosted by the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) addressing the subject of emerging potentials for sustainable devel-
Your contact
opment. The conference serves as a forum for academics, research-
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther Seliger
ers and practitioners from international universities and research
Phone: +49 30 314-22014
institutes and industrial companies doing work related to the area of
Production Technology Center PTZ Berlin The Production Technology Center PTZ Berlin comprises of the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management IWF of the Technical University of Berlin and the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK. The PTZ develops methods and technologies for management, product development, production processes, and design of industrial manufacturing plants. Furthermore, we also leverage our proven expertise to engineer novel applications in emerging fields such as security, transport and medical technology. The PTZ is equally committed to making its own contributions to applicationoriented basic research and to developing new technologies in close collaboration with industry. The PTZ works together with its industry partners to transform basic innovations born in research projects into fully functional applications. With the methods and techniques we develop or improve, we offer our partners comprehensive end-to-end support from product development and fabrication through to product recycling. This also includes the conception of means of production and its integration in complex production facilities, and innovation of all corporate planning and controlling
Your Contact at the PTZ Berlin Corporate Management Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Kohl Phone +49 30 39006-168 Virtual Product Creation, Industrial Information Technology Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Stark Phone +49 30 39006-243 Production Systems, Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann Phone +49 30 39006-101
Fraunhofer Alliances AdvanCer High-performance Ceramics Tiago Borsoi Klein M.Sc. Phone +49 30 39006-154 Cleaning Technology Dipl.-Ing. Martin Bilz Phone +49 30 39006-147 Traffic and Transportation Dipl.-Ing. Werner Schönewolf Phone +49 30 39006-145
Working Group
Joining and Coating Technology (IPK) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Rethmeier Phone +49 30 8104-1550
Tool Coatings and Cutting Materials Fiona Sammler, M.Eng.Sc. Phone +49 30 314-21791
Joining and Coating Technology (IWF) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Stark (komm.) Phone +49 30 314-25415
Ceramics Machining Dipl.-Ing. Florian Heitmüller Phone +49 30 314-23624
Automation Technology, Industrial Automation Technology Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Krüger Phone +49 30 39006-181
Dry Ice Blasting Dr.-Ing. Martin Bilz Phone +49 30 39006-147
Assembly Technology and Factory Management Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther Seliger Phone +49 30 314-22014 Quality Management, Quality Science Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Jochem Phone +49 30 39006-118 Medical Technology Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erwin Keeve Phone +49 30 39006-120
Fraunhofer Innovation Cluster Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) Dr.-Ing. Martin Bilz Phone +49 30 39006-147 Secure Identity Dipl.-Phys. Thorsten Sy Phone +49 30 39006-282
Microproduction Technology Dr.-Ing. Dirk Oberschmidt Phone +49 30 39006-159 Berliner Runde (Machine Tools) Dipl.-Ing. Christoph König Phone +49 30 314-23568
Competence Centers Application Center Microproduction Technology (AMP) Dr.-Ing. Dirk Oberschmidt Phone +49 30 39006-159 Benchmarking Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Kohl Phone: +49 30 39006-168 Electromobility Dipl.-Ing. Werner Schönewolf Phone +49 30 39006-145
Advanced Training Claudia Engel Phone +49 30 39006-238 Methods-Time Measurement Dipl.-Ing. Aleksandra Postawa Phone +49 30 314-26866 PDM/PLM Dr.-Ing. Haygazun Hayka Phone +49 30 39006-221 Process Management Dr.-Ing. Thomas Knothe Phone: +49 30 39006-195 Rapid Prototyping Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Kamilla König-Urban Phone +49 30 39006-148 Simulation and Factory Planning Dr.-Ing. Sven Glinitzki Phone: +49 30 39006-165 Self-Organising Production (SOPRO) Dipl.-Ing. Eckhard Hohwieler Phone +49 30 39006-121 Virtual Reality Solution Center (VRSC) Dr.-Ing. Johann Habakuk Israel Phone +49 30 39006-109 Knowledge Management Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Psych. Ina Kohl Phone +49 30 39006-264 Dr.-Ing. Markus Will Phone +49 30 39006-304 Center for Innovative Product Creation (ZIP) Dr.-Ing. Haygazun Hayka Phone +49 30 39006-221